HomeMy WebLinkAbout07282022 ZBA Minutes • City of J West University Place Public Works Department ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD MEETING MINUTES July 28, 2022 6:30 p.m. I. MEMBERS Ross Fava(voting), Jay Cohen(voting), Lawrence Foust(voting), PRESENT: Owen Rutz (voting) Frank Monacelli (voting), Michael Tucker and Harold Rocketto H. MEMBERS Donald Yurewicz and Francois Daube ABSENT: III. STAFF PRESENT: Scott Bounds, Legal Counsel, Gerardo Barrera, Public Works Director, Brian Hunt, Building Official, Josie Hayes, Administrative Coordinator and Joe Newton, Zoning Official IV. CALL TO ORDER: 6:30 p.m. 1. Call the meeting to Ross Fava called the meeting to Ross Fava administered the oath to all ZBA order.Notices,Rules, order at 6:30 p.m. Ross Fava asked members and witnesses. etc. members to briefly introduce themselves.Josie Hayes, Administrative Coordinator stated that all notices were posted in accordance with state and local laws. Ross Fava then described the hearing procedures. Swearing in of witnesses. 2. Docket No. 2022-0006; Applicant's Request After deliberation, Owen Rutz made a regarding property at The applicant in Docket 2022-0006 motion table the special exception until the 6218 Auden St.,West request that the Board approve a next meeting until additional information University Place,Texas special exception as allowed by could be submitted regarding the fence, 77005(Special Appendix A—Table 7-5a,Note 7,to lighting,tree planting and parking in the Exception). allow a parking area to be street. Second by Michael Tucker.AYES: a. Public hearing constructed in another location and Ross Fava,Jay Cohen,Lawrence Foust, regarding a special with a different design than Owen Rutz and Frank Monacelli. Motion exception to Appendix A, prescribed by the Zoning Ordinance. carried(5-0). Article 7, Section 7-101, Table 7-5a,Note 7 to Resident speaking in favor of request 3826 Amherst St. www.westutx.gov West University Place, TX 77005 713-662-5830 OCityof West University Place Public Works Department allow a parking area to be as long as parking lot, lighting and constructed in another fencing issues were addressed: location and with a David Dutch; 3901 Rice Blvd. different design than prescribed by the Zoning Staff did not receive any Ordinance. correspondence in favor or against b. Deliberation, the special exception. decisions, other action, etc.regarding the Background Information: preceding matters. The legal description of the site is College View Third Addition Block 15. The site includes lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 according to Vol. 572, pg. 33 of the HCDR. These parking lots are primarily used to service the parking needs of the place of worship located at 6218 Auden St. The applicant desires to renovate the existing parking lots(located at 3408 Milton St.)to create one cohesive parking lot with additional spaces provided. The scope of the project includes adding additional parking spaces(16 new spaces), a reduction in curb cuts,new parking lot lighting and the installation of additional trees. The place of worship currently utilizes three adjacent,but unconnected parking lots to satisfy their parking needs.The proposed parking lot should ease traffic congestion and increase safety for the place of worship's congregation. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the proposed Special Exception be considered for approval. 3. Docket No.2022-0007; Applicant's Request: After deliberation,Michael Tucker made a regarding property at The applicant in Docket#2022-0007, motion to approve the special exception to 5706 Kirby Dr.,West 5706 Kirby Dr., request that the Appendix A,Article 7, Section 7-101,Table University Place,Texas ZBA approve a special exception as 7-1,Uses to allow for the construction of a 77005(Special allowed by Appendix A—Table 7-1, 1,700 SF banking center with two(2)drive- 3826 Amherst St. www.westutx.gov West University Place, TX 77005 713-662-5830 • • OCityof West University Place Public Works Department Exception). line item Medium Commercial to throughs serving as access to the proposed a. Public hearing allow for the construction of a 1,700 bank's interactive teller(ITM)machines. regarding a special SF banking center with two(2) Second by Owen Rutz. AYES: Ross Fava, exception to Appendix A, drive-throughs serving as access to Jay Cohen, Lawrence Foust, Owen Rutz and Article 7, Section 7-101, the proposed bank's interactive teller Frank Monacelli. Motion carried(5-0). Table 7-1,Uses to allow (ITM)machines. for the construction of a 1,700 SF banking center Staff did not receive any with two (2)drive- correspondence in favor or against throughs serving as the special exception. access to the proposed bank's interactive teller Background Information: (ITM)machines. The legal description of the lot is TR b. Deliberation, B BLK 4 QUENBY COURT. The decisions, other action, lot is sized as 110' x 100' with the etc.regarding the proposed bank fronting 5706 Kirby preceding matters. Dr. The inclusion of a drive-through for any commercial use designates that use as Medium Commercial, Auto-intensive and requires a Special Exception to be located within the Commercial Zoning District. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends that the proposed Special Exception be considered for approval. 4. Docket No.2022-0008 Applicant's Request: After deliberation, Owen Rutz made a and 2022-0009; The applicant in Docket#2022-0008 motion to approve the Special Exception and regarding property at and#2022-0009, 3323 and 3315 variance to Appendix A,Article 7, Section 7- 3323 and 3315 Bissonnet Bissonnet St.,request that the ZBA 101,Table 7-2 and Table 7-3 to request a 20' St.,West University approved both a special exception setback off Westchester Ave., a 15' street Place,Texas 77005 and a variance. A special exception side yard setback off Bissonnet St. and a (Special Exception and as allowed by Appendix A—Table minimum 31%front yard pervious area. Variance). 7-1,Note 1,to allow a high-density Second by Lawrence Foust.AYES: Ross a. Public hearing occupancy in an SF District. A Fava, Jay Cohen,Lawrence Foust,Owen regarding a special variance to Table 7-2 to allow a 20' Rutz and Frank Monacelli.Motion carried exception and variance to front setback off Westchester Ave. in (5-0). Appendix A,Article 7, lieu of the 17.5' required(10%of Section 7-101, Table 7-2 building site width, 175').A and Table 7-3 to request a variance to Table 7-3 to allow a 20' setback off minimum 31% front yard pervious 3826 Amherst St. www.westutx.gov West University Place, TX 77005 713-662-5830 City of West University Place Public Works Department Westchester Ave., a 15' area in lieu of the minimum 50% street side yard setback required. off Bissonnet St. and a minimum 31%front yard Residents speaking in favor of pervious area. request: Bill and Beverly b. Deliberation, Brownfield; 3314 Sunset Blvd. decisions, other action, etc. regarding the Background Information: preceding matters. The proposed building site is described as TRACT 1 A BLK 90 WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE SEC 2; TRACT 1B BLK 90 WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE SEC 2. Each aforementioned lot is sized as 75' x 175' with the proposed building site to have frontage on Westchester Ave. and Rutgers Ave. (through- lots).The applicant seeks to locate a childcare facility on the site of two former single-family homes previously located at 3315 and 3323 Bissonnet St. The applicant seeks and expansion of a previously issued Special Exception for accessory uses such as school or childcare as permitted by Ordinance No. 1799. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommend that the Zoning Board of Adjustments consider this case based on its merits. 5. Meeting Minutes. Approval of meeting minutes from Ross Fava moved to approve the May 26, May 26, 2022 2022 minutes. Second by Jay Cohen. AYES: Ross Fava,Jay Cohen,Francois Daube and Harold Rocketto. ABSTAIN: Lawrence Foust.Motion carried(4-0). 6. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 8:17 Ross Fava moved to adjourn the meeting. p.m. Second by Francois Daube.AYES: Ross Fava,Jay Cohen, Lawrence Foust,Francois Daube and Harold Rocketto. Motion carried (5-0). 3826 Amherst St. www.westutx.gov West University Place, TX 77005 713-662-5830 City Of west University Place Public Works Department APPROVED THIS DAY OFlei . 2022. 1'1 - it, -4t r'••••-_ Pre ding Officer ATTEST: �`-Q \r\IN -CS Josie M. Hayes, Administrator Co rdinator 3826 Amherst St. www.westutx.gov West University Place, TX 77005 713-662-5830