HomeMy WebLinkAbout11182021 ZBA Minutes 0 City of West University Place Public Works Department ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD MEETING MINUTES November 18,2021 6:30 p.m. I. MEMBERS Jay Cohen (voting), Owen Rutz (voting), Frank Monacelli (voting), PRESENT: Donald Yurewicz, Francois Daube (voting), Michael Tucker(voting) and Harold Rocketto II MEMBERS Ross Fava and Lawrence Foust ABSENT: III. STAFF PRESENT: Scott Bounds, Legal Counsel, Alfonso Acosta, Building Official and Josie Hayes, Administrative Coordinator IV. CALL TO ORDER: 6:30 p.m. 1. Call the meeting to Owen Rutz called the meeting to Michael Tucker moved to accept that all order.Notices,Rules, order at 6:35 p.m. Owen Rutz asked notices were properly posted and distributed etc. each member to briefly introduce for this meeting. Second by Frank Monacelli. themselves.Josie Hayes, AYES: Jay Cohen, Owen Rutz, Frank Administrative Coordinator stated Monacelli, Francois Daube and Michael that all notices were posted in Tucker. Motion carried (5-0). accordance with state and local laws. Owen Rutz administered the oath to all Owen Rutz then described the witnesses. hearing procedures. Swearing in of witnesses. Josie Hayes stated the alternate voting members were Francois Daube and Michael Tucker. 2. Docket No.2021-18, Applicant's Request The applicant presented their request for the regarding property at The applicant in Docket 2021-0018, variance.After deliberation Michael Tucker 3908 Riley St.,West 3908 Riley St. is requesting a made a motion to suspend the hearing until University Place,Texas variance to allow a second gas meter the next meeting so the applicant could 77005 (Variance) for a back-up generator. provide additional documents detailing the a. Public hearing location of the generator that would be regarding a variance to Staff did not receive any acceptable per code Second by Jay Cohen. Appendix A,Article 2, correspondence in favor or against AYES: Jay Cohen, Owen Rutz, Frank Section 2-102 Certain the variance.No one spoke in favor Monacelli,Francois Daube and Michael Terms, Single-detached or against the variance. Tucker. Motion carried (5-0). 3826 Amherst St. www.westutx.gov West University Place, TX 77005 713-662-5830 City of West University Place Public Works Department use to request a second Background Information: gas meter for a back-up The second gas meter would be generator. denied due to the Zoning Ordinance b. Deliberation, only allowing one on a single family decisions, other action, detached building site. etc. regarding the preceding matters. 3. Docket No.2021-0023, Applicants Request: The applicant presented their request for the regarding property at 0 The applicant in Docket 2021-0023, three variances. After discussion, motion to Kirby Dr. (SW corner 0 Kirby Dr. (SW corner of close the deliberation portion of the hearing of intersection of Kirby intersection of Kirby Dr. and Plumb was made by Michael Tucker. Second by Dr.and Plumb St.) St.) is requesting three variances to Frank Monacelli. AYES: Jay Cohen, Owen a. Public hearing Section 7-101, Table 7-2 yards of the Rutz, Frank Monacelli, Francois Daube and regarding three variances Zoning Ordinance. Michael Tucker. Motion carried (5-0). to Section 7-101, Table 7- 1) A variance to allow a street 2 yards, of the Zoning side yard of three feet where After deliberation Owen Rutz made a motion Ordinance to 1)allow a 10 feet is the minimum to deny the three variance request. Second by street side yard of three required on Plumb St. Jay Cohen. AYES: Jay Cohen, Owen Rutz, feet where 10 feet is the 2) A variance to allow a Frank Monacelli, Francois Daube and minimum required on minimum side yard of three Michael Tucker. Motion carried (5-0). Plumb St., 2)to allow a feet where five feet is to the Variances denied. minimum side yard of adjacent property; and three where five feet to 3) A variance to allow a the adjacent property, and minimum of one and a half 3)to allow a minimum of feet for interior lots where one and a half feet for five feet is required(unless interior lots where five constructed with common feet is required. wall as provided by Note b. Deliberation, 4.1) decisions, other action, The applicant seeks the three etc. regarding the variances to develop three lots in a preceding matters. PDD-TH2 District as four building sites. There were three correspondences opposed to the application and none received in favor of the application There were five citizens speaking against the application. Rekha Ahluwalia, 5815 Lake St., Deepa Suresh, 5907 Lake St.,Teresa Hung, 5914 Kirby Dr., Alida 3826 Amherst St. www.zvestutx.gov West University Place, TX 77005 713-662-5830 City of West University p Place Public Works Department Drewes, 6112 Fordham St. and Sarah Flournoy, 5916 Lake St. Background Information: The applicant is proposing a four-lot subdivision with a three foot side street yard where a 10 foot yard is required for one lot, to allow a three foot side-yard setback to an adjacent property not owned by applicant and to allow a minimum of one and a half feet side yard for interior lots, where five feet is required. 4. Rules of Procedures. Discussion of proposed changes to The proposed changes to the Rules of the Rules of Procedures. Procedures were discussed. After deliberation, Owen Rutz made a motion to approve the amended Rules of Procedures. Second by Michael Tucker. AYES: Jay Cohen, Owen Rutz, Frank Monacelli, Francois Daube and Michael Tucker. Motion carried(5-0). 5. Meeting Minutes Approval of meeting minutes from Jay Cohen moved to approve the October 28, October 28,2021 2021 minutes. Second by Francois Daube. AYES: Jay Cohen,Owen Rutz,Frank Monacelli, Francois Daube and Michael Tucker. Motion carried (5-0). 6. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 7:52 Michael Tucker moved to adjourn the p.m. meeting. Second by Frank Monacelli. AYES: Jay Cohen, Owen Rutz, Frank Monacelli,Francois Daube and Michael // Tucker. Motion carried (5-0). APPROVED THIS ( (o DAY OF 2021. P esiding Officer ATTEST: )(-)C--)k ' \- 1- c1 Josie M. Hayes, Administrator Coordinator 3826 Amherst St. www.westutx.gov West University Place, TX 77005 713-662-5830