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West University Place
May 13 , 2021
Presiding: Selby Clark
The virtual meeting called to order at 2 :05 p.m.
Roll call: Present Stan McCandless, Judy Faulkner , George Hilderbrandt, George Baker, Carlos De La
Torre, Karen Kenny, Selby Clark (chair), Carol O’Neill, Tom Brombacher, C andace TenB rink, Candyce
Beneke, Susan Davis , Elizabeth Wilder, Toby Brooks and Susan White , John Barnes (Council Liaison)
Mardi Turner (GNT). Absent Ann Crowley, Joan Johnson Guests None
Minutes: April minut es approved by George Hilderbrandt , Seconded by Candyce Beneke .
Council M eeting R eport: John Barnes
1. Speed limit ordinance: Citywide Traffic study recommended a default speed setting lowered
to 25 miles per hour throughout the city, with exceptions. Bissonnet St. will be 35 miles an
hour and Buffalo Speedway will remain 30 miles per hour. City Council ado pted a City
ordinance affecting that.
2. Adopted a Proclamation naming May as Older Americans & Volunteer Month.
3. Awarded a contract to begin work on the Virtual Gate phase 2.
4. Covid -19 report, 583 cases, 581 recovered, 2 fatalities.
5. Week of May 16 -22 named Public Works Week, in recognition of their work.
6. Election: Narrow election. Incoming Council composed of Susan Sample (Mayor) John
Montgomery, John Barnes, Shannon Carroll, and Melanie Bell. Senior Liaison. TBD.
7. Virtual Gate Phase 1 already in action with seven cameras, and license plates read ers. Each
location will have a combination of license plate readers and cameras. Secondarily a
deterrent to crime. WUES is 20 miles an hour during school hours. Cameras are at the
perimeter of town. Cars flagged immediately and automatically.
8. Tri Sports possible sponsorship naming rights for leagues. S urplus fund balance in the
general fund. Prevent impact on debt rating or taxes or cutting services. Upcoming 2022
Budget will determine funding .
P arks and Recreation: Susan White
1. Ann Crowley served on the Fee Subcommittee of Parks Board and fee changes implemented
in 2019. No new changes to fee structures. New policy information forthcoming from
Finance Director . Fee change with exclusive Coloni al rentals recommended lowering prices .
2. Huffington Park Update: Work to begin May 17. Park will close to the public, reopen the first
week of July. Notified neighbors directly affected.
3. Covid 19 Update: Numbers declining. Operational changes: increased c apacities for Colonial
Pool. July 4 th celebrations under consideration .
4. Senior Survey: Staff in the process of reviewing detailed reports. Still waiting on the
qualitative data for analysis.
APAC Report : Karen Kenn y APAC M inutes sent via email.
Senior Board Meeting, Minutes of March 12, 2020
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1. Attended the APAC meeting on May 6. The State of Texas Emergency (211) is a great resource
for seniors. Registrants must have a backup plan in place. Homebound Covid 19 vaccine
program. Houston Health Department providing choice of vaccine.
2. Participate in the Texas Health Department Aging Survey. Aging Well in Texas. Survey is still
available to complete.
Good Neighbor Team: Mardi Turner
1. Good Neighbor Team resumes in person in June to assemble bags. Deliveries resume from all
participants of the GNT for t he hurricane preparedness kits.
2. Identified special list of seniors deemed high priority. List consists of 30 folks of 155.
Senior Services report: Toby Brooks
1 “Click West U” possible way to report on seniors in need. Selby inquired. Go Requests App
mentioned by Mardi Turner.
2 Senior Center reopened May 3. Classes such as Yoga, Early Risers, Zumba, Watercolor, Best
Stretch, Body Pump, Pilates, Chair Volleyball, B ingo, M/W Yoga, Tai Chi, Water Aerobics, Line
Dance, have resumed and are successful. Participants are socially distanced and observing
mask rules.
3 Some virtual programs have not been successful possibly due to the reopening.
4 Meeting with a personal trai ner to facilitate a more rigorous workout for those interested.
Old Business
1) Renaming the Senior Center: Subcommittee members, Ann Crowley, Candace TenBrink, and
Karen Kenny met to discuss the following issues: 1. G eneral la ck of understanding of the Senior
Services in the C ommunity with q u estions on why some classes are offered at the Rec Center
and at the Senior Center such as Gentle Yoga or Senior Yoga , along with Scout House utilization.
2. Concluded Community Building does not need to be renamed. 3. Help with Communications
and Marketing. 4. Term Limits and elections on Senior B oard. Carlos mentioned that he reached
out but was not contacted regarding participating with the subcommittee.
Adjournment : The meeting adjourned at 3:10 p.m. Judy Faulk ner made the motion to adjourn th e
meeting and Stan McCandless seconded it.
Submitted: Patricia Noren