HomeMy WebLinkAbout07222021 ZBA Minutes City of West University Public Works Department Place p ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD TELECONFERENCE MEETING MINUTES July 22, 2021 6:30 p.m. I. MEMBERS Steven Segal (voting),Neil Martin(voting), Donald Yurewicz (voting), PRESENT: Janet Parisi (voting), John Clayton Brett(voting) and Sergio Amelio II. MEMBERS Edward Nikonowicz, Jay Cohen and Brennan Reilly ABSENT: III. STAFF PRESENT: Scott Bounds, Legal Counsel, Gerardo Barrera, Public Works Director and Josie Hayes, Administrative Coordinator IV. CALL TO ORDER: 6:33 p.m. 1. Call the meeting to Steven Segal called the meeting to Steven Segal moved to accept that all notices order.Notices,Rules, order at 6:33 p.m. Steven Segal were properly posted and distributed for this Etc. asked each member to briefly meeting. Second by Janet Parisi. AYES: introduce themselves. Josie Hayes, Steven Segal,Neil Martin,Donald Yurewicz, Administrative Coordinator, stated Janet Parisi and John Clayton Brett. Motion that all notices were posted in Carried(5-0). accordance with state and local Steven Segal administered the oath to all requirements. Steven Segal then witnesses. described the hearing procedures. Swearing in of witnesses. Josie Hayes stated the alternate voting member was John Clayton Brett. 2. Docket No.2021-0009, Applicant's Request Motion to close the deliberation portion of regarding property at The applicant in Docket 2021-0009, the hearing was made by Steven Segal. 6317 Belmont St.,West 6317 Belmont St. is requesting a Second by Janet Parisi. AYES: Steven Segal, University Place,Texas variance to allow a second gas meter Neil Martin, Donald Yurewicz,Janet Parisi 77005(Variance) for a back-up generator. and John Clayton Brett. Motion carried(5- a. Public hearing 0). regarding a variance to Staff did not receive any Appendix A,Article 2, correspondence in favor or against After deliberation,Neil Martin made a Section 2-102 Certain the variance.No one spoke in favor motion to approve the variance to install a Terms, Single-detached or against the variance. second gas meter for a back-up generator. use to request a second Second by Janet Parisi. AYES: Steven Segal, 3826 Amherst St. www.westutx.gov West University Place, TX 77005 713-662-5830 City of West University Place Public Works Department gas meter for a back-up Background Information: Neil Martin,Donald Yurewicz,Janet Parisi generator. The second gas meter would be and John Clayton Brett.Motion carried(5- b. Deliberation, denied due to the Zoning Ordinance 0). decisions, other action, only allowing one on a single family etc.regarding the detached building site. preceding matters. 3. Docket No. 2021-0015, Applicant's Request Applicant withdrew their application.No regarding property at Applicant is requesting a special action was taken. 6729 Stella Link,West exception to operate a child care University Place,TX business in a commercial district. 77005(Special Exception). Staff received one correspondence in a. Public hearing favor of the special exception.No regarding a special one spoke in favor or against the exception to Appendix A, variance. Zoning Ordinance,Table 7-1 Uses to operate as a Background Information child care facility. Appendix A,Zoning Ordinance, b. Deliberation, Section 2-102 defines child care as a decisions, other action, school which requires a Special etc. regarding the Exception.The Zoning Board of preceding matters. Adjustments is authorized to grant a Special Exception in Table 7-1, Uses,Note 9. 4. Meeting Minutes. Approval of meeting minutes from Steven Segal moved to approve the June 24, June 24,2021. 2021 minutes. Second by Janet Parisi. AYES: Steven Segal, Neil Martin, Donald Yurewicz, Janet Parisi and John Clayton Brett.Motion carried(5-0). 5. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 6:58 Steven Segal moved to adjourn the meeting. p.m. Second by Janet Parisi. AYES: Steven Segal, Neil Martin,Donald Yurewicz,Janet Parisi and John Clayton Brett.Motion carried(5- 0). 3826 Amherst St. www.westutx.gov West University Place, TX 77005 713-662-5830 City of West University Place Public Works Department APPROVED THIS rAl-V @, DAY OF Cr----00-(21- r-- 021. Presi ing fficer Pa� ATTEST: VQ-. 1 + 1. IA-C11-e5 Josie M. Hayes, Administrator Coordinator 3826 Amherst St. www.westutx.gov West University Place, TX 77005 713-662-5830