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West University Place
April 8 , 2021
Presiding: Selby Clark
The virtual meeting called to order at 2 :03 p.m.
Roll call: Present Stan McCandless, Judy Faulkner , George Hilderbrandt, George Baker, Joan Johnson,
Carlos De La Torre, Selby Clark (chair), Carol O’Neill, Tom Brombacher, C andace TenB rink, Susan Davis ,
Ann Crowley, Elizabeth Wilder, Toby Brooks and Susan White , John Barnes (Council Liaison) Mardi
Turner (GNT). Absent Karen Kenny, Candyce Beneke. Guests None
Minutes: March minut es approved by Judy Faulkner. Seconded by Stan McCandless .
A. Residents Comments : Liz Wilder commented on the success of the Sanitation Appreciation
event that she spea rheaded. Selby Clark spoke at the event.
Council M eeting R eport: John Barnes
1. Virtual Gate Workshop .
2. West University Place Polling location : Regular and early voting at City Hall begins April 19.
P arks and Recreation: Susan White
1. Covid -19 Updates: Chief Taylor will be covering a proposed timeline on currently suspended
Parks and Recreation activities, including Rec Center hours of operation. Reopening locker
rooms, expanding racquetball courts, senior transportation. Movie in the Park , April 30 .
May : Resuming Piranha’s swim team, Colonial Park Pool reopens May 1 st Members Only,
weekends only. One Hundred and twenty five reservations only . Indoor rentals resume.
Party on the Patio looking for sponsors. July 4th Activity will take place on July 3. (Sat urday).
Subcommittee is under advisement for alternate events. Fathers and Flashlights: Possibly
scaled back. Park Lovers Ball, April 16 (Golf Tournament). Full Moon Fest, Fun Run, and Tree
Lighting under hopeful consideration.
2. Huffington Park Update: Equ ipment ordered, work tentatively scheduled to begin on May
3. Strategic Planning: Park and Field Use, Tennis Court Use, Instructors, Senior Services:
Support Code Enforcement, Potential renaming of the Senior Center. Updates to Judson
Park. Reconvene the Fee Subcommittee (Ann Crowley asked to serve).
4. Colonial Park East: Staff aware of grass quality. Fertilization and herbicide underway.
5. Senior Survey: Staff in the process of reviewing detailed reports. Still waiting on the
qualitative data for analysis.
6. Easter Event Update: Successful Easter Bunny Convertible Drive by Event.
APAC Report : Karen Kenn y APAC M inutes sent via email.
1. Carlos had a q uestion about statistics on Covid -19 for West University P lace . John Barnes gave a
report of 27 cases with numbers trending downwards. Mardi mentioned Covi d -19 online r eports
via zip codes/towns.
Good Neighbor Team: Mardi Turner
1. Deliveries: H opeful to start soon in person.
Senior Board Meeting, Minutes of March 12, 2020
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2. NCL possibly to deliver in May (Succulents with planter).
3. Interest in transportation t o the polls for seniors to City Hall to vote.
Senior Services report: Toby Brooks
1 Van transportation to the grocery store for seniors beginning April 8, 2021.
2 Senior transportation job posted on website. Taking transportation appointments, M/T/TH/F.
3 Offering free trial classes in April. New Yoga class offering. Senior classes resume in May. Some
classes are full already.
4 Bingo in the Park on Friday, April 9.
5 Gradually add a watercolor class with class size limitations.
6 Hi, Neighbor Newsletter went to the printer on Monday, April 5. Should hit households next
week. Trips postponed until June.
7 Updates on previous programs: St. Patty’s Day, Ed Heathcott prepared 40 meals. Wind/Rain
problem occurred. Everyone enjoyed Ed’s cooking . Cruise in for cookies , Scavenger Hunt at
Colonial Park. Ask Laura the Lawyer.
8 Older Americans Month: M ay: City of Bellaire partners with West U for a “Name That Tune ”
Event to celebrate. Possible virtual event.
9 April 23 is National Skip Rope Day/National Picnic Day. 12 PM at Colonial Park. Free.
Old Business
1) Renaming the Senior Center: Ann Crowley, Candace TenBrink, Karen Kenny will spearhead this
endeavor. Ann’s idea The “E” Center. Short for, Engagement Center. Exercise, Education, Evolve,
Enjoy E at, Escape etc...Goal: A name that will be catchy , fresh, and energetic. Ideas welcomed.
Susan White mentioned cost, timing and formalization. The Community Building is used for
facility rentals during weekends .
Adjournment : The meeting adjourned at 2:55 p.m. Judy Faulkner made the motion to adjourn th e
meeting and Liz Wilder seconded it.
Submitted: Patricia Noren