HomeMy WebLinkAboutSSBM 11.11.2021West University Place
November 11, 2021
Presiding: Ann Crowley (Chair)
The meeting is called to order at 2:05 PM
Roll Call:
• Present: George Baker, Candyce Beneke, Tom Brombacher, Selby Clark, Ann Crowley, Allan
Elkowitz, George Hilderbrandt, Teresa George-Hung, Joan Johnson, Gloria Nino Monacelli,
Candace TenBrink, Shannon Carroll (Council Liaison), Toby Brooks, Diana Ayers, Susan Davis,
Karen Kenny, Mardi Turner, and Susan White
• Absent: No one
• Guests: Dorothy Zink, Carlos de La Torre
Actions Items:
1. Approved previous minutes – 1) Selby Clark 2) George Baker
2. Ann Crowley – First order of business is to figure out “SMART” goals.
a. Idea action implementation worksheets were passed out to all members.
3. Who are the Seniors? Attached below is a detailed list of targeted demographics from previous
a. 39% of the population of WestU is 50 or older. Break down in chart.
Senior Board Focus:
1. Gloria Nino-Monacelli – suggested teaching technology especially online bill pay and
smartphones to seniors.
a. Important to help seniors navigate the changing technological climate.
b. May also help them from being taken advantage or targeted.
c. Mail theft is an issue so online bill pay will be helpful.
2. Karen Kenny – Would like to implement a 2-year strategy document.
a. Eliminate ageism-based language to encourage more senior participation.
b. Make WestU more dementia friendly
c. Assess what we have now for events and how turn out is.
3. Candace T. – Would like to reassess our mission statement.
a. Who do we serve and who do we want to serve?
b. What classes we have to offer for seniors
i. Would like data for attendance in these classes.
c. Risk Management – someone as a second to help Toby out
i. Currently one person is in charge of everything (Toby).
ii. Need a backup should any emergency arise.
4. George Baker – Would like to focus on injury prevention during physical exercises
a. Focus on getting a personal trainer for some weight training and possible injury
prevention while lifting.
b. Would like to focus on getting more civic involvement in West U, and to increase civic
mindedness not only in seniors but among all residents.
c. Tom Brombacher added that he would like to see more stretching classes at the Rec for
5. Selby Clark – would love to see more public art in the city of WestU.
a. Perhaps some of the art could be commissioned by WestU seniors.
b. Recommendations for a senior choir also made.
6. Diane Ayers – would like to see the development of a skills bank for others to learn.
a. Would also like for the police to introduce themselves like they used to residents.
7. Joan Johnson – Would like to see a name change for the Senior center
a. Change the name to attract more seniors
8. Dorothy Zink – Would like to restart the garden club.
a. Have Mr. Peterson teach gardening
b. Mixed classes where younger and older residents can participate and share in the joy of
9. Allan – would like to see some more help with Medicare.
a. Toby mentions that there have been classes regarding Medicare.
10. Mardi Turner – would like to spread more info on Knoxboxes and how they can be very useful
for seniors.
a. DNR papers should also be available for medical personnel, and it should be easy to
access for all seniors such a designated drawer or in the freezer.
11. Ann – follow twitter, Facebook, and Instagram of WestU.
a. See handout.
b. Communication—share more information with the people we know!
Outside of Meeting Focus (Ann C):
1. Each member should pick a few things and decide what they want to do
2. Figure out how to set this up and meet in small groups outside of the meetings.
3. Brainstorm using SMART and what steps are needed.
APAC Report: Karen Kenny
1. APAC meeting was last Thursday morning.
a. There was a trained insurance “bank” for more information on Medicare Plans.
i. Call the main line to get this information.
b. TX silver legislature is meeting and would like for seniors to email their thoughts and
2. Toby Brooks – mentioned that booster shots are not available for in home through the APAC
a. Karen will confirm and get back to her on this.
Good Neighbor Team: Mardi Turner
1. Need 4 handymen
a. Selby will be happy to join
2. Thanksgiving cards are done.
3. December – Poinsettias for seniors will be arriving soon.
a. Will need volunteers for deliveries.
b. National Charity League is only giving 20 gifts this year.
Parks and Recreation: Susan White
1. Lots of activities this holiday season in December.
2. December 6th will be the tree lighting ceremony at 6 pm.
3. Santa will be cruising through WestU on Dec 11th
4. December 17th will be Festival and Laser Light Show with inclusivity
5. Judson part updates will be going on through 2022.
6. On Edloe street pathway due the freeze the oleanders are gone
a. Plans to connect the 3 pedestrian bridges and have rubberized surfaces
b. Follow the projects on the webpage.
Senior Services Staff and Other Information:
1. Toby – This Saturday at 10:30 am meeting of Daughters of the American Revolution
2. There will also be a meeting at 10:30am on Saturday via zoom about Medicare.
3. New newsletter will comprise of the months of Jan-April of 2022 and sent out next Friday.
4. Pickleball 12-15 ppl
Council Meeting Report: Shannon Carrol
1. Previous Meeting:
a. Water Assessment Presentation - $16.5 million water facilities replacement vs.
b. Water tower is at end of its life – it has been repaired 8 times.
2. Upcoming Events:
a. Thurs., Nov. 25 – Thanksgiving Lunch from 11:30 – 1:00 p.m. served by the Boy Scouts
b. Mon., Dec. 6 – Tree Lighting Ceremony at Friends Park
c. Sat., Dec. 11 – Santa Through West U at 9:00 a.m.
d. Fri., Dec. 17 – Laser Light Show at Rec Center Fields
3. Of Note:
a. Rainbarrell Program – 15 residents can apply; Sun., Nov. 14 - Pick-Up from 1-3p.m.,
Zoom Info Session from 5 – 5:45 p.m.
b. Over 100 25 mph signs are being installed this week – Pay attention to speed limits!
c. Judson Park tennis courts are due for re-surfacing; ideal time to paint pickle ball stripes
d. Rooms for rent at the rec center
4. Things to Think About:
a. Ways to improve parks to serve seniors (ex: large chess game)
b. Walkway down Edloe
c. Senior Choir
5. Staff Updates:
a. Social Media coordinator hired – her name is Bianca
b. Aaron Taylor is retiring end of year. January 2nd is his last day
c. Jennifer Drake will be the new fire chief.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 3:10 p.m. Selby Clark made the motion to adjourn the meeting
and Candyce Beneke seconded.
Submitted by Teresa George-Hung