HomeMy WebLinkAboutSSBM 12.10.2020Page 1 of 2 West University Place SENIORS BOARD MEETING December 10 , 2020 Presiding: Selby Clark The virtual meeting called to order at 2 :07 p.m. Roll call: Pr esent : Judy Faulkner, Tom Brombacher, George Hilderbrandt, George Baker, Candyce Beneke, Joan Johnson, Carlos De La Torre, Ka ren Kenny, Selby Clark (chair), Carol O’Neill, C andace TenB rink, Susan Davis, Ann Crowley, Elizabeth Wilder, Tob y Brooks and Susan White , John Barnes (Council Liaison) Mardi Turner (GNT). Absent : S tan McCandless. Guests : None Minutes: P revious minutes had Karen Kenny and Candace TenBrink names spelled incorrectly. Tom Brombacher not listed as present. Minutes approved pending corrections . Candace TenBrink seconded approval. Citizen Comments : None. Council M eeting R eport: John Barnes 1. Medical Centers at capacity from Thanksgiving Holiday. Be safe. Social Distance. 2. Virtual Gateway Status: P hase one p oles going up at Auden @ University and E dloe @ University. 3. Verizon providers still prefer to use existing poles, without transformers. Approximately 30 poles will be installed in the City. Talks are underw ay regarding ATT and T Mobile using existing Verizon poles. Looking at current pole esthetics. Weir Park on Sunset in particular. Under consultation. P arks and Recreation: Susan White 1. N ot many changes in operations from last month. The Rec Center has resu med some in person classes, Pilates, added tennis classes, and squash. 2. Colonial Park Ea st Improvements updates: Engineered Wood Fiber, (safety surfacing) blown in next week. Created new berm. Items remaining: Solar lighting delayed. Challenge course arti ficial turf installation. Small ribbon cutting ceremony upcoming so the public can utilize park . Challenge course vendor w ill be responsible for course fencing. 3. Senior Needs Assessment Survey. No one had received the letter from Mayor Higley, which conta ins a code , as of 12/10/20. Larger print of a hard copy survey is available. 4. Christmas Celebration s: Virtual Tree Lighting had sixty participants . Tom Brombacher did a great job as Santa. Upcoming: Laser Light Show, Friday, December 18. 5. Mardi Turner named Advocate of the Year from the Texas Recreation and Parks Society. APAC Report : Karen Kenn y No APAC report this month. Good Neighbor Team: Mardi Turner 1. The National Charity League delivered the poinsettias. 2. Eighty -five Soup Starter Kits delivered, National Charity League. 3. National Charity League delivered forty pies. 4. The Girl Scouts delivered twenty Rosemary trees. Senior Board Meeting, Minutes of March 12, 2020 Page 2 of 2 Senior Services report: Toby Brooks 1 National Brownie Day, sixty seniors participated. Presentation from the Houston Audubon, drive thr u with Thanksgiving treats, and Wacky Holiday, Candy Apple Day drive thru, World War II Program. 2 Upcoming, Gingerbread house decorating contest. Hot Cocoa giveaway on December 16. 3 Winter/Spring 2021 hard copy newsletter to hit resident’s homes shortly. New Business 1) Susan White reached out to the West U Garden Club, regarding a Girl Scout Gold Award, for signage of Texas Native Plants for Hughes Park. Old Business 1) P revious minutes had Karen Kenny and Candace TenBrink names spelled incorrectly. Tom Brom bacher not listed as present. Minutes approved pending corrections. Candace TenBrink seconded approval. See minutes. A djournment : The meeting adjourned at 2 :54 p.m. Submitted: Patricia Noren