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January 13, 2022
Presiding: Ann Crowley (Chair)
The meeting is called to order at 2:06 PM
Roll Call:
• Present: George Baker, Candyce Beneke, Ann Crowley, George Hilderbrandt, Gloria
Nino Monacelli, Shannon Carroll (Council Liaison), Toby Brooks, Diana Ayers, Karen Kenny,
Mardi Turner, Susan White, Tom Brombacher, Selby Clark, Susan Davis, Allan Elkowitz, Candace
• Absent: Joan Johnson, Teresa George-Hung
• Guests: Dorothy Zink, Alida Drewes
Action Items:
1. Approved minutes of Dec 9, 2021 Minutes. 1)Diana Ayers 2) Candace Tenbrink
2. Citizen comments: Ms. Drewes:General complaints—no Sr. Park, no Dog Park, too much debt
relief Need more fee discounts & exemptions, Sr. center is not for Srs.
3. Mission Statement subcommittee Report, members Candace Tenbrink, Candyce Beneke, George
Hildebrand & Karen Kenny
Candace reported on the progress, providing written drafts for two separate statements. One for the
SSBoard and one for Senior Services department. Board members should send thoughts, additions and
suggestions to Candace T.
DRAFT of The WUSSBoard Mission statement:
Advise City Council of Issues that are of concern to seniors and make recommendations
regarding facilities and programs. *Collaborate with and guide West University Senior Services
to enhance the quality of life for West University Seniors. *some of us think there should be a
transition here.
Draft of WUSS mission statement:
The mission of West University Senior Services is to enhance the quality of life for West
University Seniors by offering services and activities that promote lifelong learning, social and
community engagement, and wellness.
George B. Suggested language “to facilitate engagement of WU residents to to sustain age
diversity of residents” language from the postcard.
Selby mentioned possible bullet points, also notion of safety.
Mardi said it should come under board since GNTeam is a subset of Senior Bd
4. Right Care Presentation Susan Davis—co presentor Amber Bartosh
Overview of the program with power point and video. Non-profit organization works with
churches, goal to help Seniors stay in their homes and avoid injuries and isolation. Prevention
is key vs. rehab, rx,pt. Detailed handout given. Electronic copies will be sent to Bd.
5. Ride Share—info postponed to Feb. Mtg
6. Parks and Rec.
Susan White: Mardi Turner a National Honoree for Small Town Volunteer Award
Edloe Pathway moving forward, details on website with drawings
Pickle Ball courts at both Weir and Judson parks
7. APAC Karen Kenny APAC highlights. Full report sent to Bd. Member
8. Good Neighbor Team Mardi Turner, GNT Valentine’s themed treats for folks. Also the NCL
Heart Hop dance will be Feb 13th at 2:00 pm.
9. Senior Services Toby ,Casino Day 35 people partnered with Bellaire
Christmas Concert 55 people
Technology class 22 people—going forward will be a charge
Need people for T/Th Noon yoga, evening mahjong
10. City Council Report Shannon -—Eastside drainage project moving forward
Employee of the Year—Katie Wilson,WU pd
New Fire Chief—Jennifer Drake
11. Ann noted NEW WU app now available.
12. Meeting adjourned 3:10pm 1)Candace T 2)George H
Notes by Candyce Beneke