HomeMy WebLinkAbout07222021 ZBA Agenda Item 3 Josie Hayes From: Paul Minor <paul22ke@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2021 2:10 PM To: eduvall@bbecode.com; Josie Hayes; Gerardo Barrera Cc: Steve Grossman Subject: JULY 22 ZBA withdrawal request CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. To whom it may concern: I would like to formally withdraw my application to the July 22 ZBA hearing, since the City of West University Place has been determined that the applicant's (KIDS GARDEN)primary use has been considered light commercial. Thank you very much for your assistance in this matter. Paul & Kimi Minor Co-owners Kids Garden Houston (601) 750-0955 i City of West University Place To: Zoning Board of Adjustments From: Clay Chew,Building Official Date: July 22,2021 Re: Staff Report for Docket 2021-0015,6729 Stella Link Applicant's Request The applicant is requesting a special exception to operate a drop-off child care business in a Commercial Zone. Background Information Appendix A, Zoning Ordinance, Section 2-102 Defines child care as a school which requires a Special Exception.The Zoning Board of Adjustments is authorized to grant a Special Exception in Table 7-1 Uses,Note 9. Variance Request Applicant is requesting a special exception to operate a drop-off child care center in a commercial zone. lI School. Facilities for educational and/or classroom purposes offering an academic curriculum that is generally equivalent to public primary, middle school, or high school levels.This includes, but is not limited to,study and tutorial centers, child care and limited child care centers, and vocation and trade programs that might be incidental to the operation of such schools. School(public).A school owned by a governmental entity having the power of eminent domain. Setback. See"yard" definitions. SF District.This term refers collectively to the SF-1 District,the SF-2 District,the SF-3 District, PDD-SF1 and PDD-SF2 and to each of them. Shopping center.A building or group of buildings on a single building site containing three or more commercial units,each with a separate entrance to the outdoors. Single-family(attached)use(or"SFA"). A use of a building site which meets all of the following criteria: (1) Each dwelling unit is located on a plot of ground to which the occupants of the unit have exclusive access,from the ground to the sky. (2) No dwelling unit has any entrance or exit connecting to another dwelling unit. (3) No dwelling unit shares any interior hall or interior passageway with any other dwelling unit. (4) No more than one family resides in any dwelling unit. (5) The entire plot of building site is used exclusively for residential purposes(although,as provided in the definition of"residential purposes," an affirmative defense is available for a home occupation and an incidental sale). Single-family(detached)use(or"SFD"). A use of a building site which meets all of the following criteria: (1) There is no more than one dwelling unit, and one accessory quarters.Other lawful accessory uses are permitted on the building site. (But see,Table 7-4b). (2) There is no multiple utility service on the building site. (3) There is no physical connection between any building on the building site and any other building on another building site. (4) No more than one family, plus no more than two residential workers, reside upon the building site. (5) If the family includes a person not related to each of the others in the family within four degrees of consanguinity or affinity,the unrelated person resides in the principal building with at least one of the others. (6) The entire building site is used exclusively for residential purposes(although, as provided in the definition of"residential purposes,"an affirmative defense is available for a home occupation and an incidental sale). Special exception.See Article 11 and Chapter 211 of the Texas Local Government Code. Special screen.An opaque fence or wall designed, constructed and maintained to reduce risks of fire, unsanitary conditions and vandalism and to prevent the viewing of a loading dock or waste storage area,or any associated equipment,from any street area or from any other building site within a residential district. Buildings or other structures and gates may be incorporated into special screens. Standard base level The standard base level is the average elevation of two points:the tops of the curb where the side lines of a site, if extended,would intersect the curb(but if there is no curb at either point,or if Created: 2021-06-24 20:07:05 [EST] (Supp. No.40) Page 11 of 16 Table 7-1: Uses General Rule:Within each District: uses marked "A" are allowed as the primary use, uses marked "SE"are allowed as the primary use to the extent authorized by special exception, and uses marked "X"are prohibited. Exceptions/Special Rules:(1)See PDD Schedules for planned development districts. (2)See special rules noted in table.The ZBA is authorized to issue all special exceptions mentioned in this Table. Use Specific Use SF-1 SF-2 SF-3 TH GR-1 GR-2 C TCC Category Residential Single-family A See Note 1 A X (detached) Single-family X X X A See A X X (attached) _ Note 1 Other residential X X X X A X X Public and Park, A See Notes 1 and 3 A See X Semi-Public playground,or Notes community 3 center(public), and 4 school (public), place of worship Private green See Notes 1 and 2. space School (other) X X X X X X SE See X See Note 9 Note 3 Utility or service A See Note 1 use.See Article 8. PWSF use. A or SE See PWSF Schedule.See Note 1. Commercial Light commercial X X X X X X A See A See See Article Note Notes 8 regarding 11 10 and certain 11 sexually oriented businesses. Medium X X X X X X SE X commercial All other uses X X X X X X X X ;sz=8q;Note 1. High-density occupancies in SF District. High-density occupancies are allowed in SF Districts only to the extent authorized by a special exception.The ZBA may issue such a special exception if it finds and determines that the occupancy is a use that is(i)accessory to a lawful primary use and (ii) reasonably compatible with nearby sites and their uses(in addition to any other findings and determinations required for a special exception). Note:A previously-issued special exception that authorized a use with a high-density occupancy is sufficient to comply with this note. Note 2. Private Green Space.Vineyards,gardens,landscaping,private playgrounds and other similar uses that are predominantly pervious,vegetated and non-commercial are allowed in all districts.Unless otherwise authorized by a special exception,the only structures allowed are fences,playground equipment and landscaping structures(e.g.,low,retaining walls,borders,etc.).The ZBA may issue a special exception to authorize other structures.The special exception shall include a site plan specifying and limiting allowable structures.If so ordered by the ZBA,the site plan controls over any other ordinance to the contrary.However, Created: 2021-06-24 20:07:06 [EST] (Supp. No.40) Page 2 of 28 the site plan may not specify yards(or"setbacks")different from those otherwise required,unless the ZBA finds that the different yards are:(i)necessary for efficient use of the available space and(ii)compatible with nearby sites and their uses.The special exception may allow accessory structures without a principal building. Note 3. Accessory Uses and Structures.In the indicated districts,the ZBA may issue a special exception to authorize additional uses and structures,if the ZBA finds and determines that each additional use and structure is:(i)accessory to a lawful primary use and(ii) compatible with nearby sites and their uses.The special exception may include a site plan identifying and limiting such uses and structures. Note 4. Park, Playground, Etc. In the C District, a park, playground or community center may be privately or publicly owned. Created: 2021-06-24 20:07:06 [EST] (Supp. No.40) Page 3 of 28 City of West University Place APPLICATION TO THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ("CITY") Address of site: 6729 Stella Link Rd, West University Place, TX 77005 Legal description of the site: Please see attached legal description (too long to list) Applicant: Kids Garden (current lessee at property in question) Address: 2202 Bartlett St., Houston, TX 77098 Contact: Paul Minor PhoneB01-750-0955 Fax: Email: paul22ke@gmail.corn Decision or Action Requested(check one or more and provide requested data): ( )Appeal. Hear and decide an appeal from an order, requiremen-, decision or determination made by the Administrative Official. • Is the official's action in writing? ( ) Yes; ( )copy is attached. ( )No, but the action appealed is as follows: • When was the action taken? Note: Appeals must be filed within a reasonable time. Please explain any delay below: • Exact zoning ordinance section(s) involved: • Grounds for appeal: (nSpecial Exception. • Exact zoning ordinance section that authorizes the special exception: ARTICLE 7; SECTION 7-101; TABLE 7-1: "Uses"; Notes 3 and 9 • Exact wording of special exception requested: As mandated in Notes 3 and 9 pertaining to Table 7-1: Note 3.Accessory Uses and Structures. In the indicated districts,the ZBA may issue a special exception to authorize additional uses and structures, if the ZBA finds and determines that each additional use and structu is: (i)accessory to a lawful primary use and(ii)compatible with nearby sites and their uses. Note 9. School (other).A special exception may authorize this use on sites wholly within the C District or partially within the C District and partially within another district. ( )Variance. • Exact zoning ordinance section from which a variance is requested: • Exact wording of variance requested: Other Data. Are there drawings or other data? ( )No (x)Yes(list items here and attach them) I - General Warranty Deed (of Landlord DKGA/WUC, LP) and Legal Description of Property 2 - Kids Garden Business Overview 3 - Exhibit A - Aerial photo of existing "Specific Uses" - Plat of Survey - Building Construction Plans Sheet A0.1 Attached.The applicant has read the State and City regulations attached. Signature of applicant: I '1, V� -� Date: 7/1/2021 For Staff Use only Date filed: 2 - 2 1 Date heard: 7-2 G Z JDocket#: I�2 — 2(-006/J� Form ZBA-102 GENERAL WARRANTY DEED THE STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF HARRIS § THAT, BELLAIRE/STELLA LINK PARTNERSHIP (hereinafter called "Grantor"), a Texas general partnership, for and in consideration of Ten and No/100 Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration paid to Grantor by DKGA/WUC, L.P., a Texas limited partnership (hereinafter called "Grantee"), the receipt and sufficiency of which consideration is hereby acknowledged and confessed by Grantor, and in further consideration of Grantee's execution and delivery of that one certain promissory note(hereinafter call the "Note") of even date herewith in the original principal sum of$1,000,000.00 payable to the order of The Frost National Bank, (hereinafter called the "Lender"), a portion of which amount represents funds advanced by Lender to the Grantor at the request of and as a loan to Grantee in payment of the purchase price of the property described hereinafter, bearing interest, being payable and maturing as provided therein and containing the usual provisions for acceleration of maturity in the event of default and for reasonable attorney's fees, and being secured by a Vendor's Lien and Superior Title herein expressly retained in favor of Lender, and also by a deed of trust of even date herewith to Jimmy R. Locke, Trustee, has GRANTED, TRANSFERRED AND CONVEYED and by these presents does GRANT, TRANSFER and CONVEY unto Grantee all of the following described tract of land located and situated in Harris County, Texas, together with all building, structures and other improvements thereon (such tract being collectively referred to herein as the "Subject Property"), to-wit: A tract of land containing 73,777 square feet of land, more or less, out of part of lot 26 of Cambridge Place, an addition in Harris County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 4, Page 55 of the Map Records of Harris County, Texas, part of Lot 3 and all of Lots 4, 5, and 6, in Block 7 and Lots 9, 10 and 11, in Block 3 of Cunningham Terrace, an addition in West University Place, Harris County, Texas according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 27, Page 30 of the Map Records of Harris County, Texas. Such tract of land being more particularly described on Exhibit"A" attached hereto. This Warranty Deed is made by Grantor and is accepted by Grantee subject to the matters set forth on Exhibit "B" attached hereto, to the extent that the same are applicable and validly exist with respect to the Subject Property. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Subject Property, together with all and singular the rights, benefits, privileges, easements, tenements, hereditaments, appurtenances and interests thereon or in anywise appertaining thereto, unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, forever; and Grantor does hereby bind itself, its successors and assigns, to warrant and forever defend all and singular the Subject Property unto Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. But it is expressly agreed and stipulated that the Vendor's Lien and the Superior Title in and to the Subject Property are retained against the Subject Property until the Note, together with all renewals and extensions thereof and all interest and other charges therein stipulated, are fully paid according to the face and effect of reading thereof when this Warranty Deed shall become absolute. The Vendor's Lien and Superior Title retained herein are hereby transferred, assigned, sold and conveyed to Lender, its successors and assigns, without recourse against Grantee. Grantor warrants payment of ad valorem taxes through 1997. The payment of ad valorem taxes for 1998 is assumed by Grantee. This Warranty Deed and the provisions herein contained shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of each of the parties and its respective successors and assigns. EXECUTED this j, day of avvik , 1998. GRANTOR: Bellaire/Stella Link Partnership, a Texas general partnershi► .5.� Guy J. Rfertson, Sr. General °artner Upon Recordation, Return To: THE STA11. OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF HARRIS § This instrument was acknowledged before me on this the 10 day of (._1 J 1998, by Guy J. Robertson, Sr., general partner of Bellaire/Stella Link Partnership, a Texas general partnership, on behalf of said partnership. j `fir rL9 WANDA GU?MAN Notary Public in and for N07Ai Y Pi;r31_iC fr state of Texas k The State of TEXAS �� Caron.Exp.t2l10!2UUt ' Page 2 of 2 1 . 6759 Acres THENCE continuing along said east ROW line (based on 57 . 50 feet width) , 154 .74 feet along the arc of a curve to the left, said curve having a chord which bears N 12°38 ' 02" W, a chord distance of 153 .49 feet, a radius of 350. 88 feet, and a central angle of 25°16' 04" to a P.K. nail found for northwest corner on said arc, said nail being the original southwest corner of Lot 1, Block 3, said nail also being on the north line of Lot 11, Block 3, of said Cunningham Terrace Addition; THENCE N 89°56' 53" E, leaving said east ROW line and along the north line of Lot 11, Block 3 of said Cunningham Terrace Addition, 171 .55 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod found for most northerly northeast corner of the herein described tract, said rod being the common corner of said Lots 3, 4, 6 and 11, Block 3 of Cunningham Terrace Addition; THENCE S 00°03 ' 08" E, along the east line of said Lots 11, 10 and 9, Block 3, same being the west line of Lots 6, 7, and 8, Block 3, a distance of 150. 00 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod found for interior corner, the common southerly corner of Lots 8 and 9, Block 3, and northeast corner of Lot 6, Block 7 of Cunningham Terrace Addition, same being also the northwest corner of Lot 26, of Cambridge Place Addition; THENCE N 89°56'53" E, along the south line of said Lot 8, Block 3, same being the north line of said Lot 26, a distance of 100. 00 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod with cap found for the most easterly northeast corner of the herein described tract; THENCE SOUTH, along the west line of that certain tract conveyed to the Protestant Episcopal Church Council of the Diocese of Texas as recorded in File No. N-735414, HCOPRRP, 242. 13 feet to a 5/8-inch iron rod found for southeast corner of the herein described tract, said rod being the northeast corner of said adjoining call 0. 495 acre tract; THENCE N 89°40' 00" W, leaving said west line and along the north line of said 0. 495 acre tract, 88 .10 feet to a P.K. nail found for corner, the southeast corner of that certain tract conveyed to Barry 0. Moores, O.D. (Tract One) as recorded in File No. N-049976, HCOPRRP; THENCE NORTH, leaving the north line of said 0. 495 acre tract and along the east line of said Moores tract, 45.00 feet to a chiseled "X" found for interior corner, the northeast corner of said Moores tract; THENCE N 89°40' 00" W, along the north line of said Moores tract, a distance of 147 .52 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 1 . 6759 acres (73, 002 square feet) of land, more or less . OFr . GALLOWAY & ASSOCIATES, INC. �' � -• Revised December 24, 1997 .A„ fFa•. Job No. 103-045 _ _ Compiled by John N. Galloway II File #M103045 �, EXHIBIT "B" a. An easement five (5' ) feet in width along the East property line (s) for use of public utilities as shown by the plat recorded in Volume 27, Page 30 of the Map Records of Harris County, Texas. (As to Lots 9, 10 and 11, Block 3) b. An easement five (5' ) feet in width along the North property line (s) for use of public utilities and an aerial easement adjoining thereto five feet wide from a plane twenty feet above the ground upward, recorded in Volume 2029, Page 309 of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas . (As to Lot 11) c. An aerial easement twenty (20' ) feet wide from a plane twenty (20' ) feet above the ground as granted to Houston Lighting & Power Company as set forth under Clerk' s File No. D220018 of the Real Property Records of Harris County, Texas. d. A non-exclusive irregularly shaped driveway easement over the subject property as reflected by instrument recorded under Clerk' s File No. D177484 of the Real Property Records of Harris County, Texas . e. Building Set Back Line 32 .5 feet in width on a portion of Lot 3 , Block 7 and 35 feet in width on the North five feet of Lot 3 and all of Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 7 along Stella Link Road as reflected by map recorded in Volume 27, Page 30 of the Map Records of Harris County, Texas. f. Private easement over the most Easterly five (5' ) feet of the subject property as reflected in Deed recorded under Clerk' s File No. F235574 of the Real Property Records of Harris rr inty Taxan. Our Philosophy Kids Garden is committed to providing a highly qualified, clean, safe, captivating, and environmentally friendly child care and creative arts play center for families and children. Kids Garden Drop-In Creative Arts Center is a brand new hourly stay and play facility. Our eco-friendly centers are designed specifically with age appropriate activities for children ages 12 months (and walking) to 12 years. Kids Garden's approach is to encourage a variety of learning styles and provide your children the opportunity to enhance social, physical, and cognitive development through hands-on activities, structured interactions, and free play. Kids Garden focuses on allowing children to play, explore, and learn using Reggio Emilia, Montessori and Vygotsky's educational theories. Drop-in play care is a pay-by-the-hour, flexible play space and learning center unique for kids to get to explore, interact, and have fun while parents get the personal time necessary to handle the demands of everyday life. Kids Garden even offers some extended night and weekend hours so parents can feel more freedom and spontaneity knowing there is a great place to take children with peace of mind that they are stimulated and safe. Because no appointment is needed, there is no set schedule nor monthly or yearly contracts, and reservations are not required. You only pay for the time you need and when you need it! Our safe, secure, clean, eco-friendly and captivating play spaces are designed to stimulate growing minds and exercise growing bodies. From the amazing wooden indoor play set, puppets, interactive games, storytelling area, reading nook, creative arts tables, movie nights, pretend play centers, and enrichment classes children love time at Kids Garden! Parents can feel at ease knowing that Kids Garden activities encourage learning in new areas and provide children with additional social, physical, and cognitive development. ...... ............ .. . .. .. ... d 1 ��7co �° e. 3 y co • _ -N' a.".•:gam �` -e `+ a '•o ` - . ._,3 .. ►'�"'�-�` r •.....: • I s. „„•.;',,,,,1„. .....,,,, " �?�� C ' r °•• y .- x , OAPR f NII P��'i "" - ... �t CI m o6 i 1 i ,._. _ ...� .ice z j (_ r to •. •s -a • $3' -I �.l y!I Y } • �- 9Z 4bk � .. av+hw . 'r.- �•, `� jt. 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K. % 4:4„ z � �j �p.e 21. 0 0 7 r h \ ‘4°:5 13, `� 11.1J \ m a �p� LOT 10 Y O LOT 7 O N u I. 1I p REGINA B. JARVIS U . - -1 i(.: I Op FILE NO. B-901447, H.C.O.P.P.R.P. 17 • 4.co_ in LA N \I. / i I°'- rom. rw } % I; ' , i I'_ 7.,.eF'aa Mahe 1 \ LOT 9 — „,/,/,/ / LOT 8 Ii /• is IEDWIN H. ROBINSON v, VOLUME 2529, PAGE 632, H.C.D.R/g�. • I ( � /m 5 --1- FND_S/&INCH IRONROD/ / >. :lN 89'56 55”E, /00.00' FNO.SIB-INCH IRON ROD it /FDVND X"IN CONCRE�E I ro. ill 0 (3.-I 1? \ r, ;1 .....' .11 t7 K t 1 of 0 ��,a` I. O t \/14 0 1"� O ///,' II K cRes �! 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Q FOLNO'X'IN Epsom-re ' I O FOUND 3/4"IRON ROD /0.4'a sr/ O .1 x i �� I J / �� _ CALL 049 ACRE I o 2 I '9'.' �I N0'a' FOUND'X'N CONCRETE' _ II I I '-,--FFCA/IPI 1984 PROPERTY COMPANY _ v 2 m j' • FILE NO L-042542, H.C.O.P.R.R.P. ` 0 ST- PCZ w V J ° II Z cc Z J z m = A. J NJ Ha � Kt O.oLL q Oa II y i R V AllIlllill. _ - --- - - - CAMBRIDGE PLACE ADDITION--� N i I `., �' VOLUME 4, PAGE 55, H.C.M,R. w 1 .-- K _ T 27 iI II 5 '-VILLAGE SAVINGS ASSOCI:w II FILE NO. G-202427, H.C. o I 1 cc I i a I ll II II P.O.C. I 1' FOUND 3/4'IRON ROD I' /-FOUND 'X'IN CONCRETE ' FOUND I/1-MON ROD\ I FOUND STAR PONT. I. „ l „a„ 102'NOR MI \ i/ aa.a }PLAT OF SURVEY 1 j I II Yom.- sl L --.--------- SHOWING IMPROVEMENTS 1.6759 ACRES BEING A PART OF LOT 26 BELLAIRE BOULEVARD 1/20' R.O•W-1CAMBRIDGE PLACE ADDITION AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 4, PAGE 55 OF THE HARRIS COUNTY MAP RECORDS AND 1 BEING PART OF LOT 3 AND ALL OF I,John N.Galloway I. is Registered Professional Land Surveyor In the L 0/E DENOTES OVERHEAD EL EC TRK LOTS 4, 5, AND 6, BLOCK 7 AND LOTS 9, 10, AND II, BLOCK 3 OF State of Tenon,do hereby certify that the obove and foregoing CUNNINGHAM TERRACE SUBDIVISION plot Is true and correctly represents aau rvey mode on the ground 21 BASIS Fpm BEARNO5 IS THE EAST ROW LAE OF STELLA Lawn AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 27 PAGE 30 OF THE ! under my supervleion on August 22,1995 DRIVE PER DEED CALLS N FILE NO I.2335TA,H.CO.P.R.R.P.IBEANAG=NORTH/ HARRIS COUNTY MAP RECORDS /�,--CIOF�q f}\ 31 THE SUBJECT TRACT IS NOT IN THE 100 YEAR FLOOD PLAIN LOCATED IN THE ,7 t - .AND IS N FLOOD ZONE-X;AS PER 11000 INSURANCE A.C. REYNOLDS'-SURVEY, A- 61 //// � I\ PATE MAP NO.4B20KOSBOO,CITY c9MMUroTY HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS ( JOHN N GALLOWAY II I NO.eepy8-A 9(9/0(0 SEPTEM9EN 28 990 /� ��y/"J'�'j�/� \ 2030 .,� GALLOWAY A ASSOCIATES, INC. �[, ,t1,A,%� ! z \�.L''L�se910?jO 4.1 TIRE COMMITMENT PROVIDED BY PAt'TNERSTITLE COMPANY, 6733 STELLA LINK.SATE'E' i 0.2 NO.9533258.ISSUED JULY 20,995. HOU6TON,TEXAS 77006 1 JOHNGALLOWAY 11 ` 'e~R �^`- ,„/ 1X31 13166662-9 Realstoree Professional Land Surveyor No.2030 5) TRACTS SUBJECT TO ZONING ORDINANCES NOW IN FORCE IN THE C/TY OF FN%17131 .9662 0 WEST LAWYERS/TY PLACE JOB N0. 103.02851 AUGUST,1995 r� i 9 0 Oh s.11110110 a 0 < nr �� o r a mlift a a_.a an t. C� o o a�F P. I_� OIW o C�'� ; Stella Link Rd. � � 0 '� P C ii 6 .00 . 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We can't attend either meeting in person, so please read this into the minutes of the meeting July 22 or August 26, 2021. The notice I received today, July 15, states the deadline for response was July 12. Please accept this response as in the time window. Thank you. Janice and Eddy Donal son 1 City of West University Place Public Works Department NOTICE OF ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT HEARING The Zoning Board of Adjustment ("ZBA") of the City of West University Place, Texas ("City") will hold a public hearing in the Municipal Building, 3800 University Boulevard, City of West University Place, Texas 77005, during a meeting set to begin at 6:30 p.m. on July 22, 2021. The hearing may be recessed and continued to a ZBA meeting set to begin at 6:30 p.m. on August 26, 2021. The purpose of the hearing is to provide an opportunity for all persons to be heard in relation to the following matter: Address of the site: 6729 Stella Link Rd, Houston, TX 77005 Legal Description: Part of Lot 26 Cambridge Place Addition and part of Lot 3 and all of Lots 4, 5, and 6, Block 7 and Lots 9, 10 and 11, Block 3 of Cunningham Terrace Subdivision, Harris County, TX Docket Number: 2021-0015 Applicant: Kids Garden Action Requested: Requesting a Special Exception Additional Details: The applicant is requesting to operate a child care business in a commercial district. By definition in the Zoning Ordinance this is classified as a school and requires a Special Exception from the Zoning Board of Adjustments. Applicable regulations include the City's Zoning Ordinance, Code of Ordinances, Chapter 211 of the Texas Local Government Code and the rules of the ZBA. The application is available on the city's website at www.westutx.gov. Additional details on such matters, as well as the applicable regulations are also available for public inspection in the Public Works Center, 3826 Amherst, West University Place, 77005. Any person interested in such matters should attend the hearing. If you plan to attend this public meeting and you have a disability that requires special arrangements at the meeting, please contact the City Planner at 713-662-5830 in advance of the meeting. Reasonable accommodations will be made to assist your participation in the meeting. The Municipal Building is wheel chair accessible from the West and Southwest entrances and specially marked parking spaces are available in the Southwest parking area. Signed: Clay Chew,for the ZBA posted and mailed on or before July 12, 2021. cchew@westutx.gov 713-662-5830 3826 Amherst St. www.westutx.gov West University Place, TX 77005 713-662-5830 DKGA WUC LP WEST U 6700 LTD% RETAIL LIMCER INC 3908 BELLAIRE BLVD INVESTMENTS MGNT 1748 BOLSOVER ST HOUSTON TX 77025-1120 PO BOX 1970 (6737 STELLA LINK RD) BELLAIRE TX 77402-1970 HOUSTO TX 77005-1726 DKGA/WUC LP DKGA/WUC LP JERMAN COMPANY LLC 2370 RICE BLVD STE 200 2370 RICE BLVD STE 200 2330 HOLMES RD (C/O 6725 STELLA LINK) (C/O 6723 STELLA LINK) (C/O 3924 BELLAIRE BLVD) HOUSTON TX 77005-2644 HOUSTON TX 77005-2644 HOUSTON TX 77051-1014 WESLAYN/6700 LTD RETAIL RUAN KE HE ET UX SHOPS WESLAYAN LLC INVESTMENT MGNT INC 6723 WESLAYAN ST 6611 LAS BRISAS PO BOX 1970 HOUSTON TX 77005-4319 (C/0 6719 WESLAYAN) BELLAIRE TX 77402-1970 HOUSTON TX 77083-2419 BELLAIRE 4000 LTD RETAIL STELLA LINK 6700 LTD ATT: CORP REAL ST MARK'S EPISCOPAL SCHOOL INVESTMENT MNGT INC ESTATE 3826 BELLAIRE BLVD PO BOX 1970 101 N TRYON ST HOUSTON TX 77025 BELLAIRE BLVD 77402-1970 CHARLOTTE NC 284246-0100 ST MARK'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH WILLIAM M KNAPP FAMILY TRUST MAJUDER SADHAN & MARY A 3816 BELLAIRE BLVD 6712 E COLLEGE ST 6708 E COLLEGE ST HOUSTON TX 77025-1209 HOUSTON TX 77005-4321 HOUSTON TX 77005-4321 NISSIMOV RONEN & NATALIA NGUYEN HUNG P & LOAN V PATEL APOOR & MOOTHATHU RAMYA 6711 W COLLEGE ST 6707 W COLLEGE ST 6703 W COLLEGE ST HOUSTON TX 77005-4322 HOUSTON TX 77005-4322 HOUSTON TX 77005-4322 ROCHA LEANDORA V TRUST SHATTO DONALD P & RAHILLA C ROUSE TRY D 23 WYNDHAM WAY 6704 W COLLEGE ST 3919 RUSKIN ST (C/O 6712 W COLLEGE ST) HOUSTON TX 77005-4323 HOUSTON TX 77005-4332 BALLSTON SPA NY 12020-5001 AUNGIER PATRICK P & MARLENE BLOOM JEFFREY A LETHCOE BRYAN J & MARY M 3915 RUSKIN ST 3911 RUSKIN ST 3907 RUSKIN ST HOUSTON TX 77005-4332 HOUSTON TX 77005-4332 HOUSTON TX 77005-4332 VI LORI FOREMAN TIMOTHY H JR&ALBA E DONALSON JANICE S HOLD 3903 RUSKIN ST 3831 RUSKIN ST 4981 LAUREL ST HOUSTON TX 77005-4332 HOUSTON TX 77005-4307 (C/O 3827 RUSKIN ST) BELLAIRE TX 77401-4426 DKGA/WUC LP 2370 RICE BLVD STE 200 (C/O 6720 STELLA LINK RD) HOUSTON TX 77005-2644