HomeMy WebLinkAbout04222021 ZBA Agenda Item 3 The City of West University Place A Neighborhood City ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MUNICIPAL BUILDING 3800 UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD TELECONFERNCE MEETING MINUTES March 25,2021 6:30 p.m. Steven Segal(voting, left meeting due to technical issues at 6:57 p.m.), I. MEMBERS PRESENT: Neil Martin(voting),Donald Yurewicz(voting),Janet Parisi(voting), Jay Cohen,John Clayton Brett(voting), Sergio Amelio(voting)and Brennan Reilly Edward Nikonowicz II. MEMBERS ABSENT: Scott Bounds, Legal Counsel, Clay Chew,Building Official and Josie III. STAFF PRESENT: M. Hayes,Administrative Coordinator IV. CALL TO ORDER: 6:37p.m. Agenda Item Discussion Action 1 Call the meeting to order. Steven Segal called the meeting to order at Janet Parisi moved to accept that all Notices,Rules,Etc. 6:37 p.m. due to technical difficulties. Steven notices were properly posted and Segal asked each member to briefly introduce distributed for this meeting. Second by themselves. Josie M. Hayes, Administrative Neil Martin. AYES: Steven Segal, Neil Coordinator, stated that all notices were Martin, Donald Yurewicz, Janet Parisi, posted in accordance with state and local and John Clayton Brett. Motion Carried requirements. Steven Segal then described (5-0). the hearing procedures. Steven Segal administered the oath to all Swearing in of witnesses. Josie M. Hayes witnesses. stated the alternate voting members was John Clayton Brett and Sergio Amelio (after Steven Segal leaving after technical difficulties). 2 Docket No. 2021-0002, The applicant in Docket 2021-0002, 4260 The applicant submitted a revised regarding property at Judson Ave. is requesting a special exception application for a special exception as 4260 Judson Ave.,West to provide less than the 60%open area in the requested from the previous meeting. University Place,Texas rear yard and exceed the maximum 600 77005 (Special Exception) square feet of non-garage space. Motion to close the deliberation portion a. Public hearing of the hearing was made by John Clayton regarding a special Staff received three correspondences in favor Brett. Second by Donald Yurewicz. exception request to allow of the special exception.No one spoke in AYES: Neil Martin, Donald Yurewicz, 1 111 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 www.westutx.gov The City of West University Place A Neighborhood City less than the required 60% favor or against the special exception. Janet Parisi, John Clayton Brett and open area in the rear yard Sergio Amelio. Motion carried(5-0). per Section 7-101, Table 7- Background Information: 3 and allow more than 600 The applicant is proposing to replace an After deliberation, John Clayton Brett square feet of non-garage existing detached garage which would only made a motion to approve the special space per Section 7-101, provide approximately 47%open area in the exception to provide less than 60% open Table 7-4a. rear yard, Section 7-101,Table 7-3 Open area area in the rear yard and exceed the b. Deliberation, required 60%. The proposed garage would maximum 600 square feet of non-garage decisions, other action, etc. contain approximately 790 square feet of non- space. Second by Neil Martin. AYES: regarding the preceding garage space. Section 7-101, Table 7-4a Neil Martin, Donald Yurewicz, Janet matters. limits non-garage area in a garage accessory Parisi, John Clayton Brett and Sergio building to 600 square feet. Amelio. Motion carried(5-0). Staff Response: The applicant is proposing to replace an existing detached garage which would only provide approximately 47%open area in the rear yard. Section 7-101,Table 7-3 Open area requires 60%.Note 6 allows the ZBA to issue a special exception to reduce the open area requirement in the rear yard for old stock housing. The proposed garage would contain approximately 790 square feet of non-garage space. Section 7-101,Table 7-4a limits non- garage area in a garage accessory building to 600 square feet.Note 1 allows the ZBA to issue a special exception for parking area, garage or driveway. 3 Docket No. 2021-0004, The applicant is requesting a special Motion to close the deliberation portion regarding property at exception to provide 3.3 parking spaces per of the hearing was made by John Clayton 5706 Kirby Dr.,Houston, 1,000 square feet of gross floor area instead Brett. Second by Donald Yurewicz. West University Place, of 10 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet. AYES: Neil Martin, Donald Yurewicz, TX 77005(Special Janet Parisi, John Clayton Brett and Exception). Staff did not receive any correspondence in Sergio Amelio. Motion carried(5-0). b. Public hearing favor or against the special exception. regarding a special After deliberation, John Clayton Brett exception request to allow No one spoke in favor or against the special made a motion to re-open the evidentiary 3.3 parking spaces per exception. portion of the hearing. Second by Donald 1,000 square feet of gross Yurewicz. AYES: Neil Martin, Donald floor area instead of 10 Background Information Yurewicz, Janet Parisi, John Clayton parking spaces per 1,000 The applicant is proposing to replace the Brett and Sergio Amelio. Motion carried square feet. existing bank at 5706 Kirby with a new bank (5-0). Applicant requested his application b. Deliberation, with full-service drive-thru. for a special exception be withdrawn and decisions, other action, etc. will likely reapply after some redesign regarding the preceding Staff Response and possibly an agreement with another matters. Appendix A,Article 10, Section 10-100 off business to share parking. street parking requires 3.3 parking spaces per 1,000 square feet unless the use is auto- 2 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov The City of West University Place A Neighburhoxx.i City intensive and the requirement is 10 parking spaces. Auto-intensive is defined in Article 2, Section 2-102 as any land use where goods or services are provided to or for motor vehicles or to persons who may remain within their motor vehicles to receive such goods or services. 4 Meeting Minutes Approval of meeting minutes from February John Clayton Brett moved to approve the 25, 2021. February 25, 2021 minutes. Second by Donald Yurewicz. AYES: Neil Martin, Donald Yurewicz, Janet Parisi, John Clayton Brett and Sergio Amelio. Motion carried(5-0). Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 8:04 p.m. John Clayton Brett moved to adjourn the meeting. Second by Donald Yurewicz. AYES: Neil Martin, Donald Yurewicz, Janet Parisi, John Clayton Brett and Sergio Amelio. Motion carried(5-0). APPROVED THIS DAY OF 2021. Presiding Officer ATTEST: Josie M. Hayes,Administrator Coordinator 3 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov