HomeMy WebLinkAboutSSBM 11.12.2020Page 1 of 2 West University Place SENIORS BOARD MEETING November 12 , 2020 Presiding: Selby Clark The virtual meeting called to order at 2 :07 p.m. Roll call: Pr esent : Judy Faulkner, Tom Brombacher, George Hilderbrandt, George Baker, Joan Johnson, Carlos De La Torre, Ka ren Kenny, Selby Clark (chair), Carol O’Neill, C andace TenB rink, Susan Davis, Ann Crowley, Elizabeth Wilder, Toby Brooks and Jeremy Veld (staff), John Barnes (Council Liaison) Mardi Turner (GNT). Absent : Stan McCandless, Candyce Beneke, Guests : Kevin Trautner (City Council) Minutes: September and October minutes approved with no opposition or changes unanimously 1. Citizen Comments : None. Council M eeting R eport: John Barnes 2. Code Enforcement enhancement. 3. MLK official employee holiday, effective January 2021 . 4. Covid update : 165 c ases. 25 active, 40 recovered 0 deaths. No demographic s available . 5. Upcoming: MOU with Tri Sports. LED lights, Indirect lighting reasonably enforceable. Less pollution. Possible application by Verizon to install 5 G. (esthetics). Proprietary question for ATT and Verizon to streamline. Quality control, code enforcement. 6. C ouncilmember Kevin Trautner: Verizon proposed map/poles. Working with City attorney encourage adding equipment to existing poles. Optimize looks of the City. Verizon prefers to use existing poles. 7. Upcoming: Roadwork bonds timeline. Federal funding. Due to begin next year. P arks and Recreation: Jeremy Veld 1. N o reports of any C ovid cases from using Park facilities. 2. Senior Needs Assessment Survey. Waiting on approval from the IRB Internal Revenue Board 3. Colonial Park East Improvements almost completed . Frien ds of West U Parks, received $50,000 sponsor donation. Children’s Memorial Hospital (Challenge course). 4. Huffington Park Project : First user group getting set up . 5. Christmas Celebration s: Virtual Tree Lighting Dec. 7. Laser light show Dec. 18, Rec Center, R eservation only. APAC Report : Karen Kenn y Minutes sent t o you via email. Members thanked Karen for her diligence. Good Neighbor Team: Mardi Turner 1. Drive by events, encouraged Senior Board to attend . Thanksgiving cards sent. Girl Scout Troop gave out 20 Rosemary trees. NCL Heart of Texas gave away 40 pies, Upcoming Events: Poinsettia delivery, first week of December. Senior Services report: Toby Brooks 1 Pumpkin Decorating C ontest Winners: Mrs. Brombacher, Lynn Bullard . Costume C ontest W inner: Susan Babendure 2 Dorothy Zink delivering cupcakes to recipient, she had fallen in her backyard , FD called. 3 Stroke Mobile Unit partnership with Susan Davis. Senior Board Meeting, Minutes of March 12, 2020 Page 2 of 2 4 Na tional S and wich Day success, upcoming virtual O wl program, Nov. 19, T hanksgiving treats, Nov. 23 5 Possible vaccine dri ve thru. Logistics. Candyce TenB rink. Second Serving, drive thru Thanksgiving dinner, Toyota Center, Thursday, November 19. Selby Clark. Amazing Place food orders, brain healthy meals. Toby Brooks, Mardi Turner, Susan D avis. Old Business 1) None. Adjournment : The meeting adjourned at 2 :58 p.m. Joan Johnson made the motion to adjourn the meeting and Carlos De La Torre seconded it. Submitted: Patricia Noren