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West University Place
June 10, 2021
Presiding: Selby Clark
The virtual meeting called to order at 2:06 p.m.
Roll call: Present George Hilderbrandt, George Baker, Joan Johnson, Carlos De La Torre, Karen Kenny,
Selby Clark (Chair), Carol O’Neill, Tom Brombacher, Candace TenBrink, Candyce Beneke, Susan Davis,
Ann Crowley, Elizabeth Wilder, Toby Brooks and Susan White, John Barnes (Council Liaison) Mardi
Turner (GNT). Absent Stan McCandless, Judy Faulkner. Guests None
Minutes: May minutes approved by a Candace TenBrink, Seconded by Karen Kenny.
Council Meeting Report: John Barnes
1. New City Council sworn in on May 26. Upcoming Council meeting on June 14.
2. Strategic Visioning Workshop scheduled for June 16-18 for Council Members. High priority
items discussed.
3. Budget workshops begin in August/September.
4. Applications for Senior Board are due July 2021.
5. Senior board members expressed concerns with above ground wires. Explore the possibility
of moving wires underground. Greater diversity and inclusivity discussed. Creating enhanced
opportunities and exposure through partnerships.
6. Liz Wilder mentioned parking enforcement near stop signs.
Parks and Recreation: Susan White
1. Senior Survey: The bulk of the survey data results previously sent via email by Toby Brooks.
Only waiting on quantitative data, including two write in comments involving participation
in 2019. Resending Sixty-five and over data along with a full report to Board Members.
Admin Intern currently working on specific demographic projections.
2. Huffington Park Update: New play structure installed. Expand of common greenspace is
underway. Rain has delayed opening date. Looking towards the end of July.
3. Colonial park pool is allowing nonresident guests. Including Grandparents and
accompanying grandchildren.
4. Judson Park Update: In discussion with the user group for park programming. Minimal
changes discussed.
5. Rec Center Update: Reservations still in effect, but changes coming soon. Ventilation in
cardio room exceeds the standards. Door to hallway kept open for cross ventilation.
APAC Report: Karen Kenny APAC Minutes sent via email.
1. Attended the APAC meeting. The Homebound Covid 19 vaccine program is still in effect. Texas
State Legislature passed a number of bills that are awaiting Governor Abbott’s signature.
Nursing Home inspectors increased. Memory Care and guardian ship inspections increased.
AAPR monitoring drug bills awaiting passage.
2. No updates on the closure of Baker Ripley’s, Alzheimer’s Day Program. Karen will research an
address to mail comments and concerns about the closure.
Senior Board Meeting, Minutes of March 12, 2020
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Good Neighbor Team: Mardi Turner
1. Located an additional source of information regarding identifying those approaching the age
of 85 using the voter’s registration rolls. Provided an annotated list to Toby Brooks.
2. West U Community C.A.R.E.S program is a new way to assist neighbors via the Police
3. Vaccinations of recipients of the Good Neighbor Team deliveries raised including language
barriers for those in need of receiving a vaccine.
Senior Services report: Toby Brooks
1 Physician’s Lecture series event on Covid 19 held. Enrolment is low for specialty programs,
such as the International Lunch program that was canceled due to low enrolment.
2 Senior Center exercise classes are full.
3 Toby asked Senior Board to spread the word about programs. Upcoming fall version of the Hi
Neighbor will feature the Community C.A.R.E.S program.
4 Finalizing the Fall Hi Neighbor. Transportation services have been running since April 2021.
Old Business
1) Community Mural designed by Mary Baker an inspiration for a collaboration for a possible
multicultural event.
2) Ann Crowley mentioned that the first meeting of the new Senior Board in September, should be
a planning meeting for the coming year with written reports in a shorter form, like Karen
Kenny’s APAC report. To collaborate and engage in a project. Selby mentioned a possible
workshop setting. Candyce mentioned subcommittee to discuss the possibility to spend the time
outside of the monthly meetings.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 3:10 p.m. Karen Kenny made the motion to adjourn the
meeting and Candyce Beneke seconded it.
Submitted: Patricia Noren