HomeMy WebLinkAbout21 01 PRB MinutesMINUTES JANUARY 6, 2021 6:30PM TELECONFERENCE
TYPE OF MEETING Monthly Meeting
CHAIR Peter Billipp
SECRETARY Brett Bingham
Members Present: Peter Billipp, Will Bertron, Mardi Turner, Laura
Turley, Nina Pilson, Sami Morrison, Lindsey Swiger, Maryann
Grahmann, Jeff Chen, Brett Bingham
Members Absent: Mary McCulloch
Staff: Susan White
Council Liaison: Mayor Pro Tem Kevin Trautner
I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:34 pm by Peter Billipp.
II. Approval of December 2 Meeting Minutes: Mardi Turner made a motion to approve with
Nina Pilson seconding the motion. The minutes were approved.
III. Citizen Comments: No citizens comments
IV. Friends Update: Sami Morrison
Big news from Friends: 1) Park Lovers Ball cancelled, as previously discussed. Considered
a virtual event but didn’t seem like a great fit this year--the magic would be missing. With
F&F also canceled, they’ve lost their two largest fundraisers. However, in February, they
are excited to host a Wine Wagon. The event will function like the popular event enjoyed at
PLB. Socially distanced, generous Chairs will visit guests’ homes, so people can enjoy the
wine pull at home. Christine Martinez is sponsoring. Second piece of big news: golf
tournament and silent auction. Figured this was an event they could do while socially
distanced. Sami is chairing the event with Christine Parker. The golf tourney will take place
on Friday April 16th at Wildcat at 12:30pm. Board members are encouraged to start
thinking about teams and promoting both exciting fundraising events. Christina Kuhl also
joined the Friends Board.
V. Council Update: Mayor Pro Tem Kevin Trautner
Last Council meeting of 2020 was uneventful. Buffalo Speedway construction starts in
January. Phase 1 of the Virtual gate (15-16 cameras) will start operating in the next two to
three weeks. There have been several patrol officer vacancies and the department has
worked to fill those vacancies. For first time since 2014, all spots will be filled. On 1/11
there will be discussion on aesthetics of the 5G poles. The City is trying to get ahead of the
cell phone company’s infiltration of community with poles as 5G ramps up. Mardi asked
about distinction between poles and virtual gate. Kevin pointed out the gate is on the
periphery of the city. 5G poles are bigger. Code dictates poles must be aesthetically
pleasing and match the black traffic poles. Mardi suggests new media person show the
difference between 5G poles vs virtual gate.
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VI. Parks & Rec Update: Susan White
1) Covid 19 update: If we do get rollbacks in fitness sector, Rec Center operations will
maintain the same. Currently 75% occupancy is permitted, but we operating under
50% due to reservation process. She has received a complaint that not all kids at parks
are wearing masks or socially distancing. Susan pointing out that not a requirement to
wear masks when outside and children 10 an under are not required anytime.
Improvements to signage is coming which will indicate masks and social distance are
2) Colonial Park East Update – Ribbon cutting did take place, though on a lesser scale. Peter
attended along with several others on December 18. Colonial has been busy. Susan has
received unsolicited positive feedback on the sand feature. Comments from user groups
and board were helpful when making these improvements and updates. Turf for the
challenge course is shipping on January 22 for February installation. Rock face up after.
Lighting: solar lights have arrived. Installation to commence next week. Perimeter has
been marked in orange where lights will be placed.
3) Survey Update – A&M has been on break for the holidays, so still awaiting feedback.
They have received over 1000 responses. Council workshop March 8 with Dr.
4) Miscellaneous –Laser lightshow got rave reviews. Kudos to staff for thinking of new
ways to bring the community together in a safe manner. Re-thinking new traditions
for years to come. Meeting with Parks events subcommittee for upcoming Easter
holiday. Expect more outside the box thinking. Nina recommended adding more slots
for the laser lightshow and adding an extra night of the event. Susan said they did not
fill out the added show.
VII. Huffington Park Update Discussion (2021): Peter Billipp
Susan outlined numerous demolitions and updates to Huffington Park. Demo-ing the existing
arbor and game tables and pavers; DG pathway; crape myrtles, south wood fence, sections of
the southern sidewalk and donor bench. Entry off Milton Street would become paver area. In
Susan’s and Brooks’ opinion, the biggest concerns are the erosion and drainage issues the park
is currently facing. So few personnel are dedicated to these projects, so she would like to get as
much done at one time as they can. Artificial turf addition to several areas will make a big
difference. Leveling out area will improve drainage. Received an estimate on sidewalk topper,
came in less expensive. Could leave as concrete and save $6500. Replacing artificial turf in
swing area; existing turf has exceeded useful life. More green grass will be used once arbor is
demoed. Discussion of decomposed granite trail, and updates to swings. New drinking
fountains will be added. Rubber top cap will be added. Susan and staff feel good about
estimates received--$171,250 before contingency. Pointed out $12,600 for powder coating. A
bit high, but does look nice at Colonial. Mardi asked if rubber top was same as what exists at
zoo. Laura asked about anything that can be salvaged and auctioned off, perhaps the game
tables. Susan says good idea, let’s look into that. Mardi asked if perhaps the spider web toy may
be geared more towards older kids than target user group for the park. Sami said she shares
similar concern. Susan shared 2021 tentative timeline.
1/13: Friends Board Pres.
1/18-1/22 Huffington User Group pres.
2/3: PRB recommendation;
2/22: Council workshop;
3/10: Friends Board funding request;
Parks and Recreation Board Minutes page 4
3/22 or 4/12: City Council meeting on Park;
Jul-Aug: construction.
Peter asked if construction will be done by same contractors as previous park improvements.
Susan said some yes but it also depends on estimates received from each contractor. Will had
two questions: first, asked if there will be good drainage for where we will be putting grass in
the middle. Susan said generally the contractor has expressed confidence in drainage updates,
and staff has not had issues in the main grassy area. Second question is health of other trees and
thoughts on removing them to open more space. Susan says they looked at them, they are in
good health and do provide good privacy. The middle Live Oak east of the play structure is in
decline. Pruned back for now, but it will eventually be removed so the other two trees can
flourish. Nina asked about powder coating on the fence: what is the benefit? Susan responded
that its more durable, looks better. Susan asked if we are comfortable with next steps for the
park. Numerous responses in favor. Jeff also mentioned he is not too concerned with spider web
toy given soft surface underneath. Susan asked what’s the consensus on rubber cap? Will asked
about expected life. Susan responded approximately 10 years. Lindsey asked if it could be
patched if necessary. Susan responded yes though the patching would be noticeable. Nina
responded that if we were to implement the cap anywhere it should be this park since youngest
kids use it. Sami suggested making it look like a track.
VIII. Park Use Policy Discussion: Susan White
See attachment – Field, Tennis Court, and Park Use Assessment. The City Attorney also
confirmed that it is against the law to use public property for direct private gain.
Current policy allows for tennis instructors to teach citizens when citizens make reservation
to use the court. Thinking about what to do with private trainers in public space, as well.
Weighing on allowing one on one instruction sessions vs boot camps. Want to do right by
citizens while also ensuring parks are still being used for the right purpose. Considering
having the instructors currently using the park to become contracted employees just like
West U Rec Center instructors (would include proof of insurance, background checks,
registration, etc). Would address liability concerns, among other things. Not a profit center
for City, in spite of some split with these prospective contractors as there are additional
costs to manage these contracts. Thoroughly reviewing this policy and taking time to weigh
the pros and cons of any updates to the policy. Another issue with all this is enforcement.
May self-regulate somewhat, however. It is a challenging policy as not one size fits all.
Will asked about tennis instructor policy with regards to tenure, for example. Also brought
up limiting certain activities (ie fencing, tai chi, etc) vs baseball, soccer etc. May make
sense to list activities at the onset so one-off activities don’t stretch the staff. Currently this
policy only exists at Rec Center fields but not parks, so want to make sure we find a policy
that does right by the city.
IX. Park Ambassador Assignments:
• Colonial Park East (Will): drainage seems to be deteriorating. Perhaps getting
compacted due to increase in usage over last 9 months. Jeff mentioned new see saw
seems muted--doesn’t go up or down much. Also, asked if we are keeping wood chips.
Susan said yes. Jeff pointed out that it’s challenging to push people in wheelchairs
through wood chips. Susan pointed out that wood chips are approved by ADA. Levels
have to be maintained.
• Colonial Park West (Nina)
• Colonial Park Pool (Mary)
Parks and Recreation Board Minutes page 4
• Friends Pocket Park (Sami)
• Huffington Park (Maryann): Excited about everything happening
• JEH Park (Laura)
• Judson Park (Jeff)
• Recreation Center Playground (Mardi) Susan reported an incident December, 2020.
Bolt came out of stepping pod. A child was injured, but he/she is ok. Has been
• Whitt Johnson (Brett)
• Wier Park (Lindsey)
X. Order of Business: Peter Billipp
1) Christmas tree: asked about artificial Christmas tree vs existing Christmas tree in Friends
Park. Susan pointed out that prices are very high for artificial trees. Cost of assembly and
storage is high. Jeff: likes current tree. Sami: may be tough pill to swallow given lack of
fundraising activity. Will wondered if maybe could research an LED tree to light up in
seasonal colors.
2) Peter and Susan wondered if lunchtime meetings may be easier than nighttime meetings
while virtual. May be on Zoom through end of session in May.
XI. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 8:14 p.m.
Next meeting is tentatively scheduled for February 2, 2021 at lunchtime.