HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1954 r'l \ I L(;) c'"=' C\J ~ P"";) <<C n ; I i \ '-- [1 , 1-85 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION JANUARY 11, 1954 . The City Commi5~ion convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, January' 11,: 1954, 7:30 P.M. with the fOllowing members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commi~sioners Goff, Hang~ and Mooney. The City Secretary and City Attorney were also present. Commissioner Nisbet was absent. The ~nvocation was pronounced by City Attorney ~rl Kraft. - " In compliance with Courlcil action on November 9, 1953, and official notice to Bidders published'on December 16, 1953, bids received for furnishing , chlorine~o the city'were opened and results announced as follows: Diazqond Alkali Company - $12.00 p,er 100 Lbs. in 150 lb. cylinders or fill Ton containers, which the City of West University Place would furnish, at $3.50 per 100 lbs. rFreight (rouud trip) ,$27.95 Hydrostatic Test each 15.00 3/4u Fusible plugs, "1.50 Ton Valv-es i II 2.25 Repainting IT 3.00 / ' The bid from Diamo,nd,' Alkali Company being the only bid received, was referred to City SecretaryWhi~t Johnson for, study and recommendation. \ ( .' , The ~953 Tax roil cOIll1>iled and certified t() by C. E. Gammill, City Tax Assessor- Collector was submitted to the Commission for approval. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the tax roll for the year 1953 shqwing an assessed total valuation of $19,696,897.00 as cQmpiledand certified to by C. E. Gammill, City Tax Asssessor-Cbllector be ap- proved and accepted. Votj,ng Aye: Voting No ! Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney None '1'he follOWing Reso~ution was submitted to the Commission and read in full: RESOLUTION , , w:aEREAS, C. E. Gammill, Treasurer and Tax Assessor and Collector of the City of West University Place, Texas; is over sixty-five (65) years of age and has comPleted more than ,fifteen ,(15) years of credible service as an employee of the City of West Univers,ity Place, Texas, thereby qualify- , ing fors~rviee retirement benefits under the ter.ms and provisions of The TexasMun~cipal Retirement Act; and ' WHEREAS, Section VII, Sub-section 1, Paragraph C, of the Texas' ~unicipal Retirement Act provided that any employee who has completed fifteen (i5) years of service and has reached the age of sixty-five (65) years shall retire, provided, howeve'r, that in exceptional cases and for substantial cause such 'retirement nBybe deferred by mutual consent of the employee .and the municipality. from year to year for a period. of not to exceed one (1) year If 1I r L86 at any time; and WHEREAS; the said C. E. Gammill, whose retirement was heretofore deferred for. the years 1952 and 1953 by Resolutions of the City Commission of' the, City of West University Place, Texas, passed and adopted, on the 8th day of October, 1951 and the 12th day of January, 1953, has expressed a desire to continue as Treasurer and Tax Assessor and Collector of the City of West, University Place, Texas, for the month of January, 1954, and has requested deferment of' his retirement until January 31, 1954, at wh~ch time he'intends to retire from such employment; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Commission of the City of West University Pace, TeXas, 't:tlat the retirement of C. E. Gammill be de- ferred for the month of January, 1954, and tnat he continue in his present employment as Treasurer and Tax Assessor and Collector of such City until January 31, 1954;' , NOW, THEREFQRE,BE 1'1' RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: That , " In accordance with the proviSions of Section VII, Sub-section 1, Paragraph C, of The Texas Municipal'Retirement; Act, the retirement of C. E. Gammill, Treasurer and Tax Assessor and Collector of the City of West Uni- versity Place, Texas, is hereby deferred for a period of one (1) month be- ginning December 31, 1953, and ending January 31, 1954, during which time he, the said C. E. Gammill, sliall conti~ue in his present capacities as Treasurer and Tax Assessor and Col1e6tor of' the City of West Uni versi ty Place, Texas. -, r ""'\ Passed and adopted this, the 11th day of January, 1954. ----' , Motion by Co~issioner Goff', seconded by Commissioner Hangs, that Resolution 54-1 def'erri~g the retirement ofC~ E. Gamm!.ll, Treasurer, Tax Collector-' Assessor for a period of one month beginning December 31, 1953, and ending January 31, 1954, be passed and approved as l'ead. ' ' Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney None The'City.secretary requested authority fr9m the Commission to advertise for truck and automotiye equipment needed by the city,during 1954. Motion by Co~ssioner MOQney, seconded by Commtssiomer Hangs that the City Secretary be instructed to advertise for bids to be received, on February 1, 1954, tor delivery or three tudorsedansf'or the Police Department, one tudor , sedan for Inspection Department, one t Ton pickup truck for Sewer Department' one 2 Ton Truck. cab and crhassis'f'or Garbage ])epartment and l,special garbage and brush truck body to be fabricated and installed. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; 'Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney None ' A letter was submitted from the City Treasurer and City Secretary advising the Commission that the matter of complying with the recent City Charter amendment voted December 12, 1953, with respect to providing a $15,000 reserve in the ~--r.----,-,- ~ i-I I I I ' ! i L".;) cr:J C\l <r ~~ <::( r---I ! I I I l_1 '--I 1 : I I 1 ) I i l 18~7'- .J .. Water Fund and $10,000 reserve in the Sewer'Fund had been considered and recom- mended that $.10,000 of the Time Deposit Certificate maturing January 14, 1954, in the amount of $15,012..50 be transferre<l to a fund known as City of West University Place Sanitary Sewer Charter Amendment Reserve Fund.an~placed on time deposit for 'a period of one year; the remaining $5,012.50 to be likewise placed on time deposit for a period of one year. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the recom- mendation of the City Treasurer and City Secretary be approved and the City Attorney instructed to prepare thenece~sary resolution. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; ,Commissioners Goff, Mooney and Hangs None Members of the City's Insurance Committee appeared before the Commi~sion recom~ mending that the city furnish Builders risk insurance and performance bond,' to be written through the Insurance Committee' members' .forconstruction work on the new city hall. Motion 1;>y Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs, that the City pay for builders risk insurance and performance bond and the Insurance Com- mittee be requested to draw up specifications for Insurance to1;>e carried in connection with construction of the new city hall. ' Voting Aye: . Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney Voting No: None Mr. '0. U. W;ymer, representing MorQney, Beissner Be Company, and serving as the city's fiscal agent appeared before the City Commission to discuss the sale of $295,000 City'HallJBonds. It was the d~cision of the CityCommil1lsion that. <;mly $250,000 of the City Hall Bond Issue be sold at this time and-that the remaining $45,000 in bonds,'.besQld as construction work progresses and the money is needed~ Mr., Wymer reco~ended that the sale be conducted on Tuesday, January 19, 1954, which date was approved by-the City Commission.- Minutes of the meetingf3 of De~eniber 21 and 28, were read and approved as,cor- '. r~ct.ed. With no further business to come'befbre the Commi~sion at this time, upon . motion dUly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was re,cessed. ~ ~ - .. . - - - ****************** \ The City Commission convened in recess~d session at the City Hall, 8:00 P.M. Tuesaa,y, January 19, 1954, vith the following me~bers present: Mayor Pro tem Mooney, presiding; Commissioner~ Goff,',Hangs and Nisbet. The City Attorney. and' City Secretary were also present. Mayor Morris was absent., The invocation was pronounced by City Secretary Whitt Johnson. In compliance with Council action on January 11, 1954, and proper notification ~ c=:m s .,.-....~1 _----.l!:~ I 1- () 8' '(5 , ., to Municipal Bond firms, public bids received for the sale of $250,000 City of West University Place City Hall Bonds, Series 1954, were opened and re- sults announced as follows: Company Average Effective Interest Rate Underwood-Neuhaus Company Rotan Mosle & Oooper 2.4481 Dittmar Be Company > Columbian Securities ,2.48237 ~uss Be Company W. J. Shawell Be Co. Rauscher, Pierce Be Co-. 2.5281 Moroney, Be1ssner & Co. Fridley & Hess Rowles, Winston & Co. 2.54908 J. R. Fhillips,Inv. Co. Lentz, Newton & Co. 2.54921 / Eddleman-Pollok Co. Dallas Un10n Securities Co. 2.56].865 Lovett Ab~rcrombie & Co. B.A. Underwood & -Co. 2.564360 J. Marvin Moreland Be Co. First Southwest Co. 2.5743870 First of Texas Corp. Republic 'Nat 'I. Bank Equitable Securities Corp. 2.5775 2.5987 2.65569 .' McClung & Knickerbo_cker - Dewar, Robertson &, Pancoast Bids received were referred to Mr. O. U. Wymer, of Moroney, Beissner Be Co. representing the City of West Un_:Lversity Place and Mr. Whitt Johnson, City Secretary for tabulation and recommendation.- Mayor Pro tem Mooney declared a twenty minute recess to permit time for the bids to be tabul~ted and a recommendati9nconsidered. After the bids were tabulated it was declared that th~ bidpf Underwood, NeUhaus, Co.; Rotan, Mosle, Be Cooper with an effective interestl'ate of 2.4481 was the best bid receive'd and most ad- vantageous to the city. " Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that the bid of Underwood, Ne;uhaus, -Company; Rotan, Mosle, & Cooper with an effective interest rate of 2.4481 be accepted. . ~ .~-~='-~r."""l''''''''''T'T~T'~=:-:r- F-..... u,~~~.._._~_~.- !~ ---~-- _ ---------,--'-' (-\ l I ~o Ct':l ~1 ~ -J ~ 1\ I ' I ! \ I '---.' ,--'.) I 1 ; J '--, '189 Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Pro te~ Mooney; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Nisbet. None 0rdinance No. 654, captioned as, follows, was submitted to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $250',000 FIRST IN- STALLMENT OF A' $295,000' ISSUE OF CITY HALL BONDS; mESCRIBING THE TERMS Al'ID CONDITIONS THEREOF; AN.D LEVYING TAXES TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL Awn :D.Wl'EREST TEEREON. " Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Goff that Ordinance No. 654, l>e pa~sed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Pro tem Mooney; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Nisbet. None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carri~d, the meetin~ was adjourned. ATTEST: ~~~~'1-/ , ' ~/.d'?~ Mayor Pro tern. . ) 19(} REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION JANUARY 25, 1954 The. City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, January 25, 1954, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney. The city Secretary and City Attorney were also present. Commissioner Nisbet was ,absent. r I J The invocation,was pronounced by Mayor Morris. Mr. Karl Kraft requested permission on behalf of the property owners in the 2600 B~ock of Albans, to plant shrubbery on the city right-of-way between the,front property ~ines,and t~e curb to beautify the, street and to obstruct the view from ~he unsightly vacant lot and commercial property at the corner of Albans and Kirby. Mr. Kraft also said that the property owners were pro- ,testing the use Qf the curb and parkway as a driveway by the commerciales- ,tablishment at Albans and Kirby and requested the Commission to take necessar~ action to prohibit any shrubbery, curb or parkway from being destroyed or made unsightly. Motion by C9mmissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the prop- erty owners be permitted to plant shrubbery in the 2600 Block of Albans Rfoad on the city right-of-way and the Polic~ Department instructed to take necessary action to prohibit any shrUbbery, curb or parkway from being destroyed or made unsightly. - . Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney. None City Treasurer C.' E. Gammill, requested authority to destroy bonds and coupons pertaining to Water Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1950, which were r~- ' deemed in compliance with Council action and Resolution dated October 5,1953, and numb~red 28-85 and also numbers 18-27 which normally matured December 15, 1953, by burning. City Secretary Whitt 'Johnson requested permission to re- talnBond No. 85 to be placed in the official records of the City as a souvenir. i ~ Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that City Treasurer C. E. Gammill be authorized to destroy cancelled Bonds Nos. 18-27 normally matured December 15, .1953, and 28-84 which were redeemed in com- piiance with action of the City Commission on October 5, 1953; Bond No. 85 to be retained in the official' records of the city as a souvenir; said destruction to be by burning with a member ~f the city's auditing firm as witness. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney. None The Commission was advised that the two elevated water storage tanks were in need of painting and repairs and authori~y was requested to advertise for bids for this purpose. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that the City Secretary 1;>e instructed to advertise for bids to be received until 7:30 P.M. Monday, February 15, 1954, for cleaning and painting the city's two elevated water storage tanks. /' ~ .. r-r"l~F~--l~~~" -----::-r:.......,--~. ..1-, :--<-. -'~1: - ~ 191 r I L Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff', Mooney and Hangs None Authority was also requested to advertise for bids on street material which would be requ~red for the 1954 maintenance program. Motion by Commissioner Goff', seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the City Secretary be instructed to advertise for bids to Qe received until 7:30 P.M. Monday, February 15, 1954,. for furnishing street material required for the year 1954. ILO cY:) C\l <t """;;) ~' Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor' Morris; Commissioners Goff', Mooney and Hangs. ,None The City Commission discussed the necessity of employing an a~diting firm f'<?r the city for the year 1954. Mayor Morris appointed CommissioneJ5 'Mooney, Nisbet and City Secretary Whitt ,Johnson to work a~ a Committee to make a study of auditing firms interested in the city's work and submit a recom- mend8.tion at the ea.rliest possible date. . The, City Secretary advised the Commission that the city's purchasing system needed to be reorganized and modernized. . Mayor Morris was authorized to invite the Tax Research Association to. make a survey of' the present system~ A proposal from the Houston SaLvage Be Metal Company for the salvage of materials at the city's garbage dump was submitted to the Commission. Action r'-1 " on the proPQsalwas def,erred until a f'urther study could be made. I ' I ! ,-- A suggested proclamation was submitted to the Commission by the Texas Associa- tion of School Boards, requesting the Commission to proclaim the week'pre- ceding January 31st as "Preparation Week" in celebration of' the 100th birthday ofpuQlic education in the State of Texas. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Gof'f that the Mayor be authorized to sign a proclamation proclaiming the preceding January 31st as ,1fPreparation Week" in celebration of the lOOth birthday of public edu- cation in the State of Texas. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Mooney and Hangs None - Resolution No. 54-2 was submitted to the Commission and read in f'ull. r-~, I i I ' I ! I \ ' '--,' RESOLUTION " A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A RESERVE FUND IN TEE SEWER DEPART- MENT OF THE' CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; REQUIRING TEE ,TRANSFER OF FUNDS FROM TEE SEWER FUND PRESENTLY ON TIME DEPOSIT IN TEE UNIVERSITY STATE BANK TO TEE SAME; PROVIDING FOR,THE DEPOS~rT OF SUCH RESERVE FUND ON TIME DEPOSIT FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YE8R; AND PROVIDING FOR THE DEPOSIT OF ADDITIONAL SEWER FUNDS ON TIME DEPOSIT ~~ By Ordinance No. 653 passed and approved the 9th day of I l ~~ I-~I"~ ___ r=::l["'- _~ _-,' - L1 .r 192 November, 1953, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, called an election for the purpose of ~ubmitting to 'the qualified voters of said City the proposition of amending Article XVIII, Section 4, of the City Charter, providing for, among other things, the establishment of a Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) reserve in the sewer department 'of said City; and ~ WHEREAS, At a special election held on the, 12th day of December, 1953, the said proposition calling for the amendment of Article XVIII, Section 4, of the City Charter was passed and-approved by the duly qualified voters of said City; and WHEREAS, The Cit~ Commission of the City of West University Place desires to establish a reserve fund in the sewer department of said City, to be known as the City of West Vniversity Place Sanitary Sewer pharter Amendment Reserve Fund in compliance with the said appr~ved Charter Amend- ment; and WEEREAS, ~here is presently on deposit with the University State Bank of Houston, Harris County, Texas, funds of the sewer department of ' said City amounting to Fifteen Thousand Twelve 'and 5o/l00ths Dollars ($15,012.50) available for use in complying with the reserve sewer fund reCluirem~nt as contained in said Charter Amendmenli; and' WHEREAS, The City co~ssion of the City of West University Place is desirous of transferring to the City of West Uniyersity Place Sanitary Sewer Charter Amendment Reserve Fund Ten Thousand Dollars ($lO,OOO)'of the said sewer fund, the's~e to be placed on time deposit with the University state Bank of Houston, Texas, fQr a period of one (1) year; apd , ----' WHEREAS, The City Commission of t~e City of West University Place desires to place the remainder of the said sewer funds presently on time deposit with the University State Bank of 'Houston, to-~it, Five Thousand Twelve and 50jl00ths Dollars '($5,012.50) on time deposit with the said University State Bank for a periodof'one (1) year. _ , . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED :BY THE CITY' COMMISSION OF TIDJ: CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: ' 3. That the City Secretary of the City of West University Place be and he is hereby instructed to redeposit the remainder of the, sewer departmeD;.t L----~ ~ ---r~~~-~_J=-~~ L"':::::J: -'-r~~' ~..- ---'I: [ 1.0 ", C\l' <<'-1: ~ <e:t '(-1 l_J (I I ! I I '-- ~--- 193~ funds presently on time deposit with the University State Bank of Houston~ to~wit, the sum of Five Thousand Twelve ,and 50/l00ths Dollars ($5,012.50),- on time deposit for a period of one (1) year with the, said bank. ' PASSED AND APPROVED this 25th day of January, 1954. ; Motion by Commissioner Goff, secqnded by Commissioner Hangs, that Resol~tion' No. 54-2 establishing a reserve fund in,the Sewer Department be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No : ]4ayor Morris; Commissioners Qoff, Hangs and Mooney None A letter dated January 19,1,954, from Mr. ,Burke Holman, County Attorney, was submitted on behalf of the Harris County Commissioners Court explaining the formation of the Harris County Air and Water Pollution Control Program requesting that all Harris County cities participate with the, County in the cost of such program. The letter stated that the 1954 budget in the amount of $~5,OOO 'tlad been, approved and that the budget cost of the program was prorated among the citi~s, of Harris'County on the 1950 population basis and that, the City of West University Place share for the year 1954, was $553.50~ Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Mooney, that the City of West University participate in the Harris County Air Pollution Control, Program by contributing its apportioned amount of $553.50;,such contribution to, be paid in quarterlypa;yments from the Health Fund for a period of one year, with a report of progress on the project. Voting Aye': - 'Commissioners Mooney, Hangs and Mayor Morris Voting No ':. Commissioner Goff (Commissioner Goff stated that he voted no beca~se in his opfnionthe 1950 census does not give an equitable distribution over Ha;r-ris'County.) Minutes of meetings of the City Commission held on JanuarY 11, ano. 19, were read and approved as corrected~ Wi,th no fW'therbusiness, to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carr'i~d, the meeting was recessed. The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Monday, February 1, 1954, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Comm~ssioners Goff, ,Hangs and ]JJooney! The City Secretary and City Attorney were also present. Commissioner Nisbet was absent. The invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Mooney. ) In compliance with Council action on January 11th, ~nd notice to bidders 194 duly'published in the official newspaper of the city bids received for the furnishing of, truck ,and automotive equipment were opened and read aloud with results annbunced as ,follows: ' 3 - Two Door 1 - Two Door 1 - t Ton 1 - 2TTruck Sedans for Sedan for 'Pickupcfor Cab Be Chassis Bidder Police Dent. Insp. ,Dept. Sewer Dept. Garbage Dept. DQWntown Chevrolet Co. 1,831.11 1,237.37 786.40 1,853.56 Lacy Chevrolet Co. 2,289~5,4 1,388 .,18 1,208.08 xx Green-Peterson Chev. Co. 1,802.60 1,284.20 1,091.36 2,237.6;L Knapp Chevrolet Co. 2,131.:79 1,303.93 1,163i26 xx Smith Chevrolet Co. 2,195.10 1,506.00 1,268.00 2,192.00 Dew Motor Co. 2,421.95 , 1,189.65 1,153.78 xx Earl McMillian 2,,170.61 1,390.87 1,,194.36 2,164.l04 Raymond Pearson 2,390.50 1,388.50 1,229.00 2,470.00 Ivy Russell 1~563,.8l l~ 321.27 . 1~093.51 2,395.68 Felton Motor Co. 1,938.00 1,296.00 1,217.00 xx Jack Roach Motor Co. 2,153.11 1,484.00 ' 1,281.00 2,441.20 International Harvester 940.00 2,200.06 South Texas Truck Equipt. Co., $1,750.00 for one Garbage Be Brush Truck Body'. Koenig Iron Works, $1,712.64 !or one Garbage & Brush Truck Body. Motion by Commissioner Mooney,~ seconded by Commissioner Hangs "bhat' bids re- ceived for truck and automotive equipment be referred to the City Secretary and respective department heads for tabulation and 'recommendation. ' --1 I Voting Aye: Voting No Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Mooney and Hangs None The Chief of Police submitted a recommendation that "STOP" signs be placed on all streets crossing Annapolis ?treet south of University Boulevard tv Bellaire Boulevard as their had been a numbe'r of accidents occurring on Annapolis Street. Motion by Commissione;r Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that "STOpll signs be placed on all streets crossing Annapolis making Annapolis a through street with the exception of Pittsburg and Annapolis which is already a 4-way stop, in accordance with the recommendation from Chief of' ~olice H. E. Shipp. Voting Aye:, Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Mooney and Hangs Voting No: None Authority was requested from the City Commission: to advertise for bids to be received for the purchase of 13 radio receiyer units to be placed in the homes of Volunteer Firemen. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the City Secretary be instructed to advertise for bids to be received on the 22niday of February, 1954, for 13 radio receiver units. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; CommiSSioners Goff, Mooney and Hangs None ~ 13~=~=_:.L_~~ -~=--F.........--___.....=;_=r- .,..,...""--~ 1 U;-" i~ 195 The City Secretary advised that it would be necessary to appoint someone to exercise the duties of City Treasurer until a person is employed and officially appointed to, replace Mr. C. ;E. Gammill whose retirement became effective January 31, 1954. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Mooney, that Mr. G. P. ' Corry be appointed:Acting City Treasurer until such time someone is officially employed for the position of City Treasurer. Voting. Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Conunissioners Goff, Mooney and Hangs None With no further business to come before. the Commission at'thif? time, upon :to motion duly made, seconded and, carried, 'the meeting was adjourned. cY') C'-l <( ~"-:;) ~ r 1 LI A~~~R/' City., y " , c r- ~r= -m (' "'I ~X~ ,Mayor J r 196 REGULAR MEETING OF CTIY COMMISSION FEBRUARY, 8, 1954 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday February 8, 1954, 7:30 P.M. with the ',following membe:rs present: Mayor MorriS, presiding; Commissioner Hangs and Mooney. The City Secretayy was also present. Commissioners Nisbet and Goff and the City Attorney was apsent. r In compliance with action by th~ City Commission on February 1, 1954, the City Secretary submitted a tabulation and written recommendat~on concurred in by department heads concerning oids received on automotive equipment, the following action was taken: Motion by_Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the city purchase one-1954 Chevrolet-Tudor Sedan from Green Peterson Chevrolet Co. in accordance with their low net difference bid of $434.20, one 1954 Chevrolet Tudor Sedan from Downtown Chevrolet Co. on their low net- difference bid of . $762.37 and ,one 1954 Ford Tudor Sedan from Ivy Russell Co. on their low net difference bid of $421.27; these units to be used as patrol cars for the Pol-ice Department. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Hangs and Mooney. None ,The low bid submitted by Dow Motor Co. for onetudor Chevrolet Sedan for the inspection depar~ment was considreed contingent and not a firmb~d as to price and delivery date; therefore, it was deemed advisable to awa;rdthe delivery of this unit to the second: low bidder, Downtown Chevrolet Company provided this firm will deliver the automobile at the same low net difference price'q~Qted by Dow Motor Company. Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that one 1954 Chevrolet Sedan be ,purchased from Downtown Chevrolet Company for the Inspection Department; t~e low net difference bid from Dow Motor Company being considered contingent" ,p~ovided however, that Downtm'fn Chevrolet Company will deliver this unit at the same low net difference as quoted byDow Motor Company. _.~ I i ! -' Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Hangs and Mooney. None ~- Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs t~at one t ton chevrolet pickup for the sewer department be purchased from Downtown Chevrolet Company in accordance with their low n~t difference bid of $786.40. . ' Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Hangs and Mooney. None Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Mooney, that the low bid front Internationat' Harvester Company in the amount of $2,491.98 for delivery of one two-ton International Truck Cab and Chassis for the Garbage Department be accepted. ^' Voting Aye: Voting No Mayor Morris; Commissioners Hangs and Mooney. None Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs, th~t the low ~--.-~ ~rl---=r r --- '='1" 1 I ""'JI m tLQ Crj A) t. \~ <( l<=';) <t 191: bid from Koenig Iron Works in the amount of $1712.64 for fabrication and in- stallation of one garbage truck body be accepted. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Hangs and Mooney. None Mayor Morris stated that Mr. L. A. Patton had been interviewed as an applicant C for the position of City Treasurer, Tax Assessor-Collector and that his ap- plication was considered favorable by the Qity Commission and that he was present for official appointment. ; Motion by Co~issioner Hangs, seconded by ColIll.1lissioner Mooney that Mr. L. A. Patton be appointed City Treasu~er, Tax Assessor-Collector to. fill the vacancy creljl.ted ~y the retirement ~f Mr. C. E. _ Gammill. Voting ,Aye: Vot:\ng,No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Hangs and Mooney. None The Oath of Office was administered to Mr. L. A. Patton by Mayor Morris. With no further,business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded a.nd. carried, the meetJng, was recessed. . . . . - ***************** The City Commission convene~ in recessed session at the City Hall on Monday,. February 15, 1954, 7: 30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. TheCity Secretary and City Attorney were also present. The invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Goff. In compliance with action taken by the City Commission on January 25, 1954, and Notice to bidders duly published in the official newspaper of the city, bids received for painting of two elevated wa.terreservoirs were opened and read aloud with the following results a.nnounced: Knobloch & Company Cleaning & painting $6,746.00 Extra work - unskilled labor $2.50 skilled labor 4,.65 Invoice cost of material f.o.b. jobsite plus 15% for all overhead and profit Cleaning & painting $3,720.00 Extra work - unskilled labor 1.55 skilled labor 2.90 Invoice cost of material f.o.b.jobsite plus 15% for all overhead and profit Cleaning & Painting $4,396.00 Extra work - labor 5.50 invoice cost of material f.o.b. jqbsite plus 10% for all overhead and profit Courtney-Brink Be Company , Water Tank Service Co. \ r_-~:-l..:__-=r':,--__.____-=-=:::-:i~A. ______r: .- -:---':''''''",,,," '-~"]. -.-.------~------,.-----------,.---.-'r- -- 198' ' Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Goff that bids received for painting and,cleaning two elevated water reservoirs be referred to the ' City Secretary, City Engineer and Water Superintendent for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Mayor'Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mopney and Nisbet Voting No : ,None In qompliance w~th action taken by the Commission on January 25,1954, and Notice to Bidders duly published in the official newspaper of the city, bids received for delivery of asphalt, she~l and gravel for 1954 ~treet r~pair and maintenance re~uirements were opened and read aloud with the following results announced: . ", Stabilized PM Shell Asphalt Coated Shell Stabilized PM Shell Asphalt Coated Shell Precoated Limestone Rock A. Precoated Limestone Rock A. Precoated Limestone Rock A. PrecoatedLimestone Rock A. Asphalt ,Emulsion "Colas" $2.10 per T. 4.00 n tI 2.10 n II 4.00 n II l.82 II II Gr. lP 1.97 tI II n 4p 1.84 II fl fl lP 1.98 It n " 4 P 0.1343 per gal. Houston Shell Be Concrete Co. Parker Brothers & Co._, Inc. Uvalde Rock~sphalt Co. Whites Uvalde ~nes Belfast Supply Co.' Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Goff that bids receiyed for. delivery of asphalt,- shell and gravel for 1954 street repair and maintenance requirements 'be referred to the City Engineer and City Secretary for tabulation and recommendation. f Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs,Moon~y and Nisbet None Mr. Guy G. G:r-iffin, Mr. Frank Abbott and Mr. B. L. Jones, Jr., property owners on BUf!aloSpeedway xequested the City Commission's cooperation with the 'County and other property owners on Buffalo Speedway to arrange for the balance of Buffalo Speedway to be' paved. The Ci-ty Commission assured these property owners they would cooperate to the fullest extent in working with the County on this ~roject. Mr. Byrone Marlatt, 2603 Fenwood appeared- before the City Colfimission in the interest of traffic conditions in the 2600 Block Fenwood requesting that this block be made a one-way street, going East from Annapolis to Kirby Drive. A recommendation from the Chief of Police was also submitted to the Commission recommending that the 2600 Block be made a one-way street with the traffic " going East. ' , Motion by Commissioner Nis~et, seconded by Commissioner Goff that the 2600 Block Fenwood be made a one-way street going east as recommended by the Chief of Police and requested by the property OvTUers in the 2600 block Fenwood; on a 60 day trial basis. " Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None Lu -l~~==c~ _~~==-::E::=:..~' .~ __~r:: . . m~1. --~~,,-----.,----- ----r o , 1u'~' """'" \'l"'~ C'l <'1: ~~-:;) <t o o 199 The City Attorney 'advised that Judge Wm.E. Junell would be_out of the City temporarily and recommended that former Judge Bernard Kay be appointed _ Assistant Corporation Court Judge. Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner R~ngs, that Bernard Kay be appointed Assistant Judge of Corporation Court. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None The Oath of ,Office was administered to Bernard Kay as Assistant Judge of Corporation Court by Mayor Morris. A report was 'submitted by Commissioner-Moon~y, Chairman of a committee appointed by Mayor Morris to make ~ study or auditing firms interested: in the city's ' , auditing work for 1954. Commissioner Mooney reported that the COmmitte,e recommended the auditing firm of Summerford Be Wi~ker be re-employed as auditors for the year 1954 due to th~ fact of recent employment ofa new city treasurer, tax collector-assessor, and the ability of this firm to give material assistance sinqe they have audited the city's books for- the past ,two years. This experience was considered an advantage to \hecity at this time. ' Motion by ~ommissioner Mooney, seconded by Commiisioner Hangs that Summerford and Wicker be retained by the city as auditors for 1954 in accordance ~ith their ~etter proposal dated January 15, 1954. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, MooneyaD;d Nisbet None In line with earlier informal general discussions the City, Secretary and City Engineer reported they had done some'pre~iminary work with reference to the ,p_ossibili ty of paving the "skips If unavoidably left on portions- of University Boulevard in prior paving projects and at the request of the Commission, reviewed the matter generally and exhibited and discussed pre- liminary suggested plans for the work." , ' Motion by' COlmnissioner Mooney, seconded by COInIllissioner Goff that (1) *. Cornelison prepare more detailed plans for the construction of permanent pavement on those portions of University Boulevard Which_were skipped tn prior paving projects together with general specifications and a gener~l estimate 'of the probable cost; (2}That Edgar Townes, Jr. be retained 80S City Paving ,Attorney on the project first on a temporary basis for con- sultation with,Mr~ Johnson and Mr. Cornelison and report to the 9ommis~ion concerning legality of the contemplated proceeding~and ass~ssment cos~s against th~ respective property owners and if it be d~termined t:q.at th~ project be carried forward, then Mr. Townes be retained to hanc,!.le all :Legal p~9ceedings with reference thereto; and (3) that Mr. JOhnson, Mr. Cornelison and Mr. Townes report back to the Commission as soon as reasonably poss,ible for further consideration of the project and action thereon by the City Commission. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs,' Mooney and Nisbet None T~II' I -r---r-=-=-====:= ~-_.~ ""'f'''l 11f". 200' The City. Secretary advised' that the c,i ty was entitled to seven free street lights in accordance with a letter agreement with the Houston Lighting Be Power Company, and recommended that nEW lights be installed at Wakeforest and Tangley, Amherst and Annapolis, Edloe and Plumb, and Edloe and Arnold and that three presently 2nstalled lights pe,serviced and maintained without charge. , , Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hangs t~t the recommend- ation of the City Secretary for additional streetlights and servicing and main- taining three presently installed lights be accepted. Voting Aye: Voting; No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None The following Resolution was s~bmitted to the Commission and read in full: RESQLUTION ,4- 3 WHEREAS, C. E. GAMMILL was employed as a clerk 8Y the City of West Univerpity Place, Texas on the 5th day of April, 1935, and served faithfully in such capacity for a,period of six years; and '. WHEREAS, The said G. E. GAMMILL following his service as a clerk for the City of West University Place was appointed Trea~urer and Tax Assessor and Collector for the said City in the year 1941 and served in suCh capacity ,u,ntil the 31st day of January, 1954, at which time he, retired having ~ualified for benefits under the terms and provisions of the Texas 11unicipal Retlrement Act; and - WHEREAS, During his tenure with the City of West University Place, the said B. E. GAMMILL has performed his duties in an exemplary manner and thereby reflected credit upon the said City and the various administrations under which he- has served; and \ i ~ w:a:EREAS, The City Commission of the City of West University Place is desirous of expressing its appreciation as well as that of the citizens of the said City for the meritorious service rendered by the said C.E. GAMMILD. throughout his employment: , ') l (, " , NOW, TEEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: _1. That the appreciation of the citizens, of the City of West University Place, acting by and through t'he'Mayor and City Commission of said city, as well as that of the Mayor and City Commission, be, and the same is hereby extended to C. E. GAMMILL for the exemplary manner in which he has executed anQdischarged his duties as a clerk for the said City and conducted his office of City Treasurer and Ta~ Asse~sor and Collector over the past nineteen yea~s. ' 2. That a copy of this Resolution be presented to the said C. E. GAMMILL in token of the appre~iation of the citizens of the City of West University' Place and of the Mayor and City Commission of said City as expressed therein. 1 .........--' 20{' [-, ~ 3. That copies of this Resolution be furnished to each of the local newspapers serving this area. PASSED AND APPROVED this 15th day of February, 1954. Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the Resolution expressing appreciation to Mr. C. E. Gammill recently retire City Treasurer, Ta.x Collec.tor-Assessor, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayo'r Morris; Coinmissiopers Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Ni'sbet None .tQ C":l C\} <t 1<-,';) c:.t Minutes of meetings of the City Commission held on January 25, February 1, and February 8, were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. # ~ //f Jt~ , MayU.L fl LJ ATTEST :, n I I I , , I '----' [ t:=~_ -~~r::.",--","- ~""'<---=r::~~~~~, ,... 202 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION FEBRUARY 22, 1954 The City Commission convene~ in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, February 22, 1954, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present-: Mayor Morris, . , (.- presiding; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney ~nd Nisbet. The City Secretary and City ~ttorney were also present. ) _I ,Commissioner Nisbet pronounced the invocation. A tabulation 'of bids received on February 15,1954, for cleaning and painting two elevated water storage reservoirs was submitted to the Commission with a recommendation that the bid of Courtney~Brink Be Company'be accepted. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the low bid of Courtney-Brink Be Company in the amount of $3,720.00 for cleaning and pai~ting, $1.55 per hour for unskilled labor and $2.90 per hour for skilled labor, be aGcepted as recommended by the City Secretary and City Engineer. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None ( In accordance with action by the City Commission on February 15, 1954, a tabulation of bids received for delivery of asphalt, shell and gravel for 1954 requirements was submitted to the Commiss.ion with a recommendation that bids received from Parker Brothers Be qo. Inc., Uvalde Rock Asphalt Co. and Be~fast Supply Co. be accepted. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet, that the recommendation for the City Engineer and 'City Secretary be acc~ptedand a contract entered into with Parker Brothers Be Co., Inc., Uvalde Rock Asphalt Co. and Belfast Supply Co~ for furQishing asphalt, shell and gravel for 1954 street repair and maintenance requirements in accordance with their low bids submi tte_d on February 15, 1954 ~ -,,-J Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Moonel)l and Nisbet J$one In comPliance with action taken by the City Commission on February 1, 1954" and Notice to Bidders duly published in the official newpaper of the city, bids received for delivery of 13 radio receivers for use in homes of volun- teers of the West University Place Fire Department were opened'and results I ' , announced as follows: General Electric Motorola '$135.90 per unit, $118.00 per unit A letter dated February 16, 1954, was received from Herbert Voelcker, Architect, desiring authority to proceed with all working draw~ngs and specif.ications for the new City Hall. The Mayor was authorized to execute the letter with the underst~nding that all latest changes have been made on plans as agreed up9n at a meeting February 11, 1954. The City Secretary advlsed that he had been contacted by Mr. Burke Holman, i l '--.J r J,~' : J~ - '0_: .:...:.~J[ ~-----r : I ----'l: II ,-' ~J:J ,C":J 'N ~ ~ <t 11 i I '-- r-~ - I i L- I r-----~. 203. County Attorney with reference to an agreement with the Harris County Flood Control District for use, of 30 Ft. off the west line of Virginia Street from the south line of University Boulevard south to Carnegie StJ';'eet., and 35 Ft. from Carnegie Street to Cason Street, for improvements to Poor Farm Ditch within the bounds of West University. An agreement prepared 'by the Harris County Flood Control'District was submitted to the Commission for consideration. ' Motion by~ommissioner Nisbet! seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the Mayor be authorized to execute an agreement with the Harris County Flood Control District covering use of Virginia Street for improvements to Poor Farm Ditch for drainage purposes and that the City Attorney l:>e instructed to prepare the necessary ordinance embodying the agreement. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commis'sioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney artd Nisbet None The City Secretary advised the Commission that-he had inquired about the installation of equipment to increase gasoline storage capacity for the city. ' He stated that the installation of a 6000 gallon gasoline storage tank would save the city approximately 2~ per gallon on gasoline purchased, as larger quantities cQ~ld bedel:l.vered by tank truck. ,~ Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that the City Secretary be instructed to adverti~e for bids to be received until 7:30 P.M. March 22nd, 1954, for delivery of one 6,000 gallon gasoline storage tank for underground installation for storage of gasoline purchased for use in city equipment. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet Voting No :' None The City Secretary stated that inquiries had been received concerning com- mercial sewer connections in Braes Heights. where sanitary sewer service is now provided. Ordinance No. 552 limits the connections to residential only and therefore the co~ssion was requested to make a decision as to whether commercial connections wou~d be permitted and If S0 the proper charge to be made. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commiss:to'ner Hangs tllat Ordinance No. 552, be'aroended to provide a sewer ~onnection fee for the two Service stations being erected in the '7100 Block on &telJa Link Road in Braes Heights Addit~on; the fee to be 40uble of that charged for a single, residential connection and ,also the monthly sewer charge paid by the City of Houston be $2.50 per connection instead of $1.25. Voting Aye: Voting :No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~.~1E~ . , . Ma.yor A~S~~>~: G ) ~ ~ 'f). ..4'~ City Secr. . ' ---,-- r' ,." -1I - ,-- , 1 ..1 ,..I" 204 REGULAR'MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MARCH 8, 1954 The City Commission_convened in reguiar session on Monday; March 8; 1954; 7:30 P~M. at the City Hall, with, the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. The City Secretary and City Attorney were also present; Commissioner Goff wasa.bsent. 1 ! -..-' The invocation was pronQunced by City Attorney Karl Kraft. The m:i:nutes of a Zoning & Planning Board meeting he'ld on Februa.ry 24,_ 1954, were submitted to the Commission for eonsideration and the following action taken: Motion by'Commissioner'Mooney,-seconded by Commissioner Nisbet; that the request of Mr. M. L. Osenbaugh to rezqne Lot 2, Block 42, West University Plaee+st Addition for erection of a multiple housing unit be denied as recommended by t~e Zoning Be Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris, Commissioners Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None , Motion by Commissionerr Mooney, 'seconded by Commissioner Hangs, that the re- quest of Mr. Carl Illig~ owner of Lot 4, Block 2, BissonnetPlace, and of Mr. Homer McCallon, owner of Lot ,2, Block 93, West University Place'2nd Addition for rezoning said lots to permit multiple housing units be denied as recommended by the Zoning & Planning Board. -i- . Voting 'Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners H~ng~, Mooney and Nisbet None ---' It was the decision of' tJae Commission to reject the 'application of' Mr. Warren H~nkle, Regional Representativ:e of the Triple "MAn Company for a building permit to erect a Root Beer Stand at the corner of Sunset and Kirby on the advice of the City Attorney due tq traffic conge$tion and traffic hazardswhi?h would be caused by their operations. Mr. J. A. Metcalf, appeared'before the Commission and requested that he be given the bronze plaque from the entrance of the present city hall when it is demolished. 'Mr. Metcalf explained .to the Commission that the plaque has a 'sentimental Value to him as he had wor~ed with ea.ch ind,i vidual' whose. name appears thereon; all of whom,are now deceased. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded b~ Commissioner Nisbet that Mr. J. A. Metcalf be presented with tlae bronze pla.que from the entrance of the present c~ty Hall to be retained by him during his lifetime and returned to the City thereafter. Voting Aye; Voting No : Mayor ~orris; Commissioners Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None ' ; Mr. Joel Harris, 3912 Milton Street, appeared before the Commission protesting the parktng ,of large trailer trucks' ill the 3900 block of Milton Street and' merchandise being dispensed ther~1rom. Mr. Harris was assured that the matter 1 I ! ~' .. r--------- -- --~~---~'.'r.. . 1'1 . . - i 711- - 1"'~>-'--"-'-'T"-~-'-' i '1 "j" r--l , , I ! I \ , '---' to cYj t.\i <! ;.-... .; te:::( ( 1 I I ! j l--, r~ i ! I '-- 205 would be referred to the Chief of Police with instructions to correct this condition. Ordinance No. 655, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in ,full: ,AN ORDp1ANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR CERTAIN EMERGENCY CONSTRUC'rION AND REPAIRS TO THE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF WESTi UNIVlmfsITY PLACE, TEXAS; AUTHORIZING THE , CITY SECRETARY TO OBTATIf THE SERVICES OF A COM:l?Rl'ENTENGINEER- ING FmM TO EFFECT THE SAME. ON A FORCE ACCOUNT BASIS; AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF SERVICES RENDERED IN COmmCTION WITH SUCH EMERQENCY CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIRS; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that Ordinance No. 655, authorizing payment to Russ Mitchell, Inc. for services rendered in connection with emergency construction and repairs. to the sanitary sewer system at the intersection of Duke and yanderbiit, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. None RESOLUTION54~4 The fo+lowing Resolutions were ,presented to the Commission and read in full: WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capita.l available in the Health Fund which will not be required for operating expenses - unFil later in the present fiscal year; ,_ AND, WHEREAS, it is deem~q. :to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional reven-qe for the operation of the'City;- AND, ~EAS, the present bank balance) the averag~ monthly income and expenditures of this Fund for the past twelve months are as follows: . -, , Bank balance as of February 28, 1954- $7,569.19 Income March, 1953 April, 1953 May, 1953 June, 1953 July, 1953 August, 1953, Se12tember, 1953 Octobe'r, 1953 ,November, , 1953 December, 1953 January, 1954 $536~94 140.10 117 . 58 51.13 136.55 47 . 50 51. 75 85.38 117 . 52 29.04 63.37 I~: '.,_J _ :. _.__::',___..&_ . L~--~--'~-:" "L'} lIF E:x"f)erise $800.18 509.27 653.60 660.10 1,019.07 627.61 612.61 488.11 433.67 514.25 615.95 --T- 206 February, '1954 359.26 $1,736.12 ~ 144.6& 583.00 $7,517.76 626.48 ' Totals for past year Monthly' average Average Expense over Income $481.80 Bank Balance less Investment of $4,000 = $3,569.19 ~ EstilJ]a~edbal. as of Maturity Date $(855.81) Plus previous inv. maturities , $2,543.91 - Maturing 4-16-54 Estimated balance at time of this maturity $1,688.10 , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF T~ CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY ~CE, TEXAS, that tl1e City'Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $4,000.00 fr.om the Health Fund, for a period of six months. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 8th &,y of March, A.D. 1954. RESOLUTION 54- 5 WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital , available in the General Fund which will not be required for operating , expenses until later in the present fiscal year; , AliJD, WEEREAS, it is deeI\led -to' the best i,nterest of the Ci ty that such funds be placed in a tIm,edeposit investment in order to earn additional revenue for the operation of the City; -\ , ! , , !--..J , , AND, WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and expenditures of this Fund for the past twe;Lve months are as follows: '" Bank balance as of February 28, 1954 r- $92,720.19' Income Expense March, 1953 $5,601.97$25 169.24 April, 1953 11,483.73 28,369.32 May, 1953 5,688.85 20,960.14 June, 1953 4,118.94 24,339.18, July, 1953 5,242.13 30,470.99 August, 1953 6,421.13 24,617.57 September, 1953 4,432.83 25,119.99 October; 1953 ~ 4,374~69 28,979.93 Novemb,er, 1953 2,799.55 16,884.78 pecem~er, 1953 7,275.78 20,869.87 January, 1954 10,558.90 18.463~60 February, 1954 12,188.10 20,638.39 Totals for p~st year $80,186.60 $284,883.00 Monthly average $ 6,682.22 $ 23,740.00 Average Expense ove~ Income $17,075.78 Bank Bala.nce less Investment of $50,000.06 - $42,720.19 Estimated bal,ance as of Maturity Date $(59,734.49) (-9-10-54-) Plus previous:inv. maturities $140,000 -4-16-54 and 7-5-54 Estimated-balance at time of this maturity $80,265.51 - 9-10..;,54 J ' I--~,-,,~--- ---. . T~,~~~~~'~~~~'':':r~-' r- ,.... "'--'C--''''''-,''\ w 1- 'l f i \ i to C'" C\l -<( ".-'" <t rl I I i I L- .r---"" i ! I \ , '-- 201 , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY 60MMISSION' OF TEE CITY OF, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby ~irected to invest funds amounting to $50,000.00 from the General Fund, for a period of six months. - PASSED AND APPROVED tb,is the 8th day of March, A.D. 1954. RESOLUTION 54-6 WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, "currently has capital available in the Sanitary Sewer Capit~~, Improvement Fund'whichwill not be required fo~ operating 'expenses unt+l later in the present fiscal ) , year; , AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to the best iq.terest of the City tl'1at such funds be -placed in a time deposit invest~ent "in orde.r to earn additional revenue for the operation of the City; AND, WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income ant;lexpenditures of this Fund for the past twelve months are as follows: Bank B~ance as of February 28~ 1954 - $4,884.65 - to be. held in active account. Plus previous investm~nt maturities $30,375.00 maturing 3-12~54 Plus interest earned on 3~12-54 maturity 379.69 ' \ Total amoun~_this proposed investment' $30,754.69, NOW, 'rEEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS,., that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $30,754.69 from'the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund, for a period of six months. PASSED .AND APPROVED thi,s the 8th day of March, A.D. '1954. RESOLUTION 54- t WEEREAS,the City ,of West University Place, currently has capital available in the 1948 Street Improvement Fund which will not be- required for operating expenses until later in the present fiscal year; 4ND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to the best iqterest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in nrder to earn additional revenue for the operation of the City; AND, 'WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly '~-~~-~-----r:=l=- -ri-==-"""--I -',in-- 1f--.,--------------- .~--r----- ---,---- r- I -'_U''''-''---'!,"l 208 income and expenditures of this Fund for the past twelve'mqnths are as follows: Bank balance as of February 28, 1954 - $1,161.84 - to be retained as a con:tingency f,und' --.-J Plus pr~vious investment maturities Plus int.erest earned on 3-12-54 mat. $30,375.00 maturing 3-12-54 379 - 69, ' Less amt. withheld for skip-paving program Total Amount of this proposed investment $30,754.69 h}OOO 00 $26,7?4.69 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY. TEE CITY CO~SSION OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $26,754.-69 from the 1948 Street Improvement Fund, fora period of-six months. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 8th day _of March, A.D. 1954. RESOLUTION 1)4-8- , WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital ,available in the 1948 Garbage Disposal Fund which will not be required for operatinge~enses until later in the 1 present fiscal year; Al'ID, WHEREAS, it is dee~ed to the best interest of the City thatsu such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue for ,the operation of the City; i. ---,' r "- AND, WHEREAS, THE present bank balance, the average monthly income and expenditures of this Fund for the past twelve months are as follows: Bank balance as of February 28, 1954 ... $424.47 ,Plus previous investment maturit~es $3,037.50, maturing 3-12-54 Plus interest earned on 3-12-54 mat. 37.97 ,Tota+ amount this proposed inve~tment '3,499.94 NOW, TEE:REFOBE, BE IT, RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer' is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $3,499~94from the 1948 Garb~ge Disposal Fund, , for a period of Six months" PASSED AND APPROVED this the 8th day of March, A.D. 1954,. Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Mooney, that Resolutions No. 54-4, 54-5, 54-6, 54-Tand 54-8 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds from th~ Health, General, Sanitary Sewer C,apital Improvement, 1948 Street Improvement; and 1948'GarpageDisposal Funds be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None , ~ T ,-- I'" ~~C'Tl ('[ I i "-...1 a..":i CI':l 'C\l <C -""':l <:( r-' ! I : i . I L_ (-----" I : I ' \ I I b_ 209 The City S~cretary advised'that Water Well No.6, was in need of re~airs and that he had received an estimate of approximately $5800 for lowering of the well and replac~ment of existing starter-and motor. Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the City' Secreta~y be instructed to advertise for bids to be received until 7:30, P.M. March 29, 1954, for materials and equipment necessary to lower well No.6, and repl~cement of existing starter and motor. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None A letter was submitted from C. V. Reynolds, Fire Chief, with a recommendation that the low bid of Motorola Communications Be Electronics, Inc., for 13 radio receivers be accepted. Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, ,seconded by Commissione~ Hangs that 13 radio receivers be purchased from Motorola Communications & Electronics, Inc., in accordance with their low bid submitted on February 22, 1954, at a price of $118.00 per unit. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morr;is; ConmissionersHangs, Mooney and Nisbet W-one The City Secretary recommended the appointment of Mrs. Lola Gli,ck and Mr. Arvil ' Patton as Deputy Clerks of the Corporation Court to assist present Deputy -Clerks and Mrs. Pearl Reynolds, Clerk of the CorporationCQurt. ' Mr. Johnson explained that there are occasions on Saturdays and during vacations when none of the presently appoi~ted Clerks are on duty and the appointment 'of additional Deputy Clerks would provide someone at the City Ball at all hours to receive payment of fines. ' Motion by Commissioner- Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs, that necessary Resbl~tion be prepared for a~pointment of Mrs. Lola Glick and Mr. Arvil Patton as additional Deputy Clerks of the Cprporation Court. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Hangs, M90ney and Nisbet None , Ordinance 'No. 656, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Commission and rea.d in full: AN ORDINANCE AillHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY, OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, 'lEKAS, TO ENTER INTO AND EXECUTE AN AGREE- MENTON BEHALF OF SAID cr;ry WITH THE HARRIS COUNTY FLOOD CO:NTROL - DISTRICT RELATIVE TO THE IMPROVEMENT, MAINTENANCE AND dC~UPANCY , OF A PORTION' OF VIRGINIA'STREET; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORD,INANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; 'AND PROVIDING FOR AN' EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet, that Ordinance No. 656 authorizing and directing the Mayor to enter into and execute an agreement on behalf of the City with the Harris County Flood Control District -r~- :----::11 _F~ - ""L 1 -' 210 relative to the improvement, maintenance ana occupancy of a portio~ of Virginia Street, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; None Commissioners Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet i i I I ~ The City Secretary reported to the'Commission that property owners on Buffalo Speedway had wi i;hdra'\vn their request for completing the paving on Buffalo Speedway as a number of the citizens were not Willing to participate in the cost of'such work. , ) Minutes of meetingsheld,on February 15 arid February 22,1954, were read and approved. . With no furth.er business to come before the Commission at this time, upon moti-on duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~~~~ MaYlDr ATTEST: ~' I ~ f'~c~~===r-..-:.OO;';'~'----=r-....--~~ .. _ _ ___ :l"'-"'- -",-=-"..'-'-"~ :"L~_~.'_".,-,,, '--c'-="'~-'.~~"r:---::- ..~---\ l_,,\ 1L':l ~ C\l <-'1: ~ <:t r--'"l i I ~_I I I I I I I I r- i ii, il II ,211 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MARCH 22, 1954 The City Commission convened in Regular Session at the City H~ll on Monday, March22, 1954, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: ,Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. The City Attorney and City Secretary were aiso present~ The invocation was pronounced by City Secretary Whitt, Johnson. In complian~e with action by the City Commission and Notice to Bidders duly , publis~ed in the official newspaper for the City, bids received for furnishing one 6,000 gallon underground storage tank for gasoline were opened and results announced as follows: Modern Welding Company Armco Drainage Be Metal Products, Inc. $535.13 '517.00 Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commis'sioner Goff that the loW _ bid submitted by Armco Drainage Be Metal ;Produc'ts, Inc., in the amount of $517.00 fornJanufacture and'deliveryof one 6,000 gallon underground tank be accepted and purchase authorized. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None The minutes of a special: Zoning Board meet_ing, held on March 12, 1954, were submitted to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion~by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Hangs, that a building permit be issued to Mr. Bert McElroy for construction of a 7 x 12 Ft. play- house at 2903 Quenby, ,as recommended by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None Mr. James P. Markham, representing Lehigh Building Corporation and the lessee of a 100 foot frontage on Bissonnet Street beginning 197 feet East of Wake- forest appeared before the Commission advising that Messrs. Campbell and Shattuck desired a building permit for' the erection of a metal fireproof building approximately 10 x '30 feet. The request was referred to the City Attorney for study to determine whether or not this type of building would comply with the Zoning Ordinance and Building Code of ' the city. Herbert Voelcker and Associates, the Architect for the proposed City Hall presented final plans and specifications for the Commission's consideration. r Motion by Oommissioqer Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Mooney, that the plans and specificat~6ns for the proposed City Hall submitted-by Herbert Voelcker and Associates Architects, be accepted ,and Notice to Bidders be published in the official newspaper of the city for bids to be received until 7:30 P.M. April 22, 1954. Voting Aye; Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hanga, Mooney and Nisbet ~one 212 Colonel O. W. Noel, 6703 Buffalo Speedway, appeared before the Commission pro- testing automobiles being parked-on Buffalo Speedway in the 6700 Block and ' left all day and also cars parking without lights on city streets at night. The matter was ,referred to the Chief of Police for study and recommendation. The City Secretary advised that the sewer lift plant at the corner of Academy street and Judson Street was in need of ~emodeling as the present wood structure is badly deteriorated. It was his suggestion that a chain link fence be erected to enclose the premises. Members of the City Commission were of the opinion that perhaps the building could be so designed to make it more concealed and neater in appearance without necessity of erection of a fence. ; ~' Motion by,Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that necessary repair and remode~ing to the sewer plant ~t the corner of Academy and Judson Streets be authorized. ' , Voting Aye: Voting No, : Mayor Morris; Commissioners, Goff, Mooney, Hangs and Nisbet None Ordinance No. ,657, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FIXING AND ESTA13LISHING RATES TO BE PAID FOR COIiJlllECTIONS TO THE, CITY SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF WEST PNIVERS;J:TY PLACE, TEXAS AND MONTHLY PEW~GE DISPOSAL SERVICE CHARGES FOR TWO CERTAIN SERVICE STATIONS LOCATED IN BRAES BEIGHTS ADDITION, AN ADDITION IN TEE CITY OF HOUSTON, TEXAS; DIRECTING THAT A COPY OF THE ORDINANCE BE FUR- NIsHED TO THE CITY OF HOUSTON, TEXAS; .AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ----' Motion by Commissioner Gof~, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet, that Ordinance No. 657, fixing and establishing rates to be paid for connections to the City Sanitary Sewer System of West University and monthly sewage disposal service charges for two certain service sta.tions located in,Braes Heights Addition on Stella Link Road be passed and approved as read. , , ,Voting Aye: Vot'ing No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Mooney, Hangs and Nisbet None' The following Resolution was submitted to the Commission and read in full: EESOUlTION WHEREAS, By resolution passed and approved.the 22nd day of June, 1953, Mrs. Pearl Reynolds was appointed Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, Te~s and G. J. Forcher, R.M. Farris, C. E. Duffin and Perry Pace, were 'appointed Deputy Clerks of ~aid Court; and WHEREAS, The said Perry Pace has 're~ently been transferred from the Fire Department of the City of West University Place, of which he was a member ~t the time of his appointmept as Deputy Corporation Court Clerk, and is now a member of the P9lice Departmen~ of said City; and ' , \. WHEREAS, By reason of the transfer o~ Perry Pace to the Police Department of the City of West University Place it has become impossible for ~ J ,,:,-, ~', '~_,r ~ _eo' . 1'1 ---:::I [---1 '-----' a..,? CT:l C\l ~ """,j) < '213 him to continue in the capacity of Deputy Corporation Court Clerk; and WHEREAS, The need for addi~ional Deputy Corporat~on Court Clerks now exi'stsby reason of the inability ofperr;y Pace to serve in such capacity and because of the schedule of work o~ the Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place and the other Deputy Cl~rks of such Court; and WHEREAS, The City Commission of the City of West University P+ace is of the opinion that the said Perry Pace should be officially relieved of his duties as Deputy Clerk of the Corporation Court of said City and that Mrs. Lola ,Glick and Arvil Patton should be 'appointed as Deputy Clerks of said Court. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: ' 1. That Perry Pace be and he is hereby relieved of his duties as Deputy Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, Texas. 2. That Mrs. Lola Gli.ck and Arvil Patton be and they' are hereby . appointed Deputy Clerks of the Corporation Gourt of the City of West Universtty Place, Texas to assist Mrs. Pea;rl Reynolds in the execution of the duties of Clerk of the sa:j..d Court. 3. That except as herein provided t~e Resolution of June 22, 1953, hereinabQve referred to is in all things ratified and confirmed. PASSED THIS THE 22nd DAY OF MARCH, 1954. COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE ALL COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO NONE Motion by ColpIIlissioner-:ijangsj'seconded by Commissioner Goff, that the Resolution appointing Mrs. Lola.Glick and Mr. Arvil Patton as Deputy Clerks of the Corpor- ation COurt be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No : Me.yorMorris j ,Commissioners Goff, Ha.n,gs, Mooney and Nisbet. None A letter 'from the owner of a quadrangular tract of land fronting 70 feet on the South line of Bellaire Boulevard with a depth of 250 feet in the 4200-Block of Bellaire Boulevard requesting perI!lission to connect onto the sewer line belonging to the City of Houston arid connecting to the City of West University Place for sewage disposal was submitted to the Commission. Motion by'Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the Mayor be authorized to execute an agreement with Irving Gordon for permission to connect onto the sewer line belonging to the City Of Houston and connecting to the City of West University Place for sewage disposal provided the City' of West University Place is permitted to connect onto the sa~itary sewer line where it parallels the city's dr~inage ditch right-of-way. r ~~.~....., """-,"-- Il. jf--- ru - r -", --,- ',1 214 Voting Aye: Voting No, : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None The Comm~ssion, discussed procedure to be taken in moving the city offices to th~ Community Building 'and agreed on the following action: ~ \ !. Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Mooney, that bids be received,unti~ April 12, 1954, 7:30,P.M.for demolition of the old City Hall building and'moving the ~teel frame structure, wood frame ,structure, and the metal tower ana. fire siren to the ~ommunity Building; arid thatt1ae~C,i.ty Secretary be instructed to hold all moving cost to a minimum in order to conserve pond funds for use in construction of the new city hall. '\ Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet Vot~hg ,No: None A letter of resignation from Mr. J. E. Weatherly as, a member of t,he Board of Adjustment and Appeals was submitted to the Commission. Action on, appointment of another member to fill' the vagancy was deferred. ' - A written report dated March l2, 1954, from a sub-committee appointed by the City Commissio~ to make recommendations f9r improving the property on.the .south side of Bissonnet street be1;ween Wakeforest a.nd Buffalo Speedway now zoned for ~ingle family residences and which a previous committee recommended such zoning be modified, was submitted to the Commission. The Committee recommended that the ~rea be developed not to ex~eed duplexs, with set-back requirements from the ~ront,line of 20', rear line 5', side line on inside lots' 3', corner lots' 5' for "dwelling and 10' for garages with a. minimum'rear . yard depth of 20'. It was recommended that exterior surfaces of main buildings be of brick as provided in Section 2, Sub-section 31, except that it should be ioO% instead of 5l%bricf or related masonry construction. -.-J Motion by CDmmissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that the recom- mendation of the Sub-Committee with respect to rezoning all lots on the South side of Bissonnet Street between Wakeforest and Buffalo Speedway be supplementary to the original recommendation submitted by the Special Committee which was appointed to make a study of fringe areas and of th~ zoning ordinance in general. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commiss"ioners Goff ,Hangs, Mooney arid Nisbet None Minutes of ~he meeting of March 8, were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seco~ded and carried, the meeting Was recessed. ********************* The City Commission co~vened in recessed session at the City.Hall on Monday, March 29, 1954, '7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Pro-tem Mooney, presid~ngj Commissioners GOi'fandHangs. The City Secreta.ry anCl. City Attorney were also present. Mayor Morris and Commissioner Nisbet were absent. --' r~\' ! i .! ' ~~ 0" C.J ~, ~ <1: r--\ I I t .. ,__.,__ ~~, ~~.. '. ,,_,__ 21'5 The invocation was pronounced by Mayor Pro-tem Mooney. In compliance with action by the City Commission and Notice to Bid,ders duly published in the official newspaper of the city, bids received for furnishing one 300 H.P. Electric Starter and one 250 H.P. Electric Motor and Deep Well ,Turbine PUmp Eq,uipment for Well No., 6, were opened and results announced as follows: Warren Electric Company - 1 Allen-Bradley Bul. 746, 300 H.P., 440 volt, 3-phase, 60 cycle, automatic motor starter $2,290.00 Southern :E:ngine & Pump Co. - 1 Allen-Bradley Bul. 746, 440 volt, 3 phase, 60 'cycle, magnetic reduced voltage air break, motor starter in general purpose NE~ Layne Texas Company - Ite:rns 1 through 6 Used Motor Allowance $2,332.00 $9,681. 00 1.325.00 Total ~or proposed work $8,356.00 / Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that bids received for equipm~nt for. water 'well No.6, be referred to the City Engineer and City Secretary for tabulation ,and recommendation. . V"oting Aye: Voting No Mayor Protem Mooney,:.Cdmmist:d6riers Goff , and Hangs None Mr. James P . Markham, and' Mr. W. F. ,Cawlfield, again appeared before the . Commission with reference to the erection of a metal building on Bissonnet street 197 Feet East of Wakeforest. In accordance with action by the City Commission on March 22, the City Attorney submitted an opinion stating that it was within the power of the City Commission,to lifu1t the type of materials which can be used and that the Supreme Court had held that the Zoriing Ordinance is valid. Mayor Morris arrived at this time. Motion by Mayor Morris, seconded by C0mmissioner Goff, that the matter be deferred for further study and consider~tion and consultation with the Ci~y Attorney. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney None At the req,uest of Mayor Pro-tem Mooney, Mayor Morris took the chair and pre- sided. Mr. C. F. Samp, 3749 Arnold, appeared before the Commission requesting per- mission to drill a private water well in his yard to use in conne~tion with .,'"":c------,-,-,,-, ,,--,,-.:-,--,,--.---- --;rJ~- 216 ! i ~.Jj,..~:'.~' 1 ;:- operation of an air conditioner. Mr. Samp stated that he proposed to drill the well abol.lt 40'deep and use a 2" pipe. The request was referred to the City Attorney for study and report as to the legal aspects. Wm. E. Junell, Judge of the Corporation Court, submitted a verbal resignation stating,that it was necessary for him to r~linquish the Judgeship due to increased obligations of his private practice. Mr. Junell and City Attorney Karl Kraft recommended Mr~ Dan Walton, 2724 Nottingham, be appointed Corporation Court Judge;. ' ' , Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that the :r'esig- nation of Mr. Wm. E. Junell as Judge of the Corporation Court be accepted with regrets and that he be retained as substitute judge for call when necessary and that Mr. Dan Walton be, appointed Corporation Court Judge... Votin~ Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; None Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney The Oath of Office was administered to Mr. Dan Walton as Judge of the Corpor- ation Court by 1hyor Morris. The Insurance Committee appeared before the Commission recommending that a. policy for Workmen's Compensation and Comprehenq1ve General Liab~lity coverage be renewed under a retrospective rating. The-Policies now in, effect expire April 15, 'and June 2. Action on renewal of the policies was deferred until Monday, April 5). 1954. Resolution No. 54-10, 'as follows, was submitted to th~ Co~ission and read in full:- ' - BESGI.U'J?ION. no. 5l!. 10 WHEREAS, the c~ty of West University Place, currently has capital available in the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund which will not be re~uired for operating'expenses until later in the present fiscal year; AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a tifue depositiRvestment in order to earn additional revenue for the operation of the City; AND,WEEREAS, the present bank balance, the, average monthly income and expenditures of this Fund for the past twelve mont~s are as follows: \ Bank balance as of March 27, 1954 Bank. Balance less Investment of $8,684.50 $8;500 00 $ )184.50 $35,75JI 69 $35,939.19 Plus ~revious inv. maturities Estimated balance at time of this mat'l!rity NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOI,.VED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $8,500.00 from the Sanitary Sewer Capital ' Improvement Fund, for a period of- one year., !. ~._, -, ; r '_'j ---I i' 'l Li Ii \ I l__i 217 PASSED AND APPROVED this the 24th day of March, A.D. 1954. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Mooney, that Resolution 54-10, directing the City Treasurer to invest $8,500 from the Sanitary Sewer Capita.l Improvement Fund in Time Deposit at the University State Bank, fora period of one year at 2~ interest, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney None With no further business to come before the Commission at ,this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed. ********************* The City Commission convened in recessed session on Monday, April 5, 1954, at the City Hall, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioner Goff, Hangs, and Mooney. The City Secretary was also . present. Commissioner Nisbet and the City Attorney were absent. The invocation was pronounced by Mayor Morris. In accordance with previous instructions a recommendation pertaining to bids received for delivery of one 300 HP electric starter and one 250 HP electric motor and well equipment for rehabilitation of Water Well No.6, was submitted by the City Secretary. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the low bid of Warren Electric Company for one Allen-Bradley 300 liP electric starter be accep~ed and the bid from Layne Texas Company for one 250 HP electric motor in the amount of$5i144.50 less $1,325.00 allowance for used 150 HP electric motor; 40' of 12 "x3-2'tlx2-7/16" flanged well pump column in the amount of $1,295.00; one 17" DROHC intermediate, cast iron No. 8:DR81 in the amount of $242.00; one 17" DROHC impeller, bronze; No. 8DR17l in th.e amount of $214.50; be accepted and Layne-Texas Company be engaged to perform repair work in accordance with their service charge schedule attached to their formai bid dated March 29th. Voting Aye: Voting No Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney None A request submitted March 29th by Mr. C. F~ Samp, 3749 Arnold, for permission to drill a private water well for use in operation of an air conditioner, was considered by the Commission. After discussing the disadvantages and 'possibilities of contaminating the city water supply and the inability o:y the home owner to dispose of surplus water not required for air conditioning use, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that the request iT] of Mr. Samp for permission to drill a private water well for use in operating I il an air conditioner be denied. ~i ",' I ! i I I L 218 Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morrisj Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney None It was also deemed advisable to establish a policy to govern future requests of this nature. Motion by Commissioner Hang~, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare and submit for consideration an ordinance prohibiting the drilling of water wells on private premises. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney None Mayor Morris stated that a decision should be made concerning the Insurance Committee's recommendation on writing the city's workmen's compensation and comprehensive general liability insurance on a 3 year retrospective plan. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconde~ by Commissioner Hangs, that Workmen's Compensation and Comprehensi~e General Liability Insurance now carried by the city be written on a three year retrospective plan as recommended by the Insurance Committee. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morrisj Commissioners Goff, Hangs- and Mooney I None The request of Mr. W. F. Cawlfield for permission to construct a metallic building East of Wake forest Street on Bissonnet was considered. Mayor Morris stated that it was the advice ,of the City Attorney that the application for a building permit as requested by Mr. Cawlfield could be legally denied as the type of construction proposed was not in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance or Building Code. ---I i j I ~ Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the building permit application requested by Mr. W. F. Cawlfield for erection of a metallic building on Bissonnet Street 197 Ft. east of Wakeforest Street be denied for reason that it would not comply with the city's Zoning Ordinance and building code. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morrisj Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney None Minutes of the ~eetings of March 22 and 29, were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~. 'T: 4~ Mayor A'I"rEST: /--, I ' , I ~, 1.0 M C"-l ~ ....~. <:t ; I t__ (---, I ' I ' I I I :1 . L==_~__ 2f9 . l,.,.~ REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION APRIL 12, 1954 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, April 12,' 1954, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. The City Secretary was @olso present. The City Attorney was absent. The invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Nisbet. In'conpliance with action by the City Commission on March 22, 1954, and Notice to Bidders duly published in the official newspaper of the City, bids received for demolishing the present city hall and moving two temporary buildings, and the fire siren tower from the city hall grounds to the Community Building grounds, were opened and results announced as follows: ' Firm Item 1 Item 2 Item ~ Gossett Demolishing Com~ny Olshan D~molishing' Company Interstate Motor Be,Wreeking Co. The Service Company $2,450.00 ,890.00 2,668.90 3,700.00 $ 74 125 100 100 $ 375 485 550 1,200 Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner'Nisbet 'that the low bid of Olshan Demolishing Company in the amount of$15?0 for demolishing the present city hall and moving two temporary buildings, and the fire siren tower from the city hall grounds- to the Community Building grounds be accepted and a contract executed. Voting.Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Go:ff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None Minutes of the Zoning Board meeting held on April 8, 1954, were submitted to 'the Commission for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Goff, secQnded by Commissioner Mooney, that a public hearing be called for 7:30 P.M. May 3~ ~954, to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit extension of the front of an existing garage on Lot, 6, Block ,~2, West University, Place 2nd Addition 8' toward SewaneeStreet as re~uested by Mr. L. F. Statton, 3502 Nottingham anq recommended by the Zoning,and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting.No : Mayor Morris;-Comm:i,ssioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None Motion'by Commis~ioner. Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff, th~t a public hearing be called for 7:45 J:>.M.May 3, 1954, toconsideram~nding the city's zoning ordinance to permit subdivision of Lots 11,12, 13 and E 25' of Lot 14, Block'32, College View 4th Addition into two'lots, and erection of a residence on one of the lots with a front setback of approximately 45' as requested by Mr. E. R. Brown and recommended by the Zoning & Planning Board~ ' Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None --"-~T~~~~ __.__-,-C -.. ,_~,,,,,,,,=',--.==~~~-- . .. - ----------------- --- -.-<.1 220 t..- " Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded Py Cpmmissioner Hangs that a public hearing be called for 8:00 P.M. May 3, 1954, to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit subdivision of Lot 5, Block-2l, West University Place 1st Additio~ into two lots of 50x 150' each, as requested by Mr. J; .A. Metcalf, 6320 Buffalo Speedway. Voting Aye: '. Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Hangs None No action was taken on the request of Mr. H. N. Wood for permission to install a separate meter for gas and electricity at a garage apartment located at 2732 ,Carolina Way; and the request of Mr. John J. Do'!:>ler, on b~half of, the st. Andrew,r,s Presbyterian Church for extension of a temporary permit covering use of a frameftScout House 11 ,on the church premises, pending recomm~ndation.from the Zoning Board. ' The Ci~y Secretary submitted two separate proposals whereby the city could comply with provisions of the City Charter which requires a minimum of $15,000 to be set' aside in a fund to be known ae "Charter .Amendment Reserve Water Fundll. The proposals were as fel19wS: Proposal No.1. Transfer from "Sewer Replacement Fund" Transfer from current water~sewer receipts each month for nine mon~hs ~ $1,307.90 Fund total.as of December 31,1954 ,Proposal No.2. Transfer from "Sewer Replac'ement Fund" Transfer from "Wa ter~Sewer Fund Investment'! totaling $50,000, which matures Apr.,16, 1954 $ 3,289.30 11. 710~ 70 $15,000.00 3,289.30 ;-11 .710.70 . $15,000.00 Under Proposal No.2, the,entire amount could immediately be invested whereby it would earn $372.00 b~ April 30, 1955. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that Proposal No.2, be accepted and Resolution No. 54-11 be passed and approved. Voting, Aye: Voting No Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None RESOLUTION 54-11 WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the 'Charter Reserve - Water Fund which will not be required for operating expenses until later in the ; present 'fiscal year;, ,AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to the best interest of the City that such fundsbe placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue for t~€ operation of the City; AIm, WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly income and expenditures of this Fund for the past twelve months, a.re as fallows: Anticipa~ed bank balance as of April 16, 1954 :- $15,000.00 , NOW, THEREFORE" BE IT RESOLVED BY TH& CITY COMMISS ION OF THE CITY OF WEST, UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to . - - r~""O''=j''~'~'~!,~''"'.'.--F'-'''''W''''L',~.''''~',l --------;r f~--; LJ t,':) ("Y) C\l < ""';;) c:::t ri I I I I I I L-! r-'---" I I i .~ 2'21 invest funds amounting to $15,000.00 from the Charter Reserve-Water Fund, for a period of one year. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 12th day'of April, ,A.D. 1954. ' ,Resolution No. '54-12 as follows, was submitted to the COllI9lission and read in full: 'RESOLUTION 54-12 WEEREAS, the City of West University Place, currentiy has capital available in the Health Fund which will not be required for operating ex- penses until later in the 'Present fi~eal.year; AND, WEEREAS; it is deemed to the best interest of the'City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue for the operation of the City; AND, WHEREAS, the present bank balance, the average monthly:i"ncome and expenditures of this Ftlud for the past twelve months are,as follows: Bank balance as of April 12, 1955 - $3,287.18 Income E ense $140.10 509.27 117.58 653.60 51.13 660.10 136.55 1,019.07 47 . 50 , 627 . 61 51.75 612.95 85.38 488.11 April, 1953 May; 1953 June, 1953 July, 1953- August,' 1953 Sept., 1953 October, 1953 Totals for same period last year $629.99 $4,570.71 Mop.thly average 90.00 653.00 Average expense over'income 563.00 Bank Balance less investmet;l.t of $2,600 $3,231.09 Est;i.1nated bal. as of Maturity Date ($3381) Plus previous inv. maturities'9-12 $4,000~00 Estimated balance at time of this maturity $2,840~09 , . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE, CITY OF WEST, uNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to ~2,600 from the Health Fund, for a period of six months. \ PASSED AND APPROVED this the 12th day of April, A.D. 1954. _,Motion by Commissioner Mooney, sE;'!conded by Commissioner Nisbet that Resolution No. 54,-12 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds ampunting to $2,600 from th~ Health Fund for a period of six months be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None r~~~~ ~I ir ['~~,"";~~~il 222 Resolution No. 54-13 as follows, was submitted to the Commission and read in full: RESOLUTION 54-1~ WHEREAS., the City of West University Place, cUJ;'rently has capital available in the Water-Sewer Fund which will not be required for operating ex- penses until later in the present fiscal year; AND, WHEREAS, it is de~med to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time, deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue f'orthe opera.tion of the City; AND, WHEREAS, the present ban'k balance, the average monthly income and expend.itures,. of this Fund for the past' twelve months are as',fol,lows: , . Bank 'balance as of' April 12, 1954 - $34,290.04 Portion of 4-16-54 Inv~Maiurity 23,000.00 $57,290.00 Transfer to Cftarter Amendment Resv. Well repairs 2/3 Avg. monthly expenses '1 April Est. April 30, balance $11~710.70 8,000.00 8.000.00 27 710.70 ~79.30 May estimated income May estimated expenses 16,000.00 12,000.00 4,000.00 33,579.30 Est . May 31 :balance Es:timated June income, 17,000.00 Estimate~ June>expenses 12,000.00 Proposed water & fire pr.otection extensions 25~000~00 Estimated Expense over Income - June 20,000.00 Estimated Bank Balance as of June 30 ~ $13,579.30 NOW ,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY. COMMISSION OF TEE CITY ' OF WEST UN'IVERSITY PLACE), TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to investf'\1.nds amounting to $27,000.00 f'rom the Water-Sewer Fund, for a period of one year. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 12th day of April, A.D. 1954. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the City Treasurer be directed to invest f'\1.nds amounting to $27,000 from the Water-Sewer ' Fund, f'or a period of' one ye,ar. . Voting Aye: Voting- No : Ma:yor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None -",.,.,--' , J r'~ , II r _~,_"'c --- ,1 ---;r 11 L-J ~ cr':l I~ <t , <e D ,--' I ; I i L, i- 923' .<1;;J . Voting Aye: Voting No : H. E. Shipp, Chief of Police, recommended the installation of traffic lights at the intersection of Weslayan and University Boulevard where numerous accidents 'have occurred. After discussing the reco:rrpnendation, members of the Commission thought it advisable to make University and Weslayan a 4-way stop' on atrial basis. Motion by CommiSSioner Goff, seconded' by Commissi2mer Hangs. that the inter- section of University andWeslayan be made a 4-way stop. y;r) Mayor Morris; Commissioners Got'f, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None Chief Shipp also submitted a recommendation in compliance with a request from Mr .a.:nP- P4rs. Sweeney Dgehring that 4-:way stop signs be installed at every intersection on Annapolis street between University and Bel1aire Boulevard. In his opinion there ~as no justi~ication for 4-way stop signs at every inter- section on any s,treet. The Commission accepted Chief Shipps'ree'ommendation. With no further business to com~ before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed. *******~~*********** The City Commission convened in recess,ed session at the City Hall (6104 AudenY at 7:30 P.M. April 22, 1954, with the'following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners )Goff, and Nisbet,. The City Attorney and City Secretary ~ - ' were also present. Commissioners Mooney and Hangs were absent. T,heinv~dation was pronQunced by Commissioner Nisbet. In comp~iance with action by the City Commission and Notice to Bidders duly published in the I offi9i'al newspaper of, the city , bids received :for the con- struction of, a new city hall were opened and results announced as follows: Stokes Adair Cd.' O'Rourke Const:Co. Linbeck. Const'.Corp'.' , T. D,. Howe Const. Co., Chambers" Canst . Co. Fisher Con!3t. Co. Robt. H. Smith & ,Co. Tellepsen 'Const j Co;. Thad Dederick,Co . ' MarshallConst. Co. Rose Constructors' Brown Const. Co. Bertelsen Co~st. Co. $169,913.00 173,300.00 178,900.00 179,665.00 179,718.00 179,890.00 181,646.00 183,089.00 185,000.00 186,433.00 186,900.00 187,902.00 187,700.00 ~~r~~~'~~" I 11 [" '~~""~==""~""~71 --'---'- . 2ZLl PLUMBING, HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING CONTRACTOR PLUMBING $15,700.00 15,880.00 .16,200.00 16,230.00 16,622.00 16,937.00 1~.,.677 .00 Natkin & Company Keaton Plumbing Co. Humphrey Plumbing Co. ,The Warr'en Company K~ith Plumb~ng Co. Robischung-Kiesling Co.' , Swanson Plbg. & Htg. Co. Way Engineering Company Strau~-Frank Company Gregory-Edwards Company Wood-Leppard Company ELECTRIC WIRING ~RITAIN ELECTRIC CO. Key~tone Electric Co. Bill HenryEl~ctric Co. Bradley Electric Co. Gulf Electric Company Hirsh Eiectric:Company FoleY.Electric Company Powell & stephens an $15,000.00 ,15,149.00 17,179.00 17,344.00 17,456.10 18,045.00 18',865.00 19,749.00 .J HEATING Be AIR CONDITIONING $27,704'.00 -\ 'I i 1_.1 28,715,.00 28,025.00 28,200.00 25,411.00 ,26,964.00 27,863.00 . ,28,225,.00 J Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by C6mmissioner Nisbet that bids received be referred to Herbert Voelcker, Arch~tect, for tabu1ationand recommendation. Voting Aye: Mayor Morr,is; Commissioner-s Goff and Nisbet Voting No:_ None ' Mr. J.A. McGee, 4142 Ma.rquette,appeared before the Commission and stated that he ,had talked with the City Secretary, Fire Chief and others in the Fire Department with reference to purchase of the No.4 Fire Truck, a 1939 Diamond T Tru~k, for the B01es Or,:phan Home at~Quinlan, Texas. Mr. McGee stated that he pad obtained a check for $800 from the Central Church of Christ for pay- ment of the truck. It was the opinion of the City Attorney that it was not 'necessary to a,dvertise forthe sale of the truck'as.,same hadb~en advertised in ,i950, with: no results~' , , Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded,by Commissioner Goff, that the 1939 Diamond T Fire Truck be sold to 'Boles Orphan Home of QUinlan, Texas for $800 in view qf the fact that the truck Is no longer needed by the City of West ' University Place and disposition of the fire truck would not effect the fire rating of the city. . Voting Aye: Voting No : ~yor Morris; Commissioners Goff and Nisbet None 1""~=~~~i'~~T r~ r'~""~~~'~""'-'Tl 1-1 L- ~g.) C~ N' ~:! i-;) ~ 11 , j '- i ! Ii i \- 22J) An opening date for the swimming pool was considered by the COmmission; and also prices to be charged for admission. Motion byCamm1ssioner Goff, seconded by Co~issioner .Nisbet that admission prices be the same as those in 1953 and that'the pool bE:! opened on the 22rid day of May if adequate personnel can be secured; if not, the opening date to be May 29.' ., Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff and Nisbet None The Commis~ion.dispussed advisability of participating in the summer recre- ational prmgram held ~t the West University Elementary School by the Y.M.C.A. as in prior years. It was the dec.ision of the Commission that 'the city should participata in the Y.M.C.A. summer recreation program,held at the West Uni- versity EleIDent~rY School and ~ndsbe appropriated for this purpose. With no further business ,to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made,1 seconded a.nd carried, the meeting was adjourned. n ~~~ MA.YOR ATTEST: 22,6 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION APRIL 26, 1954 The City Commission- convened ,in regular session a<t the City Hall on Monday, '/ " April 26, 1954, with the following members present: Mayor Morris, pr~siding; _ Commission~rs 'Goff, Hangs, Mo(:meyand Nisbet. The City Attorney and City Secretary verealso presen~. The invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Hangs. , The Commission discussed removal of a speed limit sign at Bissonnet Street on Buffalo Speedway as requested by members . of the . St ~ Andrews Presbyterian Church. This request was made as, in their opinion, the sign adjacent to their property is unsightly and detracted from the appearance of the newly constructed church building ~ No action was take,? <;>0 t~is request as members of the Commission desired to make a, personal inspection of" the sign. , ,- Marv,iil E., COle, Chief of the. Auxiliary folice Department, and other members of the auxiliary u:nit,appeared before the co'mmiss~on requesting that uniforms be purchased from city' funds for their 30 members. It was determined that _ $500 had been appropriated in the 1954 budget for auxiliary police expenditure. Advisability of purchasing the same tyPe of uniform as worn by the regular ' p~lice department was discussed, after which the following action was taken: MotiOn by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs, that City Secretary Whitt ,Johnson, Chief of Pblice Harold Shipp and Auxiliary Police Chief M/5I.rvin' Cole, be appointed 'as a committee to determine what type ,of uniform should. be worn by the Auxiliary" unit and to proceed with the purchase. -, I Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor MorriS; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet_ None I . ~ The Commission agreed to meet with officials of the Y.M.C.A. and members of the Recreation Commi,ttee at 8:30 P.M. May 3, 1954, to discuss a s:ummer ' recreation program. , i....,. ' It was also deemed advisable to invite E. E. Townes, Jr.' Paving Attorney for the ,city, to discuss paving skips on University Boulevard at 9:00 P.M. May 3, 1954.' The City Secretary requested authority to negotiate with a contractor' on a force account basis t? relocate the city's 12" water line on Bellaire Boule- ,vard as requested by Harris County Engineers who are in the process of paving the street. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the City Secretary be given authority to negotiate witb a contractor on a force account basis to relocate the city's 12" water line on Bellaire Boulevard. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet Voting No :' None Resolution 54-14, as follows, was submitted to the Commiss,ion and read in full: \ I ~ b~ r--"'.~..,;;;-.r-:-;-"=-'l::--~ r. . - """".,.- too ~-'- - ". 1. -----=- r- '\ I' , r ~ l(:J CV:') C\l <t -~ <t Ii ; , I I '\_' IJ' i I, ~ ! 221 RESOLUTION 54-14 WHEREAS; W,ILLIAM E. JUNELL, Judge cf the Corpcration Court of the City of Wes;t University Place, has requested that h~ be relieved of his duties ineident to sneh position; and -~, The Said WILLIAM 11;. JUNELLhas expressed his willingness , to serve as Assistant CcrporatooD, Court Judge of the said City; and WHEREAS, DAN WALTON has expressed the desire to become Judge of' the CorporationCcurt cf the City of West University Place, replacing the said WILLIAM E. JtfflELL; and WHEREAS, The said DAN WALTON has been highly recoIlUl1ended for ap- pointment to such pbsitio~anqtheCity CCIlUl1ission of the City of West University Place is of ~he cpinion that it would be to. the best interest of the City to appoint the said DAN WALTON Judge of the Ccrporation Court. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY, THE CITY' COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF 'WESTUNIVE;RSITY PLACE: ' 1. That the resignation of WILLIAM E. JUNELL 'Qe and the, same ,is hereby a~cepted. 2. That the said WILLIAM E. JUNELL be and he is hereby a.ppointed Assistant Corporation Cburt Judge cf the City of West University Place. .' ,'a.,'~t in accordance with recommendations heretofore given, DAN, WALTON be and he is hereby appointed Judge cf the Corporation Court cf' ,the City o.f ,West University Place replacing the sfil.id WILLIAM Eo' JU,NELL. 4. ~t the appointments hereby made be effective as of the date of the passage andapprcva1 of this Resoluticn. PASS:t!}D AN.P APPROVED this the 29th day, of March, 1954., COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE . ALL COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO NOn \, , Motion by Commissioner,MooneY4 seccnded by Commdssioner Hangs that Resclution No. 54:-~4 accepting ,the, re:signation of William E. Junell as Judge of ' the Corporation Court anda.:ppointing Dan Walton as Judge and William E. Junell as Assistant'CorporationJudge be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and, Nisbet Voting No : Npne Resolution 54-15, as follows, was submitted to the Commission and read in full: RESOLtlTION 54-15 l ,A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DmECTING THE f.U\.YOR OF THE CITY' OF WEST mlIVERSITY PLACK; TEXAS TO DTER INTO AND EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT ON BEHALF OF SAID CITY WITH TlIE SUPERMATIC --, r-'-- I II ,lI 228 WASHATERIA, INC., AND THE CITY OF HOUSTON, TEXAS, REl,:.ATIVE TO THE CONSTRUC'l!ION OF A SEW,ER LJlm BY THE SAID SUPERMATIC,' 'WASlfATERIA, mq. ON ,CERTAIN LAND 0WlilED :B1THE CITY' OF tWEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. ' 1 I ___I " BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That the_yor of the City of West, University Place be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter 'into and execute an agreement 'in writing on behalf of said City with Supermatic Washater1a" Inc. and the City of Houston, Texas, for the construction of a six inch (6~ cast iron bell ' and spigot sew:er line on the hereinafter described tract of land owned by the City of West University Place., such agreement to be' effective for years unless sooner terminated by,mutual consent of all parties; said tract of land is known and described as 'follows: BEGINNING at a point in.the South line of Bellaire Boulevard 270 feet East of the East right-of-way line of, the T. & N,.O. RR Co.; THENCE South Parallel .to the East line of the said T. & N. O. RR Co. right-of-way 432 feet, more ~r less, to a point in the South line of the A. C. ReynoldS Survey, said ltp.e also being the North line of "the P. W. Rose League; , THENCE East along the South line of the said A. C. Reynolds Survey, 60 ,feet; , THENCE North parallel to the said East line of the' T. Be N. O.RR Co., right of way 432 feet, more or less, to a point in the South line of Bellaire BoUlevard; , , i . -.-! TBENCEWest 'along the south line of Bellaire BOulevard, to the' , " , , point of beginning, and containing 0'.59 acres. more or,'less. ' PASSED ANn APPROVED this 26th day of April, 1954. Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by CommiSSioner Goff, that the , Resolutionau1?liorizing and directing the Mayor to enter into and e:xeC1lte an, agreement on behalf, of the City,with theS'Upermatic Washateria, Inc. and the City' of B:ous~on"telative to the-construction of a sewer line by the' Super- matie Washateria"Inc .onlandbWned by the Citybf West University Place, be passed and approved as rea"-.' Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs,' Mooney and Nisbet None The City Attorney submitted a verbal opinion with reference to the request made -of the Zoning Board by Mr. H. N. Woods, for permission ~o install sepa- rate gas and electricity meters for the house and garage apartment at 2732 Carolina Way. ' Mr. Kraft'stated.that in his opinion se'Parate meters would. n.ot constitute a ,j violation provided the garag~ apsrtmentwas erected and rented prior to pa.ssage'of the zoning ordinance in June, 1937. T ,,,,,,'H,o,,,n~~~~,,. " ,-.'''-,- r- '\ ( I LI tf.':;l ~ C\! <t ~ o::::t [J ,--.., I I ! I I L,' I I I I l~ ':>29 4..ii ' , Motion by'~'Commissioner Goff, ,'econded by Commiss1.oner Hangs, that the City Attorney furnish the Zoning Be ,Planning Board with a written opinion with reference to th,e request of ~. H. N. Woods. , I , 1 ' . Voti~g 4-ye: Mayor Morris; Co$nissi<;>ners Goff', Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet " , Voting No ': None ""!,, , , i In.compliance with action by ~he City Commission on April 22, 1954, Herber~ Voelcker, Arc~itect, submitted ~ tabulat~6nof"bids received f'or construction of the new city hall with a rJcommendation that contracts be awarded to the following low bidders: ! i Stokes A4a,ir - General Britain,~lectric Co. _ Natkin P~umbing Co. Way Engi~eering Co. I I Mr.' Voelcker also recommended I that the three sub-contracts be included with I ' , , the General contract to,Stok~~ Adair, plus l~ of sub-,,?ids which will make the total contract in the {iII1O'tnt of $226,-585.00. ' , . I - Motion by Commissioner Mooney) s~conded by Commissioner Hangs that So contract for erection of a new city hail be awarded to Stokes Adair Company, Inc. on their low bid of $169,913 and Ithe'low bids of Britain Electric Co., Natkin Plumbing Co. and Wa.y Engineerfr.Jng Co. be accepted and the general contract for constru,' ction Of, the City 11 plus l~ of sub-b'ids mak:lng\a total contract amount ot $226,585, be awarde 'to Stokes Adair Co., Inc. in accordance with recommendation of Architect B rbertVoelcker & Associates. ' ' " ' Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Co~ssioners Goff', l1angs, Mooney and Nisbet Voting No': None: , , Minut,es of me;etings -Of the Ci1'y Commission held on April 5, 12, and 22nd were read and approve4 as correcte . , , , I' With no further business toc~me be~ore, the Co~ssion at this time, upon motion d;Uly made, seconded an1 carr~ed,the meetJ.ng was recess~d. ; , , $169,913 '15,000 15,700 25,411 - -4 ------.....- j ; I, . The Ci-ty Commission convened:iln recessed session on Monday, May '3, ,1954, at the City Hall, 6104 Auden str!et, at 7:30 P'.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presi, ing;, Commisl;Jioners Goff, Hangs ana Mooney. The City Secretary and City A torney were also present. Commissioner Nisbet was absent for business' reasQ s. c' , I ' The invocation was pronounced Iby Commissioner Goff., . - [ ~ I I In'complfancewith action of ~he City Commission on April 12,1954, legal notic'e duly published' in theifiCia.l newspaper of the Cit,y, ,and notices . mailed to all property owners within 200 feet of Lot 6, Block 82, We~t UnJ.~ versity Place 2nd 4-ddition. yor Morris announc~d that So public hearing was in order to consider an nc1Jnent to Ordinance No. 111 to permit a I ' j , I 230 garage to be moved forward 8 feet toward Sennee Street as requested by Mr. L. F.Statton. In answer to questions by t~e City Attorney, Whitt Johnson, City Secretary, having been duly sW9rn by Mayor Morris testified' that legal notice had been published,inthe officialnewspiper of the city and all property owners, within a radius of 200 feet of Lot 6, Block 82, West University P1e.ce 2nd Addition had been notified_by mail that a 'hearing would be held at 7:30 P.M. May 3, 1954, to' consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit-the request of Mr. Statton. ' Mr. L. F. Statt<;>n, 3502 ,Nottingham, testified he is the owner of Lot 6, - Block 82, West University Place 2nd Addition and it is his desire to move his garage 8 feet forward toward,Sewanee Street. In support of his request Mr. Statton advised a~t'er moving the ,garage it still would be 32 feet from the center of the street and still not as far extend~d as that of his neighbor. Mr. 'Statton al'so stated he had contacted. his five clOSest neighbors and had . enco't1ntereduc> QQjection to the proposed move. It was est~blished' no sidewalks ,exist in this block ofSewanee, and even though this request be approved ample room would remain for the construction of walks-. Mr. R. W. Wi1sen, 3509 S't1t1set, was present at the hearing but offered no objection. J Motion by CommiSSioner Gof~,seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the hearing called to consider, the request of NT. L.F. Statton, for amending the Zoning Ordinance to permit the moving forward of a garage at Lt.~, Block 82, West University Place 2nd Addition'be closed. ' - Voting Aye: Voting No' :, Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and I(ooney None Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by C<;>mmissioner Mooney, that the Commission app,rove the recommendation of the Zoning Board and perIni t Mr. Statton ,'to pi-oceed, and further,' the City Attorney be authorized to draw the necessary amendment to Ordinance No. 111- , Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney 'Voting No ~ None . ~ , ' Incompliance with action of the City Commissi'on on April 12, 1954, legal not:tcedulY pUQlished.in the official :newspaper of the 'city, and notic~~ mailed to 'ail property owners witbin 200 feet of Lots 11" 12, 13 and E.25' of Lot 14, ':BlOCk 32, College View 4th Addition, p.fa.yor Morris announced that a public hearing was in order to con.sider an~ndment to Ordinance No. l~, to permit subdivision of Lots 11, 12, 1'3 and E 25' of 14, Block 32, College" View ,4th Addition, into tWo lots, ,one lot size 90 x 100' and the other " 85 x lOO'and for erec,tion of a residence on the west 85 x 100' lot with a front setback of' 45' as reques:tedbY!ih". Leon Kraintz and Mr. E. R.13rown, Jr. In answer to questions.by the City Attorney, the City Secretary testified that legal notice had been published in the'official newspaper of, the City and all l r....."~<---=-~l"-'C.-=-:=:Ill ------r-<------"=u.==='~-._~~ ,--," " d 1 i' I I -..-' ,- - i , ' , , , I ; '----1 , , i ---....i 231 ri i i \ I '--c" . property owners within a'radius of 200 feet of Lots ,11, 12, 13 and E 25' of 14, Block 32, College View 4th Addition, bad been notified by mail that a hearing would be held at 7:45 P.M., May 3; 1954,' to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit the request of Mr. Kraintz and Mr. Brown. Mr. Lloyd Fadrique acted as spokesman for Mr. Kraintz and Mr. Brown, and presented,to'the commission a diagram of the proposed construction. Mr. Fadrique eXplained wherein the building would not be objectionable. He answered several questions put to him by members of the commission regarding this 'PToposedconstruction., ' Property owners, Mr. and Mrs. T. N.Lockridge, 4018 ByroQ., appeared at the hearing and participated in the di:scussion, but offered no objection to the t\.i proposed zoning changes. ~ C\l Motion by Commis~ioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the <-::t hearing called tp consider the request' of Mr. Leon Kraintzand Mr. E. R. Brown, >-;) Jr., to subdiv1de1ots 11, 12, 13 and E 25' of 14, Block 32, College View 4th '<t Addi tion into two lots, and to permit a front setback of 45 feet be closed. Voting AYe: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff; Hangs, Mooney None 1'1 I , I ' : I , I l~ Motion by Commissioner Mooney, see onded by Commissioner Hangs' t~t, the recom- mendation'of the Zoning Boardbea-pprovedso a.-s to pe:r;mi.t the subdivision requel:!t of Mr. Kraiti.tz and Mr. Brown:l:~ and ,that the crty Attorney be instructed to draw thene'cessary amendment ;to the affected ordinance. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris~ Cominissioners.GQf'f, Hangs and Mooney None Motion by Commissioner Goff, sec?nded by CoJJlm1ssioner Hangs, tbatOrdinance No. 111., be ~nded to allow a set back'ofnotmore t:pan 45 feet on this, property. - . "" ~, ' Voting Aye: Mayor'Morris; Commissioners GOff, Hangs and M9pney VotingNo: None It was also the opinion of' the commission there would be no objection tq the setback being at any point from 20 to 45 feet of the fr,.ont. In compliance with action of the City Commission on A'Pri1 12,1954, legal notice duiy,published i~ the official newspaper of the City, and notices mai;Led to all. property owner.s within 200 feet of Lot 5, Block 21,~ West- University Place 1st Addition, Mayor Morris announced that, a publich hearing was in order to consider an EUnendmentto Ordinance No. 11Lto permit subdivision of Lot 5, Block 2!-,' W.es~ Uni,versity Place 1st Addition into two lots 50 x 150 Ft. each, as requested by Mr. J. A. Metcalf, 6320 Buffalo Speedway. -j i, In answer to ~uestions, by the City Attorney, the City Secretary testified that legal no t1. ee ha.d,been pUblished in the official newspaper of the City and all property ownerS withina.radiusof 200 feet of Lots 5; Block 21, West University Place 1st Addition, had been notified by mail that a hearing would be held at ' 8:00 P.M. May ,3,'1954 to consider amending the city's 'zoning ordinance to ~-~ . r-' - .. --, "1 -"' 2,32,r permit the request of Mr. Metcalf. Mr. Metealfadvised~ he desires the subdivision in . order to construct an ad- ditional dwel~ingJ and that since a majority of the lots i~ this section are of 50' width this lot would' then conform to a majority of the others. A letter from Mr. C. A. Sample, a.propertyownerat 3201 University Blvd., was read asking -ehat favorable consideratton be given the request of Mr. Metcalf. ,~' Motion was made by Commissioner Goff~ seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the hearing called to consider the request of Mr. J. A. Metcalf for amending the Zoning Ordinance to permit the ,subdivision or Lot 5, Block 21, West University Place 1st Addition be closed. ' Voting Aye: _Mayor Morris; CommiSSioners Goff, Hangs.and Mooney Votin~ No.: None Motion by Co~ssioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the recom- mendation of the Zoning B~rd ~e approved for the subdivision of Lot 5, Block 21, West Urii,versity Face '1st Addition and that the City Attorney be instructed,to draw-up t~e necessary amendm~nt to the ordinance. Voting,Aye: Mayor Morris;, Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney Voting No.; : ,.None Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by CommiSSioner Mooney that the recom- mendation of the Zouing'Board be approved for the subdivision of Lot 5, Block 21, West University Place 1st addition and that the City Attorney be i)1structed to draw up the necessary amendment to the ordiQance. Voting Aye: Vo~irig No : Mayor Morris; " C,ommissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney None The summer recreation prpgram wa.sdiscussed at length with Mr. Chuck Webster, Director of the Soutliwest YMCA and members of the City Recreation Committee concerning the summer recreation program. Mr. Webster advised the total cost of the program is estimated at $2,682..50 with the-city to payone-:half. The Commission requested that Mr. Webster make a written estimate on the costs , , ' of the various programs to be,-considered at the next meeting of the Commission. , The advisability of paving 42 skips on University Boulevard by means of paving assessment was discussed thoroughly with Mr. E. E. Townes, Jr. It was esti- mated the total ,cost would aggregate $18,000. The Commission ordered enabling legislation be' drawn and prepared for passage whereby t~e city may proceed with the paving ,of al~these 'skips. . With no further business to. come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, ,seconded and carried, the meeting was -.adjourned. '\ Ay~~ . . / .,~ d M / ~ CrrY . RETARY , -:- . ~~~ MAYOR r~u,-~~~~, ~"--' ,-- ....,.....-'." -1-1 -. (i I I , I ,~; tQ C~ C\i "':1: ~' ~ fl I; I \. 1 '-- L-_~ - .'~ 3 "/ - ,,' WJ il ' REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MAY 10, 1954 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday" May:10, 1954, 7:30 P.M. ~ith the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Goff 1, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. The City Secretary and City Attorney 'Were also present. ' The i~vocation was pronounced by Commissioner Hangs. Mr. Vernon Farrow, 4123 Dartmouth, and three other citizens from the same vicinity appeared before the-Commission protesting, the violation of the city's ,ordinance by a party living in the 4100 Block Sunset who permits a large chow dog to run at large: and as a result has attacked several'persons as they walk along the sidewalk. , Mr. Farrow and the other residents were- assured that court action would be taken against this party as charges had been filed previously and the 'case va's set for Wednesday May 12th. Mr. Tom Johnson, 3925 Milton, appeared before the Commission protesting con~ ditionsexisting at the JMJ Store at the corner of Mflton and College Streets. Mr. Johnson told the Commission ,that employees'cars were being parked on a vacant lot adjacent to the store property which is zoned for single_ family residential purposes. Mr. Johnson also protested the unsanitary condition' of feed being scattered on the store property causing flies and also ,the manner in which meat is being handled in an unscreened 'building. The COm- mission instructed the City Secretary. to have the Building Inspector make an inspection of the alleged zoning violation and the Chief of Police, to make anin~estigation of the al~eged parking of trucks on the city streets and disposing of merchan~ise therefrom. 'Minutes of a special meeting of the Zoning & Planning Board were submitted to the' 'C,ommission for,' consideration and the following action taken: Motion.biCommissioner Mooney, seC?Qp.ded by Commissioner Nisbet that the request of Mr. P. P. Bongio for permission to add bath facil..ities to the e!-xisting servant quarters on his premises located on Lot 8, Block 4, West U'niversity Place 1st Addition be a~proved as recommended by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No ': ) Mayor Morris; Commissioners Hangs, Mooney and' Nisbet Commissioner Goff ' ' Ordinance NO. 658 ~aptio~ed as follows, was submitted' to the Commission by Mr. E. E. Towiles, Paving Attorney for the City andrea.d in full: AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING THE NECESSrrY FOR AND ORDERING THAT CERTAIN PoRTIONS OF UNIVERSITY BOtJLEVARD FROM WHICH CONCRET.lt PAvEME1f,ltWAS OMr!".I:.lSJJ IN 1948 PAVING PROCEEDINGS AND WITHIN _THE FOLLOWING ,GENERAL LiMITS, TOWIT: .,'. ..... BETWEEN LAKE STREET Al\ID WESTCHESTER AVENUE BmwEEN MERCER AVENUE AND EDLOE STREET , I BETWEEN WESLAY.AN STREET AND COMMUNITY DRIVE ,..) 234 IN THE CITY OF WEST UlU V ~SITY PLACE, TEXAS,. SHALL BE IMPROVED; APPROVING ,AND ADOPrING' PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SUCH IM- PROVEMENTS; PROVIDING FOR 8muGATION OF PORTIONS OF 84ID STREETS INTO SEPARATE SECTIONS, EACH OF WHICH SECTIONS SHALL BE TREATED AS A SEPARATE AND COMPLETE UNIT; DIRECTING AND REQUIRING THE ENGINEER FOR THE CITY TQ PREPARE AN ESTIMATE OF THE COS~ OF SUCH IMPRO~NTS AND A WRI'fTEl't STATEMENT OF THE NAMES OF THE OWlI1ERS OF, THE PROPERTIES ABurTINGON EACH PORTION OF EACH STREET - TO BE IMPROVED, TOGETHER WITH A'DESCRIPrION OF THE RESPECTIVE PROPERTIES;, PROVIDING THAT A PART OF' THE COST OF SAID IMPROVE- MENT SHALL' BE PAID BY THE CITY AND A PART OF THE COST OF THE . SAID IMmOVEMENTS SHALL, BE PAID BY AND ASSESSED AGAINST THE ABtlTTING_ PROPERTY AND THE ~S THEREOF, AND FOR INcrimTlu. MA~S; DECLARING THAT THIS ORDINANCE AND ALL ,FURTHER .PROCEED- INGS RELATING 'I'd SUCH IMPROVEMENTS ARE Al'ID SHALL BE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF ARTICLE 1105c (b) OFTBE REVIS1m ,STATUTES OF TEXAS; m:RECTING THE CITY SECRETARY TO FILE A NOTICE OF THIS, ORDINANCE WITH THE COUNTY CLERK OF HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, .AS PROVIDED BY LAW AND TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS TO BE RECEIVED AND FILED WITHIN' THE ,TIME PROVroED;AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. ~' Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, secon~e~ by C~mmissioner Hangs, that Ordinance No. 658, determining the ,necessity ror and ordering ~r9vement of ,skipS on University BouleVard, directing the City Eng1n~er to prepare estimate of cost and Ci~y Secretary to file notice of such ordinance and to advertise - for'bids be passed anda.pproved as read. ' --I I 1 Voting Aye: MaYQr Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet Voting No: None The advisability \ of paving the unpaved portion of Weslaya.nStreet from Stella Link Road:south to the existi~g pavement was discussed by the Commission. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hangs, that the City Engine~r be instructed to :prepare plans and specifications for paving Weslayan 's'tree:tfr0m Ste~ Link Road south to the existing_pavement and that the City Pa.vingAttorney oe instructed to proceed with the necessary legal' work. . - ~ Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Comtilissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooneya.nd Nisbet. Voting No:, None Mr. H~ E. Calvert requested, permiSsion to, operate the swimming pool concession during the 19?4 season under the same type of contract he had operated the concession the past thr~e 'Seasons. ' Motion by Commissioner Nisbet" seconded by Commissioner Ha.ngs, that the Mayor be a.uthorized to execute a contrac.t'vi'th -Mr. HarryE. Calvert on the same basis as the previous contract.' , , Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Ha.ngs, Mooney and Nisbet Voting No : 'None r-~r:-----=~=c;'" --.:::Ii _. 1: - ._~r--r ~- - '~:"'1 ~ ( ---.., [ I I I I 1 "-/ lO cY:) C>J. ~ ~ <.t r--, i I I : LJ -1 I L , 235 Authqrity was requested to advertise for bids for two dump trucks to replace the old dump trucks which are beyond re'Pair and use. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that the City Se~re~~ry be instrueted to adYerti~e ~or bids to be received May 31, 1954, 7: 30 P,~M. for delivery of two cabs and chassis to replace two old trucks used by the street Department. Voting Aye: VotiOg-No : Mayor Merris; Commissieners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None A contract between the City and Stokes Adair Company for construction of a new city ball, was 'submitted to the Commission for approval and execut~on. Motion by Commiss10ner Hangs, seeonded by Commissioner Nisbet, that the ,cont!actbetween'the city ~n~Stokes Adair Company be aP'Proved as read. Voting /1,ye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff', Ha.ngs, Mooney a.ndNisbet Voting No: None The;following resolution vas submitted for consideration and read in full: RESOLUTION 54-16 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND D~CTING THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF. WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE" TEXAS, TO ENTER INTO. AND EXECUTE, A CONTRACT ON BEHALF OF SAID CITY' WITH THE S,TOKES AJ)AmCOMPAl'lY, INC. 'FOR THE CONSTRUCTION 'OF A MUNICIPAL BUILDING. ' WHEREAS, On the 12th day, of December, ,1953, the duly qualified voters of'the City of West University Place, Texas voted for the issuance of Two Hundred Ninety-five Thousand and No/100ths Dollars ($295,000.00) City Ha11Bondsby the siid City to finance the construction of a MUnicipal building; and ) , WHEREAS, Subjec~ to such action by the saidvo:ters, plans and speci- fications for \ such munic~pa.l building; -have been drawn and prepared"at the request of the Mayor and City Co.ssion of the City of west University Place; and, ( WHEREAS, Bids for the construction of the said-b~ilding were adver- tised for and received by the,' said City in ac~ordance with law; and ' WHEREAS ,The bid of \ S'I'OKESADAm ,COMP..AR , INC., general contractor, in the amount of One Hundred. Sixty,o;n;ine Thousand Nine Hundred ~1rteen and No/lOOths Dollars ($169,913,.00), being'the lowest of tho~e submit1?ed, is deemed to be in all tl1ings a.cceptable by~he Mayor and City Commission of the City of Westunivers~tyPlace;an~ WBEREAS,The Mayor and City Commission of the City of West University Place a.re of the opinion that 'i;t would be to the best interest of the said City to accept the bid of Stokes AdS,ir Company, Inc., general contractor,' _'JIl r n -LI 236 and to award the contract for the construction of the municipa~ building to such cOilIpany; 'and WHEREAS, The City Commis,sion of the City of West University Place de- sires to auth~riz~ the Marorof said City, by Resolution, to execute the contract with Stokes Adair' Company, Inc. providing for the construct.ion of the said municipal building. , NOW, THEREFORE, BE'IT RESOLVED ,BY THE' CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF wEsT UNIVERSrry PLACE, TEXAS: ' 1. 'That the Mayor of' the City of West University Place; Texas be and he :Ls'hereby authorized to enter into and execute a written contract for and on belJa,lf of the City of West University Place, with Stokes Adair Company, Inc. providing for the construction of a municipal bUildingiri accordance with'theplans, specifiea.tionsand, addenda prepared by Herbert Voelcker & Associates, ArcHitects, and the bid of the said Stokes Adair Company, Inc. heretbrore accepted by the City Commission of the said City. PASSED AND APP.ROVED this 10th day of May, 1954. Motion by'C9mmissioner Goff" secon4ed by Gommissioner' Hangs, lt~t the Resolution'authorizing and directing the Mayor to enter into 'and execute a contract on behalf of the Ci ty' vi tlr the Stokes Adai'r Company, Inc. for construction of a munieipalbuilding-be 'passed and a'PProv:~d as read. , , Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissiotier.s GOff~ Hangs" Mooney and Nisbet Voting No: None Ordinance No; 659, captiOned as fOll?Ws, was submitted to the Commission and read in ,full: ' , , -----' AN ORDnlANCE FINDING AIID DETEBMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF THE PROCEEDINGS HAVE Bli:RETOFOiu~: ~ HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PRE- REQUISITE TO THE HOLDING OF APOBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER, THE AMENDING OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF, THE CITY OF WEST UNIVER- SITt PLACE, TEXAS ~ SO AS TO PERMIT' THE SUBDIViISION OF LOT, 5, BLOCK' 21,- WESTUl'lIVJ!lliS~ PLACE, FIRST ADDITION;, FINDING THAT A ' PUBLIC HEARING FOR TBEl PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING AN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. ill HAS ,BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY HELD; APPROVING AND AD.OPrING$ R~T 'AND, REeOMMENDATION OF THE ,ZONING' AND PLANNING BOARD THAT 0RDINANeE -NO. ill BEAMENnED: SO AS TO 'PERMIT THE SUB- DIVISION O~ LOT 5 ,BLOCK 21, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, FIRST' ADDITION; FINDING THAT ORD~CE' :NO. III OF 'THE CITY OF nST UNIVERSITY 'PLACE, , TEXAS ' SItoom -BE .A:MEIimED SO As TO' PERMI1' SUCH SUBDIVISION; AMErIDING , .. ".. .. ORDINANCE NO'. ill SO AS TO PERMIT THE SUBDIVISION OF LOT 5, :aLOCK 21, WEST, UNIVERSITY PLACE, FIRST ADDITION; 'AlID PROVIDINGTIiAT .. THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY FROMAED AFTER" rrs PASSAGE AlID APPROVAL.' Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Mooney, that Ordinance No. '659, permitting subdivision of' Lot 5, :Block 21, West University Place 1st Addition into two, 50 x 150' lots be passed and approved as read. ' r- r""~-~'~"~-"''''''~~r'.-- (--I I I I....__} to C~ ('J ...,'" --... ,.~. <t i I I L-' r--i . '--- 237 Voting Aie: voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff" Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None , " , " The Commission discussed publication of the annual report with Mr. Jess Darling, Chairman of the Public Relations Commi tt~e. After minor changes and correct,ions it was agreedtbat the report was ready to be published and dis- tribut,ed to the citizens of the city. . In compliance with action of the City Commission on May 3, 1954, Mr. Chas. Webster, Exeeutive Secretary of the YMCA appeared before' the group and sub- mitted a written estimate on the costs of the va.riousrecrea.tion programs for the summer months. It was the opinion .of the Commission that a charge should be ma.de.t'or each child,taking part in_the swimming elasses to help defray expenses of the recreation program, and if the quota for the summer is not met~ the necessary appropriation,will be made from city funds. A letter from the City of Houston Legal Department with i'eference to paving Ricbmnud Road from Bissounet to Academy and a part of the right~of-way to be procured within the limits'ofW~st University Place was submitted to the CommisfJion. Motion by COlDIIii.ssioner H8.ngs,seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the Mayor be authori~edto execute the right-of;..way agreement with the City of ~ouston, and liarri$ County after the matter has been checked by the City Attorn~y,and the City Engineer. ' ! Voting Aye: MaY9r Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney a.nd Nisbet Voting No : -None ( .' . . Ordinance No. 660, ,captioned as follows, was, submitted to the Commission and read in full: AN ORDnw'lCE. F:mDI.NG AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AM) ALL OF THE PROCEEDINGS HAvE miRETOFOBE BEEN HAD AND ALl. THINqS DONE PR}1:- REQVISITE TO THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE AMENDDJG OF ZONING. OQINANCE 'NO. 111 OF !l'HE CITY OF WE&T UN~~rrt 'PI.ACli:, TEXAS," ~O AS TO ~MIT THE EXTENSION' TO AN EXISTJ:NG GIlM~:I!:ONLO'l'6, ,BtoCK 821 WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE' SECONDADDITION TO WITHIN TBE'REQumED ~'. BACK'AREA; FINDING THAT A' PUBLI.C _nG FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSJl)ERING AN !MEND- MENT TOORD;[,NANC:Ji: NO. 11:(HASBEEN DULY AJ.m. LEGALLY HELD; AP~, PROVING' qumADOPrING. 'rHE REPORT ANDRECO~ATION OF THE ZONING AND P:r.A.1\1NING BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 BE 'AMEND;ED SO AS 'TO , FERMJ:TTHE EXTENSION OF THE SAID EXISTING GARAGE; AMENDING , OBDIlVANeEliO. 111 BOAS TO' PERIttTTHE SAID Emll'jSION;' Am>. PRO- VID:tNGIfHAT 'THISolmINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT' ANh:aE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY FRON AND AFTER . l'l'S PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. 'Motion by C9mmis~ioner Hangs, secpnded by Commissioner Nisbet, that Ordinance No. 660, aRle!.l,ding Ordinance No. 111, to permit Mr. L. F. Statton to extend the fro1');t or:h~s garagec19ser than 10' to the side lot line be passed and ,approveda~ rea.d. Voting Aye: Votin.gNo Mayor Morris; Commission.ers Goff, Hangs, Mooneya.nd Nisbet , None 238 A req~est from the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Frank Burns Post No. 5619" for permission to sell poppies in the city limits of West University Place on Satur~y May 15, 1954 was submitted. Motion by Commi,sstoner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the request to seiJ. poppies in the City of West University Place on Saturday, May 15, 1954, be approved~ ' Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; CODJDlissloners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet Voting,NQ : None MinutE;s of the meeting of April 26 and,May 3, were read and approved as cor- rected. ) With, no 'further business, ,to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the, m.eetingwas recessed.' ~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ The City Commission convened in ,recessed session at the City Hali at 7:30 P.M. on M01').day, May 17, 1954" with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiqing; Commissioners Goff, Harlgs .and Mooney~ 'The City Secretary and City Attorney were also present. ComniissiotJ.er Nisbet was absent for business reasons. Among other business considered the Commission.discussed the equity of a monthly sanitary sewer charge now being charged the West University ElementarY School. It was determined that a charge of $50.00 per month vas being made as contained in authority of Reaolutiqn ,dated October 25, +948, Acting upon 'the recommendation of the Finance Committee it was the decision of the _, Commission to reduce~he present charge of $50,.00 per month for West Universit~ , Elemeqtary School, and make a $5.OQpermonth charge for this school, Pershing Jr. 'R~gh' School and Mark ~inE1ementary School which, are being furnished sanit~rr sewer service. Motion by ,C-ommissioner Moqney ,'seconded by Commissioner Goff, t~t the west University Elementary School, Pershj,ng Jr. High, and 'Mark Tw:ainElementary School be chaI'ged $5.00 per month 1,or sanitary sewer service and the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the necessary Resolution lIlaking this change. '----i Voting Aye: Voting NO' : , , ' Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs a.ndMooney None With no further business to come before the COIm;llission at this time, upon I" . motion duly. made, 'seconded and carried, the meeting-wa6 adjo\Ulne,d. ~.lt~~ MAYOR ATTEST: , ~'~.604~ . - '. ~--6!lm'.&RY- L--- , ~~~='l- __:m. _ _ . c: _~r=".., - ~"--" ,-. = ":- '1 --' r--l ~. 11 LJ L_ 239 REGULAR }tJEETING OF CITY COm-nSSION MAY 24, 1954 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday , May 24, 1954, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor }lorris, presiding; Cormnissioners Hangs, IVlooney, and Nisbet. The City Secretary and City Attorney were also present. Commissioner Goff was absent. The invocation was pronounced by Commissioner }'looney. Minutes of a special meeting of the Zoning & PlaDning Board held on May 24, 1954, were submitted to the Commission and the following action taken: Motion by Cormnissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the request of Mrs. Frieda Colish for permission to operate a nursery school during the summer months at her home, 2929 Rice Blvd., be denied as recommended by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. None ' City Attorney Karl Kraft, advised that Mr. Gibson Gayle had moved from the city and had verbally submitted h:i,sresignationas Assistant City Attorney. },Iotion by' Commissioner 110oney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet, that the resigna- tion of Nr. Gibson Gayle as Assistant Cit;yr Attorney be accepted and that Mr. Charles Cockrell, Jr. be appointed as Assistant City Attorney. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Ha~gs, Mooney and Nisbet None Resolution 54-17, as follows, was submitte~ to the Oommission and read in full: WHEREAS, GIBSON GAYLE, Assistant City Attorney of the City of West Univer- sity Place, Texas,has moved from the sa.id City and is no longer available to serve in the said capacity; and WHEREAS, CHARLES COCKRELL, a resident of the City of West University Place, and a duly qualified and practicing attorney before the Bar of this State is desirous of assuming the position of Assistant City Attorney of said City; and "lfffiEREAS, the said CHAH.LES COCKRELL has been highly recommended for appointment to such position and the City Commission of the City of West Universi~ Place is of the opinion that it would be to the best interest of the City to appoint the said Cff.ARLES COCKRELL Assistant City Attorney of the City of West Univer- sity Place; NOvl THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMHISSION OF THE CrTY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PIACE, TEXAS: 1. That because of the remova'l of GIBSON GAYLE from the Oit-y of West Univer- sity Place he is hereby relieved of his duties as Assistant City Attorney of the said Oi ty. 2. That in accordance with the recommendations heretofore given, CHARLES COCKRELL be and he is hereby appointed Assistant City Attorney of the City West Universi~ Place replacing the said GIBSON GAYLE. .' T _'c ~ _ L ...,.._ C _.l-:Jl ,u,_['U' _._,- . ~ -'-~ ~ nn-.1l ' 240 3. ~hat the appointment hereby made be effective as of the date of passage and approval of this Resolution. Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Hangs, that the Resolution accepting the resignation of .Mr. Gibson Gayle as Assistant City Attorney and appointing Mr. Charles Cockrell to fill the vacancy, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Connnissioners Hangs, IVJ:ooney and Nisbet Voting No: None The City Attorney informed the Commission that Mr. James P. Markham, Attorney for the Lehigh Building Corporation, had advised with hliu on a pending tax suit and it was Mr. Kraft's opinion that the suit could be settled if the Gonnnission would authorize, acceptance of $391 in payment of' 1947 taxes plus penalty and interest on the assessed valuation of $15,975.00 instead of the valuation of' $26,200 which WaS the second increase within one year. ,The City Attorney stated that the second increase was improper in his opinion. Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by COnIDlissioner Hangs that $391 be accepted in paJ1Illent of 1947 taxes due the City by the Lehigh Building Corpora- tion on property at the southeast corner of Wakeforest and Bissonnet. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet Voting No: None - Ordinance No. 661, captioned as follows was submitted to the Commission a~d read in full: AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF ':mE PROCEEDINGS HAVE HERE'IDFORE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TO THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC HEARING 'ill CONSIDER ':mE M1ENDING OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNDlERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SO AS 'ill PERMIT THE SUBDI- VISION OF IDW NOS. 11, 12, 13 AND THE EA.ST 25 FEET OF LOT 14, BLOCK 32, COLLEGEVIEW FOURTH ADDITION, INTO 'liNO LOTS, ONE 'ill BE 90xlOO FEET A~'D THE OTHER 'ill BE 85xl00FEET AND TO PEBM:IT THE ERECTION OF A RESIDENCE ON THE WEST 10 FEET OF IDT 12, ALL OF lOT 13 AND THE EAST 25 FEET OF LOT 14, BLOCK 32, COLLEGEVIEW FOURTH ADDITION WITH A FRONT SETB1i.CK OF NOT 'ID EX- CEED 45 FEET; FINDING THAT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING AMENDMENTS TO ORDINANCE NO. III HAS BEEN DULY AND lEGALLY HELD; APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REPORT AND RECmlMENDA TION OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO. III BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT SUBDIVISION OF THE SltID LOTS AND ERECTION OF A RESIDENCE lrlITH A FRONT SETBACK OF NOT'lD EXCEED 45 FEET; FINDING THAT ORDINANCE NO. ill OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE SHOULD BE AIvIENDED SO AS TO PERMIT SUCH SUBDIVISION AND SETBACK; ANENDING ORDINANCE No. 111 SO l\:R_''ID PERMIT SUBDIVISION OF THE SAID LOTS AND TP~ EREC- TION OF A RESIDENCE WITH A FRONT SETBACK NOT 'ID EXCEED 45 FEET; AND PROVID- ING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHJ\.LL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE ll'1}1EDIA'IELY FRON AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that Ordinance No. 661, amending Section 24, Subsection 3, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet Voting No: None r....."...'=---'~'--" ~~".,...,.,"...- it ~n .-. 1 \ j II '--.. (------..., I ' i i I I I i I : L-.J , I '--..' L_.,.. 241 Minutes of meetings of May 10 and May 17, were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Commission ati:his time, upon motion duly made, seconded and. carried, the meeting was recessed. The City Commission convened in recessed session on Monday, May 31, 1954,~:30 P.M. at the City Hall with the following members present: IvIayor Morris; pre- siding; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney. The City Attorney and City Sec- retary were also present. Comm. Nisbet was absent for business reasons. In compliance with Notice to Bidders duly published in the official newspaper of the City, bids received for delivery of two dump trucks for the Street Dept. were opened and results announced as follows: :!;}idd.a:l: Raymond Pearson, Inc. Jack Roach Motor Co. Felton Notor Co. ' Ivy-Russell Motor Co. Downtown Chevrolet Co. Green-Peterson Ghev. Co. . Knapp Chev. Co. Smith Chevrolet Co. International Harvester General Truck Sales Co. Net Difference Uni t I UR.;i;t....I.I. $1834.65 $1859.65 2007.31 2032.31 1829.63 1929.63 1890.63 1865.63 1813.92 1918.92 1835'.00 1835.00 1819.50 1869.50 1820.06 1845.00 1510.37 1610.37 1810.19 1855.19 \ Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that bids be re- ferred to the City Secretary and City Engineer for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morri's; Oorrnl1issio.ners Han,gs, Mooney and Nisbet None Mayor Morris administered the Oath of Office to Charles COCkrell, Jr. as Assistant City Attorney, duties to become effective June 1, 1954. .,. 30 Ordinance No. 662, captioned as follows was submitted to the COIl'.mission by Mr. E. E. Townes, Jr., and read in full: AN ORDINANCE DE'IERi.'1INING THE NECESSITY FOR AND ORDERING 1HA T THE HEREINAFTER DESIGNATED PORTION OF THE NAMED STREET AND tliITHIN THE LIJIIIITS STATElD, 1D WIT: WESLAY.AN STREET FROM A PO!NT APPROXIMATELY 130.7' FEET NORTH OF THE NORTH LINE OF RUSKIN STREET TO A POINT APPROXIMA TElLY 115 FEET SOUTH OF THE SOUTH LTh"E OF RUSKIN STREET IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITYPLA.CE, 'l'EXAS, SHALL BE IMPROVED; APPROVING AND ADOPTING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR SUCH IMPROVE- MENTS; DIRECTING AND REQUIRING THE ENGINEER FOR 'IRE CITY TO PREPARE AN ESTll1A.'l'E OF THE COST OF SUCH IMRPOVEMENW AND A 1rlRITTEN STATEJl.1ENT OF THE NMiIES OF THE O\.ilNERS OF THE PROPERTIES ABUTTING ON SAID PORTION OF SAp) STREET TO BE IMPROVED, TOGETHER WITH A DESCRIPTION OF THE RE- SPECTIVE PROPERTIES, PROVIDING 'IHATA PART OF THE COST' OF SAID UII[PROVEHENT SHALL BE PAID BY THE CITY AND A PART OF TEE COST OF THE SAID lllPROVENENTS SF..ALL BE PAID BY AND ASSESSED AGAINST THE ABUTTING PROPERTY AND THE OWNERS THEREOF, AND FOR INCIDENTAL MATTERS; DECI.J\.RING TF..A T THIS OHDINANCE AND ALL --~ .=,=_~-:!lL 242 FURTHER PRDCEEDJl.IGS RELATING TO SUCH D1PROVEMEN"TS ARE AND SHALL BE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF ARTICLE 1105-(b) OF THE REVISED STATUTES OF TEXAS; DIRECTING TEE CITY SECRETARY TO FILE A NOTICE OF THIS ORDINANCE wITH THE COUNTY CLERK OF HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, .AS PRO- VIDED BY LAW AND TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS TO BE RECEIVED AND FILED WITHIN THE Tll'IE PIDVIDED; AND DECLARING .AN Et<IERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that Ordinance No. 662, determining the necessit,y for and ordering improvements on Weslayan Street, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Hangs, Mooney and Goff None The Commission was submitted a recommendation from the Chief of Police that parking of automobiles in the 2600 block Sunset and Albans be prohibited; that trucks be prohibited on the 3700 block Albans Road and that nSTopn signs be erect~d on Marquette,~Southwestern and Riley S~reets at Academy Street. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner' Hangs that the recom- mendation from the Chief' of Police be approved ahd authority given for in- stallation of fiNO PARKINGn signs on 2600 block of Sunset and .Albans; II'IRUCK PROHIBITED" signs on the'3700 block Albans Road ahd "STOP" signs on Marquette, Southwestern and Riley at Academy Street. . Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney None - , 1 _J With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed. The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Monday June 7, 1954, 7:)0 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris; presiding; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. The City Secretary was also present. '!he City Attorney was absent. Mayor Horris submitted a letter from County Judge Bob Casey requesting coop- era tion on promotion of "MIt Day in Harris County. Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by COnIDlissioner Hangs that a proclama- tion be issued proclaiming July 3rd as ItM" Day and extend the cooperation of '.jest University Place to County Judge Casey in this undertaking. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. None Mr. L. G. Schaeffer requested the Commission to issue a letter stating there would be no further assessments on permanent paving of skips on Univ. Blvd. ' Motion by Corum. Hangs, seconded by Carom. Nisbet that a letter be issued to Mr. L. G. Schaeffer stating there would be no further paving assessments against skip property on University Blvd. if paved under the proposed program; such letter to state that the life expectancy of the present paving would be approximately 25 years. Voting Aye: Voting No: IvIayor Harris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Nooney and Nisbet None t=--- r ~~~~" 'l-~ '~"ll: r " . ~1 --= lJ ~:~. hl.<Sbi et:) N ~ ".'-:> ,~ r~ I ,U ( --1 I I I I L-' L 243 In complia?ce with action by the City Commission o~ May 31, 1954, the City SecretarY,$ubmitted a tabulation of bids received for delivery of two dump trucks with a rec~mmendation that the' low net difference bid of $1,510.37 ' on Unit No.' I. and $1,610.37 on Unit No. II by International Harvester Company be accepted. ' Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded, by Commissioner Hangs that the bid of Internat~onal Harvester Company for delivery of two R-160 trucks be accepted on th(;!ir quotation of $1,510.37 for Unit No. I and $1,610.37 for Unit No. II. Voting Aye: Voting No : , Mayor Morris; CommiSsioners' Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None A group of citizens whose proper~abuts Bis.sonnet immediately on either side of Poor Farm Ditch wbere the City of Houston and Harris County is requesting additional Right-of~Way,appeared before the Commission in protest of granting ROW extending from a distance of 2' to 28' _ a.long 'the south side of Bissonnet . and Richmond Road. The persons appearing and protesting were: Chas. A. Wyatt" - G. !if ~ Kinkead, J.' F. Berly, Jr., Edwin W. Anders and Homer McCallon. It was' . finally decided ,to request the City of Houston to redesign the curve at this point so that it would require.' only 1/2 of the pr~sent ROW asked for. The' City Secretary was instructed to advise with.the City of Houston on this matter and report back to the Commission. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~ ~~~~; MAYOR ATJ:'EST : ,; r" j . I ----:J[ [ ~--,- :l --<.I ~44 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION JUNE 14, 1954 The City Commission convened in regula~ session at the City Hall on Monday~ June 14~ 1954~ 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Goff~ Hangs, and Mooney. The City Attorney and City Secretary were also present. Commissioner Nisbet was absent for business reasons. I The invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Goff. Minutes of a special meeting of the Zoning and Planning Board held on June 12, 1954, were submitted to the'Commission for conside.rationand the following action,was taken: Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff that a public hearing be called for~uly: 12" 1954; 7:30 P.M. to consider amending tne city's' zoning ordinance to permit Lot 1, Block 92~ West Univ.ersity Place 2nd Addition to be 'lj,sed for church purposes as requested 'by the 'Rev. Basil KarpeJ,enia of ' the st. George Orthodox Church and reco~ended by the Zoning and Planning Board.-. Voting Aye: VQting No, : Mayor Morris; Commis~ioners q.off, Hangs and Mooney , None Captain Font~~ot and Lt. Barlow'of the Texas State Guard appearE;ld before the. Commission requesting formal endorsement of organizing Company K of,the Texas stat~ Guard to be located in the City of West University Place. , Motion by Commis~ioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the Commission formally endorse organization of Company K of the Texas State Guard. , I I ! I ' -...-I Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney None ) The following action was ,taken in compliance with Charter requirements for appointment of a Board of Equalization for 1954: Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that., Mr. O. C.' King, Mr. Ed Arnold and Mr. Anthony Carso be appointed to the Board of Equal.i- za.tion for the ye~r 1954. ' Voting A:ye: Voting'No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners'Goff, Hangs and Mooney None The following Resolution was submitted to the Commission for consf.,deration and read in fUJ,l: ,^ RESOLUTION 54-18 WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the City Hall Bond Fund which will not be required for operating exPenses until later in the pr~sent ~iscal year; i '" I I I r~' ,=, '~,"~~'" ---'--r' ,..-- , 11 o H:J 0--, C\! <( , < [] n i_~ L 24'5 AND, WHEREAS, it i~ deemed to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue for the operation of the City; Reil1ves::t:ment)ofmai:;uring,time'deposits $25,000.00' - 90 day inv~stmegt 1'5,000.00 - 90 day investment 10.000.00 - 90 day inve~tment $90,000.00 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE C,ITY, COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby' directed to invest :funds amounting to $50,000.00 from the, City Hall Bond Fund, for a period of 90 days. ' PASSED Al\lD APPROVED, This the 14th day of June, A.D., 1954. \ ' Moi:;ion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that Resolution No. 54018 directing the City Trea.sUJ:er to invest funds amounting to $50,000 from the City Hall Bond Fund for a period of 90 days and bearing 2~ interest be passed and approved as read. , Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Com,miss,ioners Goff; Hangs and Mooney Voting No :' None Minutes of the meetings,of May 24, 31 and June 7, 1954, were, read and approve~ as corrected. with no further busineSS to ,come before the Commission' at this time, upon motion duly made,seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed. , - *****:*********** The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on'Thursday 7:30 P.M. June 17, 1954, with the following members-present: Mayor Pro 'tem Mooney, presiding; Conmdssioners Goff~, Hangs and Nisbet. 'The City Attorney and City Secretary were also present. Mayor Morris was absent. The invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Hangs. In compliance with Not~ce to Bidders duly published in the official newspaper bids ~eceived for paving of skips on University Boulevard and a portion of the 6700 Block of Weslayan street were opened and results announced as follows: University Blvd. Skips Weslayan st. , Russ Mitchell, Inc. :)3rown & Root $g2,878.37 23,o36~oo $8,919.72 9,589.60 :r-- ----.:- -~ 246 The City Engineer was requested to check the bids to determine if they met with specifications while 'the CommiJsion proceeded with other business of the evening. . . I," ' A request, for approval for Cha~ge 01der No. 1 to the General contract with the Stokes Adair Company for construction of the new city hall, for removal of a 27" metal storm sewer line ru~ning east and west across ~he city hall site for the amount of $351.45 was SUbmi~ted. - , Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seco ded' by Commissioner Hangs, that Change Order No. 1 to the original city ha]l contract involving ther.emoval of an existing 27" storm sewer line on th~ city hall si,te involving expenQ.itures of $351.45 be authorized and approved. ' Voting AY~': Mayor Pro t~m Mooney, clommissioners Goff, Hangs and Nisbet Voting No: None l Mr. Kelly Gaffney, Architect for the West'university Baptist Church submitted a plat showing proposed off-street ~ rking on Amherst an~ Milton adjacent to the church and requested authorit~ for installation of off-street parking at this loc~tion. I '.; '. Motion by Commissioner Goff, secondeft by Commissioner Hangs that an 18' off- street parking area on Amherst an~ ~Q+ton streets be approved as requested by the West University Baptist Churcl1 in accordance with their letter and sketch dated June 17, 1954, providedl that proper parking l~nes be marked arid laid_ of: to a de~ree where'automobilFs would not protru~e ~nto the presently paved w~dth of ~~lton and Amherst streets. .. Voting Aye: Mayor Pro temMooney, ebmmiSSiOners Goff, Hangs a.nd Nisbet ,Voting No: None u J '"-, The City Engineer submitted the bids received on paving of skips on University Boulevard and a portion, of Weslayan street in the 6700 Block sta.ting the bids greatiy exqeeded his estimate andrero~ended they be given further'consideration. Motion by Commissioner Goff, secondef by Commissioner Nisbet that bids re- ceived from ~uss Mitchell, Inc. and Brown & Root for paving of skips on University Boulevard and on wesl~ya.nlstreet be referred to the City EngiJ:?eer and City Paving AttQ1.'ney E. E. Townes, Jr., and the City Secretary for study and recommendation.' 1 '. Voting Aye: Mayor Pro tem Mooney, Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Nisbet" Voting No: None 1 With no further business to come before the Commission at this time~ - upon motion duly made, seconded and carri~d, the meeting was adjourned. ~~~ MAYOR r-T-~'~T----"~r~~--lI'----r-'-~-~--'''-~--'- , ," "1- I ~l LJ to cY:) C\l < ..., <C n <---' ,.----, I I I ! LI 247 EEGULARMEETING OF CITY COMMISSION ,JUNE 28, 1954 ' The CiJty Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday 7:30 P.M. June 28; 1954, with the following members present: Mayor Pro tem Mooney; presiding; Commis~ione:t's Goff a.nd Hangs. The City Secretary and Assistanf.CitY.Attorney were also '};>resent. Mayor Morris was absent as he was out of the city on vacation. Commissioner Nisbet and the City Attorney were abs~nt'forbusiness reasons. The invocation was pronounced by City Secretary Whitt Johnson. Estimate No. 1, from'Stokes Adair Company, in'the amount of $12,709.92 for construction of the new city hall ~srsubmitted for consideration. Motion by Commissic;mer Goff, 'seconded by Commissioner Hangs that Estimate, No.1, amount~rig to $12,709.92 from Stokes Adair Company for, construction of the new, city hall be approved for payment as recommended by Herbert Voelcker, Architect. voting Aye: l' 'Voting No : Mayor Pro tem Mooney, Commissioners Goff and Hangs None An item of $232.00 incurred to fill the city hall building area with bank sand in order to bring it . up to contract - sub-gra~e was submitted for approval also. Motion.by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that the Estimate in the amount ,of $232.00 from Stpkes Adair Company for filling ,in the' city . hall'buildingarea with bank sand be approved for payment. Votj,ng, J,;ye: Voting NO' : *,yorPro tem Mooney, Commissioners Goff and, Hangs Wop,e The Commission discussed a proposal received from the City of Houston regard- ing installation of a traffic signal light on Richmond Road at the. inter- section of Acad.~my and Judson streets. The ' City of Houston proposed a. four way signa~at 't~~s intersect~on with the-thought in, mind of making Judson Street one-way-going west. It 'was the opinion of the CoIilmission that the City of West U~iversity Place should request a five-way Signal light at this intersectiQn a.nd.. offer 'to,pay $100 tQward the cost of insta.llation. In accordance ~with ,prior disausefion',by,the City "CommisSion, ~he Contractor Stokes Adair Co.., submi tt~d~a cost esti~,te' for ext;ension of the Council Chamber 'of ,the New qity Hall. Mr. Earl Gilbert', Representative frolJ}. Herbert Voelcker & .{\ssociates, Architect, advised the Commission that the cost for extending the Counc,il Chamber 10 Ft. would be $5,923.00~ -Motion by CqlJlIllissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that the plans for .the neW City Hall Council. Chamber stand as, originally approved as the additional'costfor accommodating approximately 30 more people is excessive as well as such-additional COnstruction caus~nga delay in completion of the new building. , - .,';- rCI i ii\- r .- '-"~":-"'-~'-'~~T ~48 Voting ,Aye: Voting No : Mayor Pro tem Mooney;o Commissioners Goff and Hangs None Another proposal for changing the glazed structural tiie was submitted by Stokes Ada.ir Company. Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Co~issioner Goff that glazed t.ile wainscot in corridors 13 and: 34 be changed :from 3' 1- 3/8 to 5 '4" in height for the sum of an additional $229.00; glazed tile wainscot in rooms No. 41 and 44 raised from 3' 1-3/8" to 5'4" fro added sum of $351.00, to contract amount; , that plaster wall in corridor No. 29 be changed to glzed tile a he:i,ght of 5'4" at an a'dded cost of $650.00 (Approx~), with no change in the 5'4" glazed tile wall in kitchen. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Pro tern Mooney; Commissioners Goff and Hangs None The addition of plumbing facilities for Room No. 28 in the amount: of $175 was also accepted. The following Resolutions wer~ submitted to the Commission and read in full: R1i:FtOT.t1'1"T01\T 54-?O WIIEEmAS, . the City of West Uni versi ty Place, currently has eapi tal ava~lable in the General Fund which will not be required for operating ex~ p~nses until later in the present fiscal year; AND, WHEREAS, it is o.ee:llled to the best interest of' the City that such funds be placed in a ttme depos;~investment in order to earn additional rev~nue for the operation of the City; , I i i ,~ AND, WHEREAS, the present bal1k~ balance, the average monthly income and expenditu:r~s of this Fundf'or' the past twelve months are as follows: Bank balance as of'July 7, 1954 Maturing investment asof7-7~54 Interest ,on above Estimated Misc ~ Revenue to Sept. 12 - Require:lllents - July, 1954 August, 1954 $ 1;>,000.00_ 100,000.00 1,250.60 2,000.00 :tq.09 , 250.00 24,000.00 ?4,o()o 00 Estimated balance at ~ime of' next maturing certificate of deposit (9-12-54) $ 61,250.00 , NOW, THEREFO~, BE :rr RESOJ:.VED BY THE CIT~ COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TJJ:xA.s, that the City Treasurer is hereb;y directed to invest f'unds amounting to $50,000.00 from the General Fund for a period of 6 months. I . PASSED AND APPROVED This the 28th day of' June, A.D., 1954. ~I" r~-- f. ~~~_~~C~.~"I i ~ 249 RESOLUTiON 54-21' 1\ I I I I '-c- -{ WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital availabl~ in the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund whicb will ,not. be required for operating expenses until later in the present fiscal yea~; 1\J.'ID, WHEREAS, it is deemed to the best interest of the City that such funds be 'placed ,in a time deposit, investmept in order ,to earn additional revenue for the operat~on Qf the Citrr . _ ' AND, WHEREAS, the present bank ba:)..ance, the average monthly income and ,expenditures of this Fund for the -past twelve months are,.;&S follows: lQ D';j C\? ~. , <:.C ~ankbalanceas of July 15, 1954 - $17,500.00 Expense September, 1954 October, 1954 November, 1954 4,650.00 9,630.00 14.~27.50 $28,607.5,0 . C~ of D. maturity as of 7-6-54 - $40,500~00 Average income over expense $29,393.00 rj LJ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, tha't the City Tr:easurer is 'hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $29,000.00 from'the Tax RevenUe Sinking Fund for ~ period of 6 months. PASSED AND APPROVED This the 28th day-of June, 'A.D., 1954. RESOLUTION 54-22 WHEREAS, the City of West Unlversity Place, currently has capital available:in the Swimming Pool Fund which will ,not be required :for operating expenses until later in'the present fiscal ye~r; '\ AND, WEEBEAB, it is deemed to the best interest of the City that such funds he placed in a time deposit, ,investment in order to e~rn additional revenue for the operation of the City; 'To reinvestC of'D #59ma.turing7-9-54 $2,607.88 To invest 'balance carried over from last season's 'operations 5,600.00 ' $8,207.88 ,r.--..., III NOW ,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY i OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed '----, ..... I 1 -I J~ r'~n ., , 1 50 l to invest funds amounting to $8,000.00 from the Swimming Pool Fund, for a period of 6 months. PASSED AIm APPROVED This 'the 28th day of' June, A.D. 1954. ---' RESOLUTION 54-23 'WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund which will not be required for operating expenses until later in the presen~ fiscalyesr; , AND, WHEREAS ,it is deemed to the best interest of the City that such fundsbe'Plac~d in, a time q.eposit investment in order toesrn additional revenue for, the ope~tion,of the City; \. NON-OPERATING ACCOUNT To invest funds accumulated in current bank account $3;200.00 " l\TOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION bF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to :i.nve~t funds amounting to $3,200.00 from the Sanitary Sewer Capital Im- prQ~~~~nt Fund, for a period of 12 months. -\ PASSED AND APPROVED This the 28th dayc:of June, A.D. 1954. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hangs, that Resolutions Nos. 54-20, 54-21, 54-22, and 54-23 authoriZing reinvestment of $50,000 from the Gen~ral Fu~d, $29,000 from the Tax Revenue Fund, $8,000 from the Swimming Pool Fu.nd and $3,200 from the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund, be passed and approved as read. ' I - Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Pro tem Mooney; Commissioners Goff and Hangs, None A letter, fro~ Mr. L.A. Patton, Tax C911ector-Assessor, requesting, the \ .. Commissions consideration <?n thr!=le tax matters was submitted. Mr. Patto~ ad- vised in his letter that requests had been received from Mrs. Mabel Olson,. 3408 University Boulevard; Mr. C. C. Arrington, 4218 Amherst for re~ssion of penalty and interest on delinquent taxes for which both parties state checks were mailed before December 31, 1953. Mr. Patton's le,tter revealed that Mr._A. S. Daniels, 2633 Pemberton is charged for delinquent taxes for the years 1932, 33 and 34 and that Mr. Daniels is in possession of' Tax Certi- ficate No. 685 issued by Mr. CHG. Jarrard, Tax Collector on the date of June 6, 1935 stating all delinquent taxes for the years 1935 and prior had been paid. ' Motion by Commissioner Goff," seconded bY: Commissioner Hangs that the request from Mr. C. C.Arri~gton and Mrs. Mabel Olson for remission of penalty and [' f" "-I iil r- i 1 jr (--, I ) '-- H:l . 0':) ~ <t .=:i} C'.:t 1\ I ' , 1 U 251 interest on delin<;j.uent taxes owing against their property be denied and that penalty and interest owing on delinquent taxes for years 1932-33-34 c~rged aga.inst 2623 Pemberton a.tfd owned by Mr. A. S. Daniels be waived due to the fact that former tax collector C. G. Jarrard had issued tax certificate No. 685 ,dated June 6, 1935 stating the taxes in question ha'd been paid. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Pro tem Mooney; Commissioners GOff,and Hangs None Incompliance with action by the City Commission on June 17, 1954, a tabulation of bids submitted for the paving of skips on University Boulevard and a portion of Weslayan st~eet in the~700 Block was presented with a recommendation that both bids received for paving on Weslayan street, be rejected due to the excess amount ove~ and above the Engineers estimate and that the bid submitted by Russ Mitchell Company for paving of skips on University Boulevard be ac- cepted. Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Goff that the bids submitted for paving Weslayan street in the 6700 Block be rejected as recom- mended'QY the'City Engineer and City Paving Attorney~, Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Pro'tem Mooney; Commissioners Goff and Hangs None' Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the recom- mendation of the City Engin~er and City Paving Attorney be accepted and a ' contract awar.ded to Rusa'Mi4chell, Inc. for the paving of skips on University Boulevard on their low bid submitted June 17, 1954.' Voting Aye: Voting No Mayor Pro temMooney; Commissioners Goff and Hangs None " Ordinance No. 663, captioned as follows, was submitted' to the Commission by Paving Attorney E. E. Townes, Jr., and ~ead in full:. AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE SUM OF $3,11Q.00 OUT OF TEE FUND TO THE cmIDrr OF, STREET PAVING AND BRIDGE BOND, 1946, IN THE , CITY TREASURY TO PAY THE CITY'S ESTIMATED PART OF THE COST OF PAVING AND IMPROVING: Section 1, University Boulevard between Lake Street and Westchester Avenue Section 2, University Boulevard between Mercer Avenue and Edloe street Section 3, University Boulevard between Weslayan Street and Community Drive AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. (--:: I' : Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hangs, that Ordin~nce L! No. 663, ap]>ropriating the sum of $3,110.00 out of the fund to the credit T'~~I~i~-, " r- - ~'52 " of street Paving and Bridge Bond; 1946, for paving skips on ,University Boulevard.be passed and al?prov~d as read. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor ,Pro temMooney; Commissioners Goff and Hangs None i r ~ Ordinance No~ 664, captioned as follows, was submitted to ~he CQmmissiotiby Pav~ng AttorneyE. E. Townes, Jr., apd read in full: AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT ALL PROCEEDINGS HAVE HERETOFQRE BEEN HA.D Am> ALL. THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TO THE \ EXECUl'ION OF THE CONTRACT FOR TEE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF: Section 1, University Boulevard between Lake Street and Westchester Avenue Section 2, University Boulevard 'between Mercer Avenue and EdloeCStreet Section 3, University Boulevard between Weslayan street and Community Drive APPROVING AND AOOPrING THE REl.'ORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE ENGTIIEER ON BIDS RECEIVED FOR AND THE PAVING ANP IMPROVING OF SAID PORTIONS OF SAID STREET; ACCEPI'ING THE 'BID OF RUSS MITCHELL, ,INe.AS TEE LOWEST SECURE BID OF TIn!: LOWEST RES- PONSIBLE ,BIDDER, A:N.D AWARDING ,TO IT THECO:NTRACT FOR THE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF, SAID PORTIONS OF' SAID STREET;' APPROV..,. ING AND ACCEPTING AND ADTHOR,IZING THE APPROVAL AND ACCEPI'ANCE OF THE PERFORMANCE :BO:ND AlID MAINTENANCE, BOND IN CONNECTION WITH SAIDIMl'ROVEMENT; FINDING THAT SAID CONTRACTOR HAS PRO- pmfLY EXEC,UTED A CpNTRACT FOR THE IMPROVEMENTS ORDERED, APPROVING SAID CONTRACT AND AtJrHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION THEREOF BY THE MAYOR AND CITY SECRETARY ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, AND-DECLARING '"AN EMERGENCY. Motion'byCommissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that Ordinance No. 664, approving execution of a contract for paving skips on University Boulevard be passed and ~.pproved as ,read. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Protem Mooney; Commissioners G-off and Hangs None Thee City Secretary advised that City Employees had organized and applied' for a charterunderSta.te Banking Laws of the.. State of Texas for a. credit Union . Authority was r~quested from th~ Commiss:i,on for payroll deductions from employee's salary ch~cks -for;t.nvestIil.entsand repayment of loans to the c;:red:i,t union from employees' salary checkflo MotionbyeonJ1rii'~siofier Bangs) seconded by,Cqmmissione:r G,of'f':,that the City AttoJ:'t:l,ey-,be it1s~ructed to prepare the necessary resolution to authorized payroll deductions for investments and repayment of loans to the credit union -r'-'-'~"'O~~'-~' ,. -,"1 i' ---------~------------. -.-----~ ---.---- -,-.~...--c.-,~ , ,-'I L- to ~ C\l <t -.a c:(' 1---' I I L, -, I i 1 ~ 2~53 ,from employees I salary checks. Voting Aye: ' Mayor Pro tem Mooney; Comm:j..ssi0ners Goff and Hangs Voting No: None , The following Resolution was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full: RESOLUTION 54-19 WHEREAS, By resolution of October 25, 1948, the City Commission of the City of Wes~ University Place established a charge for furnishing sewe~~ge facilities to the West University Elementary and Pershing Junior High Schools in the amount of Fifty Dollars ($50) per month during that portion pf the year such schools are used and occupied; and . WHEREAS, It is the desire of the City Commission of the City of West University Place'to include Mark Twain Elementary School among those to which sanitary sewer service shall be furnished by the City of West University P~ce; and ' ,_wm:REAS, It is, the further desire of the City Commission of the City 'of West University Place to reduce the charge heretofore established and to , estab,lish a charge of Five Dollars ($5) per month for service rendered each of such schools, making a total of Fifteen Dollars ($15) per month; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY' COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY' PLACE, ~S: ' 1. ,That from and after the effective date hereof the charge prescribed for furnishing sanitary sewer service to the West University Elementary and Pershing Junior High Schools established by ~esolution of October 25, 1948, be and it is hereby reduced to the-sum of Five Dollars ($5) per month tor each such school. 2'. That from and after the effective date hereof a charge for fur- nishing sa~:litary sewe7' servi<?e to the Mark Twain Elementary School by the City of West University ,Place be and the same is hereby established at Five Dollar~ ($5) per month for that portion of the year such school is used and occupied". 3. That the provisions of this Resolution be and they shall become effective from and after the date of its passage and approval. , PASSED A:ND APPROVED THIS 28th day of June, 1954. Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that the Resolution prescribing a charge to the West University Elementary, Pershing Junior, High School and Mark Twain Elementary School of $5.00 per montn, be passed and a.p- proved as r~ad. , Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Pro tem Mooney; Commissioners Goff and Hangs None ~,,'~--- -'-:Jl _ c---' .'~--=~.', "1 ,...... 254 c---~- Minutes of June 14 and 17 were read and approved. ...{ J With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: / /~ ! ~~r '~ I"~. - c . Y . i ' !. " ... ~r'~~~~~~ r - _''=L..'''- ~_.-,--- "--'-::1 dLv~ k~ . MAYOR . --, 'I i --' -"' REGm;..AR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION JULY 12, 1954 r~l' ,I I The City Commission conv4ened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, '--- 7: 30 P.M., July 12, 195 , with the followi>ng menibers present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney. The City Secretary, City Attorney and Assistant ,City Attorney were also present. Commissioner Nisbet, was absent due to the illness of his mother. tc:i C'" C'oJ ~ 1':1' ~ 'l I I I , L-' [l. \ The invocation was pronounced by Father Basil Karpelenia of the st. George Qrthodox Church. In compliance wit~ action of the City Commission on Jun~ 14, 1954, legal notice duly published in the official newspaper of the City, and notices mailed to all\property owners within a radius of 200 feet of Lot 1, Block 92, West University Place 2nd Addition, Mayor Morris aqnounced that a public hearing was in order to consider an amendment to Ordinance No. 111 to allow said lot to be used for Church purposes and to_permit the fronting on Mercer Street rather than on Bissonnet Street as the lot was dedicated. In answer to questions by the City Attorney, Whitt Johnson, City Secretary, having been duly sworn by Mayor Morris testified that, legal notice had been, published in the offlqial newspaper of the city and all property owners within' a radius of 200 feet of Lot 1, Block 92, West University Place 2nd Addition had been, notified by mail that a hearing would be held at 7:30P.M. Jtily12, 1954, to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit the request of, st. George Orthodox Church. Rev. Father Basil Karpelenia, having been duly sworn by Mayor Morris, testified he is the representative of the st. George Orthodox Church and it is the desire of'his parishioners to construct a' parish home, cliurch and auditorium on this lotto face on ~ercer Street. Father Karpelenia advised a playground would be constructed in connection with these buildings and would be available to all children. This playground vould be lighted for ~ight use but lights wduld be extinguished by 8:00 P.M.' According to the plot plan'presented to support the request all buildings would be a minimum of 30 feet from Bissonnet and 10 feet from Mercer, the sanctuary to be 100 x 50 feet and Auditorium 40 x 75 fe~t.. Mr. Charlie Wyatt, having been duly sworn by Mayor Morris, whose property is within the affected radius of this proposed rezoning testified and advised that seven years ago he checked with the city and was advised the property in this.vicinity was zonedfo:r: single family residences only and since that time three churches were allowed in the area thus rendering his property valueless except for,business purposes, and he had been unable' to obtain per- mission to use' it for this' purpose. The City Atto,rney explained to Mr. Wyatt that the zoning laws of the city are' superceded by state laws insofar as churches are'cqncerned and the city cannot prevent the building of churches. Mr. Kraft further asked Mr. Wyatt if he objects to the construction of the church. In answer to questions directed to him, Rev. Father Karpelenia made the follqwing statements:' the, chl;lrch facilities would be availa1:?le to any other denomination; approximately 3~ residents in West University Place belong to this church, there are now three more churches in Harris County, and this particular site is centrally located for about 90 parishioners; this ch~rch -.--~~. 0__'_- -~ia 1 "I '" r-- C ~~~ '\ '56 .I , has been in existence in Harris County since 1896; the financing of the buildings is arranged for and will present no prRblem. Motion was made by Connnissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hangs -that the public hearing be closed and that a final dec,isiQn of this rezoning request be postponedjuntil Monday, July 19th, 7:30 P.M.. 1 ! I ~' Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissione~s Goff, Hangs and Mo~ney None Minutes of the regular meeting of the Zoning and Planning Board held on, July 8, 1954, were submitted'for co~sideration and the following action taken: Motion byCommi'ssioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff that a public hearing be called for August 2, 7:30 P.M. to consider the :r;-equest of Mrs. ,C. W. ~eath to resubdivide Lot 7, Block 13, West University Place' 1st Addition into two lots, 100 x 113 feet facing Vanderbilt street and 87 x 100 feet fronting Duke street, as recommended QY the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs a.nd Mooney None MotiQnby Commi~sioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff that a public hearing be called for August 2, 7:45 P.M. to consider the request of Mr. ' David Bland to s~bdivide Lot 6, Block 35, West Un,iversity Place 1st Addition , located at the corner of Mercer and Pittsburg into two 50 x i30.25' lots fronting Mercer S~reet, as recommended by the Zoning and Planning Boar~d. Voting Aye: Voting NO, : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney None ---' Motion by Commissioner Moo,ney, seoonded by CoInmissioner Hangs that the recom- mendation of t~e zoning board to deny the request of MW. Thomas Elliot to Quild a residence cpntaining' 800 square feet instead of 1200 sq. ft. on ' st of Lot 11, Block 35, West University Place 1st Addition be ~pheld. Voting Aye:. Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff," Hang{:'l and Mooney Voting No None A request submitted by'Mr. G. L. Boo~e, owner of Jiffy Car Wash Inc., for leasing the covered drainage ditch property owned 'by the City on the south side of Bellaire,Boulevard :wl3.s dis'Cussed at length by the Commission. Mr. Boone offered the following proposition: a five year lease at $125 per month, secondifive years at $150 per month at the option of Mr. Boone, a third five year le~sealso at his option at the r~te of $175 per month. The necessity of extend;t.,ng a 60 ,inch storm sewer was incl~ded and Mr. Boone,agreed to pay one half the cost of this extension up to $1000.00. It was estimated the extension would cost $1,800. City Attorney Karl Kraft informed the commission that 'since the city has a 'Warranty deed to this property it- legally may enter' 'into such a lease. Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that-the City Secretary be, authorized to ,negotiate this proposed lease on th,e following r~==~ r'~~u'-- , - " 1 -r- -I ,--I t(':) c.-v:l N <'1: ~ ~ ''l I . I L , "--., 'i LJ ~- 257 basis: ,A lease of 5 years, an a~ditional 5 years at the option of both parties, and another five years also at the option of both parties; a 7! year lea~e with an additional 7~ years at the option of both parties; a ten year lease with an additional 5 year option on the part of both 'parties at a rental rate no lower than the one proposed by Mr. Boone; further, the revenue derived from such le~se, after repayment of the cost of the storm sewer extension be placed in a separate fund ,to be used only for capital improvements or investments. Voting Aye: Vo~ing No : Mayor Morri,s; Commission~rs Goff', Hangs and Mooney None The 'following Resolution was submitted to the 'Commission for consideration and read in full: RESOLUTION 54-24 WHEREAS, It is the intention of the City of West University Place to operate as efficiently as possIble ~ith a minimum ' duplication of effort and procedure ; and ~, Invoices for operational expenses charged against the General Fund, Wa.ter-Sewer Fund and Health Fund are remitted from each respective 'f'!lnd even though a particular invoice may cover items,of supply or service required byall'three on a single billing; and , WHEREAS, The creation of a single fund to pay operational expenses , would relieve the necessity ofcissuing two or three checks to pay the amount of a single invoice and would further relieve the necessity for extra labor and office supplies; , NOW j ,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF TEE CITY OF WEST ~IV.ERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: ~. ".. That from and' after the date of August 1, 1954, there shall be .. crea~ed in the Univer~ity state Bank, a deposi~ory band of the City of West University PlEtce, a separate fund to be known as "Fund E." ' 2., That from'and'a~ter August 1, 1954, all,due and payable accounts charged against the General Fund, ,Water-Sewer Fund and Health Fund for mat~riais"supplies and other(opera.tional expenses excluding labor shall'be paid from ItFu.nd En 'hereby estalh-ished.. , 3. That to establish "Fund En the following amounts shall be trans- ferred to the same as of the date of tts establishment" to-wit: August 1, 1954: ) (a) $15,000.00 from the General Operating Fund; (b) $500~OO from the Health Fund, and (c) $10,000.00 from th~-Water-Sewer Fund. 4. During the month of SeptellJ,Jber, 1954} and during each succeeding --~~-'L--.' .~ r , , 258 month thereafter, "Fund Ett shall be reimbur~ed from tp.e, General Fund, Health Fund and Water-Sewer Fund in the exact amount~which has been disbursed from the said' ttFund Eft for the respective operating expenses of each of the three named funds during the month next preceding as determined from the records and accounts o~ the City of West University Place. PASSED AND APPROVED this 12th day of July, 1954. Motion by Commissioner Hang&, seconded by CommissionerGo~f that R~solution 54-24 authorizing the establishment of Fund E for the payment of current bills of the General, Water-Sewer and Health Fund be ~ssed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney None Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Comm~ssioner Goff that the City Attorney be instructed to draw the necessary ordinanc~ creating the offic~ of City Controller. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; CommisSioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney Voting No : ,l\lone' Letters from the City Attorney to the follOWing violators of O~dinance No. 111 were read to the Cqmmission: Dr. ,-Jack Beasley, 6126 Kirby 'Drive, J. L. Steger,-3116 Jarrard Dr. Paulus Hofheinz, 2904 University The cpmmission ordered a follow-up be made on these violations within a period of 30 days. The City Attorney wa~ requested to prepare an opinion for submission to the Commission at a later date, in regards to a state law where a Tax Certific~te is legal evidence that all years covered by the certificate have been paid. This is in conjunction with the request to honor a certificate by Mr. A. S. Daniels, 2633 Pemberton, for the years 1932, 1933, and 1934. The following resolution was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full: ;, RESOLUTION 54-25 - \ WEEREAS, The City of West Uni versi ty Place, Texas, is now engaged in the construction of a municipal building; and WEEREAS, Prompt decisions are frequently required on matj;ers ar~s~ng during the construction of th~ said building in order that the work may pro- gress in an efficient and economical manner; and 'WHEREAS, It would be to the best interests of the City of West University Place to have a representative with valid authority available at all times to make minor decisions and to authorize minor changes in the L-~ ~~=--.., :", ,-.,.. ,,', ":n: , [' L -1 --I" u L'? cr" C\l --c -' , c(' { -j L-J I 1 '--.-' L___, 259 construction and/or materials used in the municipal building by ~xecuting formal change orders, such decisions and change orders not to appreciably in-- crease the cost of the said building; and WHEREAS, The City Commission of the City of West University Place is of' the opinion that WHIrrr, JOHNSON" City Secretary of the said City, 'is th~ logical person to be appointed the City representative for such purpose. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXA~: ' 1. That from and after the effective date hereof, WHIrrr JOHNSON, City Secretary of the City of West University Place, shall be, and he is hereby, authorized to act on behalf of the said City in making minor decisions and in effeQting minor changes and/or approving substitution of materials in the con- struction of the municipal building by the execution of' change or~ers, such minor 'decisions ,and c~nge orders not to appreciably increase the cost of the sa id building '. 2. All such change orders hereitia.bove referred to shall be in writing and signed by the said WHITT JOHNSON and a duly'autborizedagent of the contractor'whose contract is affected thereby and a copy of e~ch such change order sball be retained by the City Sec~etary in a separate and in- dividual file fore ready reference thereto by the City Commissionof this <;ity. , , 3. That no authority ,is hereby granted or sought to be delegated to the said wHITT JOHNSON as representative of the City o~ West University Place to enter into a.nyagreement on behalf of the said City under which the plans and s-pec'ificatidns of the said munici-pal building or, any other matter or thing 'reJ.ativeto such building,shall be modified or changed exce-pt as pro- vided in paragraph 1. above. PAS~ AND APPROVED -this 12th day of July, 1954. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that Resolution 54-25 authorizing the 'City Secretary to make minor decisions and minor changes in the construction of the City Hall Building be approved as read'but that it shall be of no further fqrce and effect upon the completion of the building now under construction. Voting ,Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney None The followin~ resolution was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full: . RESOLUTION 54-26 WHEREAS, The City Commission of the City of West University Pla.ce has been advised by Ca~tain Fontenot ~nd Lieutenant Barlow of the Texas State Gllard-that a company of such organization to be known as Company "K" is to be organized and have its head q~arters in the City of West Univ~rsity L_,___,_.L<__,.__ 1=:JIl __..__.~r"'==='""==r:= .-." "-."1.:1 --I - - ---,-,,-.---- , 260 P~ce; and WHEREAS, The said Capta.in Fontenot and Lieutena.nt j Bar~ow have formally requested the City Commission of tho City of West :~ University Place on, behal~ of the Texas state Guard to cQoperate in the organi- 'zation and maintenance of the said company,inWest University Place by extenli- ing permission for the members thereof to have access to the facilities and a portion of the City Hall or other publicbaildingsforthe-purpose of holding meetings of the membershipo~ the said Company "Ktt; and WHEREAS, The City Commission of the City of West University Place is cognizant of, the f~nctions of~the Texas state Guard and 'is desirous of assisting insofar as available'space and facilities within the public build~ ings'o~ sa:i,d City will permit; and' WREREAS, The City Commission of thE( Cityo~ West UniveJ::sity Place has been advised by the City Secretary of the said City that such space and facilities are ava.ila.ble and that the use thereof by the membership o~,the' propo~ed Company tlKtt of the Texas state Guard will in no wiSe hamper or inter- fere with the operations of the various branch~s~o~the said City. NOl!, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COMMISSION OF THE, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That the qity Commission of the City of West 'OniversityPlace being 'aware of the functions of the Texas state Guard and being desirous, to assist in the establi~hment and maintenance of a local company of s~ch organi- zation to be known as Company ,ttKtt" and having been advised by the City Secre- tary of said City that there will be adequate vacant space in tl'le municipal building now being constructed which may be used as the headquarters of said Company, withoutilil.terfering.with the operation of the said City, does hereby authorize, the use of such space and the facilities of said b~ilding in,con- junction therewith for such pUrpose. ,- r -. _ _, ! 1 ,-,,-! PASSED AND APPR,OVED THIS 12th day of JUly, 1954. Motion 'by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner G.off that Resolution 54':"26 authorizing the ~Se of city bUildings 'as meeting places for Company UK" of the Texas state 'Guard be approved and passed as read. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff; Hangs and Mooney None Ordinance No. 665, captioned as follows was submitted to the Commission by the City Attorney and read in full: AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 99 REGULATING TEE ALTITUDE FOR TEE FLYING OF AIRPLANES OR ANY LIGHTER THAN AIR cR.AFr OVER . . '. I THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE; PRESCRIBING A. PENALTY FOR ' 'THE VIOLATION OF SUCH ORDINANCE AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY; PROVIDING FOR TBEMINIMtJM ALTITUDE FOR THE FLYING OF AIRCRAFT OVER . TEE CITY 'OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; PRESCRIBING A i I ! ---' r' r'-,",'''-''=~~. ""i""-l 1- [l h? C? C\l <C "'? ~ '0' ;1 . ! J fJ 2C!1h ..~."-' U 1. PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION QF THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE;' AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hangs ,that Ordinance No. 665 repealing Ordinance No. 99, which contro~s the height of airborne craft, be passed ,and approved., . Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney, None Ordinance No. 666, captioned as follows was submitted to the City Commission by'the City Attorney and read in full: - AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE' DRILLING OF WATER WELLS UPON PRIVATE PREMISES WITHIN 'l'HE CITY OF WEST, UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; PRESCRIBING A PENALTY; AND PROVrpING FOR AN, EFFECTIVE DATE. . ' Motion by Commissioner Go~f, s~conded by Commissioner Hangs that Ordinance No.'_ 666 prohibiting the drilLing 01 w~te~ wells ,or attempting to drill water w~ii~ within the ctty be pasl?,~d and approved as read. ' Voting Aye: Voting.No : Mayor Morris; ,Connn.1ssioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney None A letter from the City Attorneypertairiing to the legal.aspects of appoint- ment,'of jailers, was read to the Commission. / No action was taken at this time since the need of such, appointments will accrue with the occupation 9f th~ new City Hall. The City Attorney advised the Commission there is no legal prohibition on the part of the City a.gainst the' payroll deduction, of its employees for investment of their funds in the West University Employees Credit Union or the deduction of funds to repay a. loan from this organization. Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Goff that the dues of this City in the League of Texas Municipalities for the year ending June 30, 1955, in the amount of $172.50 be approved and ordered paid., Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; 'Commissioners Goff, Hangs ~nd Mooney None The Co~ission authorized the use of the fire station by the Republican Party for its primary election and party convention on the same financial basis as ' that of' the Democratic Party being $15.00 for such use. ' Minutes of the regular mee4ing of June 28, 1954, were read and approved as corrected.- With nq further business to come, before the Commission at-- this time, upon motion duly ma.de, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ..... A~, ._/ . I~ARY-- ~~k~ MAYOR ~-:=lI. C:''''<='~~-===!'''''"1 262 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION! JULY 26, 1954 I 1 -...,-J The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Ha~l on Monday July 26, 1954, 7:30 P.M. with the fOllowing members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Goff, Mooney and Nisbet. The City Attorney was also present. Commissioner Hangs and the City Secretary were absent. The invocation was pronounced by Mayor Morris. Mr. E. E. Townes, Jr., Paving Attorney for the City, appeared before the Cbmmission and reviewed recommended'amenaments and changes to a contract with Russ Mitchell, Inc., for paving skips o~ University Boulevard. Ordinance No. 667, captioned as follows, was submitted 'by Mr. Townes for the Commission's consideration and read, in full: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING CERTAIN- AMENDMENTS AND CHANGES IN AND THE ADDrrION OF ADDENDA TO THE JUNE 28, 1954 CONTRACT BE'I'WEE:N THE CITY AND RUSS.;,MITCHELL, INC. WITH REFERENCE TO PAVING OF CERTAIN PORTIONS OF UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD;' AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION TEEREOF BY THE, 'MAYOR ANDCrry SECRETARY AND INCORPORATION THEREOF AS PART OF ~AID CONTRACT wrrH RUSS':"MITCHELL, INC.; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Mo~ion by Co~issioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Goff; that Ordinance -1 No. 667, provlding for, authorizing and directing certain ~ndments and ' changes, and, the addition of ap-denda; to the June 28, 1954, contract between '--, ,the city ~nd,Russ Mitchell, ~nc. with reference to paving portions of University Boulevard; and authorizing and ~irecting the execution thereof and incorporation as a part of the contract with Russ Mitchell, Inc., be -passed and approve'das read. ' , , \.J Voting Aye: Voting No Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Mooney and Nisbet None , \ Ordinance No. 668, ~ captio~ed,' as follows, was submitted to the Co:nnnission for consideration and read in full: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPI'ING ESTIMATES OF THE COSTS AND ,TEE VARIOUS PORTIONS OF TEE COST OF'TEE PAVING AND TEE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT OF: Section 1,. University Boulevard between Lake ~treet and Westchest~r ~Avenue ' Section 2, University Boulevard between Mercer Avenue and Edloe Street Section 3, University Boulevard between Weslayan Street ;;tnd Community Drive i I ----' IN TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, PREPARED BY THE, t_ r , :JIl . r-----.~-'<>"-~=<=>=-----l' o b"':,) cYj N ~, '-;' ~ o o 263 ENGINEERS FOR THE CITY? PURSUANT TO LAW? MIDAS REQUIRED BY EARLIER ORDINANCE; DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR AND DECLARING THE INTENTION OF Af?SESSING PART OF THE COST OF SUCH IMffiOVE- Ml5NTS AGAINST PROPERTlES ABUTTING, ON SAID PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS' AND THE OWNERS THEREOF IN THE AMOUNTS AS' SET FORTH IN SAID ESTIMATE; PROVIDING FOR ANP ORDERING THAT A HEARING BE HEID AND GIVEN TO ALL OWNING OR CLAIMING ANY SUCH ABUTTING PROPERTY OR ANY INTEREST THEREIN, AS TO SUCH ffiOPOSED ASSESS-' MImrS AND PROCEEDINGS AND AS TO OTHER MATTERS RE;LATING TO SUCH IMPROVEMENT; fmrTING AND FIXING THE TIME AND PLACE OF SUCH , ' ) BEARING; D4RECTING THAT THE CITY SECRETARY GIVE NOTICE THEREOF As REQUIRED BY LAW, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff that Ordinapce N9. 668, approving and adopting estimates of costs for paving skips on Uni- versityBoulevard, providing for and ordering a public hearing, and directing the City Secretary to give notice thereof, be passed and approved as read. ' Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor MorriS; Commissioners Goff, Mooney and Nisbet None ' A letter was received from the B9ard of Tax Equalization reporting that property , ow;ned by Phillips Pe:troleum Company at Ri~ and Edloe Streets was valued in excess for the year 1953, and recommending that penalty and interest on 1953 taxes be forgiven as the error and reason for non-payment rests with the Board' of Equalization., Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that penalty and interest on 1953 taxes be waived as recommended by the Board of Tax Equalization as the 'property had been valued, in excess through error for the year'1953 and that the value be reset in accordance with the recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Mooney and Nisbet None 'Ordinance No. 669, captioned as follows, was submitted (for consideration and read in full:, ' \ AN ORDINANCE CREATING' THE OFFICE' OF CITY CONTROLLER OF THE CITY, OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE AND DECLARING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that Ordinance No. 669, creating the office of City Controller be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Mooney and Nisbet None 'Motion by Commissioner Mqoney, s~conded by Commissioner Nisbet ,that Mr. G. P. Corry, be. appointed City contro';Uer of the City of 'west University Place. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Mooney and Nisbet None r== --,-, -\ r" . IL .I 264 Resolut~on No. 54-27, as follows, was submitted to the Commission for con- sideration and read in full: ,RESO~UTION 54-2~ WHEREAS, The employees of the'City of West University Place, Texas, are in the process of establishing a credit union; and - j I WHEREAS; The City Commission of the City of West University Place is desirous of assisting insofar as is reasonable and proper in the furtherance of the said credit union and the benefits afforded by the same to the em-_ ployees of said City; and WHEREAS, It appears ,that the said credit union, would be assisted , materially by a system of payroll deductions 'Qy the City of West University Place as to those employees who may, from ti:rne to time, be indebted to said credit union; and WEEREAS, The City Secretary and the City Treasurer of the said City\ of West University Place have adyised the City Commission that the ,institution of such -payroll deduction plan would not affect the efficiency of the Treasurer's Department nor would it involve expenditures by the City of any consequence; and WHEREAS, The City Commission of the City of West University Place upon advice and recommendation of the City Secretary and City Treasurer of said City is'desirous of assisting the establishment and furtherance of the credit union by the institution of a payroll deduc~ion plan thereby simplifying col- lection of accounts by the said credit union: ') I I NOW, THEREFORE., BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF '.fEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY ' PLACE: 1. That from and after the effective date, hereof, the City Treasurer of the City of West University .Place is hereby authorized to institute a plan of payroll deductions, the sums so deducted being paymentf! due and, to be paid the credit union ~hich is to be established'for the benefit of the employees of the said City. . 2. That the City Secretary of the Cit~ of West University Place be and he is hereby authorized to require the institution of a payroll deduction plan by the City Treasurer of said City upon the establishment of the credit union hereinabove mentioned. 3. That no expenditure in timlp or money other than the issuance of monthly checks. payable to the credit union, the same not to exceed three (3) in number, shall be made by the City of West University Place under the pro- visions hereof. 4. That should the credit union presently being organized and referred to hereinabove, for any reason fail to gecome operati~~, the authority hereby granted shall be revoked and no such payroll deduction plan as herein~bove pro- vided shall be instituted for any purpose except by further action of the City Commission of the City of West University Place. \ -' PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 26th day of July, 1954. (l L 1'0 C;:, W <r: ....:> < rl l~ n eLl I t~~. 265 Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that the Resolution authorizing institution of a plan for payroil deductions to be paid the credit union which is to be established for the benefit of employees of ~est Vniversity- and authorizing the City Secretary to require institution of a payroll deduction plan by the City Treasurer upon establishment of the credit union be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayqr Morris; Commissioners Goff, Mo<:mey and Nisbet None Resolution No. 54-28, as ,follows, was submitted for consideration and read in full: \ ' RESOLWION 54-28 WHEREAS, Whitt Johnson, ,City Secretary of the City of West University Pl~ce, Texas, has been authorized by the City Commission to count~rsign the City's cheeks on its several depository accounts subject only to such limi- tations as have been prescribed by the Commission's action and it has become necessary to authorize .the counters~gning of the City's checks by G. P. Corry, Controller of the City of West University Place, Texas, during the absence of Whitt Johnson and while he is on vacation; , , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that' G. P. Corry be, and he is hereby, author- ized for and on behalf of the City of West University Place, Texas, to countersign all checks executed for and on'behalf of the City which the City' Sec:retary, 'Whitt JOhnson, could countersign under the existing powers granted him by the City Commission. The authority hereby gran: ed to G. P. Corry to countersign, the City's checks, shall exist from July 26, 1954 to August 7, 1954, bothdatesincl~sive,and there~fter such authority shall terminate withou~ further act~on u,pon the City Commission's part. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 26th day of July, A.D. 1954. Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Qommissioner Goff, that Resolution No. 54-28 authorizing G. P. Corry to countersignall;checks executed for and on behalf of the City which. the CitY'Secretary, Whitt Johnson, could counter- sign under tb.e , existing powers granted himhy the City Oommission, between July 26, 1954, and August 7, 1954, both dates inclusive, be paf?sed and ap- prove'd as, read. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Mooney and Nisbet None Members of the Commission expressed their desire in the future to pass a resolution authorizing Mr. Corry to countersign checks during any absence of the City Secretary. In compliance with action of the City Commission on July 12" 1954, City Attorney Karl Kraft aubmitte~ an opinion'with reference to the effect a tax certificate erroneously reflecting taxes to be current has on the city's right to collect such taxes. Mr. Kraft stated ,that Section 1, Article 7258a I -. = .' '--":'-~ -,""}. "'"" 266 , provides that a certificate issued showing all t~xes, interest, penalty and costs on property to be paid in f'ull to and including the year stated therein that the "certificate shall be conclusive evidence of the full payment of all taxes, interestj penalty and costs due on the property described in said certificate for all yea~s to and including the year stated therein;" there- fore it was his opinion that the issuance of a certificate by the Tax Assessor evidencing payment of' taxes up to and including a stated date,precludes re- c covery by the City of any taxes which has acc,rued and were unpaid on such date. This opinion relates to a request of' A. S. Daniels submitted to the Commission on June 28, 1954. ' The advisability of passing a resolution establishing new provisions,and re~ strictions on use of' addressograph equipment owned by the city was discussed. Motion by Comndssioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a Resolution establishing new provisions , and restrictions for use of addressograph equ~pment owned by the City. Voting-Aye: Voting No: Mayo~ Morris; Commissioners Goff, Mooney and Nisbet None Minutes of the meeting of july 12, 1954, were read and approved. ' With no further business to come before the Comm1ssiop at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed.l, ~ _ . . . . . . 4 ***~*****~******** The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Monday, August 2,1954, 7:30 P.M. with the following members,present-: ~yor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Goff and Mooney. The City Attorney was also present. ,Commissioners Han~s and Nisbet we~e absent due to business reasons and the City Secretary was absent as he was out of the City on vacation. The invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Mooney. In compliance with action of the City C6mmissio~on July 12, 1954, legal notice duly published in t~e officia.l newspaper of the City and notices mailed to all property owners within a radius of 200 feet of Lot 7, Block 13, West Uni- versity Place 1st Addition"Mayor Morris announced that a public heating was in order to conside~ an amendment to Or~inance No. 111 to permit resubdivision of said lot into two i6ts, 100 x 113 to front on Vanderbilt street and 87 x 100 feet to front on Duke street. In answer to questions by tile City Attorney, L. A. ,Patton, City Treasurer, having been,duly sworn by Mayor Morris testified that legal notice had been published in the official newspape~ of the city and all property owners within a radius of '200 f'eet of Lot 7, Block 13, West University Place 1st Addition had been notified by mail that a hearing would be'held at 7:30 P.M., August 2, 1954, to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance tb permit resubdivision of the said lot as requested by Mrs. C. W. Heath. ' l~~~~'- ._=-=---==->~ - i 1 .If " ~ I I ----' , J -\ 1 l I ! .-.J -\ I J m to 0j ""-11 l,.,.'\!l "'~t ".,..,., fi.J ~ m'..! , ' I LI [] 267 Mr. Ralph Runnels, having been duly sworn" testified that he is prospective , purchaser of, the 87 x 100 Ft. lot fronting on Duke Street, and it is his intention to construct a residence on said lot. Miss Lee Heath, representing Mrs. C. W. Heath, stated that a 5 Ft. easement 'along the south boundary of the proposed 87 Ft. lot would be granted for utility purposes. There being no other property owners present who desired to be heard with reference to the subdivision of Lot 7, Block 13, West Uni'tfersity Place 1st Addition the following action was taken: Mot'ion by Commissioner Mooney, 'seconded by Commissioner Goff, th~t the hearing called to consider amending Ordinance No. 111 to permit resubdivision'of, Lo:t'7, Bloc~:13, West University Place 1st Addition b~ closed. voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff a~d Mo~ney None ' Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Mooney, that Ordinance No. 111 be amended to permit resubdivision of Lot 7, Block 13, West University Place 1st Addition into two lots, 100 x 113 Ft.. to front on Vanderbilt and 87 x 100 Ft. to front on Duke strei=t as reque'sted by WS. C. W. Heath and recommended by the zpning and Pla~ning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff and Mooney None In compliance with action of the City Commission on July 12, 1954, legal notice duly published in the official newspaper of the City and notices mailed to all property owners within a radius of 200 feet of Lot 6, Block 35, West University Place 1st Addition, Mayor Morris announced that a public hearing was indrder to consider an amendment to Ordinance No. Illtoppermit subdivision of said lot :into two lots,. 50 x 130.25 Ft. to front on Mercer street. In answer to questions by the City Attorney, L. A. Patton, City Treasurer, having beno 'duly sworn by Mayor Morris testified that legal notice had been published in the official newspaper of the city and all property owners within a radius of 200 feet of Lot 6, Block 35, West University Place 1st Addition had been notified by mail that a hearing would be held at 7:45 P.M. August 2, 1954, to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit subdivision of the said lot as requested by Mr. David Bland. ' Mr. David Bland,' owner of Lot 6, Block 35, West University Place 1st Addition having been dUly sworn, testified that, he was owner of said lot and that he desired to subdivide same in order ,that he may sell to two individual pur- chasers. He stated that he now has a house on the lot which he pro-poses to , move onto" an adj~cent 10,t of-,w1tich he is also owner. There being no other property owners present who desired to be heard in conl nection with the subdivision of Lot 6, Block 35, West University Place 1st Addition the following action was taken: ,~ CL,__i.L____L,_...JcJIl ,E~'""~-' .- j" -11 ,_, n _ _-11----------- 268 Motion by COm.p1ission~ Goff, seGonded by Commissioner Mooney, tbat the hea.ring called to con~ider amending.Ordinance No. 111, to permit subdivision of Lot 6, Block 35, West University Place 1st Addition be closed. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissione~s Goff and Mooney None Motion by Commis$ioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that Ordinance No. 111, be amended to permit subdivision of Lot 6, Block 35, West University Place 1st Addition into two 50 x 130.251 lots as requested by Mr. David Bland and recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. - " Voting Aye: . Ma.yor Morris;,; Commissioners Goff and Mooney Voting No : None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, ~econde~ and c~rried,_the meeting was adjourned. \, '- .~ ~ 1t;h';' Mayor J A=;~ / $k.--~ Cit ary , L. r- _- '::3. [' " l 1 --~_--'.I ) J. -- -j _i~ rl I I ~ 269 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION AUGUST 9, 1954 II,,'. 1 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, \, August 9, 1954, 7:30 P.M. with tllefollowing members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Gof:t:, Mooney and Nisbet. The City Secretary and Assistant City Attorney were also present. Commissioner Hangs and the City Attorney were absent due to business reasons. ' I tC) CV-~ C~ <t '-~ ...' ...-' -..." n i i \ I \--' n \_, ~-_. The invocation was pronounced by Commissione~ Nisbet. Mr. Ralph Runnels,~recent purchaser of the East 87xlOO Ft. of Lot 7, Block 13, West University Place 1st Addition, requested that an exception' be made to permit construction of a home on this lot without construction of a sidewalk as required by Ordinat;lceNo. 313. The Commission deferred action ot;l 'this re- quest in order that they might look at the property and alsp obtain an opinion ,from_the City Attorney with reference to making an exception to Ordinance No. 313. '- Mr. Tom Johnson, Mr. J<;>hn Browder and other residents from the 3900 Block of Milton street appeareabefore the Commissi~nprotesting the condition of the premises immediatelybehirid the J.M.H. Grocery Store located at the corner of Milton and College, Streets,. Mr~ J'ohnson stated that c~ttle feed is being sold from semi-truck trailers and1in doing so portions of the product which ,has a sw~et molasses base is continpousiybeing spilled on the ground attract- ingflies, other, insects and birds., These residents were particularly desirous that steps be taken to eliminate this situation since there has been a diag- nosed case of ,polio across th~ street from the premises of the grocery store. Mr. Browder sta.tedthat in his' opinion selling feed from these premises should be prohibited, as it would be impossible to elimina.te the flies and other in- ' sects as long,as the feed was dispersed at this location. The residents were assured that the City Commission would take whatever steps po~sible to el~minate the unslini tary condl. t,ion. -, ' ' r , The City Engineer submitted an estimate and recommendation for replacing storm sewer inlets,1-e,~ding from dead-end streets into Poor Farm Ditch with larger diameter "pipe. ,.".' Motion by Commissioner Gof:f, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the necessary ordinance ordering the re- placing.of storm sewer inlets and appropria.ting funds for this purpOse. , Vot~ng Aye: Voti.ng No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Mooney and Nisbet. None The Commission discussed Charter requirements for c(;l.lling a public hearing to consider aq.option of a budget for the ensuing year and took the following action: Motion, by CommiSSioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff that a Pub~ic Hearing be called for 7:30 P.M., August 31, 1954, to consider adoption of a budget for the fiscal year i955. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Mooney and Nisbet. Voting No : None T~'~:", ,,'.. .1", _::~. _...F:"'.',...... --,--'-- '''''''~r'l .--il ----------------- 27U Ordinance No. 670, captioned as follows was submitted to the Commission for consi~er~tion and reaQ in full: I~\ AN ORDINANCE FINDING Al'ID DETERMINING THA'!' EACH Al'ID ALL 9F THE PROCEEDING$HAVEBEEN ~AND ALL THINGS DO:NE PREREQUISITE TO THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC BEARING TO CONSIDER THE AMENDING OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST. UN~SITY PLACE, TEXA$ SO AS TO PERMIT THE RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 7, BLOCK l3;/~ST UNIVERSrry PLACE FIRST ADDITION IN TO TWO (2) LOTS, ONE (1) TO ~ 109 X 113 FEET MID THE OTijER TO BE 87 X 100 F'Em'; FINDING THAT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING MT In.1ENDMENT TO ORPJNANCE NO. 111 HAS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY HELD;' APPROVING AND ADoPrING' THE REPORT AND RECOM- MENDATION OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT THE RESUBDIVISION OF THE SAID LOT; FINDING THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE SHOULD BE AMENDED SO AS TO :pERMIT f?UCHRESU1}DIVISION; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 111 RESUBDIVIDING THE SAID LOT;' AND PEOVIDING AN EFFECTIVE PATE. . . - ". i I 1---.1 Motion by CommiBsion~r Nisbet"seponded by Commissioner Goff, that Ordinance No. 670, amending Section 24, ofO:r:dinance No. 111 permitting Lot 7, Block 13, West University Place 1st Addition to be resubdivided: into,two lots, 100:ld13 and. 87xlOO Feet be passed a.,nd approved as read. " , Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Mooney and Nisbet. Voting No: None Ordin~nce No~ 671, caption~d as follows ~as submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full: . .-\ I I [ ! '--' \ AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF THE PROCEEnINGS HAVE HERETOFORE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PRE- 1 REQUISITE TO THE HOLDING, OF A PUBLIC BEARING, TO C()NSIDm THE AMENDING OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNI- VERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SO AS TO' PERMIT THE f3TJBDIVISION"OF;:LOT 6, BLOCK 35, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE FIRST ADDITION, IN TO TWO- (2) LOTS 50 X 130.25 FEET EACH; FINDING THAT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR l , THE, PURPOSE OF, CONSIDERING' AN. AMENDMENT' TO ORDINANCE NO. 111 HAS BEEN DULY AND IEGALLY HELD; A:pPROVING AND ADOPI'ING THE RE- PORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE ZONING AND PLANNI,NG :J30ARD THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT SUBDIVISION OF THE SAIDt.oT; FINDING 1'HAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, SHOULD ~AMENDED. SO' AS TO PERMIT SUCH SUB- DIVISION; AMENDING ORDI~ANCE NO. 111 SUBDIVIDING THE SAID LOT;' AND PROVIDING AN EFFEC'!'IVE DATE. . . Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that Ordinance No. 671, amending Section 24 ofOrdinanc~ No. 111, permitting subdivision of Lot'6, Block 35, West University Place 1st Addition into 'two lots 50 x 130.25 Ft. each be passed and approved as read. Vot\.ng Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Mooney and N~sbet None r~! i ; \~) -~~,' '--,-,--', ' ,\ r-----~ "'~~-"'''~ i 1 -~ I o to ~ N ....'1'.; ~ .q n ~__' [] ~ 271 , " The Commission was advised,that the Texas state Assoqiation of Plumbing Insp~ct~rs are to hold their annual ~eeting at Waco, Texas, on August 21-22, 1954. Authority was requested for B. F. Kingman, Ins:pectbr for the City of West University Place to attend this meeting. Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Goff that Inspector Kingman be ~uthorized to attend the Texas ,state Association of Plumbing Inspectors meeti_ng in Waco, August 21~22:, 1954. Voting I).ye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; C(\}InIJ!.issioners Goff, Mooney and Nisbet None An, invoice ,from Best Tailors, In~~ in the amo~nt of $779.75 for uniforms for the auxiliary ,policemen was submitted to the Commission,for consideration~ Action was taken by the City Co~issionon~pril 26, 1954, appointing City Sec~etary Whitt Johnsgn, Chief of Pol~ce H. E. Shipp and Auxiliary Police Chief Marvin Cole as ~.Oommitte'e to determine the type of uniform to be worn by the a}.lXiliary unit and to, proceed with the :purchase as an amount of $500 had been appropriated ia the 1954 budget for auxiliary poli~e expenditure. c. Motion by Cpmmissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the invoice from Best Tailors, ~nc. in the amount ,of $779.75 covering purchase of unifor~ for the auxiliary police 'department be paid and charged to police department Account No. 109A. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Mooney and Nisbet None Motion by COmmi~sion~r Goff7 seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the City Attorney be instructed to prepar,e the necessary ordinance amending qrdinance No. 111, to permit use of Lot 1, Block 92, We~tUniversity Place 2nd Addition for church pur- poses a~ requested by representatives o~the st. George Orthodox ,Church. Voting Aye: Voting No Mayor Morr~s; Cqmmiss10ners Goff, Mooney and Nisbet None' A request from M:rs.' Harry T1,lrner, ChairIm;\n of the March of -Dimes Campaign for ) West University P~ce, for u~e of a city fire truck to raise funds~by offering rides to children W8:s submitted for consideration. Action on the request was deferred pending advice from the City Attorney and Insurance ~gent as to the, city's li~bility in eve~t_of accident. Minutes of the meetings of July 26, and August 2, 1954, were read and approved. With no fu~ther pusiness to come before the Commission at this ,time, upon motion duly made, seconded.and, c~rriedthe Dleeting wa.s recessed. ************** r~~~-~T~ -..,.- r~~~'~~;""l 272- The City Commission convened in recessed ses~ion at the City 'Hall on Thursday, August 12,1954, 7:30 P.M. with the following 'members present.: Ma;yor Morris, presidi.ng; qommissionersMooney, Goff and Ni'sbet. The City Secretary and City ! -\ Attorne;Y' were also present. Commissioner Hangs wasabsentf'or business r~"a.s_ons. i i . ' LJ Mr. E. E. Townes, Jr., Paving Attbrne~ for,the City, pronounced the i~vocation. In compliance with action of the City Commission on, July 26, 1954, and Notice duly published three times in the official ,newspaper of the city, Mayor Morris announced that a Public Hear~ng was in order to determine benefits to be de- rived from improvements arid to hear any person owning and cJ-aiming interest in property on University Boulevard which abuts an unpaved portion of the street. Mayor Morris expLained that concrete paving was first constructed on,University Boulevard'in 1947 from Sewanee,street to WeslayanStreet by Holland Page Con~ struction Company under the 1946 Bond Issue for street Improvements. Three' skips were ,left in the 3600 block under ,this project. In' 1948 and 1949, the balance of University Boulevard was paved on assessment-basis and a strip,24c' in the center of the street was paved where property was d~signatedas a ' homestead ~nd th~ owner would not execute a voluntary mechanics lien contract. After this project was complete:there were a total of 38 skipped,areas or 2,847.5 Linear Feet of unpaved portions of the street. He stated that it is estimated that the cost of maintaining these skips; with shell arid asphalt an;tounts to approximately $1 ~ 000 per year. -c Mayor Morris then turned the Hearing pver to Mr. E. E. Townes i Jr.; '~ving Attorney for the City. Mr., J. I. Cornelison, duly sworn by Mayor Morris, stated in answer to questions by the Paving Attorney that he' was Engineer for the City of Westyniversity and had prepared p~ns and specifications for the proposed, paving and improve- ments of those portions of University Boulevard,which had not earlier heen paved, and that the plans and spe,cifications had been approved and adopted by the City CommiSSion. Mr. Cornelison also stated that a Notice to Bidders had been duly published in the of~icial newspa~er of the City, bids had been, received and a co'ntractawarded to the low bidder. Mr. Cornelison briefly des,cribed the nat;ure and type of improvements to be,constructedahd explained that all, existing curb and gutter would be removed and replaced. He stated in his opinion t~e design and specifications meet good construction and engineering pract'iceS and thl:i.t the paving will be substantially as s'trong as that of the existing paved portion of University Boulevard. Mr. Jerome A. McCall, being duly sworn by Mayor Morris, stated in answer, to questions propounded by Mr. Townes, that he was General manager of Hodell Be 'Company:, a Rea,l Estate firm, and that he has handled the purchase and sa.le of residential property in West University, and was familiar with residential values in this area. ,Mr. McCall st&ted that he' has handled purcha'ses and . sales of property on streets which were paved anduupaved and where there were unpaved portions, and property,on paved streets invariably has a higher value than property on unpaved streets or where there are unpaved portions of street abutting. He also' test1fiedyhat in his opinion const,ruction of paving on the skipped areas of University Boulevard would enhance the value of property involv~d in each designated section at least the amount of the proposed assessment. r- "lI! U r ",1 ;-<\ , i U r~1 iJ i If' \_' h:J ,ct;) cq <r.: ~4 ~ n I i l.-J !...l'..,... ! : ,- ----' :~73 Speaking in opposition to. the proposed paving o.f the skipped areas 6n University Boulevard were Mr. and Mrs. George G. Williams, 2732 University Blvd., Mrs. ,C. E. Nickel, 2736 University, and Mrs. R. B. Sanders, 2730 University~ Mr. WilLi~ submitted a writtenprbtest on behalf of several re!3idents in the 2700 Block University which will be effected by the proposed assessments as follows: August 10, 1954 TO: The City Commission, City of West University Place, Texas. This is the. formal protest qf the undersigned homestead-owners reSiding - . J, , on property"a.butting University Boulevard, West University Place, Texas, against the paving aSsessment proposed against us and our homes, notice of which assess- ment wa.s'adver,tl~ed, in 'the Houston Chronicle on July.28, 1954, and August 4, 1954. .A:sprbyided by law, and as stated in the above-mentioned notice, "no amount shall be assessed against any such abutting property or the owner thereof in excess-of benefits to said property in the enhanced value thereof by reason of said improvements." ' We wicsh to 'state 'that such Paving~'instead of increasing the value of our property abutting University Boulevard, will materially decrease its value. Reasons f9tmhi~statement follow: 1. The said pro.perty lies within an area zoned for residential purposes, and can n~ver be used; for commercial purposes. It is an obvious and well;"estab- lished fact that the value of residential property tends to decrease, not increas~. as general traffic in front of it increases. The disagreeable noise and fumes of heavy traffic, the danger to children living on a street with heavy traffic, ,and the inconve'niences connected with parking and with getting lnand out of one's own driveway in the midst of he~vy traffic, are all extremely detrimental to the value of .private resident,ial property such asours~The paving proposed will unquestionably tend to increase and tos1!>eed-u.ptraffic on' University Boulevard, and will increase the /,dangers' aad inconveniences mentioned, and' be detrimental to the value of "thepro-perty .,' , ' 2. Bringing traffic, including the regUlar buses of the Houston Transit Company, eight feet nearer our curbs j as will be done by ,the proposed paving, will eliminate a safety, zone which we have learned to value. It will,immeasurably increase the dangers to children playing in our yards, as wella,s the dangers ~nd inconveniences associated with parking and getting in and out of driveways on this street. Moreover; bringing the pounding Qf'.heavy: traffic-eight feet nearer will increase by tmLt much the "vibrations that are not 'only unpleasant.to ,endure, but detrimental to thefq>undations of our homes. '3. Bringing the flow of heavy traffic eight f~et nearer the, curb will have a specially detrimental effect on the homes abutting the north side of Uni versi ty Boulevard.. ( :Setween these homes and the street lies a large' sewer line bedded on <;l.uicksand. This sewer, having been faultily con- structed or laid,'a.bout thirty years ago, tends to. break and permit the sand,und,erlying our homes to flow away through the sewer, and so under- mine the buildings. This faulty sewer has caused the City to nJakemany " ,-,---_...,,- -~~~~ r' - . ,1 274 prolonged and extensive repairs in the past, so that, for months at a' time, homes"on the north side 'of the street have had their driveways blocked, huge piles of clay in their front yards, their sidewalks broken Up, and theiratmo'sphere befouled. Selling our homes during the many months when these conditions prevailed would have been imPossible. There- has been extensive Sinking of the ground ~nd breaking up of .sidewalks all along the north,side of the street from the 2700 Block eastward to Kirby Drive. We fear that' the proposed paving, by bringing the heavy traffic eight feet nearer the' sewer line, will tend to cause a new out- break of the troubles with consequent inconvenience and serious danger to the foundations of our ~omes. ! I : \---.J In view of all these considerations, we pray ypu not to have the said paving done under any circumstances. But if you insist on having it done, we pray that you not be so unjust as to assess us with the cost of a project which we do not desire, and w~ich will be detrimental to the value of our property. Signed: George G. Williams 2732 University Mrs. R. B. Sanders 2730 University r' Mrs. Lola W. Nickel 2736 University Alfred H. Teltschik 2740 University, i , ,. , I I J ,0 With no other 'residents present desiring to be heard in relation to the pro- posed paving of the skippedareas'on University Boulevard, the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that ~he Hearing be recessed unt-il 7:30 P.M. Monday, ~ugust 16, 1954. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, MQoney and Nisbet None . - - . ~ . * * * * * * * * * -IE; * * *, ~ The City commission"reconvened in recessed session at,7:30 P.M. Monday, August 16, 1954, at the City'Hall with the following me1{lb~rs present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Goff, and Mooney. The City Secretary ~nd 'City Attorney were also present. Commissioner Nisbet and Hangs,were absent for business reasons. Commissioner Goff pronounced the invocation. Mayor Morris announced that the public Hearing,to consider imp;rovements to -the,skipped areas on University Boulevard called for August 12, 1954, and duly recessed until 7:30 P.M. MondB.y, August 16, 1954,' would be resumed at this ! t' < \ I. -' l~ '-i~~"T=~'=:J[ r~-"'-'-~ '-",'~-"='-~~'Il r---- ,. I i1,.' \ i '--' tor:; cr':) N <t: ""';) ~ n lJ' III lu 275 \ time .and requested Mr. E. E. Townes, Jr., Paving Attorney for the Ci,ty to pro- ceed with the Hearing. -, , , No persons appeared to offer testimony or evidence however the City Secretary presented a letter of protes~ from Mr., George H. Blissard, 3320 University Boulevard. . The city Commission, after hearing evidence as to benefits to 'be derived from paving skipped portions on University Boulevard and considering the assess- ments to be made against the abutting property owners, took the following action: Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff that the Hearing be closed and assessments be made as proposed in Ordinance No. 668, apd in the Published Legal Notice., Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff and ~ooney Non~ ,Ordinance No. 672, captioned~sfollows, was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full: '. AN ORDINANCE CLOSING THE HEARING GIVE:N TO THE REAL AND TRUE OWNERS OF PROPERTY ABUTTJ;NG ON: ' Section 1, University Boulevard between Lake Street and Westchester Avenue Section 2, University Boulevard between Mercer Avenue and Ed~oe Street , Section 3, "University Boulevard between Weslayan Street and. Community Drive ~ TO ALL OTHER MERESTED PARTIES, AS TO SPECIAL BENEFITS TO ACCRUE TO 'SAIDEROPERTY AND THE TRUE OWNERS THEREOF BY VIRTUE OF THE IMPROVE- MENTS, AND AS TO THE PROPOSED ASSESSJvtENTS THEREFOR, AND AS TO THE ACCURACY, SUFFICIENCY ,REGULARITY AND VALIDITY OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND CONTRACT IN CONNECTION WITH SAID IMPROVEMENTS ,AND ASSESSMENTS, AND ANY MATTER ..ORTHING '.CONNECTEDTHEREwITH; FINDING AND DETERMINING THE REGU4ARITY OF ALL, PROCEEDINGS AND Tim PERFORMANCE OF ALL PRE;' REQUISITES TO FIXING AND .LEVYING THE' ASSESSMENT LIENS AND THE PER- SONAL LIABILITY O~PROPmTY OWNERS; OVERRULING AND ,DENYING ALL ffiOTESTS AND OBJECTIONS OFFElRED, EXCEPI'.AS TO PARTICULAR CASES MENTIONED;, FINDING ANJj DETlmMINING SJ?ECIAL BENEFITS TO EACH PARCEL QF PROPERTY AND THE OWNERS THEREOF BY REASON OF SAID IMPROVEMENTS IN EXCESS OF THE AMOUNT OF, THE;RESPECTIVE ASSESSMENTS~AGAINST SAME; LEVYING ASSESS... MENrS; ,FIXING A . CHARGE AND LIEN AGAINST THE RESPECTIVE PROPERTIES ABUTTING ON THOSE PORTIONS OF SAID STREETS TO BE IMPROVED:.AND ,AGAINST THE. TRUE OWNERS . THEREOF. FOR TnE, PAYMENT' OF APRT OF THE COST OF THE IMPROvm.m:Nl'S 'WITHIN 'Tmf LIMITS DESCRIBED; PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF ASSESSMEN.P CERTIFICATES AND 'THE MANNER OF THEIR COLLECTION; AND DEOLARING AN EMERGENCY. r' -_.- ------,-_.._- i --- '11 276 Motion by Commdssioner Gof~, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that Ordinance No. 672, closing the hearing and levying assessments for improvements on University Boulevard be passed and approved as read. Vot.ing Aye: 'Vot;:i.ng No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff and Mooney None '\ I i i i --,/. Minutes of a Zoning Board meeting held on August 12, 1954, were submitted to the Commission for consideration,.- Action on th~ request from Mr. E. P. Evans, 3221 Carnegie, for approval of the construction of a carport to extend into the required setback from the side property line on Rutgers street, was def~r~ed until members' of the Commission ,could make a personal inspection of the said carport. The Oath of Office was administered to Mr. Monroe R. Talley, as Assistant Judge of the Corporation Court_of: the City ofWes1;; University Place. , Estimate No.2, in the amount of $25,983.65 from Stokes Adair Company, Con- , tractors for the n~w city hall, and Estimate NO.-3, in the amount of $17,241.19 was submitted to tpe Commission for,c:;onsideration. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that Estimate No.2, in the amount of $25,983.65 and Esti:ma1;;e No.3, in the amount of: ' $17,241.19 ,from Stokes Adair Company be approved for payment as recommended by Herbert Voelcker Be Asspciates, Architects. Voting Aye: V'oting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Go~~ and Mooney None I l U The request of Mrs. Harry Turner, Chairman for the Westun:i.versitYPJ.a.ce March of Dimes Campaign, for,use, of a city fire truck for raising funds by offering rides to children, was again considered. After the request was thoroughly' discussed and upon advice of theGity Attorney and Insurance agen\it was de..: termined that a fire truck should not be used for this purpose as lot was not a governmental function and the,cityrwould be liable in event ,of accident. The Southwes,t ;Branch of the YMCA submi -tted a statement fur the 10-week summer recreation program recently completed. The 'statement showed that one-half of - the cost to 'be shared by West Universit:r-Place,was $1,283.36 less $685.00 which represent~d the fee,paid by 458 swim students at $1.50 each. Motion by CommiSSioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the ,statement from the, Southwest YMCA for the city's share in the eost of the summer recre- ation program be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No ': Mayor'Morris; Commissioners Goff and Mooney None - As requesiedpythe City Commission, Stokes Adair Company, submitted a quotation of $526.00 for the additional cost of providing a 5'4" high glazed tile wainscot in Corridor No. 29, of the new city hall. 11 I_I t,,"':) Cfj C\1 ~ , <:G 11 lJ ~ , , ' ...--........,..,- ~~--- ~fj1 6... II Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that construct- ion of tile wainscot a height of 5'4" in Corridor No. 29, be authorized and the architect and contracto~ so notified. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff and Mooney. None No further business to come before the Commission ,at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded apd carried, the meeting was adjourned. L. ~~~~ Mayor.. , ATTEST: ~r _.. _0. ,_ ,e:cu=- --=:1---- -. _ _ __~._r::_: ....,_ "1 278 , ' REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION . AUGUST 23,1954 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, 7:30 P.M., August 23, .1954, with the following members present: Mayor Pro tem Mooney presiding; Commissioners Goff, Nisbet and Hangs. The City Secretary and City Attorney were also present. Mayor Morris was absent as he was on vacation. 1 I I I I ' <_J The,inyocation waa pronounced by Commissioner Hangs. The request of Mr. E. P. Evans, 3221 Carnegie street asking that a carport which' was constructed without a building permit and in violation of the Zoning Ordi- nance be, allowed to remain, was again considered. It was the opinion of the Commisston t~at this structure should be removed but that Mr. Evans be given an opportunity to request a public hearing for the purpose of amending the ordinance. It was brought out that the C?mmission cannot legally give per- mission for the carport to remain. Minutes of a Zoning Board meeting on August 12, 1954, were submitted and the following action taken: Motion py Commissioner Hangs, seconded. by Commissioner Nisbet that the recom- mendation of the Zoning Board to deny the request of Mrs. Anna. Aydam, 6719 Annapolis, to extend her existing gara.ge to the rear of her property l-! feet into the 5' set back'requirement be upheld. Voting ,Aye: Voting No Mayor P:ro temMooneYj ,Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Nisbet None r--\ U Action of the Zoning Board in Special meeting August 20, '1954, was considered and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the request of Mr. Ed Averdieck, 4005 Rice Boulevard to convert 1/2 of his existing garage into a playroom be approved as recommended by tJ:1e Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Pro tem Mooney; Commissioners Goff" H~ngs and Nisbet None The Commission further considered the request made by Mr. Ralph Runnels on August 9, for permission t<? construct a home on the E. 87xlOO Ft. of Lot 7, Block 13, West University Plac~ 1st Adq,ition without constructing'a sidewalk. I'1otion by Gommissioner Nisbet; seconded by Commissioner Goff' that an exception to the ordinance requiring sidewalks ,be approved p:r;'ovided Mr. Runnels will furnish the city with a signed agreement whereby he will be obligated to in- , stall the sidewalk should walks be installed on either end of the block. Voting Aye : Voting No: Mayor Pro'tem Mooney; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Nisbet None Motion by Commissioner Goff, ,seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that an ordinance be prepared to conform with the recommendations of the City Secret~ry and "'i II-=: r'~""'~'~:'--Tl i [j u".:) ~ N ~ -:J <t: m I . I l I nt, I' 'i L--J 279 Chief of Police for the installation of school speed limit and zone signs. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Pro tem Mooney; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Nisbet None The City Secretary submitted plans for the construction and purc~se of equip- ment and facilities, for storage of bulk chlorine for the se~age disposal plant, at an estimated e~endi~ure of $2,100.31. ' , Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that plans sub- mitted for the construction and purchase of equip~~nt and facilities for the purchase in bulk of chlorine for the sewerage disposal plant at an estimated- expenditure of $2,100.31 from funds now in the El?-pitary Sewer Capital Im-; provement Fun~ be approved and Notice to Bi~dersbe published for purchase of three, ~hlorine cylinders. .voting Aye: Voting No : Ma.yor_ PrQ - tem Mooney; Colimlissioners Goff, Hangs arid Nisbet None , , Mrs. Harry Turner, President of' the Wel;>t University Place Civic Club, ap- peared -before the Commission to ,request assistance in the Emergency March of Dimes Drive,Auctiol! to be held in the Village on Thursday nignt, August 26. Mrs.Tur~e:r:was .assured tl:l.e members of the Commission individually and those, preseniwould make ev~ry effort to assist in this drive. The following Resolu~~on was ,submitted to the Commission fo~ consideration and read in full: ' , RESOLUTION 54~29 A ,RESQLU'.I?IONEST.@L:rSHING RATES TO BE CHARGED FOR THE USE OF ADD,RESS:O(n~APH'EQUI~ 0WNED BY THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY ~LACE .AlIDAMENDING ALL PJ,lIOR RESOLUTIONS '.AND ACTION OF THE ,CITY GO~$SION. PERTAINING TO THE USE OF SUCH . EQUIPMENT . - , , WHEREAs on .:ran~ry 6, 19~7, a Resolution' was passed and, adopted by the City Commission which among other provisions provided for charging' 1 cent ,( 11) per name :for use of addressograph plates by any person, firm, or corpo- ratio!,! other ~han the City-of. West University Place, Texas, and , , , WHEREAS on March io, 1947, the above mentioned resolution was amended to make the charge for non-profit organizations l/g cent per plate with the City furnishing the operator. WHEREA8~ on Me,y.26, 1947, Section 60f Resolution dated January 6, 1947, and amended M8.rc.q 10, 1947 was agaiti amended to read as follows: SECTION V. ADDRES.sOORAPH - The rental for use of the addressogra.ph will, be one cent per l1a.m~for ,pl;ates used by any person, firm, oJ:'. corporation other than the GityofWest University Place, Texas~ provided, however, thatall,non- profit organizations shall be charged at the rate of one-half cent p~r name .'J 280 for plates used, and that the West University Civic Club shall be c~rged a flat fee of $10.00 for each use of the addressbgraph machine and plates, when used for the purpose of distributing, information of general interest to the inha~itantsof the city. In all cases, the City will furnish an operator for_ the addressograpl1machine. WHEREAS it has now become necessary to amend all prior resolutions and motions of the City Commission, for a more thorough and complete under- standing ~f the problecl, and . . ( . Jl , WHEREAS use of the ~quipment during the past several years ha.d brought to light certain objections con,Gerning public and individual use of said eg"uip:.. ment and further the City has acquired new and additional equipment of this nature it now becomes necessary and expedient for further amendment; NOW, TlIE~ORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Section YI of Resolution dated , January 6, 1947, and amended March 10, 1947, and motion by the City Co~ission ' March 10,1947, as recorded on Page 103 of the Minute Book 8, be amended to' read as follows: ' SECTION VI That after the effective date of this resolution the addressograph equipment owned by the city ;f West University Place, Texas, shall be authorized for use only by the following: _I. The West University Place Civic Club maY,use the said addressograph equipment when used for the purPose of distributing information of general ' interest to the inhabit~nts of the City of West University Place upon payment of a flat fee of $10.00 for each use of the ,equipment and additionally shall pay $1.25 per hour, for services of-a'city employee desig'nated by the City Secretary as'operator of the equipment. 'The hours of the operator and use of the equipment shall not be in conflict with regular working hours. ,II. No person, firm dr corporation shall be permitted to use said addressograph ~quipment for any commercial purpose. III. The said addressograph equipment may be used by persons, groups or parties promoting political inter~stsin the city government and public affairs of the inhabitants of the City of West University Place upon payment of .Ol~ per plate plus the:aforementioned $1.25 per hQur operating cost. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 23rd day of August, 1954. Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that the resolution setting rates to ~e charged for the use of the city's addressograph equipment be passed and approved as read. :t-"':'.~~~ ) I I .~ \ 1 I I '-.....J , \ I i I '--../ [I to c~ C'\l i~ ~ ~ 281' Voting Aye: . Voting No : Mayor Pro tern Mooney; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Nisbet None The following resolution was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full: RESOLUTION 1)4- ~o WHEREAS, The City Secretary and City Treasurer of the City of West Uriivers~ty Place are authorized to sign and countersign checks drawn on the account' of the said, City to meet payrolls and other current expenses; and WHEREAS, From time to time one or the other of the said officials is not available to sign or countersign such checks; and , , WHEREAS, in the-absence of either of the said officials it b~comes necessary fQr the City Commission of the said City to authorize the signing or countersigning of such checks by another official of the said City; and .. WHEREAS, It is deemed advisable to grant such authority, the same to be continuing until withdrawn by proper Resolution or termination of employment, to an official of the said City; and WHEREAS, MR. G. P. CORRY, City Controller of the City of West University' -,Place1 having been delegated such auth9rity heretofore, is deemed to be the logical person authorized ,to sign or countersign checks in the absence of' (-~ the City Secretary or c~ty Tr~asurer until revoked as above provided: I 1 I ' L! NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: (-~'I i .1 ! ' i ' \-. L~_ 1. \Tha~ from and after t~e effective da~e hereof, G. P. CORRY, City Gontroller of the City of West Unive:r:sity Place, is hereby authorized, in the absence of either WHITT JOHNSON, City Secretary or L. A. PATTON, City Treasurer, to sign or countersign checks drawn upon the account of the said City. , - - ,I 2. The authority hereby granted shall continue until termination of ,emplo~ent or until revoked by proper Resolution of the City Commission. " PASSED AND APPROVED this the 23rd day of August, '1954. Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Hangs) that the resolution authori~ing City Con~roller, G. P~ Corry, to counter-sign chec~s drawn on ,the funds and accounts 'of the city in the absence of either the City Secretary or City Treasurer-~e passed andap~roved as read. Voting' Aye: Voting No : Mayor Pro temMoo'ney; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Nisbet None - . . . I The City Attorney reported he had again 'contacted Drs'. Paulus Hofheinz and Jack Beasley in regard to their violations of the zoning ordinance and neither had ma~eplans for moving. Dr. Hofheinz, indicated he is ,cognizant of a similar case in which the defendant was uphel~ in the Galveston Court of Civil Appeals. The City Attorney was directed to f~rther investigate this case before pro- -~-'~'-"~=---~~~-=~j~ _ _ __'_.-11 ,--' _.r.== . --,---=----- J..'1 282 ceeding further to eliminate these vio~ations. 1 I ----J The CitY~Attorney also advised the Commission that -:to his knowledge nothing has been done 'toward elimination of a zoning vio~ation by Mr. Hamblin; 4120 Bellaire Boulevard who is operating a secretarial and telephone answering service. Mr. Hamblin had, however, requested a 30 day extension of time. The Commission agreed that Mr. Hamblin must cease violation of,the zoning by September 15, 1954. -, A proclamation in Celebration of Houston Founders Day on August 29, submitted by the Junion Chamber of~Commerce of Houston was read in full and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Goff and seconded by Commissioner Nisbet, that the Mayor be authorized to issue the proclamation declaring Celebration of Houston Founders Day on August 29; as requested by the Junior Chamber of Commerce of Houston. ,/ Voting Aye: Voting No : . Mayor P~o tem Mooney; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Nisbet None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, and upon , motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Hangs, the meeting was recessed. _ ) , , ' * * * * * * * * * ** * * * i--\ i_) The City Commission convened in recessed session at'the City Hall on Mond~y, August 30, 1954, 7:30 P.M~ with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; 'Conimissioners Mooney, Goff, Hangs and Nisbet. The City SE;?creta,ry, City Attorney and Assistant CitYAtto~ney were also present. . , The invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Hangs. The Mayor announced this meeting had been called for the purpo~e of final con- sideration of the budget for ,the perlod beginning January 1, ~955 and ending December 31, 1955. Several'features 9f the budget were discussed and the three interested citizens who appeared at the meeting were offered the opportunity to have any part, of the proposed budget eXplained to them. -~ "-~~~ Ordinance N? 673, captioned as follows, was s'ubmitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full: I AN ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING AN ,AD VALOREM TAX ON ALL . \ . .' - . TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE'CORPORATE LIMITS'OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR THE YEAR 1954, AND PROVIDING FOR THE COJ;.LECTION THEREOF. \ Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Goff that Ordinance No. 673, setting the tax rate for the tax year of 1954 be passed and approved , as read. i I ..1 i j 1 .,~ 11-- I--~l L" u:) C:~ C\l ~ 'J ~ ,~ I' I I , U n I. I' ',--' 1__- 283 . Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Han~s, Mooney and Nisbet None Ordinance No. 674, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full: ~ ORDINANCE AfPROVING A BUDGET' FOR THE CITY OF WEST 'UNIVERSITY P~CE, TEXAS, FOR A TWELVE MONTH PERIOD BE<;HNNING JANUARY 1, 1955 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1955; PROVIDING FOR THE APPROPRI- ATIoN OF PUBLIC FUNDS OF THE CITY FOR USE AND, EXPENDITURES. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet ,that Ordinance No. 674, adopting the budget for the ensuing fiscal year be passed and approved as read. ' ~ ' Voting' Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; C,ommissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None , J Ordinance No. 675, captioned-as follows, was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in'full: 'J ' , 'AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANG.E NO. 313 REQUIRING THE CON": STRUCTION OF WALKS FOR PUBLIC USE ON RESIDENTIAL LOTS WITHIN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE ,TEXAS, TO PERMIT AN EX- CEPrION THERETO AS ,TO' ,THE E,AST 87 FEET OF LOT 7, BLOCK 13, WE8,TUNI~SITY ,PLACE FIRST ADDITION, AND DECLARING AN EF- FECTIVE DATE. . , < Motion by Co~ssioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet, that Ordinance 19'0.675, a:mendingOrdinance 313, making an exception for 'the E.87 Ft. of' Lot 7, Block 13, West University Place 1st Addition be passed and approved a.s read.' , ) , Voting Aye: Voting,No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney'~nd Nisbet None Motion by Commission~r Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner M90ney that the City participate in the county-wide drive em rabies by agreeing to pay the cost of vaccine for ~ll dogs vaccinated and belonging to citizens of West University, P.+ace,on the basis of '35~ per animal 'Contingent upon the faIt cooperation, and participation of other l'!lunicipalities in Harris County, ahd a sign placed at th~ location of the vaccination indicating the cost of the vaccine ~nd 'advising the owners of dogs vaccinated that their contribution of the cost of the vaccine would be accepted; further that the City Commission as a whole go on record 'as- ins~ructing apd ordering the' Humane Officer to rigidly en':' force ,the dog ordin~nce; the justificat~on for the city's purchasing vaccine for, some citizens while otpers paid their own costs is attributed to the ~ emergency now existing in the County because of a rabies outbreak. Voting Aye: Voting No : Ma~o~ Morris; Commissioners Go~f, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet NonE;! With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon r":~, :-,_ i , .. _ L~ _,:JIl. _ "r_m~~-~j- ,-", --,1 ~- 284 L.u_ " motion du~y made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned; ATTEST: / ~' y '- T__,:==,:, _uL=:ir'---:-:=F~~-~~~~~" C'1 _ ____........I &? -J' )I'-' /?; ~ ... -- MAYO~ /'\ , I i i , ,--.j u r ) U] ~ 285 REGULAR r4EETING OF CITY COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 13. 1954 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, September 13, 1954, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Ha~gs, Nisbet and Mooney. The City Secretary and AS- sistant Attorney were also ~Tesent. Commissioner Goff and Attorney Kraft were absent for business reasons. The invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Nisbet. Estimate No.4, in the amount of $38,113.59 from Stokes Adair Company, Con- tractors for the new city hall, was submitted to the Commission for consideration. - Motion by COn1~ssioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that Estimate No.4, in the amount of $38,113.59 from Stokes Adair Company, be approved for payment as recommended by Herbert Voelker Be Associates, Architect. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris, Commissioners Hangs, Nisbet and Mooney . None The following resolutions were submitted to the Commission for consideration: RESOLlJrION 54-31 WHEREAS, The City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the Health Fund which will not be required for operating expenses until later in the present fiscal year; f?i AND WHEREAS, it is deemed to the bes~ interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in, order to earn additional re- venue for the operation of the City; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $3,200.00 from the Health Fund, for a period of six months. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that Resolution 54'-31 directing the City Treasurer to reinvest $3,200.00 from the Health Fund in Time Deposits for a period of six months at 2Jj% interest be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris, Commissioners Hangs, Nisbet and Mooney None RESOLUTION 54-32 WHEREAS, The City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the Water-Sewer Fund which will not be required for operating eA~enses until later in the present fiscal year; AND, ~EAS, it is deemed to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional re- venue for the operation of the City; NOW,': THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TID: CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to ~ 1.---_--- ---T-1 -.I -- -- ---r 286 invest funds amounting to $40,000.00 from the Water-Sewer Fund, for a period of six months. Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that Resolution 54-32 directing the City Treasurer to reinvest $40,000.00 from the Water Sewer Fund in Time Deposits for a period of six months at 2~ interest be passed and approved as read. voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris, Commissioners Hangs, Nisbet and Mooney None RESOLUTION s4-~~ WHEREAS, The City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund which will not be required for operating expenses until later in the present fiscal year; AND WHEREAS, it is deemed to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue for the operation of the City; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $2,500.00 from the Tas Revenue Sinking Fu~d, for a period of six months. Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet, that Resolution 54-33 directing the City Treasurer to reinvest $2,500.00 from the Tax Revenue Sinking Fund in Time Deposits, for a period of six months at 2~interest be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris, Commissioners Hangs, Nisbet and Mooney None RESOLUTION s4-34 WHEREAS, The City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the SanitarY Sewer Capital Improvement Fund which will not be required for operating expenses until later in the present fiscal year; AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in'a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue for the operation of the City; NO\f, THEREFORE, BE IT RJilSOLVED BY THE CITY COMI'!1ISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $29,000.00 from the Sanitary Sewer Capital-Im- provement Fund, for a period of six months. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nesbit that Resolution 54-34 directing the City Treasurer to reinvest $29,000.00 from the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund in Time Deposits for a period of six months L~_ r:,~- .:-:', -:-:-. r _~__:JIl _ _ ...L . --1.:1 ... ..J ------ - -.- r . j ) '......."., il t~ 1 , I i-.J T-- r\ I I \~j tc:;) ~ C\.i ..~ ""~ ~ (~ , I I i , I I ' ~: 287 , at 2~ interest be passed and appr~ved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No Mayor Morris, Commissioners Hangs, Nisbet an~ Mooney None RESOLUTTON.54-35 -WHEREAS, The City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the Garbage Disposal- 1948 Fund which will not be req~ired for operating expe~ses until ~ater in the present fiscal year; AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed_ to the best interest of the Citytbat such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue for the operation of the City;, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEX4S, that the CJty Treasurer is hereby directed, to invest funds amounting to $31543.69 from'the Garbage Disposal- 1948' Fund~ for a period of six months. Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commi~sioner Hangs, th1;l.t Resolution 54-35 directing the C:i,ty Treasurer to reinvest $3,543.69 from the Garbage Disposal BondFund,1948, in Tlme Deposits for a period of six months at 2~ interest be passed and approved as read. Voting Ay.e: Vo'ti~g No ': Mayor Morris, COmmissioners Hangs, Nisbet and,Mooney None '-- RRROT,TJ'i1TOT\T 54- 3h WHEREAS, The City of West University Place, currently has capital available in the City Hall Bond Fund which ,fill not; be required for operation expenses unt~l'later in the present fiscal year; ~, ~EAS, it, is deemed to the 'best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional re- venuefor the operation of the city; NOW, THEREFORE" BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION, OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $35,000.00 from the City Hall Bond Fund for a period of three months. Motion by Commissioner Nisbet; seconded by 'Commissioner Hangs that Resolution 54-36'directing the City Treasurer to reinvest $35,000.00 from the City Hall Bond Fund in Time Deposits for a period of three monts at 2%, interest be passe4' and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No Mayor Morris, Commissioners Hangs, Nisbet and Mooney None Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs, that the City (-~, Secretary be instructed to adyer'Hse for bids to be received until 7: 30 P.M. I October 4, 1954; for furnishing and placing concrete pipe for drainage approaches Li to Poor Farm Ditch from various streets dead-ending at Poor Farm Ditch and also F. -- - -T---- ----'1 r- . .,~~=~".. 'n .--_-~T- . r' Ii 288 for delivery of'three One Ton Liquid Chlorine shipping containers, Class ICC 106A50Q-x. Voting .Aye: Mayor: Morris, Commissioners Hangs, Nisbeii and Mooney Voting no :' None The City Commission discussed matters of protection fpr children aga~nst hazards of the Poor Farm Ditch which is being lined and no prqvisions for accessible exits in event someone should fall in"t: the channel portion. No action was taken pending information to be obtained from ~he Harris County Flood Control District on this matter. With no further business to come before the Commission at t:Q.is time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting w~s recessed. ***************~**************m* The CitYCommisslon convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Monda~ September 20, 1954, 7:30 P.M. with the following m~mb~rs present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Goff and Mooney. The City Secretary and Assistant City Attorney were also present. Commissioners Nisbe~ and Hangs and the City Attorney were absent due.to busin~ssreasons. . , The invocation was pronounced by Commissione~ Goff. Mr. .Earl Gilbert, representing Herbert 'Voelcker & Assopiates, Architect for the new City Hall bUilding, discussed 1Yith the Commission decorations for Rooms No. 10 and 12 and the rerouting of air conditioning duct which extends into Fire Appara tus room No. 50;. 'the Stokes Adair Company having quoted on August 27; ~ 1954 and September 9,'1954, prices for redecorating thf= two rooms. It was the decision of the City Commission that the quotation for; decorating these two rooms was not justifiable therefore the Stokes Adair Company proposals 'were rejected. It was decided that Room No. IO should remain as shown; on the original City Hall ~lansand that the brick in Room 12 be changed to, the Roman size brick with raked ,horizontal joints and wooden shelving of'approximately 24I1x30". A quota.tion of $228.14 for rerouting the air 'conditioning duct running through the fire apparatus room appeared to be out of line and, it wou~d also require the lowering of ceiling heights oVer'the Fire and Police Department quarters and it) viey of this ob'jection and price (,tuotation it was the decision of the Commisrsion not to change the air conditioning duct through fire apparatus room No.50. It was determined advisable to'install a grill in the hallway to the fjail area inorder to eliminate stale air and this .i tem was authorized for approlil'1;l.I, '- ,by the City C~mmis~ion. Minutes of a special meeting of the Zoning and Pl~nning Boqrd held on September 16, 1954, were submitted to the Commissilim ~ for consi.deration. No action was requiredby the Commission a~ this time as no recommendllltions were made by the Board. A Legal Notice ordering an election for city offic~als to be held on November 2, 1954 Wl;l.S submitted by the Assistant City l:\.ttorne.y add the follOWing action taken :f Motion by Commissioner Goff, s'econded by QommissioneT 'MooneY,~ that the Mayor be authorized to issue the election order in compliance with Ordinance No. 619 and ,that any other statutes necessary to 'hold an election on November 2, 1954, for' the purpose of electing a ~~yor and four Commissioners be complied with. 1 -,= - . -~"'Tc"'~~ r -- ...~ !.--~~c'C--Tl _...l [J u i I I I,~ L......__.n i::(5)l Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, .commissioners Goff and Mooney None Aletter of resignation from Mr. Dan Walton as Judge of the Corporation Court was submitted to the Commission and action taken as follows: Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the res- ignation of Mr. Dan Walton, as Judge of the Corporation Court be accepted with regrets, effective September 20, 1954. V ot ipg Aye: Voting No Mayor Morris, Commissioners Goff and Mooney None Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff, the Mr. Monroe Talley, Assistant Judge of the Corporation Court be appointe~ Judge to fill the vacancy crea.ted by Mr. Walton's resignation. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris, Commiss'ioners Goff and MooQ-ey None Mayor Morris administered the Oath of Office to Mr. Monroe Talley as Judge of the Corporation Court. The City Secretary advised the Commission'that Mr. E. P. Evans, 3221 Carnegie had removed the carport; this matter having been considered by the COmmission in the meeting of August 23. Detailed specifications for office furniture and other equipment needed for the new city hall were considered and approved by the City Commission. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the City Secretary be instructed to advertise for bids for office 'furniture in accord- ance with specifications submitted; bids to be received until 7:30 P.M. October 18; 1954. . Voting Aye: Vot;ing No : Mayor Morris, Commissioners Goff and Mooney None Minutes of the meetings held on August 9, 12, 16, 23, 3&were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~"X;k, . M:ayor ~ ATTEST: ~~ C'fty secreta'; ~ . L',,-:'~ ::Jl: ... [- . -- .--- -r -1-- .LL j -'.! .,._~ -- 290 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION S~PTEMBER 27, 1954 The City COnUnission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, J September 27, 1954, 7: 30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, .1, " presiding; Commis~ioners Goff. and Mooney. The City Attorney and City Secretary were also present. Commissioners Hangs and Nisbet were absent due to business reasons. City Attorney Karl Kraft pronounced the invocation. Minutes of a special meeting of the Zoning and Planning Board were submitted to the Commission for consideration. Mr. L. D. Spaw, 3~17 Sunset Blvd. had applied for permission to enclose his existing garage and convert the rear portion into a servant's room and the front into storage ~pace, however, Mr. B. F. Kingman, Building Inspector advised that Mr. Spaw had indicated on September 27, that he did not wish the Commission to take action on this request as he was now contemplating adding an extra room on the house instead. As this would not be a zoning violation no action was required by the Commission. Ordnance No. 676 captioned as follows, was submitted to the Commission ,and read in full: AN ORDINANCE CALLING AN ELECTION WITHIN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE; TEXAS ON THE 2ND DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1954, FOR THE ELECTION OF A MAYOR AND FOUR COMMISSIONERS FOR A TERM OF TWO YE.lUtS AND APPOINTING ELECTION OFFICERS FOR EACH POLLING PLACE. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that, Ordinance No. 676 calling an election on the 2nd day of November, 1954, for the election of a Mayor and four Commissioners for a term of two years and appointing election officers for each polling place, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Goff and Mooney Voting No : None Specifications for household furniture, kitchen furniture and lounge furniture for use in the public waiting room, women employee rest room.. fire department dormitory, recreation room and kitchen were submitted for consideration. Specifications covering these items were not approved pending a conference with the fire department concerning their needs. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed. . . . . . - . . . . ********************************* r'. J~ J T' r ',"'1 ] I , I I ~! ,- ---r- r~-l u to Cf) N <'I: ~ ~ Il "--.::--- ~I "-, 291 The City Co.mmission convened in recessed session at the City Hall, 7: 30 P.M. Monday, 'October 4, 1954 wl~h the following members present: Mayor MorrJs, presiding; Commissioners GDff,Mooney and Nisbet. The City Se~retary and Ci ty Attorney were also pr~sent. Commissioner Hangs was absent d.ue to - business reasons. The invocation was pronounced by Mr. Wayland Hancock. In compliance withnoti~e :to bidders duly pUblisbed in the orficial newspaper the only bid received for fabricating three one ton chlorine cylinders was opened and results announced as ,follows: Columbiana Bailer Company $957.00 , Motion by Commis~ioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that the bid received from Columbiana Boiler Company for fabricating three one ton cylinders for the sum of $957.00 be accepted. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris, Commissioners Goff; Mooney and Nisbet None In complianc~ with notice to bidders duly published in the official newspaper the only bid received for furnishiRg and placing concrete pipe for drainage approaches to Poor Farm Ditch was opened and the fol\owihgresults announced: P & L C0nstruction Company $2,385.00 Motion by Commi~sioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff that the bid from P ~ L Construction Company be referred to the City Engineer for further study as the bid greatly exceeds the Engineerts estimate for cost pf thts ~ype material~ Voting Aye: Voting No ': Mayor-Morris, Commissioners Goff, MooneY and 'Nisbet None' Mr. K. P. Glasse, 4110 Marquette, appeared before, the City Commission and stated that during 'the last Precinct Election for No. 133, Mr. Lloyd Templeton 'had defeated ~'. Wm. C. Buschardt, Jr. andre~uested that 'Mr. Buschardt resign and permit Mr. ~emp+eton to conduct the general city election. on NOVember 2. Mayor Morris requested an opinion from City ~ttorney Karl Kraft concerning the legality of the question proposed by Mr. Glasse. Mr. Kraft stated that it was the res~onsibility of the City Commission to appoint election judges and clerks in acco~dance with State,S~atutes and- that the pewly elected Precinct-Chairman did not t'ake office until January l~ '1955. He also stated that it was not mandatarry that the Commission persons elected Judge at the Precinct convention. The Mayor read the following letter to Mr. Glasse: October, 2, 1954 'Mr. .K. P. Glasse 4110 Marque:tte Houston 5, Texas Dear Mr. Glasse: This wfllconfirm our telephone conversation yesterday in which yo~ raised a , -' \ question regarding the City,Commissionts, action on its ordinance of September r-, "Jll c '~. .-. 'T1 .J 292 27, 1954, in naming the Election Judge for Precinct No; l33. \ As was indic&tedto you by telephone the City Commission followed its usual practice iri naming the Election Judge. Since Democratic Precinct Chairmen take office-on a cale~dar year basis we ~uite franklY did not feel there was any question in appointing those who had served in the previous election. /] I I ~ Since you'raised the question, howev:er, I did investigate the matter even at this late date and find that it is our custom and practice to use the same Election Judge as is used by the School District and County and state in their elections. In fact since the City Commission would not want to be out of line_either legally or morally in its position in this matter both aspects were discussed with those in authority on such subjects arid I am informed that our action was proper in both respects. C \ If there is any feeling on your part or the part of the Ganqidates you are supporting that they will not be accorded completely ~air treatment in the election I am sure arrangements'can be made for you to have' an o~server, or for Mr. Templeton to act in-some official capacity, in the election. With respect to the question: you raise regarding the posJibility that some 'c~ndidate or candidates might file by mail having such filing postmarked before midnight Saturday, October 2, I would like to reaffirm the suggestion I made by telephone that you could obviate the ~uestion of any problem of your candidates in connection with this by actually making your filing at . the City' Hall befOre midnight, Saturday, October 2, 1954. ' I wou+d like to say again that it is the very sincere desire and intent of . the officials of this city to'be completely fair with you and yo~r group. We are somewhat at a ,loss to understand, howev.er, why you are raising some' of the questions which !}ou'are when 'a more obvious' arid simple solution devoid of,llny controversial aspects is available. I I ;-.J Cordially Y9urs, ~.. /f ~l~ Mayor ,Evidence was produc~d showing Wm. C. Buscha~dt, Jr. had been appointed by the Commissioners Court and Houston Independent SchOOl. District to conduct their . electio~ on November 2,_ 1954, and invi'ew of ~thesefacts it was the 'opinionaf' the 'Ci ty. Commission that Mr.' Buschardt should be retained a.s Election Judge for the city general eJ"ection of November 2" 1954, as authorized in Ordinance No~ 676 passed ?n. September 27th, 1954. (5 ). A recommendation'was submitted from the Chief of Polic.e for the following traffic regulations,: No parking on the south side of'Sunset Boulevard in the 2600 and 27GO:blocks; Rutgers to be made a stop street at Georgetown,' and Annapolis a stop street at Amherst. Motion by Commissioner Nisbet', seconded by Commissioner Moopey that the recommendation from Chief 'of Police Shipp be accepted and II NO PAltKING THIS SIDE" signs be erected every 100' on the south side of Sunset Boulevard in the 2600 and 2700 blocks; ~~tSTOP" signs ,to be placed on ,Rutgers street at the I i I I , i '---=--, L......~., . 'F"'::----... .~~"~"':~ _ __r."~r.'=_~--m._-..=';-"="'=.' ,::-]. ._...n:-- - ---------.,-----,----;-,-.-.-------,---,-~_.. r-} '--..---- It:'> C'fJ N r. .~ "7) ~ u (--~ Ii." i... I~ inters~ction of Georgetown and on Annapolis at the intersection of Amherst. , Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Goff, Mooney and Nisbet Voting No: None With no f~rtherbusiness to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~~~~ Mayor " . ' ATl'EST: / /" ["-'.--:::::::Jl r . .u. u...LI -r- .'_U\."l 293 ~" " 294 ~ES OF REGULAB. MEETING OF CITY CO~SSION OCTOBER 11, 1954 . . ( The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall, 7:30 P.M. Monday, October II, 1954, with the following me2)1bers -Present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commiss ioners Goff, Mo ney and Nisbet. The City Secretary and City Attorney.were also present. Commissioner Hangs was absent due to business reasons. , I IJ The invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Mooney. Estimate No.5, in the amount of $23,184.00 from Stokes Adair Company, General Contractor for the new city hall, was submitted to the Commission for consideration. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that Estimate No.5, in the amount of $23,184.00 from St~kes Adair Company, be approved for ( payment as recommended by Herbert Voelker ~ Associates, Architect. Voting Aye: Voting No Mayor Morris, Commissioners Goff, Mooney and Nisbet None Mr. N. G. Bell, President of the Cellar Door Restaurant, 6732 Stella Link Road, submitted a request'for permission to hard top the lot adjoining to the north for parking purposes. It was recommended by the City Engineer that .the area between the sidewalk and curb be paved with concrete. Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that Mr. Bell be l'-.-J. II, permitted to hard top the lot north of the Cellar Door Restaurant for parking purposes subject to (I) a maximum opening of 30 feet; (2) the area between the sidewalk and curb pAved with concrete and (3) installation of walks in event a building is erected on the lot. '. Voting Aye: . Mayo~Mor~is, Commissioners Goff, Mooney and Nisbet Voting No: None Consideration was again given to the specifications for tables, ~hairs, beds, mattresses, household equipment and lounge furniture for the fire'department, public waiting room. and lounge for the new city hall. , Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet, th~t the City Secretary be instructed to advertise for bids to be received until 7:30 ~.M. Friday, October 29, 1954 for delivery of tables, chairs, beds) mattresses, household equipment and lounge furniture for the, fire dep~rtment, public waiting room and lounge for-the new city hall. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris, Commissioners Goff, Mooney and Nisbet None Mayor Morris advised that th~ League of Texas Municipalities is holding its annual convention at Fort Worth October 24, 25, an~ 26 and requested authority for he and the City Secretary to att~nd. - ?" Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that authorization I' i ,~J -....----.--r-".~~~:'~~O-~i"="'1r'. ---'~~~.-...,..---..~r 1 il' i o n . [J c:;J~ be extended Mayor Morris and the City Secretary, Whitt Johnson to attend the annual convention of the League of Texas Municipalities in Fort Worth, October 24, 25 and 26 with reasonable expenses to be paid by the city. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris, Commissioners Goff, Mooney and Nisbet None Minutes of the meetings of September 13, 20 and 27 were read and approved. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the meeting was recessed. ... ********************************************** The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Monday, October 18, 1954, with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Goff and Mooney. The City Secretary was also present. Commis- sioners Hangs and Nisbet and the City Attorney were absent due to business r"easons. In compliance with Notice of' Bidders published in the official newspaper of the city, bids were received for office furniture for the new city hall from the following firms were opened and r~ad aloud: Bickley Brothers Buffalo Office Supply Company Inc. The Cargill Company Clarke and Courts Finger Office Equipment Company Fulton Stationery Company Mayer Office Furniture Company Maverick-Clarke Wilson Stationery & Printing Company J. Ray Black Furniture Company T & M Furniture Company W. W. Cannon Company Dealer Sales Company Best Rentals Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that bids re- ceived for office furniture be referred for study by the Commission and the City Secretary. · Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris, Commissioner Goff and Mooney None A letter from Chief of Police, H. E. Shipp advising that he had been elected President of the Texas Municipal Police Association and that his presence would be required at various meetings during the coming year. Mr. Shipp requested permission to be absent from the city to attend the National Con- ~.~~~ -----..----~. r~- --- . r -I 1 .._/ - ~ ference of Police Associations on the 15th and 16th of November in Los Angeles, California. .f Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff that permission be grantedH. E. Shipp tQ attend the National Conference of Police Asso- ciations in Los Angeles,CalifQrnia, on the 15th and 16th of November, and others as time and circumstances permit. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Goff and Mooney None The City Secretary announced that 5,000 ballots for the coming City General Election, numbered 1 to 5,000 have been printed, received and locked in the city's vault for storage until time for delivery to the precinct judges. Minutes of the meetings of October 4th and lIth, were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before th~. meeting at this time, ~pon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was. adjourned. ~~ -y~~ Mayor . . ATTEST: / A5kfil~.,-J ~ City Sec ., T~:==-;- r-=, 11,-------------- . r -', ~~~~il ~1 I I '----..J 11 LJ I " j I U -r o ,::;'0 ,~ ~:\{\} ^'ff~ ":~r;J ~ o o 2,97 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING, OF CITY COMIvIISsIlON OC'r0B~ 2", 1954 J T~e City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, October 25,1954,7:30 P.M. with tpe following members present: Mayor Pro tem Mooney presiding; Commissioners Hangs and Goff. The Assistant City Attorney was also present. Commissioner Nisbet was absent due to business reasons and the City Secretary and Mayor Morris were absent as they were ':t.nFort Worth at- tending the meeting of the ,League of Texas Municipalities. Commissioner Han~s pronounced the invocation. City Tax Assessor-Collector L. A. Patton, requested authority from the City Commission to ref~nd Mr. J. B. Denson the amount of $109.94 which he had paid the City on delinquent tax receipt No. 14304, dated September 13, 1954, for 1947 taxes om improvements, penalty and interest, and for which a photostatic copy of a tax receipt for 1947 had been produced by Mr. Denson supporting his claim that'tax s for the year in question had been paid. ~. . . Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Goff that the City Tax Assessor-Collector be authorized to refund Mr. J. B. Denson the amount of $109.94, f6~ taxes, penalty anlli~nterest paid the city' on delinquent tax receipt No. 14304 dated September 13,' 1954, and for which a photostatic copy of a tax receipt for 1947 has been'produced supporting the claim. _ Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Pro tem Moone!, Commissioners Hangs and Goff None A group of eight residents of the 2600 and 2700 blocks of Sunset Boulevard ' ' 'appeared before the Cpmmission to pr.otest the action of the Commission on October 4, 1954, wherein "NO PARKING THIS SIDE" signs were authorized to be placed every 109 feet on the south curb of these blocks, a4~ presented a petition signed by approximately forty residents. The Citizens explained these signs' precluded the parking of thefr cars and those of their friends at,all times e:iten when the traffic conditions did not warrant keeping the street clear. The Chief of Pol~ce appeared and offered a recommendation to replace the ope submitted on October 4, 1954, whereby the "NO PARKING THIS SIDE" signs would be removed and. "NO PARKING FROM 8: A.M. to 5: P.M." signs placed from the 'ifest 'curb line of Kirby drive to the west property line of 2635 Sunset Boulevard with pa~allel parking only permittedipfront of the office building at 2609 Sunset Boulevard. , Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the recommendation of the Chief of Police be given a 3?, day- trial and "NO PARKING FROM 8A.M. to 5P.M. signs placed on the south side of Sunset Boulevard from the west curb line of Kirby,Drive to the west property line of 2635 Sunset Boulevard with parallel parking only permitted in front of the office building at 2609 Sunset Bo~levard; the Chiei! to make a report back to the Commission on November 22, regarding the success of his recommendation. . Vot ing Aye:, Mayor Pro tem Mooney, Commiss ioners Hangs and Goff Voting No : None i " --~ T ~.:~>.~~.,.~ '~.~-, . r' '11 298 Motion b;V Commissioner Hangs '._ seconded by. Commissioner Goff that the City Sec- retary be instructed to advert~se for bids to be received until 7:30 P.M. Nov~mber 12, for 300 feet of l~Inch fire ~oseand300 feet of 2~ Inch fire hose as requested by the Fire-Department. .. ' o Voting Aye: Mayor Pro tem Mooney, Commissioners Ha~gs and Goff Voting No: None , Minutes of a special meeting of the Zoning and Planning Board held on October 23, 1954 were submitted for'consideration and.. the following action taken: '---- Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by CoIllIl1'issioner Hangs that a public hearing be called for 8:00 P.M. November 12, 1954, to consider amending the city's zQning ordinance to permit erection of a signon~a.proposed commercial building at 2632 Bissonnet, to extend 5~ fee~ i~to the required 30 foot front set back distance. . . Voting Aye: Voting No ,: Mayor Pro tern Mooney, Commissioners Hangs and Goff None Ordinance No. 677, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Commission and read in full: AN .ooDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AND, , . '. ' 'f ALL OF THE PROCEEDINGS HAVE, BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TO/THE HOLDING-OF A PUBLIC MEETING TO CONSIDER' AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TExAs TO' PERMIT THE USE OF LOT 1, BLOCK, 92, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE SECOND ADDITION, FOR CHURCH PURPOSES; FINDING THAT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE' OF CONSIDERING AN' AMENDMENT TO ODRINANCE NO. III lIAS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY BELD; APPROVING AND AnOPI'ING THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO., III BE AMENDED, RE-ZONING THE SAID LOT FOR CHURCH PUR- POSES: FINDING THAT ORDINANCE NO. III OF THE CITY OF 'WEST UNI~SITY PLACE SHOULD BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT SUCH USE OF THE SAID LOT: AMENDING ORDINANCE " ' NO. III RE-ZONING LOT 1, BLOCK 92, WEST UNIVERSITY' PLACE SECOND ADUITION: AND .PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ,J", '- Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Goff that Ordinance No. 677~ amending Ordinance No. Ill, and permitting Lot 9, Block 92, West Unive~sity P~ace Second Addition to be used for church purposes ~e passed and approved as read. . Voting Aye: Voting No Mayor Pro tem Mooney, Commissi~~ers Hangs and Goff None Ordinance No. 678, captioned as fQe~ws, was submitted to the Commission and~'read in full: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING,_ FOR THE ARRiST AND DETENTION OF SUSPICI-0US PERSONS AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. . - J , Motion by Commi~sioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that Ordinance No. 678,iproviding for the arrest and detention of suspicious per~ons by the ....--- r'-, , 1 Ir r----..---.-. - ~.~.TC"';'"c'=~~..--.!O"~~C o 299 Police Department be ~assed and ap~roved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Pro tem Mooney, Commissioners Hangs and Goff None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried the,.meeting was recessed. 4 _ ~ _ ~ . . . . . _ _ -"'. -. .~:. _ _. . . . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . _ . _ . . _ . . ********************.******************* .. The City Commission convened im recessed session at the City Hall on Friday, 7:30 P.M. October 29, 1954, with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. The City Secretary was also present. The City Attorney was absent. In compliance with Notice to Bidders published in the official newspaper of. the city, bids received for household equipment and lounge furniture for.fire de- partment, public waiting room and lounge of the new city hall, from the following firms were.o~ened and read aloud: The Cargill Company Finger Furniture CQmpany, Inc. Foley I s Richters Furniture Company Suniland Furniture Company Hunt Mattress company Parker Bedding Company Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that bids received be referred to the City Secretary and Fire Chief for tabulation and recommendation. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris, Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None The following Resolution No. 54-37 was submitted to the Commission for con-~' sideration and read in full: RESOLUTION 54-37 WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, curretltly has capital .available in the Tax Collector Fund which will not be required for operating expenses until later in the next fiscal year; "" AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to the best interest of the City that such funds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue for the operation of the City; , '........ . '", NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CIT1.0F vlEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directedl(o . invest funds amounting to $100,000.00 from the Tax Collector Fund - 1954~ax Collections for a period of six months. <? ur 1 r --'C';~'"C"'-~-Tl 300 Motion by Conunissioner Mooney, seconded by COnLmissioner Hang~, that, Resolution No.'54~37 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $100,000.00 from the Tax Collector Fl1nd- 1954 Tax Collections, for a period of six months. . u Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris, Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None The following letter from Fire Chief C. V. Reynolds, addressed to the City Secretary was submitted to the COnLmlssion for consideration: October 29, 1954 Mr. Whitt Johnson, City Secretary City of West University Place Texas Dear Mr. Johnson: While planning the new municipal building, we provided a transmitter room to accommodate both fire and police radio units. This has been provided on the second floor, near the proposed antenna location, in order that as little signal strength loss possible would be experienced. The Fire Department, as well as Police Department transmitters .vill nOVT need to be remotely operated instead of locally operated as we have in the past. n As the situation stands, three additional remote consoles and three micro- phones ,viII be necessary for the Police and Fire frequencies. These units on the market are $215.00 each, including microphones; total cost $645.00. I have discussed our pToblem with Mr. Joseph Wofford, owner of Wofford Communication Engineering Service. . Through this discussion the following proposal has been developed, which I submit for your consideration. Instead of three separate consoles, one for each transmitter, I p~opose we have Mr. Wofford build one consolidated console, capable of controlling all three units and install it is the new Fire Department Watch Office. Only two microphones are required in this proposed plan. Total cost would be $390.00, including two microphones at $38.00 each. A saving to the City of $255.00 will result through this proposal. \ _ ".'~ 'OM ..... Since this change is brought about in planning of the new building, these -funds should be provided through the building and equipment bona>money. While considering this proposal, another point of importance is that more efficient operations through one unit and two microphones will be provided, than if. we were operating with three separate consoles and three separate micJ;ophones. Thiff'type of unit will have to be constructed to fit our particular needs. Mr. Wofford's firm is thoroughly capable of supplying this unit comparable o ~~- ~ 301 to a factory job, and can so upon two weeks notice. He is also well versed in our operations and has come forward with many suggestions in the past, with no cost to the City, for improvements. I, therefore, recommend that he be given the assignment of constructing and inst~lling this proposed three-way remote control console. Because considerable planning on over-all installation will be required at these various points of remote operations, and particularly with this new console, I also recommend that Mr. Wofford be given assignment for in- stalling the entire set-up for radio operations from all points in the new building. Very truly yours, (s) C. V. Reynolds Fire Chief Motion byConunissioner Nisbet, secon,ded by Commissioner Mooney that Wofford Communication Engineering Service be given the assignment of constructing and installing a proposed. three-way remote control console unit in the new municipal building for use of the fire and police department radio systems as recommended by Fire Chief, C. V. Reynolds; said unit to be paid for from City Hall Bond Funds. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris, Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and N.sbet None ,., With no further business to come before the Conunission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~~2t~ Mayor ATTEST: //~~"",... ~.~- City Secre . f' "1 f="'~~~~~,~'~'~'.' ,'1 ,- . 1 o i MINUTES OF SPECIAL :MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION . NOVEMBER 5, 1954 The City Commission conven~d'in Special Session at the City Hall on Friday 7:30P~.M., November 5,1954, with the' following members present: . Mayor 'Morris; presiding, Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. The City Secretary and 'Assistant City Attorney were also present. The City Attorney was absent. The invocation was pronounced by Mr. Paul G. Reeve. Mayor Morris announced that the meeting was called for the purpose of canvassing returns of the general election held November 2, 1954, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and four Commissioners. The official judges returns were submitted to the Commission for canvassing. The following Resolution was submitted to the Commission for consideration and read in full: RESOLUTION 54-18 [J]" " "", .". -~ :,:, ':;"1,, ' ; I A RESOLUTION CANVASSING THE RETURNS OF AN ELECTION IN THE ~ CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, HELD ON. NOVEMBER 2, 1954, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ELECTING A MAYOR AND FOUR COMMIS- SIONERS OF SAID ciTY; DECLARING THE RESULTS OF SUCH ELECTION AND CERTIFYING SUCH RESULTS WHEREAS, In accordance with the Charter of the City of West University ~lace, Texas, the General Election Laws and Ordinance No.676 of the City 'of West University Place, Texas a general City election was held in the City of West University Place, Texas on November 2, 1954, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and four Commissioners; and 4 WHEREAS, In accordance with the terms and provi~ions of Article 8.29 of the Election Code (Acts 1951, 52nd Leg. P. 1097, ch. 492, ch.492,'ar~. Ill) the managers of the election have made out, signed and delivered in a sealed envelope, the returns of said election together with the poll lists and tally lists, to the Mayor and City Commis- sioners of the City of West University ~lace, Texas; and WHEREAS, The, Mayor and City Commissioners of the City of West University Place, Texas, inSpecmal Session assembled on November 5,1954, have opened and examined tl1eelection returns and have ca.nvassed the results thereof in accordance with Article 8.34, Act. 1951, 52nd Leg., p.l097, ch. 492, art. 116, and a result of such examination and canvas, said ~~yor and City Commissioners find that at such election the following votes were cast. ...,.~~.,., T"~'"";';=""~T~~'-'--r""""'~"'~"~,~""=""~i'l 2, VOTES CAST IN PRECINCTS NAME CANDIDATE FOR NO. 183 NO. 133 No. 87 TOTAL , Edwin W. MOl~ris Mayor 1,106 692 774 2,572 '] Wayland Hancock Mayor 263 239 165 667 Robert W. Goff Comnliss ioner 1,137 717 782 2,636 Aubrey C .Jones Commissioner 245 232 . 178 655 Cecil Galbraith Commissioner 1 141 718 767 2,626 , .. John Hughens Commissioner 286 254 182 722 James W.Hammond Commiss ioner, 1,066 635 728 2,429 Paul G. Reeve Commissioner 1,096 645 740 2,481 Otha R .McCall Commissioner 166 174 115 455 George A.Sartor Commissioner 163 157 126 446 and, WHEREAS, As a result of such a election, it appears that Edwin vi. Morris with a total number of' 2,572 votes cast f'or him '-Tas elected Mayor of the City of West University Place, Texas; and Robert W. Goff with a total n8mber of 2,636 votes cast for him, and Cecil Galbraith with a total 'number of 2,626 votes cast for him and James W. Hammond with a total number of 2,429 votes cast for him, and Paul G. Reeve, with a total number of 2,481 votes cast for him, have been elected Commissioners of the City of West University Place, Texas: NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST, UNIVERSrry PLACE, TEXAS, THAT, 1. The official results of sucp election shall be, and they are hereby declared, pursuant to canvass of the returns of such election bythe Mayor and City Commission to be that: J Edwin W. Morris was elected Mayor Cecil Galbraith was elected Commissioner Robert W. Goff was elected Commissioner James W. Hammond was elected Commissioner Paul G. Reeve was elected Commissioner of the City of West University Place at the said election. 2. An executed copy of this Resolution shall be delivered to each Edwin W. Morris, Robert W. Goff, Cecil Galbraith, James W. Hammond and Paul G. Reeve as his Certificate of Election, and duplicate copies hereof shall be delivered to the City Secretary of the City of West University Pl~ce, Texas, and'the County Judge of Harris County, Texas and the Secretary of state of the state of Texas, as provided by law. Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissione~ Mooney that the Resolution canvassing the returns of the election held 'in the City of West University Place, Texas on November 2, 1954, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and four Commissioners be 'Passed and approved as read. ' 'J' i , ,"" .. 3 Voting Aye: Voting No ; Mayor Morris; Cpmmissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~, 7/~~ Mayor ATTEST: ,-:- '--" l~ r" " f " - 1-"'''--''-- 1 .t MImJTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION NOVEMBER 8, 1954 u The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall, 7:30 P.M. Morida,y, November 8, 1954, \vi th the follovTing members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. The City Secretary and City Attorney were also present. The invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Nisbet. Mr. Merrill Whitehead and his attorney, Mr. Rex. Clawson, appeared before the Commission protesting the action of the Building Inspector, B. F. Kingman, who stopped the work in progress on Mr. Whitehead's premises at 6421 Brompton. The Commission was advised that a permit was first issued for a residence and one story garage in 1936 and 1Ylr. vlhitehead had been operating a plumbing business from this address since he moved into the home. It was brought out that a storage room or warehouse had been added to the side of the garage of which there was no record in the building permit files. This building or room has deteriorated to the extent that repairs were necessa.ry and on October 18, 1954 permit No. 7776 was issued fer the repair of floor and roof. A few days after the.permit was issued a call was received by the City Secretary fro~ a neighboring property owner who was protesting the enlarging of a building in a single family dwelling district which is being used for cam- mercial purposes. After inspection of the work in progress by the CitySec- retaryand City Attorney, work was ordered stepped 'an the basis that the work was not in accordance with application and permit issued and zoning re- gulations. i 1 ----' The City Commission instructed the City Attorney to confer with Jl.1r. Rex Clawson on the matter and determine whether or not some arrangement might be made in thematter whereby the city's zoning ordinance would not be violated by Mr. Whitehead. All members of the COl1!1&ission stated theY'VTere not in favor of work proceeding on the present basis. Mr-s.Harry Turner, President of the West University Place Civic Club, appeared ~efore the Commission requesting permission for the Civic Club to' use avail- able space. in the Community Building for Civic Club meetings without charge. }.trs. Turner explained that it was the desire of the Civic Club to work with the City Commission an projects for the community and' for this reason she did not feel they should be required to pay for use of the Community Building for . meetings. Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that charges now in effect for use of the Community Building by Civic Groups be dispensed w'ith until offices are moved into the new city hall. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris, Commissioners Goff, Hangs, and NjsDet Commissioner Mooney I 1 j .- ._.,,~~ 1"'" " ~ .-----. ~. [',0..',',..,':,..,1 I J [] L~_ 5 ~arvin Cole, Chief of the Auxiliary Police Un.it, requested the Commission to furnish jackets for the auxiliary policemen. The City Secretary was instructed to work with Mr. Cole to obtain prices and styles of jackets desired. The jackets to be purchased at the earliest convenient date and paid for from funds allocated in the 1955 budget. Estimate No. 6 from Stokes Adair Company, in the amount of $16,893.41 for work completed on the new municipal building, was submitted to the Commission for consideration: Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that Estimate No. 6 in the amount of $16,893.41 from Stokes Adair Company, be approved rpr payment as recommen.ded py Herbert Voelker and Associates, Arcgitect. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris, Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None The City Secretary advised that plans at the new municipal building called for a transformer to be set on the power line at a point which would be in front of adjacent property, and suggested that a change order be issued and the transformer set at the northwest corner of the city property. Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that a change order be issued and the transformer set at the northwest corner of the city's property rather than' in front of the property adjoining. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris, Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None In compliance with action by the City Commission on October 29, 1954, a tabulation of bids received for equipment and furnishings necessary for use by the Fire Department in the new Municipal Building, together with a rec- ommendation was submitted by Fire Chief C. V. ReynOlds, Fire Marshall G. E. King and the City Secretary. Motion by Commissiqner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the rec- ommendation contained in the letter from Fire Chief, Fire Marshall and City Secretary for purchase of equipment and furnishings necessary for use by the Fire Department in the new City Hall be accepted and purchase orders issue~ Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris, Commissioners Gof~, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None Commissioner Mooney submitted a tabulation arid recommendation for purchase of office furniture and equipment for the new Municipal Building, recommending that desks, files and tables be purchased from Cargill's on their bid of $6,595.35; chairs be purchased from Maverick-Clarke on their bid of $3,994.40 and the Sampson Conference Table purchased from Maverick-Clarke on their bid of $433.40 and that all other equipment called fOr in the tabulation be pur- chased individually according to the best advantage for the city. No action was taken on the recommendation at this time, as a majority of the Commission had not had an opportunity to look at the different equipment on which bids were received. 6 I I I I 1:.:...........,__ __ With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. o ~/7~ Mayor ATTEST: t) A,.,.,,J ary '-I iJ :] -""~'~~-~-'f="'~~--:--.._l~__._.~_=-- r- 7 MINUTES OF SPEClJIALMEETING OF' CITY COMMISSION NOVEMBER 12, 1954 The City Commission convened in Special session at the City Hall on Friday, November 12, 1954 with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Goff and Nisbet. The City Secretary and City Attorney were also present. Commissioners Hangs and Mooney were absent. Commissioner Nisbet pronounced the invocation. In compliance with Notice to Bidders published in the. official newspaper of the city, bids were received for delivery of 300 Ft. of l_~tt Fire Hose and 300 Ft. of 2_~tt Fire Hose were opened and results announced as 'follows: NAME OF COMPANY 2_~ft Hose Total l_.l.II Hose Total 2 Unit Price Price Unit Price ~ Allied Safety Equip.Co. #1 $1.47 $441.00 #l $1.06 $318.00 #2 1.40 420.00 #2 0.90 270.00 American-La-France #l 1.87 561.00 #1 1.33 399.00 Foamite Corpn. #2 1.80 540.00 #2 1.30 390.00 Eureka Fire Hose #1 1.90 570.00 ,#1 1.l0 330.00 #2 1.62 486.00 #2 1.00 300.00 Butler Fire Equip. Co #l 1.76 528.00 #l 1.17 351. 00 #2 1.66 498.00 #2 1.12..,~ 337.50 Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that bids be re- ferred to the City Secretary and Fire Chief for tabulation and recQmmenaatiou. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris, Commissioners Goff and Nisbet None Minutes of the meetings of November 5th and 8th were read and approved. In compliance with Notice duly published in the official newspaper of the city, a~d notices mailed to.all property owners within a radius of 200 feet of 2631 B~ssonnet, Mayor Morrls announced. that a public hearing was in order to consider at} amende,mnt to Ordinance No. III to .permit erection of a commercial buildin~ at 2b3l Bissonnetwith a sign to extend )-2 feet into the required front set ba~ by the owner andrecommehded by the Zoning and Planning Board. In answer to questions by the City Attorney, Whitt Johnson, City Secretary, having been duly sworn by Mayor Morris testified that legal notice had been publis~ed in the official newspaper of the city and all property owners within a radius of. 200 feet of 2631 Bissonnet had been notified that a hearing would be held at 8:00 P.M. November 12, 1954, to eonsider amending the city's zoning ordinance as requested by owner. ~---~O~.~--~'~~:----',i~--"""':lr-- n." __,....l1 i r ==-=-I===-'"'''"'''''''''F"] 8~ Mr. ]C. E. Krenzler and Mr. Ben Shearer, having been duly sworn by Mayor Morris, testified that they were erecting a commercial building to be known as the "Big Donut" in the 2600 block of Bissonnet. Mr. Krenzler stated that the front of n[ I the building was set back 34 feet from the front property line and it was their desire to erect a sign on the front of the building which would extend 5~feet .~' into the 30' front setback requirement. ' Mr. Krenzler and Mr. Sheare;r advised that the sign would be 28' high and would be erected over the drive in front of the building, with a 9-~' "qlearance, supported'b~ the building on one side and an iron post on the, other, and would be of 4" mesh with the words "Big Donut" thereon. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the hearing called to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit erection of a sign at 2631 Bissonnet extending 5-~' into the fr?nt setback requirement be closed. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris, Commissioners Goff and Nisbet None No action was taken at this time om the request as the Commission wrshed to rev~ew the matte~ before final decision is made. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeti~g was adjourned. ~)/ ,?z~ Mayor ATTEST: ~;.::'~ ~; . '~~'~'T',~~;""~~!"-:-' "11 rUee" ,=,e~.""4'~"~~=~="FI il - II ~l n ~"j, ".J '; fJ1 tJ 9 ./ liIIl\TUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION NOVEMBER 12, 1954 Members of the City Commission elected at the November 2, 1954, election convened in Special Sessi?n on Friday, November ~2" 1954; 8:30 P.M. at the City Hall, with the following members persent; Mayor Morris,p~esiding; Commissioners Goff, Galbr~ith, Hammqnd. and Reeve. '1'he City Attorney and City Secretary were also present. The Reveren~ Wm. E. Denham, Jr., Pastor of the River Oaks Baptist Church, pronounced the invocation. The Oath of Office was administered to the newly elected members of the City Commission by Phil Peden, Judge of Harri9 County Court at Law. Members of the Commission expressed their pleasure in being privileged to serve the community in official capacity and pledged their co-operation for continued good government and efficient operation of the City's affairs. Mayor Morris announced that the first ,order of business would be the se~ lection of a member of the Commission to serve as Mayor pro T~m for the . ensuing two year term of office.. Motion be Commissioner Galbraith, seconded 9Y Commissioner Hammond that . . Commissioner Goff serve as Mayor pro Tern for the two year.term of office. Voting Aye: Voting No:: Mayor Morris, Co~~issioners Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve None Minutes of a special meeting of the Zoning and Planning Board were sub- mitted to the Commission for consideration and the following action was taken. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Reeve that a pubiic hearing be called for December 6, 1954, 7:30 P.M. for the purpose of con- sidering amending the city's ~oning ordinance to permit the subqi~i~ion of Lot 4, Block 6, West University Place 1st Addition as requested by Mr. O. C. King and recommended by the Zoning and planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Hammoqd, Reeve and Goff None With no further business to come before the. Co~mission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~~)f~ Mayor ',' ~;~. ATTEST: 'j ! Cit r~~"-'o-.v-.-I~":=-----'~~~~- ~_~~-~"<"1-> , 10 10 MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION NOV&~ER 22, 1954 o The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall, on Monday, November 22~ 1954, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding: Commissioners Goff) Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve. The City Attorney and City Secretary were also present. Commissioner Goff pronounced the invocation. In compliance with action by the City Co~mission on November 12, 1954, a ,tabulation of bids submitted for delivery of 300 Feet of I! Inch FireHose and 300 Feet of 2~ Inch Fire Hose was submitted by the City Secretary with a recommendation from he and C. V. Reynolds, Fire Chief, ths:t the bid of American LaFrance Foamite Corp. in the amount of $930 forDJ CRL Synthetic Fiber Cord AIl~Weather treated with rocker lug couplings be accepted. Motien by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith that the recommendation of Fire Chief Reynolds and the City Secretary be accepted and 300 Feet of I! Inch firehose@ $1. 30 per foot and 300 'Feet of 2i Inch fire hose @ $1.80 per foot be ordered from American LaFrance Foamite Corp. on their bid of Dacron Covered DJ CRL Synthetic Fiber Cord h6se as this is deemed the most advantageous bid in that it is a Dacron covered hose rated at 600 lb. ~est against a 400 lb. test on their other first line hose. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve. None o Mr. Karl Krenzler, Mr. Ben Shearer and Attorney Melvin S. Cohn, appeared before the Commission relative to the Public Hearing held on November 12, for the purpose of considering their request to erect a sign 5~ Feet into the required setback distance from the front property line., No action had been taken on that date as the Commission wished to further consider the~lestion ofa bolloon tJ~e dou~hnut 30 Feet in diameter to be suspended 60 Feet above the b,uilding. Mr. Shearer advised the Commission he had checked with officials of the C.A.A. and all .safety requirements would be compiled with. Mr. Cohn stated to the Commission that Mr. Shearer had placed an order for "the . manufacture of the balloon type doughnut which vTOuld probably be delivered before November 27. He also stated that they'would.,beagreeablet'O:'sign an agreement to the effect that if it was objectionable for any reason and the City Commission deemed it advisable to have the object removed they would comply. The City Attorney advised that in his opinion the City Commission vTouldQ.~wa,iving any legal position if the request was approved. Mr. Cohn stated that Mr. -Shearer would give a letter to the effect that any legal posi- tion was not being waived in granting permission for the balloon type dough- nut to be erected on the understanding that if it proved objectionable, it would be,., removed. After careful consideration by the Commission; the,follow- ing action WaS taken: Motion brrCommissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Goff that the IJ' "I, request of Mr. Krenzler and Mr. Ben Shearer for permission to erect a sign to extend 5~ Feet into the required setback distance from the front property ,.. '~~-T~'~C~"~~i---- .,." i1r--~ f. .==--"=-C~""'''='--'.'T'-'''''"'''._.'='--_.''.-""I'l r---~---- 11 [ill,...,.,.".,",',..,,'..,..,"'..'..."..,,',.."'.,". ,::-' \. lin~ be approved and that permission be granted for the use of the balloon type doughnut to be suspended over the building subject to (1) that the bottom of the object be not higher than 6 Feet from the roof of the building and (2) that an agreement be entered into between both parties to the, satisfaction of the City Attorney,ap to theenforcibility of having the object removed in event of anysubstantiai objections. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None A cost estimate for installation of storm sewer pipe leads to Poor Farm Ditch on "Dead Endftstreets was submitted to the CommiSSion by the City Secretary for consideration. It was explained to the Commission that bids received on Oct- ober 4, 1954, for this purpose were greatly in excess of the Engineer's esti- mate and due to the urgency for the work it was deemed advisable by the City Engineer, City Secretary and Mayor Morris to proceed with the work on the oasis of.. the city purchasing materials for $280.00 and the P & L Construction Company providing the excavation, and back-fiil work on a force account basis which would amount to approximately $~Bo.oo. Motion by Commissioner Hammond, s~cQnded by Commissioner Ree~e that the City . ~ Attorney be instructed to prepare the necessary ordinance authorizing paving ~ for install~tion of storm sewer pipe leads to Poor Farm Ditch for an esti~ted cost of $1,260.00 as -proposed. Voting Aye: Votipg No: Mayor Morris, CommiSSioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None ~ Minutes of the meeting of Novernbe~ 12, 1954, were read and.approved as corrected. With no further business tO,come before the Commission at this time"upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed. MINUrES OF RECESSED MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION DECE~Ea 6, 1954 The City Co!!JI!1ission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Monday, December 6, 1954, 7:30 ~.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding: Commissioners Goff, Galbraith, Hammond and Reeve. The City Secre- tary and Assistant City Attorney were also present. ' The City Attorney 1vaS absent. . . Commissioner Hammond pronounced the invocation. .~;,'.,'.,.,.".,-,..,r",.".,..,.. ,! . ' In compliance with Notice' duly published in the official newspaper of the city, and notices mailed to all property owners within a radius of 200 Feet of Lot 4, Block 6,\-lest University Place 1st Addition Mayor Morris announced that a public hearing was in order to consider an amendment to Ordinance No. III to permit subdivision of said lot into two 50x200 Feet lots, as requested by the owner, Mr. o. C. King, and recommended by tEe Zoning and Planning Board. . Tcm=.","-,.:o,==~'=----- ill r.--''''";"-'==..,=.,-=-:'''=='--'=~''''L'l _...:..I ~ ~ In answer to questions by the City Attorney, Whitt Johnson, City Secretary, having been duly sworn by ~ayorMorris testified that legal notice had been published in the official newspaper of the city and all property mme:r'swithin 1"'-1 a radius of 200 Feet of Lot 4, Block 6, West University Place 1st Addition I had been notified that a hearing would be held at 7:30 P.M. December 6, 1954, L-J to consider amending the cityts zoning ordinance as requested by the owner. Mr. O. C. King, having been duly sworn by Mayor Morris testified that he was owner of Lot 4, Block 6, '-lest University Place 1st Additioribeing 100X200 Feet and when he built his home on the lot: in 1936 he was cautious to observe all setback lines in order that the lot might be subdivided at a later date. Mr. King also testified that adjcining lots on Belmont had been subdividea.into 50 Feet lots. . \ There being no property owners present who desired to be heard with reference to subdivision of Lot 4, Block 6, West University Place 1st Addition the follow- ing action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Gommissioner ReeVe that the hearing called"to consider amending Ordinance No. Ill, to permit subdivision of Lot 4, Block 6, West University Place 1st addition into two 50x200 Feet be closed. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Hammond that Ordi- nance No. III be amended to permit subdivision of Lot 4, Block 6, West Univer- sityPlace 1st Addition into two 50x200 lots, as requested by the owner and recommended by the Zoning & Planning Board. ] Voting Aye: . Voting No': Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None The Commission considered the advisability of advertising for chlorine re- quirements for the year 1955 and took the following action: Motion by Commissioner Hammond, seconded by COnLmissioner Galbraith that Notice to Bidders be ~ublished in the official newspaper of the city for bids to be received until January 10, 1955, 7:30 P.M. for chlorine requirements for the year 1955. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve Voting No :. None The City Secretary advised the CO:rrmlission of original plans for paving of parking areas and sidewalk construction around the new municipal building and submitted a revised plan prepared by City Engineer Cornelison together with detail cost showing an estimate of $7,200 as against $6,800 for the original project and recommended approval for the revised plans. The present plan' provides for widening of Auden Street 5 Feet and University Boulevard for a depth of 5 Feet to 1 Foot at the southwest corner of the property line on University together with a paved off street parking area on Amherst and a 6 1,,"i'.U," Foot sidewalk abutting the curb line. After reviewing the plan, estimated cost and recommendation the following action was taken: [] o [] 13 Motion by Commissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissidner Goff, that the revised ~lans for paving and sidewalk construction around the new city hall as prepared by the City Engineer and reco~mended by the City Secretary be accepted and a~~roved and that Notice to Bidders by ~ublished in the official newspaper of the city for bids to be recieved until 7:30 P.M. Janl~ry 10, 1955. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and"Reeve None The follOWing Resolution was submitted to the Commission for consideration: RESOLUTION 54-39 WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, currently has capital avail- able in the Tax Collector Fund which will not be required for operating expenses until later in the next fiscal year; AND, WHEREAS, it is deemed to the best interest of the City that such finds be placed in a time deposit investment in order to earn additional revenue for the oper~tion of the City; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF \-lEST UNIVERSITY PLACl!:"TEXAS, that the City Treasurer is hereby directed to invest funds amounting to $75,000.00 from the Tax Collector Fund, for a period of four months. Motion be Commissioner Hammond, seconded by Commissioner Galbraith, that Reso- lution No. 54-39 directing the City Treasurer to invest funds amounting to $75,000 from the Tax Collector Fund for a -period of four months, be -passed and aP1?roved as read. Voting Aye: Voting'No : :Mayor Morris ,.Commiss ioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond a.nd Heeve None Mayor Morris advised that Mr. Karl Kraft, had submitted his resignation as City Attorney. . Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Reeve that the resigna- tion of Mr. Karl Kraft, as City Attorney be accepted with regrets, effective December 15, 1954.' . Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Motion by Commissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Hammond that Assistant City Attorney Charles Cockrell be a1?Pointed City Attorney, effective December 15, 1954, at the present salary of $200 per month to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Mr. Karl Kraft. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris, Co~missioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None The following resume regarding the selection of office furniture for the new munici~al building was ~resented: . "Detailed s~ecifications for metal office furni- ture, chairs, wood conference table, file cabinets and other furniture necessary ~==;- r ".",------ =.'=r'"l ....J. 1:'4' to equip the new City Hall were submitted to the City Commission during the latter part of September. On October 18, bids were received in accordance with legal notice. The 14 different bids received on October 18, ranging from ,] a low of $13,000 to a high of approximately $17,000 were referred to the City' '.. Secretary for study. Invest~gation and study of the bids by the City Commiss~ . ion 'vhich rema.ined in office until November 12, 1954, resulted in reducing tIE number' of selections and most favorable bidders from the cityts standpoint to two Grade-A lines of furniture: Yawman & Erbe, represented locally by the Cargill Company; and Art Metal, represented locally by the Maverick-Clarke Com- pany~ After reducing the selections to these two lines, detailed study of the furni ture supplied by these two firms was made by all members of the Ci tYCom- mission. In the course of these investigations, it became apparent that be~ combining selections from both organizations, substantial savings could be . effected by the City. On the dates of November 22, November 29, and December 2, additional conferences were held by the City Commission which c;ncluded that the best poss~ble combinations from the City's point of view considering costs, utility, appearance and conformance with, interior decoration of the city hall, would be the folloWing: . Quan. ITEM-DESCRIPTION LOCATION l\1A;VE~ICK ".CLARK 24 Desks 5 Tables 129 Chairs 20 Files 5 Sant Urns 4 Typewriter Tables 11 Costumers 2 Costumers - Office Valets 5 Telephone Stands 5 Book Cases 24 ". Ttlaste itBaskets 7 pcs. Counter Equipment 2 Storage Cabinets 10 sections Vault Shelving 3 Check Files 1 Conference Table $ 1,435.78 176.48 4,114.81 1,903.04 47.30 91;00 82.50 64.80 542.90 71.52 Total 8,530.13 Grand Total 12,774.78 C,AAGILL J. RAY BLACK 1,~48.80 220.95 76.50 223.00 I _J 617.45 154.70 386.55 353.70 $ 363.00 3,881.65 363.00 Motion by COIDLmissioner Galbraith, seconded by Commissioner Hammond that office furniture, chairs and equipment for the new city hall be awarded as outlined and recoIDLmended. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None. Minutes ofa special meeting of the Zoning & Planning Board held on Dec.4, 1954 !,-~I were submitted to the Cormnission for consideration and the following action taken: ---'F=:=~=-;"~-!--= . -- .-1 -1 ~.- - o n -----.J [I."l : J 15t Motion by Com.-rnissioner Reeve, seconded by Commissioner Goff, tl:1..a.t Dr. Monrpe Elliott, 3423 Sunset Boulevard be permitted to erect a l7x30 Foot greenhouse for the purpose of raising tropical plants as a hobby, subject to the execution of an affidavit by Dr. Elliott to the effect that the structure will not be used for commercial pu~oses and also subject to the execution of an instrUment stating that if a transfer is made of the property~by Dr. Elliott, his heirs, or assigns, a covenant tp the deed will be made at the timepf transfer that the greenhouse will never be used for commercial purposes; and also subject to his filing with the city a sketch confirming the dimensions and other building requirements prescribed by Ordinance No. Ill. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, H~mmond and Reeve None '-lith no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded.and'carried, the. meeting was,adjourned. ATTEST; ~ ~ J A .~ '~%."8 ,- City Se y "I~~~=' , F---."'--"C.~--=' 1"1 d~.~~ Mayor " ' , , ii"' -- - - - -- -----~-..-.- -r 1'6.. MINUTES OF REGULAR ~~ETING OF CITY' CO~IMISSION DECEMBER 13, 1951~ ' . The City Commission convened in regular sesslon at the City Hall on Monday, December 13, 1954, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Comm. Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve. The City Secretary and City Attorney were also present: The invocation was pronounced by Cor~l. Galbraith. Mayor Morris announced that it was in order to appoint members to the Boards and Committees of the city, and action was taken making the following appoint- ments: ZONING & PLANNING BOA..-qD: E. R. Davis; A. G. Davis; M. C. Halbert; David Hannah Roy Maley; Charlie Wilson , , BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT & APPEALS: Phil Peden; Paul Childers; L. B. Ryon; George McGhee; J. I. Brannan; Newton E. Jarrard HEALTH BOARD: . Dr. Lyman C. Blair; Dr. Ben \falpolej James R. Sims; George Dickinson; Dr. L.D. Farragut ELECTRICAL BOARD: Ted Peebles; R. H. Britain; James S. Waters; B. F. Kingman; O. H. Eckel PLUMBING BOARD: A. B. McGinty; J. I. Cornelison; J. B. Humphrey; B. F. Kingman; PERSONNEL BOARD: J. Claude Morton; Leonard F. Mason; 'rhad B. Sanders; Mrs. Jackie Greer; Ed L. McCleskey; Lester Del"rald FINANCE CO~WITTTEE: Warren Buttelmann; W. D. Herb; L. B. Bricker; W. F. Ghiselin; J. L. Whiteside; Janies W. Child COMMUNITY HOUSE COIvWITTTEE: Mrs. Rose Reese; \-1. Earl Eberling; Mrs. W., R. Olivarri tlesley A. Kuenemann; 'VT. F. "JaIling; James M. Gault Mrs. J. W. Wingfield; Wm. A. Gee SWIMMING POOL & RECREATION COMM:. Ray M. Mason; J. Spence Taylor; Chas. M. 13;)wden Mrs. W. Buttelmann; Mrs. John G. Wever RobertA. Madeley; Col~is P. Haynes; R. L. Carru- thers PUBLIC RELATIONS COlv1MITTEE: C. C. Sylvester, Jr.; A. B. Penny; Jesse DarHng Robert Turner; E. M. Schiwetz INSURANCE COlVlMITTEE: Gus ComiSkey; W. L. Creek.more; Wm. T. Lutz; Durwood R. Anderson; W. B. Ruth; Seth Ramey; c. V. Berson Me.yor Morris administered the Oath of Office to all members present. Mr. Roy Maley advised the Commission of alleged zoning violations at 3027 Amherst and 2730 Arbuckle. . The City Attorney was instructed tornake the necessary investigation of the alleged zoning violations and to report his findings back to the Co~rnission. Estimate No.7, from Stokes Adair Company in the amount of $32,053.52 for work L----'-----~_ F",:~e~ ~~ :l '~ /-1 ; I [J -'-,I completed on the new municipal building, was submitted to Commission for con- sideration. Motion by COIllll1. Hammond, seconded by Corum. Galbraith that Estimate NO.7; from Stokes Adair Company i,n the amount of $32;0;3.52 be approved for payment as recom- mended by the Architect. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Gal.brai th, Goff, Haunnond and Reeve None The City Secretar;y states that in his oplnlon it was advisable to substitute the Uvlade Vinyl Asphalt floor covering specified for Rooms 1, 10 and 12 with Wright Vinyl Floor covering. A price quotation of an additional $456 for the substitution of the tile was submitted by Stokes Adiar Co. Motion byComm. Hammond, seconded by Comm. Reeve that the Wrights Vinyl tile be installed in Rooms No.1, 10 and 12 in lieu of Uva1de Vinyl Asphalt floor covering as originally specified. Voting Aye: Voting No : ~ypr Morris, Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hanm~nd and Reeve None The City Secretary advised that $299.69 remains in the Street Resurfacing Pro- ject Fund and as no further activities are planneQ for the year, authority was requested to transfer the $299.69 remaining in the Street Resurfacing Project Fund to the credit of the Street Department in the General Fund. Motion by Comm. Galbraith, seconded by. Comm. Ha..'Umond that $299.69 remallnng in the Street Resurfacing Project Fund be transferred to the General Fund to the credit of the street Department. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris, Cormnissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None In compliance with action by the City Commission on December 6, 1954, the following 'Resolution was submitted and. read in full: RESOLlJ'I'ION . WHEREAS, KARLE. KRAFT, CIty AttorneY.of the City of West University Place, has requested that he be relieved of his duties incident to such position; and vlHEREAS, CHARLES F. COCKRELL, JR., Assistant City Attorney' of the City of West University Place, is des'irous'of assuming the position of City Attorney of said City; and 1fHEREAS, THE City Commission of the City of West University Place is of the opinion that it would be to the best interest of the said City to appoint. .the said CHARLES F. COCKRELL, JR. City Attorney of the City of West University Place, Texas. NOW, THmREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEY.AS: '~~~I'=-" .,.--.-'-';""~,.. r ..=~".....,~.~~'.......'i._ .to 1. Tha.t the resignation of KARL E. KRAFT be and the same is hereby accepted effective December 15, 1954. 2. That CHARLES F. COCKRELL, JR. be and he is hereby appointed City LJ' 1 Attorney of the City of West University Place, replacing the said DAHL E. KRAFT, such appointment to become effective December 15, 1954. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 6TH DAY OF DECEMBER, 1954. / Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; C6nunissioners Galbraith Goff, Hammond and Reeve None Motion by Comm. Goff, seconded by Comm. GalbraHh that Resolution 54-40 accepting the resignation of Mr. Karl E. Kraft, City Attorney and appointing Charles F. \ \ Cockrell, Jr. as City Attorney be passed and approved as read. "\i~ Ordinance No. 679, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Commission for consideration: AN ORDINANCE FINDIl'TG AND DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR CERTAIN E:MERGENCY CONSTRUCTION TO THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY SECRETARY TO OBTAIN THE SERVICES OF A COMPETENT, ENGINEERING FIRM TO EFFECT THE S~~ ON A FORCE ACCO~~ BASIS; AUTHORIZING PAYMENT OF SERVICES RRNDERED IN CONNECTION WITH SUCH EMERGENCY CONTRUCTION; Al\ID DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Comm. Galbraith, seconded by Comm. Goff, that Ordinance No. 679, authorizing storm sewer work at Poor Farm Ditch, and authorizing payment on a lil'O', force account basis to P & L Construction Company, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No ; i~yor Morris; Commissioners Galbraith, Goff, Hammond and Reeve None -- The advisability and necessity of meeting on December 27, was discussed. After a thorough discussion it was determined that a majority of the Commission would be available and would hold a regular meeting if an emergency should arise or if official business justify such meeting Minutes of meetings of November 22 and December 6, were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. . ~t~ ,. ayor' , , AT,TES~~ > .. / ~. p~ City Secret " y~ u " . '----I'"~~~.O~."~-F'"'~.~_:;r'--~'~'~~-':.,.-.. ",1 II ---------- ---,-------