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2021 DEC - Recycling Stats - ALL YEAR
City of West University Place, TexasRECYCLING REVENUEYEAR 2021ItemJANUARYFEBRUARYMARCHAPRILMAYJUNE% of Materials Tons $ / Ton Total RevRev Share West U Rev% of Materials Tons $ / Ton Total RevRev Share West U Rev% of Materials Tons $ / Ton Total RevRev Share West U Rev% of Materials Tons $ / Ton Total RevRev Share West U Rev% of Materials Tons $ / Ton Total RevRev Share West U Rev% of Materials Tons $ / Ton Total RevRev Share West U RevGarbage Collection: (Avg $ / ton)ton plus ton neg amount - neg amount of billRegular Trash 418.17($36.35) ($15,201.52)405.90($36.44) ($14,789.12)487.43($36.65) ($17,866.57)426.42($36.74) ($15,666.76)384.86($36.74) ($14,139.82)431.02($36.77) ($15,850.54)Subtotal Garbage Collection:418.17($15,201.52)405.90($14,789.12)487.43($17,866.57)426.42($15,666.76)384.86($14,139.82)431.02($15,850.54)Curbside Recycle:Single Stream Total Tons: 166.34Blended Value/TonSingle Stream Total Tons: 142.09Blended Value/TonSingle Stream Total Tons: 153.81Blended Value/TonSingle Stream Total Tons: 153.87Blended Value/TonSingle Stream Total Tons: 171.55Blended Value/TonSingle Stream Total Tons: 159.58Blended Value/TonXOCC (corrig.cardboard) 21.30% 35.43 $85.00 $3,011.59 $50.60 21.30% 30.27 $85.00 $2,572.54 $54.88 21.30% 32.76 $90.00 $2,948.54 $57.57 20.50% 31.54 $100.00 $3,154.34 $65.01 20.50% 35.17 $105.00 $3,692.61 $74.24 20.50% 32.71 $125.00 $4,089.24 95.24ALL OTHER PAPER 7.90% 13.14 $35.00 $459.93 7.90% 11.23 $35.00 $392.88 7.90% 12.15 $35.00 $425.28 8.30% 12.77 $35.00 $446.99 8.30% 14.24 $40.00 $569.55 8.30% 13.25 $60.00 $794.71XONP (newspapers, mag, inserts) 36.50% 60.71 $35.00 $2,124.99Processing Fee:36.50% 51.86 $35.00 $1,815.20Processing Fee:36.50% 56.14 $35.00 $1,964.92Processing Fee:42.70% 65.70 $35.00 $2,299.59Processing Fee:42.70% 73.25 $40.00 $2,930.07Processing Fee:42.70% 68.14 $60.00 $4,088.44Processing Fee:XPETE (PET plastic #1) 4.50% 7.49 $160.00 $1,197.65($95.40)4.50% 6.39 $182.60 $1,167.55($95.40)4.50% 6.92 $200.00 $1,384.29($95.40)4.50% 6.92 $280.00 $1,938.76($95.40)4.50% 7.72 $330.00 $2,547.52($95.40)4.50% 7.18 $400.00 $2,872.44($95.40)XHDPEC (color plastic #2) 1.00% 1.66 $410.00 $681.99 1.00% 1.42 $440.00 $625.20 1.00% 1.54 $450.00 $692.15 0.80% 1.23 $690.00 $849.36 0.80% 1.37 $810.00 $1,111.64 0.80% 1.28 $1,020.00 $1,302.17XHDPEN (natural plastic #1) 1.00% 1.66 $1,410.00 $2,345.39Value Delta / Ton1.00% 1.42 $1,490.00 $2,117.14Value Delta / Ton1.00% 1.54 $1,550.00 $2,384.06Value Delta / Ton0.70% 1.08 $1,725.00 $1,857.98Value Delta / Ton0.70% 1.20 $1,870.00 $2,245.59Value Delta / Ton0.70% 1.12 $2,020.00 $2,256.46Value Delta / Ton3-7 PLASTIC 0.60% 1.00 $0.00 $0.00($44.80)0.60% 0.85 $0.00 $0.00($40.52)0.60% 0.92 $0.00 $0.00($37.83)0.30% 0.46 $0.00 $0.00($30.39)0.30% 0.51 $0.00 $0.00($21.16)0.30% 0.48 $0.00 $0.00($0.16)XMIXED GLASS 13.20% 21.96($23.30) ($511.60)75%($33.60)13.20% 18.76($20.68) ($387.87)75%($30.39)13.20% 20.30($20.68) ($419.86)75%($28.37)21.30% 32.77($29.16) ($955.70)75%($22.79)21.30% 36.54($22.39) ($818.13)75%($15.87)21.30% 33.99($19.79) ($672.67)75%($0.12)XSTEEL (steel cans) 0.00% 0.00 $65.00 $0.00Rebate / Ton0.00% 0.00 $65.00 $0.00Rebate / Ton0.00% 0.00 $65.00 $0.00Rebate / Ton0.10% 0.15 $225.00 $34.62Rebate / Ton0.10% 0.17 $225.00 $38.60Rebate / Ton0.10% 0.16 $225.00 $35.91Rebate / TonXUBC (aluminum) 0.20% 0.33 $1,050.00 $349.31 0.20% 0.28 $1,120.00 $318.28 0.20% 0.31 $1,190.00 $366.07 0.20% 0.31 $1,330.00 $409.29 0.20% 0.34 $1,330.00 $456.32 0.20% 0.32 $1,460.00 $465.97XWASTE 13.80% 22.95($54.14) ($1,242.78)13.80% 19.61($41.95) ($822.57)13.80% 21.23($41.95) ($890.42)0.50% 0.77($41.95) ($32.27)0.50% 0.86($43.80) ($37.57)0.50% 0.80($43.48) ($34.69)FUEL($0.96) ($1.07) ($1.07) ($1.64) ($1.62) ($1.30)ENV FEE($4.50) ($4.50) ($4.50) ($4.50) ($4.50) ($5.00)DISPOSAL FEE P/TON($50.26) ($46.09) ($43.40) ($36.53) ($27.28) ($6.46)Subtotal Curbside:166.34 $8,416.48($8,360.57)142.09 $7,798.35($6,548.48)153.81 $8,855.02($6,675.18)153.72 $10,002.96($5,621.00)170.52 $12,736.20($4,679.55)158.62 $15,197.97($1,031.31)Curbside tonnage breakdown is an estimate based upon random sampling of City's collections.*p/ton price increase per CPIYard Waste 76.26(13.84) ($1,055.44)51.71(13.84) ($715.67)167.83(13.84) ($2,322.77)127.17(13.84) ($1,760.03)60.48(13.84) ($837.04)53.32(13.84) ($737.95)SOLID WASTE:TOTAL TONS: 418.17 405.90 487.43 426.42 384.86 431.02TOTAL REVENUE/(EXPENDITURE):($15,201.52) ($14,789.12) ($17,866.57) ($15,666.76) ($14,139.82) ($15,850.54)Recycling %Recycling %Recycling %Recycling %Recycling %Recycling %RECYCLING:36.71% 32.32% 39.75% 39.71% 37.51% 32.96%Tons Curbside: 166.34 142.09 153.81 153.72 170.52 158.62TOTAL RECYCLING: 166.34 142.09 153.81 153.72 170.52 158.62TOTAL REVENUE/(EXPENDITURE):($8,360.57) ($6,548.48) ($6,675.18) ($5,621.00) ($4,679.55) ($1,031.31)YARD WASTETons Curbside: 76.26 51.71 167.83 127.17 60.48 53.32TOTAL YW:76.26 51.71 167.83 127.17 60.48 53.32TOTAL REVENUE/(EXPENDITURE):($1,055.44) ($715.67) ($2,322.77) ($1,760.03) ($837.04) ($737.95)TOTAL:660.77($24,617.53)547.99($22,053.27)809.07($26,864.52)707.31($23,047.79)615.86($19,656.42)642.96($17,619.80)ItemJULYAUGUSTSEPTEMBEROCTOBERNOVEMBERDECEMBER TOTAL% of Materials Tons $ / Ton Total RevRev Share West U Rev% of Materials Tons $ / Ton Total RevRev Share West U Rev% of Materials Tons $ / Ton Total RevRev Share West U Rev% of Materials Tons $ / Ton Total RevRev Share West U Rev% of Materials Tons $ / Ton Total RevRev Share West U Rev% of Materials Tons $ / Ton Total RevRev Share West U Rev Tons Rev / (Exp)Garbage Collection: (Avg $ / ton)ton plus ton neg amount - neg amount of bill ton plus ton neg amount - neg amount of bill ton plus ton neg amount - neg amount of billRegular Trash 355.45($37.08) ($13,181.35)397.33($37.11) ($14,744.38)425.71($37.12) ($15,800.88)389.59($37.19) ($14,489.17)455.65($37.31) ($17,000.58)421.71($37.35) ($15,751.28)4,999.24($184,481.97)Subtotal Garbage Collection:355.45($13,181.35)397.33($14,744.38)425.71($15,800.88)389.59($14,489.17)455.65($17,000.58)421.71($15,751.28)4,999.24($184,481.97)Curbside Recycle:Single Stream Total Tons: 121.01Blended Value/TonSingle Stream Total Tons: 138.93Blended Value/TonSingle Stream Total Tons: 132.41Blended Value/TonSingle Stream Total Tons: 130.46Blended Value/TonSingle Stream Total Tons: 157.20Blended Value/TonSingle Stream Total Tons: 182.10Blended Value/TonXOCC (corrig.cardboard) 20.50% 24.81 $145.00 $3,597.02 $116.70 20.50% 28.48 $185.00 $5,268.92 $139.61 22.10% 29.26 $195.00 $5,706.21 $167.77 22.10% 28.83 $195.00 $5,622.17 $165.85 22.10% 34.74 $185.00 $6,427.12 $147.76 22.10% 40.24 $170.00 $6,841.50 $125.39 384.25 $52,931.79ALL OTHER PAPER 8.30% 10.04 $80.00 $803.51 8.30% 11.53 $105.00 $1,210.77 7.90% 10.46 $110.00 $1,150.64 7.90% 10.31 $110.00 $1,133.70 7.90% 12.42 $100.00 $1,241.88 7.90% 14.39 $90.00 $1,294.73 145.92XONP (newspapers, mag, inserts) 42.70% 51.67 $80.00 $4,133.70Processing Fee:42.70% 59.32 $105.00 $6,228.93Processing Fee:45.60% 60.38 $110.00 $6,641.69Processing Fee:45.60% 59.49 $110.00 $6,543.87Processing Fee:45.60% 71.68 $100.00 $7,168.32Processing Fee:45.60% 83.04 $90.00 $7,473.38Processing Fee:761.40 $53,413.11XPETE (PET plastic #1) 4.50% 5.45 $520.00 $2,831.63($95.40)4.50% 6.25 $555.00 $3,469.78($95.40)5.40% 7.15 $550.00 $3,932.58($95.40)5.40% 7.04 $510.00 $3,592.87($95.40)5.40% 8.49 $455.00 $3,862.40($95.40)5.40% 9.83 $390.00 $3,835.03($95.40)86.84 $32,632.50XHDPEC (color plastic #2) 0.80% 0.97 $1,170.00 $1,132.65 0.80% 1.11 $1,250.00 $1,389.30 1.20% 1.59 $1,250.00 $1,986.15 1.20% 1.57 $1,250.00 $1,956.90 1.20% 1.89 $890.00 $1,678.90 1.20% 2.19 $590.00 $1,289.27 17.81 $14,695.68XHDPEN (natural plastic #1) 0.70% 0.85 $2,130.00 $1,804.26Value Delta / Ton0.70% 0.97 $2,250.00 $2,188.15Value Delta / Ton0.90% 1.19 $2,250.00 $2,681.30Value Delta / Ton0.90% 1.17 $2,250.00 $2,641.82Value Delta / Ton0.90% 1.41 $1,890.00 $2,673.97Value Delta / Ton0.90% 1.64 $1,190.00 $1,950.29Value Delta / Ton15.26 $27,146.413-7 PLASTIC 0.30% 0.36 $0.00 $0.00 0.30% 0.42 $0.00 $0.00 0.90% 1.19 $0.00 $0.00 0.90% 1.17 $0.00 $0.00 0.90% 1.41 $0.00 $0.00 0.90% 1.64 $0.00 $0.00 10.43XMIXED GLASS 21.30% 25.78($20.79) ($535.86)$21.30 21.30% 29.59($26.39) ($780.94)$44.21 15.20% 20.13($26.39) ($531.13)$72.37 15.20% 19.83($26.39) ($523.31)$70.45 15.20% 23.89($26.39) ($630.57)$52.36 15.20% 27.68($26.39) ($730.45)$29.99 311.22($3,732.27)XSTEEL (steel cans) 0.10% 0.12 $260.00 $31.46 75% $15.97 0.10% 0.14 $260.00 $36.12 75% $33.16 0.10% 0.13 $260.00 $34.43 75% $54.28 0.10% 0.13 $260.00 $33.92 75% $52.84 0.10% 0.16 $260.00 $40.87 75% $39.27 0.10% 0.18 $265.00 $48.26 75% $22.49 1.35($3,540.78)XUBC (aluminum) 0.20% 0.24 $1,460.00 $353.35Rebate / Ton0.20% 0.28 $1,510.00 $419.57Rebate / Ton0.30% 0.40 $1,610.00 $639.54Rebate / Ton0.30% 0.39 $1,690.00 $661.43Rebate / Ton0.30% 0.47 $1,690.00 $797.00Rebate / Ton0.30% 0.55 $1,590.00 $868.62Rebate / Ton4.22 $3,848.64XWASTE 0.50% 0.61($50.33) ($30.45)0.50% 0.69($50.33) ($34.96)0.40% 0.53($50.33) ($26.66)0.40% 0.52($50.33) ($26.26)0.40% 0.63($50.33) ($31.65)0.40% 0.73($50.33) ($36.66)69.92 $2,178.61FUEL$0.00($1.81) ($1.81) ($1.89) ($1.92) ($2.21) ($2.35) ($3,060.31)ENV FEE$0.00($5.00) ($5.00) ($5.00) ($5.00)100.00%($5.00) ($5.00)$0.00DISPOSAL FEE P/TON$9.16 $26.35 $47.39 $45.92 $32.06 $15.14$0.00Subtotal Curbside:120.89 $14,121.27 $1,108.61 138.79 $19,395.64 $3,660.17 132.41 $22,214.74 $6,274.82 130.46 $21,637.10 $5,990.63 157.20 $23,228.25 $5,040.11 182.10 $22,833.96 $2,757.78 1,808.61($8,083.97)$186,437.95($4.47)<===avg paid per ton in 2020Curbside tonnage breakdown is an estimate based upon random sampling of City's collections.Yard Waste 35.38(13.84) ($489.66)52.42(13.84) ($725.49)34.33(13.84) ($475.13)47.39(13.84) ($655.88)36.02(13.84) ($498.52)83.19(13.84) ($1,151.35)825.50($11,424.92)SOLID WASTE:TOTAL TONS: 355.45 397.33 425.71 389.59 455.65 421.71 4,999.24TOTAL REVENUE/(EXPENDITURE):($13,181.35) ($14,744.38) ($15,800.88) ($14,489.17)455.65($17,000.58) ($15,751.28) ($184,481.97)Recycling % Recycling % Recycling % Recycling % Recycling % Recycling % Recycling %RECYCLING:30.54% 32.49% 28.14% 31.34% 29.78% 38.62% 34.49%Tons Curbside: 120.89 138.79 132.41 130.46 157.20 182.10 1,806.95TOTAL RECYCLING: 120.89 138.79 132.41 130.46 157.20 182.10 1,806.95TOTAL REVENUE/(EXPENDITURE):$1,108.61 $3,660.17 $6,274.82 $5,990.63 $5,040.11 $2,757.78($8,083.97)YARD WASTETons Curbside: 35.38 52.42 34.33 47.39 36.02 83.19 825.50TOTAL YW: 35.38 52.42 34.33 47.39 36.02 83.19 825.50TOTAL REVENUE/(EXPENDITURE):($489.66) ($725.49) ($475.13) ($655.88) ($498.52) ($1,151.35) ($11,424.92)TOTAL:511.72($12,562.40)588.54($11,809.70)592.45($10,001.19)567.44($9,154.42)648.87($12,458.98)687.00($14,144.85)7,631.69($203,990.86)