HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1957 REGULAR l\1EETING OF CITY CO:tvlJl.'IISSION JANUA.RY .!~957 The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday, January 14, 1957, 7:30 P..H. with the following members present: Nayor Hammond, presiding; Commissioners Brown and Davis. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Commissioners Galbraith and Reeve were absent a.s they were out of the city on company business. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Brown. In compliance with Notice duly published in the official newspaper of the city and notices mailed to all property owners v>1ithin a radius of 200 feet of Lot 17, Block 16, Monticello .Addition, Hayor Hammond announced tha t a. Public Hearing was in order to consider amending Ordinance No. 111 to permit subdivision of the said lot into two lots. In answer to questions by the City Attorney, Whitt Johnson, City lVlanager, having been duly sworn by Mayor Hammond, testified that legal notice held been published in the official newspaper of the city and all property owners within a radius of 200 feet of Lot 17, Block 16, Monticello Addu. had been notified of the hearing to be held at 7:30 P..l'L, January 14, 1957, to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance as requested by Hr. B. W. Langford. }1r. R. H. Schneider, representing I'1r. Langford, and having been duly sworn by Mayor Hammond, testified that Mr. Langford had originally requested permission to subdivide the lot into two 55xl05 feet but since that time purchasers of the property desired the west portion to be 60 feet and the east portion to be 50 feet and submitted a letter signed by Hr. B. lri. Langford to this effect. In answer to a question by Mayor Hammond, the City Attorney stated that in his opinion subdivision of the lot into one 60 x 105 Feet and the' other 50 x 105 feet would be legal, even though the request had been amended since the Zoning Board's action and reco~endation. ~>lith no further testimony and no other property owners present who desired to be heard with reference to the request for permission to subdivide Lot 17, Block 16, Honticello Addition, the following action vIas taken: * .l'1otion by Comm. Brown, seconded by Comm. Davis, that the request of Mr. B. ~v. Langford be approved and the City Attorney instructed to prepare an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 111, permitting subdivision of Lot 17, Block 16, Monticello Addition into two lots, the east portion to be SO x 105 feet and the west portion to be 60 x 105 feet. v oting Aye: Voting No: IvIayor Hammond, Commissioners Brown and Davis None '* MbtipnbyComm.issioner,B:rown,. seconded by Commissioner. Davis that the Public Hearing called to consider amending Ordinance No. 111, to permit subdivision of Lot 17, Block 16, Monticello Addition be closed. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond, Commissioners Brown and Davis None '~'~-~T --,,-~-="..c.~-~_c.---.m""r" ~---,,~.~~-_.. .....,..,", ---,--- ..I!'<UI The City rvIanager advised the Commission tha t the Harris County Flood Control District had requested an easement on the city's 60 Ft. Right-of- \-Jay used as a storm sewer drainage ditch, where'it intersects Brays Bayou and which would involve about 1/8 Acre of land. The eaSement, as follows, was submitted to the Commission and read in full: THE S TA'IE OF TEXAS I COUNTY OF HARRIS ~ KNOW ALL }llEN BY THESE PRESENTS: C1? Cr:;, THAT City of 1rJest University ,Place in consideration of the benefits of a drainage system of which the unit hereL~ is a part, known as Harris County Flood Control Unit D 100-00-00 (Brays Bayou) has given, granted and conveyed and by these presents does give, grant and convey unto the Harris County Flood Control District, its successors and assigns, a per- petual easement and right-of-way for drainage and flood control, m.ore particularly described as follows: ;~ .::(~ ~ :r:: A tract of land situated in the County of Harris, State of Texas, being part of the P. W. ROSE survey, Abstract No. 645, and being part of that 7.13 acre tract conveyed to the City of West University Place by WATERS S. DAVIS: by deed of record in Volume 1234 at Page 581 of the deed records of Harris County; and being more particularly described as follOWS, all bearings being referred to the Texas Plane Coordinate System, South Central Zone, as established by the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1934; FROM a concrete monument marking the southwest corner of the 1st tract described in that deed from WESTCHESTER LAND CORPORA....... tion to the HOUSTON LIGHTING A}IT) POWER COMPANY of record in Volume 809 at Page 478 of the deed records of Harris County, said point being 40 feet from and easterly of the easterly line of the right-of-way (100 feet wide) for the T. & N. O. Railroad and being a reentrant, corner of that 6.87 acre tract conveyed to theHill'IBLE PIPE LINE COMPANY by WS TCHESTER LAND CORPORATION by deed of record in Volume 785 at Page 505 of said deed records, along the northeasterly boundary of said 6.87 acre tract south 620 24' 0011 east, 266.65 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, said point of beginning being the southeast corner of that 2nd tract conveyed to the HOUS'IDN LIGHTING AND POWER CUl"lPANY by ~IATERS s. DAVIS, JR., and being'-270 feet from and easterly of said easterly line of the right-of-:way for the T. & N. O. Railroad; THENCE along a line 270 feet from and easterly of said easterly right-of-way line, north 02047' 301t west, 133.18 feet to a point; THENCE north 420 13' 30" east, 84.83 feet to a point 330 from and easterly of said easterly right-of-way line; THENCE along a line 330 feet, from and easterly of said right-of- way line south 020 47" 3011 east, 228.34 feet to a poLllt in afore- said northeasterly boundary of that 6.87 acre tract,; Ii ! ;...1 ~~~~'-~~~~~- Jr---,---------- 16 THENCE along said northeasterly boundary north 620 24' 0011 west, 69.56 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 10,846 square feet, more or less. Attached hereto and made apart hereof is a tract plat outlining the area to be utilized by the Dtstrict. The District shall have the right to cut ~nd dispose of all trees, brush or other natural growth along the easement area necessarJ in the operation of the equipment in the work. The grantors reserve all the oil, gas and other minerals in, on or under the above described property; provided however, that nothing con- tained herein shall legally authorize grantors, their heirs, assigns, or representatives to remove sand, soil, gravel or other stone from this eas~nent above described without the prior written consent and approval of the Harris County Flood Control District. TOff--A"llE AND TO HOlD the above described easement and right-of-way, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging, including all necessary rights of ingress, egress and regress, unto the Harris County Flood Control District, its successors and assigns, forever. The Harris County Flood Control District may widen straighten, clear and i.r:nprove waterways and ditches, may excavate and dispose of soil, and may bring upon the land and operate all necessary machinery and equipment to efficiently prosecute the work. The Harris County Flood Control District shall replace or re-establish such fences as it may dis turb. Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that an easement and right-of-way for drainage and flood control at the south end of the West University Storm Sewer drainage ditch where it intersects Brays Bayou be granted in accordance wi th the request of the Harris County Flood Control District. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Ham-IDond; Commissioners Brown and Davis None }lessrs. Ed Luckel, vIm. C. BusChardt, and R. L. Carruthers, appeared before the COlmnission on behalf of the West University Little League Baseball Association and requested that the Association be given permission to remove 200 to 300 yards of fill dirt from the city's garbage disposal grounds on Ruffino Road and also requesting that the city set aside $350.00 which is equivalent to a major league sponsorship, for erection of backstops and maintenance of "practice fields. Mr. Luckel stated in answer to questions from the Commission~ that they ~fere contemplating at least 300 boys who re- side in West University to participate in the Little League Ball Teams in 1957, which will mean they will need additional practice fields. The City Manager advised the Cormnission that an amount of $1,000 had been appropriated in the 1957 Park Department budget for recreation activities, and had not been ear-marked for any other special purpose. 11 Hotion by CO!l1.missioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Brol,vri, that the ,ei ty support the West University Little League baseball organization by appropriat- ing the amount of $350.00 to be used for back-stops and practice fields and that they also be permitted to remove dirt from the garbage disposal grounds on Ruffino Road to be used on the fields. Voting Aye: Voting No: Nayor Hammond, Commissioners Brown and Davis None C'i~ 0:: '!'-l In compliance with action taken on December 17, 1956, the City Engineer and City Manager submitted a tabulation of bids received for the construction or water lines on Bellaire Blvd., Stella Link and Ruskin, with a recommenda- tion that a contract be awarded to Texala Construction Company, whose bid in their opinion is the most' advantageous to the city according to the com- parable cost schedule for revised quantities. The Engineer's revised quan- tities and estimated cost is set forth as follows: 06t::-( iE::X :r: Item 2 12u 1 Bored Cut RR~rTS'Rf) HARnTN ~YATA 972' - 200' = 772' $10,267~AOll,580.00 1645' + 200' =1875' 16,537.50 15,000.00 nRTr..ThTII T. HARDIN ~~I!~ 12,927.bO 14,580.00 14,508.90 13,160.00 4 3 811 Bored 280 - 115' = 165' 522 + 115' = 637' 1,018.05 1,783.60 3,487..50 1,155.00 1,274.00 1,125.00 1,727.60 1,461.60 930.00 1,960.00 1,044.00 300.00 29 Replace Cone. Pvmt. 112.5 Sq.' Total items 1,2,3,4 & 29 33,094.25 30,134.00 31,555.00 31,044.00 41,129.65 39,083.00 Theoretical Revised Total Motion by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that a contract be awarded Texala Construction Company in accordance with the recommendation or the Qity Engineer and City Manager. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond, Commissioners Brown and Davis None 'Ihe City Hanager explained that funds had been appropriated ror purchase or various truck and automotive equipment, street materials and equipment, and that it was advisable at this time to consider the replacement 01' the items which were becoming expensive to maintain. It was pointed out that funds had not been provided for the purchase of a nev-l tilting trailer to transport equipment from job to job and that the st:reet roller was worn out and beyond repairing at an economical cost, and that it is necessa~ to receive bids for the installation of a 16" Cast Iron water main to the ma:in pu.mping plant to the site ofa new 1.5 million gallon water reservoir to be constructed during the month of March. A list of the equipment, materials and water line instal- lation as follows, was submitted for consideration: ~__________':'__~-=x~~---:r::-:-:::~If~CC-""'O-_->-<O'_'_",,""'c=O'=-"==~=-~~ '1. ,_ ___ =::;:J-....,-----'.---,-..---- 18 l'lechanical Equipment needed for Street and Garbage Departments STREET Budgeted 1 - Two-ton Truck Cab & Chassis 1 - Aggregate Spreader Box 1 - 1000 gallon Truck-mounted Asphalt Distributor Total Items recommended for purchase 1- Aggregate Spreader Box 1 - 1000 Gal. Truck-Mounted Asphalt Distributor 1 - 3-5 Ton Street Roller 1- 20 Ton Tilting Trailer Total Total amount budgeted Difference GARBAGE 1 - Brush Chipper 1 - Truck ChassIs and Body Total Street and Garbage Departments Estimated Amount $ 2,300.00 850.00 2.200.00 $ 5,350.00 850.00 2,200.00 4,200.00 2~600.00 9,8$0.00 5,350.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 3,200.00 . 4.500.00 . $ 7,700.00 $14,550.00 nThe $4,500 can be financed by reason of the fact that there' is approxi- mately $3,000.00 more in the General Fund on January 1, 1957, than was anticipated when the Budget was prepared. Jtle also propose to save an additional $1,500 in the purchasing of street material, to offset this additional expenditure.ll (s) \ifuitt Johnson, City l'-1anager Replacement of Automobiles and Trucks as Provided for' in 1957 Budget 1 - 2-door Passenger Car 2 - 2-door Passenger Cars 1 - Truck Chassis & Body 2 - Pick-ups 6 - 'Units Insp. Dept. Police II Garbage II ~"'a ter II r'~=" ......c~=~"=~~ ~.~~..."............ .. '1 i' U $ 500.00 1,800.00 4,500.00 hOoo.oo $9,800.00 ~d After reviewing the needs for the various departments and considering the urgency and advisability for replacements; the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that the City l1anager be authorized to advertise for bids to be received until February 11, 1957, for automobiles and trucks as provided for in the 1957 budget and for a truck chassis and body and a brush chipper for the garbage department.. C'J OJ 'F"l Voting Aye: Voting No: Nayor Hammond; Commissioners Brmm and Davis None ~~r Motion by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Cow~issioner Davis, that the City Hanager be authorized to advertise for bids to be received until J.an'uary 31, 1957, for shell, asphalt emulsion and limestone rock asphalt needed for the Street Department for 1957; fittings, valves and 16" C. I. pipe for water line in the 3800 block of Milton; excavation of trench at the new garbage disposal site on Ruffino Road; and for street equipment, namely, material spreader box, asphalt distributor, tilting platform trailer and flat wheel tandem road roller, all in accordance with plans and specifications submitted by the City Engineer. ~l :cl Voting Aye: Voting No: JVIayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown and Davis None The City Manager advised that after numerous interviews with apulicants for the position of City 'l'reasurer, Tax Collector-Assessor, it' ~as his recommendation that }fIr. William Floyd Spencer be employed. Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that Mr. William Floyd Spencer be employed as City Treasurer, Tax Assessor-Collector, to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. L. A. Patton, at a be- ginning salary of $,00.00 per month. Vot:ing Aye: Voting No: l'layor Hammond; Commissioners Brown and Davis None The Oath of Office was administered to Nr. Spencer by Mayor Hammond. Hinutes of the meeting of the Z:ning & Pla:nning Board held on January 10, 1957, were submitted to the Commission for consideration and the following action taken: Hotion by Commissioner Brown, seconded by~ommissioner Davis, that the re- quest of Hr. Jim Culberson, for permission to erect a 12x20 foot addition t@ the existing garage on his property at 2819 Plumb Street be approved subject to the execution of an affidavit that the addition would not be used for rental or cOTI~ercia1 purposes. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown and Davis None -..-~-r""~-'-""-='''-'"=-~~-~- ='" - IT~"""'~~""-~~-'--_.- "--"'~T------------ -r " 20 Notion by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Da.vis, that the request of Mr. Walter Stefan, 4126 Southwestern for permission to extend his present garage 8 x 10 feet for storage purp.oses, be approved subject to execution .of an affidavit that the extensian t.o the garage will not be used for commercial or rental purposes, as recoIT@ended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brovm and Davis None Motion by Commissioner Davis, secoI1..a.ed by Commissioner Brmm, that the re- quest of Mr. ti. T. NcHanus, 4231 Law Street, for permission to extend the front of his garage approxinlately four feet into the front setback distance be denied as recommended by the Zoning & Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor' Hammond; Commissioners Brown and Davis None A letter was subm tted from Comiskey Insurance Agency, notifying the city that the State of Texas had approved major revisions in the computation .of Premium for Public Employees Faithful Performance Blanket Position Bond and that the city was entitled to a refund of $287.00 on its $5,000 bond which was written for a term of three years beginning April 15, 1956, and ending April 15, 1959, for a total premium of $888.02. It was recow~ended by the Comiskey Insurance Agency that the city give consideration to accsJ;it- ing in lieu of a cash refund, an increase in the amount of the bond, ex- plaining that if the bond was increased to $10,000 the city would still be entitled~to $73.53 refund in cash or if the bond was increased to $12,500 it would require an additional premium for the unexpired term of the bond of $33.24. Notion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Brown that the city'S Public Employees Faithful Performance Blanket Position Bond remain for the amount of $5,000 as presently writterl. and that the Comiskey Insurance Co. be advised that the refund of $287.00 will be accepted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissi.oners Brown and Davis None The City Nanager advised that an erroneous tax assessment had been levied against property at 3912 Oberlin, being Lot 12, Block 9, Collegeview 1st Addition, aWned by Mr. H. E. Shipp, and that taxes had been paid on lL~4 Square feet of area which is a screened patio attached to the garage, since 1952. After discussing the erroneous assessment it was the opinion .of the Commission that such should be striken from the records but before authorizing a refULnd of taxes collected on the additional square foot area it was their desire to receive an opinion from the City Attorney regarding a refu.nd of the taxes already paid. r,'''t'''' "" ,,; (:J) 'F'i ;~~ .e: tC 21 A report was given by the CitylVIanager on the progress of reworking the pumps and discharge colui1IDS in Water vvells Nos. 4 & 5, stating that work on \ve11 No 4 was completed and would be put in normal' service on January 15th. Work on Well No.5 ,muld begin on January 15 and should be completed within one week or less. Minutes of the meeting of December 17, 1956, were read and approved as corrected.. With no further business to come before the Commission B.t this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. o~~#-~ ~or, City of West University Place ATI'EST: ~~~,J lri Secret ~I':::-=P='==--====r~~-' ~~' "., ,., .'~-.'-'''_""''''''''-c'='''''-''-=".'.c='''''r_ ----::T-- 1-'-- ~~ REGULAR liIEETING OF C I 'IT COf'IJ'HSS ION JANUARY 31, 1957 The City Commission convened in ,regular session postponed frQm Monday, January 28, on Thursday, January 31, 1957, 7:30 P.N., at the City :Hall t'l1ith the following members present: J''1a.yor Hammond, presiding; Commis- sioners Brovm, Davis, Galbraith and Reeve. The City JV1anager and City Attorney were also present. (The regular meeting scheduled for IV[onday, January 28, 1957, had been postponed to.this date for reason that bids were to be received for necessary equipment, materials and construction work and from date of publication of Notice to Bidders on January 16 to JanUaljr 28, did not give the 15 day time lL'llit as required by state Statutes.) The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Reeve. In compliance with Notice to Bidders duly published in the official news- paper of the city, bids received for the following were opened and read aloud: A. Trench excavation at the nm-l garbage disposal grounds B. Street Equipment C. Street materials D. Construction of 16" water line at the water plant on Milton Street in the 3800 block. Bids for trench excavation for a sanitary fill at the garbage disposal grounds on Ruffino Road were opened and results announced as follows: Frank E. Brite $0.12 per cubic yard John Kraak 0.124 " II II Dusek Construction Co. 0.133 It II II Radcliff Construction Co. 0.135 II II 11 1rJilliams Brothers 0.165 " II II H. B. Young, Jr. 0.165 II II II Allied Excavating Co. 0.175 It II II Norton E. vfui te, Inc. 0.185 II II II Motion by Cow~issioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that bids received for trench excavation for a sanitary fill at the garbage disposal grounds on Ruffino Road be referred to the City Manager and City Engineer for tabulation and recormnendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Nay-or Hammond, Commissioners Brmm, Davis, Galbraith &: Reeve None Bids received for delivery of street equipment were opened and results announced as follows: . r=r=!c~~ ... --T r- --~-!1 -IT Bidder 23 Spreader Box Asphalt Dist. Trailer Roller Browning Ferris Co. (Alt. 1250 Gal.) - (Alt. 1500 Gal.) - 1490.00 (Alt. 1250 Gal.) - (Alt. 1500 Gal.) - 1280.00 _ (Alt. 1250 Gal.) - (Alt. 1500 Gal.) - 1069.00 1106.00 (Alt. 1250 Gal.) - (Alt. 1500 Gal.) - Hi-VJay Equip. Co. South Texas Equip. Co. C'!) ~ 'l"""1 Boehck Eng. Co. R. B. Everett S?~ <f :c: Mustang Tractor Co. 2395.00 1945.50 6028.00 6237.00 2200.00 2605.00 2705.00 5636.0.0. 5825.0.0 6032.00 (Huber-v-J arco) (Essick) 2517.00 2713.0.0 28)1.0.0 3481.0.0 3450.0.0 40.00..00 j2~0.o.o 2770.0.0 3$19.0.0 2794.51 Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Corr~issioner Davis, that bids received for equipment for the Street Department be referred to the City - Manager and City Engineer for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Hayor Hammond, Commissioners Brown,Davis,Galbraitp: and Reeve Voting No: None Bids received for delivery of street materials were opened and results announced as follows: Item No. Houston John Parker Horton W.D.Haden Shell " Young Bros. & & cc Item Quant. Cone .Co. Co. Co. Horton Co. - 1 Cem.Stab.P.M.Shell 900 T. @ 2 Mud Shell 1000 C.Y. @ 3.90. 2.33 Uvalde Rock Asphalt Co.. 3 Asphalt Emulsion 30,000 Gal. @ 4 Precoated Rock As. 400 T. @ 2.18 5A Limestone Rock As.l 700 T. @ 1.33 5B Limestone Rock As.3 1000 T @ 1.33 3.90 2.28 3.90 2.39 3.90 2.33 2.16 White's Uvalde Hines Belfast Supply Co. .145 2.20 1.34 1.43 Motion by Gqmmissioner Davis, soeconded by Commissioner Brown, that bids re- ceived for delivery of street materials be referred to the City Manager and City Engineer for tabulation and reconrrnendation. Voting Aye: Mayor Hammond, Commissioners Brown, Davis,Galbraith and Reeve Voting No: None Bids received for construction of 16" water line at the water plant in the 3800 block Milton Street were opened and results announced as follows: - r .-.-:-.-"=;=:==- -.., r - '--'-11 ,--------- . 24, Britt Construction Company, Inc. Norton E. White, Inc. 'l'exala Construction Co. Russ Mitchell, Inc. $6,980.00 7,099.00 7,299.00 10,891.00 Hotion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that bids received for construction of a 1611 water line at the water plant in the 3800 block of Milton Street be referred to the City Manager and City Engineer fo~ tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: IVlayor Hammond, Commissioners Brown, Davis , Galbrai th and Reeve None The matter of appointing an Assistant City Attorney to assist City Attorney Charles Cockrell with Corporation Court matters and attending COIT@ission meetings and preparation of legal documents during the period when he was unavailable .or on vacation had been considered and it Mas determined that an equitable division of duties could be made and a commensurate salar,r for such duties to be paid out of the present $200.00 per month expended for C:li:lf Attorney services. The Mayor stated that Hr. Frank J. Cope, 3005 Albans had been interviewed and recommended for appo'intment by the City Attorney. Hotion by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that Hr. Frank J. Cope, 3005 Albans, be appointed Assistant City Attorney and for said services be paid $50.00 per month from the present $200 per month paid the City Attorney. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond, Commissioners Brown,Davis, Galbraith and Reeve None The Oath of Office was administered to :Hr. Frank J. Cope as Assistant Ci ty Attorney by Hayor Hammond. A letter was presented from the Comiskey Insurance Agency dated January 30, 1957, adVising that the Travelers Insurance Company was refunding the city $3,027.47, as a second retrospective adjustment of workmen's compensation and comprehensive general liability insurance premium for the period April 15, 1955 to April 15, 1956. The amount represented a 43.1% refund of premium due to the minimum accident and loss record. Notion by Commissioner Reeve, secDnded by Commissioner Davis, that the $3,027.47 refunded by the Travelers Insurance Comparw on workmen's compen- sation and comprehensive general liability insurance premium, be placed in the Insurance Reserve Fund for future use. Voting Aye: Voting No: li'fayor Ham.mond, Conunissioners Brmm,Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None Resolution No. 57-1 was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full. r":-::":;:c-=':o:._=_~.c:_~"- "'--'-"."~-".:'::~..::l ~~J::""';--'''--'-' :~':1 --~-----::f i,,/">: 1" oJ;' 0;) 'l"'""I ~7"S. <ef .,..,..q ~:I -'.-_.c.~.,.;jF' 25 Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Conrraissioner Galbraith that Reso- lution 57-1 direoting the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $1,352.78 from the Storm Sewer Bond Fund for a period of 6 months be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond, Commissioners Brown, Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None Resolution 57-2, was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full. Notion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that Reso- lution 57-2 direoting the City Treasurer to reinvest the proceeds of a certi- ficate of time deposit which ma~ures on February 8, in the principal amount of $35,000 from the Water-Sewer Fund for a period of 12 months, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: ~~yor #&~ond, Commissioners Brown,Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None Resolution 57-3, was submitted to the Co~nission and read in full. filotion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that the City Treasurer be directed to invest funds amounting to $40,000.00 from the Water-Sewer ~nd for a period of 12 months, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond, Commissioners Brown,Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None Resolution 57-4, was submitted to the Commission and read in full. Notion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that Resolution 57-4 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $25,000 from the General Fund for a period of 12 months, be passed and' approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond, Commissioners Brown,Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None Resolution 57-5, was submitted to the Commission and read in full. JVIotion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that Reso- lution 57-5 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $50,000 from the General Fund for a period of 6 months be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond, Commissioners Brown,Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None Resolution 57-6, was submitted to the Commission~and read in full. r'~=~='",M "':cA ~r- . ~T -----=r'" '2t) Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that Resolution 57-6 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $10,984.44 from the Charter Amendment Reserve Sewer Fund for a period of 12 months, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Harr~ond, Commissioners Brown,Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None Resolution 57-7 was submitted to the Commission and read in full. Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that Resolution 57-7 directing the Ci~ Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $12,000 from the Sanitary Se~-Jer Capital Improvement Fund, for a period of 12 months, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond, Corrmlissioners Brown,Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None In compliance with action by the City Comraission on December 10, 1956, the City Attorney submitted a recommendation to the Commission reference the request ,from Hr. Edward J'1itchell, Vi-mer of the "V'Jashmobile Company of Texas, Inc., for an amendment to the lease agreement between Hr. J.VIitchell and the city whereby he could lease an additional 100 feet of the tract of land in the 4200 block of Bellaire Blvd. for the purpose of installing two gasoline pumps and a storage tank, two portable grease racks with equipment and appurtenances required for the operation and the greasing of automobiles, and also to permit use of the premises for sale by the lessee of automobile accessories. Mayor Hammond stated that in his opinion the amended lease agreement as requested was fair and reasonable for both parties and sub~ mitted the Lease Amendment, as follows, which was read in full: TIlE STATE 0 F TEXAS ~ COUNTY OF HARRIS I KNmv ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: TrIA T "lrJHERE.A.S, on the luth day of November, 1955, the City of West University Place, in Harris County, Texas, as Lessor, and Edward L. Nitchell, of Harris County, Texas, as Lessee, entered into a certain Lease covering a certain tract of Land 60 ft. by 250 ft. out of the Peter W. Rose Survey, Abst. 645, Harris County, Texas, fronting 60 feet in the 4200 Block of Bellaire Boulevard in Houston, Harris County, Texas, and being more particularly described in Exhibit IIAlI attached to and made a part of said Lease, to which reference is here made for all purposes; and I[J"HEFR.t\S, said Lessor and Lessee and Sparkle Car it/ash, Inc., Assignee of Lessee desire to amend said Lease for the purpose of clarifying and' modifying numbered Paragraph 2 of said Lease pertaining to the use or uses to which said Lessee may put said demised premises, and for the further purpose of mofifying nembered Paragraph 1 of said Lease pertaining to rental payable by Lessee to Lessor under and in accordance i-Jith the terInS and provisions of said Lease. ~- J"'~ C~~T~O'_O~:':i __I- un._ -~: m:'l T 2f NOW, THEREFORE; for and in consideration of the sura of Ten Dollars" ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations paid by Lessee to Lessor, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged and the considera- tion of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein and in said Lease (as hereby amended), said Lessor and Lessee do hereby agree 1r1ith each other and bind themselves as follows, to-wit: 1. Numbered Paragragh 2 as set out in said Lease is hereby amended by deleting the same in its entirety and by substituting therefor the following nembered paragraph: Ci') r~ y~ '1'"-""1 "2. It is expressly understood and agreed that the said demised premises shall be used by Lessee only for the following purposes, to-wit: .~ Rt A. The erection and operation of an automobile carwashing establish.'11ent. = B. Cleaning, ~'l)"axing and polishing of automobiles and steam cleaning of motors. C. Installation at a location in the rear part of said de- mised premises of not more than two gasoline pumps and neces- sary underground tanks, connections, and appurtenances in con- nection therewith and the sale by Lessee of gasoline therefrom. D. Installation at a location at the rear of said demised premises of not more than two portable grease racks with equip- ment, connections and appurtenances required for the operation thereof and the greasing of automobiles therefrom. E. Storage at a location at the rear of said demised premises of oil and the sale by Lessee of oil changes to automobiles of Lessee's customers. F. Sale by Lessee of automobile accessories such as rubber floor mats, rear view mirrors, license pla.te covers, chrome accessories, seat covers, chamois, wax and polish, and car washing detergents, along with the installation of any of such accessories on automobiles of Lessee's customers. G. Sale by Lessee through the use of vending machines of mer- chandise such as cold drinks, candy and cigarettes. And for no other purpose except upon the prior written consent arld approval of Lessor." 2. Numbered Paragraph 1 of said Lease, pertaining to the amount of rental payable by Lessee to Lessor for said demised premises, is hereby amended by adding to said numbered Paragraph 1 the folloHing additional provision, to-wit: ~ ~ r~~: n:_~"~L____=::l ~~~_~_r. ':~-~~~~"'---~-~-':l =rn 28 "In addition to other rental provided in this numbered paragraph to be paid by Lessee to Lessor, it is expressJy understood and' agreed that Lessee shall pay to Lessor, from and after the first day of the month following the date of installation o~ gasoline pumps on said demised premises and the sale of gasoline therefrom, li per gallon for each gallon of gasoline sold by Lessee from said demised premises in excess of 7500 gallons of gasolllle during any and each calendar month during the term of said Lease Agreement, it being understood and agreed that additional rental payable hereunder shall be computed on the basis of each calendar month, that said computations shall not be cumulative, and that Lessee within five (5) days from the end of each calendar month shall furnish Lessor with a statement reflecting the number of gallons of gasoline sold during said immediately preceding month and thereupon Lessee shall make payment of said additional rental computed in the manner here- inabove provided. 3. For the same considerations hereinabove recited, the undersigned Lessor does hereby Grant, Lease and Let ,unto the said Lessee the lands described in said Exhibit "A" attached to and made a part of said Lease for the purposes set out therein jn a.ll things in accordance with the terms and provisions thereof as the same is' hereby amended, arid as hereby amended the said Lease is hereby e:l\.."})ressly ratified and confirm.ed. 4. The terms and provisions of said Lease, as hereby amended, shall extend to the heirs, representatives, successors and assigns of each of the parties to this agreement. IN WIThlESS w1IEREOF, Lessor and Lessee have hereunto set their hands on this 31st day of January, 1957. City of West University Place, Lessor By: (5) James vi. Hammond, l'oiayor Sparkle Car Wash, Inc., Lessee By: (s) Edward L. Mitchell, Pres. and individually Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that the amendment to the original contract dated November 14, 1955, with Ed1r1ard L. Mitchell covering the lease on a tract of land 60 x 250 ft. south of Bellaire Blvd., in the 4200 block be approved and l'1ayor Hannnond authorized to execute the Lease Amendment on behalf of the city. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond, Commissioners Brown, Davis, Galbraith 8.,: Reeve None Minutes of a special meeting of the Zoning & Pla~~ing Board held on January 22, 1957, were presented to the Con~ission and the following action taken: Notion bjr Commissioner Bro1rm, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the request of Nr~ E. L. Williai11s, 6648 Buffalo Speed-way for permission to enclose an ~"'~-' ) .'~ "":-_7""T~C'T:C- ; ""'=::1 .__. r.~---"'-'~'---'''-~T-~------'-''--- .=r--- 29 existing breezeway and make it into a den and barbecue room be approved as recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board, subject to execution of an affidavit that the new construction will not be used for commercial or rental purposes. ' Voting Aye: Voting No: Na:y-or. Hammond, Connnissioners Brown, Davis ,Galbraith and Reeve None . t;r::) C:, Notion by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the request of Mr. J. F. Berly, Jr., 3708 Wroxton, for permission to add a storage room in connection with his existing garage be approved, subject to execution of an affidavit that the room will not be used for commercial or rental purposes. '\"""l ~t. e! ~1 Voting Aye: Voting No: Hayor Hammond, Commissioners Brown,Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None A letter received from State Rep~esentative Joe Ed Winfree in relation to a Bill authorizing cities under 100,000 population to annex water control and improvement districts was discussed~ It being determined that the pro- posed bill, if approved by the Legislature would not in any manner effect the City of 1rJest University Place, the City lVlanager was instructed to advise State Representative Winfree that the City Commission had considered the contents of the bill and the city of West ,University- would not be adversely effected and therefore would not oppose the adoption of the bill. The City Attorney submitted a written opinion relative to the question of whether or not taxes could be refunded to H. E. Shipp, 3910 Oberlin on a valuation erroneously assessed against his property. The opinion stated: "In the absence of a statute, a municipal corooration has no authority to refund valid taxes voluntarily paid by a prop~rty' owner. I have been un- able to find any statute authorizing a direot rebate or refund by the city but, such authority may be considered to be granted by the general provisions of the Home Rule Statute. Section 32 of Art. 21 of the City Charter provides as follm1Ts: 'When there exists a dispute as to the amount of taxes due or the value of the property as assessed the City Commission may by ordinance or resolution enter into a compromise agreement with reference to the amount of taxes due. However, no such compromise agreement shall be entered into unless payment of the amount agreed upon shall be paid to the City at the time the agreement is so entered into.' You will note that ~lhile such provision grants authority to the City Commission to make compromises on taxes due it does not contemplate a refund or rebate by the City. If the City Commission is of the opinion that there has been an erroneous assessment as to this property owner it is my opinion that the better pro- cedure would be for the Commission to authorize a credit for any amount found to be due to the property owner against taxes held to be due for the current year. This will eliminate the necessity of the City actually making payment to the individual and in my opinion '.Jould fall clearly lflithin Section 32 referred to above. II' ~~~~~'''~''''~'''''- r-,-r.,.=,.-" "-..=-_""",C-C-C-='''- -~C~'-=O'~"'-l r 30 In vieVI of the City Attorney's opinion, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded. by Commissioner Galbraith that the erroneous assessment of 144 Sq. Ft. assessed against property belonging to H. E. Shipp, 3910 Oberlin Street for the years 1952 through 1956, be re- moved from the Tax Roll for future assessment purposes. Voting Aye: Voting No: :iYIayor Hammond.; Commissioners Brmm, Dav-is , Galbraith and'Reeve None Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by COlmLissioner Broom, that the TaX Collector be instructed to credit the 'l'ax account of H. E. Shipp in the amount of $9.60 for taxes pre,,1.ously pai!i by him through an errone,ous assessment. . Voting Aye: Voting No: filayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown,Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None In order to conolude the matter o~ appointment of Boards and Commissions to serve during the ensuing two year period ]\Iayor Hammond requested each member of the City Commission to submit a list of names for the various Boards which had been assigned to them for investigation. Commissioner Davis submitted the following list of persons and recommended their appointmerr& to the Zoning & Planning Board: M. C. Halbert, A. G. Davis, David Hannah, Charlie Wilson, Robert A. JV1adeley and Horace Rice. Hotion by Commissioner Reeve,' seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that the persons recommended by Commissioner Davis be appointed as members of the Zoniilgo & P1?nning.Board., _ .' >:' . Voting Aye': Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None Commissioner Davis submitted the following list of persons and recommended their appointme..l1t to the Board of Adjustment and Appeals: IVIessrs. Phil Peden, Paul Childers, L.B. Ryon, Geo. 1'1cGhee, J. 1. Branan and Newton E. Jarrard. I'IIotion try- Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that the persons recommended by Cormnissioner Davis be appointed as members of the Board of Adjustment! Appeals. Voting Aye: Voting No: Hayor Hammond; Commissioners Brovm, Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None filayor Hammond submitted the following list of persons and recommended their appointment to the Electrical Board: NessI'S. James S. 'Haters, A. L. Bodden, Jr., C. H . Eckel, B. F.K ingman and IvI. F. iVIcAnally. r":__"~ (_ ______~ T.::::1 u ,__.c. ~~~~""~~~O~'~cl :. =r-- 3t Motion by CQmmi8sionerG~lbraith, seconded by Com~issioner Davis that the persons recommended by 1'1ayor Hammond be appointed as members of the Elec- trical BoarQ~ " Voting Aye: Voting No: :Hayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown,Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None Mayor Hammond submitted the following list of persons and recommended their appointment to the Plumbing Board: IV[essrs. A. B. IvIcGinty, J. I. Cornelison, and B. F. Kingman." Motion by Comnlissioner Davis, seconded by Cmmnissioner,Reeve, that the persons ~~ . H "'. recommended by Nayor anmond be appointed as members of the Plumbing Board. OJ 'l""""1 ~ :4ff...~f >~o:!J \!......J.......; VotiI1.g Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Conrrnissioners Brown,Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None Commissioner Galbraith submitted the following list of persons and recommended their appointment to the Perro nnel Board: l'1essrs. J. Claude Morton, Thad B. Sanders, Ed L. McCleskey, Lester Dewald and Mrs. Jackie Greer. l'1otion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the persons recommended by Comnlissioner Galbraith be appointed as members of the Personnel Board. VotLng Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Co~nissioners Bro~rn,Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None ConMissioner Galbraith submitted the following list of persons and recommended their appointment to the Swimming Pool and Recreation Committee: lYle-ssrs. J. Spence Taylor, Chas. M. Bowden, R. L. Carruthers, Fred Pepper and Mrs. John G. "Heber and Mrs. W. Buttelmann. Motion by Commissioner Brovrn, seconded by Corrrrnissioner DaVis, that the persons recommended by Commissioner Galbraith be appointed as members of the Swimming Pool and Recreation Committee. Voting Aye: Voting No: Hayor Ha.m.rnond; Commissioners Brmm,Davis ,Galbrai th and Reeve None Commissioner Reeve submitted the following list of persons and recorrwended their appointment to the Finance Committee: IVlessrs. O. O. Hitchell, it!. D. Herb, L. B. Bricker, W. 1". Ghiselin, H. L. Wniteside, James \1f. Child and v-! alter E. Davis. Notion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that the persons recon~ended by Con~issioner Reeve, be appointed as members of the Finance Corrrrnittee. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown,Davis , Galbrai th a...'1d Reeve None -:-1-: "-'._-.''':O:'~._'-~''~~:r:..' 3~ Commissioner Brown submitted the following list of persons and recommended their appointment to the _ Community House Corl1_mittee: JYlessrs. W. Earl Eberling, "VJesley A. Kuenemann, W. P. ~valling, Jas. N. Gault, ~{m. A. Gee. }'lotion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that the persons recommended by Commissioner Brown be appointed as members of the Community House Committee. - Voting Aye: Voting No: JVIayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown,Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None Commissioner Brown submitted the following list of persons and recommended their appointment to the Public Relations Committee: IVlessrs. A. B.Penny, .Jesse Darling, Robert Turner and E. H. .Schiwetz. H'Otion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded-by Cow.missioner Reeve, that the persons recol1unended by Commissioner Brmm be appointed as members of the Public Relations Committee. Voting Aye: Voting No: JIIlayor Hammond; conU'nissioners Brown,Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None Commissioner Reeve submitted the following list of persons and recorr~ended their appointment to the Insurance Committee: Messrs. Gus Comiskey, ifJ. L. Creekmore, vJm. T. Lutz, DurwoodR. Anderson, \v. B. Ruth, Seth Ramey, and c. V.Berson. Motion by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Cormnissioner Davis, that the persons recommended by Commissioner Reeve be appointed as members of the Insurance Committee. Voting Aye: Voting No: Hayor Hammond; Commissioners BrOl'in,Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None The Committe composed of Mayor Pro tem Paul Reeve, Commissioner E. R. Davis and City IvIanager Whitt Johnson, which had been appointed by the l''layor to meet with a committee representing the West University Baptist Church for the purpose of investigatip~ the possibility of exchanging three vacant lots owned by the city for three vacant lots mmed by the church, all in the 3800 block Milton Street, due to the necessity of improving vacant property. in this block to house equipment and materials used by the Street Department since construction will begin shortly. on the 1.5 million gallon storage reservoir proposed for Lots 6 & 7, Block 18, Collegeview 3rd Addition, lo- cated on the south side of Hilton street and pm! occupied by the Street Department, made the following recmnmendation; It was recommended that Lots 13, 14 a,nd15, Block 15, ColJ_egeview 3rd Addition presently mmed by the city be evenly exchanged for Lots 16, 17 and 18, Block 15, Collegeview 3rd Addition, presently owned by the West University Baptist Chu.rch. For the even exchange of this property, it was recommended that the city agree to permit patrons of the church to park their automobiles on an off-street parking area to be constructed by the city on the east side of L=:,c_"___ -r==.""~~~=. ~l'L~:""'CO'_._O-'-''--'''''--.'---_.- - ~---1 -------------- ::r i'y'" ~iJ ~t 0"'0, . ;.I 'l"""" ~~~1' .~ - ,p.J.., ;)'3 College Street siding along Lot18~ ~lock 15, Collegeview 3rd Addition, and on the north side of Milton Street in the 3800 block in front of Lots 18, 17 and 16. It was further recommended that an attorney representing the church and City Attorney Charles Cockrell be requested to work out the legal aspects for exchange of title and that both the church and the city accept whatever title is nO~l purported to be owned by each, the church and the city to bear their own cost for legal services and all other cost necessary for exchange of the property. Motion by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that the recommendation of the Committee to exchange Lots 13, 14 and 15, Block 15, Collegeview 3rd Addition evenly for Lots 16, 17 and 18, Block 15, Collegeview 3rd Addition owned by the West University Baptist Church be accepted and the Committee authorized to negotiate with the West University Baptist Church for the proposal as outlined. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond, Commissioners Brown,Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None Minutes of the meeting of January 14, 1957, were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. City of ~iest University Place ATTEST: ~IJ~ Ci~ecretar_ T~~C=",,_... --i-- ~---="'.'~":.-:t _ ___r':-'--~-----~~--' ,1 --------- n=r ~j4 REGULAR NEETING OF CITY COHHISSION FEBRUARY 11, 1957 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Nonday, February 11, 19.57, 7:30 P .N. with the following members present: Nayor Hammond, presiding; Commissioner Davis, Galbraith" Brown and Reeve. The City A ttoruey and City Hanager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Galbraith. In compliance with a Notice to Bidders duly published in the official newspaper of the city, bids received for deliveFff of truck and automotive equipment were opened and results announced as follows: Bidder Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit ~ Unit L. Unit 5 Unit 6 Ivy Russell 1203.86 723.21 723.21 1464.36 1554.36 2385.58 Thad Felton 1345.86 895.86 895.86 1396.92 1471.92 2368.16 Jack Roach 1185.22 81.5.87 865.87 1434.19 1514.19 2353.78 Ear 1 McI'1illian 1549.30 1669.77 2380.90 Jimmie Green 1289.41 889.41 889.41 1414.81 1489.81 2374.30 Richardson 124.5.95 930.95 930.95 1376.50 1501.50 2207.20 Int. Harvester 1400.00 1430.00 2320.00 Hodel S 172 2750.00 :r"'1otion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that bids received for delivery of Units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 be referred to the City Manager for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: l'Iayor Hammond, Commissioners Brmm,Davis,Galbrai th and Reeve None Bids received for delivery of a packer garbage body were opened and re- sults announced as follows: South Texas Equipment Co. Seal Press, Inc. Ballard Equipment Co. Alt. Pak Nor Mfg. Co. $4920.00 333.5.00 3140.00 3350.00 3480.00 Notion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that bids received for delivery of a packer garbage body be referred to the City Manager for tabulation and recormnendation. Vot:i..llg Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond, Commissioners Brown,Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None The Oath of Office was administered by Hayor Hanunond to members of the Boards and COIJ1.mittees which were appointed by the Commission at the meeting held on January 3~, 1957. Each Comraissioner and Mayor Ham.mond expressed appreciation to members of the Committees and Boards for their work which had been done in the past and their willingness to serve in their official capacity during the term of the present City Commission. r~- ~~~_'~_c~.~'" r'" ..... "'I 35 o Frank Bloxsom, Chief of the Volunteer Fire Department"Nr. Bill Barnhill and Captain J. D. Allstott; serving as a Committee from the paid and volunteer fire departments appeared before the Commission and presented a plan.for reorganization of the Administrative function of the departnl~s. It was their recommendation that aFire Chief be appointed from the paid personnel to be in full charge of the Fire Department and all paid men, and to be in full cOJ11J11and on any fire ground activities when present. They recommend that the Volunteer Chief be responsible for the training and utilization of the volunteer firemen. and to provide any assistance in use and maintenance of fire fighting equipment and to be in command on any fire ground activity in absence of p'?-id chief ~i1hen available and present. An (."tJ organizational chart was submitted showing the responsibility for operations 0':> and training of the departments. 'l'""'i ~~ Notion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that the recommendation of the Committee representing the paid and volunteer fire departments for reorganization of the departments whereby authorit,y for operation of both departments would be the re~ponsibility of a paid fire chief with certain authority maintained by the Volunteer Fire Department for handling of Volunteer personnel and assisting the paid department be accepted with the stipulation that an alteration be made in the organiza- tional chart showing the Volunteer Chief under direction of the Paid Chief who is to be accountable to the City Hanager who is in authority under direction of the City COJ11J11ission. ~ """"l ""'6< Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis ,Galbraith and Reeve None Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Brown that C. E. Duffin be appointed Chief of the Fire Depar tment in addition to his appoint- ment as Fire }mrshal. Voting Aye: Voting No: JVlayor Harmnond, Commissioners Brown, Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None Pursuant to instructions of the City Commission on January 31, 1957" a tabu- lation of bids received on that date was submitted by the City Hanager and City Engineer with recommendations as follows: It was recommended that a contract be awarded to Frank E. Brite of 7218 Canal on his low bid of 12~ per cubic yard for the excavation of a trench for a sanitary fill at the garbage disposal grounds amounting to a quantity of approximately 17,000 Cu. Yds. Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that Frank E. Brite be awarded a contract for the excavation of a trench for a sanitary fill at the garbage disposal grounds on Ruffino Road, on his low bid of 12~ per cu. yd. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond, Commissioners Brown,Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None T""'::==:--=>=>:':7:~""-;!~~ 36 A tabulation of bids received for certain equipment for the Street D?pt. was submitted with a recommendation that Item No. 1, aggregate spreader box, be purchased from BoehchEngineering Company, Inc., on their bid of $1,069.00 for a Grace Spreader, Nodel 108. It was recommended that Item No. 2 a truck-mounted asphalt distributor, be purcl1ased from Hi-Way Equip- ment Company, Inc., on their net bid of $2,705.00 for a 1500 gallon asphalt distributor with 20 h.p. motor - 150 gpm pump. The City I\lanager and City Engineer recommended that Item No.3, a tilting p18.tform trailer, be pur- chased from Browning Ferris I-1achinery Company, on their low bid of $1,9h5.50 and Item No.4, a flat wheel tandem road roller from Hi-viay Equipment Com- pany on their bid submitted for a 3! - 6 Ton Austin-Western Tandem Road Roller in the net amount of $3,450.00. Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Reeve that purchases be made as recommended by the City 1'Ianager and City Engineer as fqllows: Item No.1, Boehck Engineering Company, Inc., Grace Spreader Model lOS, $1,,069.00; Item No.2, Hi-Way Equipment Company" 1500 Gallon Asphalt Distributor with 20 h.p. motor, 150 gpm pump, $2,705.00; Item No. 3, Br~ning Ferris Machinery Company, Tilting Platform Trailer" $1,945.50; Item No. h, Hi-Way Equipment Company, 3! - 6 Ton Austin-Western Road Roller, $3,450.00. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond, Commissioners Bro~n,Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None A tabulation of bids received for delivery' of street material for the Street Department was submitted with a recommendation that contracts be awarded as follows: :Item 1 - 900 tons Cement Stabilized Shell Item 2 -1000 C.Y. Mud Shell Item 3 -30,000 gallons Asphalt Emulsion Item 4 - 400 tons Precoated Limestone Rock Item 5A- 700 tons Limestone Rock, Grade 1 Item 5B-1000 tons Limestone Rock, Grade 3 John Young Co.@ $3.90 T. W.D.Haden Co. @ $2.16 CY No recommendation Uvalde Rock Asph.Co.$2.18 T II U II II 1.33 T II II U II 1,.33 T Motion by Cormnissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Brown that contracts be awarded as recommended by the City JYlanager and City Engineer for delivery of street materials. Voting Aye: VoiJing No: 1ilayor Hammond, Commissioners Brown,Davis ,Galbraith and Reeve None A tabulation of bids on construction of a 1611 water line to cOY'..nect the water plant in the 3800 block on Milton Street and a proposed 1.5 million gallon reservoir was submitted with a recon:wendation from the City Manager and City Engineer that a contract be awarded to Britt Construction Comp&ny, on their low bid aggregating $6,980.00. Motion by Commissioner Brovm, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that a- contract be awarded to Britt Construction Company for construction of a 16" water line to connect the water plant and a proposed 1.5 million gallon reserv-oir, on their low bid of $6,980.00. r -'-"'~~J'----=--=--~ ~l" , ..,-----------::r Cr:J "",,,', l""U "l"~~ .,~ <f :=: 37 Voting Aye: Voting No: I'1ayor Hammond, Commissi oners Brown,Davis , Galbrai th and Reeve None The City Manager explained that it would be necessary- to construct an addi- tional 100 Linear Ft. of 6 x 6 Ft. of monolithic reinforced concrete storm sewer to extend the Academy Street outfall line located south of the south r.o.w. in the 4200 block of Bella ire Blvd. in compliance with the recent amended lease agreement executed by the city and the ~1ashmobile Company of Texa,s, Inc. Motion by Conwissioner Reeve, seconded by Co~~issioner Davis, that the City Manager be instructed to advertise for bids to be received until 7:30 P.M. March 4, 1957, for construction of 100 linear Ft. of 6 x 6 Ft. Monolithic reinforced concrete box type storm sewer to extend the Academy Street line sOllth of Bellaire Blvd. in the 4200 block and connecting to the existing 6 x 6 Ft. Storm Sewer. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor H&~ond, Commissioners Brown,Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None Minutes of a special meeting of the Zoning & Planning Board held on Febru- ary 4, were submitted to the Commission for consideration and the' fol101-Jing action taken: Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that the request of Mr. Jim Culberson, 2819 Plumb, for permission to install a commode in, the 12 x 20 Ft. addition to be added to his exis~ing garage and used as a den and guest room be denied as recommended by the Zoning & Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond, Cornmissioners Brown,Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Corruaissioner Reeve, that the re- quest of Mr. Keith ~fagner, 3023 Lafayette, for permission to add to his existing house to the extent that the main dwelling would extend to within 15 :F't. of the rear property' line be denied as recommended by the Zoning & Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Nay-or Hammond, Commissioners Brawn,Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None Resolution 57-8 as follows, was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full: tiHEREAS, the City of West University Place, is the present owner of Lots Nos. 13, 14 and 15 in. Block 15, Collegevievl 3rd ,Addition, City of ~'lest University Place, 'l'exas, and the '\i'iest University Baptist Church is the present owner of Lots Nos. 16, 17 and 18, Block 1.5, CollegevimiJ' 3rd Addition, City of~-Jest University Place, Texas; and 3M itlliEREAS, the City of ~Iest University Place is desirous of ob- taining title to the three aforesaid lots now owned by the 1tJest University Baptist, Church for the reason that said three lots are corner lots; said lots are closer to other City property and said lots are necessary as a place to store said City's street maintenance equipment inasmuch as the property now being used for such purpose is needed for t..'rJ.e construction of improvements tel the City's water works; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of \'fest University Place has deterrained that it would be advantageous to said City to ac- quire the aforesaid lots nO"Vl ,owned by the \i'lest University Baptist Church and the saia 1t'>Jest. University Baptist Church, by Resolution passed in a regular busLnesssession of said Church, has agreed to and approved the exchanging of the lots now mmed by said City and by said Church: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY C01"vIlvIISSION OF THE CITY OF ~iEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That the Ci~ of West University Place shall acquire the title to Lots Nos. 16, 17 and 18, Block No. 15, Collegeview 3rd Addition, City of West University Place, Texas, from the West University Baptist Church by a duly aq.thorized and executed general warranty deed. 2. That the City of West University Place shall convey to the "VIJest University Baptist Church the title to Lots Nos. 13,14 and 15, Block No. 15, Collegeview 3rd Addition, vifest University Place Texas by a duly authorized and executed general warranty deed. 3. That the Honorable James1tl. Hammond, Hayor of the City of West Universi~ Place, Texas, be; and he is hereby, authorized to exe- cute on behalf of the City, all necessary instruments to consum- mate the sale of said lots to the vlest University Baptist Church a:.'1.d to execute on behalf of the City all necessary instruments to consummate the purchase of the aforesaid lots from the West Univer- sity Baptist Church. Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that Resolution 57-8 authorizing the exchange of Lots Nos. 13, 14 and 15, Block 15, College- view 8rd Addition, owned by the City, for Lots 16, 17 and 18, Block 15, Collegevimv 3rd Addition, mmed by the Hest University Baptist Church, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Nayor Hamnond, Cormnissioners Brovm,Davis ,Galbraith and Reeve None 'l""~"""="T~'~'''~-' .1 [,,..'T.. ..-............r---..------r-.- cY) 0') 'l'""1 <j: <"t ~ f} Minutes of the meeting of January 31, 1957, were read and approved as corrected. v.Jith no further business to com.e before the Commission at;.this tiille, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: ~~ City- ecretary. . "-----r~"~~':~T .., r'~'~"'""" .... ", ayor, City of lpJest University Place ---roo .4:(} REGULAR ~1EETING OF CITY CQJ:'IlHSSION FEBRUARY 25, 1957 The City Conm1ission convened in regular session on r.J:onday-, February 25-, 1957, 7:30 P.M. with '~he follmling members present: Mayor Hammond, pre- siding, Commissioners Brovm, Davis, Galbraith and Reeve. The City J'iIanager and City "Attorney ifere also present. COITmissioner Davis pronounced the Invocation. Pursuant to action taken by the City Commission on February 11, a tabulation of bids received on that date for ne'i;f automotive and truck equipment, Ivas submitted by the City Hanager with a recommendation that the low bids be accepted as follows: Net Bid Unit 1 - Sedan for Police Dept., Jack Roach f'lotor Co..... .$1,18~.22 Unit 2 - Sedan for Police Dept., Ivy Russell I'Iotor Co..... 723.21 Unit 3 - Sedan for Police Dept., Ivy Russell Hotor Co..... 723.21 Unit 4 - ~Ton Pickup for Water Dept., Richardson chev. Co. 1,376.50 Unit 5 - tTon Pickup for VJater Dept., Felton Hotor Co..... 1,471.92 Unit 6 - RecoIT~end alternate bids be received on heavier truck Unit 7 - Mechanical Packer Body for Garbage Dept. Pak Mor Mfg. Co..... 3,480.00 The City l\lanager advised the Commission that Hr. J .I!J . Clarke, Garbage Superintendent had reconuuended purchase of a larger truck to be used in connection with the mechanical packer body in the Garbage Department but no bids were received February 11 on the proper size truck and only one bid vlas received on a comDarable unit which was bv International Harvester on a Model S 172 in the n~t amount of $2,750.00. ~It was therefore recom- mended that bids submitted on Unit 6be re,iected and authority given to readvertise on specifications covering larger tnlck. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by ConNlissioner Davis that bids received on Unit No.6, 2 Ton cab and chassis be rejected and notice to bidders be published for bids to be received until 7:00 P.M. Harch 15, 1957, on a 2! Ton cab and chassis as recon~ended by the City Manager and Garbage Superintendent. Voting Aye: Voting No: Nayor HaIrJtlond; COIrmissioners Brovm, DclVis, Galbraith and Reeve None Motion by Commissioner Reeve ,seconded by Commissioner Brown, that the low bids submitted on Units 1,2,3,4 & 5 be accepted as fol101'lS: Unit 1, Jack Roach l\Jlotor Company, $1,185.22; Unit 2, Ivy Russell Bator Company, $723.21; Unit 3, Ivy Russell Hotor Company, $723.21; Unit 4, Richardson Chevrolet Company, $1,376.50; Unit 5, Felton ilfotor company;- ~~1,471.92; as recommended by the City :Hanager, Chief of Police and v-Tater SU:Jerintendent. Votli'1g Aye: 'V. at in.g ~1 0 : Hayor Hammond; Corrnnissioners Brovm, Davis, Galbraith and Reeve None ~r~~:"-"T~~~~~- r"C-_C' "-'~'~-~C~C---~--l r ~-- Notion by COlThllissioner Davis, seconded by" Commissioner Brmm, that the recor~Qendation of the City Manager ~~d Garbage Superintendent be approved and the bid of Pak Mor Mfg. Company in the amount of $3,480.00 be accepted as it appears that the bid submitted by this company is the most advantageous to the city. Voting Aye: Voti::-,g No: Hayor HaJfllllond, COll1lllissioners Brown,Da.vis,Galbraith and Reeve None l'~V""'\ ~.J .,.J 0') 'l"'""1 In compliance wi th aCt,lon taken by the City corrrrnission, the City IvIanager recoTIMended that the bid of Belfast Supply Company quoting a price of 14~~ per gallon for delivery of 30,000 gallons of asphalt emulsion be accepted since he had made an investigation of other suppliers of this product and the best price quoted ~-Jas 16~ per gallon. '. .'Sf;~l 4 ~ Hotion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that the bid of Belfast Supply Comparr~ submitted on January 31, for delivery- of 30,000 gallons of asphalt emulsion at a price of 14~ per gallon be accepted as recommended by the City Hanager. Voting Aye: Voting No: :Hayor Hammond, Cow.missioners Broi-m,Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None Ninutes of a special meeting of the Zoning & Planning Board held on February 11, 1957, il-lere presented__to the Com_mission. The minutes of this meeting revealed that Mr. M. C. Halbert had been elected chairman for the ensuing two years. The Building Inspector was requested to check the buildings shown on a sketch submitted by Mr. R. A. Piehl, 3006 Robinhood, which may be in violation of the city's zoning ordinance. There Ttfas no action neces- sary by the City Comrnj_ssion. Minutes of the Regular meeting of the.Zoning & Planning Board held on February 14, were submitted and the follmving action taken: Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that the request of Hr. R. A. Piehl, 3006 Robinhood for permission to add a 20 x 26 F't. second floor to his existing garage to be used as a playroom and bedroom be denied as recomnended by the Zoning S[ Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Hayor Hammond, Commissioners Brown,Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None :Hotion by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Comrnissioner Galbraith, that the request of Mrs. Osenbaugh of the Osenbaugh Realty Company and Mrs. Beckner of the Beckner Boyd Realty Crrmpany, for permission to move a house on Lot 2 Block 42, ~;Jest University 1st Addition in connection irli th a project of the Houston Home Builders Association to encourage remodeling of older homes be denied as recmmnended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Nayor Hammond, Cormnissioners Broim,Davis ,Galbraith and Reeve None J""~~~~~~l~~~--'- r~ m'.<. .."'m'm..',-----m----m-.Tm .A~ ~1,~ j"'Iotion by Conunissioner O.albraith, seconded by Corn.missioner Davis, that the request of Mr. J. E. Jarries, 3774 Sunset Blvd. for permission to convert his existing garage into a utility and pla}TOOnlin accordance with the amended request to elliainate additional construction; the original request recohMended for approval by the Zoning Board being to convert the existing garage and also adding an additional 18 x 18 Ft. space for this purpose; this approval subject to affidavit being executed that the structure will not be used for rental or corrmercial purposes. Voting Aye: Voting No: Hayor HClJ1'mlOnd; Com..missioners Brmm,Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None t1otion by ConIDlissioner Davis, seconded by COinmissioner Reeve that the request of Mr. Jmnes V. Culberson, 2819 PIQmb, for permission to install a commode in the 12 x 20 Ft. addition to his exis ting garage forl-Jhich a building perr~it has been issued, be approved as recommended by the Zoning & Planning Board, subjec..t to the execution of the affidavit presented by Hr. Culberson IS Attorney, agreeing that the premises shall not be used as a two family resi- dence, for commercial or rentE!l purposes and upon any' conveyance of the property there shall be placed ~l the deed the restriction and covenant as a matter of contract. . V oting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; COnIDlissioners Brown,Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None Hotion by Corrrrnissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Brovm, that the request of Mr. W. I. West, 2639 Pemberton, for permission to make repairs and remodel an ~~isting servants quarters be approved with ex- clusion of any proposed sink or other kitchen facilities, subject to execution of affidavit that the structure will not be' used for cOnIDlercial or rental purposes. Voting Aye: Voting No: Hayor Hmnmond; Corn.missioners Brown,Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None i'lotion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that t.1Le re- quest of Mr. E. F. Malloy, 3705 Arnold, for permission to install a wash basin and commode In a 10 x 18 Ft. utility room be approved as recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board, subject to execution of affidavit that the structure l.vill not be used for rental or comm.ercia1 purposes. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor B~.mond; COWilllissioners Brown,Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None 'Y...l1e opinion of City Attorney Charles Coclcre111,\Jith relation to rezoning property on Bissonnet street betweenWakeforest and Be~nont Streets for commercial purposes was read to the Commission. OrdL~ance No. 722~ captioned as follows, was submitted to the Corr.mission and read in full: T.~..~O.~i~'O'C"~".~C f'~' - -n.c....- ,..'"...~ 1 43 C':l 0) 'l""'I AN CPJHNANcE FmDING AND DETEPlvUIUNG 'IH..lJ..T EACH AND ALL OF THE PRO- CEEDINGS HA.VE BEEN H..A.D lUm ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TJ THE HOLDING OF J\. PUBLIC HEARING 'ill CONSIDER THE JllVIENDING OF ZONING OHDINANCE NO. III OF THE CITY OF 1iJEST UNIVERSITY. PLACE, SO AS TO PERNIT THE RESUBDIVISION OF LOT NO. 17, BLOCK NO. 16, NONTICELLO ADDITION IN1D 'TIVO LOTS ~ ONE OF SAID LO'IS AS RESUBDIVIDED BEING 60 x 105 Ft. AND THE O'lliER LOT AS RESUBDIVIDED BEING 50 x 105 Ft.; FilJDING Tff..AT A PUBLIC ti"EARING FOR THE PUF.POSE OF CONSIDERING AN Jl}1ENDHENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 111 HAS BEEN DULY AND. LEGALLY 8.""EIJJ; APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REPORT AND RECOl'.'lNENDATION OF 'IRE ZONING A~m PLANNING BOARD TH.tt T OPJ)INANCE NO. 111 BE AHENDED SO AS TO PEmUT TEE R.ESUBDIVISION OF THE SAID LO'IS; FUmING THAT ORDINANCE NO. ill OF 'YHE C IT'I OF 11~"EST UNIVERSI'IT PLACE SHOULD BE A}:IEl\1DED SO AS TO PERrET SUCH RESUBDIVISION; AHENDING ORDINA.L\lCE NO. III RESUBDIvmum THE SAID LOT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ~!I.o-r: -, e::r ~ Notion by Commissioner Brovm, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that Ordinance No. 722A, amending Section 24 of Ordinance No. 111, permitting subdivision of Lot 17, Block 16, Monticello Addition into two lots, 50 x 105 Ft. and 60 x 105 Ft. be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Nayor HaiiJIl1ond; Commissioners Brown,Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None The City Hanager advised the Commission that the City Engineer and ~1[ater Superintendent had made an investigation of the condition of a 10 inch sanitary sewer line in the easement between Westchester and Rutgers Streets bevNeen Duke and Pittsburg Streets, as a result of nUlT,lerous complaints of offensive odors in the locality and determined that the existing sanita~J Sffi~er line was broken in numerous places and needed replacing llmlediately. It was their recoITMendation, however, that a 6 inch sewer line be installed at a depth of3 to 6 feet along the easement over the old lOll line from a point on Duke Street running south to Pittsburg Street and re-connecting all houses connections, and to reroute the lOll lL'le by constructing 800 feet of 10flpipe begi~ning on the south side of Pittsburg Street, running east to Rutgers Street thence north on Rutgers to the north side of Dcl<e Street and to construct three manholes. It was alsorecomm.ended that Russ Hitchell~ Inc., be employed to effect such emergency construction and repairs with the city to purchase materials; the total estimated cost amounting to approximately $5,000.00. Ordinance No. 723, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETEru~INING ~dE NECESSITY FOR CERTAIN EHERGENCY CONSTRUC TION Jj..m F.EPAIP..S 1'0 THE SANI'fARY SEv-JER SYS1EN OF THE CeITY OF 'ioJEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AUTHORIZING TIlE CITY ENGINEER AND CITY HANAGER 1'0 OBT1LII-Z THE SERVICES OF A COI"IPETENT CONSTRUCTION COI'-IP1U'JY m l"IAKE THE SAID NECESSARY EIvlERGENCY REPAIHS TO 'IHE SANITARY 3m-JER SYSTEM ON .A FORCE ACCOUl'iIT BASIS; APPROPRIATING A 3U11 OF $5,000.00 FROM THE SANITARY SE\r,JER FUND; AUTHORIZING PAYJ:ilENT OF SERVICES RENDERED IN CONNECTION !paTH SUCH El-lERGENCY CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIRS, AND DECLA1UNG AN EI1ERGENCY. r-:__:':'~....~_.I-~'!- Li4 Motion by Co~nissioner Galbraith, seconded by CowEissioner Davis, that Ordinance No. 723, finding and determining the necessity for certain emer- gency construction and repairs to the sanitary se.ver line in the easement between Westchester and Rutgers Streets between Duke and Pittsburg Streets and authorizing the services of Russ Mitchell, Inc., on a force account basis, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mavor Hammond; Commissioners Brown,Da\Qs,Galbraith and Reeve No~e The Armual Renort of the Rous ton Lighting & Power Company for the year ended Decembe~ 31, 1956, was presented to the Connnission and ordered entered into the minutes of the meeting. With no further business to come before the Conmission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed. The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall, Monday, Harch 4,1957,7:30 P.l'1. with the following members present: JVIayor HaIflEond, presiding; COIflIrlissioners Davis and Reeve. The City Attorney and City lVIanager were also present. Conmlissioners Brown and Galbraith were absent for business reasons. Conmissioner Davis pronounced the Invocation. In compliance with Notice to Bidders duly published in the official n~~s- paper of the city, bids received for construction of 100 Lineal Feet of 6 x 6 Foot monolithic reinforced concrete, box type storm sewer extension of the Academy Street line loca.ted south of the south right-of-way line in the 4200 block of Bellaire Blvd.; connecting to the existing 6 x 6 foot storm sewer, were opened and results arillounced as follows: Ramey Contracting Co., Inc............$ Russ Nitchell, Inc. .................. ~'J. E. lllorthen ........................ 7,238.44 6,683.70 5,985.60 The bids were revie~-Jed by City Engineer J. 1. Cornelison and after determin- ing their accuracy submitted a verbal recommendation that a contract be a1'larded t01;.J. E. 1jlorthen on his 101>1 bid of ~~5,985 .60. Hotion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Cormnissioner Reeve that a contract be awarded to W. E. Worthen for construction of 100 Lineal Feet of 6 x 6 Foot monolithic reinforced concrete box type storm sewer extension of the Acaderrry Street line locB.ted south of Bellaire Blvd. in the 4200 block, connecting to the existing 6 x 6 Foot storm smver, on his low bid of $5,985.60. V oting .Aye: V oti..ng No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Davis and Reeve None -~---I 4.5 Engineer's Esti.1'!lat.e No.1 for the' Tex8.la Construction Company amounting to ~n5 ,896. 70 as a partial pa;Y1llent on their contract for construction of a 12 inch C. 1. 1'1later main on Be11aire ,Blvd. from the elevated storage reservoir in the 3700 block to Academy Street; 8 inch C.l. water main on Stella Link Road from Bellaire Blvd. north to irJeslayan Street; and a 6 inch C.1. -water main on Ruskin Street from Stella Link Road to Hest College Street lfJith necessaX"J valves, fittings and installation of 8 fire hydrants ~vas submitted for consideration. Cf') Cf) ~j -<r ~' :t:: Motion by Com~issioner Reeve, seconded by Corr~issioner Davis, that Estimate No.1, for the Texala Construe tion Company in the amount of ~n5' 896. 70 be approved for payment. Voting Aye: \Toting :No: M~yor HamrQond; Commissioners Davis and Reeve None The advisability of increasing water customer1s deposit from $5.00 to $10.00 for water and sewer service was discussed. The City l~easurer submitted a sta tistical report show ing the amount of delinquenc ies on monthly ~vater bills. It was the opinion of the City Mar~ger that increasing water customer's deposit from $5.00 to $10.00 would materially aid in the collection of delinquent accounts where service has been disconti.nued and the customer moves from the city. Motion by Comrnissioner Reeve, seconded by CotrJnissioner Davis that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance to increase the customers deposit for water and sewer service from $5.00 to $10.00 in accordance with the recommendation of the City Treasurer and City Manager. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor H~~ond; COIT@issioners Davis and Reeve None t'hth no further business to come before the Cornmission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~() University Place ATTEST: City Secretary F7"~Ii'-" ---.. r~"~'~~~---'~~", 1 ------.---- 4\t) REGULAE lVIF::~TING OF CI'lY COHEISSION HARCH 11 1957 ____,__.____2..__,_______ The City Comrnisslon convened in regular session at the City Hall, on.Honday, March 11, 1957, 7:30 P .H. ....Jith the fol1o\<1Ting members present: Hayor HanmlOnd, presiding; Commissioners Brmm, Galbraith, Davis and Reeve. The City Hanager and City Attorney were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Co~nissioner Brown. Mrs. C. S. Robertson, President of the Sunset Terrace Garden Club and ~~es. c. G. ~lbert, J. F. Berleyand C. S. Redford requested the City Commission to assume the responsibility of maintaining the area qlong Poor Farm Ditch between Georgetmm and Albans which has been planted and beautified by the Sunset Terrace Garden Club. Mrs. Robertson gave an outline of the activi- ties of the garden club on this project and stated they had made a personal solicitation for funds from residents of the SlUlset Terrace and L~~lediate area, but did not receive sufficient money for annual maintenance. Mrs. Albert, Treasurer of the Garden Club submitted a financial statement which revealed the amount of money received through solicitation and the expendi- tures incurred on this project. IVlrs. Robertson stated that the club planned to sod the remainder of the area but did not intend to SElt out more trees or plants and asked that the city furnish one man and a mower for continuous maintenance. No decision vJaS reached by the City Commission as Nayor HarrlJllond suggested that the matter be presented to the members of the Sunser Terrace Garden Club at their next meeting to determine the amount of money they could contribute toward maintenance of the project. )V[essrs. l~-esley KU,eneman and James Gault, members of the Cormnunity House Committee appeared before the Commission and presented a tentative plaYJ. for improvements to the Community House and stated that the most urgent problem was the grading of the area on the outside of the building to afford proper drainage to eliminate deterioration which is adversely effecting the build- ing. The Commission considered the matter but took no action as funds in the est:L"Yflated amount of $2500 for performing the grading lilOrk on the outside of the building are not available at this time. fJlr. Kuen8man stated that he would again appear before the Comrnission with a more detail progr&~and a plan for financLng. The City Commission was advised that the present firm of Auditors, Phillips, Sheffield, Hopson and Lewis, had been emplo;;red for two consecutive years and it \-Jas the usual policy to consider the employment of a different firm of Auditors after a t1rJO year period. Hayor Hammond appoiIlted a loommittee com- posed of Commissioner Brown, Reeve and City Hanager y.Jhitt Johnson to interview different auditing firms and submit a proposal for consideration by the City Commission. The question of the most feasible way to dispose of a 2illO,OOO gallon ground stor~ge 1-Jater reservoir located at 3825 Hilton Street presently in use but 'rJhiCh must be removed for the construction of a new 400,000 gallon ground storage water reservoir under a contract with Banks Moreland Company. An inventory by the City Engineer showed the reservoir t.o be Li4.5 feet in di- ameter, 18 feet in height, 1/4 inch body and steel plate and 3/16 inch 41 roof plate, approximate total weight 60,000 lose It was recoJ11~lended that the reservoir be advertised for sale on a where is, as is, basis in accordance .(AJith specifications to be prepared ,by the City Engineer. Motion by Cor.~issioner Reeve, seconded by Cor~missioner Davis, that the City Attorney be instructed tu prepare a legal notice and Resolution authorizing the sale and removal of the 210,000 gallon reservoir located at 3825 Milton Street which must be dismantled and removed to make way for a new 400,000 gallon reservoir. cY;J C;) '1F''''i Voting Aye: Voting No: :rvrayor Harnmond; Commissioners Brov.m, Davis, Galbraith and Reeve None, ~;;.t:r. The matter of establishing a schedule of charges for season tickets and general admission tq the swimming pool i'>/as brought to the attention of' the City Commission. After considering the revenue from the pool for the past fe,.,] years it vJaS considered advisable to maintain the same schedule o.f charges as was in effect during the 1956 season. ,~f ~~S'\l ~ Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Broi-m that the schedule for sea.son ticket and general admission charges for the s.wimming pool for the 1957 season be: (1) Season ticket for one member of the fffiuily $10.00, (2) tiilO participatiY'..g members of a family $14.00, (3) three partici- pating members of a family $16.00, (4) tickets for four or more participating members of a .family $18.00; General admiss'ion charge - 50~ for adults and 25~ for children 15 years of' age and younger. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Ham~ond; Commissioners Brown,Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None The question of leasing the concession at the swimming pool was discussed and it was stated that Hr ~ J. R. Hovmrd had operated the concession during the 1955-56 seaSon on a very satisfactory basis and that many- compliments had been received on his method of operating the concession. Motion by Comrnissioner Galbraih, qeconded by Comraissioner Reeve that the Ci ty Hanager be authorized to negotiate l-Jith Hr. J. R. Howard for lease of the concession at the sui:.mJning pool on the same contractural pr0'.rision$ as approved for the year 1956. Voting Aye: Voting No: lVIayor Ham.1llond; Comrnissioners Brm'li'n,Davis , Galbrai th and Reeve None Ordinance No. 721+, captioned as follows, was presented by the City Attorney and read in full: AN ORDIJ.IJANCE FINDING .AND DETER1\:IIl\IING THAT IT IS NECESSARY THAT 'l""rIE DEPOSIT FOR APPLICANTS FOR 1r.JATER AND SE.iJ\iER SERVICE BE IHCR.~SED FROH 'llIE SmYI OF $5.00[0 THE 8ffivI OF $10.00; INCREASING SAID DEPOSIT FROl"l $5.00 TO $10.00; PROVIDING FOR REPAYHENT OF SAID DEPOSIT AT THE EX- PIP.A TION OF FIFTfi~N l"IONllIS FRQlI1 THE ORIGINAL DATE OF SAID DEPOSIT IF NO DELINQUENCIES .~Z~I9'r AGAIHS T SAID DEPOSIT; PROVIDING A FINAL IillFU:N1) OF SAID DEPOSIT AND PROVIDING Ai'>I EFFE'CTlVE DATE. -'''-!.,-'r----:--~--~::..:r--- ---'--,--.-- 48 Motion by Co~missioner Reeye, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that Ordinance No. 724, increasing the depos~t for applicants for water and sewer service from the sum of $5.00 to the sum of $10.00 be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hanmond; COTIlmissioners Brown, Galbraith,Davis and Reeve None The City Hanager stated that it vJaS necessary to dispose of accumulated scrap iron and unusable items including an old vJa ter tank, dump truck bed and garbage packer body which was stored on the property occupied by the Street Department which location is to be used for the erection of x.5 million gallon water reservoir. Miscellaneous Receipt No. 4598 to the G~lble Salvage Company in the amount of $84.60 was presented and also public scale tickets Numbers A5393 sho""ring a net weight of 4210 Lbs. and A5397 showing a net weight of lL.30Lbs. from the Lee Construction Corp., 1600 N. 75th Street, Houston, Texas, were pres nted as evidence that the city had received pay for the unusable items. The COTIMission reviewed the transaction and concurred with the action taken by the City Hanager in disposing of the unusable items located on property occupied by the Street Department and ordered the records entered into the official minutes. The City Manager and City Engineer presented a prelliainary report of the progress made on plans for construction of a building to house equipment and materials for the Street Department to be located on Lots 16, 17 and 18, Block 15, Collegeview 3rd Addition. Pres0nt plans call for construction of a prestressed concrete roof and supporting nlembers, concrete floor arId masonry wall. The City ~~1ager stated that it would be desirable to employ additional personnel to design the building and prepare the necessary drawings. He stated that Hr. H. K. Denney a registered professional archi- tect had agreed to do the architec tural B.nd necessary drafting for the sum of ~~200.00. Motion by Co~missioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Reeve that the City Manager be authorized to employ Mr. R. K. Denney for the SUIT, of $200.00 to assist in the design and planning work of the proposed street department warehouse and e~lipment building. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Han~ond; CODMissioners Brown,Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None Minutes of the meeting of Febr~ary 25, 1957, were read and approved as corrected. 1>iith no furt:h..er business to come before the Conm1ission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed. -- ---:T------ ----------------.---____T-m-.-- r-- 49 The City COITmlission conv~ned in recessed session at the 9ity Hall, on Friday, Na.rch 15, 1957, 7: 00 P.N. with the follOl..Jing members present: l"JIayor Hammond, presiding; Co~~issioners Reeve and Davis. Tne City Mar~ger and City Attorney were also present. Commissioners Galbraith and Brown were absent due to business reasons. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Davis. In compliance with Notice to Bidders duly published in t:p.e offic:iial newspaper of the city, bids received for delivery of a cab and chassis to be used as a garbage truck were opened and results announced as follows: Ct;) OJ """" International Harvester Earl McMillian, Inc. Raymond Pearson Ivy Russell Felton Motor Company Jack Roach Motor Company Richardson Chevrolet Company Smith Chevrolet Company Downtown Chevrolet Company Jirrunie Green Chevrolet Company $2-,912.jLl 2,960.00 2,716.po 2,756.~0 2,711.00 2,799.00 2,780.65 3,254.91 3,136.00 2,367.70 -,,<<< """-.,{. ..ef - ...,.J,.; Due to the urgency of obtaining a truck for the Garbage Department, the Commission took the following action to expedite delivery: Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the low bid submitted by Jimmie Green Chevrolet CompaIDJ in the net amount of $2,367.70 for furnishing a 2~ Ton truck for the Garbage Departmentibe accepted provided their bid is in accordar~e with the city's specifications and on a comparable basis with all other bidders; and in event it is determined by the City Manager that the bid of Jimmie Green Chevrolet Company is not ani acceptable bid or is not.in accordance with specifications then the bid of the next lowest bidder which is the Felton Moto~ COMpany in the net amount of $~711.00 be accepted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Davis and Reeve. None Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning & Planning Board held on March 14, 1957, were considered by the COlliuissionand the following action taken: Motion by Comnissioner Davis, seconded by CowEissioner Reeve, that the request of Mr. Paul Lucas, 2725 AlbansRoad, for permission to e~ect a 12 x 20 Ft. addition to his present garage to be used as a utility rpom and hobby room be approved subject to execution of affidavit that the addition "vill not be used for commercial or rental purposes, as recommended by the! Zoning & Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Ha.mmond; Commissioners Davis and Reev~ '[I,T . !~one ",'''-' c..Ci"'~'~" ........-.., ._.~r..... ---1---- -[ i 50 it letter from the Y.U/.C.A. requesting use of the Community Building on lVlondays for three sessions and beginning Harch 25th through Hay 15th, for the Spring Term of classes was submitted for the Crn~lission's consider- ation. Notion by COIr.missioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that the request of the :;t.1v.C.A. . for use of the Community Building on Hondays for three sessions, beginning March 25, through f~y 15, be approved on the same arrangements heretofore made. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Ham.mond; COIr.Jl1issioners Davis and Reeve. None Hayor Hammond stated that COlillllissioner Reeve, Brown, the City Nanager, Garpage Superintendent and himself had attended a demonstration of the Asplundh wood chipper on the date of Tuesday, March 12, and it was de- termined that this type of eo~ipment could be operated by the city to a great advantage for the removal of tree limbs and brush. The Mayor pointed out that the removal of. tree l:Lmbs and brush had become a burdens om and expensive operation and that ~he garbage.department had started operations on the new disposal site on March 14, increasing the travel time ~~d number of miles the trucks must travel each day which further justified purchase of this equipment. Motion by COIrffIissioner Re~ve, seconded by Commissioner Davis tha.t the City Manager be instructed to advertise for bids to be received until 7:30 P.M. April 8 for deliver:J of a brush chipper in accordance with specifications to be prepared by the City Engineer. Voting Aye: Voting No: :Hayor Ha111IllOnd; Commissioners Davis and Reeve. None With no further business to come before the COTIMission at this time, upon motion duly mecde, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. /l~. City of West UniversitJ Pla.ce ATTEST: ~~~.. I . ~~CA~ oity Secreta r:::==~~:'.~~-==~~...!![-~ ____1:"':: - "-""---='"""'"'-OO~CC=O-~'!,,'Y 51 REGULAR HEETING OF C lIT CONr'IISSION HARCH 25, 1957 The City Corrmission convened in regular session at the City Hall, Monday, Harch 25, 1957, 7'/. 30 P.N. ~d th the fol1m.Jing members present'/. Hayor Hammond, presiding; Corp.missioners Brovm, Davis and Galbraith. The City Attorney and City Hanager "lvere also present. Cor::missioner Reeve was absent for business reasons. The Invocation was pronounced by Com~issioner Ga]~raith. Engineer's Estimate No.2, for the Texala Construction Comp~ny, amo~nting to $16,522.20 for installing new C.I. water mains on Bellaire Blvd., Stella Link and Ruskin Streets was submitted to the Commission. Estimate No. 1, in the amount of :h5,896.70 was submitted and approved on .i'larch 4. It was reported to the Commission that the project is 90% complete and the new pipe had been chlorinated and tested. Notion by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that Estimate No.2, in the amount of $16,522.20 for Texala Construction Company for installation of C.I. water mains on Bellaire Blvd.; Stella Link Road and Ruskin Street be approved for payrnent. Voting Aye: Voting No: ~;!ayor Hammond; Cormulssioners Brown, Davis and Galbraith 1\1 one Estimate No. 1 and Final for Fra~~ E. Brite in the amount of $2,129.40 for excavation of a trench for a sanitayy fill at the city's disposal grounds on Ruffino Road was submitted for consideration. Hotion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that Esti- mate No. 1 and Final for Frank E. Brite in the amount of $2,129.40 for exca- vation of a trench for a sanitary fill at the city's disposal grounds on Ruffino Road, be approved for payment. :[()~,:Ln:): AYf?: ~I2:yC?r Hammond; Commissioner5 Brmm, Davis and Galbraith Voting No: None The City Engineer submitted a drawing shmving a change in the design of the fump on the 1.5 million gallon grolU1d storage reservoir and an estimate from Banks Moreland Company in the amount of $288.00 for making the desired change. Motion by COmTIlissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that ~~e original contract with Banks Moreland Company in the amount of $49,354.00 for construction of a.l.5 million gallon ground storage reservoir be increased $288.00 to provide for fabrication and installation of 12" pipe to redesign a sump in the reservoir in accordance with the recorr~endation of the City Engineer and a letter of proposal from Banks Horeland,.. .,Qompany dated ivlarch 8, 1957. Voting Aye: Voting N"o: Mayor Hammond; Con~issioners Brown, Davis and Galbraith None -~,-- 52 Commissioner Brovm stated that the Audit Comrdttee had met on fiiarch 23, to consider the employment or an Auditing finn for the fiscal year 1957, and that t-kw firms had been invited to inspect the books, records and accounts and sU.bmit a Hri tten proposal for performing an audit and after their pro- posals were received a. final recommendation vIil1 be submitted by the C OTlll1li t tee. Recor1'l1endations made by the S~1T:L'l1ming Pool and Recreation Comrnittee to in- crease participation and: act~vities at the S"Jimming Pool as noted in the minutes of their meeting on lilarch 21, Here submitted to the Comrnission for considera.tion. Recom~endations included (1) moving the present east fence approxlluately 20 feet further to the east to enlarge a playground area inside the pool enclosure and in the new area install parallel bars and a volley baIlor badminton court and the present trampoline; (2) constructing an awning for additional shade and install tables for adult ga~e activities; (3) installation of modern lighting system over the present tennis court; (4) increasing the registration fee for swirnming instruction classes from $1.50 to $2.00 per child (this is the program which is operated in conjunc- tion ~-Jith the Y.I'1.C.A.); (5) extending an official invitation to the citizens of Southside permitting them tbeprivilege of using the swimming pool on a f8~ily membership basis (this invitation to be eA~ended to the Nayor and City Council of the City of Southside; (6) amending rules pertaining to adult smokers in the pool enclosure permitting adult smoking in a regulated area. Motion by Corrmissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that Items 1, 2, 4 and 5 be approved and th2.t the Gommi ttee be requested to obtain detail estlirrates for installing a lighting system at the te~Bis court and install- ing one or more structures necessaY"J to provide shade and recreation in the spectator area and that the rules prohibiting smoki.ng in the pool enclosure be amended to permit adult smoking in a designated area. Voting A-:;re: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commtssioners Brown, Davis and Galbraith None Ordinance No. 725, captioned as follmV'S, was submitted to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE SPECIFYING 'r;:'{E DATE;S AND TD'!R FOR HEGULAR hEETIl\fGS OF T'rl"E CITY Cm'Ii\1ISSION OF 'l'HE C IT'{ 0 F V..!ES T UNlVEREHTY PLACE, 'IZXAS; PROVIDING 1,1J;'-JERE SUCH IvIEETINGS SHALL BE HELD AJ\J'TI PROVIDING 'l'HA T SUCH HEETINGS. SlLilLL BE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDINANCE NO. 240 AND ORDINANCE NO. 208 ANTI PROVIDING TriA TALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HER1i;HI'l'H ARE REPE..l\.LED; PROVIDING THAT SAID ORDINANCE SHALL Tl\J\:E EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE mNEDIATELY FROH AND AFTER n"S PASSAGE. . Motion by Cornmissioner Galbraith, seconded by Conmlissioner Brown, that Ordinance No. 725, setting the dates and time for meetings of t,he Cit.y Com.mission be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Harr~ond; Co~missioners Brown, Davis and Galbraith None 1 - ',---- -"r-~---'--"-"'(I- ..----r---~~-~~~-:-I ,r- i 53 ~~. Ed~ard Mitchell, owner of the Sparkle Car Wash in the 4200 block o~ BellaireBlvd., which is located on a tract of land leased from the city, requested permission to install four gasoline pumps on the premises in- stead of two as permitted in the lease contract. Notion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Conmlissioner Davis, that an amendment 1".0 the lease contract be prepared by Mr. Hitchell's Attorney' and submitted to City Attorney Charles Cockrell for review and presentation to the City Commission. tv;; en ~ ,1t:'! ,~ ~ Voting Aye: Voting No: jl.fa;yor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis and Galbraith None The City :rIanager stated that Hr. Robert Vernon King had made his first annual payment in the amount of $18,666.66 on the purchase of the 19.119 acres of land on Alief Road formerly used as a garbage disposal site and that $2,000.00 of this amount constituted interest on the unpaid balance. The City l'Ianager requested authority from the Commission concerning dis- position of the $2,000.OQ and the proper flmd for its deposit. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the Ci ty Treasurer be instructed to deposit to the credit of the Sanitary Sei<ler Capital Improverrlent Fund the $2,000.00 received from Robert Vernon King as interest on the purchase price of the 19.119 acres of land on Alief Road and that, this amount be credited against the loan of $36,000.00 borrowed from the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement F\Lnd for the purchase of 75 Acres of land on Ruffino Road to be used as a new disposal site. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Harr~ond; Commissioners Bro~m, Davis and Galbraith None The City Hanager stated he had investigated the bid submitted by the Jimmie Green Chevrolet Company on March 15, ~or deliveFy of a 2~ Ton truck for the garbage department and that they had made an error on their bid and would not agree to deliver a 2; Ton truck for their bid price of $2,385.00 as they had erroneously bid on a Model 6503 which did not meet the city's speci- fications. The Jimmie Green CheiJTolet Company offered to deliver a 2; Ton Hodel 7203 truck to the City on an informal bid price of $2,865.00. The City Manager, acting upon authority granted in a motion on March 15, entered into an agreement 1-Jith l"elton Notor Company for deliv6r'J of a Ford F700 for a net consideration of $2,711 in accordance with their bid submitted HaTch 15. In order to dispose of the 210,000 Gallon Reservoir presently located at the corner of Milton and College Streets where a new 400,000 gallon reser- voir is to be constructed by Banks lvIoreland Company, the follm-Jing action 1-Jas taken: Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Cow~issioner Brown, that the City Hanager be instructed to have Notice to Bidders published for bids to be received until 7:30 P.M., April 22, 1957, for disnmntling, salvaging, and remcvir~ the 44.5' diameter by 18' high steel water reservoir located at , 3825 Milton Street. r-;'~,. --, r . _.~~~.--.~'I 1 Ui: 54 Voting A;le: Voting No: Nayor HarrmlOnd; Cow.missioners Brown, Davis and Galbraith None The City Hanager reported that an 18 inch storm S8irTer was being installed along the south side of the 3800 block Milton Street in the park-way adjacent to property o-vmed by the ~{est Unj_versi$y Baptist Church i-lhich project is a part of the original plan for constructing appurtenances to the new 1.5 million ground storage reservoir on Hilton Street. . Minutes of the meetings of March 4, 11, and 15, were read and approved as corrected. ~fith no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~~~ City of ~est University Place A TmS T: T'~-"='"",,:;oo-n~-'-'~'::::'-,:'''''',,,'c--'C''~~---~~'---~r''~--- 55 REGULAR :tJfSETING OF CI'IY COIJIT'HSSION APRIL 8, 1957 The City Commission convened in regular se::mion at the City Hall, Honday, 7:30 p.1'1., April 8, 1957, with the follmJing members present: IVlayor Hammond; presiding; Commissioners Brown, Davis, Galbraith and Reeve. The City Attor- ney and City ~~nager were also present. Iillrs. Cecil Galbraith and Nrs. Galbraith, mother of Commissioner Cecil Galbraith were visitors during the meeting. ry.... \~ .;J 0") The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Hammond. ~4\..~ ._~t ~ ::e In compliance with Notice to Bidders duly published in the official newspaper of the city, bids received for delivery of a brush chipper were opened and results announced as follows: Bennett D. Farnham Equipmerrc Co. . . . $ 2,971.62 Asplundh Chipper Company. . . . . . .. 3,155.00 Mitts & Merrill. . . 3,328.00 Alternate . . .. 3,278.00 Motion by Corr~issioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that the 10irJ bid of Bennett D. Farnham Equipment Company in the amolmt of ~p2,971.62 for delivery of an AspllL"'ldh Chipper be accepted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Nayor Hammond; Commissioners Brmm,Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None An invoice in the amount of $200.00 from the harris County Nayors' and CounciDuen's Association for payment of annual ones for the year 1957, was submi tted to the Commission. l'1ction- by Corr..missioner Reeve, seconded by Comm.issioner Galbraith, that dues for the year 1957 in the amount of $200.00 be paid to the Harris County Mayors' and Councilmen's Association. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Comrnissioners Brown,Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None In connection with a recomrnendation n~de by the Chief of Police for installa- tion of one hour parking signs in front of 2607 and 2615 Robifl..hood it was determined advisable to postpone action as it was the opinion of the City Commission that erection of NO PARKING signs at these ~NO particular addresses would tend to influence the people to park further up the street in front of other residences. Resolution 57-9 was submitted to the Corr~lission for consideration and read In full: T""~::~.::~T~=._::~_:-:=-==::""_::::a __~___.J: --~-~ --' 56 llHEREAS, the City of ~1iest University Place, currently, has capital available in the Water-Sewer Fund, Insurance Reserve Fund, Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund, Street Improvement Bond-1948 Fund, and Charter Amendment Reserve-Water Fund which will not be required for operating expenses until the next fiscal year; and iJ'JHEHEAS, it is deemed to be tb the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a t~le deposit investment L~ order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; and ~-JHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and ex- penditures of this Fund, as anticipated 11nti1 maturity of this invest- ment, will preclude a fund deficit: Nmf, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 'I"ilE CI'I'Y COHI1ISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to: $10,000.00 from the Water-Sewer Fund, for a period of 12 months, ~~ 9,000.00 from the Insurance Heserve Fund, for a period of 12 months, $ 7,450.00 from the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improv&~ent Fund for a period of 12 months, $ 3,250.00 from the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund, for a period of 12 months, ~p 6,050.00 from the Street Improvement Bond-1948 Fund, for a period of 6 months, $16,150.00 from ~he Charter Amendment Reserve-Water Fund, for a period of 12 months. Hotioliby Commissioner. Brmm, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that Reso- lution 57-9 directing the City Treasurer to :L.'1.vest funds amounting to $~OOO.OO from the Water-Sewer Fund, for a period of 12 months, $9,000.00 from the Insurance Reserve Fund, for a period of 12 months, $7,450.00 from the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund for a period of 12 months, $3,250.00 from the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund for a period of 12 months, $6,050.00 from the Street Improvement Bond-1948 Furld, for a period of 6;months, and $16,150.00 from the Charter Amendment Reserve- \^Jater Fund for a period of 12 months, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor HffiITmond; Commissioners Brown,Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None The following report was submitted by the City Engineer in relation to cost of replacing sanita~ sewer lines between Westchester and Rutgers Street from Duke to Pittsburg Street: lilt was necessary to replace the 6" service line throughout the easement and build a new ten inch tru~k line around the block and do~m Rutgers Street. - :'r------- ---I 57 cY:l OJ '~ """" .....,'"'*- No equipment of any kind could be used to replace the 6" line, thus it Has necessary to do all this work ,>lith hand labor. 'rhere were s:ome 18 house connections to be made on this line and several of the old connections were not tied to the main line; the discharge from the houses merely going into the ground and seeping through to the broken down main. This caused a veyy unsatisfacto~ wet condition in the trench of the new line. All the house connections had to be traced out, and several had to be retrenched with laterals from the house approach to the main trench with the proper grade. An extra manhole was built in the center of the block for future cleanouts and service to the line. The labor and supervision cost of 600 feet of 6t1 line was $3,600.00 or $6.00 per linear foot with trench depth of from 3~ to 5 feet. .~ ;;..-. ~ The labor, supervl.sl.on and equipment cost of 880' of 1011 line vJaS $3,200.00 or $3.64 per linear foot with a trench depth of from 7 to 9 feet. This is a normal cost for this pipe size and depth of trench. The time cards of the Contractor liere checked daily with the foreman. The attached Contractor's statement is in accord with the daily.time cards. Due to the em.ergency of the work, the vlOrking conditions as stated above and adverse weather, I would recommend acceptance and payment to Russ Mitchell, Inc. of the lli~ount as detailed in their statement of March 19, 1957. (8) J. I. Cornelison, City Engineer. In order to appropriate additional funds to defray ~he total cost of emergency repairs to the sanitary sewer system, Ordinance No. 726, captioned as follows, was presented for consideration and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AHENDING ORDINANCE NO. 723; AUTHORIZING PAYlvIENT IN FULL 'ill RUSS l'HTCHELL, INC. FOR SERVICES RENDERED TI'J YiAEING NECESSARY ErJiERGENCY REPAIRS 10 THE SANITARY SEii'iER SYSTEM OF T'rtE CITY OF ~VEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TE:K..A.S; APPROPRIATING THE SUN OF $7,815.92 FROH THE SANIT.A.RY SEtrJER FUND FOR PURPOSE OF PAYHENT .AND DECLARING AN EFFECTI"llE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Gommissioner Davis, that Ordinance No. 726, amending Ordinance No. 723, authorizing pa;YTnent in full to Russ Mitchell, Inc. for services rendered in making necessary emergency repairs to the sanitary sel,'Jer system and appropriating $7,815.92 from the Sanitary Sewer Fund for this purpose be passed and approved as read. Voting aye: Voting No: Mayor Hamrnond; Commissioners Brown, Davis, Galbraith and Reeve None CiGY Attorney Charles Cockrell advised the COinmission that he had preuared and filed Defendant's original answer with relation to Cause No. 480,673, George H. LaIV, et al vs. City of vlest University Place, in l29th J"udicial District Court, in Hhich the city was to ShOlv cause why a temporary in- junction should not be grar~ed. lhe Plaintiffs had requested the Court to grant a temporary judgment declaring that Ordinance No. III be declared -r,~~~~~~->--.,--r-'"-.'--' - --- -....,----- r--- ii 58 unconstitutional, illegal, null and void, however, no further cOFJfiunication had been received from them since the answer had been filed. In connection with the filing of an answer to the above numbered cause, the City Attorney subm~tted his statement for services rendered in the amount of $50.00 for consideration by the Conooission. _ JVIotion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that the . statement for legal fees in the amount of $50.00 for services rendered by Attorney:'Charles Cockrell in connection ~lith Cause No. 480,673, styled George H. La\oT, et al vs. City of ~'<Jest University Place be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Nayor Hammond, Commissioners Brmm,Galbraith,Davis and Reeve None Ordinance No. 727, captioned as follows, was presented to the COinmission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING Th'E HOUSTON CHRO.NICLE AS TlIE OFFICLA.L PUBLICATION OF THE CITY OF ldEST UNI'\TERSI'IY PLACE, TEXAS; PRO- VIDING THAT ALL ORDINANCES AHD OFFICIAL NOTICES REQUIRED 10 BE PUBLISHED SHALL BE PUBLISHED IN SAID PAPER, AND PROVIDR1G AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Brown, seconded by COlill'liissioner Davis, that Ordinance No. 727, designating the Houston Chronicle as the official publication of the City and requiring all ordinances and official notices required to be published, to be published in said paper, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond, Commissioners Br~N.n,Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None Resolution 57-10 as foll~Ns, was submitted for consideration and read in full: BE IT R.ESOL"\rED BY THE CrTY CmvIT'1ISSION OF T}lE CITY OF 1;IES1' UNIVERSITY PL..l\.CE, TEXAS: that, (1) Checks dra1:m on pa;yrol1 accounts of the City of Hest Univer- sit~ Place, Texas and payable to the City Treasurer shall be drawn by the said City Treasurer and countersigned by either the Mayor or the Hayor Pro-tem;and any other checks drawn on any of the City's bank accounts and payable to the said City Treasurer shall be dra..m by the City Treasurer and countersigned by the City Hanager and either the sCl~d Hayor or the said Hayor Pro-tem. (2) Checks drawn on payroll accounts and payable to the City Manager shall be dra.wn by the said City Treasurer and countersigned by the said Mayor or the said Mayor Pro-tem; and any other checks dra\Vll on any of the City.' s bank accou:'l'lts and payable to the said City Manager shall be drawn by the said City Treasurer and co~mter- signed by both the said HaJTor and the said hayor Pro-tern. 59 (3) Any checks other than payroll checks drm'Jl1_ on ~my of the City's barJ( accounts and payable to the said Hayor shall be dratm by the said City Treasurer and countersigned by both the said Ci t-y- Hanager and the said lVfayor Pro-tem. (h) Any checks other than payroll checks draVJn on any of the City's bank accounts and payable to the 'said 1\i1ayor shall be drai'om by the said City Treasurer and countersigned by both the said City Manager and the said Mayor. Ct'j OJ \"""'l ""'~"t <f :e BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all provisions of prior Resolutions as may conflict herevdth are hereby expressly repealed; and BE - IT FURTI-i'ER RESOLVED that the City Treasurer be and he is hereby directed to furnish each depository bank with which the City has funds on deposit or with which the City transacts any baliking business, a true copy of this Resolution. Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that Reso- lution57 -10 designating the manner in which checks are to be drawn and countersigned be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Harmnond; C0Il1_111issioners Brown,Davis ,Galbraith and Reeve None Resolution 57-11 as follows, was submitted for consideration and read in full: ~-JHEREAS, the City Manager and City Treasurer of the City of iJ'1est University Place are authorized to sign and countersign checks drawn on the account of the said City to meet payrolls and other current expenses; and v-JHEREAS, from tiil1e to time one or the other of the said officials is not available to sign or cOlUltersign such checks; and ~rtlEREAS, in the absence of either of the said officials it becomes necessary for the City Commission of the said City to authorize the signjng or countersigning of such checks by another official of the said City; and ~~~REAS, it is deemed advisable to grant such authority, the same to be continuing until withdrawn by proper Resolution to an official of the said City; and "\"IHEREAS, the City Controller of the vi -by of Hest Univ8rsi ty Place, having been delegated such authority heretofore, is deemed to be the logical person authorized to sign or countersign checks in the absence of the City Manager or City TreasQrer until revoked as above provided: NOH, TH""EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CO~'liYIISSION OF 'l'!1:E CITY OF v~~ST U~TIV}~RSIYi PLACE, TE:~~_S.: I' I_'~~.olO=-l':""f!""'~"O'"~--=,=---====~~~:::I --~.._~~- ,,--,,~~-y-:-- -------------::::r--- ,: f\ ",-'h...\\l (1) lhat from and after the effect.ive date hereof, the City Con.,.. troller of' the City of 1rJest Universit;)T Pla.ce, is hereby authorized, in the absence of either the City Hanager or the City Treasurer, to sign or countersign checks drawn upon the account of the said City. (2) 111e authority hereby granted shall continue until revoked by proper Resolution of the City Commission. Motion by Con~issioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that Resolution 57-11 authorizing the City Controller to sign or countersign checks drawn upon the account of the City in the absence of either the City Manager or the City l~easurer. Voting Aye: Voting No: Hayor Hamrnond; Comrnissioners Brown,Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None A letter from the City Manager dated April 5, 1957, was read to the Con~ission which related information regarding the city's participation in the Harris County Air and Water Pollution progran and revealed that the city had not made a pa;yment since April 20, 1955, for the first quarter of that year. It was determined by the City I"'Ianager that the city ow:ed a total amount of $968.66 based on the 1954 agreement; $415.14 for the last three quarters of the year 1955 and $553.52 for the full year 1956, however, this did not agree Hith the statement in the amount of ~~1,415.29 received from the County Auditor on November 1, 1956. The City Manager recorr~ended that the County Auditor be advised of the amount o~led by the city according to the January 25, 1954, agreement. Ivlotion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Heeve, that a final payment in the maountof $968.66 be made to Harris County in accor- dance with the January 25, 1954, agreement for the cityfs particj_pation in the Air and vIa t8r Pollution progr2.m and that l'-'layor Hammond advise the Harris COllrlty Commissioners Court that the city no longer desires to participate in the program and that such action be retroactive to January 1, 1957; that funds in the amount of $968.66 be transferred from the General Fund to the Health Fund as a temporary loan, said amount to be repaid to the General Fund. during the 1958 fiscal year and that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a Resolution ratifying and confirming such action of the City Commission. Voting Aye: Voti..."'lg No: I'1ayor Hammond; Commissioners Brmm,Dccvis,Galbraith anct Reeve None Hr. Chilton Bryan, Attorney representing the Clt,y in Case No. 455,540, Bertha Schepps, et vir 'J. Robert J . Bugg, et al, 125th District Court, advised the Comr::isf;ion by letter that the case had been completely disposed of and submitted a statement in the amount of $506.90 for the full 2J([OU~"'1t of the fee rather than for ~il600 as agreed upon sjnce the case did go to trial and a mis-trial declared. '11.1e statement ShOll'led a credit in the Clmount of *t300.00 "VJhich ,~as earlier T)aid tol'lr. Br-J\TBn 8S <:1 ret.ainer fee. ., .... l\'loti.on by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Cor;1missioner Galbraith, that final r=:::lL~-~,,~~':::r-- _ ___r~o" "'::1 =r-- 61 settlement be Yilacle -'rii th itttomey Chilton Bry"an arid. the balance dlle in tile 2l110Ullt of ~f,206.90 be paid since it has been deter.mined that all matters in the case No. L65,5hO, Bertha Schepps, et vir v. Robert J. Bugg, et al, 12Sth District Court have been disposed of and a.Release executed by Bertha and Hair J. Schepps. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Harr@ond; COIN~issioners Brown,Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None Ii. letter dated April 5, 1957, addressed to the l1ayor and City Commissioners pertaining to four known violations of the Zoning Ordinance was considered. The City Attorney was instructed to obtain abatenlent either by letter or through legal proceedip~s of the four reported cases which were as follows: C'.~: (1) H. V". HmJley, h247 Emory - Construction of a carport which extends into the front setback line l;vithout a building permit; exiffiing one-car attached garage enclosed without a permit, and proceeded with work after being notified that a building permit 1;'18.$ necessary-. ~'._""':.'~ "..".;<'. ~&:~Y' (2) E. L. 1jJilliams, 6648 Buffalo Speedway - Rental of a garage apa.rtraent and operating insurance business from his residence. (3) Preston McGilvray, 3419 Carnegie - Rental of garage apartment and also renting separate living quarters in the house. (4) T. R. Ra~Jlings, 3933 Case - Operation of a Plumbing Shop from his residence. The City Manager submitted a copy of a letter dated April 2, addressed to E. E. Tovmes, Jr., Paving Attorney for the cit:".f, setting forth names and a.ddresses of property owners who had not paid paving assessments for paving on University Blvd. It was determined that it ..JOuld be to the best interest of the city and in fairness to all citizens who had paid paving assessments on University Blvd. if a diligent effort was made by legal action to effect collection; and that Mr. E. E. Townes, Jr., be instructed to request settle- ment of the aillounts due and to obtain pe rsonal judgment in all cases 1'\There the homestead exemption is no longer in effect. Ninates of the meeting of Harch 25, 1957, were read and approved as corrected. itIith no fUFther business to come before the Commission at thj.s time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting v-J:;(S adjourned. /apuwdJ7tt~ l1avar, Cit,r of ~~est Universi+"r Place ~ u J ~ ]1. T'rES T: \ fl, Cit~ ~ 1.--=~~~1t=0=e:=T . _~c~...~.~_.. ...0 .-/ -::r---~--~-=r i 62 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION APRIL 22, 1957 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall, Monday~ 7:30 P.M.~ April 22, 1957 ~ with the fQllo~ling members present: Mayor Pro tem Reeve, presiding; Commissioners Davis and Galbraith. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. Mayor Hammond and Commissioner Brown were absent due to out of town business. The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Pro tem Reeve. In compliance with Notice to Bidders duly published in the official newspaper of the city, bids received for dismantling, salvaging and removing the 210:;000 gallon water storage reservoir at the pumping plant at 3825 Milton Street were <:pen-edana. results: amiouheed ~sfollows: Clinton Iron & Metal Company . Rothschild Industrial Salvage COlllpany Texas Iron & Metal Company . D. D. Braly, Houston Molasses Company $561.00 610.00 655.00 1,313.00 Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Davis that a contract be awarded to Mr. D. D. Braly, of the Houston Molasses Company for dismantling, salvaging and removing the 210,000 gallon water storage reservoir at the water pumping plant at 3825 Milton Street on the best bid received whereby 1-1r. Braly will pay the city $1,313.00. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Pro tem Reeve; Commissioners Davis and Galbraith None Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning & Planning Board held on April 11 were presented to the Commission for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner DaVis, that the request of Mr. W. J. Trahan, 3521 Nottingham:ror permission to install 220 electrical service in an existing garage apartment at this address be denied as recommended by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Pro tern Reeve; Commissioners Davis and Galbraith None Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that the request of Mr. A.W. Jackson, 6404 Brompton at Duke, for permission to erect a carport to extend into the required setback area be denied as recommended by the Zoning & Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Pro tern Reeve; Commissioners Davis and Galbraith None Engineer's Final Estimate to the Texala Construction Compaqy in the amount of $9,166.30, together with a certification that the water line improvements on Bellaire Blvd., Stella Link and Ruskin Streets have been constructed in _ . r=~~:::::.::::l~":'~.:=:::=;~~c---~~~:r:c:':"~'- . - . - ~~-.1 63 ~ accordance with plans and specifications approved by the City Commissien and a recommenciation that the improvements be accepted and the estimate be approved for payment. A letter was also presented from the City of Southside Place advising that Hr. Glen Miller, Superintendent of Southside Place and Mr. Spence Love, Engineer, had. found the construction to be completed. in accordance with plans and specificatiens covering construction in the 3700 to 3900 blocks of Bellaire Blvd., which is in the City of Southside, however, the following request was made: . "we wish to call to your attention that during the process of this construction one of the shrubbery units have been removed from the es- planade of Bellaire Blvd. This shrubbery was placed by the Ladies Garden Club of Southside Place, and consisted of two oleander bushes, two small hedge like shrubs, and a cluster of narcissUs. It is requested that when construction work has been completed by another Utility Company, that your City replace this shrubbery in such a manner as to match that now existing." The City Manager was instructed to make necessary arrangements with Mr. Miller of Southside to replace the shru.bbery as requested. Moti0n by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissio1'ler Davis, that the Engineer's FinaT Estimate te the Texala Constructien Company in the amount of $9,166.30 be approved for payinent as recommended by the City Engineer. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Pro tem Reeve; Commissioners Davis and Galbrai tb. None Engineer's Final Estimate in the amount of $6,279.96 for installation of' a 6 x 6 Ft. bex type storm sewer extension to the Academy Street drainage system was submitted for considerati0n. The Cit,r Manager advised that provisions of' a contract with Mr. Edward L. Mitchell, owner of the Sparkle Car Wash, Inc., required him to pay in cash one-half of the cost of building the 6 x 6 Ft. storm sewer extension plus $.53.00 the city had previously paid for excavation and that the amount due by the city as final settlement of the contract with W. E. Worthen, Contractor, amounted to $3,086.98, and the amount due by Edward L. Mitchell amounted to $3,192.98. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner DaVis, that the con.-.. strn.ction of the 6 x 6 Ft. reinforced concrete box storm. sewer extension to the Academy Street drainage system be approved and accepted in accordance with the City Engineer's recommendation and that payment in the amount of' $3,086.98 be authorized and that the City Manager be instructed to obtain payment from Mr. Edward L. Mitchell. in the amount of' $3,192.98 for his proportionate share for the constrUction of the project. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Pro tern Reeve; Commissioners Davis and Galbraith None Engineer's Final Estimate to Britt Construction Company, Inc., in the amount of $6,800.00 together with a certification that the 16" water line to connect the new 1..5 million galloD reservoir to the main pumping plant had been con- structed in accordance with plans and specifications, was submitted to the Commission for consideration. T ~'~~rO-'~1 ,. '1 -r , i 64 Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that the construction 0f the 16" water line on Milton Street constructed by Britt Construct.ion Company, Inc., be approved and accepted as recommended by the City Engineer and the Final Estimate in the amount of $6,800.00 be approved for payment. . Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Pro tem Reeve; Commissioners Davis and Galbraith None Commissioner Davis asked to be excused from the meeting as he had been ill for the past few days and did not feel well. The City Engineer submitted a letter from the Southwestern Laboratories whereby they agree~to inspect the field erection of the two ground level water storage reservoirs bl!ing erected by the Banks Moreland Company on the following basis: In.spector's time on two tanks.......$285.00 Twenty one Radiographs @ $6.00 ..... 126.00 '!he Engineer stated that the inspectiGn details noted in the letter were sufficient to insure SGund construction and acceptable finished reservoirs and that the estimated cost was in line with original conversations. Motion by Mayor Pro'tem Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that the proposal submitted by the Southwesterl'l Laboratories to inspect the field erection. ~f the two ground water storage reservoirs on Milton Street for the approximate amount of $411.00 be accepted and their services engaged. Voting Aye: Veting No: Mayor Pro tem Reeve, Commissioner Galbraith None Minlites of the meeting of April 8, 1957, were. read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~~ ~yor, City of West University PlaCe ATTES T: City Secretary ---'-.'~. .1'~'~-"'T~-'o"r~~-.- -T' "1 r i-' (,Y;) OJ '1"""1 ei: !!"..::t ~r1 0.-,,,,, I~----'" 65 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MAY 13, 1957 TIle City COImnission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, May 13, 1957, 7:30 P.M. :with the following members present: Mayor Hammond, presiding; Commissioners Brown, Davis, Galbraith and Reeve. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Brown. As requested by the Commission, the City Manager made a report on a claim filed with Traveler's Insurance Company for reimbursement of legal expenses in connection with a law suit involving two members of the Police Department in Case No. 455,540. A letter from Traveler's insurance Company dated April 30, 1957, stated unfaithful performance was not proven; therefore, there was no obligation for Traveler's to reimburse the city for expenses on this case. The City Manager was instructed to request the Insurance Committee to deter- mine if a comprehensive liability policy could be written to protect the city in event 01' similar situations and also in event 01' 1'alse claims. Details of a contract with Ayrshire Corporation for sanitary sewer service 1'urnished by the City of West University Place were submitted. It was ex- plained that an invoice had been mailed to .Ayrshire Corporation on March 28, for $3,000.00 which represented the charge for Section 13 of Ayrshire Addition on which section the plat was filed for record on May 9, 1956. Officials of the Ayrshire Corporation objected to full payment of this invoice as only 14 lots in Section 13 had been developed prior. to the time the City of Houston made sanitary sewer service available. They were willing however to pay the city $1,400.00 for the 14 connections which had been made. Mayor Hammond and the City Manager advised they had consulted with Mr. David Hannah, PreSident of the Ayrshire Corporation and had agreed to accept $1,400.00 as 1'ull settlement. Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by qommissioner Davis that action taken by Mayor Harmnond agreeing to accept $1,400.00 as fullfilment of the contract with Ayrshire Corporation be ratified. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond, Commissioners Brown, Davis ,Galbraith and Reeve None Commissioner Reeve, Chairman of the Auditing Committee, reported that pro- posals had been received from Mr. Everett P. Green and Mr. Warren Buttelmann both Certified Public Accountants, for auditing the records and accounts of the city for the present year January 1, 1957, to December 31, 19~7, Commissioner Reeve stated in a letter presented to the Commission that both proposals appeared to be completely in order, however, it was the Comrnittee's recommendation that the services of Mr. Everett P. Green be engaged as his proposal stated a definite price for completion of the work whereas Mr. Buttelmann's did not indicate a specific amount he would charge for performing the audit. Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that an agree- ment be entered into with Hr. Everett p. Green for auditing the records of '~--T'~~,-'" f;--'" .-r"".-.,-------r"---.-'--..-'~..----.......Tl .I' . Ii 66 the city for the period January 1, 1957 to December 31, 1957, in accordance with Mr. Green's letter dated April 22, 1957. V oting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond, Commissioners Brown, Davis, Galbraith, and Reeve None In compliance with action taken by the City Commission on March 25, 1957, the City Attorney presented the following amendment to the Lease Agreement between the City and Mr. Edward L. l\1itchell, owner of the Sparkle Car Wash, Inc., 4213 Bellaire Blvd. whereby four gasoline pumps could be installed on the property leased from the city instead of only two as provided for in the Lease Agreement dated January 31, 1957: LEASE AMENDNF.NT THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS : KNOW ALL MEN BY 'IHESE PRESEN'IS THAT: . . WHEREAS, on the 14th day of November, 1955, the City of West University Place, a municipal corporation, in Harris County, Texas, as Lessor, and Edward L. Mitchell, of Harris County, Texas, as Lessee, entered into a certain Lease Agreement covering a certain tract of land 60 feet by 250 feet out of the Peter W. Rose Survey, Abstract 645, in Harris County, Texas, fronting 60 feet in the 4200 block of Bellaire Boulevard in Houston, Texas, and being more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached to and made a part of said Lease Agreement, to which reference is here made for all purposes,; and WHEREAS, the said above mentioned Lease Agreement was amended. in certain respects by Lease Amendment executed on January 31, 1957, by said Lessor and Lessee, and by Sparkle Car WaSh, Inc., Assignee.of said Lessee, to which amendment reference is here made for all purposes; and WHEREAS, in paragraph 2C of said Lease Agreement, as amended, it is provided that Lessee may install at a location in the rear part of said demised premises not more than two gasoline pumps, along with necessary underground tanks, connections and appurtenances for the purpose of sale of gasnline therefrom by Lessee; and WHEREAS, said Lessor, Lessee and Assingnee of Lessee, hereinabove mentioned, desire to amend said numbered paragraph 2C of said Lease Agree- ment, as amended, so that Lessee shall be permitted thereunder to install at the-location above .indicated four such gasoline pumps along with necessary underground tanks, connections and appurtenances in connection therewith. NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations paid by Lessee and said Assignee of Lessee to Lessor, the receipt whereof is hereb,r acknowledged, and in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein and in said Lease Agreement, as amended, said Lessor, Lessee and said Assignee of Lessee do hereby agree with each other and bind themselves as follows, towi t: -----;r , i 67 1. Numbered paragraph 20 of said Lease Agreement, as heretofore amended, is hereby further amended by deleting the same in its entirety and by substituting therefor the following paragraph: "C.Installation at a location in the rear part of said demised premises of not more than four gasoline pumps and necessary underground tanks, connections, and appurtenances in connection therewith and the sale by Lessee of gasoline therefrom.ll ~!r 2. For the same considerations hereinabove recited, Lessor does hereby grant, lease and let unto said Lessee the lands described in said Exhibit 'tAU attached to and made a part of said Lease, for the purposes set out therein, in all things in accordance with the terms and provisions thereof as the same has heretofore been amended and as the SaIne is hereby amended, and said lease, as amended, is hereby expressly ratified, approved and con- firmed. (:'YJ C) 'r""'l < = 3. The terms and provisions of said Lease Agreement, as heretofore amended and as hereby amended, shall extend to the heirs, representatives, successors and assigns of each of the parties to this agreement. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that the amendment to the Lease Agreement betrleen the City and Nr. Edward L. Mitchell President of the Sparkle Car Wash, Inc., 4213 Bellaire Boulevard, be accepted and authorization given for Mayor Hammond to execute the instrument a.s read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis ,Galbraith and Reeve. None A letter from the Y.M.C.A. outlining plans for the summer swimming instruction program to be held at the West University SWiJnn?ing Pool and also the prospec- tive budget for the program was submitted for consideration by the City Com- mission. The program was approved by all members of the 6ommission as outlined. In accordance with instructions of the City Commission, the City Manager pre- sented a study and report of the financial condition of th~ cityts tax: supported funds. After reviewing the report it was officially accepted and referred to the Finance Committee for consideration. . Resolution No. 57-12, as follows, was submitted to the Commission for consid- erationand read in full: WHEREAS, the CitY. of West Un.iversity Place, currently, has capital available in the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund, Tax Revenue Sinking Fund, Street Improvement, 1948, Fund, which will not be required for operating expenses until the next fiscal year; AND, WHEREAS, it is d~emed to be to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; T.-~~C:ClC:"'C:': :cl=~_~COI _ . ___ r--.'-- .'-~~~'o-"'c.'cc".~.~_~c_--c~~ __----.J:'..--.-'--~-,._.-. ti~ AND, WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and expenditures of these Funds, as anticipated until maturity of this investment, will preclude a fund deficit: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 'IRE OITY COMMISSION OF THE CI'IY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to: $10,000 from Street Improvement-1948 Fund for a period of 12 months $10,000 from" II II II 1\ 1\ It II $ 6,250 from II II " II II II II .11 $ 1,500 from 11 II It It 1\ II II II $ 9,000 from Tax Revenue Sinking Fund for a period of 6 months $10,000 from II II . II It II II II II II It $ 3,950 from Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund for 12 months $ 1,500 from II It II II II It It II Notion by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that Resolu.. tion 57-12 directing the C~ty 'r.reasurer to invest funds from Street"Improve- ment Fund, 1948, amounting to $10,000, $10,000, $6,250 and $1,500; from the Tax Revenue Sinking Fun:aamounting to $9,000 and $10,000; and from the Sani- tary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund, amounting to $3,950 and $1,500, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond, Commissioners Brown,Davis, Galbraith and Reeve. None City Attorney, Charles Cockrell, presented a report on progress being made to abate certain violations of the Zoning Ordinance which had been referred to him by the Oity Commission. Mr. Oockrell stated he had written letters to, and personally contacted each of the parties involved, but that no definite conclusion had been reached at this time nor any injunction or suit filed against the offenders. Mr. Cockrell stated that a deed transferring Lots 14 & 15, BloCk 15, College- vie~1 3rd Addition to the West University Baptist Church for property owned by the church had been prepared and was ready to exchange for a similar deed with the church. The City Manager advised that the Fire Chief was having considerable diffi- culty in employing someone to serve as relief fireman during vacations for the amount of $210 per month as provided for in the salar.y schedule and stated that one of the Volunteer Firemen, Larr.y Schumway, had agreed to work at this position for the summer at $240.00 per month. Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that the City Manager be authorized to increase the salar.y for a relief fireman to $240.00. per month. Voting Aye: Voting No: Hayor Hammond, Commissioners Brolom,Davis,Galbraith and Reeve None ----;r "". "'" \.,'.,J r""-;"" ~'" M ".~ <t ::t1 69 City Manager Whitt Johnson was authorized by the City Commission to attend the Texas City Nanager1s Convention in Orange, Texas, on the dates of May 20 to 22. Minutes of the meeting of April 22, 1957, were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time,upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. _ A'ITES T: Gity Secretary c" .''"'T---.----.--rq'---- , .h.-___~____~___.."-'- ~~ ity of West University Place '- 10 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY CO}ll.USSION MAY 27, 1957 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall, Monday, May 27, 7:30 P .H. with the following members present: Mayor Hammond, presiding; Commissioners Brown, Davis and Galbraith. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. Commissioner Reeve was absent for business reasons. ' The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Davis. Mr. Horace Elrod, ~~ager of the SVlim~ing pool appeared before the Commission at the request of the City Manager to explain the need and desirability of closing the swimming pool during the noon hour for two purposes: (1) to permit use of the pool by the swimming team for training and work-outs which involve instructions to some 65 to 90 boys and girls, and (2) to utilize the closing time as a lunch hour and clean-up period for the pool and bathhouse. There had been some previous difference of opinion among participants of the pool as to the desirability of closing during the noon hour. After hearing the facts and determining it would be most advantageous to the o"\Ter all operation of tire swimming pool, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the hours heretofore established for use of the swimming pool be amended so that the pool will be closed during the period 12 noon to 1:15 p.m. each day, Monday through Saturday for the purpose of (1) permitting use of the pool by the swimming team for training and work-outs, and (2) utilizing the time as a lunch hour and clean-up period for the pool and bathhouse, as requested by the manager of the swimming pool. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown,Davis,Galbraith None Minutes of meetings of the Zoning and Planning Board held on ~Iay 14 and 16 were submitted to the Commission for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the request of Mr. B. A.Lanford, 2927 University Blvd. for permission to build onto the front of his existing garage approximately S feet which would extend into the required setback area be denied as recommended by the Zoning & Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown,Davis,Galbraith None Mr. Chas. D. l>'iehr, 2730 Sunset Blvd. appeared before the Commission in re- lation to his application for the construction of an addition to his existing home which would extend 4~ feet into the rear yard setback requirement or 1St feet from the rear property line which had been denied by the Zoning Board on May 16. Mr. Mehr pointed out to the Commission th?,t,thebasic Zoning Or- dinance No. 111 had been amended previously to;BJ~,~it~,;~.i\;Itiilar requests and ~'"::"~.::-::~'r!;:.-~~-=":':"":::-:-=~=~-~-~~':"""=-.;:-",;,-~=>-,-,-",,,,,,-~"o=""C"''''''"'''~E''I: _ _ _ _----a: 11 cited two specific cases. Mr. Mehr presented a petition signed by all property owners residing within a 200 foot radius of his property stating they had no objections to Mr. Mehr making improvements to his heme to extend into the rear yard setback requirement. Based upon the favorable attitude of his neighbors and the fact that the zoning ordinance had previously been amended for similar requests Mr. Mehr asked that a public hearing be called to c.onsider his building application. Ci'~) W ,..~j .~~~t .ef ::r:; Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that a public hearing be called for 7:30 P.M. June 24, to consider the possibility of amena.- ing the city's zoning ora.inance to permit the erection of an addition to the existing residence at 2730 Sunset Blvd. to extend 4~ feet into the rear yard setback requirement as requested by Mr. Chas. D. Mehr. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond, Commissioners Brown, Davis and Galbraith. None Engineer's Estimate No.1, for Banks Moreland Company, in the amount of $40,210.20 for construction of the 1.5 million gallon ground storage water reservoir was submitted for consideration. Motion by Commissioner ~avis, seconde<llby Commissioner Galbraith, that Estimate No.1, in the amout of $40,210.20 for ~anks Moreland Company for construction of the 1.5 million gallon ground storage water reservoir be approved for payment. ! Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hanmond, Commission~rs Brown, Davis and Galbraith. None i Mayor Hammond stated that each member ~f the City Commission had been furnished a copy of the annual aua.it report for ~he period January 1 to December 31, 1956, as preparea. by Phillips, Sheffiela., Hopson, Lewis and Luther, and that it was now in ord~r for the Commission to acc~pt the audit report or offer any objec- tions to its contents and preparatian.1 l"Iotion by Commissioner Brown, secondedi by Commissioner Galbraith that the Audit report for the period January l,ito December 31, 1956, prepared by Phillips, Sheffield, Hopson, Lewis andl Luther be accepted as submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond, COlllll1ission~rs Brown, Davis and Galbraith. None Mayor Hammond stated that City officiails. haa. for the past four or five years been confronted with the problem of ob~aining additional income for operation of the general fund departments and th~t expenditures had exceea.ea. income during these years and it had been nec~ssary to transfer funds from the Water Department to offset deficitfiI'l..ancingi. :tvIayor Hromnond stated there WaS no other choice than to increase taxes to' obtain the ada.itional income. The following recommendation from the Fmap.ce Committee was submitted: lIWe recommend to the City Commiss'ion that a 20% increase be made in the assessea. tax valuations of West Ubiversity Place, effective with the tax roll for the year 1957, in order to insure availability of funds for maintaining our present stand~rds. II ~__ --'--- __~___n J-'--[~C",: --~~----~:::::r---~-'--'--.,--_______==[: - .- ,------------- ------- .--~_-~:::r i' 72 After reviewing a written report of the financial, condition of tax supported funds which the City Commission instructed the City Hanager to prepare, and the action and recommendation of the FiI'l.ance Committee, there appeared no other available source of additional income other, than from increasing assessments on advalorem taxes. Motion by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the rec- ommendation of the Finance Committee in regard to increasong tax assessments be accepted and approved and that the City Tax Assessor-Collector be author... ized and instructed to increase all assessed tax valuations by 20% to become effective with the current year's taxes. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis and Galbraith None In order to proceed with the increasing of the assessed tax valuations and in compliance with charter provisions for appointment of an Equalization Board the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that Messrs, O. C. King, Charles Wall and Wm. E. Arnold be appointed to serve as a Board of Equalization during the year 1957 . Voting Aye: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis and Galbraith Voting No: None Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Gommissioner Davis, that Mr. David G. Wynne be appointed as an alternate member of the Board of Equali- zation during the year 1957. Voting Aye: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis and Galbraith Voting No:' None Resolution 57-13, 8.S follows, was submitted to the Connnission for considera- tion and' read in full: WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of ~[est University Place, Texas, in regular session on May 13, 1957, passed and approved Resolution No. 57-12; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 57-12 directed the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $19,000.00 from the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund for a period of six mont,hs; and WHEREAS, the $19,000.00 from the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund should not have been included in the Resolution, as this amount had been trans- ferred from the General Fund as a temporary loan and not available for investment; NOifJ, 'I'HEID~FORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TI1..E CITY COMI"1ISSION OF THE CITY OF \-JEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; r'~~"~'~,~~-~"'~~~"''-J r' --~V"~""~""l 73 That Resolution No. .57-12, passed and approved on the 13th day of May" 1957", be and it is hereby amended to omit authorization :for the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $19,000.00 from the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund for a period of six months. ~10tion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that Resolu- tion 57-13 amending Resolution 57-12 to omit authorization fon the City Treas- urer to invest funds amounting to $19,000.00 from the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund for a period of six months, be passed and approved as read. C"J 0:; 'i"""'l .~ .......~... ~ ~."'>"'i ".;..., Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor HaIr.tIl1ond; Commissioners Brown, Davis and Galbraith None A letter from the Y.W.C.A. requesting use of the Community Building for their summer classes each Monday and Thursday night during the month of June was presented to the Commission. Motion by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Davis that the Y.W.C.A. be permitted to use the Community Building each Monday and Thursday night during the month of June for 'their summer classes, on the same basis as pre- viously rented. Voting Aye: Voting No": Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis and Galbraith None The City Manager stated that there was a need for a small piece of office equipment to reproduce copies of certain records and that various types of equipment had been demonstrated and it was determined that the Kodak Verifax machine was most suitable for the city's purpose and could be purchased for $395.00 Motion by Commissioner DaviS, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that the City Manager be authorized to purchase one Kodak Verifax copier machine :for the sum of $395.00. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis and Galbraith None The City Attorney presented a Resolution in accordance with previous instruc- tions concerning the transfer of funds from the General Fund to the Health Fund for the purpose of making final payment for the city's proportionate . share of the Harris County Air and Water Pollution progre.m budget. . RESOLUTION 57-14 WHEREAS, it was determined by the City Commission in regular session on April 8, 1957, that the sum of NU1"E HUNDRED SIXTY-EIGHT & 66/100 ($968.66) DOLLARS' should be paid to Harris County Air and Water Pollution program; and WHEREAS, the City Commission instructed the City Manager to transfer $968..66 from the General Fund of said City to the Health Fund of said City in order that such payment could be made to Harris County, such transfer of 74 funds to be considered as a temporary loan from the General Fund to the Health Fund and such amount was to be repaid to the General Fund during the 1958 fiscal year of said City; and \mEREAS, such transfer of funds was made pursuant to the instructions of the City COTIlJllission and said City Commission desires to ratify and con- firm such action by formal resolution: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CI'lY COMJVIISSION OF THE CITY OF l"J"EST UNIVERSIT.fPLACE, TEXAS: 1. That the action of transferring the sum of $968.66 from the General Fund of the City of West University Place to the Health Fund of the City of West University Place for the purpose of making payment to Harris County for the City's participation in the Harris County Air and Water Pollution program be, and it is hereby, in all things ratified and confirmed. 2. That the sum of $968.66 shall be paid by the Health Fund to the General Fund during the 1958 fiscal year of the City of West University Place in full payment of the amount so transferred. Motion by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that Resolu- tion 57-14 ratifying the action of transferring the sum of $968.66 from the General Fund to the Health Fund for the purpose of making final payraent to Harris County for the city's participation in the Harris County Air and Water Pollution program be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: .. Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis and Galbraith Voting No: None City Engineer J. I. Cornelison submitted detail plans for construction of a warehouse and storage building for the Street for consideration. Mr.. Cor- nelison stated the specifications had not been con~leted but final plans and specifications would be submitted to the Commis::don withirf the next thirty days. Minutes of the meeting of May 13, 1957, were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. . . ~ ' . /-- ~/~~ ~ty of weSt University te, Texas AT 'lEST: City Secretary _: .-'~--- r"'::~_:-_-:'-::-~:='=- '''O-''''~:'-~~',=::~r~.- . ___ l:"~-:"C.,,"-- '-0- .-c.,..., --,,.,,,,,,,.,,,,__'c-cc ~~'-r -~-- 15 REGULAR TYIEETING OF CITY CO}J}IISSION JUNE 10, 1957 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, 7:30 P.M., June 10, 1957, with the follo"V!ing members present: Mayor Pro tem Reeve presiding; Commissioner Brown, Davis and Galbraith. 'Ihe City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Nayor Harmnond was absent as he was out of the city on vacation. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Brown. CY'J 0') 't'-I ~ .~ ~ The City Manager called to the Comrnission's attention the action taken on December 10, 1956, concerning the investment of $7,000.00 from the Trust Agency Fund in U. S. GQverrunent Bonds. The investment had not been made upon advice received from one of .the banks that a higher rate of interest could be obtained from another form of investment and could be made on a short term basis and funds would not be restricted for an excessive ~Qount of time. Motion qy Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that the action taken by the City Commission on the date of December 10, 1956, authorizing the investment of $7,000.00 from the Trust 'Agency Fund in U. S. Government Bonds be rescinded and that the foll0Wing Resolution No. 57-15 authorizing investment of funds from this account in the University Savings and _Loan Association, be passed and approved: RES~LUTION NO. ~7-l~ ~J1:JEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the Trust Agency Fund which will not be required for immediate repayment to Water Consumers; and; WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to. the best interest of the City that such funds be invested in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; and, WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly receipts and disbursements of this Fund will preclude a fund deficit; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY- THE CITY C ONIlISS ION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, THAT the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $9,000.00 from the Trust Agency Fund in the University Savings and Loan Association, Houston, Texas, for an indefinite period of time and until ordered withdrawn by the City Commission. V otingAye: Vo.ting No: Mayor Pro tern Reeve; Commissioners Brown, Davis and Galbraith IlJone Mr. Wm. C. Buschardt, Jr., 4144 Ruskin, appeared before the Commission and requested that consideration be given to the replacing of street name signs 1rJh:Lch were badly deteriorated. Mr. Buschardt stated that the street signs were erected some 10 years ago through a program sponsored by the West Univer- sity Civic Club where property owners contributed for the purchase of the signs. c:=::=___ -~~E=:"c3C'"'=c:c_~<:=-- _ _ ____c- .-' - - - '=~-==O-_-C=--""~:'1 __ _-----.J-- 76 }myor Pro tern Reeve advised Mr. Buschardt that this matter had been considered during the preparation of the present budget but some $800.00 to $1,000.00 "liaS not available at the time for this purpose. The City Commission agreed to investigate the possibility of replacing a certain number of signs until all have been completely restored. It was brought to the attention of the City Commission that a formal notice should be given regarding the increase of advalorem taxes by 20%. Notion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner BrOlm, that the proper legal notice be prepared by the City Attorney and published in the Houston Chronicle announcing the City Commission's decision to increase all advalorem taxes by 20% and that any and all taxpayers be privileged to appear before the Board of Equalization to be heard in the matter. Voting Aye: Mayor Protem Reeve; Commissioners Brown, Davis and Galbraith Voting No: ~None City Attorney Charles Cockrell presented a progress report on the four zoning violations which had been assigned to him for investigation and abatement. Mr. Cockrell stated that Hr. H. W. Hawley, 4247 Emory had taken down and removed the lean-to which he had constructed on the front of his residence as a carport. Mr. T. R. Rawlings, 3933 Case, had agreed to get rid of all plumbing supplies which had been delivered to him and stored in his g~rage. Mr. E. L. l;1illiams, 6648 Buffalo Speedway, had employed Attorney Rex: Clausen to handle his case and Mr. Clausen had agreed to a conference to reash a decision as to whether or not Mr. Williams would willingly refrain from renting his garage apartment. No contact had been made or action taken by ~lr. Preston McG;ilvray, 3419 Carnegie, regarding the rental of a garage apartment. The City Commission instructed Attorney Charles Cockrell to pursue each of these zoning violations until the violation has ceased or else corrective action has been obtained through injunctive measures or court proceedings. City Attorney Charles Cockrell stated that Mr. Byron Sadler of the Village of Bunker Hill had called him and made inquiries as to whether or not the city's jail could be used their Police Department. After discussing the matter as to the city's position concerning the liability of a prisoner of another city and whether or not official jailer and assistant jailer should be appointed, the following action was taken: t10tion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that the Nayor be granted authority to execute an agreement with the Village of Bunker Hill for use of the city's jail provided liability and the question of an official jailer and assistant has been satisfactorily answered by the City Attorney. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Protem Reeve; Commissioners Brmm, Davis and Galbraith None ~~l'~""""~i':'"~~~'~~~'--r'"'.'''''''.''''".''''''''- , ,." ,- 77 The City Manager was requested to advise the owner of the property located at 3932 Ruskin Street that the oleander shrubs which create a traffic hazard at the intersection of Stella Link and Ruskin Street must be removed or the hazard eliminated immediately. IVJ:otion by Commissioner Brown, seconded_ by Commissioner Davis, that Fire Chief C. E. Duffin and Captain J. D. A11stott be authorized to attend the State Firemen's Convention to be held in Waco, June 10, 11, 12 and 13, with reason- able expenses paid. Ct') 0) M ,>::~, -et ~ V" 0 ting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Pro te."'ll Reeve; Commi::;sioners Brown, Davis and Galbraith None Minutes of the Meeting of May 27, 1957, were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~~~4 V ayor, City of West University Place, Texas ATTEST: City Secretary ~ .--"-----r~~'""'=".="~~---r=~,.--."--,--~-.,..--c-T------- -, -, 1-- 78 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COHNISSION JUNE 24, 1957 The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday, June 24, 1957, 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall with the follo\'ling members present: Mayor pro tern Reeve, presiding; Commissioner Brown and Davis. The City Hanager and City Attor.ney were also present. lYlayor Hammond and Commissioner Galbraittr were absent as they were out of the city on vacation. A' The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Pro tern Reeve. In compliance l-Ji th Notice duly published in the official newspaper of the city and notices mailed to all property mmers within a radius of 200 feet of Lot 4, Block 2, Evanston Addition, Mayor Pro tem Reeve announced that a public hearing was in order to consider amending Ordinance No. 111 to permit an addition to the existing house which would extend 4t feet into the rear yard setback requirement, or 15t feet from the rear property line, as requested by the owner, !vIr. Charles D. Mehr. Mayor Pro tern Reeve asked that all who wished to be heard stand and be sworn. The Proponents desiring to be heard and receiving the oath were Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Mehr, Mr. Paul Lucas, 2725 Albans; Mr. John G. DUdley, 2727 Sunset; and Mr. G. T. BOWden, 2801 A1bans. Opponents receiving the oath were Messrs. Horace Rice, A. G. DaviS, Chas. Wilson, Dupree Holman and Roy Maley. In a..'1swer to questions by the City Attorney, "\fuitt Johnson, City Manager, having been duly sworn by Mayor Pro tem Reeve, testified that legal notice had been published in the official newspaper of the city and all property owners within a radius of 200 feet of Lot 4, Block 2, Evanston Addition had been notified of the hearing to be held at 7:30 P.M., June 24, 1957, to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance as requested by IvIr. Charles D. Mehr. . ]VIr. Mehr outlined his request and pJ;'esented a petition signed by all resi- dents residing wi thin 200 feet of his property stating they had no objection to his proposed improvements. . Mr. Paul Lucas stated he had reviewed :Hr. Mehrfs plans for enlargement of his home and had no objections and believed it would materially increase the values of the neighborhood. He stated that he lived immediately north of and to the east of Mr. Mehr and felt that an exception to the zoning ordinance would not congest the L~ediate neighborhood. Mayor Pro temasked Hr. Mehr if he had given consideration to rearrangement of his plans to comply with the rear setback requirement. Hr. IvIehr stated that he had but that 11 shortening up of the bedroom would ruin his driveway area, trees and appearance of the rear yard.n He stated that he could not justify the expenditure of some $15,000 for improvements to his home if the rooms had to be of insufficient size. 19 Mr. Dupree Holman stated that he was in sympathy with Hr. Hehr's request but he would like to speak in behalf of' upholding the zoning ordinance. fIr. HoLllan stated upon investigation, the F .H.A. had stated that setback lines were the most important factors in new subdivision regulations and that proper the adequate setback lines effected the loan value. Mr. Hol- man brought up the question of adherence to the setback requirement as a sound practice to eliminate congestion both from the standpoint of in- habitants and structures. Ct:1 r~?I-,\ \....1.; }tIre A. G. Davis spoke in behalf of the Zoning Board '"and stated that one exception to the zoning ordinance encouraged others and even though he was sympathetic to the application he did not consider it desirable to - make an exception. '1"""1 'i:~t ~ >,!""l ;..-.....--d Mrs. Charles D. Mehr stated that their reason for not designing the plans to extend the new ad~tion to the center of the lot was not because of losing a valuable tree but would lose window space and obstruct the exterior of the present den. She felt that the present design was more appealing to the neighbors and that she and her husband had no desire to violate zoning regulations. - Hr. Roy Maley stated that he was also sympathetic to Mr. l1ehr's problem but the principal of zoning was the setback requirement and exceptions leave the door open for ultimate destruction of the zoning ordinance. City Attorney Charles Cockrell asked if there were any others present who desired to be heard with reference to the request and there being none, announced that a motion was in order to close the hearing. Motion by Comm. Davis, seconded by Comm. Brown, that the hearing called to consider amending Ordinance No. 111, to permit erection of an addition to the existing house on Lot 4, Block 2, Evanston Addition to extend 4t feet into the rear yard setback requirement as requested by Mr. Charles D.Mehr be closed. Voting Aye: V"oting No: ivIayor Pro tern Reeve; Commissioners Brown and Davis. None Mayor Pro tem Reeve announced that the Commission ~ould take a ten minute recess for the purpose of discussing facts in the case with the City Attorney. After the Commission reconvened, Mr. Mehr was asked if' he desired the Com- mission to make an immediate decision or if he desired to wait until Mayor Hammond and COIrmissioner Galbraith were present. Mr. Hehr stated that it was quite necessary that he obtain immediate decision as he had certain committ- ments from his contractor and the matter had-been pending before the Zoning Board and City Commission for some excessive length of time. The matter was considered by the City Commission and the following action taken: Motion by COrP,missioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the request of Mr. Mehr'to erect an addition to his existing home on Lot 4, Block 2, Evanston Addition to extend 4~ feet into the rear yard setback requirement be denied asrecomIllended, by t.1.re Zoning Board. L.~--'.'CTc': . :'=::T"'--"-~r'-- ~~ 1 _~l'""--- --- ",' ~ --:-_..._~ -. 80 Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Pro tem Reeve; Connnissioners Brown and Davis None Hinutes of meetings of the Zo:n:ing & Planning Board held on June 13, and June 14, wepe presented to the Commission for consideration, and the follow- ing action taken: Motion by Cormnissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Davis that no action be taken on the request of Mr. J. H. Barlow at this time, pending correction of the zoning minutes. Voting Aye: Voting No: l'Iayor Pro tem Reeve; Commissioners Brown and Davis None Motion by Cormnissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the request of :Hr. N. P. Wiley, 3502 Tangley, for permission to tear down an existing garage apartment on his premises at this address and move an 18 x 23 foot building onto the premises to be used as a servants quarters be approved subject to execution of an affidavit that the building will not be used for commercial or rental purposes, as recommended by the Zoning & ,Planning Board. Voting Aye: Vchting No: I-'Iayor Pro tern Reeve; Commiss ioners Brown and Davis None Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that the request of Mr. R. A. Piehl, 3006 Robinhood, for permission to construct a playroom over his present garage and to add a room on to the present house which would connect it onto ,the garage, be denied as recommended by the ~oning & Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Pro tem Reeve; Commissioners Brown and Davis None Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Connnissioner Brown, that the request of Mr. J. V. Lamb, 2735 Sunset, for permission to build a one-room servant's quarters qbove his present 26 x 18 Foot garage and utility room be referred back to the Zoning Board for further consideration. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Pro tem Reeve; Commissioners Brown and Davis None The City Manager submitted a request from Chief of Police H. E. Shipp for permission to replace ten pistols for the Police Department. It was explained to the Commission that the ten pistols now used are in need of repairs which would cost approximately $20.00 each. Chief Shipp had received an offer of $40.00 for the present 38 caliber Smith & "lesson revolvers. Ne1-J 45 Colt automatics could be purchased at $52.55 each. Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Connnissioner Brown that 10 new 45 Colt automatics be purchased for the Police Department at $52.55 each and that the present 38 Caliber Smith & Wesson revolvers be sold for the sum of $40.00 each. T"'~'"~"~"r~~~"~'"'T r"'C~"'~'~"~' ,', 1 81 Final plans and specifications for construction of an equipment building and reinforced concrete retaining wall as prepared by Architect H. Keith Denny were presented for consideration. ~~. A. L. Bearden, Street Super- intendent explained the details of the plans. The City Manager, in accord- ance with previous instructions, presented a statement showing the method by which the City Commission proposed to finance the construction of the building and storage facilities. o 0 After reviewing the plans and specifications and considering all factors, the following action was taken: f"t"" \, '" (j) 'r"'l < ~ = Motion by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that bids be received until 7:30 P.M., July 22, 1957, for construction of a storage building and a retaining wall for the Street Department in accordance with plans and specifications submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Pro tem Reeve; Commissioners Brown and Davis None ., A statement of fees from Architect H. Keith DeIlll'lW amounting to $372.50 was presented for consideration. The original contract amounted to $200 and the additional $172.50 was for changes and additions to the plans. The City Manager requested approval for the additional $172.50. Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that Mr. H. Keith Denney be paid an additional amount. of $172.50 for architect's fees in connection with preparation of plans and design of the proposed equipment building and retaining wall. Voting Aye: V"oting No: Mayor Pro tem Reeve; Commissioners Brown and Davis. None Minutes of the meeting of June 10, 1957, were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Commission at this tL~e~ upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjou~ned. ATTEST: City Secretary T~"'~~~i:""~~~~-~F~~O"-"~""~"<'~"""~'''T-- nnr 82 REGULAR }:1EE~TING OF CITY COHHISSION JULY 8 ~ 19.57 The City Commission cOllVenedin regular session at the City Hall, Honday, July 8, 1957, 7:30 P .lvI., with the following members present: .Hayor Hanlllond, presiding; Commissioners Brown, Oavis, Galbraith and Reeve. The City Attor- ney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by COIT@issioner Galbraith. The City Manager stated tllat the 1.5 million gallon water storage reservoir had been completed by Banks Moreland Company. The reservoir had been tested, chlorinated and placed into service on June 18, 1957. City Engineer J. I. Cornelison presented a letter of compliance and acceptance with a fi~~l esti- mate in the amount of $9,539.89 to Banks Moreland Company for erection of the 1.5 million gallon water storage reservoir. Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that the final estimate in the amount of $9,539.89 to Banks Moreland Company for erec- tion of the 1.5 million gallon water storage reservoir be approved for payment as recommended by the City Engineer. Voting Aye: V oting No: Mayor F..ammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis, Galbraith and Reeve None Hotion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Cormnissioner Galbraith, that the statement of annual due.s :fo.. r the year ending June 30l 1958, for services from the League of Texas Municipalities in the amount of :jji225.oo be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Cow.missioners Brown, Davis, Galbraith and Reeve None The Commission was advised that the arm.ual Firemen's Training School was to be held at Texas A & M College during the week of July 21 to 26 and that Chief C. E.Duffin, Firemen Ben \iilcher and Sam Arnold, and Volunteer Fireman Bill f~rter had been selected to attend the school. Motion by Cow.missioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that authority be granted for Chief C. E. Duffin, Firemen Ben Wilcher and Sam Arnold; and Volunteer Firemen Bill Marter to attend the annual Firemen's Training School at Texas A &M College during the week of July 21 to 26, 1957, with reasonable expenses paid. Voting Aye: Voting No: }layor FJ8l11lTlond; Conmlissioners Brown, Davis, Galbraith and Reeve None The matter of providing City Employees with Federal Old Age and Survivor'S Insurance, (Social Security) was presented for discussion. Mr. Ed McCleskey, Chairman of the Personnel Board submitted a letter dated July 6, 1957, outlin- ing the Board's investigation of the matter with a recommendation that city employees be afforded an opportunity to participate in the Social Security program. }~. McCleskey's letter and minutes of the Personnel Board meeting of July,.l, follows: L ' . ---,---=-~--- -- ., _~_r~_ '~1 = C"'J cr,) '1"'""i ~: < >-<1 ..... , L 83 Honorable Mayor and City Cow~issioners: Gentlemen: The Personnel Board met on l'1onday, July 1, 1957, for the purpose of considering certain matters called to our'attention in your letter of Feb- ruary 6th. It appears that the most pressing matter, at this time, is a deter- mination as to whether or not City Employees should be afforded an oppor- tunity to participate in Old Age and Survivor's Insurance benefits. (Social Security) . Personnel data was submitted by the City Manager, with a discussion and statement concerning the costs and benefits of the Texas 1vlunicipal Retirement System, in which a majority of the City Employees are participatiIl.g now. It was determined that the City had amortized most of its prior service charges'under the Texas Municipai Retirement System, and that its present contribution rate amounted to 2.6%, as compared to 5% when the City first joined the program in 1950. After a thorough discussion, it was the oplnlon of the Personnel Board that efforts should be made by the City Commission to provide its City employees with comparable,benefits as afforded by industry and commerce, insofar as its financial ability will permit. The Board therefore took action to reconnnend that City employees be given an opportunity to partici- pate in the Old Age and Survivor's Insurance benefits. A copy of the minutes of the Board meeting of July 1, and a more detailed outline of the action on the subject, is attached. We believe this action should assist the City in retaining its present competent personnel and obtaining qualified employees in the future. Respectfully yours, (s ) Ed !VIcC leskey, Chairman Personnel Board NINUTES OF PERSONNEL BOARD MEETING July 1, 1957 The Personnel Board met on July 1, 1957, 12;00 noon with the following members present: Chairman Ed HcCleskey, presiding; Messrs. Lester DeWald, Thad Sanders, J. Claude !{orton. lvIr. \-li1 ton Roper, of Tennessee Gas Trans- mission Company and an. assistant to Mr. McCleskey, who specializes in social security, group life insurance and hospitalization insurance, was also present by special invitation. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman who asked City Manager 1rJhitt Johnson to explain the most pressing personnel problems at this time.' Hr. Johnson stated that. the most pressing persoTh'"lel problems at this time are: r,':":=:"j["""'",,':"oo"'l"::::J:"" _ _ _"r:'~"""'-'~'''~~~~'~:L'l ...=--r,- 84 I i I II :1 II I' i; b (1) advisability of social security for the employees, (2) a reVlSlon of personnel rules and regulations, and (J) a review and study of the present for.m of hospitalization ip~urance to determine if the present provisions are adequa te . A list of the city employees showing birth dates, employment dates, and the amount of cost for both the city and the employee for participation in the Old Age and Survivor I s Insura:nce prograJn. (Social ,Security) was pre- sented to the Board. The Board also reviewed a list of 13 employees who would be eligible for retirement within the next ten years. Mr. Wilton Roper explained the benefits to be derived from social security participa- tion. After considering the advisability of social security for employees and the benefits to be derived ,therefrom, the following action was taken: Motion by Mr. Thad Sanders, seconded by Mr. Lester DeWald that the Personnel Board recommend to the City Conunission that City Employees be 8.fforded the opportunity to participate in .the Old .Age and Survivor's Insurance Program (Social Security), and that the City Commission authorize an election among City Enlployees for the purpose of obtaining an expression of their desires and that the benefits of the program become effective July 1, 1957, if a majority of the eligible employees are favorable. V" oting Aye: All No: None Hospitalization.Insurance and Group Life Insurance was discussed and it was agreed that information should be obtained from other municipalities as to the types of insurance which had proved most beneficial and after a study is made, bids could be obtained from different insurance' firms if considered advisable. Mr. Roper agreed to make a study of the problem and report to the Board. No recommendations were made at this time. The matter of personnel regulations was discussed and the Board recom- mended that City Hanager lfJhitt Johnson work with the Chairman to formulate a proposed set of regulations and submit them to the Board for study and consideration. With no further business to come before the Board at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. " A personnel roster showing personnel data, including age, tenure of employ- ment,annual salary, etc., was presented by the City Manager. The schedule revealed that there were 13 employees ~ho w9uld be eligible to retire under the social security program within 10 years or less. It was considered de- sirable to begin participation during the year 1957, if proper arrangerrlents could be made with the State Depal~ment of Public Welfare which agency handles the social security program. ~~~--'---"""-'-TO'~'~'~[!'""~~':~::J--------::T~" .. ''''"l~--- .=r S5 The City COIlll1lission determined it advisable to enter into the social security program to afford employees comparable security as compared to industry and other municipalities insofar as the city's financial ability would permit. It would attract to, and enable the city to retain the best of personnel thus increasing the efficiency of its government. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by COIlll1lissioner brown, that an expression of the employees desire with respect to entering into the Federal Social Security Act be obtained and if favorable, the necessary proceedings be instituted to place the pro.gram into effect during 1957. C'fJ en M Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis, Galbraith and Reeve None ~.!t. A letter of resignation from Mr.. Robert A. ~ladeley as a member of the Zoning & Planning Board was presented to the Commission. Mr. Hade1ey explained that his company had transferred him to Corpus Christi. <t ~~ Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by COIDnlissioner Galbraith, that the resignation of Nr. Robert A. Hadeley as a member of the Zoning & Planning Board be accepted with regrets. Voting Aye: Voting No: ~1ayor Hannnond; Commissioners Brown, Davis, Galbraith and Reeve None I10tion by Conunissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that ].VIr. Horace Rice, alternate member be appointed to full status as a member of the Zoning & Planning Board to filL.the vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. Robert Madeley. Voting Aye: Voting No: ~~yor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis, Galbraith and Reeve None The following letter was submitted by Commissioner Paul G. Reeve: :tv1a.yor James W. Hammond: "In accordance with our conversation of last Saturday, I find it neces- sary to submit this letter of resignation from the City COIlli'11ission of the City of West University Place effective July 15, 1957. This action is taken with regret but is necessitated by our plans to move out of the city. I have thoroughly enjoyed the privilege of working with you and the other members of the City Corrnnission during my term of office. The many problems which have been handled by the Commission during that time have been interesting ones, and it is my sincer belief that our actions have always been in the best interests of the community. Again let me say that I am. VeF;{ sorry that it is necessary for me to resign, but I certainly wish the best for you and the other members of the COIlli'nission in the month to come. Sincerely (s) Paul G. Reeve 86 Motion by Commissioner Brown, secorrled by Commissioner Davis, that Cow~issioner Reeve's resignation be accepted with regrets. Voting Aye: Voting No: Hayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis, Galbrai t.h None Each member of the City Commission and the City Manager expressed their appreciation to Hr. Reeve for the valuable contributions made to the city as a member of the City Commission and their regret of his resignation. The City. Manager submitted a letter advising that Mr. Douglass Lloyd, 2931 Amherst is apparently violating the zoning ordinance according to complaints received and an investigation made by the Building Inspector. '!he City Hanager was instructed to correspond with Nr. Lloyd and call this to his attention and advise him of the, Zoning Ordi..nance violation of the single famil~ zoning provision and ask his compliance. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. hMt~ est University Place, Texas ATTEST: City Secretary ~=~::rr.=.':"==~=-=~-- ______'[":-:-:-0"--,." _.-----'~:'~ --< C"? .~ \v.f<-t '~-i ~ "~ ;::r.:; I.--~ 8'1' REGULAR l'mETING OF CITY COI"lllISSION JULY 22, 1957 The City Commission convened in regular session at, the City Hall on Nonday, July 22, 1957, 7:15 P .H., ''lith the following members present: Hayor Hammond, presiding; 'Commissioners Davis and Galbraith. The City 11anager and Assistant City Attorney were also present. Commissioner Brown was absent due to busi- ness reasons and the City Attorney was absent as he was out of the city on vacation. The Invocation was pronounced by Mr. Ralph Browning. l~yor Hammondannounced'that the meeting was being called early for the purpose of appointing an additional member to the City Commission to fill the unexpired term of Hr. Paul G. Reeve Ivho is moving from the city and sub- mitted his resignation effective July 15, 1957. Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that Mr. M. C. Halbert, be appointed as a member of the City Co~mission to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Paul G. Reeve whose resignation became effective July 15, 1957. Voting Aye: Voting No: l1ayor Hammond; Commissioners Davis and Galbraith None Upon invitation by Hayor Hamtnond, The Honorable Phil Peden, Judge of the County Court at Law, administered the Oath of Office to Mr. M. C.Halbert as Con~is- sioner of the City of West University Place. Mayor Hammond then announced that Hr. Reevefs resignation had also created a vacancy in the position of ~~yor Pro tern and it was now in order to select someone to fill this position. Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Conunissioner Halbert that Com~issioner Galbraith be appointed Mayor Pro tern. Voting Aye: Voting No: Nayor Hammond; Con~issioners Davis and Halbert None Judge Peden also administered the Oath of Office to Commissioner Galbraith as Mayor Pro tern. In compliance with Notice duly published in the official newspaper of the Cl~Y, bids received for construction of an equipment and storage building for the Street Departrnent and also for construction of a concrete retaining wall, were opened and results announced as follows: S'IORAGE BUILDING BIDS:- Chambers Construction Go. General Builders, Inc., W. M. Corporation Bill Martin V~nes Construction Co. - $47,20'0'.00 47,885.00' 47,943.00 48,674.00 49,119.00' O. L. Allen Co. Janles B. Dent Gansh irt & Sims, Inc. - -IiJilliams Const. Co. - - $49.971.0'0 50:673.00 51,30'0.0'0 55,437.0'0 I:::c:'_~~"",~'-' _ __r~='~----'"---"~'-~ ,:1 -=- 88 Hotion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissiorler Galbraith that bids received for construction of an equipment and storage building for the Street Department be referred to the City l'1anager and City Engineer for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hanwond; Commissioners Davis, Galbraith and Halbert. None RETAINING 'ir/ALL BIDS:- Russ Mitchell, Inc. W. H. Corporation ~i. E. Worthen Ganshirt & Sims, Inc. - $5,924.50 6,025.18 6,453.00 6,596.50 o. L. Allen Co. - $7,026.19 General Builders.lnc. - 7,135.00 James B. Dent - 8,954.10 Williams Const. Co. 9,225.50 Motion by Cow~issioner Galbraith, seconded'by Cbmmissioner Davis, that bids received for construction of'a concrete retaining wall for the Street Depart- ment be referred to the City Manager and City Engineer for tabulation and recormllendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hffi,wond; Co~nissionersDavis, Galbraith and Halbert. None Hinutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning & Planning Board held on July 11, were submitted to the Cow~iss.ion for consideration. }ir. J. B. Lamb, 2735 Sunset Blvd., whose request for permission to build a servant's room over his present garage had been submitted to the Zoning Boarg, appeared before the Commission. Mr. Lamb advised the Comnlission that there had evidently been some misunderstanding on the part of the Zoning Board l\Tho had recommended approval of his verbal request subject to no bath facilities at their meeting on June 15, and reSCinded their action on July 11, as his written request dated July 5, and plans submitted, contained complete bath facilities. Mr. Lamb stated that he could not employ a servant. to live in the quarters without bath facilities, and that he would be willing to execute any desired instrument or affidavit to the effect that the structure would not be used for rental or commercial purposes. Motion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded by CO~fiis8ioner Davis, that the re- quest of Mr. J. B. Lamb, 2735 Sunset Blvd., for permission to build a servant's room over his existing garage be referred back to the Zoning Board for further study and recommendation. Voting A;le: Voting No: Hayor Ha'1Ullond; Commissioners Davis, Galbraith and Halbert None The request of ~~. John L. Buvens, 6032 Fordham, for permission to construct a concrete slab adjacent to his garage lA/hich 1rJOuld extend to within 3' 6" of the rear property line, was referred back to the Zoning Board with instructions to the Building Inspector and lIiater-Sevler Superintendent to furnish the Board with a list of an;{ utility lines l~hich may be effected, and for ill-forrnation to be furnished by the Zoning Board as to the purpose of the proposed concrete slab. , ---T""~~"~T,W'-'~'~'-"~"T-"-'- f' '- 001--- "---Y' .,--, ,. 89' A petition signed by 49 City Employees T.vho are members of the Texas ,Municipal Retiremen~ System was submitted to the Commission requesting action and approval to afford an opportunity for participation in the Federal Old Age and Survivors Insurance (Social Security). In this connection, Resolution 57-16 was presented for consideration and read in full: RESOLUTION 57-16 -At a regular meeting of the City Co~~ission of the City of West University Place, Texas, held on July 22, 1957, the question of providing Social Security for its employees was considered, and C<J 0') ''r'''f WHEREAS, Section 218 (d) of the Federal Social Security Act has been amended to permit coverage of municipalities having their own municipal retirement system, and, '<~~ ....,..p'. --~ ~ vJHEREAS, the employees of the City of vJest University Place, t..hrough com- mittee representation, have requested the City Commission by petition to invite the Texas Department of Public 1J,Jelfare to conduct an election by and for the employees of the said City of West University Place, Texas, who are members of the Texas Nunicipal Retirement System, to determine whether or not they wish to have Federal Old Age and Survivors' Insurance coverage (Social Security): .NOitJ THEREFORE, in order to meet the requirement of Section 218 (d) of the Social Security Act as amended, the City Commission of the City of \Vest I University Place, Texas, hereby requests the Texas State Department of Public Welfare to hold, as expeditiously as possible, a referendum of'the members of the Retirement System as required in Federal law and in House Bill 603, Acts of the 52nd Legislature of the State of Texas, 1951. Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Cor,~issioner Halbert that Resolution 57-16, requesting the Texas State Department of Public Welfare to hold a refer- endum election of the members of the Texas Municipal Retirement System who are employed by the City of West University Place, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Davis, Galbraith and Halbert V"oting No: None Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Davis that the follow- ing City Employees be appointed to serve as members of the election Board to conduct a referendum election among City Employees to determine their desires in participating in Federal Old Age and Survivors' Insurance (Social Security) program: 1fuitt Johnson, Chairman; r-1rs. Verna Hills, and Hr. G. p. Corr-y. Voting Aye: Voting No: I'1ayor Hammond; Commissioners Davis, Galbraith and Halbert None A letter from the City Manager advised the City Conmlission that member~ of the Fire Department had voted to increase their own participation in the Firemen's Relief Pension Fund from 1% of their total salary to 3%, provided the City would l'":'''~'-'1r''''''''' """,..,..,-'-----rT.- ----..'1'---- ------;r 90 do likewise; also to increase the paynlent from each volunteer fireman from $3.00 annually to $5.00 ap..llually. The City Nanager recommended that the City Cormnission approve the 2% increase of payments to the Firemen's Relief Pension. Fund as the Firemen are not eligible to participate in Social Security and this would place them on an equitable basis vdth other employees if the social se- curity program is accepted. Hotion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that tj1e city increase payment to the Firemen's Relief Pension FlITld from 1% to 3% for paid employees and from $3.00 to $5.00 annually for each volunteer Fireman, effective January 1, 1958, as requested by the Fire Department and reconrrnended by the Firemen I s Pension Board and the City Nanager. Voting Aye: Voting No: Hayor Hammond; Commissioners Davis, Galbraith and Halbert None The City Vmnager advised that the City Charter required adoption of a new budget for the coming year not later than August 31, 1957, and it was necessary that a public hearing be held during its consideration. Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that a public hearing he called for 7:30 P.},I., on the 26th day of August, 1957, for the purpose of considering a proposed budget for the city for the fiscal year beginning the 1st day of January, 1958, and ending the 31st day of December, 1958. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Davis, Galbraith and Halbert None A request from the Church of Christ, 3L.07 Bissonnet, for permission to con- struct an off-street parking area on the west side of Westchester Street adjacent to the church was considered. Notion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Conrrnissioner Halbert that the request of the Church of Christ for permission to construct an off-street asphalt parking area on the west side of Westchester adjacent to the church be approved in accordance with the recommendation of the City Engineer and subject to. their compliance with the city's specifications. Voting Aye: Voting No: Nayor Hammond; Commissioners Davis, Galbraith and Halbert None Plans and specifications for construction of a chain link fence around the 1.5 million gallon water storage reservoir and the proposed equipment storage building and retaining wall were discussed and approved. Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Corrffilissioner Galbraith, that bids be received until 7:30 P.M., August 12,1957, for furnishing and erecting a chain link fence around the 1.5 million gallon water storage reservoir and the street equipment storage building and retaining wall in the 3800 block Milton Street. Voting Aye: Voting No: l"iayor Harmnond; Commissioners Davis, Galbraith and Halbert None r"'l~i~~~-"'"~-=71 r~'-'"'"''''''''''''-~~''''~~'l ,r-' ~) OJ ~-i "'..-::( ~j' ><-')l'~ ...6; 91f' The Ci~ Engineer explained in detail the need for installation of one special type 16" nozzle for connecting the new 400,000 gallon water storage reservoir to a suction line at the booster plant. A letter from Banks IVloreland Company quoted an additional price to the original contract of $317.00 for fabricating this 16" pipe fitting; however, t1>10 nozzles called for in the origina.l contract could be deleted which would give the city a credit of $88.00 making a differ- ence in the additional price of $229.00. The Commission wa.s requested to appro:ve an amendment to the original contract, which '\-Jas in the amount of $19,364.00 to include the total additional amount of $229.00. Notion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the con- tract dated June 18,1956, with Banks Moreland Company in the amount of $19,364.00 for erection of a 400,000 gallon ground storage water reservoir be amended to include the amount of ~~229.00 as an additional price to fabricate a 16" special type shell pipe connection. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor H~~ond; Commissioners Davis, Galbraith and Halbert None A recommendation from the Chief of Police for "'l'rucks Prohibited" and "Speed Limit 30' MPH" signs to be placed on both sides of the street on Community Drive at Richmond Road on the north side of Richmond, and on Community Drive a Law Street was presented for consideration. Hotionby Commissioner Halbert, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that "Trucks Prohibi tedll and "Speed Li,mit 30 HPH" signs be placed on both sides of the street on Corr@unity Drive at Law Street as recow~ended by the Chief of Police. V"oting Aye: Voting No: Mayor H~~ond; Con~issioners Davis, Galbraith and Halbert None The City Manager asked the Commission to establish a policy for the cost of installing metal drainage pipe for private driveways. It was explained that a charge of $1.50 per lineal foot was being made which was only a partial cost of the pipe and the city was not being reimbursed for any part of the asphalt material or labor. A decision was made that a charge of $3.00 per lineal foot is to be made to property' owners who desire the installation of metal drainage pipe in the gutter at their driveway entrance. A request from the Sanitarian, C. E. Posey, for permission to dispose of filter gravel in the abandoned trickling filter at the old disposal plant was considered. The Cmmnission was advised that a bid of $1.00 per yard had been received for purchase of the gravel and it was estim~ted that there were about 120 yards to be disposed of. It was explained that the old tank not in use, which is about 34 feet in diameter and is cOl1..structed of 10" thick concrete could be used for storage, work shop, and other purposes if the gravel is removed and a roof con- struc ted. Notion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that gravel in the unused filter bed at the disposal plant be sold for $1.00 per cu. yd. Voting Aye: Voting No: 1'1ayor Hammond; Cow~issioners Davis, Galbraith and Halbert None . 'Pr--.---- 'J~--T- , i ~.~ IvIinutes of the meetings of June 24 and July 8, Ivere ree.d and approved as corrected. -iplith no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly w~de, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. t/' Hayor, City ATTEST: City Secretary . r~'i--'-~--n-~'~~~-~-"'=":1--- r '.. ----~.-I---- J ---r'T --- - --- -- , i 93 REGUIJtR lVIEETING OF' CITY COHl"IISSION ATTmT~'T' 1,' J 1957 The City Co&mission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, August 12, 1957, 7:30 P .N., with the fol1o~dng members present: Hayor Hammond, presiding; Commissioners Bro\m, Galbraith and Halbert. 'lhe City Jl.fanager and City Attorney were also present. Commissioner Davis was out of the city on vacation. The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor H~mnond. c'YJ C~j 'Ii""-I In compliance with Notice to Bidders duly published in the official newspaper of the City, qids received for construction of a chain link fence around the ~1ater and Street Department Plants on Hilton Street were opened and results announced as follows: .<1" ~ Southwest Fence Company Hurricane Fence Company Cyclone Fence Company PRO,JECT NO.1 $ 2,163.79 2,053.80 2,274.70 PRo,mCT NO _ ? $ b60.9S- 626.80 688.20 r-'[otion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by COIll.missioner Halbert, that bids received be referred to ~~e City Manager and City Engineer for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; COI1L.l'Jlissioners Brown, Galbraith and Halbert None 'Minutes of a special meeting of the Zoning Board on August 1, 1957, were sub- mitted for consideration and the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that the re- quest of Mr. B. A. Lanford, 2927 University Blvd., for pennission to build a carport adjacent to his present atta,ched garage fronting Belmont Street, which is 10 feet from the side property line, be approved as recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: r.fayor Hammond; COlTh.llissioners Bro~m, Galbraith and Halbert None Resolution 57-17, as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full: FESOLUTION 57-17 1rJHEFE,AS, the City of Illest University Place, currently, has capital available in the Swi.mming Pool Fund, the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund, the Street Improvement Bond Fund ;". 1948, and the S torm Se1~er Bond Eund -.Se);'ies 1948, i-Thich will not be required for operating expenses until the next fiscal year; AND HHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the bes_t interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit' investment i.."1 order to earn additioIllil revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; r',,;,~c~~~~ .1 r~~~'~~C~~~~' , '1 r-~r-' 94 AND, \i>JHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and expenditures of these funds, as'anticipated until maturity of this investment, "Jill preclude a fund deficit: NO!Ji, THEREFORE :BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CI'E[ COHrUSSION OF THE CITY OF v,JEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the Gity Treasurer is hereby di- rected to invest funds amounting to: $3,000.00 from the Swiltml:ing Pool Fund for a period of six months $15,000.00 from the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund for a period of six months $1,330.00 from the Street Improvement Bond FUXld, Series 1948, for 12 months $1~365.00 ,from ,the Storm SevIer Bond Fund, Series 1948, for 12 months. Motion by Commission~r Brown, seconded by Commissioner Halbert, that Resolution 57-17 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $3,000 from the SHimming Pool Fund and $15,000.00 from the Ta."'<: Revenue Sinking Fund for a period of six months, $1,330.00 from the Street Improvement Bond Fund, Series 1948, , and $1,365.00 from the Storm Sewer Bond Fund, Series 1948, for 12 months, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hp~~ond; Connnissioners Brown, Galbraith and Halbert None City Engineer J. I. Cornelison submitted to the City Comraission for considera- tion EstiJnate No.1 in the amount of $17,046.00 for \vork performed by the Banks Horeland Company for fabricating, erecting- and painting a L,oo,ooO gallon water storage reservoir. The City Engineer also submitted a certificate of completion sho,.Jing the quantity of Hark performed by the Banks JVloreland Com- pawJ and a recon~endation for pa3rment of Estimate No.1. Notion by Cormnissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Halbert, that Estimate No.1, in the amount of $17,046.00 for work performed by the Banks Moreland Company for fabricatip~, erecting and painting the 400,000 gallon water storage reservoir be approved for payment in accordance with the City Engineer's certification and recoTILmendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: :fv1ayor Harmnond; Com.miss ioners Bro-wn, Galbraith and Halbert None Fire Hose reauirements for the balance of the year 'liVere submitted by the City - 11anager '-Jith a recormnendation from the Fire Chief that bids be received for the purchase of 300 Ft. of 2~1I and 300 li't. of 1~" fire hose, in accordance with budget appropriation. Notion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded by Commissioner Brmm, that bids be received for the delivery of fire hose as reconnnended by t.1.e Fire Chief, and that the City Manager be authorized to publish a legal notice that bids will be received on September 9, 1957, at 7:30 P.u. for delivery of 300 Ft of 1~1I d 300 Ft p 2J-n po h ' an . 0.1. 2' .Llre Lose. Voting Aye: Voting No: ivlayor Harmr.ond; Cormnissioners Brown, Galbraith cwd Halbert None rC~'=~Cl:O""C.~'-CC-C'~c:::':I-----'----===r'" , -ccc':cr-------- --=r CFi " s.J OJ ''1''''''1 ~!. f~ ~P'l1 ~}.......:I 95 A letter from ]\!Iayor L. VI. Robertson of the City of Southside, requesting permission to use the facilities of the jail for incarcerating prisoners apprehended by the Police Department of Souths ide was submitted. Motion by Corr~issioner Brown, seconded by Comraissioner Galbraith, that the request of the City of Southside for permission to use the city's jail facilities for the incarceration of prisoners be approved, provided a Reso- lution is passed by the City of Southside absolving the City of 1rJest Univer- sity Place from any liability in connection with the use of their jail facili- ties by Southside Place. V"oting Aye: Voting No: Hayor H8mrl1ond; Commissioners Brown, Galbraith and Halbert None A letter from the Y1rWA requesting use of the Connnunity House for a Fall program beginning the week of October 7 and continuing for 8 weeks v-ras considered. The Association requested use of the building on Monday and Thursday from 9 A.M. until noon and from $:30 to 9:)0 P.N. Motion by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Halbert, that the request of the Y1r~A for use of theCormnunity House for 8 weeks beginning on October 7, on Monday and Thursday, be approved as re~uested. V"oting Aye: Voting No: Nayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Galbraith and Halbert None Bids received on July 22 for constr~ction of a building for storage facilities for the Street Department were discussed. It was deternlined that the low bid submitted by the Chambers Construct"ion Company in the amount of $47,200 was $7,400 in excess of the Engineer's estimate. '!he City Engineer and City }Tanager were instructed to confer 1rJi th the Chambers Construction Company to determine if the building cpuld be constructed within the allocated funds if another design was used instead of post tension concrete and maintain the 60 foot spans designed in the original structure. Minutes of the meeting of July 22 were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before th~ Co~mission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting ...ras adjourned. ~~/- /~ / ~. {/ ;:/}ayor, City of Jest~~ ATTEST: --City -Secretary _______.____ T.~:.:":~=D::_ =-c_cc.~:~_:::l __~r::~~-.......-'~- ---._...-._~~-- _=:1--- - -:.. ----- ~b REGULAR MEETING OF CITY Co:rvJIVlISSION AUGUST 26, 1957 The City Commission convened in regular session on August 26, 1957, 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall with the fol10\-Jing members present: :tvIayor James vJ. Hammond, presidLng;Commissioners Brmm, Davis, Galbraith and Halbert. The City fIanager and the City Attorney were present also. The Invocation was pronounced by Cow~issioner Davis. r';layor Hammond announced that a public hearing for the adoption of' the 1958 budget, in accordance with Charter requirements and previous published legal notice, would be held at this time. The Mayor stated that the City Conrnis- sion had met on four occasions to consider the proposed budget and after final revision, it had been referred to the Finance Committee for their con- sideration. The Finance Conh~ittee, after studying the proposed budget, had taken action to recommend its final adoption~ Mayor Hammond then asked City Manager Whitt Joth~son to explain the detail of the budget &~d review its highlights for those present. The City Manager pointed out that the Budget reflected a 20% increase in advalorem taxes,'in accordance with the City Corr~ission's instructions and the, Equalization Board hearings and assessments; that there ~laS a reduction of $36,000 L~ income to the Sewer Fund, as a result of the City of Houston providing sanitary sewer facilities to Braes Heights, Ayrshire Place, and Southern Oaks, subdivisions of the City of Houston which the City of \'lest University Place had been servicing for the past t'Vwlve years. It was re- vealed that appropriations were made for certain major capital expenditures, namely, $4,000 as a reserve t-oward the future purchase of a fire truck, $3,600 for repa~nent of a loan from the Sewer Fund for funds borrowed to purchase seventy five acres of land as a garbage disposal site, ~~9,OOO toward the construction of warehouse and storage facilities for the Street Department, and adequate funds for replacement of the city's rolling stock. The City x1anager further pointed out that adequate funds had been allocated to the SL~king Fund to pay ann~al principal and interest on the bonded in- debtedness. No new personnel was authorized in the budget; however, funds amounting to approximately 6% of the previous payroll have been appropriated for salar-f adjustments and Social Security benefits. I'1r. and j\1rs. John Hooney, 4011 Villanova, appeared for the Budget Hearing, and Mr. Mooney stated that he did not agree with the City Commission on the 20% tax increase, in view of the fact that the City was able to reduce its bonded indebtedness by an additional $52,000 over and above annual require- ments from surplus funds during the previous year. Mr. Ed Luckel, 11r. George Rembert, and Mr. Wm. C. Buschardt anneared at the Budget Rea.ring, and, after complimenting the City Corrnnission on the manner in which it had handled the city's finances, asked that $2,000 be earmarked for permanent facilities of the Little League Baseball Program. The City' Com- mission made no corrunitb.'nents in regard to the request, but stated that they 'l"lere in s;ympathy with the Little League Program, and requested the Coinmittee to present a definite program, after l~,ich further consideration would be given to their request. (1':1 rT"': ~J 'f"""1 '~~t ~ ~~ ~".......t 97 After hearing all those present and deterrnining that the Budget was in final form and ready for adoption, the following action was taken: Notion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the Public Hearing to consider adoption of the 1958 Budget be closed. Voting Aye: VotL."1g No: Mayor Hfu~ond, Commissioners Brown,Davis,Galbraith and Halbert None Ordinance No. 728, captioned as follows, was submitted to the CO~11ission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A11D ASSESSING AN ADVALOREI.1i[ TAX ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN Tb.'E CORPORA 'IE LDH'IS OF Tl-IE CITY OF Tt-JEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR THE YEAR 1957, AND PROVIDING FOR T1-IE COLLEC TION 'l'IIEREOF. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by COinmissioner Davis, that Ordin- anceNo. 728, levying and assessing an advalorem tax on all taxable property in the City for 1957 and providing for the collection thereof, be passed and approved as read. V"oting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond, Commissioners Brown,Davis,Galbraith and Halbert None ' Ordinance No. 729, captioned as follows, was submitted to the COlmnission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A BUDGET FOR TIi.~ CITY OF vJEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEX-AS, FOR A ThTELVE MONTH PERIOD BEGHTNING JANUARY 1, 1958, AND ENDING DECEr.:IBER 31, 1958; PROVIDING FOR T'rIE APPROPRIATION OF PUBLIC FTJNDS OF THE CITY FDR USE AND EXPENDITURES. Motion by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Comnlissioner Halbert that Ordinance No. 729 approving the Budget for the City of 1rJest University Place for a tWi:31ve month period beginning January 1, 1958, and ending December 31, 1958, be passed and approved as read. VotiP..g Aye: Voting No: j\ilayor Harrnnond, Commissioners Brown, Davis, Galbraith and Halbert None A recommendation for alilarding a contract to the Hurricane Fence Company on their 10liJbid for certain fence requirements, received on August 12, was submitted. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that a contract be awarded the Hurricane Fence Company for Project No. 1 for con- struction of a 7 Ft. fence around the 1,500,000 gallon reservoir in the amount of $2,053.80. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor HaJnmond, Commissioners Brmm, Davis, Galbraith and Halbert None T'':'!::-:-~=-7:'..o,'''=-"==,,"~ 98 Motion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded by Co@uissionercDavis, that a contract be awarded to the Hurricane Fence Company on their low bid of $626.80, for the construction of fencing project No.2, with provision that in event the City dOBS not construct the Street Department warehouse and storage facilities, the contract for erection of the fence can be cancelled by the city. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Corr~issioners Brown, Davis, Galbraith and Halbert None The action taken by the Zoning and Planning Board in the regular meeting on August 13, and the Special meeting on August 17, was reviewed and the follow- ing action taken: Motion by COITLmissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Brown that the recom- mendation of the Zoning Board approving the request of ~.J:r. J. L. Buvens, 6032 Fordh&~, for permission to construct a concrete slab adjacent to his garage, to be used as a barbecue and patio area, be approved. Voting Aye: Voting No: Nayor Hammond; Corrilllissioners Brown, Davis, Galbraith a.YJ.d Halbert None Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by COlmnissioner Halbert, that the recommendation of the Zoning Board in denying a request of Hr. J. H. Barloi>l of 6402 Vanderbilt, for permission to install 220 v wiring in an existing garage apartment be approved. Voting Aye: Voting No: Hayor Hammond; Commissioners BrOitm, DaVis, Gaibraith and Halbert None Motion by Corunissioner Halbert, seconded by Coramissioner Brown, that the aC~lon taken by the Zoning Board to deny the request of Mr. R. H. Piehl, 3006 Robin- hood, for construct of separate living quarters on his premises be approved. Votj_ng Aye: Voting No: Hayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis, Galbraith and Halbert None Motion by Co~~issioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that all other action taken by the Zoning Board, as reflected in their minutes of August 13th, be approved. Votmg Aye: Vo;ting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis, Galbraith and Halbert None In connection with action taken by the Zoning Board in a special meeting on August 17, motion was made by Commissioner Brmm, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the request of Hr. 1tJ. A. Pearson, 280i~ 'I'angley, for a pemit to_ install 220 v wiring for an air conditioner in his garage apartment at 361l~' Amherst, be denied. Voting Aye: Voting No: Hayor H8.JTl~ond; Commissioners Erai'm, Davis, Galbi~aith and Halbert None ,- r 9'9 A recommendation from Chief of Police H. E. Shipp for installation of stop sj.gns at the intersection of Albans and Rutgers Streets, i-Ji th a plat attached showing the location, was presented. Notion by COlmllissioner Brmm, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that erection of two stop signs at the intersection of Albans and Rutgers, authorizing the stopping of traffic proceeding north and south at the intersection, be approved as recow~ended by the Chief of Police. Voting Aye: Voting No: Hayor Hammond; Co:mmissioners Brovm, Davis, Galbraith and Halbert None C1:J O~ M 'r't. .d ~ Request from the Houston Lighting and POvJer Company for payment of expense in the approximate amount of $250.00 for increasing the height of a primary power line in the easement adjacent to the location of the new 1,500,000 gallon water storage reservoir was presented. It 'ias the opinion of the City Commission that ,the City should not be required to pay all of the cost, inasmuch as an easement had been given to the Houston Lighting and Power ComparlY across the rear of the location, Witllout cost. The Mayor was instructed to advise the Houston Lighting and Power Company accord- :ingly. City Engineer J. 1. Cornelison revie'iJed the status of bids received for con- struction of a building for Street Departrrlent warehouse and storage facilities, and the results of two conferences with the Chambers Construction Company concerning tIle revision of the design of the building with an effort to lower the construction cost as originally bid. Mr. Cornelison submitted a proposal from the Chambers Construction Company dated August 26, 1957, adivsing that their bid could be changed to approximately $43,648.00 with revisions in the design of the building as designed. The City Engineer stated that in each instance the quality of the building had been lessened by revision, but that, in his opinion, the price quoted by the Chambers Construction Company was not lowered proportionately. It was the opinion of the City Conuuission, after reviewing a report made by the City Engineer concerning efforts to revise the building to lower the cost, that the revised estimates submitted by the Chambers Construction Company were not reduced sufficiently to justify awarding a contract. Motion was made by Cow~~issioner Galbraith, seconded by CorM~issioner Halbert, that all bids received on the date of July 22, 1957, for the construction of the building for the Street Department for warehouse and storage facili- ties be reje.cted, arld the building be re-designed and submitted again for public bids. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor HarrJmond; Commissioners Brmm, Davis, Galbraith and Halbert None 'rhe City Hrmager announced that present plans call for closing the sv1imming pool on Labor Day evening, l''londa.y, September 2. lUV The question of removing shrubs~ bushes and trees at the following intersec- tions, which are considered hazards by the Chief of Police, was presented again: intersection of Tangley and Edloe Streets.; intersection of PlLwb and~Jakeforest Streets. Motion by Co~nissioner Davis, seconded by COllirrlissioner Brown, that the shrubs at the intersection of Plumb and 11fakeforest be removed by City forces to the extent that will allow adequate visiqn to motorists approaching the inter- section for either the East or West. V oting Aye: Voting No: lVIayor Hammond; Corn.missioners Brown, Davis, Galbraith and Halbert None Hotion by COITlffiissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that the City Attorney mail a final letter to the owner of the property at Tangley and Edloe, stating that the shrD.bq at this intersection, 1j-Jhich constitute ,a traffic hazard, must be removed within ten days, or action will be taken to remove them with city labor. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis, Galbraith and Halbert None Authorit;y- was requested for Building Inspector B. F. Kingman to atteIld the Texas State Associa. tion of Plumbing Inspectors in San Antonio, .August 30th, 31st and September 1st. Notion by Commissioner,Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Davis, t:b...at B. F. Kingman, Building Inspector, ,be granted authority to attend a meeting of the Texas State Association of Plumbing Inspectors in San Antonio, August 30th, 31st and Septemb~r 1st, with reasonable expenses paid. Voting Aye: Voting No: IVlayor Han1.lnond; Corn.missioners Broi:m, Davis, Galbraith and Halbert None The annual convention of the Texas League of Municipalities, to be held September 29th tn~ough October 1st, was discussed, and members of the City Corn.mission were urged to attend. Minutes of th~ meeting of August 12, 1957, were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to corne before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly nmde, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~ ~ ~ // ~ . Un... ~~l:f!t_ {/~ yor, Clty 01 west Unlverslty Place, . Texas ATTEST: City- Secretary '-T'~ .. -;-;';[ FH -- -' ---"1 .r ,-.-, I 101 REGULAR JvIEETING OF CITY COl':.iNISSION SEPTET-mER 9, 1957 The City Commission convened in regular sessionat the City Hall on :Monday, September 9, 1957, 7:30 P.H. with the following members present: Mayor Hammond, presiding; Commissioners Brmm, Davis, Galbraith and Halbert. The City Attorney and City IV[anager were also present. COll@issioner Halbert pronounced the Invocation. C>';) In ccmpl~ance ~ith Not~ce to Bidde~s duly published in ~he official newspa~er of the Clty, blds recelved for dellvery of 300 Ft. of 2'2" and 300 Ft. of 12't Fire Hose were opened and results arLnounced as follows: I~'" \".j ~i ~~4 ,~;~t 9'<-''11.>;;1 -;.-L...J Bidder lillHose Per Ft. 2~'''Hose Per Ft. Alternate Bid li"Hose 2~"Hose Per Ft. Per Ft. ~~t. , Bi-La teral Fire Hose Co. American LaFrance Norvell 1-iilder Eureka Fire Hose Co. 1.029 1.33 .759 1.00 1.539 1.87 1.067 1.50 (Alt.No.2) 1.029 1.14 .968 1.09 1.30 1.539 1.65 1.43 1.59 1.90 l\'lotion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Con@issioner Brm-m, that bids received for delivery of 300 Ft. of 2t" and 300 Ft. of It" Fire Hose be referred to the City Manager and Fire Chief for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: :Hayor Hammond; Commissioners Brmm, Davis, Galbraith and Halbert None Engineer's Estimate No. 2 and Final to Banks Moreland Company for the con~letion of constructing a 400,000 gallon water reservoir was submitted for consideration. The Engineer's certification that erection and painting of the reservoir had been completed in full compliance with all plans, specifications, contract documents and change orders, together "Hith all inspection reports from Sottth- western Laboratories, was submitted with the estimate which amounted to $2,589.00. Motion by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Com~issioner Davis, that Engineer's Estimate No. 2 and Final in the amount of $2,589.00 be approved for payment and the project acce~ted as recoTIwended by the City Engineer. Voting Aye: Voting No: Hayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis, Galbraith and Halbert None City Engineer J. I. Cornelison presented a verbal progress report concerning the revision of plans for construction of a warehouse and equipment storage facilities for the Street Department stating that steel structural members were being used instead of prestressed concrete and a different roof design which should decrease the construction cost w}~n bids are received. 10~ Ii Ii L The City Manager advised that notification had been received from Traveler's Insurance Company that Worknlen's Compensation Insurance rates have been increased 12.2% effective September 1, to comply with HB No. 433 passed by the 55th Leg. The amendment to the Texas \tJorkmen' s Compensation Insnrcmce Act provides more liability benefits for employees in the event of injury or death and increases compBnsation from $25.00 to $35.00 per week in event of injury to the extent that ~he employee is unable to perform his duties. The 12.2% rate increase will increase the city's average annual cost by approxLmately $580.00. The City Attorney discussed a proposed ordinance requlrlng property owners to keep vacant lots clean. Action for passage was withheld until a later da te. Mayor Hammond stated that he had contacted Mr. O. p. Gill, 3524 Amherst, relative to his serving on the Zoning Board and r-lr. Gill had expressed a de- sire to perform this type of civic ,vork and upon L'Ylvestigation it was deter- mined that Mr. Gill was qualified in all respects. Notion by 'Commissioner Davis, seconded by COTIli'T1issioner Galbraith, that Hr. O. P. Gill, 3524 AIILherst be appointed to full membership of ,the Zoning and -Planning Board to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. 111. C. Halbert, 'iho had acoepted an appointment as a member of the City Commission. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Harnnond; Commissioners Brown, DaviS, Galbraith and Halbert NODe Minutes of the meetiP~ of August 26, 1957, were read aDd approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. t ATTEST: City Secretary ~-~'I"=C:C::,:CI":'.~'''':~== __l'~=~='==='="'::'l ---- _ _::c------ : -, -'-I 103 REGULAR HEETING OF CITY COIv.llfISSION SEPTE:tvIBER 23, 1957 Tne City Commission convened in regular session a.t the Cit;y- Hall on Nonday, September 23, 1957, 7:30 P.lVI. 1rJith the follmdng members present: Hayor Hammond, presiding; Corn.missioners Davis and Halbert. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Commissioners Brown and Galbraith were absent as they were out of the city on business. The Invocation was pronounced by Mayor Hammond. . CYJ O'J 'l-1 "":f. ~ ::c: A ~Jritten recommendation for the purchase of dacron fi:re hose from the Ameri- can LaFrance Corporation in accordance with their bid submitted September 9, was submitted for consideration. Motion by Corr~issioner Davis, seconded by Cor~~issioner Halbert that 300 Ft. of 2~ inch and 300 Ft. of l! inch Crusader Fire Hose with Dacron Synthetic Fiber Filler be nUTchased Iromthe American LaFrance Cornoration in accordance with their bid of September 9, for the sum of $495.00 fo~ the 2~ inch and tt342.00 for the l?zJ' hose, as recommended by Fire Chief C. E. Duffin. Voting Aye: Voting No: l1ayor Hammond, Commissioners Davis and Halbert None Authority was requested to change the specifications for constructing a warehouse and storage building for the Street Department from structural steel to reinforced and pre-stressed concrete. Tile City Engineer explained that the reason for the change was that prestressed concrete would involve less maL~ten- ance than steel structural members and the building could be utilized better as the prestressed concrete would give a longer clear span. Motion by Conwissioner Halbert, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the design governing the type OI construction for the warehouse and storage building for the Street Department be changed from structural steel to pre- stressed concrete. Voting Aye: VotLng No: Hayor Harnillond, Commissioners Davis and Halbert None The minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Board held on Thursday, September 12, 1957, vJere pres:onted to the Connnission and action token by the Board Has noted. No action by the City Commission vJaS necessa.ry at this time. 'l'he minutes of the meeting of the City Cormnission held September 9, 'dere read and approved as corrected. irJith no further business to come before the COITlJn.ission a.t this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. AT1~r;ST: / J ///} // A \./' / /... . '-"'~ho;- r I //~-<#? jt/ A'c';;:-Y/t:.-r~z..d~~ //filayor, City of itfest University Pla e f ./ i..../ ! I I L__ Cit,y Secretary L:~~!l"~~~~O:~,:;} _ ___L:~'~'/C""'" -"-~~--:~l ---:-=:r-~--- 10;,l: REGULAR f'IEETING OF CITY COfi[}'J(lSSION OC'lDBFB lh ~ 1957 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall, 7=30 P .N. lVlonday, October 14, 1957, ..nth the following members present: Hayor Hammond.; Corrnnissioners Brmin and Halbert. The City Attorney &'1d City filanager were also present. Copuuissioners Davis and Galbraith were absent. The Invocation was prounounced by CO~Irrissioner Halbert. Mayor Hannnond asked the C~ty Banager to proceed with the items on the agenda and present in detail reasons for the necessity of landscaping and beautif}~ng the smvage disposal plant site. The City l\lanager explained that large trees adjacent to the plant site area had been removed by the Harris County Flood Control District during the course of widening and deepening Brays Bayou and likevJise trees, shrubs and evergreens had been removed from South Braeswood Bl yd. 1iJhich had served as a screen of greenery betv.Jeen the residences in that area and the disposal plant. It was stated that there had been some complaLnt concernir~ the appearance of the disposal plant and it had been suggested that trees and shrubs be replanted in an effort to beautify and landscape the entire disposal plant site. The City MaD~ger asked G. E. Posey, Sanitarian, to submit information on estimates of cost for planting trees and shrubs at the disposal plant which had been taken informally. In most cases the cost generally exceeded the funds budgeted and none of the estimates v.lere submitted on a unified plan. In accordance with previous instructions, the City f~nager advised tD2t Miss Ruth London, Landscape Archi- tect, had been contacted and requested to make a preliminary survey and submit a recom~endation for beautifying the disposal plant area. The following pro- posal for architectural services was presented from Miss London: 3. 4. Design and planting plan at 1/10" or 1/2011 scale. Specifications for plants, soil preparation and method of planting. Analysis of three to five bids a.nd recommendations. Trips (3 to 4) to site (3 to 4 horrrs each trip) to adYlse about grading, soil preparation, planting and quality of plants. " 1. 2. The fee for the above services will he not less than $385.00 and ,-Jill not exceed $415. Blueprints of my tracings and a fm.J kodak pictures of the site 'V-Jill be chargeable to your office and shoLlld not exceed $10 to ~ns. II After discussing the need for landscaping and. beautifying the disposal plant are,a and considering the proposal from I'1iss London, the follm,Jing action was taken by the City Com~lission= lVIotion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded by Comrnissioner Brmm, that the proposal submitted by I1iss Ruth London, Landscape Architect, for architectural services r'''i"''''"r:~~~'''~''~T r,n._~.n n~ -"-r-' J - 105 for the purpose of landscaping the grounds aT, the sevwge disposal plant for screening and beautifying, for a fee not less than :jp385 and not to exceed $415, be accepted. Voting \' ..L. V 0 1.Jl.L'1g No: Nayor Hammond, Conilllissioners Brown and Halbert None .ll")l8 : The City Nanager advised the Commission that the water ~,jell at the smmge dis- posal plant had. gone dry and it was imperative that a new supply of 1vater be obtained either by the drilling of a new water well or by purchasing water from the City of Houston. A comparison of cost for the tv10 sources of supply was presented. The cost for tying into the Houston .'.later system 2.t Ncrth Braes~100d and Kelvin Drive 1ilith an extension -;,ref'+' 810ng 3 proposed e8.sement from the Harris Qounty Flood Control District along Brays Bayou to the Disposal Plant was esti- rr~ted at $3,146.00. The cost for tying into tile Houston system at Kirby and Glen Haven was estimated at ~~3 ,990.00. To drill an 8" x 4n gravel \~all well 400 Ft. deep capable of producing 100 gallons per luinute would cost approxin~tely ~~lO,OOO.OO liJith pump and motor. It l1as the recommendation of the City JVlarJager and City Engineer that arrangements be made with the City of Houston to tie Lnto their water system at Kelvin and North Braeswood if a satisfactory agreement could be reached with the City of Houston. botion by Commissi.oner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Halbert, that the recom- mendation of the City Manager and City Engineer be accepted and pl~~s made to tie into the Houston system at Kelvin and North Braeswood on an emergency basis provided a satisfactory rate or charge per 1000 gallons of water could be reached 1;-lith the City of Houston. Voting Aye: Voting No: fIayor Hammond, Comm:Lssioners Brown and Halbert None H.esolution 57-18 as fol101i1S, Has submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full: RESOLQ1~ON _57_:.:!~ vmereas, the City pf West University Place, currently has caDi tal available in the Street Improvement Bond Fund, Series 19h8, -;vhich will not be required for operating expenses until the next fiscal veal'- o , And, Whereas, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the city that such funds be placed in a tirr~ deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; And, v'Jhereas, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and e:x-pendi tu.res of this fund as anticipated until maturity of this investment will preclude a fund deficit: Nm-J, l1IEHEFORE, BE IT RES.QLVFl) BY THE: CITt COHEISSION OF ~'IES'l' UNI- VERSIT'I PU~CE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest fUJlds amounting to $6,145.00 from the Street Improvement Bond Fund, Series 1948, for a period of t1,el ve months. ~-I::_~:::~~L~~~~;=-':"~~~_..~~ -_____~~_r:-~:---COOC~~O.,..,--''':':''';'''~~~'::c~'''O 106 flIotion by Commissi.oner Halbert, seconded by Comrllissioner Brmm, that Re~olution 57-18 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to 4j;6 ,145 .00 from the 3treet Improvement Bond Fund, Series 19L~8, for a period of 12 months, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Hayor H8nrrnond; Commissioners Brown and Halbert None Notion by COnImissioner Halbert, seconded by Commissioner Brovm that the City Commission meet on the evening of November 4th and 18th instead of November 11th and 25th, inasmuch as some business concerns and agencies would observe November 11th as Veteran's Day. Voting Aye: Voting No: Nayor Hammond; Commiss ioners Brown and Halbert , None Authority was requested by the City Manager to advertise for the purchase of 100 nevJ water meters, size 5/811 x 3/411 to replenish the supply at the water meter shop. It was estirnated that the cost of new meters 1"lould be B.Dproxi- mately $28.00 each, and the Conrrniasion was advised that funds for this pur- pose had been provided in the present budget. The City Manager advised that representatives fron' three different meter companies TflJOu1d demonstrate their type of meter at a meeting if this was desired by the City Commission. Hotion by Commissioner Brmm, seconded by ComrnisEdoner Halbert, that the City Manager be authorized to have published, a Notice to Bidders for fur- nishing 100 netl water meters, size 5/811 x 3/L~II~jith bids to be received until 7 :30 P.M., NovS!'llber 4, 1957; and that representatives from different meter companies be invited to a meeting of the City Conunission on November 4 for the purpose of demonstrating their type of meter. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; COTIMissioners Brown and Halbert None Minutes of a mee~lng of the Zoning & Planning Board held on October 10, were submitted to the Commission for consideration. hotion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded by Comlllissioner Brown, tho.t the request of I'lr. ~f. A. Pearson, 2804 Tangley Road, for permission to install additional 110 volt electrical outlets in his existing garage apartment at 3611~ Amherst be denied as recommended by the Zoning Boa.rd. V oting Aye: Voting No: Hayor Hammond.; Commissioners Brown and Halbert None Notion by Conmlissioner Brown, seconded by Conrrnissioner Halbert that the request of Hr. K. E. Kranzler and Hr. Ben Scher for permission to install a temporary 16' x 22' steel building on the rear of property located at 2631 Bissonnet St. be denied as -mis area is in a fire zone which prohibits any new construc- tion not conforming to the building requirements. Voting Voting Aye: No: Hayor HanmlOnd.; Cormnissioners Brown and Halbert None , I 107 Motion by Cormnissioner Halbert, seconded by Commissioner Brovm, that the request of hr. Cecil C. 12ncaster, for permission to install a second electric meter in a duplex which he mms at 6401 ldestchester and has been continuously rented since 1934, be referred to the City Attorney for an ~pinion as to whether or not approval of this installation would in any way jeopardize the city's policy of denying improvements to non-conforming use as recow~ended by the Zoning & Planning Board. . o Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; CODLmissioners Brown and Halbert None Q? 0') "i"""'J A letter from Heyl G. Tebo, Secretary of the Volunteer Fire Department, request- ing the city to purchase 10 additional home radio receivers was presented to the Com~ission for consideration. It was explall1ed to the Cownission that all of the radio receivers are in constant use and ten or twelve volunteer firemen are 1rJithout radio communication to the fire station. Nayor Hammond complimented the Volunteer Fire Department for the number of new recruits and the number of active members, and advised that the Commission would make an investigation for available funds in an effort to purchase the ten. additional home radio receivers needed by the Department. ~:1:- '~1' ~ The City Engineer presented two proposals for ~nproving the 63 & 6700 blocks of ~-Jestchester, 63 & 6700 blocks of Rutgers and the 66 & 6700 blocks of Vander- bilt which are asphalt'streets that have not been resurfaced since originally built some twenty years ago. Proposal No.1 submitted consisted of scarifying the existing base, adding sufficient sand stabilized shell to build up the proper grade and crown; set up the base to a uniform and tight section; surface the base with a heavy double course of penetration asphalt and rock, which would cost the property owners 75~ per front foot. Proposal No. 2 consisted of re- moving and rebuilding the curb and gutter by contract and repeating the paving process of Proposal No.1, increasing the volume of sand stabilized shell to build a new curb a.nd gutter grade ~ laying one block of storm sewer on Ca.rnegie from Vanderbilt to Buffalo Speedway, with one manhole and 4 inlets at Carnegie and Vanderbilt, which vwuld cost the property O\'I1ners $';3.20. Proposal No.1 would cost the city approximately $749.00 and Proposal No. 2 would cost approximately $4,570 which would D1clude the cost of the proposed storm sewer. '1he Commission agreed that Proposal No. 2 "'lould be the most satisfactory im- provement and thought it advisable to contact an individual on each block to circulate a petition in order to determine if property owners iiwuld be iiJilling to participate in an improvement of this nature on a voluntary basis. The City Engineer advised that plans and specifications had not'l1 been revised for construction of a building and equipmerrt storage fa.cilities for the Street Department in accordance 1-Jith action taken by the City Comrn:Lssion on September 23, 1957, and submitted the completed plans for consideration. Notion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded by Cor,rrn.issioner BroHn that the revised plans a.nd specifications for construction of a building and equ,ipment st.orage facilities for the Street Department be approved. Voting 'iT oting A..ye: l\To: Hayor Hammond; Comm.issioners bro1rm and Halbert None T'"';-'~'~~r;~'='.'."'.:'::J:-~--~.=:r~"'~'-"~~"'~~":'r--~ -I ----,--.--- 'I 10S Notion by Commissioner fIalbert, seconded by COlmnissioner BrO\m, that the City Manager be instructed to have published a Notice to Bidders for construction of a~building and equipment st~rage facilities for the Street Department, with bids to be received until November 18, 1957, 7:30 P.lcl. V" oting Aye: Voting No: Hayor Hammond; Comm.issioners Brovm and Halbert. None .A letter from the City IVlanager explaining a request from the Houston Lighting and Power Company for a 50 year franchise effective October 1, 1957, which will be identical to a franchise offered by the City of Houston was presented. lne Commission was advised that Hr. Paul Joplin, Industrial Engineer, for the Houston Lighting & P01rJer Company, would present a formal request to the City Commission in the linmediate future. A statement in the amount of $75.00 for legal services rendered by Charles F. Cockrell, Jr., in cOI1.nection ,-Jith preparing and filing Cause No. 491,743 in District Court, with reference to the zoning case of E. L. i;Jilliams, was presented to tqe Commission. Notion by ComJllissioner Brmm, seconded by ColTunissioner Halbert, that the state- ment in the amount of $75.00 rendered by CharlesF. Cockrell, Jr. for legal services rendered in cOI1.nection 10Jith Cause No. 491,743, 1tJith reference to the zoning case ofE. L. Williams be approved for pa~qnent. Voting Aye: Voting No: l'layor HaJirrnond, C-omm:Ls:,':Loners BrONn and Halbert. None ,I .1 -- - 1. "I J 1 ..!.. _L 1 11' ~ -D ,.l. , . p lhe liommlSSlon TJ-J8.S ac.vlS8G Ci1cJ u uDe .L lrS 'epartmenu \Vas cOndUCl,lng a . oster Campaign i.n connection with Fire Prevention week, at the vJest Universi.ty Elementar:J School and -vv'ednesday October 16, had been set for the official judging. The City flanager reported on the following items: (1) Efforts are being made to obtain easements for rerouting a sanitary seHer line serving lots 8,98;: 10, Block 17, l.'>!est University Place 1st Addn., and that detail ir1formation 1-JOuldbe submitted later for consideration. (2) .A Connnittee from City employees has been appoLYlted to serve as a Per- sonnel COITmlittee to make recmmnendations for revision of the city's personnel rules involving sick leave, vacations, service awards, etc. (3) Nwnerous cOnlDlain.ts have been received concerning the parking of auto- mobiles on the hlOO block of Ruskin and Riley Streets and on Academy ,street in the immediate vicinity of the South\<Jestern Bell Telephone Cor'lt)[lnV bnilJ-inp' and that a representative of the telephone company and Chief of-'-p~iice H: -Eg"> Shipp have been requested to confer and present a solution to the problem. (4) Hayor Hammond stated that IcIayor Ted HclYrlfiiOnd of Httlterls Creek had E'_pproached him reJective to using \rJest University's jail facilities for the I purpose of incarcerating prisoners. It i-JaS stated there H2.S some apprehen- sion on the part of the Chief of Police concerning the use of the ,city jail TI C~ OJ '\"'"1 ~~ .e:t ~ 109 by Immerous other cities ~Jhich might eventually creat difficult problem.s. ",rotion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded by COTi1Jnissioner Broun, that upon recommendation of the City 1'lanager and the Chief of Police, that l.itSe of the city1s jail facilities by the City of Hunter's Creek be respectfully denied. Voting 'Joting .Aye: No; IvIayor Hammond; Comnissioners Brmm and Halbert None Hinutes of the meeting of September 23, were read and approved. 1!1ii th no further business to come before the Conmlission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: -n 11,J REGULAR MEETING OF CITY CONMISSION OCTOBER 28, 1957 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on J;Ionday, October 28, 1957, with the follmdng members present; Mayor Hammond, presiding; Commissioners Brown, Galbraith and Halbert. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. Commissioner Davis was absent as he was out of the city for business reasons. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Galbraith. Resolution No. 57-19, as follows, was submitted to the Commission for considera- tion and read L~ full: WHEREAS, the City of \Plest University Place, currently has capital available in the Tax Collector's Fund which will not be required for expenses until the next fiscal year; AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest-of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn addi- tional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City, AND, WHEREAS" the present bank balance, the average monthly income and expenditures ef this Fund as anticipated until maturity of this investment will preclude a fund deficit: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COJvIMISSION OF THE CITY OF \-lEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, That the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to: $10,000.00 from the Tax Collectors Fund for a period of twelve months at 3%, $10,000.00 from the TaX Collector's Fund for a period of twelve months at 3%, $10,000.00 from the Tax Collector's Fund: for a period of twelve months at 3%, $15iOOO.OO from the Tax Col- lector's Fund for a period of six months at 22%. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that Resolu- tion No. 57-19 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds from the Tax Col- lector's Fund in the amount of $45,000.00 be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: 1'layor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Galbraith and Halbert. None The following representatives from meter companies met with the Commission and explained new developments 0n water meters: Mr. Harold Strickland, Rockwell Manufacturing Company; and Mr. A. B. Crossman of the Calmet Meter Company. In compliance with the Commission's request, the Health Board considered the matter of an anticipated deficit in the Health Fund and recommended that the sum of $1,.300 be transferred from other funds of the city to defray expenses of the Health Department for the remainder of the present fiscal year. Resolution No. 57-20, as fellows, was submitted to the Commission for considera- tion and read in full: , 1- 111 WHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of the City C0mmission that there insufficient funds in the Health Fund for the payment of salaries and normal operation 0:f the department :for the remainder of the year, and WHEREAS, it appears from a statement submitted by the City Treasurer there will be a deficit of approximately $1,300.00 at the end of the current fiscal year if additional income is not forthcoming, and t/J 0';) ~ ..e::~ "'~1' ~ WHEREAS, the matter has been considered by the Board of Health on the date of October 25, 1957, and it was the unanimous opinion of the <Board to request the City Commission to transfer from the other funds of the city the sum of $1,300.00 to defra~ expenses of the Health De- partment for the remainder of the present fiscal year, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CONMISSION OF THE CITY OF WESP'UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, t.hat. After consideration of the anticipated deficit of the Health Fund and determining it advantageous to all citizens that this department maintain its efficient operation, the City Treasurer is hereby author- ized to transfer from the Water Fund to the Health Fund the sum of $1,300.00 as a temporary loan for the operation of the Realth Depart- ment for the balance of the current year, and that the said $1,300.00 be returned to the Water Fund out of the future income accruing to the Health Fund. Mot.ion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that Resolution 57-20 authorizing the transfer from the Water Fund to the Health Fund the sum of $1,300.00 as a temporary loan for the operation of the Health Department for the balance of the current year be passed and approved as read. V0ting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners'Brown, Davis and Halbert. NOlle The following letter from I'Ir. Everett P. Green, Auditor for the city, was submitted to the Commission f0r consideration: To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission October 21, 1957 Honorable Sirs: During the course of making an examination of the accounts of the City of West University Place it has come to my attention that the Trust Agency Fund should re:flect only the total of water consumer deposits offset by cash andlor LTlvestments. The only withdrawals from this fund should be refunds of consumer deposits. Certain other monies have been accumulated erroneously in this fund over a period of years which are described as follows: r"""-~~~~Cl __ _~ r~--~ - -':'T-----------=r---'------ , I 11:& Balance brought forward f.;tom old 'ledger as of August 31" 1948: Special taxes collected Street Improvement Deposits W.P.!. Assessments Duplicate tax cGllections Deposits on taxes and attorney fees , Deposits payable on sidewalks and badges Unclaimed deposits - outstanding checks accumulated from June 20" 1949 through . 1955 Less: Consumer's check returned by bank 11/30/52 Sundry adjustments - 1949 and 1950 3.$0.97 23.00 87.57 332.20 339.86 ?,~, _ $0 $ 1,088.10 162.57 1,250.67 5.00 .___--&...49 $ 1,245.18 It is my opinion that the Trust Fund should be adjusted so that the accounts will reflect the true status of purpose. Therefore" I recommend that (a) the City Commissien authorize a cash transfer in the amount of ~h,245.18 from the Trust Fund to the General Fund under Charter Amendment of November 9, 1953, (b) the above described accounts in the Trust Fund , be closed, and (c) the transfer to the General Fund be credited to surplus in that fund. After the recommended transfer has been made the Trust Agency Fund will be comprised of cash in bank and investments equaling the total consumer deposits. ' Yours very truly (s) Everett p. dreen, CPA Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that the recommendation of Mr. Everett P. Green for the transfer of funds from the Trust Agency Fund to "the General Fund. ^ Voting Aye: Mayor Hammond; Commissioner Brown, Galbraith and Halbert Voting No: None Ordinan.ce No. 730, captioned as -fellows, was submitted to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR CERTAIN EMERGENCY CONSTRUe '!'ION AND REPAIRS TO OBTAIN A WATER SUPPLY AT THES.ANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL PLANT OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVER- SITY PLACE, TEXAS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY ENGINEER TO OBTAIN THE SERVICES OF A COHPETENT WATER WELL DRILLING COMPANY TO DRILL A NECESSARY WATER WELL 'IO THE APPROXIMATE DEPTH OF hOO FEET AND MAKE NECESSARY REPAIRS 'lU 'mE EXISTING WELL PUMP, MID PURCHASE OF A NEW PEERLESS PUMP AND MOTOR WITH NECESSARY FITTINGS TO PUMP FINAL EFFLUENT FROM THE PLANT; APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $3,500.00 FROM THE WATER-SEWER FUND; 'AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF SERVICES RENDERED AND t1ATERIALS AND SUPPLIES PURCHASED FOR SUCH EMERGENCY CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIRS, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. r! I i ~~"7i1' r ~-- - '---T __~_______'___~_C_,C' ""I Cfj <J) '1""'"1 .~~ ~. :r:: lIS Motion by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Halbert, that Ordinance No. 730, authorizing the drilling oi' a water well, purchase of new pump and motor with necessary fittings for use at the sewage disposal plant be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Galbraith and Halbert. None Minutes of the meet:i..ng oi' October 14, 1957, were read and approved as cor- rected. With no further business to come bei'ore the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: -"-T',"~'1!~~'~"~~~ r~.-~'-"_....,,~'-'._a"l------- J' ----,---------.- 114: SPECIAL MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION NOVEMBER h, 1957 The City Commission convened in Special session at the City Hall on Monday, November h, 1957, 7:30 P.M., with the following members present: Mayor Hammond, presiding; Commissioners Brown, Galbraith and Halbert. The City Manager and City Attorney were also present. Commissioner Davis was absent as he was out of the city for business reasons. The Invocation was pronounced by Cemmissioner Brown. In compliance with Notice to Bidders duly published in the official news- paper of the city, bids received for the purchase of 100 water meters were opened and results announced as follows: Rockwell Manufacturing Co. . . . . . Unit Price $27.00 Alt. II II 30.h8 If II 30.92 . . . . Alt. II II 28.20 II- II 24.09 . . . . . Alt. II II 27.84 NeptuneMeter Co. . . . . . . Well Machinery & Su.pp1y Co. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Halbert that bids be referred to the City Manager and City Engineer for tabulation and recommendation. Voti.l1l.g Aye: Voting N<::>: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Galbraith and Halbert. None Minutes of a special meeting of the Zoning and Planning Board held on November h, were submitted for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner. Halbert that Mr. D. M. Rulfs, 330h Albans be permitted to enclose his existing two car detached garage at his residence, for the purpose of converting the garage into a playr00m for his children, with the understanding that no plumbing is to be installed and subject to execution by Mr. Rulfs of an affidavit to the effect that the structure will not be used for commercial or rental.purposes, as recommended by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Galbraith and Halbert None Mr. L. E. Carpenter, 2812 Sunset, appeared before the Commission and stated that the Building Inspector had instructed the Contractor who was placing asphalt shingles on the roof of a small building owned by him located on Lots 31 and 32, Block 6, Montic'ello Addition, which is being used as a real estate office, to stop work for reason that no building permit had been obtained. ~Ir. Carpenter stated that he desired to complete the reshingling of the roof which was some 2/3 complete when stopped by the Building Inspector. It was brought out that the small building in question, used as a real estate office, is in violation of the city's zoning ordinance. Mr. Carpenter was denied permission to complete the reshingling of the roof on the real estate office inasmuch as existence of the building is in violation of the zoning ordinance. - ---r - ''I --r- 115 City Attorney Charles Cockrell related progress being made on. certain alleged zoning violations which had been referred to him for handling. A petition seeking a temporary injunction against Mr. Joseph Wardino, . 6437 Rutgers, was presented. Mr. Cockrell was requested to file suit for a violation of the single family dwelling provisions at this address. With no further business to come before, the Commission at this tillle, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried., the meeting was adjourned. C't;) en "f-1 ~t. M~~-~p Mayor, City of West Umiversity Place, Texas <t - ~ ATTEST: ! r-~----'-~"/",:O_~-I':-"'''- '~-~~Cl---------r~~,~"~,,,~."'C"'-'-"";"r- --;r-'-' I' llti REGULAR MEE mG OF C IIT COMMISSION NOVEMBER 18, 1957 The City Connnissiop. convened in special session at the City Hall on Monday, November 18, 1957, 7: 30 P.M . with ttle following members present: Mayor Hammond, presiding; Conunissianers Brawn, Davis and Halbert. The City Manager and City Attarney were also present. Cammissioner Galbraith was absent for business reasons. The rD.vocation was prcmounced by Commissioner Halbert. In compliance with Notice to Bidders duly published in the official news- paper of the city, bids received for construction of storage building and equipment facilities for the Street Department were opened and results announced as follows: F & R Construction Corp. W M Corporation Robert H. Kirschke Ganshirt & Sims, Inc. Bill Martin . Meyerson Construction Co. Manes Construction Co. Spaw Glass Company General Builders $34,390.00 35,400.00 35,749.00 35,769.00 36,291.00 36,400.00 37,534.00 37,667.00 37,998.73 Motion byConunissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that bids r~ceived far construction of storage building and equipment facilities for the Street Department be referred to the. City Manager and City Engineer for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Conunissioners Brown, Davis and Halbert. None Mr. Clayton L. Meadows., Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the West Uni- versityMethodist Church appeared before the Conunission and requested that the West University Methodist Church be permitted to utilize the lot it now owns, being Lot llA, Block 25, West University Place 1st Additien fronting on Virginia Street, as a parking lot which would be surfaced with asphalt stabilized shell. It was the opinion of the City Attorney that since this request represents a change of chara'cter of the lot from resi- dential use, a public hearing would be necessary. Motion by Commissioner DaVis, seconded by Commissioner Halbert that a Public Hearing be called for 7 : 30 P.M. January 13, 1958, to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit use of Lot lJA, Block 25A, West University . Place 1st Addition as a parking lot for the West University Methodist Church as recommended by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No; Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis and Halbert. None J",' ....,~!!.,.~...~~.~~;r-----rr...~~....._.. .. -.....1-.--------~.____:r-.. 117 In compliance with action of the City Commission on November 4, 1957, a tabulation of bids received for purchase of 100 water meters was submitted, with a recommendation by City Engineer J. I. Cornelison and Water Superin- tendent E. J. Hood that the bid submitted by Rockwell Manufacturing Company in the amount of $2700.00 for 100 Rockwell Magnetic Drive Sealed Register water meters, size 5/8 x 3/4 inches be accepted. (,'Y) (;) >r-) Motion by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissiener Halbert, that the recommendation of the City Engineer and Water Superintendent be approved and the bid submitted by Rockwell Manufacturing Company in the amount of $2700.00 for 100 - 5/8 x 3/4 inches Rockwell Magnetic Drive )4;a~Re~!:e J;lp~ve Sealed Register water meters be accepted. .r!f.::'~ Votil'lg Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis and Halbert. None ~ ,- ;...J.., Resolution .57-2J. as follows, was submitt.ed to the Commission for considera- tion and read in full: WHEREAS, the City of West University Place currently has capital available in the Tax Collector's Fund which will not be required for expenses until the next fiscal year, and WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the city that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn. additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the city, and, WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated un-til maturity of this investment will preclude a fund deficit: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CO~lISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSI~ PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed ~o invest funds amounting to: $60,000.00 from the Tax Collector's Fund for a period of six months at 2i%. Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Halbert, that Resolu- tion 57-21 authorizing and directing the City Treasurer to invest $60,000.00 received from current tax collections in Certificates of Time Deposit at-the University State Bank be passed and approved as read. Votil'lgAye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissicmers Brown, Davis and Halbert None 'lhe City Manager reported that a referendum was held November 5th and 6th to determine the desire of the city employees to enter Social Securit.y, and this action was favorably approved by a vote of 45 for and 9 against, which represented a vote of all eligible employees. Ordinance No. 731, captioned as follows, was submitted to the City Commis- s ion and read in full: F~~~ - _ 1:,- _ __" ~_._~:=I. _ __.~."'-='~=--==."~"'='O"--~~":':'.l _. _--= u__._, u -I-.n. I ll.~ AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY COMNISSION OF THE CI'lY OF w"EST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, ACTING FOR AND ON BEHALF OF SAID CITY 'ID ENTER IN'ID ALL NECESSARY AGREEMENTS WITH THE STATE DEPAR'lMEN'l' OF PUBLIC WELFARE RELATIVE TO FEDERAL OLD-AGE AND SURVIVOR'S INSURANCE BENEFITS UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF APPLICABLE S TATE AND FEDER/l.L LAWS; AUTHORIZING THE :f-1AYOR 'ID EXECUTE ALL SAID NECESSARY AGREEMENTS AND INSTRUHENTS FOR AND ON BEHALF OF SAID CITY COMf/IIS- SION AND CITY; DIRECTING THE CITY TBEASURER TO MAKE ASSESSMENTS, COLLECTIONS, AND REPOR'IS; AND ORDERING THE ALLOCATION AND SETTING ASIDE OF SUFFICIENT MONEY FROM AVAILABLE FUNDS TO CARRY OUT THE PRO- VISIONS OF SAID LAWS, SUCH MONEY TO BE SET ASIDE AND MAINTAINED IN THE REGULAR CITY: DEPOSITORY AND 10 BE KNOWN AS THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY SOCIAL SECURITY FUND. Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Halbert, that Or- dinance No. 731, authorizing the Mayor to enter into an agreement with the State Department of Public Welfare with the purpose of putting into effect Social Security for the City Employees be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis and Halbert Voting No: None Representatives of the Houston Lighting and Power Company, Mr. Paul Joplin and Mr. Jack Arlitt, presented a copy of an ordinance granting the Houston Lighting and Power Company a franchise to operate within the corporate limits of the City of West University Place, cancelling the present franchise agreement adopted May 29, 1930, for a period of 50 years. It was determined that, before passage of this ordinance it would be necessary for it to be read at three regular meetings of the City Conunission and a public hearing called. The dates of November 25, 1957, December 9, 1957, and January 13, 1957, were set for the purpose of reading the ordinance. Minutes of the regular meetillg of the Zoning and Planning Board held Novem- ber 14, 1957, were presented to the Commission. After consideration of the request of Mr. W. Hungate, 6320 Vanderbilt, that he be permitted to increase the size of his present garage, which would place the garage three feet from the side property line, to add a carport approxim- ately 18 by 20 feet to the front and a 16 -by 36 foot utility room and hobby shop to the back of, the garage ,which was approved by the Zoning Board, the City Commission recommended that Mr. Hungate be asked to furnish a floor plan, information concerning the roof structure and other details of' construction for the utility room and hobby shop, for further study befere appI'Ci>val is given. The request from lYIr. H. L. McCormick, 6344 Sewanee, for permission to subdi- vide Lots 1 and 2, Block 2h., West University Place 1st Addition, was tabled pending development of further information. Recommendation by Chief of Police H. E. Shipp for erection of ''No Parking" signs on Ruskin, Riley, Academy, Fairhaven and Cason Streets from the 39- 4100 blocks was considered by the City Commission. A decision was made to I-.~-T - 119 withhold acti(!)ll on this recommendation until the City MaI1.ager conferred again with Mr. Pevetea'lU: of the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company rela- tiveto a solution of the parking problem of the employees of' his company. The City Manager presented to the City Commission for consideration and study an ordinance enacting an air conditioning code. The Mayor compli- mented the City Manager and Building Inspector on their efforts in prepar- ing this ordinance, and recommended that the Code be given to the local chapter of A.S.H.V.E. for review, in order to secure the benefit of the opinion of a technical group. Cf) Mr. J. I. Cornelison submitted his resignation as City Engineer in the following letter read to the City Commission: ()j '{~"l November 14, 1957 .,:~'"'~ "....... Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission ,,!':t ~,,~ ..1-0 It is with regret that I submit my resignation as of November 19, 1957, as City Engineer of the City of' West University Place. My association with all of you and wi th the entire personnel for the past six years has been most pleasant, and I can sincerely say .that I have enjoyed my work and surroundings within the family of West University. I hope that my service to the City has been of' value, and that it has helped in a small way the growth and administration of our City. Sincerely, (s) J. I. Cornelison The City Commission accepted the resignation of Mr. Cornelison with re- grets and instructed the City Attorney to prepare a resolution to be entered in the minutes of the next meeting, with a copy for ?-'ir. Corneli- son's file. The City Attorney reported that the case of the City of West University Place VB. Joseph Wardino concerning the renting of' a garage apartment in violation of the city's zoning ordinance will be heard on December 3, 1957. The pruning or removal of shrubs constituting a traffic hazard at the corner of Wakeforest and Plumb was discussed. Since the pruning hereto- fore done has not corrected the. hazard, the City iiJanager was instruc'ted to confer with the owner, l'1r. H. G. Hust, on the best. solution to this problem. v The City Manager submitted an invoice from Pemeroy Drilling Company in the amount of $1,748.50 for drilling a 4" by 400r water well, furnishing rig and equipment, labor, casing and screen, setting the city's pump as per their letter dated October 23, 1957, and an extra 10 foot depth of the well at $3.35 per foot. ~- , ,,\ r' '_.''"._'''-'"-~'-''-- r l~U Motion by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the recommendation of the City .Manager be accepted and the invoice from Pemeroy Drilling Company in the amount of $1,748.50 for completion of the water well at the sewage disposal plant be approved. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis and Halbert None The City Manager presented to the City Commission a plan for installment purchase of swimming pool season tickets to go into effect in December, 1957. Motion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded by Commissioner Brown"that the City Manager be authorized to. initiate a plan for installment purchase of swimming pool tickets. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis and Halbert None 'lhe City Manager advised the Commission that sidewalks were needed at the Water Plant. Motion by Commissioner Davis seconded by COmmissioner Halbert, that the City Manager be authorized to proceed with construction of 150 feet of four foot sidewalk at the Water Plant. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis and Halbert None Minutes . of -tae meetings of October 28 and November 4 were read and approved as corrected. \'lith no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. t/~~ltzl#- /ayor,-City oUest Univernty Place ATTEST: 121 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION NOVEMBER 25, 1957 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, November 25, 1957, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Hammond, presiding; Commissioner Brown, Davis, Galbraith, and Halbert. '!he Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Davis. C") OJ "'~ ~~1: ~ = The matter of granting the Houston Lighting & Power Company a franchise for a period of 50 years was brought before the City Commiss ion for considera- tion. Mr. Jack Arlitt, representing the Houston Lighting & Power Company was present. The following formal application dated November 15, 1957, and signed by Mr. Frank M. Austin, Vice President of the Houston Lighting and Power Compa!\y was presented and read in detail: The Honorable Mayor and Board of Commissi0ners City of West University Place, Texas Gentlemen: On behalf of Houston Lighting & Power Company application is hereby made for the grant of a franchise, the terms and conditions of which are set forth in the attached proposal. This proposal is in line with the franchise recently granted to this Company by the City of Houston and we believe the same will fully protect the interest of the City of West Univer- sity Place and the public. We have applied for a 50 year franchise because this Company is in the midst of the greatest expansion program in its history. This program will necessitate major financing, a part of which will be upon long term bonds having maturity dates ranging between 30 and 40 years. These securi- ties will meet the legal requirements of various States and will be more attractive to the purchasers if our franchises are for longer terms than the maturity dates of the bonds. Our ability to secure lower rates of interest will, of course, be of benefit to our customers. The charter of the City of West University Place, Article XX, Section 1, ~equires that the proposed franchise be set down for a hearing of which notice is to be given. It is requested that you call such a hearing and give an appropriate notice by publication of the same in the official news- paper of your City, the cost of such publication to be borne by Houston Lighting & Power Company. In the event you desire further information, or if there is any further action which we should take, we shall be pleased to hear from you. Respectfully submitted, HOUSTON LIGHTING & POWER COMPANY By: (s) F.M.Austin, Vice President The following letter of explanation dated November 18, 1957, and signed by Mr. F. M. Austin, was present as a part of the application covering the 'request for a new 50 year franchise: TC"",,~-'~~-:.;oc=~':'.:'r::o.'~:":~":--::=:='C:'~_:"...:~~~--' - . -- -----~-_u_~',-.~"'''-'-::'~-~:T-.--.---~-- =r'------'----,------ . I' 1~~ Honorable Mayor and City Council City of West University Place, Texas Gentlemen: In line with the proposal to be submitted to each incorporated city served by the Company we are submitting herewith a request for a new 50-year franchise in West University Place. It is the purpose of this letter to outline the present situation and a proposal, of which the new franchise is a part, which will result in an immediate substantial increase in benefits to West University Place. PRESENT SITUATION 1. The Company has always extended to every city within its service area the same proportionate benefits. From the date serviCe was first supplied in West University Place (May 1920) until December 31, 1944 the Company extended to West University Place the benefits of an agreement generally known as the -Profit Sharing Agreement. 2. During the years 1945 through 1953 there was in effect an agreement between West University Place and the Company, generally known and referred to as the Operating Agreement. This agreement automatically terminated on Decem- ber 31, 1953. 3. During each of the years 1954, 1955, 1956 and to date in 1957 the Company has continued to make payments to the City and continued in effect all of the benefit.s to the City that were given it by the terms o.f the Opera- tingAgreement. Listed below is a tabulation of the benefits received by West UniversityC Place for the years 1945 through 1953 as well as the benefits for the years of 1954, 1955 and 1956. Year Benefits to West University Place 1945 '1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 $ 10,018 12,145 - 12,100 12,Mi6 13,249 16,983 16,835 17,842 20,.395 Benefits after expiration of agreement 22,101 24,833 24,223 $203,190 Total ]23 In the same twelve-year period the Company paid West University Place ad valorem taxes totaling $50,505, such ad valorem taxes for the years 1954 1955 and 1956 were $5,018, $5,024 and $5,018 respectively. The'Company, of course, claims no special credit or benefit for the payment of advalorem taxes. 4. The Company is now paying to West University Place a gross re- ceipts tax of 2% per annum based on the gross receipts within West Uni var- sity Place for all electric service sold excluding revenue from govern- mental and municipal services. f.Y:J OJ "~~ ".<::'1' '<."1- ~ "",k,i Under the laws of Texas, West University Place (by ordinance or agreement) has the right and authority to require any utility operat.ing in the City to pay to the City an annual gross receipts tax of 2% per annum. Only with the consent of the utility may the gross receipts tax exceed 2% per annum. 5. The Company now has a valid franchise in West University Place which extends to May 29, 1980. 6. For many years, in addition to the free lights .furnished by the Company to the City, the Company has installed, owned, operated and main- tained at its expense a system of street lighting for which the City pays a flat charge per light per year. 7. Under the terms of the old Profit Sharing Agreement aDd continued under the terms of the Operating Agreement, West University Place has paid and now pays a special rate (lower than the standard rate) for energy used for water pumping and sewage disposal. PROPOSED OPERATION The Company and West University Place have never had a dispute or controversy. The Company has endeavored at all times to be sympathetic with and wholeheartedly cooperate with West University Place and its officials in meeting with the difficulties and problems of growth with which the City is confronted. '!he Company has had .to experience the difficulties and problems of anticipating the growth in West University Place and the other cities of the area as well as having the burden pf providing at all times sufficient capacity to meetthe.electric service requirements of the indus- trial and other customers in the territory. The Company proposes a new 50-year franchise which will include the following items: 1. An increase from 2% to 4% per annum in the amount of the gross receipts tax paid by the Company to the City on all revenue received within the city limits of West University Place (except the revenue received from street lighting) and, in addition, annual payment to West Univers.ity Place of the fixed amount of $500. 1~4 2. The Company to permit. the City to use, free of charge, available pole space on the Company's poles and available underground duct space in any underground duct lines within the City for the installa- ticm of City owned traffic, police and fire alarm system conductors. The.G.ompany will install, without charge to the City, ornamental street lighting standards and operate and maintain such lights at the rates set forth in the attached schedule. ' In lieu of the special rate now paid by the City for electric service, and in consideration of the increase in the gross receipts tax to be paid by the Company, the City will hereafter pay for electric service on t.he Company's standard rates for such service. DISCUSSION For the purpose of illustrating the estimated results that might be expected to flow from 1. The below mentioned proposed change in the present rates for street lighting, 2. The elimination of the special rate for electric service fur- nished bye City, and 3. The increase in the gross receipts tax paid by the Company, we have tabulated below the annual cost of the number of street lights in operation at the end of August, 1957 on the old rates, which includes the 147 free street lights, and. the annual cost of the same number of lights on the proposed rate schedule as well as the difference in cost for electric servic.e furnished the City, based on the usage for the 12 months ending December, 1956, and the amount of the gross receipts tax due on the 2% basis and the amount that would be paid on the basis of the pro- posed franchise. You will note West University Place will receive an increase in cash payments by the Company of :1li14,990.00 per year which after deducting the increased cost shown will result in an increase in net benefits to the City of $6,172.00 per year. Total Number of Street Lights as of 8-31-57 209 Annual Cost to the City based on the Present Street Lighting Rates $1,890 Annual Cost to the City Based on the Proposed Street Lighting Rates $4,293 Savings to the City ($2,403) Cost to the City of all Other Electrical Services Billed on the Special City Rate $24,101 Cost to the City of the above services Billed on the Standard Rate $30,516 1.~l5 Savin~s to the City {) Means Increase ($6,415) Gross Receipts Pa;>1JD.ents to the City Based on the Present 2% Rate $13,398 (;\:;) (~"'" ~,; "l"""4 Gross Receipts Payments to the City Based on the Proposed 14% Rate Increased Cash Payments to the City Total of Savings and Cash Payments to the City $28,388 ~h4,990 $6,172 ~~"C ~ ::c: As electric sales increase wi thin West University Place a propor- tionate increase in benefits will follow. In addition, due to the lower street lighting rates which will be- come available, the City will be able to extend its system of street lighting at a far lower cost th~ heretofore. CONCLUSION We respectfully submit to you: 1. A suggested franchise ordinance which provides a. For a term of 50 years. b. That the Company pay $500.00 per annum., plus 4% of the gross receipts of all electric service sold within'the corporate limits of West University Place, except the revenue received from street lighting. c. That the Company will permit the C;i.ty to use available pole space on the Company poles and available underground duct space in any underground duct lines within West University Place at no expense to the City. 2. A tabulat;i.on showing the electric service billed to West Univer- sity Place along with the present cost under the applicable rate schedules and the cost under the proposed rate schedules. The Company requests a letter from the City specifying the applica- ble schedule on each electric service location so that our files may reflect the City's authorization to bill these accounts. Attached are copies of the residential and the general service rate schedules now in effect in West University Place as well as the proposed Municipal Street Lighting Schedule MSL. In financing the construction expansion and other needs of the Com- pany.it is for the best interest of the Company and the customers it serves, that the bonds issued by the Company have maturities of 30 to 35 years. Consequently, it will be helpful for the Company to have a long term fran- chise in West University Place in order to finance on a long term basis with the resulting lower interest which will help to maintain the low electric rates now enjoyed by all of the customers of the Company. ~ r~~~ T '" ,~~. ...-' ~c~ ".- :'1 -' I 'I l~~ We will be glad to meet: with you at any time for further discus- sion and consideration of the matters herein outlined. Inasmuch as the future growth of the Company is interlocked with the growth of West Uni- versity Place and the other cities in this area it is our constant desire to work with the representactives of each city in maintaining a harmonious relationship thus assuring the future progress of all. We will, of course, be glad to furnish you any.further or additional information or data that you may require or desire. Very truly yours, HOUSTON LIGHTING & POWER COMPANY By: (5) F.M. Austin, Vice P~es. In order to comply with Charta:!':' proVisions, it was agreed that it would be necessary to call a public hearing in order to grant a new franchise to the Houston Lighting & Power Company. Ordinance No. 732, captioned as follows, was presented to the Commission and read in full : AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSI'lY PLACE, TEXAS, CALLING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING THE GRANTING OF A FRANCHISE TO HOUSTON LIGHTING & POWER COMPANY FOR A TERM OF FIF'lY (50) YEARS; ESTABLISHING A TIME, PLACE AND DATE FOR SUCH HEARING: QUOTING THE ORDINANCE TO BE CONSIDERED AT SUCH PUBLIC HEARING; AND D:mECTING THAT A COPY OF THIS ORDINANCE BE PI:JBLISHED IN THE HOUSTON CHRON- ICLE, THE OFFICKAL NEWSPAPER OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PUCE AT LEAST ONE TIME TEN DAYS PRIOR 'IO THE DATE OF SUCH PUBLIC HEARING. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that Ordinance No: 732, calling a public hearing for the pUrpose of consider- ing the granting of a franchise to Houston Lighting & 1Power Company for a tenTl of 50 years, be passed and app~ved as read. . Voting Aye: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis, Galbraith and Halbert Votiq~ No: None Ordinance No. 733, captioned as follows, was then subniitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full: AN ORDINANCE GRANTING 10 HOUS'IDN LIGHTING & POvJER COMPANY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, THE RIGHT, PRIVILEGE AND FRANCHISE 'ID CONDUCT WI THIN THE CITY AN ELECTRICAL LIGHTING 'AND PO\tJER BUSINESS AND TO ERECT, CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN, OPERATE, USE, EX'IEND, REMOVE, REPLACE AND REPAIR IN, UNDER, UPON, OVER, ACROSS AND ALONG ANY AND ALL OF THE PRESENT AlI.1D FUTURE PUBLIC ROADS, HIGHWAYS, STREETS, LANES AND ALLEYS OF THE CITY AND OVER AND ACROE;S ANY STREAM OR S'I'.RE>>IS, BRIDGE OR BRIDGES, NO\1T OR HEREAFTER OWNED OR CONTROLLED BY IT A SYSTEM OF POLES, POLE LINES, 'roWERS, TRANSMISSION LINES, WIRES, GUYS, CABLES, CONDUITS AND OTHER DESIRABLE INSTRUMENTALITIES r~7 (Y) en \-'i ",':"'1' ,-. AND APPURTENANCES (INCLUDING TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE POLES AND WIRES FOR COMPANY'S Ow'N USE), NECESSARY OR PROPER FOR THE PO~1ER AND HEAT, AND FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE FOR vJHICH ELECTRICITY MAY BE USED, TO THE t-lUNICIPALITY AND INHABITAN'lS OF THE MUNICIPALITY, OR ANY OTHER PERSON OR PERSONS FOR A PERIOD OF FIFTY (50) YEARS; REGULATING THE USE OF S1REE'IS BY THE COMPANY AND THE REPAIR AND RES'illRATION OF STREETS DISWRBEDBY CONSTRUCTION; CONTAINING A CONTRACT BY THE COMPANY 'ill FURNISH FIRST-CLASS SERVICE AND THE GRADE OF SERVICE TO ITS CUSTOMERS AS PROVIDED BY ITS RATE SCHED- ULES EXCEPT UNDER CONDITIONS BEYOND THE COHPANY'S CON'lROL; PRO- VIDING FOR THETEI1PORARY REMOVAL, RAISING AND LOWERING OF lURES AND 0 'IHER APPURTENANCES AND ESTABLISHING STANDARDS FOR THEIR CONSTRUCTION; PROVIDING FOR COHPENSATION TO BE PAID TO THE CITY; PROVIDING FOR USE BY THE CITY FOR I'IS TRAFFIC SIGNAL LIGHT SYSTEM ,AND I'IS POLICE AND FIRE ALAITh1 SYSTEM OF CERTAIN "V>IIRE AND CONDUIT SPACE; PROVIDING THAT THIS FRANCHISE SHALL NOT BE EXCLmSIVE; PROVIDING THE GOMPANYIS,OBLIGATION TO FURNISH EFFICIENT SERVICE AT REASONABLE RATES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILI'lY CLAUSE; RESERVING ALL POWERS OF REGULA TION; PROYIDING FOR INDEr-lNITY BY THE COMPANY TO THE CITY; MAKING PROVISIONS WITH RESPECT TO MORTGAGES; MAKING MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS RELATIVE TO THIS GRANT OF FRANCHISE; REPEALING ALL PREVIOUS ELECTRICAL LIGHTING AND POVJER FRANCHISE ORDINANCES; PROVIDING FOR ACCEPTANCE BY THE COJiIPANY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFEC TIVE DATE. ~t ->"t"'l ~~ Motion by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Halbert, that the first reading of Ordinance No. 733, granting the Houston Lighting & Power Company a new 50 year franchise be approved. VotLTlg Aye: Voting No: Mayor HalTmond; Commissioners Brown,Davis,Ga1braith & Halbert None Mr. ~l. Hungate, 6320 Vanderbilt appeared at the request of the City Commis- sion and presented detail drawings showing the elevation of a hobby shop and utility room and carport he proposed to construct on his property. In the opinion of the City Oommission, there was no potential violation of the Zoning Ordinance. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that the request of Mr. W. Hungate, 6:320 Vanderbilt be permitted to construct a hobby shop and utility room and carport as shown on the drawing and as recommended by the Zoning & Planning Board. Voting Aye: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis ,Galbraith & Halbert Voting No: None In connection with bids received on November 18, for construction of a street department equipment storage building, the following information and recommendation was submitted. -- ---'~--~~--Ti"""~r:~'-J~'~~-~"-T'-----r't' "--"-~-~'-~-'--~r-- ----;r--n~--~'- ~I i - l~~ Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Gentlemen: Pursuant to your instruc~ions, a tabulation and study have been made of the bids received Novemper 18th for construction of an equipment building for the Street Departmrnt. You will please note that the F & R Construction Corporation, 8201 Katy Road, Houston, Texas,1 submitted the low bid of $34,390.00 We have made numerous in~uirieS concerning the reputation and ability of the F & R Construction Corporation to complete the construction of the project in question, in 6vent they are awarded a contract. The following firms or persons have I been consulted: Mr. Gus DanielS, F~rst City National Bank; Walter C. Bruer, G.P.A.; E. J. Stone Insurance Agency; Edward Bodet, Architect; Mr. Dirk Kipp, Elgin Butler Company. No adverse reports were received. However, there was some indica- tion that the company had not bhilt up enough working capital, and therefore might experience some trouble i~ they were not paid on a monthly basis. Mr. Gus Daniels, of the First City rational Bank, stated their financial position was sound, and that his bank ha~ been financing them for the past five years. No criticism or objection was received concerning their ability, honesty, or integrity. .An incomplete report, was obtained from Dunn and Bradstreet which was neither favorable nor unfavorabLle, as it appeared that they had not obtained sufficient information to releabe a justifiable opinion. The E. J. Stone Insurancl Agency stated they had a bonding capacity of a half million dollars. It is the recommendation of our City Engineer that the contract be awarded to the F & R Constructiol,n Corporation on their low bid of $34,390.00 and it is, likewise, my opinioI1J and recommendation that the City Commission is justified in making the awar(l. Very truly yours, (5) Whitt Johnson City Manager A Certificate was presented from City Treasurer W. F. Spencer certifying that necessary funds were available in the Water Fund for transfer to the General Fund in accordance with budget estimates as quoted in Ordinance No. 729, and that the City Comm. ission had h]retOfore approved this method of financing construction of the building. Mr. E. F. Lamont, Secretary of the F & R Construction Corporation presented an outline of his experience record and recommendations. 129 The following recommendation from City Engineer J. I. Cornelison was presented: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Gentlemen: C"'J CJj M ,~.t, ~ >->'"'l w-l This is to advise that F & R Construction Corporation were low bidders on the Street Department Equipment Storage Building, and it is here~ recommended that F & R Construction Corporation be awarded the contract for the building for $34,390.00 Respectfully submitted, (s ) J. I. C ornelis on . City Engineer After reviewing the tabulation of bids received and recommendations, the . following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that a contract be awarded to the F & R Construction Corporation, 8201 Katy Road, Houston, Texas, for construction of an equipment storage building for the Street Department, and too t Mayor Hanmond be authorized to execute the contract on behalf of the city. Voting Aye: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown,Davis,Ga1braith and Halbert Voting No: None Resolutien 57-22 as follows, was presented to the Commissien and read in :full: WHEREAS, J. I. Cornelison was employed as City Engineer for the City of West University Place, Texas, on the 15th day of April, 1952, and served faithfully in such capacity from such date until November 19, 1957; and WHEREAS, the said J. I. Cornelison has found it necessary for per- sonal reasons to submit his resignation as City Engineer of the City of West University Place effective November 19, 1957; and WHEREAS, during his tenure with the City of West University Place, the said J. I. Corne1isen has performed his duties in an ememplary manner and thereby reflecte.d credit upon the said City and the various administrations under' which he has served and has efficiently and competently supervised many important projects inuring to the benefit and welfare of the City of West University Place; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place is desirous of expressing its appreciation as well as that of the citizens of the said City for the competent and meritorious service rendered by the said J. I. Cornelison throughout his employment: I-=~n-'.~c',:c.=-=:::::r ._~ rT--' . '.T. '" . -.. "'~:l __----.1:- I " I L ~iU NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That the appreciation of the citizens of the CitY" of West University Place, acting by and through the Mayor and City Commission of said City, as well as that of the }IIayor and City, be, and the same is hereby extended to J. I. Cornelison for the exemplary manner in which he has executed and discharged his duties as City Engineer of the said City and conducting all affairs of his office throughout his employment. 2. That a copy of this Resolution be presented to the said J. I. Cornelison in token of the appreciation of the citizens of the City of West University Place and of the Mayor and City Commission of said City as expressed therein. 3. That copies of this Resolution be furnished to each of the local newspapers serving this area. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 25th day of November, 1957 Motion by Commissioner Brown, seconded by COIl'Jllissioner Galbraith, that Resolution 57-22 expressing appreciation for the service rendered by J. I. Cornelison as City Engineer be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis ,Galbraith and Halbert None '. '!he City Manager presented a request and recommendation to remove one of the asphalt storage tanks from the sewage disposal plant grounds to be placed underground on the Street Department grounds in the 3800 block of Milton Street at the location of the new storage building. The moving of the tank would centralize operations of the Street Department and reduce cost of transportating asphalt and colas. It was estimated that the cost would not exceed $750.00 for moving the asphalt tank and the necessary materials and excavation to place it underground. Motion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that authorizatiolJ. be granted for removing the asphalt tank from the f?ewage disposal plant site to the Street Department location in the 3800 block of Milton Street; and that a maximum of ~!l50.00 be authorized for expen- diture from the General Fund for this purpose. Votimg Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis,Galbrait.h and Halbert None Minutes of the meeting of November 18, were read and approved as corrected. " b___ l:!'~~!r__."~'~"==r . .,r"'-'~'~'-'------l"T __...1 "'1'- l;i I With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~ ~~h~~~ /; ayor, City of West University Plal. e, V Texas cr:J v'J M A '!TEST: ~.,",1'f --....~ ~ .- ".J." City Secretary . ... :: r--- . --.------- --1 I 'I L:i~ REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION DECEi"IBER 9, 1957 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, Decembe:r' 9, 1957, 7:30 P.M., with the following members present: Mayor Hammond, presiding; Commissioners Brown, Davis, Galbraith and Halbert. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Mr. Wesley Kuenemann. A report was presented to the Commission relating details of an accident involving one of the city's vehicles, a 1955 Ford Pickup, used in the Water Department and an automobile owned and operated by Fred Thompson, 3312 St. Charles, Houston, Texas. Estimates obtained to repair the city's pickup were as follows: Weinze1 Auto Service, $529.48; Ivy Russelll\letor CompaEjT, $550.37; Smith Chevrolet Company, $684.73. A fonnal quotation was submitted by Ivy Russell Motor Company for replace- ment of the damaged pickup with a 1958 Ford FIOO as follows: $1,546.49 less allowance for the city's 1955 wrecked Ford Pickup of $135.00; net cost to the city $1,411.49. After discussing the two .courses of action that could be followed on this matter it was determined to be to the best interest of the city to purchase a new pickup for the Water Department. Motion by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that a 1958 model pickup be purchased for the Water Department and that sealed bids be received until 7:30 P.M. January 13, 1958. Voting Aye: V oting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown,Davis,Galbraith and Halbert None Commissioner Brown suggested that the city obtain bids from companies or individuals who specialize in reconditioning and repair of damaged or wrecked vehicles in addition to bids received from authorized dealers. Motion by Commissioner Galbra,ith, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that bids be received for the sale of the wrecked pickup truck from firms who specialize in reconditioning and repair of damaged or wrecked vehicles of this type, bids to be received until 7:30 P.M., January 13, 1958. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown,Davis,Galbraith and Halbert None Mayor Hammond announced that a public hearing had been called for 8:00 P.M. to consider a formal application made by the Houston Lighting and Power Company for granting of a 50 year franchise and requested City Attorney Charles Cockrell to conduct the public hearing at this time. The City Attor- ney announced that all interested parties who desire to testify should be given the Oath. Mayor Hammond administered the Oath to City Manager Whitt Johnson and Mr. Wesley Kuenemann, Representative of the Houston Lighting & Power Company. 1:j3 In answert.O questions by the City Attorney, the City Manager testified that the Notice of Public Hearing had been inserted in the official newspaper of the city, being the Houston Chronicle, on November 28, 1957. The City Attorney stated the publication of the notice of the Pu.b1ic Hearing had met all provisions of the City Charter. C'~J O'j ,~~--i ":"1: ~~ -~ ~~ Mr. Wesley Kuenemann stated that he represented the Houston Lighting & Power Company and stressed his firm's financial and technological ability to keep abreast with the latest developments; that the Houston Lighting & Power Co. had recently borrowed $40,000,000 at h 3/4% interest rate for purpose of expansion and that the tremendous progress made by the firm the past 10 years represented frugality of management. Details of the proposed ordinance granting the Houston Lighting & Power Company a 50 year franchise were discussed by the Attorney and Commission. There being no other interested parties present who desired to be heard, the City Attorney recommended the Public Hearing be closed. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Halbert, that the public hearing called for 8 P.M., for consideration of granting a 50 year franchise to the Houston Lighting & Power Company be closed. Voting Aye' Voting No, Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown,Davis ,Galbraith and Halbert None Mayor Hammond then stated that it was in order to hear the second reading of the proposed franchise ordinance and requested the City Manager to read the Ordinance. Ordinance No. 733 was again submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full. Motion by Commissioner DaviS, seconded by Commissioner Halbert that Ordinance No. 733, granting the Houston Lighting & Power Company a new 50 year franchise be approved on its second reading. Voting Aye: Voting No: Ma;yor HaImnond; Commissioners. Brown ,Davis ,Galbraith and Halbert None Resolution 57-23, as follows was presented to the Commission for considera- tion and read in full: WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the Tax Collector1s FUnd which will not be required for operating expenses until the next fiscal year; and WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for operation of the City; and "1- l34 WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated until . maturity of this investment will preclude a fund de1.'icit: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $110,000.00 from the Tax Collector's Fund, for a period of six months. Motion by Commissioner Halbert, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that Resolution 57-23 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $110,000.00 1.'rom the Tax Collector's Fund, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis , Galbraith and Halbert None Mayor Hammond annoUnced that a conference had been held on Saturday morning December 7, 1957, with the City Manager, Street Superintendent and Mr. Dick Kipps 01.' Elgin Butler Brick Company 1.'or the purpose of selecting the brick and building tile for the new street department building and submitted various samples which 'had been tentatively agreed upon. After hearing a report made by the Mayor and inspecting the samples of materials, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Brown, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the F & R Construction Corporation be authorized to select the following materials from Elgin Butler Brick Company for use in the Street Department equipment storage building: Exteriol: brick, 7920/79200; exposed interior'brick, 92Do; Structural building tile, D'Hanis Horizontal cell, horizontal textured; glazed tile, cloud gray #400 in dressing room area. Tinted Clear #500 in parts room and res t room. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown,Davis,Galbraith and Halbert None The City Commission reviewed a preliminary list of Insurance agents deemed eligible to receive a proportionate share of the city's insurance premiums. Commissioner Brown recommended that the name of Robert F. Hughes, who meets all qualifications and operates an insurance business at 6129 Ed10e be added to the list. The City Manager was requested to present a final list for considerati.on at the next meeting of the City Commission. City Attorney Charles Cockrell stated the t he had made an appearance before the 55th Judicial Court of Harris County and announced to the Court that an agreed judgement had been reached by the City of West University Place and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Wardino,6437 Rutgers Street relative to his illegal renting of a garage apartment on the rear of their premises. Mr. Cockrell stated that after Mr. & Mrs. Wardino's signatures have been obtained and the agreement presented to the Judge for signature, the case would be disposed of. I' IJ5 The City Manager stated that a conference had been held with ~Ir. John Peveteaux of the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company concerning the employeets parking their automobiles on residential streets but that no decision had been reached. It was estimated that necessary signs to correct this condition as recommended would cost approximately $700.00. '!he City Commission withheld action pending further negotia tions with Southwestern Bell Telephone Company. A letter was submitted by Mr. Elmo Williams asking that the West University Baptist Church be permitted to paint ItNO PARKING" signs on the street at the south entrance to the church parking lot on Milton Street. C'-J CJ -'1"""'1 Motion by Commiss ioner Davis, seconded by Commiss ioner Galbraith that the West Uni versi ty Baptist Church be permitted to paint "NO PARKING" signs on the street at the south entrance to the church parking lot on Milton Street. ~~~ "'~ ~ ...L., Voting Aye: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown,Davis,Galbraith and Halbert. Voting No: None Minutes of the meeting of November 25, 1957, were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon metion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~~~~ t/'J ayor, City of West University lace, Texas ATTEST: City Secretary b T1-::::r~~>~- ~.:I .L'-'~~~~l =r " I l3lj RECESSED MEE Tll1G OF CITY COHMIS'S ION DECEMBER 16, 1957 The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall, Honday, December 16, 1957, 7: 30 P .1'1. , with the follo\'Jing members present : Mayor Hammond, presiding; Commissioners Brown, Davis and Galbraith. The City Manager and Assistant City Attorney were also present. Corr~issioner Halbert was absent due to illness and the City Attorney was absent. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Galbraith. Ninutes of the meeting of the Zoning & Planning Board held on December 12, 1957, were presented to the Commission for consideration and the following action taken: .. 'Motion by Commissioner Davis, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that the request of Mr. George B. Hausen for permission to build a duplex on Lot lOB, Block 25, West University Place 1st Addition be denied as recommended by the Zoning & Planning Board. V"oting Aye: V oting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown,Davis and Galbraith. None A letter was submitted by Water Superintendent E. J. Hood, certifying that the Hurricane-Fence Company had complied with plans and specifications for furnish- ing and erecting a chain link fence at the water plant on the south side of the 3800 block of Milton atreet. The amount of the contract was $2,053.80 plus an. additional amount of $68.53 for 100 feet of 72 inch fence and three 2t inch by 9 foot line posts. Notion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Davis, that the Hurricane Fence Company be paid $2,122.33 for erection of a chain link fence at the Water Plant on the south side of the 3800 block of Milton Street, in accordance with the certification of Water Superintendent E. J. Hood that their contract had been fulfilled. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis and Galbraith. None A list of insurance agents determined eligible to receive a sM.re of the city's insurance premiums was submitted to the City Commission for considera- tion. After reviewing the list, the City Commission determined that the following 16 agents were eligible: John E. Boyd, Jr. & Sr.; Wynne L. Creekmore, Robert F. Hughes, J. Paxton Huff, W. B. Ruth, Gene E. Young, Charles Hughes, Fred A. Rhodes, Jr., Robert B. Overstreet, Seth W. Ramey, C. Van Berson, W. J. Gebhard, W. F. Akin, James H. Marrs, C. L. Wall, Pride Black, Ed J. Curry. Motion by Commissioner DaviS, seconded by Conmissioner Brown, that the list of 16 agents as submitted by approved and authorized to receive disbursements of insurance premiums paid by the city. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; COIfl.rnissioners Brown, Davis and Galbraith None cY"J en ,-1 ~.r: cet := I '! ]!~, 7 City 1Y1anager ltJhitt Johnson submitted a request for authority to change the city's accounting procedure to conform with standard accounting principals and procedures as recoIlIDlended by the National Committee on Governmental Accounting, as outlined in their volume titled ltMunicipal Accounting and Auditingll, and to install a standard classification of municipal revenues and expenditures, as outlined in their volume titled "A Standard Classifica- tion of Municipal Accounts". The City Manager reques ted City Treasurer ~i. F. Spencer to give an outline of the details he had prepared, and to explain the proposed system. Mr. Spencer submitted various budgets he had received from other cities which had adopted the system, and pointed out the advantages to be derived, emphasizing the accuracy in budget preparation, stronger administrative control, and an accept- able basis of accounting. Af'ter reviewing the information submitted by the City Treasurer, and in light of the recommendation of the City}1anager, it was the opinion of the City Commission that the conversion of the ,standard municipal accounting prOCedure would be highly beneficial and create efficiency. Ordinanc~ No. 736jcaptioned as follows, was submitted to the COIlID1ission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE. AUTHORIZING THE CITY TREASURER TO CHANGE THE CITY ACCOUNTING AND Bu.DGETING SYSTEM TO CONFORM WITH STANDARD PRIN- CIPALS AND PROCEDURES RECOMMENDED BY THE NA TIONAL COIvIMITTEE ON GOVERNMENTAL ACCOUNTING; ARRANGIN(} FUNDS ADOPTED IN THE CURRENT BUDGET SO THAT THE! MAY FIT THE NEW ACCOUNTING PROCEDURE. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Brown; that Ordin- ance No. 736 authorizing the City Treasurer to change the City accounting and budgeting system to conform with standard municipal accounting principals as outlined by the National Committee on Governmental Accounting be passed and adopted as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Hammond; Commissioners Brown, Davis and Galbraith None The minutes of the meeting of November 25 and December 9 were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. w#-~ City of West University Place, Texas ATTEST: 'C"ity Secretary ''1.' r-i~.o'!;""-'""~""'~',;,:r~--r~~~'~~~'-'"~.'~~l .r .