HomeMy WebLinkAboutSSBM02112020Senior Board Meeting Minutes February 12, 2020 Presiding: Candyce Beneke , Vice Chair The meeting was called to order at 2:05 pm. Roll Call : Stan McCandless, Judy Faulker, Joan Johnson, Carlos De La Torre, Karen Kenny, Selby Clark (Chair), Carol O’Neil, Candyce Beneke, Susan Davis, Ann Crowley, Elizabeth Wilder, Other Attendees : Mardi Turner (Good Neighbor Team), Toby Brooks (staff), Susan White (staff), Jeremy Veld (staff), John Barnes (City Council), Dr. Jamie Rae Walker (Texas A&M) and Kelsey Coats (Texas A&M) Absent: George Hilderbrandt, George Baker, Tom Brombacher, Candance TenBrink Citizen Guest: Alida Drewes Minutes: The minutes of the meeting of December 4, 2019, were approved with corrections noted by Toby Brooks . Ann Crowley ma de the motion and Judy Faulkner seconded . Residents Comments : Alida Drewes commented on a pr o posed policy change that would fine seniors if their yards were overgrown by weeds. She made another point on the need to increase the senior exemption , stating it had not been increased in 10 years . She was also concerned about the money spent on improving the parks with expensive equipment and the City using taxpayer funds to purchase a new police car and fire truck. Ms. Drewes felt it was time for the Senior B oard to fight for seniors. Comments from the Senior Board: Joan Johnson pointed out the improvements to parks are funded by the West U Parks Board and not taxpayer funds . John Barnes, City Council, said the A udio Visual improvement was tabled. Old Busi ness: Senior Needs Assessment Update and Review Special Guests: Jamie Rae Walker, Ph.D., Texas A&M and team Dr. Walker and the West University Senior Board reviewed, edited, and commented on the first draft of the Senior Needs Assessment survey. The surv ey was designed based on in put from the West U Parks and Rec staff, the WU Senior Board, and feedback from 4 focus groups as well as 5 pop -up events around the city . Dr. Walker note d that the survey review has two main focuses: 1) Context – such as reference s to the Community Center vs the Senior Center 2) Usability of the data for Decision Making – needs special (specific) questions but also must be general enough for all . Dr. Walker stated that after the Senior Board review, the survey will be evaluated by the Parks Board for their input. Many comments and edits were captured. New Business: Carlos de la Torre had notes proposed by George Baker regarding (??????) which he attempted to present. Elizabeth Wi lder said that the matter had al ready been litigated and that seniors were well protected under Texas state law. Because George Baker was not there to further discuss the issues, the Board decided to table the matter until the next meeting. Other topics on the agenda were not covered as the Senior Needs Assessment Update was the top priority of the meeting. Adjournment : Meeting was adjourned at 3:45 pm. Susan Davis made the motion to adjourn and Joan Johnson secon ded . The next Senior Board meeting is scheduled for Thursday, March 12 , at 2 pm in the Community Building Activity Room.