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MONDAY, JUNE 12, 2006
5:30 P.M.
The City Council convened in Regular and Special Session in the Municipal Building (3800
University Blvd.) on June 12, 2006, with the following members present: Mayor Ballanfant
presiding, Council Members Segal, Woods and Yehle. The City Manager, City Secretary, City
Attorney, Assistant City Manager/Public Works Director, Finance Director, Building Official,
Parks and Recreation Director, Police Chief and Assistant to the City Manager were also present.
Council Member Cohen was absent.
The notice for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Texas Government Code, Chapter
551, on the 8 day of June 2006 at 5:20 p.m.
Special Session
Drainage and other capital projects.
Matters related to drainage and other capital projects including funding options.
City Manager Michael Ross reported that the Staff recently received news from Metro that they
have agreed to fund the City?s entire 2-year design storm sewer system for College Street and
Bellaire. Funding for this project will be $4,330,000. Metro has also agreed to the City of
Southside Place?s portion of the project on Bellaire Boulevard as well.
As stated in the letter from Metro, this will be a new General Mobility Project and will require an
Inter Agency Agreement between Harris County, the City of West University Place, and Metro.
Metro?s legal counsel will see that the Agreement is prepared for execution.
Mr. Ross asked if the Council was comfortable progressing with the engineering design phase for
the work.
Council Member Segal commented that this does not extend any of the system down the side
streets toward the ditch. He stated that he thought the Council was discussing at some point that
Southwestern and Marquette Streets were the lowest in the area and could possibly benefit from
being added to the project.
Mr. Ross stated that he asked Claunch & Miller, the City?s Consulting Engineers, about this area.
He stated that the engineers thought there would be benefit in adding these two streets but they
had not quantified that benefit as of yet.
City Council Regular and Special Session, June 12, 2006
Segal stated that if those two streets could suffer when none of the others do, then the City should
include these.
Council Member Yehle commented that there are probably a lot of design alternatives that the
Council could discuss. Consider the fact that if you improve the pipe under College Street, you
will be capturing water that might otherwise have flowed to the end of the cul-de-sacs. And,
because you are leaving the drains at the end of the cul-de-sacs in place and they are catching less
water, a normal situation may be created at the end of those streets. But this is something that the
engineers could determine if the College Street could be designed for future tie-ends or if some
of the streets need relief now.
The Council requested that the consulting engineers make this determination regarding the side
Council Member Woods asked the City Manager to state for the record what the 2-year design
would accomplish.
Mr. Ross stated that the engineers have shown that in a 2-year event when Braes Bayou and Poor
Farm Ditch are not out of their banks that the water surface elevation would be below slab.
Twenty homes would be six vertical inches below the top of slab and eighty homes would be 12
vertical inches below the top of slab. However, if the City has another storm like Tropical Storm
Allison, then it would not matter what system the city has installed.
The City Council agreed that they were comfortable progressing with the engineering design
phase for the work.
Matters related to WiFi network being constructed and operated in West U.
Mr. Ross reported that in December 2005, the City Council authorized the City Manager to
negotiate the terms and conditions of a feasibility study with Redmoon Broadband to determine
the feasibility of constructing a broadband system in West U. The Feasibility Study consisted of
Redmoon & Chevron conducting the following: (1) Review of Operational Efficiencies, (2)
Energy Audit, (3) Marketing Analysis, and (4) a Site Analysis. Redmoon has finished their site
analysis, marketing analysis and operational efficiencies.
Redmoon estimates that a WiFi network could be established in West U for approximately
$890,000, plus $10,000 for monthly maintenance, support and services. Estimated relevant
lifespan of the system is 10 years. This wireless network would provide residents with
comparable speeds to internet broadband. Some customers would need to purchase an amplifier
to boost their signal, but this would be a one-time cost of $50 ? $150. The City of West U could
construct a WiFi within 6 months from the time the contract was signed.
City Council Regular and Special Session, June 12, 2006
Wireless water meter reading was also evaluated to improve overall quality of service, increase
accuracy of meter reads, reduce rereads and save the cost of outsourcing meter reading. This
option would require retrofitting or replacing all or part of the 6,600 meters in the City?s
inventory for a capital cost of $1,700,000. Estimated savings range between $40,000 ? 55,000
per year.
Mr. Ross stated that the City of Houston has held the first phase of the RFP process and is
anticipating selecting a company by November 2006. There is no current geographic phasing
plan available to know when Houston?s WiFi might become available to this area. Additionally
there is no indication of what it might cost for West U residents at this time.
The City Council agreed that the Staff should continue to monitor the City of Houston?s progress
to determine if they will produce a viable alternative for the City of West University Place.
Park Property.
Matters related to the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property for park purposes.
The City Council agreed to allow City Manager Michael Ross, City Secretary Kaylynn Holloway
and City Attorney Alan Petrov to attend the Executive Session because their presence is
necessary for the Council?s consideration of the issues.
At this point in the meeting, the Mayor publicly announced that a closed, executive session
would be held and identified the section of the Open Meetings Law under which the meeting
would be held.
Closed Executive Session to be held under Section 551.072 Texas Government Code.
After the announcement, the City Council conducted a closed, executive session beginning at
6:10 p.m.
After the closed, executive session, the Mayor announced, in open session, that the City Council
had concluded its closed, executive session at 6:25 p.m.
The City Council adjourned the Special Session at 6:26 p.m. and convened in Regular Session.
Formal Session
Citizen Comments.
Mayor Ballanfant invited citizens who wished to address the City Council to come forward as
their names were called.
Laurie Mills, 3926 Case, requested that the City Council consider additional renovations at the
Library on Auden.
City Council Regular and Special Session, June 12, 2006
Recycling and Solid Waste Reduction Board
Matters related to the Recycling and Solid Waste Reduction Board including Resolution No.
2006-09 appointing a member to the Board.
A motion was made by Council Member Segal, seconded by Council Member Yehle, to adopt
Resolution No. 2006-09 appointing Rhia Perkins to the Recycling and Solid Waste Reduction
A vote was taken on the motion with the following result:
Voting Aye: Mayor Ballanfant, Council Members Segal, Woods and Yehle
Voting Nay: None
Absent: Council Member Cohen
Property tax refund.
Matters related to 2005 ad valorem tax refunds in the amount of $2,120.04
Finance Director Walter Thomas reported that each year the City receives overpayments of
property taxes. Section 31.11 of the Property Tax Code requires approval by the City Council of
property tax refunds that exceed $500.00.
Since April 24, 2006, the City Council has approved six refunds totaling $9,920.87. As of June
6, 2006, the need to make another refund in the amount of $2,120.04 to Option One Mortgage
due to their property tax payment for a homeowner who was not their client.
A motion was made by Council Member Woods, seconded by Council Member Yehle, to
authorize the refund of overpaid property taxes to Option One Mortgage in the amount of
A vote was taken on the motion with the following result:
Voting Aye: Mayor Ballanfant, Council Members Segal, Woods and Yehle
Voting Nay: None
Absent: Council Member Cohen
Amendment to Property & Facility Assessment Master Plan.
Matters related to Contract Amendment No. 1 to conduct conceptual design of the West
University Recreation Center and Colonial Park.
Mr. Ross reported that at the May 29, 2006 Special Meeting, the City Council authorized the City
Manager to solicit a proposal from Pierce Goodwin Alexander Linville (PGAL) to develop
City Council Regular and Special Session, June 12, 2006
conceptual designs for the West URecreation Center and the Colonial Park Aquatic Center to be
used in developing information for a future bond issue and fund raising.
The proposed Parks & Recreation Master Plan is being used as the basis for determining relative
size and types of activities to be associated with each facility. These conceptual designs will be
generic in nature and will provide flexibility to accommodate future uses and activities that may
be identified.
Cost associated with this project are:
Base Services ? West U Recreation Center: $ 8,500
Base Services ? Colonial Park Aquatic Center: $ 5,000
Reimbursables: $ 2 ,000
(includes 10% markup)
Contingency: $ 500
TOTAL: $16,500
Mr. Ross stated that this item was not in the 2006 Budget as originally adopted, but funds could
become available due to operational savings sufficient to fund this project by the end of the year.
If savings are not sufficient, a Budget Amendment will be submitted at the end of the year to
appropriate the funds.
A motion was made by Council Member Yehle, seconded by Council Member Woods, to
approve Amendment No. 1 to the Property and Facility Master Plan with PGAL of Houston, TX
to provide professional services to develop conceptual designs for the West U Recreation Center
and Colonial Park Aquatic Center in the amount of $16,000; appropriating the $16,000 from
account # 310.7000.700.66.90; and to authorize the City Manager to take other actions necessary
to implement the intent of the City Council regarding this matter.
A vote was taken on the motion with the following result:
Voting Aye: Mayor Ballanfant, Council Members Segal, Woods and Yehle
Voting Nay: None
Absent: Council Member Cohen
Kirby Drive Storm Sewer Project and amending the City of Houston Water Supply
Matters related to the Kirby Drive Storm Sewer Project and amendment to the City of Houston
Water supply contract.
Mayor Ballanfant read the caption of Ordinance No. 1828 as follows:
An Ordinance relating to the use of certain easements or rights of way in connection with the
Kirby Drive Storm Sewer Project; approving and authorizing the second amendment to the
City Council Regular and Special Session, June 12, 2006
existing water supply contract between the City of Houston and the City of West University
Place; and containing findings and provisions relating to the subject.
Copies of Ordinance No. 1828, in the form proposed for adoption, were available in the Council
Assistant City Manager/Public Works Director Ron Wicker requested that the Council adopt
Ordinance No. 1828 on the second and final reading.
A motion was made by Council Member Woods, seconded by Council Member Segal, to adopt
Ordinance No. 1828 on the second and final reading and approving the second amendment to the
Water Supply Contract.
A vote was taken on the motion with the following result:
Voting Aye: Mayor Ballanfant, Council Members Segal, Woods and Yehle
Voting Nay: None
Absent: Council Member Cohen
Parking agreement.
Matters related to a parking agreement between the City of West University Place and the West
University Baptist Church.
Mr. Wicker reported that last year, West University Baptist Church (WUBC) applied to the
Zoning Board of Adjustment for special exceptions and variances in connection with a proposed
new activity building to replace the existing gym. The ZBA approved the application, but with
conditions. Among them was a condition that the WUBC study the required parking, loading
and circulation and, if necessary, come back to the ZBA for additional consideration.
The WUBC study indicated that additional off-street parking spaces would be required, so
WUBC approached the City about a possible shared parking arrangement. The Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) emerged from that discussion. Under the MOU: (a) the City would allow
to use City lots close to the Municipal Building on Sundays and Wednesday nights and
the public
(b) WUBC would allow to use two large WUBC lots on Milton Street Monday
the public
through Saturday.
In addition, the MOU allows the City to use Lot 1, next to the Public Works Building on Milton.
City employees would have priority parking rights (15 spaces), and the City could use the whole
lot for special events (e.g., recycling and heavy trash collection). The City would provide
ordinary maintenance of Lot 1 ?to the extent determined from time to time by the City?s Public
Works Director.?
City Council Regular and Special Session, June 12, 2006
If the City Council approves the MOU, the WUBC will apparently have to return to the ZBA for
consideration of the parking and loading areas for the new building and the remainder of the
campus (under the applicable provisions of the zoning ordinance).
Roger Patterson from the West University Baptist Church was present at the meeting to answer
Council Member Segal expressed concern that Council action could shortcut the ZBA?s
consideration of the issues. The pending decisions require the Church to return to the ZBA for a
Special Exception and Variance, if necessary. The Council is being asked to approve the MOU
without understanding the facts, including the amount of the parking deficiency.
Segal asked for a review of the traffic engineering study and to have the current Building Official
appear to answer questions of Council at the next meeting.
Mayor Ballanfant commented that the Council could delay consideration of this item until the
Council has received the traffic study from the Church and the Building Official is present at the
meeting to answer additional questions.
A motion was made by Council Member Segal, seconded by Mayor Ballanfant, to delay the
decision on this item until the next Council meeting.
A vote was taken on the motion with the following result:
Voting Aye: Mayor Ballanfant, Council Members Segal and Yehle
Voting Nay: Council Member Woods
Absent: Council Member Cohen
The motion passed.
City Council minutes.
Matters related to the minutes of the Regular and Special Session conducted on May 22, 2006
and Special Sessions conducted on May 29 and June 2, 2006.
A motion was made by Council Member Segal, seconded by Council Member Yehle, to approve
the minutes as amended.
A vote was taken on the motion with the following result:
Voting Aye: Mayor Ballanfant, Council Members Segal and Yehle
Voting Nay: None
Absent: Council Member Cohen
Abstain: Council Member Woods
City Council Regular and Special Session, June 12, 2006
The motion passed.
Intergovernmental & Infrastructure Issues; Staff or Council Report.
Matters relating to intergovernmental relations and agreements including negotiations, extra
jurisdictional meetings, regional issues, Interlocal Agreements with the City of Southside Place,
Metropolitan Transit Authority agreements, infrastructure projects, drainage, flooding, Kirby
Drive construction, Center Point Energy Entex, gas rates and coalition, City owned properties,
potential purchase of property, City Center project, streetlights, railroad quiet zones and task
force, board and commission liaison reports and related matters. This may include report(s) from
staff and reports and directives to staff from Council Members.
Council Member Segal commented that the Time Warner Cable lawsuit was dismissed.
Mayor Ballanfant commented that he wanted to commend the City of Southside Place and
Bellaire for working with West University in obtaining the funding for the drainage project.
With no further business to come before the City Council at this time, a motion was made by
Council Member Cohen, seconded by Council Member Yehle , to adjourn the Special Session
A vote was taken on the motion with the following result:
Voting Aye: Mayor Ballanfant, Council Members Segal, Woods and Yehle
Voting Nay: None
Absent: Council Member Cohen
The City Council adjourned the Special Session at 7:16 p.m.