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West University Place
October 8 , 2020
Presiding: Selby Clark
The virtual meeting called to order at 2 :0 4 p.m.
Roll call: P resent : Stan McCandless, Judy Faulkner, George Hilderbrandt, Joan Johnson, Carlos De La
Torre, Ka ren Kenny, Selby Clark, Carol O’Neill, Candace Tenbrink, Candyce Beneke, Toby Brooks and
Susan White , John Barnes, Mardi Turner. Absent : George Baker, Ann Crowley , Tom Brombacher,
Elizabeth Wilder , Susan Davis . Guests : Dick Yeh le
Minutes: September 24: Not approved. To be approved at next meeting
Citizen Comments : None
Council M eeting R eport: John Barnes
1. Amendment to the Covid 19, update. Per Chief Taylor, Emergency Management
Coo rdinator, with information from Harris Health, a pproximate total of 130 cases of Covid
19 in West U. With 13 remaining active cases. 0 deaths so far.
2. Tax Rate is lower 29.409 cents per 100 dollars. Almost a 10 percent reduction.
3. Leaf Blowers addressed when new ordinance goes into effect. Lowed noise decibels.
Parks and Recreation: Susan White
1. Senior Survey formatting shown. Printing option available.
2. Refresh on Survey. Same idea as the Parks Master P lan. Approximately 10 minutes to
complete survey. The goal is to send out by the end of October.
3. Dr. Walker, f rom A & M Agrilife E xtension: City owns the data on the survey.
4. Colonial P ark schedule d to start excavation for the north side . Rec C enter: Operatin g at 50%
capacity. Reservation system still in place. Drive Thru event for Halloween. Indoor Adult
programming returns. Senior Center : Continue with virtual programming.
5. Regular Tree Lighting Ceremony canceled. Other ideas such as Laser light show discuss ed.
6. Marathon Live Event canceled. Virtual event taking place.
APAC Report Minutes sent to you via email, as well as extra information regarding grants.
Good Neighbor Team: Mardi Turner
Fall Cards are ready and will be m ailed on Friday, October 9. NCL group will augment our
fall gift. (Oven mitts stuffed with candy) and street décor for Pumpkin Patch. Thanksgiving
Cards ready to send.
Senior Services report: Toby Brooks
1. Previous Drive Thru events: Coffee and Donut giveaway, and Pumpkin Patch. Well attended.
2. Upcoming Events: Dessert Day, Costume Contest, National Sandwich D ay.
3. Virtual Committee for suggestions open to discussion. Drive Thru probably till January 2021.
Old Business
1) Covid 19 update: All of the buildings are u sing Hepa filters . Installing UV lighting system added
to the air handlers. Air flow under advisement.
Senior Board Meeting, Minutes of March 12, 2020
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Adjournment : The meeting adjourned at 3 :15 p.m. Judy Faulkner made the motion to adjourn the
meeting and Candyce Beneke seconded it.
Submitted: Patricia Noren