HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1955 t9v t~ . IvILNUI'ES QIt' REGli'LA..T{ JY1E:E.'TING OF CITY Cm,1MISSION JAI~UARY 10, 1955 The City Crnnmission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, Jan. 10, 1955, 7:30' P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Comm. Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve. 1'he City Secretary -and City Attorney were also present. Corom. Goff was absent. .Co~~. Reeve pronounced the invocation. In compliance with Notice to Bidders duly .published in the official newspaper of the city, bids received for construction of paving, sidewalks, and curb adjacent to the new municipal building were opened and results announced as follows: Braswell Brothers Bruce Willis Co. W. E. Worthen Ramey Cons. Co. Russ Mitchell, Inc. $7,871.10 4,909.65 6,370.80 6,1~54.70 5,979:.75 Motion by Commissioner. Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that bids received for construction of paving, sidewalks and curb adjacent to the new municipal building be referred to the city Engineer and City Secretary for tabulation and recommendation. . Voting Aye: Voting No : ~~yor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Hammond, and Reeve None i L.- In compliance with Notice to Bidders duly published in the official newspaper of the city, bids received for delivery of liquid chlorine required by the city for 1955, were opened and results announced as follows: Diamond Alkali Co. 150# cylinders 1 Ton containers Hauling - approximately Dixie Chemical Co. 150/1= cylinders 1 Ton containers $12.00 per 100# 3.50 per 100# $27.95 per load $ .12 per lb. .05 per lb. (including hauling charge) Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Hammond that bids received. be referred to the City Secretary and Saqitarian for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye; Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, H8.LllTllOnd and Reeve None Minutes of a special meeting of' the Zoning & Planning Board helcf on January 6 1955, v-lere submitted to the Comrnission for consideration; and the following action ta..~en: Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Cormnissioner Reeve that a public hearing be called for January 31, 1955, 7:30 P.M. to consider an~nding the city's zoning ordinance to perrni t replatting of Lots 2)+ and 25, Block 7, Rice Court, r ,-i-';'~~~"':=, r- .l~ ;1 20 maldng two lots 52i x 106 Feet as requested -by- Ivtt'. J. S. Gibson,. and reeoml1lended by the Zoning & Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; COlnmissioners Galbl'ai th Hammond and Reeve None ~I I Estimate No.8, from the Stokes Adair Company in the amount 01',$18,063.98 for .work completed on the new m~niciapl building ,was submitted to the Commission for consideration. Motion by Crur@issioner Harr~ond~ seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that Estimate No.8, from Stokes Adair Company in the amount of $18,063.98, be approved for payment as recommended by the Architect. Voting Aye: Voting.No: Mayor Morris; commissioners Galbraith, H~mnond and Reeve None Mayor Norris administered the Oath of' Office to Mr. George Juniel as Chief of the Volunteer Fire Department of the City of: West Uni versi t;y Place. A recommendation for installation of STOP signs on WestchesteJ:' at Amherst street and "NO PARKING - 8:00A.M. to 6:00 P.M." on East side of Lake street in the 6200 Block, from H. E. Shipp, Chief of Police~ was submitted for consideration. Ivlotion by Commissioner Galb1'a1 tll, seconded by COI!l.,missioner Reeve that STOP signs on 1flestchestcr at AMherst street and "NO PARKING - 8: 00 A.I,;1. to 6: 00 P .1,1. rr signs on East side of Lake street in the 6200 Block as reconlli~nded by H. E. SHipp Chief of Police. Voting Aye: Voting No : Ma:,/or Morris; Conmlissioners Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve None, . 'l'he following Resolutions were submitted to the Comm.issicn fer consideration and reaclin full: RESOLUTION .55-1 vlHEREAS, The City of, viest University Place, currently has capital available in the Sewer Charter, Reserve FundVJhich -will not be required for operating exp-o': nses imti 1 the next fiscal year; ANlJ, "\fflEHEAS, it is deemed to be to the .best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; A11JD, vlBEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated until rnaturi ty of th:is investment will prealude a fund deficit; NOH, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CIT:iCOMiYIISSION OF THE CITY OF viESI' UNIV-l!;RSITY PLACE, TEXAS ~ that the City Treasurer is hereby directed. to :Lnv-est funds amounting to $10,455.15 from the Sewer Charter Reserve Fund, for a perioc1oftwelve months. 1 r.:----t~' " ["" ~'""-:or-'''''~-'==-~''--=-c==~=r', 21 HESOLurrON 55-2 .~ 1'lHEREAS ~ THE City of \lest University Place, currently has capital available in the Water-Sewer Fund which vTill not be recluired. for operating expenses until later in the present fiscal year; AND, \-lHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of' the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment 2-n order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation or the City; AND, \iHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly. income and e~~enditures of this Fund as anticipated until maturity of this investment vlill prealude a fund deficit; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY Tf.::E CITY CQIvl!v.iISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST m~IVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $35,000.00 from the Water-Sewer Fund, for a period of six months. RESOLUTION 5:5-3 WHEREAS, the City of vTest University Place, currently" has capital available in the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund which "lill not be required for opel~ating expenses until later in the present fiscal year. r 1 I I l_J AI~, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time de-pqsit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of internst for the operation of the City; AJljl), 'V-mEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated until n~turity of this investment will prealude a fund deficit; NO\O], THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY T:E!E CITY COJ'JlHISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXJ.lli, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed .to invest funds a.mounting to $5,125.00 from the Sanitary Sew.er Capita.l ImproyementFund, for a period of six months. RESOLUTION 55-4 1iEEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the General Fund which will not be required for operating e}~enses until later' in the present fiscal yea.r. AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to b~ to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposj.t investment in order to earn aa.ditional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; r AIm, WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated until maturity of this investment will prealude a fund deficit; l,-_~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVJ<JRSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed 'to invest funds amounting to $50,625.00 from the General Fund, for a period of six months. ~:l RESOLUTION NO. 55-5 WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the Garbage Disposal Reserve Fund which will not be required for operating expenses until later in the next fiscal year; AND, v-lliEREAS, it is deemed to the best interest of. the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue for the operation of the City; M.ID, WHEREAS, the present expenditures of this Funcl for the NON - OPERATING Bank balance as of bank bEdance, the average monthly income and past twelve months are as follows: , 195._ - $ .Income EX'"Pense , 195_ : 195_ , 195_ 10- , ./)- , 195--.: Certificate of Deposit maturing 12/18/54 #53- $1475.00 36.88 1200.00 , 195- $ 2,711.88 t-~t i I I I ! ,. 195_ , 195_ , 195_ , 195_ , 195_ 195 , - Totals for past year Monthly average Average (Expense over Income) (Income Over Expense) Bank Balance less Investment of $ $ Estirr~ted bal. as of ~~turity Date $ Plus previous inv. Ivlaturities .~...,.'." Estimated balance at time of this maturity $ I 1- r='l~'_C'"~C_"~~C----. r---~~-rO--'"Cr- -- -- -'C~.i1 ,-I I I I I '- 23; NO~.J, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COlvJ!I:[[SSIOlifOF THE CI'l'Y OF WEST tJHI\lERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directecL to invest Tunds amounting to $2,711.88 from the'-Garbage Disposal ResErve Fund, Tor a period of six months. Mo-cion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by COjJ1.nj~_ssionerReeve that Resolutions 55-~, 55-2, 55-3, 55-h, and 55-5oauthorizing investments OT funds from the Sewer Charter Reserve Fund, the \.Jater-Selver Fund, the Sew.er Capital Improvement Ftmd, the General Fund, and the Garbage Disposal ,Reserve Fund be passed and approved as reao.. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, oHawaond, and Reeve None Tille City Secretary submitted details for the purchase of 9 vehicles needed by various departments of the city and IV.hich are provided for in the 1955 budget. Motion. by COTIillLtssioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Ha~mond that bids be received on February 4; for three passenger cars for the Polie Department, 1 Dump Truck chassis and ~ Ton Pickup Tor the Street De'partment; t-vlO truck chassis for the Garbage Department and t-tvo pickups for the Water Department; . all being replacement l1.111 ts with exception of the ~ T<m Pickup for the Street Department. Voting Aye: Voting NO iYlayor Morris; CommisSioners Galbraith, Hammond, ano_ Reeve None Miss Ruth London, Landscape Architect; snbmitted a proposal for 'plans and services to landscape the.. new. city hall grounds. The proposed i'ee for such services was quoted at $275 to $325 provided not more than two solutions for the design problem are necessary and if it:is found that a grading and dl'ainage plan is unnecessary, the fee will be $225 to $275. Supervisionwuld be supplied at the rated: $5.00 per hour. No action was taken at this tin~ pending fur~her study and discussian. Mr. C. A. Wyatt, Owner of Lot 1 and 20, Block 93 West University Place 2nd Addi tion and IvIr. Homer McCollu,l1, Owner 0,1' Lot 2Ay- appeared before the Cornruission requesting that Ordinance No. 111 be amended to permit construction of duplexes on these lots. The Conmussion advised Messrs. Wyatt and McCollmn that the request ~,lauldbereferred to, the Zoning Beard fer consideration., Ninutes of a meeting held on December 13, 1954, were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Cormuission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and. carried, the meeting Mas adjourned. d~ ~ ~~~r V.iAYOR AT'rEsr: ..~ I:--:-'::~':I~~~~".:__~" __"__ _~~--,-::J. _ .-----..:~L~----:-:-I...-=~-=-'iO;~-'''''-c-- . 1::1 ~ 24 MTNUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION J~~ARY 24. lQSS ~-I The City Cormnission convened in regular session at the City. Hall on Monday, January 24, 1955, 7:30 P.M. vTith the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Goff, Hammond and Reeve. Commissioner Galbraith was absent. Mayor Morris pronounced the invocation. The Oath of Office was administered to Dr. Ben Walpole, by Mayor Morris, as member of the Board of Health. Minutes of a meeting of the Zoning & Planning Board held on January 13, 1955, were submitted to the Commission for consideration. The Zoning Board recon~aended that the Co~~ission approve the request of Mrs. E:m:m.a Krenzler to re-plat Lots 8,9 and 10, Block 1, Krenzler Courts.. presently zoned for commercial use, and located between Albans and Wroxton Roads and fronting on Kirby Drive, subject to the front set-back Hne being a minimum of 15 Ft. from the iilest property Hne of Kirby Drive; the side set-back Hnes along Albl3.ns and 11roxton Roads to be a minimum of 10 Ft. for a distance not iD exceed 100 Ft. from the 1r-Test Property Hne of Kirby Drive vTith any buj.lding beyond this 100 Ft. to observe the estabHshect_ set,-back of buil<lings along Albans and 1ilroxton Roads; with a Setback from the rea.r property Hne. of 20 Ft. to lJe observed. Mr. Ben Blttm, Attorney, representing VJrS. Krenzler, advised the Comm.ission that he and his client desired to change their request from re-platting Lots 8, 9 and 10, B~ock 1, Krenzler Courts, to permission for construction of a commercial building on the said lots 112th a minLmum setback of 15 Ft. from the West prop- erty line of Kirby Drive and a minimum setback of 10 Ft. on Albans and Wroxton Roa:'r.s for a di.stance of 131 Ft. vlest from Kirby Drive and then a 25 Ft. setback for the remainder of the effective liuilding area on Albans and Wroxton Roads. r-] Mr. Roy Maley and Mr. David Hannah, members of the Zoning Board w'ho were present at the meeting, stated that in their opinion the Board w'Oulcl recommend approval of Mr. Blum's request as amended. Motion by Con~issioner Goff, sec0nded by Comraissioner Reeve that a ~ublic hearing be called :for 7:30 P..M. February 14,. to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit construction of a commercial buildnng on Lots 8, 9 and 10, Block 1, Krenzler Courts, with a mininn.:un setback of 15 Ft. from the 'vest property line. of Kirby Drive and a minimum se: .back of 10 Ft. on Albans and Hroxton Roads for a distance of 131 Ft. vTi th a 25 Ft. setback for the rexr,.ainder of the building a:ea on Albans and '<lroxton Roads, as requested by Mrs. Ermna Krenzler through her repr.esentative :Mr. Ben Blum. Voting A-;re: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff Hammond and Reeve None In c01nplianee with a~..:.on taken on Jann.ry 10, a tabulation of the bids. received for construction of paving and sidewalks adjacent to the new City Hall wa.s :-1 _ 1-:-'-'--'--=""--::r.- [.' '--,'- -, c. "'iT----------.--J 2S submittecl idth a recormnentation from the City Secretexy and City Engineer that the low bid of Bruce Willis in the amount of $4,909.65 be accepted and a contract r a.larded . ! L Motion by Co:m.ntissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Reeve that a contract be awarded to Bruce 'I.J'ilils Company on their low bid of' $4,909.65 for construction of paving, curb and sidewalkS at the new city hall site. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioner Goff, Ha~m~nd and Reeve Voting No: None Mayor Morris administerecl. the Oath of Office to :Mr. David Hannah as a member of the Zoning & ~lanning Board. Messrs P. R. Richardson, 2936 Albans and Allison Leonard, 3002 Albans, appeared. before the Cor~mission requesting that action be taken to enforce the city's, ordinance to requ ~e garbage containers to be removed from the street parkway after garbage has been removed. The City Secretary "tv-as instructed to prepare written material for distribution to the residents of'.~IEst University place advising them of the ordinance and requesting their cooperation. ~tr. Chas. Mehr, 2730 Sunset, appeared before the Commission protesting the manner in which the street was repaired in order to provide more adequate drainage in the 2600 and 2700 Blocks of Sunset. The Commission instructed The City En~ineer to restudy the conditions in this area to determine whether any changes hw"Ould be feasible. '- In compliance with action t~~en by the City Commission on January 10, a tabula- tion of bids received for chlorine requirements for the year 1955 shQWing the bid of Diamond Alkali Co. to be the lo.rest and best bid, was submitted to the Com.rnission with a recommendation from the City Secretary that the bid from Diamond alkali Co. be accepted: and a contract awarded. r Motion by Commissioner Hammond; seconded by Commissioner Goff that the bid of Diamond Alkali Co. be accepted and a contract awarded for delivery of chlorine required for the year 1955. Voting Aye: Voting NO : Mayor Morrisj Commissioner Goff Hammond and Reeve None The City Secretary advised that the city would have no further use for various used office equipment, the metal building presently being used to house fire equipment, and the frame building presently used as the City Secretary's office, when the new municipal building i~ completed. Authority .TaS requested to ad- vertise for the sale of these buildings and the used: equipment. Motion by Conwissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Hammond that tIle city dispose of, by public sale, one n~tal building presently used as a fire station and a wood frame building occupied by the City S~cretary, and other used equipment :no longer needed by the cityafter the city hall is occupied, and that the City Attorney prepare a notice of sale and reSoDltion setting forth the manner and procedure for dis~osition of the items. Voting Aye: Voting NO : Mayor Morris; Commissioner Goff, Ha~nond and Reeve None r----~cl~"~c"c,c".C"' C'Cc~~"'1- ["- I --'"---~ '='Fl---~-'-~----:-r'---- .------ 26 The following Resolutions'were submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full: RESOLUTION 55-6 -i i WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the General Fund which will not be required'for opera.ting expenses until later in the present fiscal. year" the next fiscal year; AIID, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn ad.ditiona.l revenue in the form of ~nterest for the operation of the Cit;l; AIID, vmEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and expenditures. of this Funa. as anticipated until maturi tyof this investment will prealude a fund deficit; NO\{, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED. BY THE CITY CQrvITvIISSION OF THE CITY OF vffiST u'NIVERSITY PLACE, TEYJ\.S, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $23,000.00 from the General Fund, for a period of' six months. RESOLurION 5~-1 vlBEREAS, the City of 1ilest University place, currently has capital available in the Health Fund which ,viII not be required for operat,ing expenses until later in the present fiscal year the next fiscal year: AND, 'HlIEREAS, it i.s deemed to be to the best interestof the City that such funds be placed in a time d.eposit investment in ord,er to earn additional revenue. in the form of interest for the operation of the City; I L_I AND, 'HBEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income aml e:x:penditures of this Fund. as anticipated until matur:i_ty of this investment. ,viII prealude a fund deficit; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CO:MNISSION OF THE CITY OF ~f.EST UNIVERSITY PLACE, 'TI:XA8, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed: to invest funds amounting to $2,400.00 from the Health Fund, for a period of six months. Motion by Conwissioner Goff, seconded by Crn~~issioner Hanmond that Resolutions 55-6 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $23,000.00 from the General Fund for a period of six months, and 55-7 directing the City Treasurer to invest:t'un.is arn.ounting to $2,1~00.00 from the Health Fund for a perioo. of six months, be ~assed and ap~roved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hamnlondand Reeve Voting No : None In accordance with previous discussion concerning the coqstruction of a concrete tennis court at Wier Park at an estima~ed cost of $1,250~ authority was requested by the City Secretary to ~roceed with the construction of one tennis court. ---I ; , i , --- i },'lotion by Comrrdssioner Goff, seconded llY Commissj_oner Reeve that al1.thority be grantecl for constructic'u afone tennis court at \.]ie1' P8.l"k at an est,imated cost of $2,250.00 and that cost records be maintained for use as a gnid.e to cletermine ad.vise:bili.ty of constructing anad.CJ.i tionalcourt amI that the City Attorney be j_nstructed to -prepare the necessa!7 resolu.tj.on au.thoriz.ing the ex-penditm'e and construction. Voting Aye: Voting No Mayor Morris; Corrmlissioners Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Plans and specifications for installation o:f "rater Hnes in Sections 1, 2, and 3 of the overall ,.rater facilities improvement program '....ere submitted :for considera- tion. Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Cmnmissioner HanFfiond that the City Sec- retary be instructed to aclvertise for bids to be received unt:U 7:30 P.:M. February 14, 1955 for construction of vrater lines in Section 1, Rice Boulevard, Lake, Pltl1lll-:!, Fordham anc.l Tangley; Section 2, S. J\:tdson, Community Drive and LaW Streets; ana. Section 3, Anden, Ricbmond Road and Albans Road, in accordance with -plans and specifications as -pre-pared by the City Engineer. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Cor,~~issioners Goff, Ha~iond and Reeve Voting No: None The :following Resolution was submitted to the Cowuission and read in full: RESOLurION 55-8 r . HHEREAS: ffiX'.. K~rJ,.E:. K'ra:fthas.served. for a. 'per;iod ,of ye~rSas . the City AttoI.'ney of West University Place,duly.and 'ably performing all of the duties of such office; and WHEREAS, ~x. Karl E. Kr~ft has found it necessary to resign such office to devote his f\lll time to the private practice of law, such resignation being effective on December 15, 1954; and vlHEREAS, it is the desire of..the-City Commission of West University Place to express to Mr. Karl E. Kraft their appreciation for his efficj.ent discharge of the duties of such office of City Attorney and to commend him for his efforts in beJ:i..alf of the Ci tj- of \'Test University Place; NOH, THEREFDRE, BE IT RESOLv~ BY TEE . CITY CONMISSION OF THE CITY OF 'VillST lJNlVERSITY PLA.CE, TEXAS: 1. That the Ron. Edvrin VI. Morris, Mayor o:f the City of vTest University Place, is hereby authorized to express to !vIr. Karl E. Kraft the ap-preciatd.on of the City Cow~ission of West University Place :for his faithI~l attendance to the duties of such of:fice and for the efficient discharge of such duties and to officially commend !VIr. Karl E.Kraft :for his loyalty to, and efforts in bejali' of, the City of i-Test University Place., J 2. That the Ron. Ed'tnn '(? Morris is hereby authorized to deliver to Mr. Karl E. Kra:ft a copy of this Hesolution duly signed. by the Mayor of the City of iilest University Place and attested to by the City Secretary. r~' ,~C'c"c_~":r.'---r' .. i ...;'j---------,-----lc-- 28 Motion by Conwissioner Hw~mond, seconded by COnIDlissioner Reeve, that Resolution 55-8 co:n:unencling Mr. Karl E. Kraj'tfor the efficient manner in which he clischarged the duties of office of city Attorney during the term he occupied such office and expressing the appreciation of the City Commission of West University Place for such service be passed and a;PP1'0v-ed as read. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; COlUmissionersGoff, HaUlil10nd and Reeve None A report was submitted from Water Supt. E. J. Hood presenting facts relative to the necessity of replacing a 10" sanita;t'y sewer line in the easement between University Boulevard and Swarthmore Street in the lt200 Block. It was determined from lifr. HOOd. I S report and engineering ,data that the 10" line vTaS i.lJlproperly laid and vlaS filled with earth to the extent the line vlaS inoperable and must be replaced immecUately. After considering all facts it 'VTas determined that the Hne should be replaced under an emergency measure and that the work be performed on a force account basis with the city :purchasing the necessary materials and e1~10y skilled labor and rental of necessary equipment. The. question of obstructions in the ease- ment erected by property o'Vmers vas discussed and it '.TaS the decision of the City Commission that all property ow~ers be" notified that the obstruction should be removed at their expense but in cases,'There the city vlaS using vacant lot for ingress and egress of equtpment that city forces might remove the obstruction but that the property o,mers ivauld be responsible for replacing them. Motion by Commissioner. Haramond, Seconded by CO!l'lllissioner Goff, that the City Secretary be authorized to employ the Russ Mitchell, Inc. on a force account basis to replace the 10" sanitary sewer line in the 4200 Block bet,-reen Sw.arthmore and University Boulevard under an emergency measure and that the City Attorney prepare a Resolution authorizing the expenditure of funds and the employment of Russ Mitchell, Inc. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hammond and Reeve None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carride, the meeting was recessed. The City Conwission convened in recessed session at the City Hall, on lrfona~y, January 31, 1955, 7:30 P.M. with the follmdng members present: Hayor I'1orris, presiding; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve.. The City Secretary and the City Attorney were also present. Invocation by Commissioner Je~es w. H$nmond In compliance ,vi th Notice cluly publishecl in the official nei-rspaper of the city, ancl notj.ces m~dled to all property o,mers i.rithin a radius of 200 Feet of Lot 2lt, and 25, Block 7, Rice Court Addition, Mayor Morris announced that a -public hearing vTaS in order to" consider amending Orct. N . 111 to permit relocation of the boundary line between the said lots to make 'the lots 52~. Ft. each in vridth as requestecl by t.he Owner :Mr. J. S. Gibson, and recommendecl by the Zoning & Planning Board. l:-~~~~!=:-~~=-~=,,-"7--O:~~~- 29 r , i \ '--- In answ.er to qnestions by the Cit.y Attorney, 'dhi tt Johnson, City Secretary, having been duly sworn by Mayor Morris, testified that legal notice had been uublishe{l in the offidal ne"iJs-paper of the city sincl all property owners ,vi thin ;" ractiu~ of 200 Ft. of Lots 24 and 25, Block 7, Rice Court, hao. been notified of the hearing to be held at 7: 30 P .1'1., Ja.nuary 31, 1955, to consider amending the city's zorilng oro.inanceas 'requested by the mmer. IvIr. ,J. s. a-ibson, 6445 Sewanee, having been duly SvlOrn by Mayor Morris testified that he is ovmer of Lots 24 (}, 25, Block 7, Rice Court, ana. j.t is his desire to take 2-~ Feet f'l'om Lot 25, which is 55 Feet in "ividth and ado. 2~- Feet to Lot 24 vlhich is -presently only 50' in vliclth. This divj.sion w"Ould provide b.lO lots 52~ Feet each. I'lr. Gibson stated there "las an existing huilding on Lot 24 an(l it vlaS his desire to erect another residence bu~lding on Lot 25.' He also stated that all setback lines would be in compliance "nth provisions of the zoning ordinance. There being no property owners present who desired to be heard 1nth reference to subdivision of Lots 24 and 25, Block 7, Rice Cbvxt, the following action '\Vas taken: Motion by Connnissioner Goff, seconded by COMmissioner Reeve, that the hearing called to consider amending Ordinance No. 111, to permit resubdivision of Lots 24 and 25, Blo~k 7, Rice Court, into two 52~ Foot Lots, be closed. Voting Aye: Voting NO Mayor Morris, Co~nissioners Galbraith Goff, Hammond and Reeve None , i i \ Motion by Commissioner H&~mond, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that the City Attorney be instructed to pre~arethe necess8-~ ordinance amending ordinance No. III to permit resubdivision of Lots 24 & 25, Block 7, Rice Court, into UvTO 52!xl06 Foot lots as requested by Mr. J. S. Gibson and recommended by t1:eZoning & Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hawmond and Reeve None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed. MI~ruTES OF RECESSED ~lli~ING OF CITY CO~fr1ISSION FEBRUARY 7, 1955 The City Commission convened in recessed session at the Cj.ty Hall, on MOD day , February 7. 1955, w:ith the following membersnresent- ~.!.<'!.Vor Ivlo"'ris ureSl" d-i nry" ~ - .... - "'-"'v -... ,..~ .. ..... f. !1 Com~issioners Galbraith, Goff, Ha~ond and Reeve. The City Attorney ~nd City- Secretary were also present. The invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Galbraith. ( I In compliance with Notice to Bidders duly published in the official nevlspa-per I~ of the city, bids received Tor delivery of automotive and truck equipment from the :f.olloi>ling companies ivere opened and read aloud: T=~~~~C'- .."";! rC-~IC~~'~~-="~C:'.~ "I 30 Ivy Russell Nota!' Co. Ra;ymond. Pearson, Ine. Fe 1 ton I'10tar Company Earl McMillian, Inc. Jack Roach Motor Co. Downtown Chevrolet Co. Notion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Coxr.missioner Galbra:i.th that bids received for clelivery of automotive and truck equipment be referred to the CitYSec'retar;i for tabulation and reconuuendation. Frank Woodard Motor Co., Albert Berry Palmer Motor Co., Inc. International Harvest8r A. C. Burton Co., Inc~ Inc. Co. ----, j I 1 Voting Aye: \Toting I\Jo : Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, -Goff, Ham.-."'Ilond and Reeve None The Commission further d:i.scu$sed emplo~rment of a landscape Architect to prepare plans for beautifying the grounds of the ne", f,1unicipal :Building. Proposals frorn 1'l1iss Ruth London and Henry C. Hassler .were consirJ.ered. Motion by COIluuissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Goff that Miss Ruth London be employecl on a consulting basis to -prepare plans for landscaping the grounds of ,the ne"T municipal building in accordance with her proposal dated JanJ..lary 12, 1955 and that a rnaximumamount of $75 be authorized for this e:xpense. Voting Aye: Votj.ng Ho. Mayor Morris; Co~missioners Galbraith, Goff, Ha~~ond and Reeve. None The 1954 Tax Roll as approved by the Board of Equalization and checked by the Ci ty Tax Collector-Assessor was subrai tted to the Conmlission for approval. -\ : i ..;_J Motion by Commissioner Doff, seconded byCoTILmissioner Reeve, that the 1554. Ta~ Roll be approved and adopted as submitted. ' Voting Aye: Vot:1.ng No : :f'ilayor Morris; Comrnissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond ancl Reeve. None A progress report was rrsde to the City CO~1ission by the City Engineer of work -performed on replacing the san:!. ta,ry sewer line in the 4200 Block 8tfartbmore street - University BouleVard. A service bonel from the Pat H. Foley & Company, Inc. for benefit of paid employees of the Police and Fire Departmenf was submHte(1 to the Commission. The bond. \wulo. provide, without charge, a $750 standard funeral service to such employees in event of death by accidental means while on o.uty and in the perforInance of duty. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Reeve that the ... Funeral Service Bond presented by Pat H. Foley & Company, Inc., Funeral Directors, of Houston, Texas, be authorizec. for acceptance by the paid employees of the Police and Fire Department. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Connnissioners Garbraith, Goff, Hammol1dand Reeve. None \ J I. r=r:~~~~~:'!J{ _ uuuL : T~~:""".- 1.1 --I : I ""'=' i i _I. i I I I ~. 01, 'The follovr:tng Resolution 1fas submitted to the Commission jn compliance \-rith their action on ,Tan.uary 21.~, 1955, and reaa. in full: RESOLUTION 55-9 A RBSOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEvl TENNIS COlm.T AT WEIR Pft.RK; AUTHORIZING THE Pli'RCFfASE OF NECESSARY VJATERIAL AND PROVIDING FOR PAYMEJ\1T FOR NECESSA..1:{Y ~4ATERIALS AIID LABOR i-1HEREAS, it has been determined from a report by the City Engineer that one of the present tennis courts at 1>leir Park has deteriorated to such an extent tl'>...at such tennis court is no longer. usable for the purpose for 'Vrhich j.t was constructed; and WHEREAS, it has been estimated that the aforesaid concrete tennis court canoe replaced at a cost of $1250.00 and funds were appropriated for such purpose in the 1955 Park Department Budget of the City; and liHEREAS, it is thought advisable assist the City Commission in determining constructed at some future date: that cost records be maintained to if an additional tennis court shall hCl u~ NQ1;.], THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY Tb::E CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF VlEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, 1. That the City Secretary be and is he:r~eby authorized to replace the present concrete tennis court with a new concrete tennis court. 2. That the materials necessary for the construction of said tennis court w~y be purchased on purchase orders from various suppliers and the work involved shall be done with city labor and equipment. . 3. That the cost of the aforesaid construction and labDr shall be paid from the funds of the City and chaxged against the Park Department Budget for 1955, and that cost records be maintained to be furnished to the City Comraission on request. Motion by Cowxdssioner Reeve, seconded by Cowlnissioner Galbraith that the Resolution av.thorizing the construction of a ne,-r tennis court at 'IieirPark and authorizing the purchase of necwssary n~terial and providing ~or pa~nent ~or necessary f.1aterials and labor be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Go~f, Hrowilond and Reev~. None Ordinance No. 680, captioned as follm-rs, ,vas Subll1itted to the Commission for consideration in compliance with their action on January 24, 1955, and read in ~ull: Ai'J ORDINANCE FINDING AND DErERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR CERTAIN ENERGENCY CONSTRUCTIOn TO THE STORM SEIfER SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF vrEST lJl'fIVERSITY PLACE, TEX.l\.S; AtJ"THORIZING TI-1E CITY SECRETll.L'1Y TO OBTAn~ TI-JE SERVICES OF A COMPETElIIT ENGI11J:i:FJ-BING FlRi'l TO El"l"l!:CT THE SAllIE ON A FORCE ACCOUNT BASIS; Au'THORIZING PAYlvIENT OF SERVICES RE~j)ERED IN COTTIJ.ECT- IOH IHTH SUCH EI:IERGENCY CONSTRUCTION; ltl'ID DECLl'tRING Al\f EHERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hammond., that Ordinance No. 680 authorizing emergency work on the sanitary sewer system be passed and approvect as read.. r~:~T""-;-'O~'_'=D~' t~"'I~~C~--~TC~T 1 --~----,- 32 Voting Aye: Ha.yor Morris; CommissIoners Galbraith, Goff.. HanuTIond and Reeve. Votinp; T~b: :None The City Engineer submi tted':a report on street mater5.als required for the year 1955 ~ god requested the Commission to authorize advei'tising for bids. f:lotion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Corn-missioner Goff, that Notice t.o Biddel~s be published in the officia.l neitTSpaper of the Cit~y and bids be received until 7:30 P.M., February 28, 1955, for furnishing street material requirements for tpat year, 1955. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor ,Morris, Commissj.onlt!r Galbraith, Goff, Hammond ana. Reeve None Minutes of the meetings of the City Conmlission on January 19-24 were read and approved as corrected. ',nth no further business to come before the COri1L'1lission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded ana. carried., the meeting \-las adjourned. ~~~ MAYOR A'rTEST: / J -' ],:0'=.'':''1-::-- .-, "~-__-'~~",:O=::'"""-~ _~__ r ------,T:OO-;-."'=07~'-:---::-"''''::v."..,.c-''''T'.'"l. ~. l '-- u i ) '-- ;J:l IvIII\JUTES OF l1EGULAR ivIEEITh1G-. OF CIrry COJ:~II;1ISSIOI'J FEBRUAl"1Y 14-, 1955 TIle CI t:)TCorIlmissIon conv'ened j~n reg"ular sess=Lon 8:C tlle City Iial.l on Ivlo11day', 'T: 30 .p .tI. l?ebrllary Ij+~, lSi55:o 1v=Lt.ll tlle fol.lo1-!tni5 Yne!nrJers .present.; l\ia3Tor lvlorr-ts; presi_cting; Corn.:ftrIssloner C~off~., lIaTIl1.nond an/I Reeire. -TIle Cit:~r Attorne:l a..no. City Sec- retar::r were .8..130 present. Corrlnd.ssioner C+albraith \Vas absent e CODTmj_ssloner Reeve .proDov..nced. tIle invocation. .~.tt eOIilplia.nce WJ.tll Notice d.Ltl:? .p1J_blished in the offieial ne-\.;spaper of the ci ty~ and notices lYlEti.led to all pro'perty 01rTnerS vlit11in a radit1.s o~f 200 Ft. of Lots 8) 9 and 10, Block .1.. Krenzler Courts -' Ivlayor Morris announced that a p.stYlis hearing vras In ord.er to. consider amending Ordinance :NO.. 111 to perInit erecticlDQe a corrnllex'cial In.lil~1n~~ on said. lots 'ftli t.h a rnininlumsetback. of 15 }t't. frCYfrl tbJ~ vlest Propertj7 line of Kirb:t Dri v-e an.cl c\> ntirli!!luJJ.J. setbacl~ of- 10 Ft. on P...I.bans ancl 'Vlro-xton RoacLs for a d:tst,li.1Ce of 1.31 Ft. 1iT:Ltl1"a 25 Ft . Setback f()l'" tb.e l~e:r.}}.~tna.er-- of. tl'le 1}uj~llling area on Albansa.D.ct vtro:x:toD Roads..' as req'uestecl by i.Irs. E~mma Kren.zler t~bron.gb. 11er attorne:r . Ben Blu(l'l. In 8;,1I1s~':{eJ:"t to q1.lestton b~r tl1.(;-; Ci ty- Attor ne::r , 1.\Thttt LTob.nsoD:; C:Lt.:,{ Secretar~T) b.a"\Ting been d.!.~:_l:)T SliTOI'n l)J' I~l8..yor l>'lor:ris, tc~stified. that legal r'totice ll~:l.(l beerl p'Llbli.shed in tIle official ne"\-Tspaper of the cit~.r and allpropert:v owners lllithin a ra.f}.i.tlS of ?-OO ~t. ~)i." Lets 8~ S'; 8,n~.r l.-O,~.Block 1.. Kre?zle~_~()urts. hac:.~been rJ.otified -Q:f -:he . n.e.9..r"lng 1~O be he:.Lo. at 7:..)1..) P.r/l. February l!f: 1:)57) to conSJ.o.er arae11dtng t.he. Clty.'S zoni.nz ord.i1'.1anee ctS reqt1.ested by the owner. Mr. Ben ElmD." Attorney, having been cluly SYforn by Mayor Ivlorr:5.s testifiecl that :Mrs. Emma Krenzler was presently owner of Lots 8, 9 and. 10 J Block 1; K:cenzler COLll'ts; and Mr. A. M. Eogay't I.;aS desirous of purchasing the property for the pln~pose of erecting a Ii.1111t:Lple story off:tce Dllilding vTi tho a 11linirnUTIl setback. cf 15 .B't. on Albaris and. \frexton Roads f.oy. u~ clistance of 131 Ft. \fit11 c.l. 25 Ft. set'oacl'C fc;1" tIle rernainc1e:cor the ollilrling area on L\lbans and. \-Jro.xtcn Roads. 1~IIr. 1~1. B:. KI"e.nzler~~ lla."'i1ng been dll1y. Svlorn b~T IJlayCil'" IVlcrris, testifleil tJ:1at lIe ;oJ"t:1S o'.rnc:~r of the -property' il11tnecliat.ely '\-lest OJ: Lots 8.~ 9 and. 10, and protested the 1_.Lse of the' ~'Jest prot:ion of saicl lot~J 8, 9 i'tlCl 10 for parl:=L11l2~ pl.lr'pose s as it '\..[oul:.:l d.ecreasethe'tralue of tIle adjoining prope:tty for resident,:Lal 'ti.se. lo/l:r'. BllLill sta~te(l tl1at [lis .:'~lients .~V"ou,lcl be agreeabl~; to erecting a -bric}~ \-fal1 aleng tl.le \.rest ,property l.ine of tile t11ree lots ancl elj~:alillate Cl.n:{ u.ndeIfirable .vj.e1'1 of t.he '..paTk.ing area. Ivlr. K;renzler agreed. tllat thi.s ar:rtarlgexllen't "'y';cHJ.ld. l)e satlsfactr:;.r;l tr) 11lIrl atIcl \{itl1flrew :his protest in tb.is regard.. ~Jj_tl'l no ott.er propel~t~r oi;lnerspresent vlhe deisrecl 'co oe 11eard. \vi tll refer'ence to tIle Tequ3;3s'tecl setbaek lirles -' tb.2 foll.ovlinf:: act.:ton vIas tal~e11: M()-s5_i:)1l "b;/ Ct)Illlllissioner Gcfi", seccncled by Cc:nullissioner l{ee~re tllat tIle -rlea~ci11Ls caJ.le::1 ",~c CCnSlG.er alnei1cling OJ:'(linarlce IJo. 111:: to perrnit eonstTllctioG d: a cornrnerClaJ._ 1:J1)}.ld.in;z 011 Lots e~., 9.and. 10., Bloc}:~ 1) Krenzler CO'Llrts) 't-ritb. a setl)[ick c~f J.5 ~'t. froxH tIle \.Jest pr()pert:;.. litle of Kirby Drt.\re a.rio. a nLLn.irilUlD. set.-back of Ie) Ft. on Albarl:3 a.net vlJ:.()='~ton Roacls for a d.istance of 131 l?t It ,-,;i tho a 25 }t't. Setbaclz :for tIle I'c:ma:Lnd.el". of t11f0 lJ1I.ilfling area on Albans EJ.nd. vlrc::;.:ton. 11oat~s be clos(:cl. Vct:i.ng 1-\."::/<"':: l'<Iayc:c I<i:crris; COTil"fll:lSs:LoneI's Gal1JraitJ:"l.._ (}cf:f IialY.C:Yiond. 8..D(1 R.ce'Ie: \lcJting r~.o 1\} one r:="~-:.:.:::~~ n~r ..-'T.'~~f'~CC~L1 _...l--- 0.'-"l, .i:.iotiOl} OJ' CC'~.lrmiSsooI:~el" l-ia:U1ilcnd... secciuded. b~Y' CC.mrntssioneJ:-" Gatt" -~11a1: Z()[}irlL Ol'd.inane::: ITc: $ 11.1 os a1Eenclei.l t,::) peI'ITli t a. 2ainirfiL~rll serbael::. c,f 15 Ft. :'~('(;:~n tilE.; \-Test (J!:-'ope:ct~y ltl1e of K~.r1:y Drive arlo. a "'._inirilt~rll se:t:bacl\:. of le'. Ft. on A1ba~13 CJ~nd. vJr,,:-x::;"t':-;n fl''::Cicls j~()::1 a 1'----' clis.tance )f 1311vt. 1.]itll a 25 Ft. serlJael~ fcT' tl12 1Ie:tllail1cle:L' o~ tIlE:: .b......lildj~nG 8..rca i)U Albans ancl \1r'O.xton R08.,r.ls for an oflf5.ce b"Llil.d:tng 1JI'oposed f("il~ CO~lstruet.j.oil on Lots 8; 9 ..and lO~! Blocl~ l~ I(l"Jenzler CO.ll:"cts,! as. ~'ccJ:Llest8d "by tIle Ovlne:r1 antI rccc.tDlnendc~d. 0;;- "Cf.le ZuninG and Plarmil1(:; Board.. ~J ot i rig A;/c: 'j Cyt:L ng I~(): IVla.yor i\101~ris; C01nrnissloners GalbraJti1~ Go:ej~.., HaYIll.Honcl and 11ee"'}'e I~0ne In compliance 'i<Titb rioticec;o Bidde s duly published. in the oi'fl.cial ne'irspaperof JcLe c:i.ty, bi(ls received for vrater line improvements for Sectic;>l1s 1, 2 and 3 of a pro!jected~ water ixnprO'relYlent prO[;l'anl for tIle ctt~{ ',\{ere cpelled. ancl results annollnc2<1 at) "follovTs: 'l'e~':ala COW:itructiou Co. L. C. Saur J. H. Britt Cook Brothe,:,s L. H. Mathis I{v.ss !vIi ~'.cil(~ll $42,072.75 3i+ t h4 7 . 25 :> 1 ' 1 Cj,Q ':;0 J---"....J...l.....v../ 3l,286.28 38., 651~. 70 29.,3)3.50 (" J lvloL;lon be Commissioner :1eeve, seconded by Co:mmissi::meJ:' Gof:!:', t.hat bids J:'ecei veel fcr construction of 'i-rateJ:' lines aud installation of Fire Hydrants be referred to the City Engineer and City Secretary for tabu.lation and re~ommendation. 'Vcting Aye: Votini; No : j,vlayor 1\/lo1'1"is; C0J.1111iissioners Galbraith., Goff) Ha::n..tD.oncl and F~eve None u A proposal dated Febnlary l!.~, 195~ from Phillips, Sheffield, Hopson 2~ 1l.e\<lis, CPA, Second National Bank Buildin[; agreeing that thei;: firm vlill audit the city's financial recora;; for the year 1955, for a fee of $11.:-00 1vaS subrdtted to the Commission for c(:)ns:I deration. Motion by Co:mmissioner Hammond, seconded by COTrlm_lssioner GOj:f: that. the services ():~. Phj.llips Sheffiel.d, Hopson & Lewis., CPA, l)e engaged for ar<.cliting the cit;y-'s financial records for the year 1955, for a ~ee of $l1+00 in accordance ''lith their Pl'oposal o.f February.. l4, 1955. \feting Aye: Vc)ting No l:lay-or l\:iorris; Comxnissioners Galbraitl1; Goff; Hanunona. and Fiee"'"v2 None C1t.:y~' :Hall CorlstJ~11ctioll Esti!na:te No.9, in tIle ~.il~'~0l11J.t of $9.~S~133.35 ancl Estimate Nco 1O J in tho:: amount of $23: 856.29 frorr_ stokes Adair Company awl appro';ed 'by Herbert \T-c)el.ck.er & Associates) v[ere sl.lb111itted for considerat,:i.on. ivict~_()n by Commissioner' Goff, seconded b;y Csmmissioner Reeve, .Gnat Ci ty Hall COll- -'- , . .". , ~y ., . . , t ~;." 7~.. " - , C' t TI' 1 "" .. . ,.. . ,. Sl.orl~~c...~~on ~~X:0lnl8.t:.~ l'!O. ~: In -CIle arnOLl11- 01 4i::)... ,jj.j) arlt.l l-Y l.tal._l_ .t;st.llTra-ce i~O. Lv, Ie the an:r-unt of $23, S5().29 from Stokes Adair Ccmpany, be pa:~d as recOlmnendeo. by Herbert Voelcker; Architect & Associates. Voting Aye: Vc)ting Nu : Mayor ~Jr~isj Cmrrmissioners Galbraith Gcf~Han~ond and Reeve. :None ~.iJ.le ~e()11(')1;rl11g Resql1.~tion \vas sub~llittccl t.e' t112 COffitrtissiol1 8..n-:-1 l"'eaa_ in f.).ul1: T -0- ,'n._ .- ---T"T --r - , 'I -.--r i .-~' I I 1-..,.,.. ..,.,.".,.....;' as RESOLu~ION 55-10 A RESOLUrION AUrnORIZING T}lli TI~IS]r~~ OF' FIFTEEN THOUSA11D ( $1.5 ) 000) DOLLAl'\S FROM 1'1-',;]; HKl'ER -SEw'EI{ FUND AND ($J.)) 000 ) DOLLARS FRON THE GENE.HAL FUND To" THE CIT\' H.LU..L BmID FUND; AND PROVIDING FOR REPAYIvIEN'l' OF SUCH FlJ1IDS UPON CZqTIFICA'l'E BY THE TREASURE..R AB TO THE EY,ACT' AJ:v101JNT Oli' IvIO}\'EY NEEDED TO REPAY SUCH FUNDS MiD AlJTHORIZING Tl-'.::E SP..LE OF TEE REQUIHED NU~illER OF CITY HALL BONDS TO PAY THE A}IDill?E SO CERTIFIED. t1HER.EAS, l T, llas been (leterll~irle(l tb.e Cj-t:l COl1ul1i.ss:Lcn of vJest Uni"'\tersi ty Place! '}\?)~as) that it. i.~ neeessa..r:y-.t.llat certain S1.1J:l1S be paid :el~Orll tIle City Hall Bc;ncl'ltl"Ltnd~, tIle e;{act arnc.i!...1xrt re(Illired bej_Tlg nOl;r U111\.IJ.-o1.rIlt.o tIle CitJT COI{.u:nissicrl.; 8..ncl 'Y1BEI\EAS; it llas beet} cleterrn:Lned. t.llat tIle \-Jater-Se\VeI' Fu.nd and tIle Get1el"al :f'll.rlcl c~r ttle Cit~r of vfest U11i-\:-ersi.,lcy- Pl.~ce 11a'..re a s-u~ffieient arl101..lnt nov[ on I'iancl 1-rhich can 'be transferred'to the City n8..11 Bond. E"und;and \JHEREAS, it rlas 'beerl cleterrninecl by tIle Cit;{ COln.rniss iOtl trla t SU.Cll teIiIpox'ary i~rans~fe2" of fUl1(ls \.jiJ_l enalJle the Ci t~{ to '~l[i tl1l1Dld. the sale of tlle Cit~y ~al1 Bonfls ''Li.ntil. it is 1~tl01vn 1~hat t.11e e:{act BJllOurlts 01" TIIOney w'il1 be .:recl"u.1.recL: HOvl, 'THEREF'OHE, BE IT P,ESOLVED BY THE CI'TY C01\iIMISSION OF' 'fEE crfY OF '"iEsrI' l..il1IVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. T11at. tIle City SeCl~etal':)T 012, and~ is hereby- a"U.t11oriz;:~!.q. '! to tran.sfer l~l'Clll the City \{ater-Se\-Jer Fund the amount of FIF'rEEH THOUSAl\1D (11)1),000) DOLLARS t(~ tJ:H:; City Hall Bonet F-uncl. and. to t'ransfer tl1e S-cCGl of ~p15;- 000 frorn t11e Genera..l J;.'uncL to the Cit;y :Hall Bend Fund, such fund_s being transferred on a temporary loan Da.S J_S .,. 2. TIle City irr'easurer sllall deterrnine -cr1e e~:{actaJ.llount of 1110tley necessar~y -GC cOTlrplete pay.cnent for the ecnstr'Llction .o:e t~he City. Hall at tb.e earliest possible .t.i:!Jie tl-lat t1:te necessar:;l figv.l'es are a"V-ailable to lliIll and GLlal1 ce:...tify such ej{act a:!.no.1...rnt to tIle City Ccnllilisslotl atlcl tb.8 City S2cretar~l. j. T11at l-:pon recei.pt n-F" 'G.ne aforesaid. certiflc[~tc b:y" tIle Cit:r SeeI'etaI'~Y f:L'Cl11 tIle Ctt:y' rrreasurer, tlle_ CitySecretar:/ sllal1 cause t.o lie solc1 a suffi.cient rlu..uibeI' of tll~;= 'l.H1so1d City- H8:.:11 BOllCls atttl1urizGc.l by t~lle eJ..ect.icrl of DeCe.TIiber 12_, 1)53 t.o :ce"C,l:-ce T:'.n8 lean. fl"'Drn t,be Wa:t.el<-Sevler Fl.lllCL arlcl Ger.i.er'al. F.~;~:nd.. l.'lctico. b~r Cc;.nunissionGr li.c>2'\!"e ~ SeCCH1(Jed bJr COl1l~lliss:lc)ne:t' Ha~l1l1nonJ. tlJ.ut. Resolut.ic>n lIe. :~) 5..10 <1lrtl1.QI"izJ_BC -ell(;:: tl"ani3fe~c of ~15 _' COO 'frorn .!c,he \'iD..tel'" -St:~\^Ter' ~vttnd. a:nd. $15.~ acc) f::'()ll'l .tl'L~ f}eneral }{1-und. -t,(} tb.e 'Cit.~i :I-Iall Bond Ii'1.H1d.j and- -pr'o\r~Lcl:I.nc t;or repa~Y7rlent o:f s';..l(:h. f'-url(ls 1..rpon eertJ.:i:J..catic1ll l)~l tIle rri'eaSUI'(;:C as to tlJ.p e~.~~:},J~t 2~~:n.cn,_lnt c~f lriO 112 JF 1l.,'::2~J_CCi. T~() re-pait suell fU.nd.s ancl a1).tI1()r1z:Lng t11c salE~ ()f tb.e retll\irec1. nuxfi1)e}~" cf C i IIal1 BCl1(lf; \J.U pa:l t}~l2 a.tD.ov.nt so cel':c:Lfi:2cl ~ [.Ie passecl and. alJprO\refl as reacL. A:/e: IilaYCJJ:' IYloI' 1: is ~~ C')l1rn:Lss:lcne:cs Ga:ll>ria;tJ.1: G(:(~l:f' ~ }Ianlrac ilU. 8"ncl l{ee'~'-c .L-.: '.~ ~'J'c;ne ..L ;...~ l:'>:-~~:.Tlpliancc; -Vi i tJl G..(?,'c,l()n c:c tl.1E:: Ci t;j' C~)nllllj_s~3i()n c.in Fe"tJ]:"'l;_clry. ,-.....-? : ;; a t;8..b1...l~La.ti()L ,".n .::; 1":2Ci;: ~L .;:-';-q-. dcJi'I(;r:y C:r: S,; \'.f:~lJ.ic-Les tc el \\'-8.8 ;3"ul;rtl~I. ttecL \'1'2'1:,. a l'eecrilUi~:::n- iOIl -for :plJ.rCi"laS2 as ~\")11c"d'S: UGit.s 1Jnit t 1\":]- i.:\u.sse.1J. l\:lctoT G. Int.'2~.~'1:1atiolla1 RaI"\ este~c' Di'J..-'fc::I"~ ne c: 4):1-, '- (;c j " " J_ IJu1.t ) Fe i_ten H I/Iotor Urli t. ._. 1! " Co. n 3-: UIli t ~ .11 L; T~'~o=~:=" :~:~~ _ __ __I::~O- -~l'~'~-~:'~--------:-: --:::::::r------- ----or 36 l,lG-", ~_()n b~t C()~.~I:.:J.SBi()11e?. 1-18..~~:1!.j~()r~(1 ~ Sec():ld.c'-)_ b:/ CC;.'1l:i'~-Ls;sj.onc:: .L'lC~2:':--C; tlJ.Ckt Uni'c,,-: 2'!(js. ~: j,.. j.:~: /,' 2. 8~n(1 Sl bc PL:l"CllaSecl d,S :r'eCCl1:CICndeu... V8tin;.; A-::,T;: l\la.y"or I'.lU2":cis; COT.!r:~lis s icne:.:'s G8~lb:r:'a:L':r11:- Goff,.. Ha~IEl1CD.(i and. .l-1ef".::~/E: -, ,- t : i 'lctitl2; I~c. : None f~ =~.2-;~';~c:::t fI'(XT- 'Ia::~ Assesso~'-Co11E::ctor L. A. Patton.:" atlv'ised J..:.l1a-c tilE:; Salva.ticn Ar!."t:;/ llacl .~:i?ql1.~:33t.,ec_ ta~.~ c:ceJ.l~ption for tllcir l)(J,rsona~e locatocl at 2828 Quenb;y I{.J. arl,:J. 8~lJ. 1:.\p5_~1::'cn :~":ro!n Cit:,r Atto::~tle:{ C~}t1..::,'leG F. C 8cJ.:re 11.., JJ~. Datc;rl }!'ebru.a:r":y- 10: 2.~"55.. lJaS Stt"b::G.i ttecl to tIle CO~::::~liss=-on SUd. r8c1.Ll.. ~_rl i\;_1.1. It \>[['1,.8 i..l:'c. Coch:rell. t 5 c)pinion ~,~at tl"1e property in cluesti011 vlGl:Lld. _~~aJ~L 1.r1_tlltn ttU2 'pl.:::"'-/l.eT~T 0f~ AI':'Ltcle 7J..50 ,~rCl fJ~~:.: r~:c;\.-j se!:~ C:t "';/5. ~_ stat ~.rt::::s !=.i..::1 ~,:": '~8..G k "\.rl1.icb. S '~enJ.pts .E'l'()J:;. t~a :e.tion a r'~s J.clenc.::; c~,fned and xnaintainecl b~l a crrLlrch brOt1p arid. used excl.vJ3i"'"[eJ-:{ a~j a place of abc(le for t11<-:: ;:Jinistcr, but such exemption, sho'J.ld 1epend upon the proper authorities fil:Lni:;; :'or.tlal3pplica tiou to L1.a-v8 s1.J.c11 property clcclal'ed e.:ceInpt ~~p011 t.t-=.G t:.,~ rolls III GI'c~inan(>2 I~;(). G31: cpat~:_Ol1i:ct as f()11o~IS ~ ordaS sl~brn~Lttc::d tc tl18 CC'.!:li{:~issicl1 aile]. l"'ead. in .~'ull: OI{DII\IAlJCE 1\)"0. 6c)l Ai: OlwII\AHCE FII:-:mIl'JG AND DETERlv[[:r;:'::lJG "]AI' EACH AND ALL OF THE PHOCEEDINGS HAV'.ri:: BEEIJ HAD MID ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISI'TE 'I'O'I'BE HOLDING OF A PTJBLIC HEARDJG TO CONSIDER THE A.I-'iEl'JDlnG OF ZOm:HG ORDINANCE no. III OF THE CITY OF i<IES'i: UNIVERSITY PT C'I'T," '\'ri"X' !IS Snu AS "1'0 u;:;'RI' 1cl.L.-rp TT-'ii' .RE.c:UBDI'VTS~.LOT,T O.r;> T (1m 1 1J BTLOC1'[ h_ "\"J''''SIT1-' 'U'J.\TI'TCi'DQ. Tml- v .l..J.t'l.v.J..:J, .........u ~ , .LoU 'J.. _ ..;..LI..:J. u .J....u J.:..w ,'" '~ '--': .."U .L.\!.LJl.\V...... ..l.. PLi\.CE FIRS'I' ADDITION IN TO T\-JO (2) LOTS, EACH LOT BEnJc.~ 59 x 200 FEET; FINDING THl-\'J.' A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDKRING Ai\i Al\;END;'viEI-;-T 'I'O ORDINANCE no. III HAS BEEN DULY Mil LEGALLY HELD.= APPIWVING M'D ADOP"l'IEG THE HEPOHT AND REC01:Ir,:'JE:NDATION OF THE ZONING AIID PLAHNTNG BOAllD TlIA:T OHDI:NAIJCE RECOiIll,IENDAI'IOH OF 'HIE ~ONnJG Al'ID PLAlINn~G BOARD 'III.!\':!:' OHDINft..:NCE NO. LLL BE l\J'-1EI'J)ED SO AS TO p&~I,IIrl' TKii: RESlJBDIVISION OF TIlE SAID LeJl'; FIlllING 'IlIAI' OHDIHArJCE 1\0. III :::W THE CITY OF \lEST lmIVfu~SITY PLACE SHOuLD BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMI':;.' SUCH RESUBDIVISION; Ai\!Ei.JDING ORDINAl\fCE NO. III HESI.JBDIVIDING THE SAID LOT j Aiill PROVIDING Ai'~ EFFECTIVE .~~ DA1:ri~ . iiHEREAS, Mr. O. permission to resubdivide ~irst Addition, in to two C. Kins Lot I~o. (2) lias lleret.OJ:ore d.uly aDd. p:.:'operly reql~es~:ed. Fo-"'" (1.r.\ B.'LnC,1. !={l"7 I\t---:) \"''''8+ 'Ur"l-i"-P1'<::-itv Pl;'cp .....~... \. I ) ~ oJ . r... ,.., .i", '._ J'i...... V l...L. . .......'- ...., --!-. ..IJ __~....... Lots each resl.lbd:L\Tld.ecl lot being 50 :"-; 200 f~2et; anct WIIE.REAS, fTlle z,onitlZ a~nd. Planning Bc:arcl o:~ tIle Ci t~y- o:e WCGt lTi.liv'ers:i.ty p2_ace. having considered. the said recluest of 1..11'. c. C. Kine;, has .submitted its rec():!i"l~Eenctation that tIle sanle sl'lo1..1.1dw be grantefl subtject to a ptt-ollc '11eal"=Ln~; be~~ore the City Commission of said. City.; and 'i{HEREAS,a publj.c hearing lIas d'U.ly called and D;a.d on the said request of i,Ir. O. C. I(j_ng follmring .proper notice of the same in accOl'clance Iii th Ordinance I\To. 111 of t11e City of vlest Uni-:,.rersit:)r Place in tl.ic Cit;l }Ic,11 OD. tb.e btl"1 \~La~y of D(=Ge~.nbcr: 1954; and n v. c. HHEREAS, the Gity COl:'JIilission Ki DC Sl10l.1.!-(1 be g~cantea.. .., c." .I.>;:> (,.p ,J.t. 1:.ne opi.nIon that tb.e requ.~st () t' i/Il.. EOVl THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COJ:.-lI::1ISSION OF TID~ Cn'Y. OF vEsrL' UiTVERSI'l'Y PLACE, TEXAS: T ..~'~-r~~- -,-~,-.- ~ _.c- ._.:..---~- ~ 37 S{~et.~~(=,rl 1.. Tllat tllE~ C:i.t:r CO~EIrlissj.0n ,-P tr.te Cit.:l ....~.r ~~(::B~~ Ul1i\/eT"s'l.t~r Plac~~ l}ereb~r !'j. nd.3 arld cleter.ruilles t.~nat. all '::or:L1aJ_J.ti~=s re~t!.i~cc:d by Or0.:L:1an'~c :rJo.. 111 of sa "l.ct C:Lt:r relat:tve to tIle :te~,ruest of" l~i}:. o. c. I-~in:'.:; i:or ,:-lli D...TI10Tlo_nIer:.t to tl:e said. Orclinanee ~>...) pCl"'r[L~t tb.8 l"'esllbr3..i\Tisicn of llot L~.-., Blocl~ 6",'1 \~rest Uni.vc:rs=~t:r Pla.cE"~ F:1-.)..'"'st J\.d.d.i.tiOtl) in ~~o tvlO (2) Lots 50 ~{ 20() feet eaell" llave been ~11.:.1:.l cornplied. '\'lith. SectiOl"l 2. T11a1.:' tb.e :Report arHl reco:.nr.nend.atiot1. of the Zc'ning a11d Plat1ning Boaro~ relati've to tlle re1l11est of :;1.1". o. c. ICin;1:e: 8~nd. it j.s b.erebJ:-, apPx'o"'red ancl a.c1..optecl. Sect-i.Oll :s. T11a t Sectio11 211- of Orclinance I'To. 111 of tb.e Cit:}r of ~~est. Univ"ers1t:y 11ereb~r atGeno.ed. b the adclit10n of a s:_:J"J-"pa:ta.2~:r'apll to L1e kD.o~';n as 25 to real1 as ~ecl101vs: Placc~) r.re>:as., is s~b-pa~acraph No. "/,,,-\ L~+- J -,.~ B' 1.? p' t TT .:.- .,.+.. Dl -no.... ;''''''''0 \c;.J). '~J\..' :~} _Lll . ..LOCh. 0; wes uD-l.'jers.J...u;Y' J--,-8..ce tl!'SL. l\.o..c"...l!.JJ_on, -i,:;: 1-v''''ebv "PS'10,liv-jde''l -;n to t'fn (?) 10+[} r:;() X 200 +'Pf~t. ",,:,('"t-l. il _,.o..J .......\.-0,..1. .J...... .".. ....~, _... ..... ...... I(' ....J <--. _ 0.) ) ./ _ - - - -..... _......._ ~ residential stY'ilctlxre rna::r lJC bllilt on eae"-~ o:f tb.e tltlO (2) lots }(ler,?ll~Y' cl'eatecl., prov'idect., ho\'re"'[el:~:- tlla:t EF.1C11 I"e3:Ldentia.1. buil(lj.ng shall :2..rl all tl1ings co!.llpl~/' \'.ri.th tIle e~{isti.ng Ordina11ces G.ud E'~lso tl-ie b":~i.ldi.ilG code of i~he City of \-<Jest Unil:/ersi t:! Place as the sal11e affe~ts lo.ts 0:[ l::L1-;:e di.TrlensioDs. n Section t~. Tl'lis Orc:Linancc s11al1 t8~ke effect a~ocl lJe it;. f~()rce i!mnec1.~atelyr fTorfl and.. aft.eT' its p,lssase and. appl"'o"Ial. i.lot:.~tCn b:J'f CC)J.THilissioner lIa~IlnlOn(i; seconclecl by 'COYiltll:lss:i.oner Reeve tllat 01'''d:Lnance r~o. 621.~ p81:"jT>.itt:Ltl;; l"es1..1.bdiv1-sioIl o=;.~ Lot. L4-; Bl.ocl:;: 6~ \~est Utli.vers::Lt~r p~tace 1st P;>.d.d.it.:'i..on itrto t\{O lots 50 :x: ROO Ft. as ~'eqtlest€d. b;{ the o'V.rt1er I\I~. 0.. C.. Kin;';" 1)e pass:'.:;d. ancl approveQ as :r.eact. \1 ot.i n:; A" '.Te> 0 .;...... l:Ia;/or I-ioY'l'"' is; C(X~lItniS8ioners G'o,lbraitb, (}off J H,arrrCilond. anct Reeve Vcrti~10 l~o: None 1-.11 1'"1 :.~ t e s of" t11e rneetint; of Fe b:::'v~a:!:J~ ry j ~ L~~))) J ,fere :read anct :tpp~o'.:ecl as co:rrectecl. ~'J1 t~h no :rr:..~!-~t11er business to COI:le before t1:1e Co:ntil1ission a1: t1;J.s tilYlC If trpon ~"i1ot1on c1r:.1::r 1IlC-:!.'::t(:~) seco:1c1ect ana. carried tr_e ::J:ectin:r-~ -:.ras J7eCessed.. prrKu~~s OF RECESSED ~ill3TING OF CITY CCt~jISSION }1EBflUARY 21, 19~55 =J:l't(: GJt:y Conr1..issl.on coo.'/cneCl. ir: r'?c~sGed sesDlot!. a-: ~::1?':; Cit.J:' 11D..11 on 1.~on(I[=t:.:" 'I :Li\3;..~:~--e1)3,~~~r ?l.. 1955, 7:30 :P.I'.1. liJ"l'Cl::. tIle :fol1.o1'r5..n; ~:ce~~?"ll)e::'s 'p:ce3e~lt: l'lG.~!C!:.l I-'~o:"":r:i.s} pe'.~~"'s~!.c~L~L"CIG; COYrln:i.sS~!_Ol1-21'" Ga11Jraitll; Iia:nrnorl(l 8..nd. B'<:;:3':~;::. '1'b.o C-l.-:-::f Sec!~et.t1..r:r '\..rss 8..J..SCJ p~-;Cs8nt. CO~lr~::L8sJ(}nc~~c C'crf:f' a.nd t}j.(; C:tt~.. .l~tt'l.j~~ne~/ 1i8:::'E; .:J.bfjl:;n~:. rr;1'? ~!-:,;r'JG8~t:Lc)n ":.:::8..8 prC';D,()::.:lC~:~(;~ o~r l\lJ.~. ~ L\ . T J..J . Car~'~ :t-lH~J:-'S .' Cl~G.i:r'~:18.rt 0-;: t}l(~ Ci'~~:i ~~:~\:;creat i.Cf.i CU~D.:rn.i t.tec. 1~ .sCCO::':TGlen(J.s.-~:.5..()r:.. ~'JE1.S S1..~lY~G.ii....t{2Cl to t~he C<)ur:EissIon -iJ::r .t.L.\-.: ctt:/" S(~(~~"et2.y"Y t,lla~. tJJ."2 .~)j.6,8 S~:1}~'0.5_t.t2d l:;:r IrrtC:::"~1:::.tiCl::J..2~ Ii'J.,rv~~st.c.~c for G.,:~li,'!-?:"'2.: ();' TJni_t,:,3 :.~'C). ,- ',. I~~ 7 1]8 B/:"-:-~''::'~l.Yt::~~l D.S ":.=,1-:'3:"T 1)'::.\1 ~.;~ore llCc1..l"'l:r c()rrrQ~' i.es 1;[.7.tb. s1.)cei'r5_c~;;J.i.:~~~()r~;-~ (l(1 ,;:rh.1-c:.\ ll:l.'-ls '\^re::cc:: SlJ)T!:~_ t. '~-.(::cl lil;~~ l~J"~ 1}ll'Y- r-,' i . T " ," . ..-~~I r- on ---- ---r 38. l'.l:~:t':~_on lJ~/'" CCDf~rLssj_o:~C;::.t J:~'2\.::-;.re ~ se(~or~Jied ~bj' CGr;,"L~:~Lssi8r.!.f-:::' C8.JJil'ta..:.tll '~~r~a'c. tb.e bid. U~!'br:~i~~.+~(-:FI bj:"" In~~f~;l~r.~at,ic:'ltl=L }Iar'l(::~ster :f'o:.'"' d'~live:r~r cf Depar:clllent a!:;lount:~ n,(': ~-.n a net fliff\::rence of.~ $22J).~ on Unl'~~ :Nc_ ." "be acc~pted anJ. a plll"cb.ase or{IC'~.. :LSSC.-2d.. UCti. t!3 :rJ"c. \j 2:; 'T ~:l()I. t.l1e G~rbage U-t'_i_Lv' K,l(). ? ~~,~ d'0~,0 ~1-1 .... _ _ V t.:.;.lh.L tpC.LL~} 1.... -1 I Vr')~:~_11t:. ii.-y-e:' I~Ia:)-c~:" ,i:.:i,crr::_s; Cc:rrlLii.ssi.oni.;:"~s. Ga+Li)ra.:t11.~ G'--i:t'.;":l lia:,.:ilij,Otlll dflQ l{ee"'.rE; \1(, J;: inG I~C I'Jcne rrl;-li~ c~_t:/ EUG:Lll(:;2l-a SUb~l'.:~i- ttC(~_ a tabtllatiot1 01';. Bids C';"':.ldt:"'"uctiJ)D. of '~.;ate::" lines In. Set~t:Lons .1., c: aDd ::::"ecel~/(~:i li18"bri...:.[i:-Cj": 11i... 2':1Io:c p:'o:.:;ra!o: ~II tll a r;:;COjX12il~.:::ndati.8n tllat B.}J.3 S ~ J IvIl tCL18 ll_ " .', Ol a. c.:it:/ 1.ra-~eI' 1n(:. -be 8;;;\rarctc(1 :i.nlpJ:-'o\r2.J:nent -:~b.s corltract '~;n ~=.;~leJ.r JOlT 'bid. of' 4>2)~3)3.:~(). ~..L~l.tion b:/ CC~'.D.llissicr~~;;::1 :aa:lj.rnond, second.eel b:l C~~":nEil:LSsJ.()ne:' I{e2....;.e., .~-jlo..t :~lle re(>:)).lHl~el1~ ','iat:.:_'::\D. \~~:~ t}~c Cit</ En.;i:l8eT." (}e acc~:.~pted. and a cOlr~':~"ac.~~ 8.,v[aI'/1;:;0. to Bass IvIltclle,~~ l.~ l.n(~. ;. '--'.' c:~)ri~;t.l'~.~ctj. an o:~ "\vatc::' lilles il1 sect iOllS l..ot 2 aDd. j C'i'~ tl1eiI' lO~1 '81 (1 of tP29" 3:....]. i)O. '":lc-,"cloG, A-;/t?: v~; -;-~ i~ n~.; r~ c'. ~ I~Ia..:::{or I.IG1"1':LGj CCTi.ilD.issiol1el"'s G.a.lbraitll: Gc:':r Fial1.illlCnd and l~cc'.:'e_ 1\10n2 J_~. ';.1a5 de:~=L\~led b~{ -;-.-";C') ........1.....'_ CitJ.' CCTHrl1iss:LC'll1 tha,t Frida:.r I~iarcll 12 1;2 dei.s~nate(t as U'~~.~\lcIcl.l. ope.ninc; date of tlH:; nmv j.lILltlicip.al bu.ilc.ti.tlg 6..ucl tl'1a-c. tl12 i',la~Y-0:r an~. C:_t.:/ Ss:e}~eta..r:y De att.tl'lori:~ed. to ].YlaJ~e necessaj,:~:r al-j"anbt.:;lll8nts f():~' an 3.ppr0priat,,:: pc:' r; ,~~' an: . ;litll DG =i~rtlleI' btl3:.11ess to COJ.1J.e 1Jefo:::'8 tIle CC1HiUlj.ss:_on at tl1j.s "(:.i!:ti.c) upon IG.C-t~lCln J.u.1J, I:laCl2,1 seecncted. ar}(l (': ~trl"ie(l., tIle J:1ieeituc: VIas ad#~~OLLj_'<ned. in Gl'd:::;r t~~lat ail J_11- ~~>:.;~;.~!.~la1 clisctlSsiun :m.i[;.ht be }1eld. '~11th tb,c?: Chai:::'l1!al1 of t~.l\= fiecJ:'eo.."tJ_oIl Ccril.rb.itt<:;e J l;'.il'. .d.. L. Carrlrtlle:~:'s., '~s. 1-1al~:'Y TtlTrler:: pres:!.cl..errt.; of ~:,lJ.c 1~2St U111"':.r81"sity Ci'/ic Cl~1.1) 8..Ild. IvII'. JCllrl LOlna~{ arLCl 1\11'. CTj.l~laj.1~) Cj_vic Cl~~;.b lneJ.!l.be::.:'s~.. concerninG a :e1...~1.1 tit}2:2 ~~ec:"ea.tion probra~:l for -:-.b.€ ci t~y. 'rIle CO:iI!.Tlissioll abreed to C.o tl"l8 118cessar::l ~l."aCLlnb :fc:~c a so:~tbalI d:laJ."i.lcnd. OD. t11e vJest Uni'rcrsi t:;r E1Gn!.entar~y Scrl.()ol Gl'Ollucls '~';i.t)l cit::r C(:i.lliprllent and. pCr-SOI'l11el a"lld. to set aside up to ~500 ::02' 1)aekst~QPs if aGr!::;e:.;~'.~lTi::' lS Indle:ated_ by' tb.e SCllcol Boarcl. \.J:~til E'J ~~1..-:l.tr.l.el" busj_ness to COE1C be:fore tIle Corr.n1l1ssicri a"T~, tb.fs :~,:~xne) \:~pon ~~ilotiorl :lu."L:/ i.llf:l.!le:- seco[lclerl and carl~ied, Tile ~llee-Cln~ ~'la.s a.:Jt50~lrnecl. ~2i~ ' --.., < ~ ~ I\fa;rOl~ f-\.T~'E[~rr : ~ 1J!'f"..~~J _ C j,-t:'T 1" -~-".I-.- =, _.~. '~""':::::l ~I:.. -.~ -----------,.-. 3.~' '- 1.IIIJlT~lES Olf ItBG~JLAL~ :,,'iE:;:~1rI!';;t~ OJ? c:~rY C:Cl:.JvITSSI.)I{ I~ZBRU.lt.1Y r;;'.-, :..-......;... 1~:5 5 '.11.12 C1t~{ C~JJ.rill::"Ss~L()ll C':;lT':,-"ellect cit t..ne Cit~f I-iall; (~n I\Icrlda:/.' li"ebl"ll.).al~Y- ;:2(~7 1))) <:-'.~-:.. M~11c: .~"lLTst ~l12~?tin'b ~_Il tIle ae1-l I'"li)~n~cipa1 B-:J.il(lin~ at 7:30 P.ti. '~Alj~t11 ~:h.e f~:-:~I_lG'.-;_~+n~; Iile1~:'bcl'S pres'2nt: }:Ia~~;Ol" .i~.lr)J::-'ris:. p:ccsi"iinLj CC1J1Y'":.iss:LCn2l' G3.Jor8.it}:l_~ G;ff)ft; F~ee\"c and. Ha~rE1:()G~l. The CitS' AttcrD.e~{ 2",nc1 C:j~t::{ S:::el"'8t.all~/ '~-T:2re a.~LsG present. l~(;'''-c:~lend. I(a:.~l Bayer: Pa.stol' o:~.. tb.e ~-Jest. Urli-...'e1~si t~<" 1.1etll-c:J.ist CbI"J.crl pror1o....1.n~:~c(i. the . , . J_n'.f"c::?a ~~,lc\n. III C()~:~Lpliance '\vi tl1, action taJ~.~en i}~: t.he Cit.~{ CcnT~~li-ssicn an{l l-Jo-cice GGJ.y- pubI:.:I.sllecL ill ~~};f:; off:Lc:Lal ne1tlSpaper of the. c'it:;r; ~bi~Is J:'Iecei',:"ed ::or deli':Te::....;r of street J.l'Rte-rial J"Cl.ll~~;_1"0;cl O:;T 'ellc ci.;..~" for tlle 19~)5, 1.rere opc:ueci. aI10. X'es1;~lts an.noLll1.Ce(l as t'oI101-Ts: J:jc_~~ast Suppl:;- Cr:i. U-;.raJ.tIe R0Ch: Asphal.t 1Jlli tes l].;~~'L1lde I\.IJnes :.j; is J Ol~ 3 . j() 3, Z{~) .00 3... 152.0() {.,350.00 6,~350.!JO 6~~3)O.OO 6:350.00 rtr-'" v',~ . PaJrI:e:~ Bros. E:,; Co. Ine. Jolin Y9ung Co.~ I~c. HCHlston Sb.ell & Concrete Hcrton & n'rton, Inc. Ce. 1.'lut.:i':_it1 ~]Jr CC21r~llissiGner Goff ~~ sec811(lecl ~by COl1D.ni:3::LL-::;~er Hal'n.i.nand: tllat bids recel.......""eCl fr>J:- cleltvE;ry of street ~matcrial reCJ.tl:i.::.~e(l by the eit~.r for tIle ~lettr 1:?55,~ be referred to the City Sec:;:'etary and City Enc:ineer for tabulation and rec01mnendation. \totin::~ A"JTe: VotintZ ~No Mayor Morris; Commi.ssioner Galbrai.th; Goff', Hammond. ancl Reeve. None A list. of 20 j.Dsurance asents considered eli::sible to -participate in disbllrSements of city insurance premiums vTas submitted to the Com.mission as follows: John E. Boyd; Sr. ldynne L. Creel~~nore vJilliam T . Lutz ) Jr. Joe C. Eason J. Paxton Huff <T. Halter Kilpatr:Lck IV. B. Ruth Gene E. Yount.~ Fred A. Rhodes) Jr. Robert B. Overstreet T. P. He1Iitt) Jr. D. ti. Ano.2rson John L. ~.!()rthaxn (Ie Son Lo;ya L. Ov.na.all H. ;r. Gebhal'Cl \~!. F. Itkin J. E. Sams Jan'les H. !vlarrs Charles Hughes Charlie Hall Illotion by COlYJ!nissioner Reeve: secondecl by Commissioner Galbraith that the tvTenty a?nets listed be declared elic::Lble for1tJ,rticipation in tIle distrjJ)l~tion of the city's inSl.1r~J..nce -pre:rrd.1J.ms for t11e yeal~ 1954. Voting A:!e: Vot:I.D!:; Eo. Maym:> l'IIo:cris) Conrrnissioners ,Galbraith, Gof:f) Hammond and Reeve I'Tone T --.~- :~~ ..~ ~ [ i" "-i1 _..f '40 Ord.:tna.!lCe l-:Io. 682) c1..111ending Ordinance I'Jo. "IiI to -pernl:L t~ constructi.OYl of a COl1Ttnercial b1:1ilc1jng on Lots 8,9, 10, Block 1, Krenzler Courts, "\vit.h a setback of 15 Ft. from t.l1e ~1est Propel~-t~J" line of K:trb:~r Drive a..nd a 111tninn.un set1.Jacl{ aflO Ft. on ~u..rbans aXlti ~!Tro.:xton Roads for a dista,rlce of' 131 ~'t. and. a 25 Ft. selbe"cl-c- for t.b.e rerca:Lnd.er of 1:.11e builcli.nr: area on Albans q,nd Vlroxton Roaa.s vas s1.ibTfd_tte[.lto the COTI'Jllission and read in full. '1'he OrsUnance also declared abandonment of the 20 Ft. :E~asement or 8,11ey, on the ,'[est propert"JT line.s" in compliance \.ri th t.he rel11J~est .of 1\111'6. E~mrrra I{r.enzler II In Answer to questions by the City Comtnission the City Attorne;l stated that the ,Cllarter -provides fo:r abandonrnent of alleys or easements b;y the city and further provictes that such pro-perty reverts back to the mmer or mrners thereof. The Commission questioned. the necessity for the easement for utility pur-poses. Mr. Blu.m, Attorney re-presenting Mrs. Krenzler, stated that they YTould furnish any necessary utility easement::t easement at. the t:i'Jle building plans are subm:Ltted, l)ut it vTaS their opinion the lmilding could be servicecl from the front and rear without need for the 20' easement. Ol'rlinance :No. 682 '-las. not passed at this time pendine; further consultation i<lith the City Attorney and Attorney Bll~l. A letter was submi tteo. to the Commission fro:m f{uss Hi tChell, Tue. Regarding their effo:rts ancl re$ults ip atte~npti11g to obt8~i.n signature"s of 2TIecb.c..nic's lien contracts :fOl. 'pav:Lnc; the skipped areas. on tJniversi.t.~y BOl.lle'.rarcl. FO(lr proI>81-.ty Ovlne~cs of the 38 invol',.red 11act e:xpressed a desire to execllte the contr8~cts. Nut.ion b;>r, Commissioner Galbraith,seconded by Comraissioner Har.mnon<1 that E. E. Tmmes, J}.... Gtt~r J;'8~.ving Attorney, be j~nstrl;.ctecl t.o pre.pare the necess8~rJ''" orctj,nances to per r.'J1:L t: R}lSS IvIit<;hell, Inc. to p:t.~oceec3.'vith pav:i.ne; "\-lork on University Boulevard. 1n accord.ance with the contract dated .June 28, 1954. \t at J. ng ll;;-e: 'Votinf:?~ 1'.10: Mayor Morri_s; Commissiomers Galbra:i.th, Goff', Hanmlond amI Reeve. Hone vJ:ttl1 no flJ_rther bn.sin~ss to corne pefore the Cornm.::i.ssion at this "CJJlle -' trpon raotion cl).J.l."r rn.acle J second.ed a,rtcl carrJ~ea.) "Ch.e meet.inf~ 1ia.s .recesseo.. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MINUTES OF RECESSED MEETING OF C'rl'Y COMMISSION MARCH 7, 1955 The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Monday, March 7, 1955, with the follOWing members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Hammond and Goff. The City Attorney, City Secretary and City Paving Attorney E. E. Townes, J'r. were also present. Commissioners Galbraith and Reeve were absent. The invocation was 'Pronounced by Mr. E. E. Townes, Jr. Mr. Townes submitted to the Commission Tr~asurer's Certificate Number 55-1 certifying the availability of funds to pay the city's additional part of the cost of paving and improving the skipped areas of University Boulevard. -~~J~~Toc~:O~~~~~".~...:rc._. _. r~'. T~~'~~~'.-"Tr- ------::::::r 41 , \ Ordinance No. 683, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full: AN ORDINABCE'APPROPBIATnrG THE SUM OF $15,000.00 OUT OF THE FUNDS IN THE CITY TREA5l:JRYTOWIT: $6i353. 'l~ .TO TIJECREDIT OF STR1!:1!:!' IfAVING AND BRIDGE BO:m>, SERIES 1~46 and $6, 646.28'rOTBE CREDIT OF STREET DnfROVEMElfr BONDS SEaIES 1948 TO.-BAY THE CITY'S ADDITIONAL PART OF THE COST 01 PAVntG AND IMPROVING PORTIONS OF: Section 1, University Boulevard between Lake Street and Westchester Avenue J Section 2, University Boulevard beween Mer er Avenue and Ed1ae street Section 3, University Boulevard between Wesllayan St:reet and CC>JDJmluity ~~; . c AND DECLARING Alf EMERGENCY. Motion bY-Commissioner Goff', secondedbYComm1ss10ne lfammond that Ordinance No. 683, appropriating the sum o~ ;15,000 to pay the city's addition,a1 part of the cost of paving and improving the skipped areas oJ University Boulevard be passed and approved as read.. . I . Voting' Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Hammond and Goff 1 ! Voting No: None L__, Orqi""nee 110. 684, eaptioaed as 1"oll""s, was _,tteal to the C~ssion and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AP~OVING AND ADOPTUG,. ABD.c DIREPTING ~ c EXECUTION BY THE MAYOR AIm CITY SECUl'A,RY OF, A CERTAIB AGREDm:!fr EXECtn'ED B~ RtJSS ~CBELL, INC., COltrRACTBR, DATED MARC~ 7, 1955, WlTlI~CETO PRpMPl'PROCEEDING WITH THE IMPROVEMENTS UNDER THE COlfi'RACT OF JUNE 28, 1954, AS ~DED JULY 12, 1954, FOR THE PAVING OF CERTAIN PORTIONS OF UNIVERSITY BLVD~ ORDERED IMPROVED BY THE MAY 10, 1954, ORDINANCE' NO. 658, AND THE PURCHASE BY 1rHE . CITY oF ASSESSMENT CERTIFICATES ISSUED AGAINST EXEMPr HOMESTEAD PROPERTIES UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS . c I - AlID UPON CERTAIN TERMS IN ~ ASSIG:NMEm'S THEREOF TO THE CITY; DIR!CTING THE . INCORPORATION AS A PART OF'rlllES QRDINANCE OF A COP! OF SAID AGREEMlmT; LIMITING THE PURCHASE AND LIABILITY OF cTBE CITY; FIlmING THAT PROP}m APPROPRIATION HA.S BEEN MADE TO COVER THE ADDITIONAL COSTS TO THE CITY; .A:ND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by CoJllllli.ssioner HaDmond, seconded by Commissioner Goff that Ordinance No. 684, directing the execution of an agreement whi th Ru~s Mi tchel1 ~ Inc. with reference to proceeding with the improvements on tJniv~rsity Boulevard by passed and approved as read. I Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Ha.mmond and Reeve Voting No: None I, . Ordinance No. 682, was again submitted to the comm1ss1on and read in full: ,- ~.' r~'.'::~:'~lcc:.-~O"'::-_~."-='T:~-"="'O"""5r"---:-:':'"~.._._______.._~___'~"'._7--'!"C'_.C~""-'T==-.~--o,-,-=--;'_-:-:q:"~ 42 ) 1. / , . , i ORDINANCE ':NO. 682 AN ORDDlAlfCE FINDING AND DETERMINDlG '1'BAT EACH AND ALL OF THE PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN 1fA1) AND ALL:~TJIIBGS DONE PilEREQUISI'l'E TO THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC BEARING TO CONSIDER AMEND:Dr.l' THE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. III 0F THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION. OF.A COMMERCIAL BUILDING- ON :rms 8, 9 and 10, BLOCK ONE (1). OF KRENZLER COliJRTS,SAID BUILD- ING TO HAVE A MINIMtlM SERJ3ACK OF 15 FEET FROM THE WEST PROPER'fY LINE ;OF KIRBY DRIVE .AID A MINIMUM SEmBACK OF :a.i> FEET ON ALBANS ROAl) Am> WROXTON ROAD FOR A DISTANCE OF 131 FEET" ADD PROVIDING THAT THE <JOO:R')m PERMITTED TO EXCAVATE FOR mmER~OUND PARKING UP TO, Bur NOT BftONDTHE PROPERTY LINES ON ALL SIDES OF SAID LOTS, SAVE AND EXCEPT THAT NO EXCAVA,~IOIf ~ PERMI'l"JE) IN, ON OR UlmER ~'TBE ~ (20) FOOT EASEMDr COVERING .TBE--~S'r'TWENTY(20) FEET OF THE AFORESAID toTS, AND THAT THE PARKING OF AT;JTOMO:BlLES ON THE SUR _ , FACE BE PERMITTED UP TO THE WEST :AlOPERTY L:mE OF LOTS 8,9 and 10, CONDITIONED HOWEVER, THAT TlJE OWl'I1i.1tCONSTRUCT A MASONRY WALL FENCE ON THE WEST PROPERTY LINE OF BAIl> PROPERTY, SAID WALL TO HAVE A HEIGHi' OF Nor LESS THAN 6 FEE'!' AND RESERVING TO THE CITY OF WEST ~SITY PLACE 'I'D RIGHT OF. nGRESS AND EGRESS IN, ON AND tmDER TIE AFERESAID 20 FOOT ALLEY AND/OR ~F9R THE PURPOSE OF LAYING, MAIlfi'AINING AND REMOVING ANY AND ALL t1l'ILITY LINES, .PlPES OR POIJrS; FINDIBG. THAT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR,em PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING AN ~TO ORDINANCE NO. 111.JIAS :BEEll DULY AND LEGALLY BELD: '. APPROVING Mm.. A;DOPl'ING 'rIm . REPORTAWD :RECOMMlmt)ATlCi>1f OF THE ZONING AND PLAmmlG :BOARD .THAT ORDINANCE 111 BE AMEM>ED TO PEEOO:T TR.$ CONSTRUCTION OF A COMMERCIAL BUILDING ON' SA1DLOl'S vITi: TIlE AFORESAID MIN:QruM SETBACK REQUI:REMlIN'l'S: FINDING THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 eF 'l'BE crn OF WEST UNIVERSITY PlACE SHOUL>> BE AMENDED SO AS TO.!'ERM:tT THE CON- STRUCTION OF SUCH BUILDING; AMEm>ING ORDINANCE NO. III TO PERMIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF SUCH COMMERCIAL BUILDIBG ON LarS 8, 9 and 10, BLOCK ONE (l),.KRENZLER .COURTS, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE;AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE nATE. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded 'by Commissioner Hammond that Ordinance No. 682, amending Ol:-,dinance No. Ill, to permit construetion of. a commercial building ou Lots 8,. 9 & 10, Block 1, Krenzlel"t Courts, with a minimum setback of 15 f,. t'ro. >the west line of Kirby >>rive and 10 Feet on A1bans Road and Wroxton for a distance of 131 Feet, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayo:.; Morris; Commissioners Hammond and Goff. Voting NO.: None Resolutions Nos. 55.-11, 55-12, 55-13, 55-14, and 55-15 authoriZing and direeting the City Treasurer to invest funds from the Garbage Disposal Bond Fund Series 1948, sanitary SeYer Ca'P~tal Improvement, Water-SeQr ,Health and Tax Revenue Sinking Punds, for a period of 6 months at 2t/; interest rate, were submitted to the Commission and read in :f."u11: RESOLt1rI~N :;'-11 , -\ WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital avai1ao1ein the Garbage Disposal - 1948 Fund which will not be required for operating expenses until later in the present fiscal year; . . AM), WHEREAS, ,it is deeDied to be to the best interest of the: City that. such funds by placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue: in the form of interest for the operation of the CitY'; . AM), WHEREAS, the present bank balanee, the average monthly income. and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated until maturity of this investDient will prea1ude a fund deficit; . . ... N~, 'l'JI:EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE crn OF r"~i~~~~ -, -~ .- ",-1 --' I I I 43' WEST U.luvmSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the CJty Treasurer is h~reby Q.ir~cted to invest funds amounting to $3587.99 from the Garbage - Disposal - 1948 Fund, for a period of twelve months. . .' RESOLUTION 55-12 llHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the present fiscal year in the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund. AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the, best interest of the City that such funds 'De placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn !lL~ditional .revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; AIm, WHEREAs, the present 'bank balance, the. average monthly income and expenditures ?f this Fund as anticipated until Daturity of this inve~tment will prea1Ude arfund. deficit; NOV, THEREFORE . BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMtSSION OF '!'BE. CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TixiS, that the City Treasurer is hereby direct~cl to in- vest funds amounting to $29,500.00 from the Saai tary SewerCapi tal Improvement Funcl, for a period. of six JIIDIlths. . . <RESOLl1l'IOII ~5-13 ~, the City or West University. P~ce., cl.U"rently has capital ~va~labJ.e ia the Water Sever Fund. which will not be. required for o-perating expenses until later in the 'Present fiscal year . . . AIm, WHEREAS, it is deemed to.be to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in Qrder .~o earn addit:!-ona.l revenue in the form of. interest for the operation of the City; . . . AIm, WBEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and I expenditures of this Fund aS8atici-pated until maturity of this investment will prea1ude a fund deficit; . WW, 'l'!1JSltI5i~, BE IT RESOLVED. BY Tm: Cl'fiCOMMISSION OF THE CITY OF 'WEST U.luvEftSITY PLACE, TEXAS, THAT THE City Treasurer is hereby directed to in- vest funds amounting to $10,000.00 :r;-om the Water-Sewer Fund, for a period of . six months. . -, RESOLtJTIOB 55-14 . I WHEREAS, the City of West University Place,~qrrently has capital. available in the Health Fund which will not be required'for operating expenses until later in the presellt f.iscal~-year _ ".AIm, WHEREAS,. ~t is deemed to be to the bes1:; interest of the City that revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; Am>, WBEREAS, THE PRl!:~. BANK BALANCE ,. the. aVBrage monthly income and expenditures of this Fund as antici-pated until maturity of t~is investment will prealude a fund deficit;.. . If~, 'r~E, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WES'l' UNIVERSITY PLACE, ~., THAT THE City Treasurer is hereby directed to in- vest funds amounting to $a400.00 from the Health Fund for a. -period of six months. Resolution 55-15 , , '---- ' WHEREAS, '!'BE City of West University Place,currently has capita.l available in 'fix RSieuue.. J'Und vh1ch will not be required. for operating exptnses until later in the present fiscal year - . T~"=:- - --:. --~" u[ - 1':: '-'~'l .-l 44 AID, WBEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the. City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the for.m of interest for the operation 0f the City; 0 A1tD, WHE.RJi:AS, the :presellt:.:ban1f:balal'.lce, the average. monthly income and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated Until maturity of this investment will prea1ude a fund deficit;. . NOW, TBEREY0RE,' IE IT USOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY' OF . WEST UNIVERSITY PlACE, .'fEXA3, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to in- vest fUBas amounting to $31,000.00 from the Tax Revenue Siding Fund for a period of six months. '. . . .. . . MotioR by CoJimdssioner B:8JIIII1ond, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that'. Resolutions 55-11, 55-12, 55~13~ 55-14 a.a 55.15 be passed and approved as read. . Voting Ave: llayor Morris; COJDDissioners Hammond and Goft VotitlgNo: None . The eoJlllDissiol'l discussed plans for sale of used office. furniture and equipment 110 longer needed for.o-peratioDS of the city's variousde-partments and offices which have 'been moved to the.new IIlUnicit*l bui:lding. Motie-g.<br;eOD1!i'si;on-ef:"~1il4i;.s_eeoi'1ded 'ti7'~COmmis$ioner Goff, that bids be re-- ceived for.' saleo:f ,.e4f\irniture and. e\liu:pment located at the CODDllUnityJI9Use, not required for ei~f operations, ~n"'~l 7:~~ P.M. MOD.day March 28, 1955. . Votiag. Aye: Mayor'Merrlt-: . CoDim:l.ssioDers~rid and Goff. .' . . :.s:-\,.." -'. Vo3;ing :No: None-' . . In compliance vithaction by the City Commissiol'1 on Februa.ry- 28, 1955, the City Secretary and City Engineer submitted ~ tabulation ot bids received for delivery of street material f,or 195'~, with a reeolllllendation that avards be _de~sA'ollows: . . Item 1 &: 2.to Parker Brothers, Inc. on their uriti bids of $2.10 -per ton for Sand-stabilized shell aDd $4.00 -per ton for asphalt coated shell. Item 3 to Belfast Supply Company on their unit bidQf $0.1343 per Gal10D for Aspbl;\lt Emulsion. ... . . Item It., 5A &:5B to Whites Uva1de Mines on their unit bid of $1.84 -per tonqi)n Item 4, $1.00 per ton. on Item 5A and $1.04 :per ton on Item 5B. Motion by COll1DissioJ?er Goff, . seconded by Commiss~oner HaJrmlond that the bid. of Parker Brothers, Inc~, Belfast Slipply Company aDd Whites Uvalde Mines be accepted as recomaendedby the City Secretary and City Engineer. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; CommiSSioners Goff and :HaJmnQn4.. Voting No: None. .. Resolution No. 55-16 as follows was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read ill full: RESOLlfrIOB 55-16 ". "./--:; ." A RES0Lt1rION Al11'RORIZING A1ID DIRECTING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF WEST tltu ~ERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, TO ENTER !mO Am> EXECl:1l'E A CO:NTRACT ON BEHALF OF SAID crn WITH RUSS MITCHELL, :mC., FOR THE INSTALLATION WATER MAINS. AND FIRE mDRANTS IN SECTION ONE, TWO Am) THREE OF THE PROJEcTED VATER IMl'ROVEMEIT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PUCE _ TF.XAR I.""C:_.._'~ ~~"..~~..-~F . i'..' , '~,-- -----r 45 ~, it has 'been previously deterinined by the CitY' Comm1ssioD of the. City of WefJt University Place" Texas" that it is necessary aDd for the beBct interest of said. City that a contract be entered into for the in- sta;Llati-on, of water main~ and fire hydrants in Section 1., 2 and 3 of said City's projected water improvement program; and . . . WJfEREAS, pursu&ntto such determination legal notice of the City Commission's intention to accept bids on such work was given by publication in. the officia~ newS'pflper of the City of West University Place, Texas, on January 28, 1955; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the aforesaid notice" biels were llu11' receivecl, opened and noted by the City Commission of the City of'West University Pla.ew, Texas, on February 14, 1955; such bills being as follows: Name of Bidder Amount of Bid Russ Mitchell" Inc. J. :tI. Britt Cook Bros. L. C. f?auer L. B. MathiS Texala Construction Co. $ 29,393.50 31,148.50 31,286.28 34,821.25 38,555.70 42,072.75 r.-'i l . WHEREAS, the bid of Russ Mitchell, Inc., in thet.amount or $29,393.50 is the lowe$t bid of those submi. tted; and WHEREAS, the City Secretary and City Engineer of the City of West Uni versi ty Plac.e, Texas, have recommended that the contract for the. aforesaid work be awarded to Russ ,Mitchell, Inc., on its low bid of $29,393.50, sucb bid and thereco~ndation of the Ci~y Secretary and City Engineerbeihg deemed to be in allthine;s acceptable by the City Commission of the City of West Uni versi ty Place; and WDEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, is of the opinion tbatit would be to the best interest of the said City to accept the bid of Russ Mitchell, Inc., and to award the contract for the performance of the aforesaid work to such company; and . WHEREAS, the City Treasurer of the City of West University Place, Texas, bas certified to the City CODDDission that there is now on band the sum of $30,000.00 in tl1ewater-Sewer Fund of said City, which is available ror payment of such work~ BOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 'l'HE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. !fhat the Mayor of the City of West University Place, Texas, be, and he ishereby, authorized to enter into and execute a written contract for and on beholt of the City of West University Place, Texas, with Russ Mitchell Inc., providing for the installation of water mains and Fire Hydrants in Section 1, 2 and 3 of said City's projected water improvement program in accoraance with the plans and specifications previously approved and recommended by the City Engineer. 2. That the low bid of Russ Mitchell, Inc. for the-; aroresaid work be accepted and that all other bids in connection with such work be in all things rejected. 3. That there is hereby appropriated from the Water-Sewer Fund of the City of West University Place, Texas, the sum of $30,000.00 to be used for payment of the amount to be due to said Russ Mitchell, Inc., upon completion of the Work hereby authorized. T-C""CCr'-C-;T-T_~--'_,c.ccCc"1 Ti . rT------T-----, 4t> Motion by Coa1ssioiler Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Goff, ;bat Resolution 55-16 authorizing execution of contract with Russ Mitchell, Inc., for the installation of Water Mains aDd fire hydrants in Sections 1, 2 and 3 of the projected water improvement program :for the City be passed amappro\Ved. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff and Hammond None Minutes of the. meetings of Februa-ry 14, 21 and 28, were read and apm-oved as corrected.' With no further business to come. before the:Commission at this time, upon motion duly DIl!Lde, seconded and carried, the meeting was ad~o~ned. 6:;,~ //~. Mayor . ~~. ./ ~. , , i _J J -, ,._-~~ ~ - ,.." ",' I . - --~ 4'1 MINUTES OF RECESSED MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION . . MARCH 14, 1955 ~ The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall, Monday, March 14, 1955, with the following members present: Mayor-Morris, presiding; Commissioner Galbraith, Goff andc Hammond. The City Attorney and City Secretary were also present. Commissioner Reeve was absent. The invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Goff. Mr. G. T. llutcherson, appeared before the Commission on behalf of tbe Volunteer Fire Department requesting permission to have the Fire Station set up as a Red Cross First Aid Station. Mr. Hutcherson explained that certain personne,l of the Fire Department had met all qualifications set forth by the Red Cross to render this type of service and that the Red Cross would furnish first aid kits and other supplies as needed. The only requirement by the Red Cross is that signs l8x24n be posted in a prominent place designating the location of the First Aid Station. Members of the Commission commended Mr. Hutcherson for the fine work he had done with the Fire Department First Aid Unit which has renderetl1~valuable ser- vice in many instances, and oawroved the designation of the Fire Station as a Red Cross First Aid Station. . Mr. Wm. G. Farrington requested permiSSion to replace the present 3Ft. sidewalk. in front of his home at 6614 Vanderbilt, with a new 3 Ft sidewalk. He explained that his contractor had appeared at the City Hall to obtain a permit and was advised that a city ordinance required new sides to be constructed of a 4 Ft. width. Mr. Farrington was of the opinion that a 4 Ft. sidewalk would detract from the appearance of the vicinity since all other walks on Vanderbilt street were of a 3 Ft. width. The City Attorney and City Secretary were instructed to review the City Ordinance to determine if a 4 Ft. walk replacement is required in an area where all other walks are only 3 Ft. wide. Minutes of a meeting hela by the Zoning &: Planning Board on March 10, 1955, were submitted to the Commission for consideration and the follo'Wli..bg action taken: Motion by Commissioner.Goff, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that a public hea.ring be held at 7:30 P.M. on Apri14, 1955, ,to consider amending the Zoning Ordinance to permit subdivision of Lot 6, Block 27, West University Place 1st Addition into two lots of 50x150 Ft. each a.s requested by the Owner Mr. G. P. Tully, 6404 Sewanee street and recommended by the Zoning &: Planning Board. . Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, and Hammond None The City Secretary adv~sed the CommiSSion that the H L &: PCo. had offered The City of West University Place 1 free street lights for the year 1955 in accordance with a letter agreement dated March 29, 1951, wherein the H L &: P Co. agreed to install 7 additona1 lights during 1955 or to maintain and operate 7 lights presently installed. I~:"':'~-:-::c"~Tc-:..c:1:r-------==r' IC.cT" C ''------r:cl-------~-_____=r' 4~ Motion by Co~issioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that the City accept credit for 1 presently installed street lights, in accordance with HL & P Co. letter agreement dated March 29, 1951, and that the City Secretary have a study 'made on street lighting of the City to determine if anyadditXDal street lights are needed. Voting Aye: Voting No : .Mayor Morris: eommissioners Galbraith, Goff and Hammond None The City Commission reviewed rules and schedule of charges governing use of the Community BUilding. It was agreed that no changes were deemed advisable at this time and the rules and charges should remain as follows: CHARGES Miscellaneous groups such as private parties, flower shows, etc. Civic Club & 'reen Age Canteen Group Boy Scout Groups - Ngght Use of Kitchen for preparation of meals Groups 'l!"ti':\g,the building(Not more than 4 hours, .. . c or after 6:00 P.M.) (No charge for regular day time meetings of the Girl Scout Groups) 1 hour meetings Rental of P A. System and record player for evening $20.00 13.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 10.00 RULES 1. Only residents of West University Place or groups and organizations whose membership is composed of a majority of WUP residents are -eligible. 2. Applicants making 'reservations are required to pay the fixed charge at the time application. is made. Refunds are permitted on cancellations prior to two weeks of reservation date but otherwise charge is retained unaess the hall is rented after cancellation. r; . . . 3. Users of the Hall mus.t be out by 12 P.M. and all dishes washed and put away and all decorations removed. 4. No intoxicating drinks arec to be served in the ~ommunity Building or consumed on the premises. 5. 'Applicants are not permitted to use hay or any other type of decorations which might be a fire hazard. 6. Tenants are to furnish their own musical equipment other than the piano. 1. No chairs or equipment of any kind in the building are loaned for private use. A final estimate for const~uction of paving, curb and sidewalks adjacent to the N1iW Municipal Building by the Bruce Willis Company, in the amount of $5,108.],.1 was submitted to the Commission with a recommendation from the City Engtneer that the estimate .be -paid. r~'i~~~=~~=".=;r r- .c.T"r'T.... -C-~~T'-- " T-- '-r 49 Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Hammond that the Final Estimate f'rom Bruce Willis Company in the amount of $5,108.17 be paid in f'ull as recommended by the City Engineer. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Gof'f' and Hammond None J Minutes of the meeting of' March 7, 1955, were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~ // 2;yr/";" Mayor ATTEST: ~ i : r'~,,'i-",,"~~"~n'~.=. _~r:,:-C'='I="r"o';::,~=-=,o--==--"=n-- --1-- so MINUl'ES OF REGULARMEE:TING OF Crry COMMISSION MA1lCH 48, cc1955 The City CODJD4.filsionconvened in :regular sessionat the City Hall, Monday, 7:30 P.M. March 28, 1955, with the following members present: .Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Gli'lbraith, Goff~ Hammond and Reeve. The .City attorney.~nd City Secreta:ry was also p:resent. The invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Reeve. In compliance with Notice duly published in the official newspaper .01' the city, bids received for purchase of. surplus office furniture, metal building and 18 X 18 Feet frame bUilding, which are no longer required for operation of the city since the new muni-ci~l bUilding has been occupied, were opened and results announced as follows: . Houston Freight Service 151.00 60.00 36.00 40.50 10 Desks 14 Chairs 4 Tal!>les 21 File Cabinets 3 Beds 2 Costumers Jaxon Furniture Co. 100.00 28.00 25.00 20.00 5.10 Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that the two bids received be referred to the City Secretary for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Votine; No : Mayo:D Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Mr. R. L. Carruthers, Chairman of the Recreation Committee appeared before the Commission to adviSe of the progress made by the Recreation Committee on planning rec:reation program for the city. Mr. Carruthers stated that plans had been 'made for installation of 3 back-stops on the West University Elemen- tary School grounds for Little League Baseball games and a letter had been formulated to send to the residents of West University to determine the desire for a r~creation program and the type of activities desired. The Commission commended Mr. Carruthers and the entire Recreation Commi ttea for the work they had done in connection with the Recreation Program. A recoimnendation was received from the Chief of Police for installation of "NO FARIC:ING 8 A.M. to 5 P.M." signs in front of residences at 2603, 2607, 2604 and 2612 Fenwood to prevent all-day parking of autoDl6biles. This request was made in a letter sign~d by Mr. Robert A. Hill, Mr. Gordon Stewart, Mt-. C. R. Edwards and Mr. B. E. Marlatt, who reside at the above addresses. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that the recommen- dation of Chief Shipp for installation of "No PARKING 8 A.V. to 5 P.M. be approved. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners G8.l.braith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None The following Resolutions were submitted to the Commission and read in full: n i r="~~':--' ____,' .. .- '"J c_ ~-~'i"T'"7"CC"-.c~r-l "I -" 51. c.' .-. RESOLUl'ION ,5-17 . WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the General Fund which will not be required for o})erating expenses until later in the present fiscal year. AND, WBEREAS, it is deemed ~o be to the best interest of the City that such funds be .placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; . Am>, WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and ex:pend:i, tm:es of this Fund a.santicipated until. maturity of this investment will prealude a fund deficit; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVER&ITY PLACE, .TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed .to invest funds.amounting to $25,000.00 from the General Fund, for a period of six months. PASSED AND APHtOVED this the 28th day of March A.D. 1955. RESOLlJI'ION 55-18 . WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund which will not be required for operating expenses until the next fiscal year; 1_ Am>, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of, 'interest for the' operation of the City; Am>, WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and expenditures of .thisFund as anticipated until maturity of this- investment will prea1ude a fund deficit; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $9,000.00 from the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improve- ment Fund, for a period of 12 months. Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded Py Commissioner Reeve, that Resolution No. 55-17 directing the City Treasurer to invest $25,000 from the General Fund and Resolution No. 55-18 directing the City treasurer to invest $9,000 from the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund be passes and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve. Voting No : None Motion by Commissioner Goff, Seconded by Comm:i.ssioner Hammond that a Hearing be called for April 18, 1955, 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of considering amend- ing the city's zoning ordinance for the purpose of permitting subdivision of Lot 7, Block 15 WUP 1st. addition for a bUilding site 8oxl40 Feet for the erection of a church parsonage by st. Marks Episcopal Church for its Assistant Re.ctor. T'o:=r'7~'==~'~c~==:r r- '.i'I"-T~'-~'Tl I--H- 52 Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; None Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve. A report from the city's Insurance CoDDDittee including recommendation for the purchase of fire, extended coverage and vandalism insurance on the new City Hall for a period of three years for a total premium of $593.12 was submitted for the Commission's consideration. No action.s taken on the recommendation at this time. as a further study was desired. The City Secretary advised the Commission that termites had again been at the Community Building and recommended that the contract with Howell TeI'mite Control Company be renewed for the year 1955 fDrthe amount of $17.50. Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by CoIDlDissioner Galbraith that the Contract with HOWell Termite Control Company ber.enewed for the year 1955 for an amount of $17.50 for termite service at the Conununity BUilding. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; None Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve Members of ~heCammission expressed sincere appreciation to the St. Andrews Presbyterian Church for the Bibles presented by Reverend Robert H. BUllock, Representing Reverend Sunday and the Church and Mr. J. P. Rimmer, represent- ingthe Church. congregation. A bible was presented to the City, one to the Fire Department and.one to the. Police Departmentcandtwo new Testaments presen;Ged for the jail cells. Minutes of the meetiIigofMa.rch 14, 1955, were reMand approved. J With no fu:r-therbusiness to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~;I&~ Mayor ~~ ~~_._. ~ 53~ MINt1f.ES OF RECESSED MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION APRIL 4, 1955 The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall,lon Monday~ 7:30 P.M., April 4, 1955, with the following members present: ~yor Mor:ds presiding; Commi~sioner Galbraith, Goff and Reeve. The City Attorney and the City Secretary were also present. Commissioner H~ond was absent. The invocation was. pronounced by Mr. John K. Mooney. In compliance with Notice duly published in the official newspaper of the city and notices mailed to all property owners within a radius of 200 Feet or Lot 6, Block 27, West University Place 1st addition, Mayor Morris announced that apu'\)lic hearing was in order to consider amending Ordinance :No. 111 to permit subdivision of the 100 x 150 Ft. lot into two 50x150 Feetc as requested by. the owner Mi". G. P. Tully and recommended by the Zoning & Planning Board. In answer to questions by the City A'!;torney, Whitt Johnson, City Secretary, having been duly sworn by Mayor Morris, testified that leg~l notice had been published in the official newspaper "of the city and'all property. owners. within a radius of 200 Ft. of lot 6, B.).QCk.27, West University Place 1st Addition had been notified of the hearing to be 'held at 7:30 P.M. April 4, 1955~ .to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance as requested by Mr. Tully. ' Mr.. G. P~ Tully, having been. duly sworn 'by Mayor Morris testified ~bat he was presently owner ofLo:t 6, Block 27, West University Place 1st addition and was desirous of subdividing the lot as he wished to continue useing the garage apartment which was constructed on theN~ of the lot in 1925, as r~ntal pr.operty. He testified, that the lot was subdivided by deed at the time he coqstructed his home in 1938, but that the lot ba~ never been subdivided officially bY,the city. Mr. Tully also stated that he understood the zoning restriction with reference to only a single family dwelling unict on one lot and was. well aware of the fact that he would not be permitted to erect an additional residence on the lot as long as the garage aJ8rtmentwas being used for living quarters. There being no property owners present who desired to be heard with reference to the request fOr permission to subdivide the lot, the following action was taken: Motion by Commi.ssioner Galbraith, seconded by COJl!Dlissioner Reeve, that the hearing called to con~~de.r amending Ol"dinance No. 111, to permit subdivision of Lot 6, Block 27,. West University Place 1st Addition be closed. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; None Commissioners Ga~brai~h, Goff ~ Reeve. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by COIlll1issioner Goff, that Ordinance No. III be amended to permit subdivision of Lot 6, Block 27, West University Placelst Addition into two 50x150 feet lots as requested by the ~er and recolll- mended by the Zoning and Planning Board; with the understanding t~t granting.of this zoequest in no way sets a pracedent to lower the Sq. Ft. requirements specified for this location. I. r~T:-:"~~"=-=_n _,_=' __ _.,__ r~~-I"-I~~.."n-'--~"CLcr -...:.J ---- 54 Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayr>r- Morris: None Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, and Reeve In compliance with action taken by the City Commission on March 28, 1955, and the city Secretary's recommendation that the Houston Freight Service Co. bid for. purchase of used desks, chairs, tables, file cabinets' and costumens;: for the amount'of $292.60, the following action: Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that the Houston Freight Service Company's bid in the amount of $292.60, for the pUI.'chase of used office furniture be acc~pted as recommended by the City Secretary. V oting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; None Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, and Reeve. The City Secretary advised the Commission that it is necessary to purchase a new chlorinator to be used in operations at the swimming pool. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Reeve that the City Secretary be instructed to advertise for bids ona chlorinator for the swimming pool, to be received until 7:30 P.M., April 25, 1955. Voting Aye: Voting No .: Mayor Morris; None Commissioners Galbraith, Goff and Reeve Estimate No. 1 from Russ Mitchell, Inc. in the amount of $25,054,20 for work completed in connection with installation of water lines and fire hydrants in Sections 1, 2 and 3, was submitted to the Commission for consideration. . Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that Estimate Np/ 1, from Russ Mitchell, Inc. in the amount of $25,054.20, be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff and Reeve None The following Resolution was submitted to the Commission and read iufu1l: EESOLt1rION 55-19 WHEREAS, the City of West University Pl8.ce, currently has capital available in the Charter Amendment Reserve (Water) Fund which will not be required for operating expenses until the next fiscal year; AND, WHEREAS; it is deemed/'ta be to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit 'investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; AND, ~S, the present bank balance, the average monthly invome and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated until maturity of this investment will prealude a fund deficit; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funda amounting to $15,375.00 from the Charter Amendment Reserve (water) Fund, for a period of 12 months.. L - -.. - r~~:..-~--".:""-----::r--TI.--'.. ~'Tr --=r .---.. I '----- >> Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Goff that Resolution 55-19 directing the City Treas'UXer to inves~$15~375.00 from the Charter amendment . reserve (Water) Fund be -passed and approved as read. . - . - Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff and Reeve None After discussing the desirability<of a city-wide clean-up campaign to rid the city of fire hazards and to eliminate f~ies, mosquitos, other insects, and rodents, the Mayor proclaimed April 11-16 a.s "CLEAN-UP WEEK". Plans. submitted for improvements to the traffic signal controls at the corner of Buffalo Speedway and Rice Boulevard were reviewed. Chief Shipp and. the City Secretary were instructed to studW the plans and submit a recommendation. The City Attorney submitted an ordinance to regulate peddlers; however, there was.np action taken at this time as the Commission desired to make a further sutdy of the matter. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. Mayor ~ ?/~~ ATTEST: /~ J . ~~f" ~.c. " cid'retaJ7:- .. . .. ;)U MINUTES OF REGULAR MEEl'ING OF CITY COMMISSION APRIL 11, 1955 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall, on Monday, April 11, 1955, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Comm. Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve. The City Attorney and City Secretary were also present. The invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Galbraith. Ordinance No. 685, captioned as follows, lfassubmitted to the Commission by Mr. E. E. Townes, Jr. City Paving Attorney, for consideration a.nd read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 685 AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DErERMINING THAT THE IMPROVEMEm' OF CERTAIN PORTIONS OF UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AS PROVIDED IN ORDINANCE NO. 658 AND OTHER ORDINANCES AND IN THE JUNE 28, 1954 CONTRACT WITH RUSS MITCHELL, INC.~ CONTRACTOR, AS AMENDED JULY 12, 1954, HAS BEEN COMPLETED lNc ACCORDANCE cWITH SAm CONTRACT AND ORDINANCES; ACCEPTING THE WORK !\ND IMPROVEMENTS ON SAID SEGREGATED SECTIONS, APPROVING THEENGINEER"S FINAL ESTIMATE AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING SETTLEMENT IN ACCORDANCE THEREWITH ANS WITHe T.HE PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 684, AND AUTHQIU~- ING AND DIRECTING TEE ISSUANCE .AND DELIVERY OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENT CERTIFICATES -, .AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion byConimisSioner Goff; . seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that Ordinance No. 685 finding and determining that improvements on University Boulevard have been com- pleted; acc$pting the work and authorizing settlement and directing delivery of special assessment certificates, be passed and approved as read. 'f , r- Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None The following Resolutions were submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full: RESOLU'rION 55-20 WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the. Sanitary sewer Capital Improvement Fund which will not be required for operating expenses until later in the present fiscal year. AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; ANn, WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and expenditures of this fund as anticipated until maturity of this investment will prealude a fund deficit; . NOW, TEEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, THAT the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $2,874.75 from the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund, for a period of six months. i I L i- I'~-=!C:=:;O=:-==-~.Jl .~__I~~~r,o-~'Tl ---:r-----c----'--c~- ." , RESOLUTION 55-21 WEEREAs, the 'City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the Water-Sewer Fund which will not be required for operating expenses until later in the present fiscal year. AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additionalreveriue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; AND, WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated until maturity of this in- vestment will prealude a fund prealude a fund deficit; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $10,000.00 from the Water-Sewer Fund, for a period of six months. RESOLUTION 55-22 I~' I i I I I . I WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the Garbage Disposal Reserve Fund which will not be required for operating expenses until later in the present fiscal year. AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City' that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; AND, WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated until maturity of this invest- ment will prealude a fund deficit; NOW, THEREFORE, c BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE" TEXAS" that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $1,100.00 from the Garbage Disposal Reserve Fund, for a period of six months. Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that ~esolu- tions No. 55-20, 55-21, 55-22, directing and directing investment of funds amount- ing tq $2,874.15 from Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fudn; 10,100.00 from the Water-Sewer Fund and $1,100 from the Garbage Disposal Reserve Fund, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None :-, ! In compliance with instructions of the City COmm!ssion the City Secretary advised that an investigation had been made ofa complaint by residents of the 2600 Block Robinhood concerning inadequate storm sewer drainage and that investigation by the City Engineer reveaied that inadequate inlets and size of pipe had been installe~ l-."':""e"~:"=="'",:,,::.__::J. noun ccn r_~__CC 'C"T-'C.:.C C..'nnC'~-F1----_._n______----:r-~---'---- '0 by Trunk Line Gas Company on the West side of the intersection of Robinhood and Kirby which had caused this condition. An estimate by the City Engineer for replacing the present single type "B" inlets to type "BB" inlets and replacing 10" concrete pipe with 18" pipe amounted to $680. Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that the present storm sewer and catch basin on the West side of Robinhood and Kirby be reconstructed in ac~ cordance with the plans submitted by the City Engineer and that Russ Mitchell who is presently working on another project in the city be engage~ to perform the work on a force account basis for labor and equipment and that the City Secretary be instructed to negotiate with Trunk Line Gas Company f.or payment of one-half of the expense for improving storm sewer drainage at this intersection. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris ;Comm1ssioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Reading:pf the minutes of the meetings of March 28 and April 4, was deferred until AprilJB, 1955. With no further business to come before the Commission at this. time,_the meeting was recessed. - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - MINUI'ES OF RECESSED MEErING OF CITY COMMISSION APRIL. 18,.1955 The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Monday, 7: 30 P.M., April 18, 1955, with the following members present: Mayor, Morris, presiding; Commissioners Goff, Hammond,. Galbraith and Reeve~ The City Attorney and City Secretary were also present. The invocation was pronounced by Mr. Bill Mento. I': In compliance with Notice duly published in the official newspaper of the city and notices mailed to all property owners within a radius of 200 feet of the North 140 Feet of Lot 7~ Block 15, West University Place 1st Additioq., Mayor Morris announced that a public hearing was in order to consider amending Ordi- nance No. 111 to perIl1it subdivision of the abov:e mentioned lot as requested by Mr. John D.Kelley~ Chancellor of the St. Mark's EpiscoP,alc Church. In answer to questions by the City Attorney, Whitt Johnson, City Secretary, having been duly sworn by Mayor Morris, testified that legal notice had b~en published in the official newspaper of the City all property owners w,ithin a radius of 200 feet of the North 140 Ft. of Lot 7, Block 1', West University Place 1st addition had been duly notified of the hearing to be he1.d at 7:30 P.M. April 18, 1955, to consider amending the city's zoning ordinanCe as requested by Mr. Kelly. . Mr. John D. Kelley and Mr. Bill Mento, having been duly sworn by Mayor Morris, testified that they represented the st. Marks Episcopal Church and were desirous of constructing a residence to be used as a parsonage for the assistant rector of their church on this property. It was necessary to subd:i,vide this lot and cut off twen~yfeetsince the owner wouJ..dcnot sell that portion. It was further stated.the home to) be cbnstructedw6illd meet all building code restrictions for the area and would be a one-story brick home costing from $22,500 to $25,000. ,....""=-'I=c".,.',"'-~-'=-~.F=..p, ,I F~~""T.~'r~"-'c-cc r~ .1 59 Mrs. G. W. Butler, having been duly sworn by Mayor Morris, asked Mr. Kelley if the. deeds to the property restricted its use to a particular race. Mr. Kelley stated his church recognizes all property restrictions and would agree to comply. Mr. Landon, having been duly sworn by Mayor Morris, questioned the possibility of future use of the property for a church or tabernacle building. It was explained that this hearing is strictly for sub-dividing the lot and such use would not be authorized by this hearing. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by CommisSioner Reeve that the hearing called to consider amending Ordinance No. Ill, to permit the sub-division of the North 140 Ft. of Lot 1, Block 15, West University Place 1st Addition for building site 80x140 Ft. for erection of a church parsonage be closed. Voting Aye: . Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Hammond, that ordinance No. 111 be amended to permit the subdiovision of the Ndrth 140 Ft. of Lot 7, Block 15, West University Place 1st Addition for a building site 8ox140 Ft. as re- quested by the purchaser and recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; CommiSSioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Minutes of the Zoning & Planning Board meeting held on Thursday April 14, 1955, were submitted to the Commissi.on for consideration and the following action taken: . Motion by CommiSsioner Goff; seconded by Commissioner Reeve that the recommendation of the Zoning & Planning Board be, accepted and that Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Kuenemarin, 2711 Tangl~y, be permitted to join the existing garage and house by the construc- ti.on ofa two floor level connection between the two bUildings to include bath facilities ~nd stairway a~d to con$truct .a two floor level over the double garage area in order to provide an additional bedroom and bath andtplay room to their home, provided the usual af'fidavi t is executed. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; C01DlDissione.rs Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None The request of Mr. & Mrs. C. H. Bass, 2930 Quenby, for approval for issuance of an electrical permit to provide for installation of 220 V. wiring in the portion of their existing home which is occupied by Mrs. Bass's mother, was deferred until official action of the zoning board has been taken. Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by QommissionerGalbraith that the recommendation of the .Insurance Committee be approved and the City Secretary authorized to contract for extended coverage iQsurance.on the City Hall at a premium of $593.12 for three years and for $100,000 Bodily Injury and Prope.rty DAmage Boiler Insurance at an annual premium of $72.00. Voting Aye:. Mayor Morris; Commissioners q:al1?raith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve Voting No: None In comPliance with previous .instructions the City SecreLary submitted a detail list of all delinquent taxes both personal and real as compiled by Tax Collector L. A. Patton. It was the opinion of the CommiSSion that an effort should be .~~'"-.--=--.__Jl __ _~__L ~1~-j""Tr- .1 60' made to collect all delinquent taxes and considered it advisable to start innnediate action on delinquent taxes on personal property and took the following action: Motion,by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Goff that the list of . delinquent personal property taxes be turned over to the City Attorney for collection. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayo~ Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Motion by Connnissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Goff that the Treasurer be requested to notify all owners of delinquent taxes or real property and that all such delinquencies will be turned over. to the City Attorney for collection if not paid by July 1, 1955. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Ordinance 686, caption as follows, was submitted to the Cominission and read in full. ORDINANCE NO. 686 AN ORDINANCE F:rnDING AND DErERMINING TIIATEACiI AND ALL OF THE PROCEEDINGS cHAVE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TO THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC BEARING TO CONSIDER THE AMENDING OF ZONE ORDINANCE NO. III OF THE CITY OF WES~ UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SO AS TO PERMIT THE BE-SUBDIVISION OF LOT SIX (6), BLOCK TWENTY-SEVEN (27) WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE FIRST ADDITION INTO TWO (2) LarS, EACH Lor ; BEING 50 xl-50 FERr; F:rnDING THAT A PUBLIC BEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING AN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. III HAS BEEN DULY CALLED AND LEGALLY cBELD; APPROVING AND ADOPrING THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF. THE ZONING AND PLANNING . BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO. III BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT THE RESUBDIVISION OF THE SAID Lar; FINDING THAT ORDINANCE NO. III OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE SHOULD BE AMENDED SO AS TO PER- MIT SUCH RE-SUBDIVIDING THE SAID Lar; AND P.ROVIDING AN}iEFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that Ordinance No. 686, amending Ordinance No. 111, to permit the subdivision of Lot 6, Block 27 ,West University Place 1st addition by owner, .J. P. Tully be passed~ and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; CommiSSioners Galbraith) Goff" Hammond and Reeve None Mayor Morris read letters from Mr. Ben Belt, President of Houston Chamber of Commerce and Mr . James Mr. Richards, Manager, Public Works Department, Houston Chamber of Connnercein which the authors expressed their appreciation to the Mayor and City Commission for their cooperation endorsing thej)roposed legis- lation for the financing of Rights of Way on designated State Highways in Harris County. . Motion by Connnissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Reeve that the City Secretary be authorized to employ Mr. Charles Drew for a fee not to exceed $300 to do the field work necessary toward ascertaining what is necessary to- ward improving the drainage facilities in the various sections of the city. l':::~~l":='-:,,~e:=~:'_"':_::::::L _____._.r:::::-~=='=i;..,f.,,-_:-=~"--'=--O-""~ ---,_-1. ( ~. &il,} J/ . Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morr.is; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None r The minutes of March 28 and April 4 meetings were read and approved. I I L..' With no further business to come before the Commission at this time; upon . motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~z~ Mayor ATTEST: . Y1!J>9<<A..'d J City Secretary . \ c, . !. r L . _ ___,~___ L""~~~:,-,~:~r:"~~~'C-'''':::l _ . u. r- -c, nTTn":~n~"C'n".'l""r- ..I ~..'()c. u~., MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION APRIL 25, 1955 The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday, April 25, 1955, 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall, with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioner Goff, Hammond and Reeve.. The City Attorney and City Secretary were also present. Commissioner Galbraith was absent due to business reasons. The invocation was prono~nced by CommisSioner Hammond. Mr..Monroe Talley, Judge of the Corporation Court appeared before the Commission recommending that speed limit signs be erected at the entrance to West University Place on University BlVd., Buffalo Spdw., Rice Blvd., and Sunset Blvd. The Commission concurred in Mr. Talley's recommendation and instructed the City Secretary to make arrangements for erection of such signs. An addenda to the Zoning & Planning Board Minutes of April 14, was submitted to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hammond, that the request of Mr. & Mrs. C. H. Bass for permission to install 220 V wiring with separate meter for quarters occupied by Mrs. Bass' mother be denied as recommended by the Zon~ng and Plannipg Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Resolutions 55-23, 55-24, and 55-25 as follows were submitted to the Commission for considera~ion and read in full: RESOLUTION 55-23 WHEREAS, the city of West University Place, currently has capital available in the Fire Truck Fund which will not be required for operating expenses until the next fiscal year; AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed inatime deposit investment in order to earn addi- tional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; AND, WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated until maturity of this investment will prealude a fund deficit; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $820.00 from the Fire mruck Fund, for a period of twelve months. RESOLUTION 55-24 WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the General Fund which will not be required for operating expenses until later in the present fiscal year . r:=TJ"'~~~" :. :::::1 .~C-"1T'"~'~'-=r -----=rT 63c AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; AND, WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the av.erage monthly income and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated until maturity of this investment will prealude a fund deficit; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY ,THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $22,000.00 from the General Fund, for a period of six months. RESOLUTION 55-25 WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund which will not be required foI' operating expenses, until later in the present fiscal year. AND,.WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; AND, WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and expenditures of this Fund as anticipa.ted until maturity of this investment will prealude a fund deficit;. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED' BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $32,000.00 from the Tax Revenue-SinKing Fund, for a period of six months. Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that Resulution 55-23 directing investment of $820.00 from the Fire Truck Fund for a period of 12 months; 55-24 directing investment of.$22,000 from the General Fund for a period of 6 months; and 55-25 directing investment of $32,000 from Tax Revenue Sinking Fund fora period of six months, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hammond and Reeve None The Commission again discussed and reviewed plans and recommendations submitted for improvement of the traffic signal controls at the corner of Buffalo S~dw. and Rice.Blvd., .but delayed final action for further study. Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Hammond that pedestrian and traffic lanes be placed on Buffalo Spdw. at its intersection of Rice Blv.d.; a sign notifying motorists to wait for their green. light be installed; and that signals at the inteI'section of University & Buffalo Speedway be syncronized with those of Rice and Buffalo Speedway. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hammond and Reeve. None I! ""j:';!;~~t\'.'h:C' r- -r=r.-~.r=-~J1 --,.~ r- _c, 'lrT'~'~c'~"r.~1 --ru, fi:l,- It was also suggested that a study be made to determine if push-button control for pedestrians would be feasible at the intersection of Rice and Buffalo Spdw. Herbert Voelcker & Associates, Architects for the city hall construction sUm bitted final estimate and certif-icate certifying to the completion of all work; also affidavit from Stokes Adair Co. regarding payment of bills, bonds from the various 'contractors and letter from Way Engineering Co. stating they would balance the air-conditioning system when the outside temperature is suitable. The final estimat~, No. 11, due Stokes Adair Co. amo-q,nted to $11,77&.3 Mr. Voelcker also submitted statement in the amount of $5,693.08 for final archi- tectural fees in accordance with his contract. .-1 I ! , i \. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that final construction of the City hall be accepted and the final estimate certified by Herbert Voelcker, Arichitect, in the amount of $11,778.13 due the Stokes Adiar Company be ~pproved for payment and that the architectural fees due Herbert Voelcker & Associates in the amount of $5,693.08 also be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hammond and Reeve None The City Secretary advised the Commission that the Water Billing Department is in need of a new billing machine as the present one which is seven"years old is beginning to need extensive overhauling. It was es;timated that a new machine would cost between $3,650.00 and ~2j05.00 for which $3,700.00 was appropriated in . the 1955 budget. ,The advisability of keeping the old machine as stand-by equipment was discussed. Motion by Commissidnecr HaIIlIllond, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that the bids be . received until 7: 30 P.M. May 16, 1955, for dil.ivery of electric muitiple,;.purpose". bill:i:1'1g'ina.ch:i:ne wtth:a.n alternate bid for trade-in of present Burroughs billing machine. Vtting Aye: Mayro Morris: Commissinners Goff, Hammond and Reeve. r In compliance with Notice duly published in the official newspaper of the city, the one and only bid received for delivery of one automatic vacuum type 100 Ib ehlorinator was opened and results announces as follows: Wallace & Tiernan Inc. $1,893.00 Motion by CommiSSioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that the bid of Wallace & Tierman, Inc. for delivery of one automatic vacuum type 100 lb. Chlorinator in the amount of $1,893.00 be accepted and a purchase order issued. . Voting Aye: Voting Nc;>: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Galbraith and Reeve None The Commission discussed the employment of a Recreation Director for a summer recreation program. It was stated that the Recreation Committee had inter- viewed several applicants and had recommended the employment of Mr. Dan Hart, Athletic Director.of Kinkaid School Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Reeve that Mr. Dan Hart be employed as City Recreation Director during the summer program from June .6 to August 18, at a salary of $425.00 per month. I , . Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Committioners Goff, Hammond and Reeve L t I . ! ; 65 Voting No: None City Secretary Whitt Johnson requested permission to be absent from duty on May 8, 9 & 10, to attent the Texas City Manager's Meeting at Lubbock, Texas. Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded byCammissioner Reeve,. that City Secretary Whitt Johnson be authorized to attend the Texas City Managers Meeting at Lubbock Texas, on May 8, 9 ~nd,lO, and that reasonable expenses be paid. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; COmmissioners Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Minutes of the meetings of April 11 and 18, were read and approved as corrected~ With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. . U-~ ;;fq~ Mayor ATTEST: ~/ ~.~C~ Ci t"y Secretary' . 66 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MAY 9, 1955 \ The City Commissien convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, May 9, 1955, 7:30 P.M. with the following membersipresent: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, and Reeve. Commissioner Hammend was absent due to business reasons. .The City Attorney andL. A. Patton, City Treasurer were present. Mr. Patton was serving in the absence of the City Secretary~ The City Secretary was absent and eut' of the city attending a City Manager's meeting in LUbbock, Texas. Mr.,C. V. Reynolds pronounced the invocation. A suggestion relating to the type of speed limit signs propesed for installa- tion on Buffalo Speedway, Sunset, University and Rice Boulevard was made to the Commission by Mr. .C. V. Reynolds. It was his 'suggestion that the signs be small and attractive and placed where they will nqt be obscured by traffic. The Cemmission concurred in this thought and assured Mr. Reynolds that any signs placed adjacent to homes or churches would be attractive and would not be obscured. by traffic. Resolutiens Nos. 55-26, 55-27, and 55-28 as follOws, were submitted to the Commission for censideration and read in full: ' RESOLtJrION NO. 55-26 WHEREAS, the City ef West University Place, curreIiltly _hascapita~ available .in the Tax Cellector Fund which will no.t be required ,for operating expenses until later in the present fiscal year AND, ~, it is deemed to be to the !best interest 0.1' the City that such funds be placed in a tilJle deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the ferm ef interest for the operation of the City; AND, WHEREAS, the present bank balance, !the average monthly income and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated until maturity of this invest- ment will prealude a fund deficit; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CJ;TY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds ameunting to. $3,600.00 from the Tax Collector Fund, for a period of six months. RESOLTJrION NO. 55-27 WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the Street Improvement - 1948 Fund which will not be required fer operating ex- penses until the next fiscal year; AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the ;best interest of the City that such funds be.placed in a time deposit investment in Qrder to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation :of the City; AND, WHEREAS, the present bank balance ,tre average monthly income and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated until maturity of this investment will prealude a fund deficit; r"'~.Y""'CC"'- "~C'C~",- r- '.---1-.-1-" ",-,-- --,~ 67 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE" TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $24,000.00 from the street Improvement - 1948 Fund, for a peri-od of twelve months. RESOLUTION 55-28 WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the Water-Sewer Fund which will not be required for operationg expenses until later in the present fiscal year. AND:, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; AND, WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly and ex- penditures of this Fund as anticipated until maturity of this investment will preclude a fund deficit; NOW, THEREFORE" BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $10,000.00 from the Water-Sewer Fund, for a period of six months. \ , , ~ Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that Resolution No. 55-26 directing investment of $3,600 from the Tax Collector Fund for six months; Resolution No. 55-21 directing investment of $24,000 from the Street Improvement-1948'Fund for 12 months; and Resolution No. 55-28 directing investment of $10,000 from the Water-Sewer Fund for six months be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff and Reeve None A final estimate from Russ Mitchell, Inc. in the amount of $6,138.18 for installation of WaterLines in Sections 1, 2 and 3 in accordance with Con- tract dated February 21, 1955, was submitted to the Commission for considera- tion together with a recommendation from the"City Engineer that the work be accepted and final estimate be paid. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that the work done by Russ Mitchell, Inc. on installing Water Lines in Sections 1, 2 and 3 be accepted and the final estimate in the amount of $6,138,18 be paid as recommended by the City Engineer. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; None Commissioners Galbraith, Goff and Reeve Ordinance No.. 687, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Commission and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 681 AN ORDINANCE FnIDING AND DEl'ERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF THE PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TO THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC. T "'-.T."C:~C _Tc'_c.c-'__ .,",eCC, r"- F-"!" ~.cC':Ol -------,- 6tl HEARING TO CONSIDER THE AMENDING OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. III OF THE CITY - OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SO AS TO PERMIT THE RE-SUBDIVISION OF LOT SEVEN (7), BLOCK FIFTEEN (15) WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE FIRST ADDITION TO CREATE A LOT 80 x 140 FEEl' OFF OF THE NORTH SIDE OF SAID LOT; FINDING THAT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING AN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE cNO. III HAS BEEN DULY CALLED AND LEGALLY HELD; APPROVING AND ADOPI'ING THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION. OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO. III BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT THE RESUBDIVISION.OF THE SAID LOT; FINDING THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE SHOULD BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT SUCH RE-SUBMDIVISION; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. III RE-SUBDIVIDING THE SAID LOT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that Ordinance No. 687, amending Ordinance No. 111, permitting re-subdivision of Lot 7, Block 15, West University Place 1st. addition be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith; Goff, and Reeve Voting No. None .' Ordinance No. 688, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Commission and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 688 ;.. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING SOLICITORS, PEDDLERS ,mtWKERS, I'F'INERANT MERCHANTS OR TRANSIENT ~NDORS OF MERCHANDISE IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE , . TEXAS ; DECLARING IT TO BE A NUISANCE FOR THOSE ENGAGING IN SUCH PURSUITS . TO GO IN OR UPON PRIVATE RESIDENCES,WITHOmc HAVING BEEN REQUESTED TO DO SO; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLi\TION THEREOF; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES'. IN CONFLICT HEREWITH.' f4 :J " . . Motion by Comm. Reeve, seconded by Comm~ Goff, that Ordinance 688, regu- lating solicitor~, peddlers, hawkers, .itinerant merchants or transient vendors of merch,andise within the City of West University Place be passed and approved as read., . Voting Aye: Voting No: ~~~~r Morri~; 'C~'~J:~iox:ers Galbraith, Goff, and Reeve .c.~.. Minutes of the meeting of Ap~i125, 1955, were read and approved as cor- . rected. With. no furtherbtisiness to come before the Commission at, this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and- car:ried, the meeting was r~cessed. The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall, Monday, May 1(,,1955, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff and Hammond. The City Attorney and City Secretary were also present. Gomm. Reeve was absent as he was out of the city on company-business. 1...c~T"'"~...~".~.~'..~-:r--rc'-- 'rei c-T.- I - Mayor Morris pronounced the invocation. In accordance with Notice to Bidders duly published in the official newspaper of the city the one and onl.y bid received for. delivery of one automatic water billing machine was opened and t-he following results announced: Burroughs $4,034.70 After reviewing the bid it was dete:mmed"inadvisable to trade in the present used billing machine for reason of/the inadequate allow- ance offered by the Burroughs Company. . Motion by Comm. Goff, seconded by Comm. Hammond, that a contract be awarded to Burroughs Company for one Automatic Multi-Purpose Electric Machine, Style n03, delivered and. installed, f9-r the amount of $4,034.70 in accordance with their bid. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; COII1lllissioners Galbraith, Goff and.Hammond Voting No: None Minutes of the Zoning and Planning Board meeting of May 12, were reviewed and the following action taken in relation to a request submitted by Mr. J. F. Matis concerning the erection of an aluminum canopy for business purposes at the north side of the building located at 5462.Kirby Drive. The City Commission was of the opinion that the contempla ted strUcture constituted no deviation from approved type constroction in the .sa~d' bjsines's. area, based on the facts made known to the Commission at this" time and assuming that all provisions of the building code and setback lines are 'observ~d. ... The following Resolution was submitted to the Commission for considera- tion and read in full: RESOLUTION NO. 55-2& WHEREAS, the City of West Univ~rll.ty Place, currently has capital available in. the Trost Agency F)nd which will not be required for operating expenses' unttl the next fiscal year; AND WHEREAS" it is. deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional reveme in the form of interest for the operation of the City; AND WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated until maturity of this investment will preclude a fund deficit; ---Trc":-~~co ---,-, r'="'!C~~""C"~"-"~o~', 69 ... .. fU NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Tre8.surer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to '~,:lOO from the Trust Agency fund for a period of twelve months. Motion by Commissioner .Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that Resolution No. 55-29 authorizing the City Treasurer to invest $5,700 from the Trust Agency Fund for a period of 12 months be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff and Hammond Voting No: None iheCity Secretary advisEad that Mr. J. R. Howard, 8080 S. MainSt:reet, was interested in operating the conce.ssion at the Swimming Pool during the coming season. C . Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that the City Secretary be authorized to negotiate with Mr. Howard for opera- tion of the concession at the Swimming Pool and report to the City Commission the various details involved at the next meeting. Voting Aye: Voting No: . . Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff and Hammond None '.'It. .,...:~~ ~.. :> r..;. :. '!he City Secretary submitted a letter requ~sting an amendment to personnel regtl1ations. to change the official holiday of Nov. 11 to May 30. Such change bei,ng requested for reason that industry and most Harris County Municipalities hav~ discontinued the observance of Nov. 11. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that November 11, no longer -be observed as an official holiday and that May 30th, Memerial day be observed in lieu thereof, and that personnel regulations be amended accordingly. .. Voting Aye: Mayor MorriS, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff and Hammond Voting No: None Mr. W. F. Cawlfield, 3131 Tangley, Lessee of property owned by Mrs. Lena Halla, tendered his check in the amount of $330.36 for payment of 1947 delinquent taxes. It was Mr. Cawlfie1ds contention that the tax valuation had been illegally increased on the, property in question inasmuch as the equalization Board raised the valuation twice within the same year and failed to send notice of the second increase. The City Commission had previously considered this matter on May 24., 1954, and had taken action to settle the delinquency for $391.00 based on an opinion by Mr. Karl Kraft, City Attomey, in that the second increase was :improper in his opinion. After considering Mr. Cawlfield's offer, it was considered legal and equitable to accept the principal amount and one years penalty and interest rather than impose all previous years interest and penalty since 1947. ."'._..~I. reo. rT'CTC-~-TI '11 Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hammond, that 11r. W. F. Cawlfield, Lessee of property at Bissonnet and Wakefor~st, owned by Mrs. Lena Halla, be permitted to settle 1947 delinquent taxes on basis of payment of principal amount on an assessed valua- tionof $15,975.00 plus one years penalty and iht'erest arid that the action of the City Commission on the date of May 24, 1954, as recorded in Minute Book No. 11, pOertaining to this matter be rescinded. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris,' Commissioners Ga:l;.braith, Goff and Hammond Voting No: None Wi th no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~1~ \ MAYOR ~ ATTEST: ~~_-J Oi"ty ecretary . . 1- r'~"f-~"~~-~~"- - \ c. c.'''rT-~r-~'~'~Tl ---r. --,----,- 7'l MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF CITY Cm'IMISSION MAY 23, 1955 The City Commission convened in regular session at. the City Hall, Monday, May 23, 1955, 7:30 P.M. with the following n:embers present: :tJlayor Morris; presiding; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve. The City Attorney and City Secretary were also present. Commissioner Goff pronounced the invocation. Mr. C. W.Taylor, 6320 Wakeforest, appeared before the Commission with reference to a request which had been submitted to the Zoning Board for permission to erect an addition to his garage for storage purposes in , which. he also proposed to install. a commode and lavatory. Minu tes of a special meeting of the Zoning & Planning Board held on this date revealed that action had been taken to recommend to the Commission that the request be denied as they had not had an opportunity to review the plans or to receive full details from Mr. Taylor. As the matter was being discussed, Mr. Taylor withdrew from the meeting; therefore, no final ac~ion was taken by the Commission. Resolution No. 55-30 as follows, was submitted to the Commission for con- sideration and read in full: RESOLUTION 55-30 WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the Swimming Pool Fund which will not be required for operating expenses until later in the present fiscal year, AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; AND, WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated until maturity of this investment will preclude a fund deficit; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CI'lY.COMHISSION OF THE CI'lY OF WEST UNIVERSI'lY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest fUnds amounting to $8,000.00 from the Swimming Pool Fund, for a period of six months. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that Resolu- tion No. 55-30 directing the City Treasurer to invest $8,000.00 from the Swimming Pool Fund for a period of six months be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Hayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None -,.'1 F~C~r"I~=~=---.-1 .,- r - 7.3. r I l____ A recommendation from the Chief of Police for nOne Hour Parking:'. between 7:00 A.M. and ,5:00 P.M." on the west side of Lake Street from University Blvd. to 150 Feet North of Amherst Street; on Uni- versity Blvd. .from Kirby Drive:to Wakeforest on the North side of the street; on Rice Blvd. from Kirby Drive to Fordham Street on both sides of the street; on Lake Street on the east side from Amherst to 150 Feet North; and on both sides of Amherst Street from Lake to Fordham Street was submitted in compliance with re- quests received from citizens in that vi~inity. After the recom- mendation was discussed, it was considered advisable to prohibit ~..: parking altogether on a portion of Rice Blvd.. and University Blvd. where parked automobiles create a hazard because of the narrow width of the streets. Motion by Commissioner Hammond" seconded by Comml.ssioner Goff, that "No Parkinglt ~igns be installed on University from Kirby to Lake Street on the North side and on both sides of Rice Blvd. from Kirby Drive to Lake Street; "One Hour Parking between 7 A.M. and 5 P .1<1. on West side of Lake from University to 150 Ft. North of A'mherst; on Amherst (both sides) from Lake to Fordham; on North side of University Blvd. from Lake to Wakeforestj East side of Lake from Amherst to 150. Feet North; on both sides Rice Blvd. from Lake to Fordham. Voting Aye: Mayor MorriS, Comm.issioners Galbraith; Goff ,Hammond and Reeve Voting No: None The City SecretarY advised that he had contacted Mr. J. R. Howard regarding the operation of the swimming ppol concession on the same basi~ and agreement as in the past year" and that Mr. Howard had indicated his willipgness to sign a contract. Motion by Commission~r Reeve, seconded by Comm. Galbraith that the city enter into a contract with Mr.J. R. Howard, 8080 S. Main, for operation of the con.eession at the Swimming Pool for the 1955 season in accordance with pontract agreement submitted and approved by City Attorney Charles Coc).trell. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Ga;Lbraith, Goff, HariImond and Reeve Voting No: None The City Secretary requested establishlnent of a policy regarding opening of Virginia street between University and Cason as one owner of property on Virginia Street which is occupied by a drainage ditch known as Poor Farm Ditch, had applied for a building permit which, if issued, would necessitate the opening of the remaining portion of the street for egress and ingress to the property. It was the opinion of the Commission that a policy had been established not to open the street to the public at the time R.O.W. was deeded to the Harris COIUnty Drainage District for improvements to the Poor Farm Ditch, as sufficient R.O.W. was not left for a thoroughfare. The City Attorney was asked to study the matter and render his opinion. F'~",,""'T~,==:--~~-=:"':~~'-"".~ _..I.O"-C-' c"..rcT"'-..cc-:"'----".O-..,-,..,,...-,,,,-O-C~-..--~~-~.~...-'---- 74 The City Secretary submitted a letter from IvIr. George Hawley, Engineer" State Board of Fire Commissioners, requesting the city to make certain improvements to its water system in order to avoid a penalty and increased charges in the fire insurance key rate. It was explained: to the City Commission that the Fire Insurance Co:rpmission, was requesting the city to con;3truct additional two million gallon water storage capacity" and in order to detennine the exact location for construction of a reservoir it would be necessary to have a hydraulic study made of the water distribution system and pumping facilities. The City Secretary requested authority to contact several competent engineering rims concerning a hydraulic study of the city water system., Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Hammond that the City Secretary be authorized to negotiate with engineering firms to make a survey of the city's water system and needed ilnprovementsand report to the Commission the results of his negotiations. Voting Aye: MayoX"' Morris" Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve Voting No: None Minutes of the meeting of May 9, were read and approved.' With no further business to come before the Commission at this time" upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed. 'lhe City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Monday, June 6" 19.5.5, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Comm. Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve. The City Secretary and City Attorney were also present. Commissioner Paul Reeve<pronoUnced the invocation. Mayor Morris announced that Mr . Robert Made ley , 2919 Pittsburg had made and presented a gavel to the city for official use. All members of the City Commission expressed appreciation to Mr. Madeley for his thoughtful- ness and requested that the minutes reflect the action and acceptance of the gavel from Mr. Madeley. The City Secretary advised that the present 19.50 Model International TD 14 Tractor being used at the Garbage Disposal Grounds was in need of extensive repairs and the Browning & Ferris Machinery Company had estimated it would require appr()x:i1nately $3.500 expenditure to replace the idlers, rollers and track mechanism as well asa major overhaul on the engine. The ad- visability of authorizing expensive repair or trading the unit in on a new one was discussed. It was detemined advisable by the City Commission from an economical standpoint to purchase a new trac tor. - -'T~~'=~~O~"~~.~ ,-. "~'I"..I ~CI~"'-'_.".'~<rl '15 Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Hammond that the City Secretary be authorized to have specifications prepared and advertise f'or bids f'or replacement of the usedTD14 International Tractor; public bids to be received 7:30 P.M. June 21, 1955. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Gof'f, Hammond and Reeve Voting No: None A reqilest for a 10 foot easement by the Houston Lighting & Power Com- pany along the East line of' the Edloe tract of property adjacent to and north of Poor Farm Ditch and SA&AP tracks, was submitted. After discussing the effect the requested easement would have on the future Use of this tract of land and in view of there being no street R.O.W. dedicated on the East side of city property for Edloe extension and a possible future extension of a major expressway in this vicinity the City Secretary was instructed to negotiate further with the Houston Lighting & Power Company. Fire Marshal Ed King submitted a request through City Secretary Whitt Johnson for permission of three firemen including the Fire Marshal to attend th~ BIlIlual Firemen's Training School to be held at A & M College July 10-15 inclusive and f'or permission of himself, Fire Chief George Junie1 and Fireman C. E. Duff'in to attend the State Firemen's Conven- tion in Dallas, June 14, 15 and 16. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that two members of the Fire Department and Fire Marshal be authorized to attend the Firemen's Training School at A & M College, July 10-15 inclusive and Chief George Juniel, Fireman C. E.Duffin and Fire Marshal G. E. King, be authorized to attend the State Firemen's Convention in Dallas, June 14, 15 & 16 with reasonable expenses paid by the city. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Gof'f, Hammond and Reeve Voting No: None The City Commission was advised that the }lanufacturer's Trust, New York City, Owners of five coupons due October 10~ 1954, totaling $112.50, from City of West University Place Refunding Bonds, Series 1936, Nos. 589 to 593, inClusive, had lost, mislaid or destroyed the coupons and funds were still on deposit with City National Bank, Fiscal Agent for the City which had never been disbursed. City Attorney Charles Cockrell submitted a Resolution which related that the ManufactUrer's Trust had signed an indemnity bond for twice the amount of the coupons and author- izing payment of the five coupons totaling $112.50, due October 10, 1954. Resolution No. 55-31, as follows, was submitted to the Commission and read in full: T .':"._C"l'''C~~~wc_~~ rO'C--c TToc, cc'T-,----- ------1 16' RESOLUTION NO. 55-31 WHEREAS, iihe City Connnission of the City of West University Place, has been informed by the City National Bank of Houston, Texas, a fiscal agent for .the City of West -University Place, that said Bank has been notified that five coupons due October 10, 1954, for $22.50 each detached from City of West University Place, Texas, Refunding Bonds, Series 1936, dated April 10, 1936, due April 10, 1966, Nos. 589 to 593, inclusive, have been lost, mislaid, stolen or destroyed so that the same cannot be found or produced; and ' WHEREAS, said Bank has further informed the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, that there is now on hand the sum. of $225.00 to pay coupons that were due October 10, 1954; and WHEREAS, the Great American Insurance Company, No.1 Liberty Street, New York, New YOrk, is now the true and lawful owner of the aforesaid coupons by virtue of a subrogation agreement and assignment from the original owner of such coupons; and WHEREAS, said Great American Insurance Company has furnished an original bond of indemnity to the City of West University Place and the City National Bank of Houston, Texas, in the amount of $225.00, saving said City and said Bank hannless from payment on the aforesaid interest coupons; and . WHEREAS, CC said Great American Insurance Company .has furnished the necess~ry proof of loss, affidavit of loss and assignment' covering the afore- said coupons. , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CIIT OF WESTUNIVERSIIT PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That the City National Bank of Houston, Texas; fiscal agent for the City of West University Place, Te:xas, is hereby authorized and directed to pay to the Great American Insurance Company, No.1 Liberty street, New York, New York, $1l2.50 out of the funds now being held by said Bank for this purpose, saidp~nt being due on five interest coupons due October 10, 1954, for $22.50 each. detached from City of West University Place, Texas, Refunding Bonds, Series Nos. 1936, dated April 10, 1936, due April 10, 1966, numbered 589 to 593, inclusive. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Connnissioner Hammond, that Resolution 55-31 authorizing payment of five coupons totaling $112.50 be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve Voting No: None . In relation to previous discussion of appointment of a Board of Equalization for the tax year 1955 ,the following action was taken: 77" Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that Messrs. O. C~ King, Anthony Carso:and WIn. E. Arnold, be appointed as members of the Board of Equalization for. the year 1955 and in event that either of the three are unavailable the Mayor Or Mayor Pro tem and the City Secretary be empowered to obtain a s-u;bs.titute member having proper qualifications. Voting Aye: Nayor Morri~, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve. Voting No: None With no further business to come before the Commission at. this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried" the meeting was adjourned. ~~~~ MAYOR . C - A Tl'ES T: '~ / / . / . ~. /. ~--~ ~ore~ . LI_ T ""~",.,~::.c.",.." "''':"-'-:::r'~'- r." -.TT"': c-. :"r------.--.-.----~-__:r-- ., 0 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION JUNE 13~' 1955 The City Cormnission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, June 13, 1955, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Connnissioner Galbraith, Goff and Reeve. The City Secretary and City Attorney were also present. Connnissioner Hammond was absent as he was out of the city on vacation. Cormnissioner Galbraith pronounced the invocation. Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Board held on June 9,'1955, were reviewed and the following action taken: Motion by Comm. Goff, seconded by Connn. Reeve that the City Cormnission concur in the action of the Zoning Board to deny the request of Mr. A. D. Hunter, 2639 Barbara Lane for installation of e1ectr'ica1 service for an air conditioning unit in a detached double garage with servants quarte.rs onJ his premis es. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff and Reeve Voting No: None An Architect's drawing for a proposed addition to the St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church was submitted to the Cormnission with a request for permission to extend the new constru.ction 14 Feet into the presently established setback distance on Bissonnet Street. Motion by Cormn. Reeve, seconded by Cormnissioner Galbraith that a public hearing be called for' 7:30 P.M., July 11, 1955, for the purpose of con- sidering an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to permit construction by the St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church of an addition which would extend 14 Feet into the presently established setback distance on Bissonnet Street. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Cormnissioners Galbraith, Goff and Reeve Voting No: None In relation to a verbal request submitted by Mr. Darby Suiter for per- mission to remove a two story house presently located at the Northwest comer of University Boulevard and Greenbriar onto a lot in the City of West University situated at the. Northwest corner of Carolina Way and Kirby Drive, it was determined inadvisable to take final action until details concerning a completion bond, specifications for remodeling the house, and the question of subdivision of the lot could be determined. The City Secretary was instructed to request the applicant to furnish architect's drawing of the proposed remodeling and complete written specifications and a completion bond. Mr. Roger G. Taylor appeared and presented plans for a prefabricated house he proposed to erect on Lot 20, Block 10, Colonial Terrace. It was the decision of the City Commission that the building plans would meet all requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and Building Code and no official action was deemed necessary. r--:'="'I:'~=:'.=""'--F'~'-T.I-.~~C-~'C'I." ----,--~----'~ 79 C. E. Posey, Sanitarian, presented at the request of the Board of Health an opdinance requiring food handlers to have permits and prescribing conditions for issuance of such pennits. Dr. Ben Walpole, Chainnan of the Board of Health was also present and reviewed provisions of the ordinance and stated that the Board of Health had recommended its passage and approval. It was recommended by Dr. Walpole. and l-'lr. Posey that the ordinance not become effective until sufficient, nptification had been given. all food handlers an~ that the ordinance not be effective and enfprced until the first of the coming yea~. Proposed Ordinance'ffo. 689, .c!requiring food handlers to obtain permits and prescribing conditions for issuance of such permits, was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full. . Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an Ordinance requiring Food handlers to obtain_ permits and prescribing conditions for issuance of such permits, with an effective date of January 1, 1956. Voting: Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff and Reeve. Voting No: None The City Secretary submitted a letter from Dr. Ray V. Mayfield, Pastor of the West University Baptist Church, requesting use of the Community Building each Sunday morning for church ~ctivities beginning September 1, 1955. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that the City Secretary be authorized to work out an agreement with Dr. Mayfield concerning the use of the Community Building by the West University Baptist Church on the same basis as heretofore in effect. Voting Aye: . Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, ,Goff and Reeve None The City Secretary submitted a statement of r~ceipts and disbl,l.rsements of the Recreation Committee Carnival Which showed a net profit of $856.55 and requested disposition of the funds. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that the sum of $856.55 in..the.._Recreation,C,oinini-ttee., CarnivaL Fund, being the net profit of proceeds of a carnival held May 14, 1955 ,-tendered to the city by the Chairman of the Recreation Commi:atee be accepted and placed on deposit in the Swimming Pool Recreation Fund and that appreciation be extended to the Committee for their profitable efforts. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff and Reeve Voting No: None Minutes of May 16, 23, and June 6 were read and approved as corr~cted. I ,'- ~;o With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, - upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed. - -- - - - - - - - - The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Tuesday, June 21, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Goff and Reeve. The City Secretary and City Attorney were also presen;t,. Commissioner Hammond and Galbraith were absent. CornmissionerHammond was out of the city on business matters and CornmissionerGalbraith was out of the city on vacation. City Attorney Charles Cockrell pronounced the invocation.' In compliance with notice dul3 published in the official newspaper of the city, bids received for replacement of a tractor for use at the garbage disposal grounds were opened and the following results announced: Browning-Ferris Machinery Co. Mustang Equipment Company TDl4A International n6 Caterpillar $7,500.00 16,211.17 Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that bids received be referred to the City Secretary and City Engineer for study and recommendation and that they consider the bids before the Commission adjourns and report their recommendation due to the urgency of the situa- tion. Voting Aye:.Mayor Morris, Commissioner Go.ff and Reeve Voting No: None Mr. Darby Suiter appeared before the Commission concerning his request to move a two story residence from the Northwest Corner of Greenbriar and University Boulevard to the vacant property at the Northwest corner of Carolina Way and Kirby Drive. The action of the Zoning Board. on June 9, was reviewed. Mr. Suiter submitted completion bond in the amount of $10,000 written by the American Surety Company and architect's original plans of the house and a plot plan for location on Lots 19, 20 and the E 20' of 18, Block 8, Pemberton Addition. After considering all facts and infomation, the following action was taken by the Commission: Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that the application of :Dtlr. Darby Suiter to move a two story residence onto Lots 19, 20 and the E 20 Feet of 18, Block 8, Pemberton Add! tion be approved with the following requirements: no servants quarters be included and only a one story, two-car garage; that the reconstruction and remodeling of the residence, garage, sidewalk, driveway and utilities be completed within 120 days in accordance with architect's drawing and. plot plans certified to by Mr. Darby Suiter and placed on file with the building inspector. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioner Goff and Reeve None ~c~":'-'~'.'-f:'~""-~~":"~'~:~-="~"TI~c~:--"'c- -'Fer- ~ 81" The City Secretary advised that he and the City. Engineer had reviewed the two bids submitted for a tractor for use at the garbage disposal grounds and it was their recommendation that the International TDJ.4A Tractor be be pur.chased from Browning-Ferris Machinery Company. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Copnnissioner Reeve that the lOW' bid of Browning Ferris Machinery Company for delivery" of_ one new Interna- tional MOdelTD14A 'l'ractor:iIi;the..am-ount.'of :$7:,500PE{,accept.ed:tit accord- ance":idth the recommendation of the City Secretary ~d City Engineer. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Goff and Reeve None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~~~~ Mayor .. AT'IEST: / .~ / ~{u/. "~/ Gi~ Secreta,. ~ , i '--- I! 'rl=::1T=-=~=:L:=:r . . c_cr:- [r~i~~~O~~Tr-----__.::r . ~.--"-- OI,j. REGULAR MEETING OF CITY Cmll1ISSION JUNE 27, 1955 '.o'Ihe City Commission of the City of west University Place, convened in regular session at the- City Hall on Monday, June 27, 1955, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commis- sioner Goff, Hammond and Reeve. The City Secretary and City Attorney were also present. Commissioner Galbraith was absent as he was out of the city on vacation. The invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Hammond. Resolution No. 55-32 as follows, was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full: RESOLUTION 55-32 WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the Water-Sewer Fund which will not be required for opera- ting expenses until later.in the present fiscal year, AND, WflEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the fom of interest for the operation of the City; AND, WHEREAS, the present [bank balance, the average monthly income and expenditures of this Fllnd as anticipated until maturity of this in- vestment will preclude a fund d~ficit; . I i NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOlfVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS~ that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $10,000.00 from the vlater-Sewer Fund, for a period of six month~. I I Motion by Commissioner Hammond, Iseconded by Commissioner Goff, that Resolution 55-32 authorizing the City Treasurer to invest $10,000 Water- Sewer Funds in time deposits at I the University State Bank for a period of 6 months at 2~ interest rate, Qe passed and approved as read. I Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioner Goff, Hammond and Reeve Voting No: None I '!he City Secretary advised that Ithree engineering firms had been con- tacted regarding a proposal forlpersonal service to perform a hydraulic study of the water system to determine proper location of additional storage facilities and stated tHat a recommendation would be submitted to the City Commission for empldyment of a competant firm as soon as the items of the survey have been dJtermined and a proposal obtained from the three engineering firms whirlh have been interviewed. I Mr. Paul Hall, representing Wyatt Hedrick, Engineering Company, explained the service offered by his firm land also the details involved in the contemplated hydraulic study. I I I I I I I I I i r~c~---rr."i~C~'~~~ll r.. iU.'-Ui'--.U~~~ I' 83 1,- I . Ordinance No. 689, captioned as~ollows, was submitted to the Commission. for consideration and read in full: I ORDINANCE 689 I AN ORDINANCE REQUIRIN~ FOOD HANDLERS TO HAVE PERMITS, PRESCRIBING CONDITIONS UPON irHrrCH SUCH PERMI'IS SHALL - I BE ISSUED, MAKING VIOLATIONS A MISDElWNOR, AND PRO- VIDING PENALTIES. I . Motion by Commissioner Goff, secbnded by Commissioner Reeve that Ordinance No. 689, requiring food handlers I to have permits and prescribing conditions for issuance, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, commibsioner Goff, Hammond . and Reeve Voting No: None I. Mr. Charles Cockrell, City Attorney advised that he had reviewed State Statutes in regard to the law cohcern1i1g abandonment of old refrigerators and ice boxes c. and. had determinedl that Legislature in the 54th session had passed a law being Article 172lrhich regulated this matter and in his opinion an ordinance adopted by !the City Commission would be superf1ous. * With no .further business to come before the Commission at this time~ upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. I - I I1.3 and 21, were read and approved as * Minutes of the meetings of June corrected. ~~~ MAYOR AT1EST: Ci ~ i- I II -T-~~~f:'l=---~.__-.m__.,.-.!c"-"'__'-'!!!I"- __ ___c-''':': '-~---',' ,- -- --"-=-'--"'=.p,-'l.. 8c4 i I REGULAR MEE['ING OF CITY COMMISSION I . .1IJTY 11, 1 955 i I I 1he City Conunission convened in ~egular session at the City Hall on Monday, July 11, 1955, 7:30 P.M. with th~ following members present: Mayor Morris, preSiding; Conunissioner Galbraith, GOff, and Hammond. The City Secretary and Attorney Karl, Kraft were als9 present. Conunissioner Reeve was absent as he was out of the city on vacation, and Attorney Charles Cockrell was absent as he was out of the city I for business reasons. I Mayor Morris pronounced the invo~a tion. I In compliance with Notice duly p~blished in the official newspaper of the city and notices mailed to all property owners within a radius of 200 feet of Lot 1, Block 89, West University Place second Addition, Mayor Morris announced that a public hearing~as in order to consider amending Ordinance No. III to permit construction of an addition to the existing building to extend 14' beyond the front set-back line as requested by officials of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church I and recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. .i I In answer to questions by the Ci~y~ttOrriey, Whitt Johnson, City Secretary, having been duly sworn by Mayor Morris;;: testified that Legal Notice had been published. in the official nJwspaper of the city and all property owners within a radius of 200 Ft.. of Lo-t I", Block 89; West University P]ace Second Addition, had been duly notifiedlof~he hearing to be held at 7:30 P.M. July 11, 1955, to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance as requested by officials of St. Andrew' s Pre~byterian Church. . I Mr. Jerry Howell, having been duly sworn by Mayor Morris, testified that che was Chaiman of the Building Conuq:ittee of the c St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church and explained the proposed construction of the addition td the church building stating that theJ1.4' extension into the established setback area was necessary to properly atange the building to provide adequate space for stairways and Sunday Sqhool rooms it Mr. Howell also called attention to the fact that thep~ans called for a 15 Ft. extension into the established setback area for a small portion of the additiOn. There b~ing no property owners c pJ1esent who desired to be: :heard at this time in connection with this request, Ithe following action was taken: Motion by Conunissioner Goff, secdnded by Commissioner Hammond, that the hearing called to consider amendfug Ordinance No. III to permit construction of an addition to the St. Andrew 'Is Presbyterian Church to extend into the presently established setback area, be closed.. .. Vo ting Aye t !layor Morris, COllllll~S ioner Go:ff", Galbra1 th snd Hammond Voting No: None i I Motion by Conunissioner Galbraith,! seconded by Conunissioner Hammond, that Ordinance No. III be amended to ~ermit construction of an addition to the St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Ion Lot 1, Block 89, West University Place, I I I i I I I I J ~,. r :;-,;::'~='~"'''::.'-:'''''- =-= ,....,~ '-"-'--~~:~~~r~~.-~-'=--"'j-'-T--'---"-"-~' -" --'."~.L-r- ~ 85" Second Addition, with a setback JBrom the property line on Bissonnet Street of 15 Ft. as shown on the plot plan submitted to the City Commission. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioner Galbraith, Goff and Hammond None Mr. Howell indicated, upon questioning by the City Commission, that some disposition would be made of the small temporary building located in back of the st. Andrew's Presbyterian Church and being used as storage quarters by the Boy Scouts, as soon as the proposed construction work is completed. An invoice from the League of Texas Municipalities in the amount of $172.50 for the C city's share of the cost of League services was submitted to the Commission for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that the invoice from the Le~gue of Texas ,Municipalities in the amount of $172.50 for the city's share of the cost of league services for tlIJre year ending June 30, 1956, be paid. . Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioner Galbraith, Goff and Hammond Voting No: None Resolutions No. 55-33, 55-34 and 55-35, as follows, were submitted to the Commission and read in full: RESOLUTION 55-33 i_ WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the General Fund which will not be required for opera- ting e:kpensesuntil the next fiscal year; AND, WHEREAS, it is deem~d to be to the best interest of the City tha.tsuch funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; AND, WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and expenditUres. of-this Fund a.s anticipated until maturity of this investment will preclude a fund deficit; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ~TEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $10,000.00 from the General Fund, for a period of three months. . PASSED AND APPROVED this the 11th day of July, A.D. 1955. .~ ~~r "~ITc--=-=r:.'::r _.. c -- I'CIC_CT~cC=-.~CTcr-----.._------c__._---=r 8li RESOLUTION X J4 'WHEREAS, the City of West University Place" currently has capital available in the Water-Sewer Fund which will not be required for operating expenses until the next fiscal year; AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; AND WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated until maturity of this investment will preclude a fund deficit; NOW, THEREFORE" BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PIACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $20,,000.00 from the Water- Sewer Fund" for a period of six months. RRqOHTT:WN $5-35 WHEREAS, THE CITY .OF WEST UNIVERSITY PrACE, currently <has capital available in the .'Sanitary' Sewer...Cap-italIinPi'ovement Ft1nd.',whicn will n,:ot.be~ .requ~e"d"~oroperatingcexpenses until the next fiscal year; AND WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; AND, WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated until maturity of this investment will preclude a fund deficit; NOvT, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY WE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $4,280.00 from the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund, for a period of twelve months. Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that Resolution No. 55-.3.3 directing the City Treasurer to invest $10,000 from the General Fund. for a period of three months at 2% interest; Resolution 55-34 directing the City Treasurer to invest $20,000 from the Water-Sewer Fund for a period 'of six months at 2~ interest and Resolution No. 55-.35 directing the City Treasurer to invest $4,280 from the Sanitary Sewer. Capital Improvement Fund for a period of twelve months at 2i%interest be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: ,Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff and Hammond. Voting No: None L"=C=lr:-:~=::~~.::::r---=rcc'.~~"l~~i~~~-c" .. -r:r- ..-1 Et1' The City Secretary reported to the Commission that the Tax Collector had made a concerted effort to collect delinquent taxes in accordance with previous discussion and had reduced the delinquency from $12,000.00 to $7,537.83 since January 1. The Commission deemed it advisable to refer the retnaining delinquencies to the City Attorney for collection and in- structed the City Secretary to make the necessary working arrangements with the City Attorney. Commissioner Galbraith requested on behalf of the West University Baptist Church that some type of signs be erected in addition to the present "NO PARKINGlt signs on the East side of Auden Street from University Blvd. to Amherst Street for reason that visitors to the church on Sunday mornings were not aware of the fact the signs were applicable on Sundays and conse- quently being issued,traffic violation tickets by the West University Police Department. The City Secretary was instructed to work with the Chief of Police in recommending the most logical type of sign to advise the pub1iccthat the area across from the fire station is a fire zone and the street must be left clear in order that fire equipment might have the necessary clearance in event of emergencies. Minutes of the meeting of June 27, 1955, were read and approved. With no further business to come l!Iefore the Commission at this ~ime, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed. The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City H~ll on 'Ihursday,Ju1y 14, 1955, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioner Galbraith and Goff. Commissioner Reeve was absent as he was out of the city oil vacation and Commissioner Hammond. and City Attorney Charles Cockrell were absent as they were out of the city on company business. The City Secretary was present. In accordance with previous Notice and action of the City Commission, sealed bids received for the purchase of $27,000.00 City Hall Bonds were opened. The proceeds of the sale of these bonds are to be used for final completion and equipping the City Hall. The previous sale of $250,000,.00 and the present $27,000.00 City Hall Bonds represent the final and total cost of the City Hall construction. ,The following results were publicly announced: Fridley, Hess & Frederking, Average effective Interest Rate 2.46994 J. Marvin l40reland & Company, It It It It 2.47595628 }loroney, Beissner & Company, It It It It 2.24650273 After announcing results of the bids received, it was determined that the bid of Moroney, Beissner & Company with an effective interest rate of 2.24650273 was .the mos.tadNantageous. I 1,- Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner. Goff, that the bid of Mor.oney, Beissner & Company with an effective interest rate. of 2.24650273 be accepted. V oting Aye: Voting 10: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith and Goff None ,CO'::::!, ".:!"?=F!=.c::::-~.~_-:::.oo'-."._~-'''~'''~l!!'!l'-~ 88 '!he City Secretary submitted preliminary estimates of the 1956 budget with detailed schedules showing anticipated receipts and disbursements and art estimated $20,900,000 tax valuation assessment for the year 1955. It was the decision of the City Commission that a conference be 'held . .'~ with the Finance Committee and instructeq the City Secretary to publish a legal notice announcing a public hearing for the date of August 29, 1955, 7:30 P.M. to consider adoption of the budget. There beL"lg no further business to come Before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~/-/fk~ MAYOR A TrEST: / ;4~~~ City Secret c J T.cr-=~:~C'~~~cT~r'""':'::I F~c'-c---ro~~"'~Tr-- __..J:-- 89 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COr-MISSION JULY 25, 1955 '!he City Commission of the City of West University Place, convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, July 25, 1955, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commis- sioner Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve. The City Attorney and City Treasurer were also present. City Secretary Johnson was absent as he was out of the city on vacation. The invocation was pronounced by Conunissioner Reeve.. Resolution No. 55-36 as follows, was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full: RESOLUTION 55-36 1V'IHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital .in the Water-Sewer Fund which will not be required for operating expenses until the next fiscal year; AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the.. best. interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit iriveJtment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; AND, WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated until maturity of this investment will precludeoa fund deficit;- Nmf, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY 'IRE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF 1.vEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $20,000.00 from the Water- Sewer FUnd, for a period of six months. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 25th day of July, A.D. 1955. Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that Resolution No. 55-36 authorizing the City Treasurer to invest $20,000.00 Water-Sewer Funds in time deposits at the University State Bank for a period of 6 months at 2i% interest rate, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioner Reeve,Hammond, Goff and Galbraith None A letter from Mr. Gus H. Com:i!skey, of Comiskey Insurance Agency was read by the }iayor congratulating the city on its excellent loss records and loss ratios on its Workmensl Compensation and Comprehensive General Liability Insurance Policies. It was explained to the Commission this loss record and ratio would not affect the amount of reimbursement due the city under its retrospective agreement, and the 26.4% reduction in -t r-- -----I ' --------------- ~u rates was a state schedule attributed to. the excellent loss record, and in no way was connected with the. retrospective agreement. It was further explained. that the.. rate reduction would effect an annual premium saving of approximately $1,900.00. Ordinance No. 690, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read. in full: AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DE1EID-IJNING Tl-f.A T EACH AND ALL OF THE PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE 'ID THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC REARING TO CONSIDER THE M~mNDINGOF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. III OF THE CI'lY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SO AS TO PERMIT AN ADDITION 'ID ST. ANDREWS, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH TO EXTEND 15 FEET BEYOND THE ESTABLISHED SETBACK LINE ON BISSONNET STREET; FINDING THAT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING AN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. III HAS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY HELD; APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REPORT AND RECOH- MENDATION OF THE ZONING A!\TD PLANNING .BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO. III BE AMENDED AS HERE IDFORE STATED; FINDING THAT. ORDINANCE NO. III OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE SHOULD BE AMENDED AS HEREID.. FORE STATED; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. ill TO FE RMIT THE EXTENSION OF SUCH ADDITION TO ST. ANDREWS CHURCH TO EXTEND 15 FEET BEYOND THE SETBACK LINE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Galbrait.h, seconded by Commissioner Harmnond that Ordinance No. III be amended so as to permit an addition to st. Andrews Presbyterian Church to extend 15 feet. beyond the established setback line on Bissonnet Street, as sh~ on the plot plan submitted to the City Commission, and Ordinance No~ 690, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioner Galbraith, Goff, Harmnond and Reeve. Voting N~: None An ordinance which would.authorize th~ impounding of automobiles illegaly parked for a certain consecutive length of time was discussed, but no action take~ pend:j,.ng the clarification of certain sections of the ordin- ance by the Chief of Police. Commissiolter Cecil Galbraith expressed the appreciation of memberl? of the West University Baptist Church to the City Commission for having the curb from U~iversity Blvd. to Amherst Street on Auden painted yellow to indicate the street as a fire lane thus eliminating the confusion which has existed as to whether parking would be permissible in this area during church hours. . Minutes of the meetings of July 11 and July ~, wer~ read and approved as corrected. There being no further business to come ,before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed. J-i.--~~iT-'-=~~ , r-r -- ~--rl .,-. -- ---------- 91' . The City Commission of the City of 'fest University Place, convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Monday, August 1,.1955, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Hayor Morris, presiding; Commis- sioner Galbraith, Goff., Hammond and Reeve. The City Attorney an-d City Secretar,y were also present. The invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Galbraith. In connection with the issuance. of $27,000 City Hall Bonds sold to Moroney Beissner Company on the date of July 14, 1955, the following action was taken: Ordinance No. 691, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Comm;ission for consideration and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $27,000 SECOND IN- STALIMENT OF A $295,000 ISSUE OF CITY HALL BONDS; PRESCRIBING THE TERNS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF; AND LEVYING TAXES TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST THEREON. Motion by Co:mmissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that Ordin- ance No. 691, authorizing the issuance of $27,000, second installment of a $295;000 issue of City Hall Bonds; prescriging the terms and condi- tions thereof'; and levying taxes to pay the principal and interest thereon, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioner Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve Voting No: None . City Attorney Charles Cockrell explained in detail the provisions of an ordinance requested by Chief of Police H. E. Shipp, which would authorize the seizure and impounding of vehicles under certain conditions. After considering all aspects of the ordinance and the feasibility of its enforcement, the following action was taken: Ordinance No. 692, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Commissian and read in full: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE SEIZING AND IMPOUNDING OF AUTO}1OBlLES OR OTHER VEHICLES BY THE CHIEF OF POLICE OR OTHER POLICE OFFICER OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, 'IEXAS, WHEN SUCH AU'IDHOBILE . OR OTHER VEHICLE IS ILLEGALLY PARKED, OR LEFT UNATTENDED SO AS TO CONSTITUTE HAZARD OR OBSTRUC TION 'ill THE NORMAL MOVEMENT OF TRAFFIC, OR LEFT PARKED ON A PUBLIC STREET FOR A PERIOD OF TIME EXCEEDING . SEVENTY-'M) (72) HOURS, THEREBY CREATING A PUBLIC NUISANCE; PRO- . VIDING A FEE FOR ThlPOUNDING AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICTHERElJ.IITH. Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that Ordinance No. 692, providing for. the seizing and impounding of automobiles or other vehicles by the Chief of Police or other Police Officer of the City of West University Place, when such automobile or other vehicle is -F-~~:~.__~t:-~__~~:-'_~__~____----==- _ ____ 9"l illegally parked, or left unattended so as to constitute hazard or " obstruction to the normal movement of traffic, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Vo:ting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioner Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None The City Secretary advised that the city did not have records of its water system showing location of waiJer lines and valves and in case of a broken water main or service line, memory of city employees have to be depended upon to locate lines and valves in order to cut off water to make repairs. The City Secretary further stated that 90% of the field work had been done to locate valves and water lines and the record of 'their location had been placed in a field book but that the city does not have person- nel to do the necessary drafting and map work, and that funds for pro- fessional dra:tting;f3ervice were appropriated in the current budget. In accordance with previous instructions of the City Commission, estimates were obtained from individuals and professional drafting companies and two proposals were submitted.. One from the Macha Drafting Company and one from 1Jlr. Currie A.McRee, Jr. It was the opinion and recommendation of the City Secretary and City Engineer that }1r.' McRee could perfonn this type of service in an B.cceptablemanner for a lessor amount than had been proposed by other firms. Motion by Commissioner Goff', seconded 'by Cornmissioner Reeve that the city engage the professional services of Mr. Currie A. McRee, Jr., for the total Sum of $1,100 to prepare and draft sectional maps of the water distribution system showing location of lines and valves and other per- tinent information. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor MorriS, Oommissioner Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None It was explained that City Officials had heretofore considered it advisable to purchase Lot 13, Jlilock IS, Collegeview 3rd .Addition, located on the North side of the 3800 Block Milton Street across the street from the water plant for the purpose of future construction of water s.ystem facilities and for use as a parking lot. The property was not acquired because of a title question and.Stewart Title Company had delayed submitting opinion as to the title conveyance. City Attor- ney Charles. Cockrell submitted a letter from the title company setting forth the provisions of a title guarantee policy which they had agreed to issue and a statement from Mr. Albert Olson advising that he would sell the lot to the city for the sum of $2,2S0 provided the city would pay the necessary cost of clearing title and delinquent taxes since the year 19S0.The City Commission after considering all facts determined it advisable to acquire ownership of the vacant lot and took the follow- ing action: ~Ii~ I ;,HI r I I'~~~' 11 I ( ---'\ ! i i 93 Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that the city purchase from Nr. Albert Olson, Lot 13, Block 15, Collegeview 3rd Addition for the sum of $2,250 provided closing costs and clearing of the title does not exceed an additional $250.00 ' Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris, Commissioner Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: p - /~ . ~, ~ MAYOR ~;};l~.~4' ~. C~ c ecreta . ri'<="'T,~=~=~~ --~"~1 -,.,~ c '-C'-'~TT I.' ~4 ImGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION AUGUST 22, 1955 The City Commission convened in regular session at the-City Hall on Monday, August 22, 1955, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Pro tem Goff, presiding; Commissioners Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve. The City Secretary and City Attorney were also present. Mayor Morris was absent as he was out of the city. on vacation. The invocation was prGnounced by Commissioner Reeve. Mr. Dan Hart, Director of the Summer Recreation Prograni,P appeared before the Commission and gave a report on summer activities and also showed a moving picture of the various phases of the program. Mr. Hartts report was accepted with appreciation and ordered placed in file for future ref- erence. Mrs. A. J. Lanier and a group of teenage girls requested the Commission to permit use of the Community Building to continue the'teenageroundup night thr.ough the school year. Mrs. Lanier stated that the group of young people wanted the activity and they had organized and adopted a set of rules for this purpose. Adults had also been contacted and' ~ number of them had agreed to act as chaperones. The Commission deferred action on the request pending further study. Mrs. E. D. Williams, Mr. J. B. Tucker and Attorney Rush Record, representing Mr. Thomas Elliott, appeared before the Commission again requesting that a building permit be issued for erection of a residence on S ! of Lot 11, Block 35, WUP 1st Addn. It was stated that the lot fronted on Poor Farm Ditch, and that a building permit had been denied by the BUilding Inspector and City Secretary because of the Barris County Drainage District ROW on Poor Farm Ditch which does not leave enough space for a street, and in their opinion a hazard would be involved in trying to get to the property from Carnegie Street. Mr. Record explained to the Com- mission that it was the desire of Mr. Thomas Elliott to erect a residence on the lot to be occupi.ed by his daughter, Mrs. Williams and himself. He also stated that these people were not asking the City to open or pave the street ROW; but they would provide the driveway from Carnegie Street themselves. They contended there was 35. feet of property between the ditch and the property line. . ., During the discussion of this request the question of.subdivision of the lot was brought up. The City Secretary was instructed to review the minutes of the Zoning Board to determine if this lot had been officially subdivided and advise Mr. Rush Record. The minutes of a regular meeting of the Zoning & Planning Board held on August 11 were submitted to the Commission for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that the request of Mr. Andrew Laird, 3026.Georgetown, for permission to erect a double garage on his premises to within one foot of the side property line be deferred pending more pertinent facts from the.Zoning Board. -I , I ! ---< - J -, I ' <'-".'.~"'1----r I ' " ,---- ---. 95 Voting Aye: Voting .'No: Hayor Pro tem Goff; Commissioner Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve. None -,.,..---' Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that action of the Zoning Board recommending denial of the request of Nrs. J. L. Reeves for permission to remodel the residence at 3314 RobinlJ,ood, making a t-v.ro-fami1y dwelling, be upheld. Voting Aye: . Voting No: r1ayor Pro tem Goff; Commissioner Galbraith., Hammond and Reeve None Authority was requested by the City Secretary to withdraw $8,000 of Swirmning Pool Funds, which were invested for a period of six months on May 23, 1955, in the UniversitJ, State Bank, and reinvest $4,000 in time deposit in the said bank. The other $4,000 to be used as necessary for operating expenses of the st..imming pool,. as current invome from the pool vms not sufficient to pay operating expenses. Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that the City Secretary be authorized to withdraw the $8,000 from the Swimming Pool Fund which was invested in Time Deposit for a period of six months, and reinvest $4,000 in Time Deposit in the University State Bank; the remaining $4,000 to be used for operating expenses of the Swimming Pool. r- . I Voting Jiye: Voting 'No: Mayor Pro tern Goff; Conunissioner Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve None ~I The Secretary advised there was a need for replacing approximately 486 lineal feet of chain link fence around the vlakeforest 'VJater Plant. TIle ,extimated cost for replaing this fence was approximately $1,350. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that the City SecretaI"J be instructed to advertise for bids on approximately 486 lineal feet of chain link fence and appurtenances to be received until 7:30 P.M. September 12. V otingAye: Voting No: Mayor Pro tern Goff; Commissioner Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve None The City Secretary again submitted a report on efforts to obtain a consulting firm to make a hydraulic study of the City's water system to determine the need and location of additional reservoir capacity and enlargement of the . distribution system. Contents of the letter as written to the consulting firms were reviewed and it was reported that estimates received from the firms varied from $3,200 to $17,600. It was recommended that the Fire Prevention and Engineering Bureau of Texas, located in Dallas, Texas, be contacted to determine whether or not they would be willing to assist in making a hydraulic study since the proposals submitted seemed to be excessive. , ,---" -----T~i"..~c"Tt~'~~-I-.. ,il r"'o~'~--I~i'-'c-,-'c'c'~rl--.~--~-----'-'--- 96 Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Ha.111Illond, that the City Secretary or City Engineer be authorized to visit with the Fire Pre- vention and Engineering Bureau of Texas to determine the possibility of assistance in making a hydraulic study of the city's water system. \""--.: Voting Aye: Voting No: l.\1ayor Pro tern Goff; Commissioner Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve. None Minutes of the meeting of August 8, 1955, were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come. before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed. The City Commission convened in recessed session at.the City Hall on Monday, August 29, 1955, 7:30 P.H. with the foIl-owing members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve. The City Secretary and the City Attorney were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Galbraith. Hayor Morris announced that the meeting had been called for the purpose of final consideration of the Budget for the period beginning January 1, 1956, and ending December 31, 1956. He stated that preliminary hearings had been held on the proposed budget and that the Commission had met with the Finance Committee for review of the budget and that it was now in final form. Sources of income and the manner in which they were to be disbursed were explained and it was stated that provisions had been made for payment of principaL and interest due on all bonded indebtedness for the budget year. Interested citizens present were offered an opportunity to have any part of the budget explained to them. I i i :~I Ordinance No. 693, captioned as follovJ's, was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full: ORDINANCE NO. 693 AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A1TD ASSESSING AN AD VALOID'I TAX ON ALL TAXABlE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMI'lS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR THE YEAR 1955 AND PROVIDING FOR 'f"tlE COLlECTION THEREOF. Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that Ordinance No. 693 setting the tax rat.e for the year 1955 be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voging No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None r"'ic.~OF:""""""~~~T r~""~'T~T"~"'~TI ---, , 9rp to.' I i Ordinance No. 694, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full: L. ORDINANCE NO. 694 AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF ~oJEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR A 'll'JELVE J:IONTH PERIOD BE- GINNING JANUARY 1, 1956, AND ENDING DECEHBER 31, 1956; PROVIDING FOR YrlE APPROPRIATION OF PUBLIC FUNDS OF THE CITY WR USE .MID EXPEND I TURES. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner H~~mond, that Ordinance No. 694, adopting the budget for the twelve month period begin- ning January 1, 1956, and ending December 31, 1956, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Horris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff', Hammond and Reeve Voting No: None The following Resolution was submitted to the Commission f'or consideration and read in full: , RESOLUTION NO. '5'5-37 v-JHEREAS, the City of' West University Place, currently has capital available in the Sanitary Sewer Capital Iinprovement Fund which will not be required for.operating expenses until the next fiscal year; " .AND WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best intere~t of the city that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn addi- tional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; AND WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and exPenditures of this Fund as anticipated until maturity of this investment will preclude a dund deficit; Nffif, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COf"J1iIISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $30,150.00 from the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund, for a period of Twelve months. Motion by Cormnissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Goff that Resolution No. 55-37 authorizing the City Treasurer to invest $30,150 from the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund in time deposit at the University State Bank . for a period of 12 months at 2~ interest rate be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioner Galbraith, Goff, HalrilllOnd and Reeve None The follo,ving Resolution was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full : .._..~, T-'":'C"',:"O.c..,,~, ,e.co . "'I ------.,..,-1"',...---- _'_-. en ____ _ ~~ RESOLUTION NO. 55-38 1rJHEREAS, the City of1rJest University Place, durrently has capital available in the 1rJater-Sewer Fund \-lhich will not be required for operating expenses until the next fiscal year; AND WHEREAS ; it is deerned to be to the best interest' of th,e City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of thecity.- AND 1rJHEREAS, the present bank balance , the average monthly income and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated until maturity of this investment will preclude a fund deficit; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CONMISSION OF THE CITY OF ~VEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, 'lEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $20,000.00 from the v.Tater-Sewer Fund, for a period of six months. Notion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Comm. Reeve that Resolution No. 55-38, authorizing the City Treasurer to invest $20,000 from the 'lrJater-Sewer Fund in time deposit at the University State Bank for a period of 6 months at2~ interest rate be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: :Mayor Horris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff', Hammond and Reeve Voting No: None The following Resolution was submitted to the Commission for consider- ation and read in full: RRc;mn'PmT\T T\Tn. 55-39 vJHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the Garbage Disposal, 1948, Fund which will not be required for operating expenses until the next fiscal year; AND l1HEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the oper- ation of the City; ANp 1f.1HEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated until maturity of this investment will preclude a fund def'icit; .. NOH, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COl'INISSION OF THE CITY OF "JEST mUVERSI'IY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $3,632.84 from the Garbage Disposal,..1948 Fund, for a period of. six months. I '-~'-~I'" - .-- ~.. - '1 f- I ,- 'I ----r 99' '---- Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Con@issioner Goff that Resolu- tion No. 55-39 authorizing the City Treasurer to invest $3,632.84 from the Garbage Disposal Bond Fund in tii'ne deposit at the University State Bank for a period of 6 months at 2~ interest rate be passed and approved as read. i 'i Voting' Aye: Voting No: J:fayor Morris; Cormllissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None The City Secretary adV'ised that City Engineer, J .I~Cornelison, had visited ~rith the Fire Prevention and Engineering Bureau of Dallas concerning possibility of their making a hydraulic study of the city's 'tvater system, and reported that their Chief Engineer, r"Ir. Hugh V. Keepers stated the Bureau vwuld make a detailed study of the city's water system without charge and that work could commence the latter part of September. It was the de- cision of the City Commission that the Fire Prevention and Engineering Bureau of Dallas be invited to make a study of the city's "ifater systern, and that a consulting engineering firm could later be employed to supplement t.he ~indings oft~e Bure~ll if' determined advisable. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Reeve that the Fire Prevention and Engineering Bureau of Dallas be officially invited to per- form a hydraulic study of the city's "ifater system i-Jith the purpose of obtaining information SO that the Conrrnission might determine to what extent the City could comply with certain requests made by the State Fire Insurance Corr~ission. ' Voting Aye: Voting 'No: :Mayor Morris; C ommissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None The Commission was advised that the County Engineer was requesting the City to apPr'Ove plans and specifications for the paving of Bissonnet from Academy west to the G.H. & S.A. Railroad. The City Engineer submitted a letter stating that he had reviewed the plans and specifications, and that they "ifere in accordance with sound engineering practices, but there was a question of inadequate grades and elevations for future i<Tidening of the pavement, and it was his opinion that this matter should be further discussed with the County Engineer and County Commissioner Kyle Chapman regarding t.he construction of the pavement on Bissonnet; the Commission to be advised of the result of the conference. Final action on a zoning matter requested by}1r. Andrew Laird, 3026 George- tmm, regarding the ext'ension of a garage into the side setback line was postponed until September 19, at which tinle Nr. .Andrew Laird will be avail- able to present his application. i..Jithno further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. A=~~ J i ~. j. ~,~ - ~ ty ocr . . ~~~ MlI.YOR 1:" .J_~--:~~~_-:-___~______====-..::a. ~r~- -- -r=p-==-~"--".--:-:r.~ __-r . lUU REGULlR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 12, 1955 The City Commission oonvened in regular session at the City Hall on"Monday" September 12, 1955, With the fOllowing members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Hammond, Reeve and Galbraith. The City Attorney and City Secretary were also present. Commissioner Goff was absent due to business reasons. The invocation was prono';IDced by Commissioner Hammond. In compliance with action taken by the City Commission on August 22, and Notice duly published in the official newspaper of the city, bids received for furnishing and installing approximately 486 lineal feet of chain link fence and appurtenances for erection at the WakeforestWater Plant, were opened and resultS announced as follows: Cyclone Fence Company............$1,,366.00 Southwestern Fence Compan,y....... 1,,427.00 . Anchor" Post Feilce Division....... 1,439.00 Hurriean Fence CmpaIW'... ~ . . ..... 1,448.00 It was the recommendation of the City Secretary that contract be awarded to Cyclone Fence Company on their low bid of $1,366.00 as it was considered" necessary to immediately replaeethe chain link fence around the Wakeforest Water Plant for protection of property and equipment. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Hammond, that the low bid of Cyclone Fence Company in the amount of $1,366.00 for instal- lation of approximately 486 lineal feet of 7 foot chain link fence at the Wakeforest Wa.ter Plant be accepted and a contract awarded. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve Voting No: None ' Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning & Planning Board of September 8, 195'5, were submitted to the Commission for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Reeve" seconded by Commissioner Hammond that the request of Mr. W. O. Gresham, 6335 Belmont, for. permission to rebuild an"d enlarge quarters attached to his garage for the' purpose of occupancy by a second family be denied as recommended by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, C'ormnissioners Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve Voting No: None .. . In connection with the request of Mr. and Mrs. R. Gill" 2639 Centenary for permission to add a lavatory and commode to a utility room attached to his garage for use by a maid and yard man, it was determined advisable to invite the ZOIl;i.IlgBoard members to discuss this matter with the Commission at the next meeting scheduled' for Monday September 19. '---r~T""'~r-""""I"7iT"~-T''''''''I",.'r' "r-------.~--r lnt: Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Oommissioner Galbraith that the City Commission concur in the action 'taken by the Zoning Board to deny a re- quest of Mrs. Paul LeGros, 3222 Rice Blvd. for permission to install a sepa- rate light meter and 220 Volt service for a garage apartment located on her premises. Voting Aye: Mwor Morris, Commissipners Galbraith, Hammond. and Reeve Voting No: None Mayor Morris read a letter from V. M. .Ehlers, Director, Bureau of Sanitary Engineering of the State Department of Health advising that a survey had been made of the city's water facilities and it was found that the City' continued to maintain and operate its water facUities in accordance with the state sanitary standards and as a result, mnnerical rating in excess of 92 points had been given. . The City Secretary advised that final statement bad been regeived from the Southwest Y.M.O.A. covering the expenses incurred by them for the operation of the sunnner recreation program. It was determined by the City Commission that the statement was in order and that it would De necessar;r to transfer money from the General Fund to the Swimming Pool Fund to pay the account of the Y.M.C.A. in the amount of $895.23 and directed the City Attorney~ prepare an ordinance authorizini the appropriation and transfer of suffi- cient funds to pay the final balance of the summer recreatioD: program. . Minutes of the meetings of August 22 and 29 were read and approved as corrected. . With no further business to come before 'the CoInmission at this time, the meeting was recessed. - - - - ~ - - - - - ~e City COllllllission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Monday, September 19, 1955, 7:)0 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioner Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve. The City Secretary and City Attorney were also present. The invocation was pronounced by Mayor Morris. Mrs. Andrew Laird, Mr.R. GUl and the following members of the Zoning Board who were invited to meet, with the Comm~ssion, were also present: ,Messrs. E. R. Davis, A. G.J?avis, Roy Maley, David Hannah, and Charles Wilson. In connection with the request of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Laird, 3020 Georgetown which was considered by the Zoning Bo~on August 11, wherein permission was requested to replace an existing garage by a new 2Ox24 foot buUding to accommodate two cars, Mrs. Laird stated that it was i1Iipossible to constru.ct a garage to accommodate two cars unless permission was granted to build within one foot of the East property line and i-& was her opinion that there ~ .. . . '~.'~~~ r"T~CC~"t;'~::::;~:L'~_::J: u.L u "~~rT~ ,. [[ ~,.,_.._.._~, - , 102 would be no objection from her neighbors. 'lhe question of establishing a precedent arose and the fact that the City Commission had denied similar requ.ests was brought out. Mrs. Lair'dasked if it would be permiS'sible to acquire two feet of property from her neighbor to the east and is such is possible would the Zoning Board and City Commission pemit subdivision of the adjacent property so that two additional feet might be acquired. . It was the decision of the City Commission that if Mrs. Laird pursued that course of action favorable consideration would be given a request to pexmit subdivision of an adjacent lot to give the additional two feet desired. Mr. R. Gill presented a sketch and outlined his request to the Commission. After considerable diSCUSSion" the.follOwing action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Galbraith,' seconded by Commissioner Reeve that the recommendation of the Zoning Board to permit installation of a lavatory and commode in a utility room at 2639 Centenary be approved for reason that it would be impossible to convert the addition into living qu.arters and that there was' a single roof line placing the neW' structure in th:e 'same' category as an addition to the home. . Voting ~et Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve Voting "No: Colnmissioner Goff . C.ity Treasurer L. A. Patton submitted a statement certifying that proceeds from the recent sale of $27,,000 City Hall Bonds had been received and de- posited in the University State Bank and $15,000 had been transferred to the Water-8ewer FUnd. and $12,000 to the General Fund in accordance lIith Resolution 55-10 dated March 14, 1955. --.-J Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hanrnond that the City Treasurer certification be acknowledged and entered into the minutes Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith" Goff, Hammond and Reeve Voting No: None TREASURER'S CERTIFICATION In compliance with Resolution No. 55-10 of February 2h, 1955, I hereby certify that the the amount of. money required for comple- tion and furnishing the City Hall amounts to $27,000.00. . 0 It is further certified that bonds in the above amount have been .sold and the proceeds therefrom delivered to this otfice and duly' deposited in the University State Bank in a fund entitled, "City' ot West University Place, City Hall Bond Fund". . . Further, repayment bas been made to theWater-8ewer Fund in the amount of $1$,000.00 and to the General Operating fund in the amount of $12,000.00 to replace monies transferred from these two accounts to the City Hall Bond Fund. These transfers and repayments were also authorized by Resolution No. 55-10 of February 24, 1955. (s) L. A. Patton, City Treasurer 10'71 : I I I .~ Resolution No. 55-40 as follows was submitted to the Conunission and read in full:. RESOLUTION NO. '5'5-ho WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, cUITently has capital available in the Tax Revenue Sinking :Fund which will not be required for operating expenses until the n~t fiscal year; L AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best in:terest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; AND, WHEREAS, the present bank balance ,the average monthly' ,income and expendi'tu.resof 'this Fund. as an'ticipated un'tU maturity of 'this investment will preclude a fund defici't; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CIrr OF WEST UNIVERSITY: PLACE, TEXAS, 'that 'the City Treasurer is hereby directed to ,invest .fUnds amounting to $20,000.00 from the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund, for a periOd of six months. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 19th daY. of September, A.D. 1955., Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that Resolution No. 55-40 directing the City Treasurer 't9 inv~st funds amounting to $20,000 from the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund in time deposit at the University State Bank for a period of six months at 2~ interest rate be passed and approved as read. Vo'ting Aye: Mayor MOrris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve Vo'ting No: None Resolution No. 55-41 as follows was subnitted 'to the Commission and read in full: .I RESOLUTION NO _ 1)1)-111 WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the Health Fund which will not be required for operat- ing expenses until the next fiscal year; AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed. to be to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; ANn, WHEREAS, tl1e p'esent bank balance , the average monthly income and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated until maturity of this investment will preclude a fund deficit; r=O:==n, ___::i1" _ _~L _~.- - ."l~ i- .,.~~. . 1..:1 __----.J.... 104 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the CitY" Treasurer is hereby" directed to invest funds amounting to $1,200.00 from the Health Fund for a period of six months. , '--, I I~ 'Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by' Commissioner Reeve, that Resolution No. 55-41 Glirecting the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $1,200 from theHea1th Fund in time deposit at the UniversitY" State Bank for a period of six months' at 2~ interest rate be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, COOlIIlissibners Galbraith, Hammond, Goff and Reeve Voting No: None Mayor Morrisannuunced 'that for some 'time the Ci'ty Commission had been studying the advisability of creating the office of City Manager. 111e need for such a position arises from ambiguous language in the City Charter describing certain city' o1:fices and from a desire on the part of the Commission to create an efficient business organization for the citY" with well defined lines of authority and responsibility. Such a move has' likewise been deemed4esireablefrom the standpoint of attracting and retaining capable city administrators who will be' as free as possible from political vicissitu~es. A copy of an ordinance prepared by the City At>tOrney- which had been PrQv;ded each menber of the City Commission ~or study was submitted. . Ordinance No. 695, captioned as follows, was read in run: u AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE OFFICE OF CITY MANAGER FOR THE CI'lY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TElAS; PRESCRIBING HIS POWERS AND DUnES, PROVIDING FOR COMPENS! TraN AND BOND ANJ)'DECLARINGiAN ltFl'EeTIVE DA'IE. Motion by Commissioner GalbraitlI, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that Ordinance No. 695, creating the office of City Manager," prescribing his powers and duties, providing for compensation and bond and declaring an effective date for its incep'tion, be passed and' approved on its first reading. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve Voting No: Hone With no further business to come b'efore the Commission at 'this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~Z-k~ Mayor:, City of West University Place, Texas ; l...-.-i AT~ / ,/ . A . ~*' ~X-// 'e'i ty ecre' -'- T:O:<:-:"'.T:C~'-~<C,CC:~=:::!---'-=E'c~""~'rc':"c '...::r- -----------'-'----'--=:1 l (~:i!:l . .., REGULAR I-ffiETING OF CITY COJlonUSSION SEPmMBER 26, 1955 . The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, September 26, 1955, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff and Hammond. The City Secretary and City Attorney w~re also present. Commissioner Reeve was absent due to business rea~ons., The invocation was pronounced Py,Commissioner Goff. Mrs. Herbert R. Cutlip, 2904 Plumb Street and Mrs. W. S. Cleaves, 8141 Joplin Street appeared before t~ Commission requesting permission for children of West University to solicit funds on Halloween night for UNICEF, an organization associated with United Nations. Mrs. Cutlip explained to the Commission that the U. S. Connnittee for UNICEF (United Nations Childrens Fund) is an organization l{orking to improve the health and welf'are of children and mothers in foreign countries and that niJlety- one countries presently have UNICEF aided programs. Literature was presented to the Commission which explained hO)f the program' has helped children in aU parts of the world by the children of America who solicit the funds on Halloween night in the form of "Trick or Treat" and has. given the young folk an opportunity to perform acts of copstruction rather than destmction. The Chief of Police and City Attorney were requested by the City Commission to make a furt~er. study of the plan and make their recommendation at a later date as to whether or not such ac- tivity would be in violation of Orm.nance No. 688. Chief pf Police H. E. Shipp, Auxiliary Reserve Chief of Police Marvin Cole, and members of the Auxiliary Reserve Pistol, Team presented to the city two trophies which had been won by the team at recent pistol tourna- ments. The Team was commended by the City Commission for their expert marksmanship. 1I:1e City Secretary advised that the builder of the two n~ houses at 4132 and 4128 Richmond had requested that the requirement for installation of sidewalks be waived as the' front property line of these two lots is at the edge of the ditch and there is no way to properly construct sidewalks under present conditions. It was the recommendation of the Building Inspector and City Secretary that the requirement for sidewalks be waived for the present time on Lots 19 and 20, Block 3, College Court';. After. considering the matter it was the opinion of the Commission that arrange- ments should be made with the builder for future construction of the sidewalks if and when conditions would permit Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that the City Secretary be authorized to negotiate with the Builder of the two new houses at 4128 and 4132 Richmond for a four foot easement across Lots 19 and 20, Block 3, COllege Court, for eventual constrn.ction of a side- walk and to leave an amount with the city equal to 50~ per square foot to cover cost of constmction. thereof; and that requiremt3nt of sidewalk ... -'; ~~, r'J.==:Jr:-32i"'~-:::r-------=:1-"-"T~:~'~"'T:r---- -:-=I-- ,-, 1 ~JHl construction before release of premises for occupancy as specified in Ordinance No. .313 be waived. -1 ; I I Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff and Hammond Voting No: None A request was received from }lr. Edward L. Mitchell, President of the Washmobile Company of Texas,. Inc., for lease ofa city owned strip of land 60xl25 Ft. in the 4200 Block of Bellaire Bl Yd. which is a portion of a tract acquired for storm sewer R.O.W. carrying water from West Univer- sity Place into Braes Bayou, for the purpose of establishing' a car laundry operation. . Mr. M-itchell proposed to lease the.1and on ,the following basis: (1) Lease at $150.00 per month, for period of 10 years, plus opt.ion of additional 10 year lease. (2) That the City of west University should extend the drainage ditch pipe and fill, to the south 100 Feet or should ha:ve some mutual agreement on the cost of exten~ingt:b.is tile drain... (3) At a later date, if desired by lessee" to extend south approximately 100 t0200 feet without approval of the City of We&t Univenity, provided that lessee pays ~or additional drainage tile and fill. (k) Lessee will have the right to put up whatever signs necessary for, advertising this operation. (S) Lessee will have option,.to sublease the' property and business without approval of the city. (6) Lessee will pay in advance on signing of lease, the first and last months rent on the first year of the lease which will be approxiinately $300.00. (7) Lessee will. have W;~daysto complete con- stmetion and building before lease rent begins. :-1 In considering the proposal, the Commission took exception to items 1" J and 5 and authorized the City Secretary. to negotiate with Mr. Mitchell on the basis of a 5 year lease plus optiOn of additional 5 year lease and requirillg approval from the city for installation of drainage tile and land fill to extend the depth of the property and also for subleasing the property and! or business. . Ordin~ce No. 695, captioned as follows, was subni t ted to the Commission for its second reading: AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE OFFICE OF CITY MANAGER FOR THE CITY OF:wEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS) PRESCRIBING' HIS POWERS AND DUTI$S,pmVIDING FOR COMPENSATION,' AND BOND AND IlECaRING' AN' EFllEC fiVE DA'IE. Motion by Commissioner Hammond" seconded by COll'lIllissj,oner Galbraith that Ordinance No. 695" creating the office of City Manager, prescribing his powers and duties, providing for compensation and bond and declaring an effeetivedate" be passed and approved on its second reading. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris" Commissioners Galbraith" Goff and HaIllmond Voting No: None Ordinance No. 696, captioned as follows, was presented to the Commission for consideration and read in full: '--~~'"T''':'''"''C~r~''''~''' r" "'~r"!"~'''''~'''''1~-''------'-..'.-'n''..- 107 AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING THE MO'IDR VEHICI.;E KNOWN AS FIRE ,DEPARiMENT EQUIPMENT NO. 205 OR I'IS REPLACEMENT, A DULY ',A.UTHORIZED EMERGENCY VEHICLE OF THE CIn OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE . Matian by Commissianer Goff, secanded by Cammissianer Hammond, that Ordinance No.. 696 , ,designating the mater vehicle known as fire Depart- ment equipment No. 205, or its replacement, a duly authorized emergency vehicle of the city, be passed and approved. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Cammissioners Galbraith, Gaff and Hammand Voting No.: Nane Ordinance No.. 697, captioned as follaws, was submitted to the Cammission far consideratian and read in f'ull: AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE AGGREGATE SUM OF ONE THOUSAND THIRTY- NINE & 70/100 ($1,039.70) DOLLARS OUT OF THE GENERAL FUND OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE AND TRANSFERRING SUCH SUM TO THE SWOOIING POOL FUND AND AUTHORIZING THE PAYMENT OF EIGHT HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE & 23/100 ($895.23) DOLLARS TO THE SOU'lHWEST YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. Matian by Cammissianer Galbraith" seconded by Cammissioner Hammand" that Ordinance No.. 697, apprapriating the aggregate sum 0.1' $1,039.70, aut of the General Fund. 0.1' the City of West University Place and transferring such SuIll to. the Sw:iJnming Paal and autharizing the payment af $895.23 to. the Sauthwest Yaung Men's Christian Assaciatian, be passed and approved as read. Vating Aye: Mayor MorriS, Commissianers Galbraith, Goff and Hammo.nd Vating No.: Nane rn campiiance with actian taken by the City Cammissian an August 1, 1955, the City Secretary advised that arrangements had been made with Mr. Albert Olso.n far purchase o.f Lat 13, Block 15, Callegeview 3rd Addi tian and that he had received a letter fram the Stewart Title Campany stating that an appaintment had been made for September 29, 1955, for final canpletian 0.1' conveying the property. Motian by Commissioner Galbraith, secanded by Commissioner Hammand that Lot 13, Block 15, Callegeview 3rd Additian be purchased by the city and ~: the conveyance 0.1'. the property be closed in keeping with actian af the City Cammiss on an August 1, 1955. Voting Aye: Mayar Marris, Co.mmissianers Galbraith, Goff and Hammond Vating No.: None Minutes of the meetings af September 12 and 19, were read and appraved as carrected. ~_- T -,_ I l' "'.'._;":"':'~~'~-------==r-" - !"'_7_'~_.----- -."-r~'~-------~-----=I----- 108 1______ _ , With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: / ~ ~H~d,J 1::1 ~ Secret r"T'c'"'"TT-"'~''''7~':l-''' r-'-~-T'-r--~--'-""'rT ~]f~~ Mayor, City of West University Place, Texas " - 1:([) 9r REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION OCTOBER 10, 1955 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall, 7:30 P.M. Monday, October 10, 1955, with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioner ,Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve. The City Attor- ney and City, Secretary were also present. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Reeve. Resolution No~ 55-4?, as follows, was submitted to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the Tax Collector Fund which will not be required for operating expenses until the next fiscal year; AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; AND, WHEREAS, the present ,bank balance, the average I!lonthly income and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated until maturity of this investment will preclude a fund deficit; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CIT! COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITrPLACE, 1EXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $10,000.00 from the Tax Collector fund, for a period of six months. Motion by Commissioner Hammond, E1econded by Commissioner Galbraith, that Resolution No. 55-42 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amount- ing to $10,000 from the Tax Collector Fund ~th the University State Bank at ~ interest rate for a period of six months be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve Voting No; None Resolution No. 55:-43, as follOWS, was submitted and read in full: WHEREAS, THE City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the Tax Collector Fund which will pot be required for operating expenses until the next fiscal year; AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to. the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; r!=n'~ -----'"~ - --I" i ~_O'-Tl r---'-"-' -----,---,-----,-,-_.., i 11 ~l AND WHEREAS, the present bank balance~ the average monthly income and expenditures of this FUnd as anticipated until maturity of this investment will.preclude' a fund deficit; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF THE CITY OF-WEST UNIVERSITY PlACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $20~OOO from the Tax Collector Fund~ for a period of six months. Motion by Commissioner lIEmnnond, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that Resolution 55-43, directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $20,000 from the Tax Collector FUnd with the University State Bank: at 2~ interest rate for a period. of six months be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and . Reeve. Voting No: None Resolution No. 55-44, as follows, was submitted and read in full: WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the Water-Sewer Fund which will not be required for operating expenses until the next fiscal year; AND WHEREAS, it. is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such funds be. placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; AND WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated until maturity of this investment will preclude a fund defieit; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $20,000 from the Water-Sewer Fund, for a period of six months'. Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that Resolution No. 55-44 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $20~OOO from the Water-Sewer Fund with the Uni- versity State Bank at 2~ interest rate for a period of six months be passed. and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve Voting No: None 11;1 The City Secretary advised the Commission that during the 90urse of erecting a. chain link fence around the Wakeforest Water Plant' it was determined advisable to dispose of unusable scrap pipe and iron stored on the premises. The salvage material was purchased by the Houston Junk Company, Inc., for the sum of $137.02. The Commission concurred in this action and requested that a record be made in the official minutes of dispo- si tion of the unusable material. ' A letter fran Mr. Dean Gorham, Director Texas Municipal Retirement System, which revealed that the city's contribution rate for 1956 would be reduced from .050% to .026%, was submitted to the Commission. After'discussing the reduction and possibility of applying the saving on social security benefits the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that the Personnel Board be advised of the city's contribution rate to Texas Municipal Retirement System and request them to study the advisability of integrating social security with the city's retirement plan. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris" Commissioners Galbraitp., Goff, Hammond and Reeve Voting No: None Mr. Charles perrenod, 2619 Tangleyand a group of other residents from the 26-2700 block Tangley appeared before the Commission protesting the condition of the water in this vicinity. '!hey explained that the water , has been discolored and has a very bad odor and from time the liJles are flushed which does give temporary relief bllt they 'Would like to request that a study be made in order that something might be done which 'Would , give them permanent relief from this condition. The Commission agreed to have the lines flushed every other day for temporary re;I.ief and for permanent relief they would secure the services of Fire Prevention and Engineering, Bureau of Texas, who bas recently made a survey of the city' s water system but have not at this time submitted a report of their findings. City Tax Assessor-Gollector L. A. Patton, submitted a letter outlinimg details of a duplication of assessment and collection of taxes on Lot 2, Block, 48, West Uni versi ty Place 2nd Addition and recommended that the Owner, Mr. J.' C. Herndon be refunded a total of $90.16 for overpayment of ,taxes for the years 1947 through 1954. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that the recommendation of the City Tax Assessor Collector be accepted and Mr. J. C. Herndon be refunded a total of $90.10 for overp~ent of taxes for tlte years 1947-1954 on the East '75x150 Feet of Lo;t 2, Block 48, West University Second Addition. . Voting Aye: Mayor Morris" Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve Voting No : None r",~~"==:':':c,,,,:C=' _ _~._r ._.,-cc.-.,,-.- ~!~--r=="~~="-~-;-Fr '--:r ---,-, ,,- 112 Ordinance No. 695, captioned as fOllows, was submitted to the Commission for a third reading: AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE OFFICE OF CITY MANAGER R>R THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, PRESCRIBING HIS POWERS AND DUTIES, PROVIDING FUR COMPENSATION AND BOND AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Notion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Reeve that Or- dinance No. 695, creating the office ot City Manager, prescribing his powers and duties,. providing, for compensation and bond and declaring an effective date, be passed and approved on its third and final reading. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve Voting No: None Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that Whitt Johnson be appointed City Manager of the City of West University at his present salar,y. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Conmdssioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve Voting No: NGne Mayor Morris administered the Oath of Office to Whitt Johnson as City Manager. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that Whit't Johnson retain the title of City Secretary without additional compensation. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve Voting No: None A letter was acknowledged from Standard & Poor's Corporation who advised that they-had decided to advance the city's general obligation bond rating from Bl+to A after considering recent data forwarded to them by the City Secretary. The Commission was infonned that a number of houses were erroneously numbered especially where the houses were built when the subdivision was origiDally developed, ..and residents were desirous of having the _ houses renumbered. The Commission authorized the City Manager to con- tact residents and renumber houses where there is confusion by the numbers not being in consecutive order. Minutes of September 26, 1955, were read and approved. - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ I rj'--n - j "J. r--' -r~";"':' ',. 1 .f 113 The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Monday, October 17,1955, with the following members present: Mayor MOITis, presiding, Commissioners Hammond and Reeve. The City Attorney and City Secretary were also present. - Commissioners Goff and Galbraith were absent due to business reasons. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Hammond. Zoning" Board Members E. R. Davis, David Hannah and Charles Wilson met with the City Commission in relation to action taken by the Board in their regular meeting of October 13, 1955. The City Commission con- sidered the request of Mr. Joseph Marquer, 2616 Amherst, owner of Lots 1, 3 & 5, Block 12, Virginia Court. After discussing the mat-ter with members of the Zoning Board, the City Attorney was requested to submit a legal interpretation of the Zoning Ordinance with reference to erec- tion of an auxiliary building on the property owned by Mr. Marquer. The request submitted by Mr. Paul Elliott, President of the Art League for use of a lot in a single family residential area for erection of a building suitable for art exhibits was discussed. Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Reeve that the action of the Zoning Board in denying the request of Mr. Paul Elliott for erection of' an art exhibit building on Lot 8, Block 9, Preston Place, be upheld. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Hammond and Reeve None Resolution No. 55-45, was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full. Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Hammond, that Resolution No. 55-45 directing the City Treasurer to invest .funds amount- ing to $10,000.00 from the ~later-Sewer Fund for a period of six months be passed and approved as read. "Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Hammond and Reeve Voting No: None Resolution No. 55-46, was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full: Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Hammond, that Resolution No. 55-46 directing the Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $35,000 from the Tax Collector Fund for a period of six months be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Hayor Morris, Commissioners Hammond and Reeve None I'"' ~ ~ c-=r-'-' -~~:r' -, '---r -, I ,- -=l-_m___~- - -=r 114 The City Attorney apprised the Commission of the facts involved re- lating to an appeal case in Judge Byron Johnson's County Court at Law where a section of Ordinance No. 492 was declared invalid during an appeal from Corporation Court involving the City and Defendent James R. Gough. It was the decision of the Commission that corrective measures should be taken with respect to Ordinance No. 492 in order that no doubt would be 'left in the public's mind regarding the validity of the ordinance. ']he following ordinance correcting Ordinance No. 492 was presented to the Commission and read in full: 'ORDINANCE NO. 698 ANORDIliANOF,iAUTJIORIZWw.ANDDIRECTING THE CHIEF OF POLICE OF 'lllE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, TO DESIGNATE CERTAIN TRAFFIC CONTROL LOCATIONS WITH 'lHE CONCURRENCE MiD CONSENT OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TExAs, PBOVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF TRAFFIC SIGNS AND SIGNAlS; PROVIDING FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF FINES FOR THE VIO- LA TION OF THE REGULATIONS PROMULGATED HEREUNDER AND PROVIDING FOR THE ORDINANCE HEREIN PASSED TO BE CUMULATIVE OF THE PROVI- SIONS OF ALL OTHER STATE AND CITY TRAFFIC REGULATIONS FOR LAWS NOW IN EFFECT. Moti,on by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, that Ordinance No. 698, authorizing and directing the Chief of Police to designate certain traffic control locations, providing for the con- struction and installation of traffic signs and Signals, providing for the assessment of fines for the violation of the regulations promulgated hereunder and p:r:-oviding for the ordinance to be cumulative of the pro~ visions of all other state and city traffic regulations how in effect, be passed and approved as read. . Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioner Hammond and Reeve Voting No: 'None - With no further business to come before'the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded. and carried, the meeting was adjourned. "~ Jf?1~ · Mayox-,--{7ity-of-Wes'b-furiversity,Place, Texas ATTEST: 115 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION OCTOBER,24, 1955 ihe City Commission convened in regu.lar session ~t the City Hall, 7:30 P.M., Monday, October 24, 1955, with the following~ members present: Mayor Pro-teIn Goff, presiding; Commissioners Hammond and Reeve. The Mayor, City Manager, and COlIimissioner Galbraith were out of the City on business. City Treasurer L. A.Patton served in the absence of the City Manager. The invocation was pronounced by Mayor Pro tem Goff. Mr. Edward L. Mitchell and his Attorney, Jerry Veltman, representing theWashmobile Company of Texas, met with the Commission to further discuss the leasing of a strip of land 60xl25 feet in the 4200 block of Bellaire Boulevard. A pl"evious discussion of this request appears in the minutes of September 26. Because of the absence of some of the members of the Commission, no definite action was taken toward this proposed lease, but in,dicationwas made that further action would be taken at the next me(;)ting. At this time, the representa- tives of the Company proposed the followiI).g changes from the orig- inal disc1;1Ssion: (1) The lease shall be on the basis of 5 years, with an option to renew at the end of the first fiYe and seeondfive year periods. Rent on the basic tract of 60 x 150 feet would be on the basis of $150.00 per month, and in the event the Company should use an additional 100 feet depth, the monthly rental would be $225.00. The above rental rate would be ,subject to.a 10% increase on eachLre~ newal or option date. ille ,Commission took exception to the 15 year term entirely at the option of the 'lessee. Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Reeve that "No Parking" signs be p],.acedin the 2600 Block of Robinhood on the North side of the street as recommended by the C:i:1;y Manager and the Chief of Police and the plat submitted by' the Chief of Police. Voting Aye: Mayor Pro~tam Goff; Connnissioners Hammond and Reeve Voting No: None . Motion by Commissioner ~Reev.e, seconded by Commissioner Hammond that the City Manager'b.j:;a.utQ.o'~z..llto advertise for bids for the purchase of 200 feet of liineh and 200 feet ot 2i inch fire hose; Bids to be opened at 7:30 P.M. November 28, 1955. Voting Aye: Mayor pro-tam Goff; Commissioners Hammond a:Q.d Reeve Voting No: None Reso~ution No. 55-47 as follows, was submitted to the Commission and read in full: '.~~--- r':T"'~-"~o-~"t~--=''-'-----''O;~;C':=~~:~~----~~'-~~'''''--' ---=-T~'---~:.c-' '-".,".oo-o-r.:-or------------- ----:::::r 1'16- -, WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the Tax Collector Fund which will not be required for operating expenses until the next fiscal year; AND WHEREAS, it is deemedto.be to the best interest of the city that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment, iR order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the opera- tion of the City; AND WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average moilthly income and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated lUlti1 maturity of this iDvestment will preclude a fIlnd deficit; NOW, 'lHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF '!HE.CITY OF 'illEST UNIVERSITr PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest flmds amounting to $15,000 from the Tax Collec- tor Fund for a period of six mOnths. Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Reeve that Reso- lution No. 55-47 directing the City'Treasurer to invest .funds amounting to $15,000 from the, Tax Collector i'und for a period of six months be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Pro tem Goff, Commissioners Hammond and Reeve Voting No: None .Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Reeve that a pem:Ltzilbe,',issu.ed whereby Mr. Doyle May, 3219 University Boulevard. may convert an existing garage apartment into a den and bedroom for his sons by removing kitchen facilities and remodeling the structure as recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Vot~gAye: Mayor Pro tem Goff, Commissioners Hammond and Reeve Voting No: None Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Hammond that the request of Mr. Joseph Marquer,2616 Amherst Street to reconstitute Lots 1, 3 and 5, Block 13, Virginia Court into one lot be referred to the City A ttorneyfor his opinion. ' Voting Aye: Mayor Pro teit GOff, CommissironersHammond and Reeve Voting No: ,None Minutes of October 10, 1955, and October 17, 1955 were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was <recessed. ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ -~._'-" rI:,,"r:~--'=r::-=::r--' ",,_.,_L~~.TT'-.-Tr-..---.._-":--=I' ," 'T"'-- 11:7; (; I 1 i ! The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on November 7, 1955, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, pre- siding; Commissioner Galbraith~ Goff and Reeve. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Conunis~ioner Hammond was absent. t~ The Invocation was pronounced by Mr. A.B. Penny. Resolution No. 55-48, as follows~ was submitted to the Commission and read in full: ~s~ the City of West University Place, currently has capital available" in the General Fund which will not be required for opera ting expenses until the next fiscal year; , . AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn ad~tional revenue in the form of interest for the opera- tion of the City; AND ~ WHEREAS, the present bank balance ~ the average monthly income andexpenditares of this Fund as anticipated until maturity of this investment will preclude a ifund deficit; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITr COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITr PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $10,000 from the General Fund, for a period of six months. " Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner 'Reeve, that Resolution No. 55-h8, directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $10,000 from the General Fund for a period. of six month, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff and Reeve Voting No: ',None Resol\l~~on 'No.>$~-49,.;,'asfoJ;~~s,):Ji;~~;S'Q.bmittedtothe Conunissipn and read in full: :WHEREAS, the City ofWe~t University Place, currently has capital available in the Tax Collector Fund which will not be required for, operating expenses until' the next fiscal year; AND, '\mEREAS, it is deemed to be to "the best interest of the City that such funds be placed ina time deposit investment in order to eam additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the city; AND, WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly inQ'Ome and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated until maturity of this investment will preclude a fund deficit: '~-r'"i'~~T~'~'~'=I'"1';;r'--ro~-~"'''T~'!,'~'''' "I"r--...._... f" , lIts NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF m CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXA,S, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $50,000.00 from the Tax Collector Fund, for a period of six months. Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that Resolution No. 55...49, directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $50,000 from the Tax Collector FUnd, for a period of six months be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff and Reeve. Voting No: None Resolution No. 55-50 as follOW's, was submitted to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, the City of 'West University Place, currently has capital available in the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund which will not be required for operating expenses until the next fiscal year; AND, WHEREAS, i't is deemed to be to the best interest of the City ~hat such funds be placed in' a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of in t.erest for the operation of 'the City; ~ND, WHEREAS, the p;resent bank balance, the average monthly income and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated until maturity of this, investment will preclude a fund defici't; i' NOW', THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION. OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is l1ereby directed to invest funds amounting to $25,000.00 from 'the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund, for a period of six months. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissionerlleeve that , Resolution No. 55-50 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $~pOO.OO from t.n.' ''!ax;Rtav_.&.,::SfuMihg~~,; fora"penoQ 'of'ah months ">be passed and approved as read. ' Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Gaff and Reeve. ' Voting No: None Resolution No. 55-51 as foilOW's, was submitted to theCoIllInission and read in full: WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the Street Improvement-1948Fund which will not be required for operating expenses until the next fiscal year;' AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed 'to be to the best interest of th~ City that such funds be placed in a 'time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the form of interest for the operation of the City; I , I , i~'~'T!C~.~C':'~'''0r--'-r-'''''-'"r--:'- ,,,.. '-''"TT------'------r' 119 \~' AND, WHEREAS, the present bank balance ,the average monthly . income and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated until maturity of this investment will preclude a fund deficit; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GI'lY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSI'lY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amountihg to $1,060.00 from the Street Improvement-1948 Fund, for a period of twelve months. Motion by Comm:issioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that Resolution No. 55-51 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $1,060.00 from the Street Improvement-1948 Fund, fora period of twelve months, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting 'No: Mayor Morrisf Commissioners Galbraith, Goff ana Reeve None: Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Reeve that the following proclamation proClaiming veteran's Day on November 11, 1955, be' passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff and Reeve None POOr:r1~M~ '1'TflN WHEREAS, the President of the United States has issued aproc- lamation calling upon all the Citizens of this Nation to observe Friday, November 11, 1955 as Veterans' Day to commemorate and to pay appropriate homage to the veterans of all the wars of this Nation who have contributed so mch to the preservation of this Nation; to solemnly remember the sacrifices of all tho~e who fought so valiantly on the seas, in the air, and on foreign , shores tc? preserve our heritage of freedom, and WHEREAS, the Governor of the state of Texas' by proclamation has further requested all citizens of the State of Texas to observe Friday, November 11, .1955, as Veterans' Day, - NOW, THEREFORE, I, EDWIN W. -MORRIS, Mayor of the City of West University Place, Texas, do hereby call upon all the citizens of . West University Place to observe Friday, November 11, 19~i, as Veterans' Day. I request all citizens of this City, business enterprises, veterans' organizations and city officials to assist the State Committee for the observance of Veterans' Day in every way possible for the observance of November 11, 1955, with appro- ' priate ceremonies. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the official seal 01' the City of West University Place to be affixed. Done at the City of West University Place, Texas, this 7th day of November, 1955. (s) Edwin W. Morris, Mayor r,~~ r ""-~I'~'T'~~~~~ -.- 120 Mr. Edward L. Mitchell, President of Washmobile Company of Texas, and his Attorney, Jerry Veltman, appeared before the Commission in regard to details of a p~oposed agreement with respect to the leasing of a tract 'of land 6Ox150 Feet in the 4200 Block of Bellaire Blvd., owned by the City and used for ~ainage Right-of-way purposes., The City Attorney was instructed to study the agreement and present it at th~ next regular m~eting.' , '----1 "City Tax Assessor-Co11ector, L. A. Patton, presented the 1955 tax roll and requested its approval by the City Commission. After re- viewing the 1955 tax roll, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Cominissioner Goff that the 1955 tax roll as prepared and certified by City Tax Assessor-Collec- tor L. A. Patton, be accepted and approved. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff and Reeve. Voting No: None In accordance with recommendation by the City Manager for purchase of a dUplicating machine estimated to cost in excess of $500.00,' the" following action was taken: Mot:j.on by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that ad1i.plicating machine be purchased on competitive bids and the City Manager instructed to insert Notice to Bidders in the official news- paper of the city for bids to be received until November 28, 1955, 7:30P.M. f _i Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff and Reeve. None Mr.A. B. Penny, 3104 Amherst appeared before the Commission in regard to enlarging an existing garage on his property which would extend 2 feet into the rear easement and would encroach on the side property line. Messrs. A. G. Davis, M. C. Halbert and Charles Wilson met in a special ZOIl;ing,>;Board meeting prior to the meeting of the City Commission to consider Mr. Penny's request and submitted their actior,t. It was the recommendation of the Zoning Board that Mr. Penny be requ:i:red to meet all prescribed setb~ck requirements. It was the decision of the City Commission that inasmuch Mr. Penny did not desire to delay the building of his garage for a."period of time required to hold a public hearing on his request for extension into the setback lines; that he conform with 'the required ,setback lines. ' Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff and Reeve None The Cit,y Manager requested the Commission's decision concerning the observance of Christmas and New Years' holidays. ,--, F''']-'' 'IT -"-~I":';'7 r' """"I--T" ,..""TT------------. 12,1 (-- I Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that Monday, December 26, 1955, be officially observed as Christmas Holiday and Monday January 2, 1956, be off'icially observed as the New Yearts Holiday. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, qommissioners Galbraith, Goff and Reeve None Minutes of the meeting of October 24, were read' and approved as corrected. - With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting lias adjourned. ~~2?L~ Mayor, City of West University Place, TexaS ATTEST: tI ~..., ,c/' r'Ci~CTIT-~"-~~'~;~- r___C-I-.'T__"~'- '....,,------ 122 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION NOVEMBER 14, 1955 The City Commission convened in regular session at. the City Hall on Monday, November 14, 1955, 7:30 P.M. with the following members ,present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Galbraith and Reeve. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Commissioner Goff was absent as he was out of the city on vacation and Commissioner Hammond was absent due to busines s reasons. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Galbraith. Resolution 55-52, as follows, was submitted to the Commission for considera- tion and read in full: WHEREAS, THE City of West University Place, cUITently has capital available in the Water-Sewer Fund which will not be required for operating expenses until the next fiscal year; AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to be to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue in the fOI"l1l"of interest for the operation of the City; AND, WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and expenditures of this Fund as anticipated until IIU(l.turi ty of this investment will preclude a fund deficit; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CI'lY COmnSSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $20,000.00 from the Water- Sewer Fund, for a period of six months. _! Motion qy Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that Resolution 55-52 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $20,000 from the Water-Sewer Fund for a period of six months be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, and Reeve None A letter from Mr. Howard Jensen, Engineer of the HaITis County Flood Control District was read to the Commission. Mr. Jensen stated that since the completion of Poor Farm Ditch, residents had been dumping debris, boxes and other matter from the yards into the ditch and had caused an unsanitary appearance and that funds were not available for this type of maintenance and requested the city's cooperation to pro- hibit residents from using the ditch as a dumping place. The City Manager was instructed to request Sanitarian C. E. Posey to investigate the condition and advise violators that the practice of dumping various items into the Poor Farm Ditch was in violation of an ordinance which prohibits this practice. J: -:::::':- _ ::-::=r-~"""'-: ~~--:-: -"-=.-::=-~~=~~ - _~~_c'.-oc", --,--,!o..=:cc_,!-,__"" '=_=_-.=,=~ 1/2' <.) j[,.) ,. City Attorney Charles Cockrell submitted a contract in final form between the City and Edward L. Mitchell, President of the Washmobile Company of Texas for leasing of a tract of land 60xl50 Feet in the 4200 block of Bellaire Blvd. being a portion of Right-of-way property where the city's Academy Street stonn sewer is extended to divert drainage water into Brays Bayou. A 721t monolithic stonn sewer is , presently installed at a point 100 Feet south' of the south property line of Bellaire Blvd.' and it is proposed to extend the storm sewer 50 Feet at the present time under the contract agreement and an addi- tional 100 Feet at a later date if an option in the contract is exer- cised by Mr. Mitchell. The City Attorney explained the provisions of the contract and stated that previous exceptions taken by the City Commission had either been deleted or corrected in accordance with their agreement with !-1r. Mitchell. Motion by Commissioner Gdbraith, seconded by Commissioner Reeve that Mayor Morris be authorized to execute a contract between the city and Edward L. Mitchell for lease of a 60x150 Foot tract of land with an option for lease of an additional 100 Feet in the !i200 Block of Bellaire Blvd. which is Right-of-way now used by the city for drainage purposes. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, and. Reeve Voting No: None Minutes of the meeting of November 7, 1955, were read and approved as corrected. ' , ''lith no further business, to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made" seconded and carried, the meeting was adjoumed. ~}/-~ Mayor, City of West University Place, Texas A TTES T: J j ,,',.-r:'.. '~~~ .. r-' , --L1 .1 l~Lf REGULAR MEETING OF CITY CO~IISSION NOVEMBER 28, 1955 The City Commission convened in regular'session at the City Hall on Monday, November 28, 1955, 7:30 P.M. with the follol'Ting members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioner Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve. '!he City Attorney and City Manager were also present. Commissioner Hammond pronounced the Invocation., In compliance with Notice to Bidders duly published in the official news~aper of the city, bids received for 200 Fe~t of 2i I!1ch:and 200 Feet of 12 Inch Fire Hose were opened and the following results announced: American-LaFrance-Foamite 2i~ - $374.00 lilt -$266.00 Bi-Lateral Fire Hose Co. It 320.00 It 220.00 Butler Fire Equipment Co. It 315.70 It 215.60 Eureka Fire Hose u 330.00 It 220.00 Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Reeve, ? that bids received for furnishing 200 Feet of 2i Inch and 200 Feet of Ii Inch fire hose be referred to the City Manager and Fire }iarshal for study and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None In compliance with Notice to Bidders duly published in the official , newspaper of the city, bids received for delivery of' one electric mimeo- graph machine were opened and the following results announced: Maverick-C larke Houston Duplicator Co. Wallace Duplicator Co. $ 300.00 650.00 599.50 Motion by COIJIDlissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that bids received for delivery, of one electric mimeograph machine be referred to the City }ianager and City Treasurer for study and recommendation. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve Voting No: None Attorney Rush Record who personally asked for an appointment before the Commission, did not appear on behalf of his client, Mr. Thomas Elliott pertaining to application for building permit to construct a residence on Lot 5, Block 35, West University Place 1st Addition which fronts Poor Farm Ditch. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Peebles and Hr. Gus Barkow appeared and presented their objections to the construction of a residence on the above mentioned property. Inasmuch as Mr. Record was not present, the Commis- sion took no action on the request for a building permit and agreed to advise those present and opposing the issuance of a building permit of any action that might be taken in the future and to give them an opportunity to again voice their objections. r~:=..C~'iT'""""""~"~'-"!'---r"""'"'I":" ,,''',,' ''1"'- "-, 12,5 In connection with an agreement to extend the Academy Storm Sewer sw.th of Bellaire Boulevard a distance of 50 feet as provided in the lease agreement with Mr. Edward L. Mitchell, of v.lashmobile Company of Texas, bids were submitted from the following firms: Russ Mitchell Co., Inc. Reinforced concrete Monolithic concrete $2,000.00 2,200.00 2,000.00 John Holland Company Concrete pipe (Reinf.) Concrete Pipe (Reinf.) Monolithic concrete 1,975.00 2,000.00 B & T Construction Co. After reviewing the specifications and bids it was the opinion of the Oi ty Commission that the installation of monolithic sewer would be more advantageous to the city than pre-cast concrete pipe for the intended use of the propert,y. Motion by Commissioner, Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Hammond, that the B & T Construction Company be awarded a contract for install- ing 50 Feet of monolithic, 72 inch concrete sewer at $40.00 per foot on behalf of Mr. Edward L. ~Iitchell of Washmobile Company of Texas who is to pay the contract price and to apply the cost of this construction in the amount of $2,000 as an advance pqvment of the rental agreement on the Academy Storm Sewer Right-of-Way prope:vty. Voting Aye: . Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve. Voting No: None In connection with the recommendation presented by Chief of Police H. E. Shipp, to change the No Parking signs on the north side of the 26- 2700 block University Boulevard to No Parking 8 A.M. to 5 P.M., it was the decision of the City Commission that this matter again be referred ,to the Chief of Police for him to consider the effect such hours would have on early morning and evening traffic using University Boulevard. Hinutes of November 14, 1955, were read and approved as corrected. With no further business ,to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed. The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall, 7:30 P.}!l. Monday, December 5, 1955, with the following members present: l.\fayor Norris, presidiDg; Commissioners Goff and Reeve. The City Manager was also present. Commissioner Galbraith and Hammond were absent due to business reasons. The City Attorney was absent due to illness. -~~---V~~'''''''-'l"_'''',-!~-oc",==,~:=_~- - J26 A recommendation was submitted from the Fire Marshal and City Manager that Butler Fire Equipment Company be awarded a contract for delivery of 200 Feet of 2~ Inch Fire Ho.se for $315.70 and 200 Feet of 1~ Inch Fire Hose for $215.60 in accordance with their bid submitted on November 28, 1955, stating that this was ,a second grade Fire Hose but that it would be desirable to purchase the hose to compare its use against other hose now in sto.ck. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Reeve that the recommendation of the City l.\'lanager and Fire Marshal be approved and a contrac,t awarded to Butler Fire Equipment Company for delivery of ,200 Feet of 2~ Inch Fire Hose for $315.70 and 200 Feet 0.1' 1~ Inch Fire Hose fur $215.60. ' Voting Aye:, Mayor Morris, Commissioners Goff and Reeve. Voting No: None A recommendation was submitted from the City Manager and City Treasurer that the low bid of Maverick-Clarke for deli very of one Electric Mimeo- graph machine in the amount of $300 .00 be accepted. Motio.n by Co.mmissioner Goff, seconded by CDmmissioner Reeve that One D 270-EAU Electric Mimeograph Machine be purchased from lvIaverick-Clarke on their low bid of $300 as recommended by the City Manager and City Treasurer. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Co.mmissioners Goff and Reeve. None The City Manager stated that !>Ir. J. I. Cornelison had requested a , six month leave of absence because 0.1' personal illness and that it was advisable to. replace him llr~ediately and stated that after contacting several prospecti va applica.nts, that Mr. Alton Rutherford Jackson had been interviewed by CDmmissioner Reeve and himself and his qualifica- tions meet the city's requirements, and that he was recommending Mr. , Jack~on's appointment. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Reeve that Ivfr. J. I. Cornelison be granted a leave of absence for a period of six mo.nths due to personal illness and that t.1r~ Alton Rutherford Jackso.n be officially appointed City Engineer for a period of 6 months at a salary of $500 per month effective Decernber 5. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Co.mmissioners Goff and Reeve. None The City Commission approved recDmmendation of the City Manager to consider feasibility 0.1' applying for Civil Defense funds to replace radio. equipment used by the Po.lice Department in, Civil Defense Training and routine operations. '~"--~-~'-rc:=!:,:c:=:,,:,~[':,,_::c:.,,~~,":::-::!''::=~~-_~___M~J:'''_"''-'--="""",'"_'1 -.-ce,-!,__, 1'27: liith no further business to come 1!i'efore the Commission at this time" upon motion duly made, seconded and carried" the meeting was adjourned. ~~~~' Mayor, City of West University Place Texas ATTEST: / ~ ! ~. ,i ~ ' ., ~+f&-~ J C:!'ty Secreta .,' , ~-- --..' ,'-"",'. I'-;"-"~'t:-..--,~~ ':-=-::l.--.----..~~--..':T~~-' ,'-'."'-'i~,--~-'~---:--=r 1 ",lll REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION DECEMBER 12, 1955 ) r oThe City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, December 12, 1955, 7:30 P.M. with the follow:ing members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioner Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve. The City Attorney and City Manager were also present. The Invocation was pronounce.d by Mayor Morris. The City }lIanager submitted a list of Insurance Agents who had been de- termined eligible to share in the distribution of insurance premiums paid by the city during the year 1955. It was the opinion of the City Commission that the agents as listed met qualifications necessary to establish eligibility to share in the city insurance premium distribution and instructed the City Manager if any others made application to place them on the eligibili~ list for next years consideration. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Reeve that a list of twenty insurance agents as submitted by the City Manager be approved to receive a share of insurance premiums paid by the city. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Mayor Morris administered the Oath of Office to Mr. Alton R. Jackson who was officially appointed City Engineer on December 5. Resolution No. 55-53 as follows was submitted to the Commission for con- sideration and read in full: WHEREAS, by Resolution fa ssed and approved the 22nd day of June, 1953, G. J. Forcher, R. M. Farris, C. E. Duffin were appointed Deputy Clerks of the Corporation Court of the City of West Uni- versity Place, Texas; and WHEREAS, the construction of the new City Hall and the location of the Fire Station with respect to the Court Room creates an inconvenience and inaccessible for firemen to perform their duties as Deputy Court Clerks and firemen simultaneously; and WHEREAS, the need for additional Deputy Corporation Court Clerks now exists by reason of the inability of G. J. Forcher, R. l.\I. Farris, and C. E. Duffin to serve in such capacity because of their schedule' of duty as firernen, it becomes necessary to appoint other Deputy Clerks of such Court; and WHEREAS, the City Commission is of the opm1.on that the said G. J. Forcher, R. M. Farris, and C. E. Duffin should be officially relieved of their duties of Deputy Clerks of the Corporation Court, and that other qualified persons should be appointed in their stead; and -T'''~:='~'"']T'''=''===~~~ F--.=,~.'I.-.r'-"'-="'TT--'--------'~'----T'~ 1"9 ' AJ,,: WHEREAS, it is the recommendation of the City Attorney, Chief of '. Police, and the' City Manager that the following persons be appointed to serve as Deputy Clerks of the Corporation Court to assist Mrs. Pearl Re.ynolds in the execution of the duties of the Clerk of said Court: Fanny Donaldson, Lola Daniel, Trulah Everett, Vivian Collier, and Auxiliary Policemen Jerry Werlla, H. R. Kelly and Arthur Simon; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMIvIISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: {I) That the said Lola Daruel, Fanny Donaldson, Trulah Everett, Vivian Collier, Je-ery Werlla, H. R. Kelly and Arthur Simon be and they are hereby appointed Deputy Clerks of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, to assist Mrs. Pearl Reynolds in the execution of the duties of said Court; (2) That Nrs. Lola Glick and Arvil Patton, who were appointed by Resolution dated June 22, 1955, also continue to perf'orm the duties of Deputy Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City of West Univer- sity Place, Texas, to assist }~s. Pearl Reynolds in the execution of the duties of Clerk of said Court; , (3) G. J. Forcher, R. M. Farris, and C. E. Duffin be and they are hereby relieved of their duties as Deputy Clerk of the Corporation Court of' the City of vTest University Place, Texas. Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Hammond that the Resolution appointing certain individuals as Deputy Clerks of the Cor- poration Court be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraitp, Goff, Hannnond and Reeve None The City Manager advised that the present contract with Diamond Alkali Com- pany for furnishing liquid chlorine would expire December 31 and it would be necessary to advertise' for bids for next years chloring requirements. Motion by Commissioner Re~ve, 'seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that the City Manager be Eluthorized to advertise for bids for furnishing approximately 30 Tons of liquid chlorine for the city's requirements for the year 1956; bids to be received until 7:30 P.M. January 9,1956. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve Voting No: None Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Hammond, that the recommendation of the Chief of Police to change NO PARKING signs on the North side of the 26-2700 block of University Boulevard to NO PARKING 7: qo A.M. to 6:00 P.M. be approved. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None 130 It was the decision of the City Commission that the regular meeting scheduled for Decernber 26, not be held in view of that date being de- clared as an official Holiday for the Christmas 13eason but that the Commission would convene upon call if an emergency should arise or if it is determined advisable by the Mayor. Minutes of the meeting of November 28, and December 5, were read and approved as corrected. 1r.Tith no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~/t~~ Mayor, City of West University' Place, Texas ATTEST: ~'~ ~,,' ,"., __. ~. .-" crtySecreta~ - / -d 1'~~:EJ==-:____.__-:::'~=~~ ___~:E""""===:=r~=:---------:-:~~ _-.1:"-,----------- , '1m