HomeMy WebLinkAboutSSBM 3.11.21 2021Page 1 of 2 West University Place SENIORS BOARD MEETING March 11, 2021 DRAFT Presiding: Selby Clark The virtual meeting called to order at 2 :02 p.m. Roll call: Present Judy Faulkner , George Hilderbrandt, George Baker, Joan Johnson, Carlos De La Torre, Ka ren Kenny, Selby Clark (chair), Tom Brombacher, C andace TenB rink, Candyce Beneke, Susan Davis , Ann Crowley, Toby Brooks and Susan White , John Barnes (Council Liaison) Mardi Turner (GNT). Absent Stan McCandless , Carol O’Neill, Liz Wilder . Guests : Sam Parikh Minutes: February minut es approved by Karen Kenny . Seconded by Joan Johnson . A. Residents Comments : Sam Parikh: Running for City Council. Introduction to group. Council M eeting R eport: John Barnes 1. Thanked Public Works, Parks & Recreation, and Good Neighbor Team for work done during the Ice Storm . Over 600 residents served at the warming center. 2. Senior S urvey: O f the respondents who are seniors, only 27 % reported that they were m aking use of Senior Services. Communications focus , going forward , for both services and emergencies . Cell service and Wi -Fi went down during the storm. Studying l andline post op. Are we reaching people during an emergency , and with broad media ? Highlighte d: Demographics show that aging population in West U is increasing. G oing forward making sure that we have appropriate labor and facilities to keep quality of service currently provided. Candace TenBrink inquired about an emergency response team; Joan John son mentioned the CERT team that is in place. Candace TenBrink offered her students to do a study on strategies . P arks and Recreation: Susan White 1. Rec Center warming center, 665 people in a short time. Definitely will utilize CERT in the future, mobilized by the Fire Department. 2. Senior Survey for City Council: Still collecting additional data. Communications to be improved upon. Budget request for additional funding for the 2022 budget. Census data and qualitative data to form objectives and goal s consistent with a long -term plan, a wider approach strategic in nature. 3. Revamping Special Events. March 27, 9:00 a.m. Easter Bunny will drive thru the neighborhood. Map is available on the West U website. 4. Huffington Park: City Council approved the recomm endations of the Parks Board. Many Thanks to The Friends of West U Parks, who have committed up to 200,000 dollars to fund the improvements to Huffington Park. Scheduled to be completed by the end of July. APAC Report : Karen Kenn y APAC M inutes sent via email. 1. Harris County Area Agency on Aging will begin a homebound vaccine program this week, for non -ambulatory seniors. Vaccine strategy for those will disabilities as well. Priority of 27 zip codes. West U is not one of them. Good Neighbor Team: Mardi T urner Senior Board Meeting, Minutes of March 12, 2020 Page 2 of 2 1. Compiled a list of “At Risk” seniors within the Good Neighbor Team recipients. A Priority Contact List. 2. St. Patrick’s Day door hangars delivered. Senior Services report: Toby Brooks 1 Explained that the Priority list are members within the Good Neigh bor T eam recipient list. This list is now complete. List will be implemented in the future for upcoming Hurricanes and disasters. 2 The A lert sign up process is featured in the upcoming summer edition of the Hi Neighbor newsletter. 3 Programs: Mardi gras, Cl utter Fairy, and Holocaust events postponed due to the storm. 4 Cookie driv e thru events are still popular, with 25, and 26 participants. 5 Senior Services drivers vaccinated soon. Looking to add an additional driver for Senior Transportation services. Discussion for beginning transportation ongoing. 6 In person or outside events under consideration. 7 Liz Wilder is asking to thank Sanitation Engineers for their work. She will spearhead this endeavor. 8 Ageism. Rebranding The Senior Center into something positive. Not using the word “Senior”. Possibility of renaming of the Senior Center, “The EngAGEment C enter”. Rebrand, Reopen, Rebuild. Candace mentioned working groups and committee’s that have a mission and goal. Old Business 1) None. Adjournment : The meeting adjourned at 3 :09 p.m. Judy Faulkner made the motion to adjourn th e meeting and Candace TenBri nk seconded it. Submitted: Patricia Noren