HomeMy WebLinkAbout02252021 ZBA Agenda Item 2 OCityof West University Place To: Zoning Board of Adjustments From: Clay Chew, Building Official Date: February 25,2021 Re: Staff Report for Docket 2021-0002 Applicant's Request Applicant is requesting a variance to provide less than the 60%open area in the rear yard and exceed the maximum 600 square feet of non-garage space. Background Information The applicant is proposing to replace an existing detached garage which would only provide approximately 47% open area in the rear yard. Section 7-101, Table 7-3 Open area required 60%. The proposed garage would contain approximately 790 square of non-garage space. Section 7- 101, Table 7-4a limits non-garage area in a garage accessory building to 600 square feet. Variance Request Applicant is requesting a variance to replace an existing garage that would not provide the required open area and would exceed the maximum non-garage space. (1) The ZBA has made all findings and determinations required by state law for the granting of a variance. A "special condition" or "hardship" that is self-created, personal or based only on financial reasons is not sufficient to support the issuance of a variance. (2) The ZBA has made any additional findings and determinations required by a specific provision of this section which relates to the variance. (3) The variance has been reduced to writing and includes any conditions prescribed by the ZBA or required by this section for the variance in question. The findings to grant a favorable result for this application are as follows: (1) The ZBA must find that a literal enforcement of the ordinance would result in an unnecessary hardship. (2) By granting the variance would the spirit of the ordinance be observed and substantial justice done? (3) Would the variance be contrary to the public interest? i l Boulevard, the side yard shall be zero feet. For building sites with a side street line along University Boulevard, the side yard shall be five feet. The rear yard may be reduced by any future reduction in the width of the utility easement along the Poor Farm Ditch. General Rule: Every building site must have the minimum open and pervious areas shown, by District, in this table. ("N/A" means the rule does Table 7-3: Open & Pervious not apply.) Exceptions/Special Rules: (1) See PDD Schedules for planned Areas development districts. (2) See special rules noted in table. (3) See the Projections Schedule for details about calculating open and pervious areas. Item Measurement SF-1 SF-2 SF-3 TH GR-1 GR-2 C TCC Front yard, Open minimum 60%. N/A 40% N/A area percentage. Rear yard, minimum 60%.See Note 1. N/A N/A N/A percentage. See Note 6. Entire building site, minimum 40% 25% 25% 15% percentage. Front yard, Pervious minimum 50% 50%See Note 2. 50%See Note 2. N/A area percentage Entire building site, minimum 24% 15% 15% 15% 10% percentage. Landscaping Required, except for SFD uses on building sites with 5,000 sq. ft. or more. strips See Notes 3 and 5. For SFD uses on building sites with 5,000 sq. ft. or more, Chapter 82 of the Code of Ordinance must be located within a contiguous and reasonably Qualified trees compact pervious area containing at least 25 sq. ft. However, additional or better pervious area may be required to comply with Chapter 82. Page 9 SF district properties. Evergreen shrubs shall be planted to form a continuous hedge with no gaps. Shrubs shall be hardy species that will withstand freezing temperatures. The plants shall be at least 18 inches in height as measured from the surrounding soil line and shall have a maximum 18 inch width at the widest portion when planted. Shrubs shall be capable of growth to not less than 48 inches in height when measured from the surrounding soil line and shall form a continuous hedge within three annual growing seasons. Shrubs shall be maintained at a height that does not interfere with overhead utility lines. Trees planted in the buffer zone shall not interfere with overhead utility lines. Note 6. Old Stock Housing. The ZBA may issue a special exception to reduce the open area requirement in the rear yard, if the ZBA determines: (i) the reduction is reasonably necessary to preserve or protect old stock housing as it then exists or as it may be proposed to be remodeled or expanded (up to a total gross floor area, for all buildings on the site, that does not exceed the greater of 3,400 square feet or 200% of the gross floor area of all the buildings on the site when the principal building was built, before 1980); and (ii) there will be no substantial adverse impact upon nearby properties. (Ord. No. 1798, § 1(ex. A), 5-23-2005; Ord. No. 1800, § 1(ex. A), 5-23-2005; Ord. No. 1872, § 1(ex. A), 4-28-2008; Ord. No. 2005 , § 1(Exh. A), 3-9-2015) General Rule: Every building site, garage space and related structure must conform to the applicable regulations shown, by District, in this table. Table 7-4a: Garage space ("N/A" means the rule does not apply.) Exceptions/Special Rules: (1) See special rules noted in table. (2) See Article 9 regarding Planned Development Districts. (3) See Note 1 regarding special exceptions. Item Regulation SF-1 SF-2 SF-3 TH GR-1 GR-2 C Minimum 2.0 per DU (1.0 per DU for old Garage parking Garage stock housing); each must be enclosed or spaces.See Minimum 2.0 per DU; each space, in semi-enclosed and adjoin a driveway. Article 10. must be enclosed. general Maximum 1.0 per 2,225 square feet of building site area, not to exceed 4.0. Minimum 12 ft. wide, 25 ft. deep (for garage parking ' Ten feet wide, 20 feet deep (for each each required garage parking space required garage parking space). space). dimensions Garage Maneuvering doors or See Article 10 area openings Door or Prohibited unless: (i)the garage door is set (May affect eligibility as opening facing !back ten feet or more from the front yard, QMDS. See definitions in Page 12 front street and (ii)there is only open area above the Article 2.) line. driveway for at least seven feet inward from the front yard, and (iii) any structure above the driveway (and within ten feet of the front yard) must be cantilevered or suspended from the building (no special posts or vertical supports being allowed). Prohibited unless: (i) the garage door is set back ten feet or more from the side street line, and (ii)there is only open area above the driveway for at least seven feet inward from the side street line, and (iii) any structure above the driveway (and within ten feet of the side street line) must be Door or cantilevered or suspended from the (May affect eligibility as opening facing building (no special posts or vertical QMDS. See definitions in side street line supports being allowed). Article 2.) Garage accessory Limit on non- Max. 600 sq. ft. GFA in any accessory buildings garage space N/A building containing garage space. Page 13 G S City of West University Place m APPLICATION TO THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ("CITY") Texas Address of site: 4260 Judson St. , Houston TX 77005 Legal description of the site: Lot 30 Block 5 of College court place a Subdivision in Harris co. Applicant: Darcy Marshall Address: 4260 Judson Contact: Joe Morgan Phone: 832-256-1210 Fax:713-664-0100 Email:joe@mritexas.com Decision or Action Requested(check one or more and provide requested data): ( ) Appeal. Hear and decide an appeal from an order, requirement, decision or determination made by the Administrative Official. • Is the official's action in writing? ( ) Yes; ( )copy is attached. ( )No, but the action appealed is as follows: • Exact zoning ordinance section(s) involved: • Grounds for appeal: ( ) Special Exception. • Exact zoning ordinance section that authorizes the special exception: • Exact wording of special exception requested: (x ) Variance. • Exact zoning ordinance section from which a variance is requested: a. Section 7-101 Regulations, tables, ect. Table 7-3 Open and Pervious Areas SF-3 rear Yard 60% open area b. Section 7-101 Regulations, tables, ect. Table 7-4a Garage space, garage accessory buildings Limit on non-garage space 600 sq feet • Exact wording of variance requested: a. Requesting a variance to replace existing garage in rear yard with a new garage of the same dimensions which would allowfor approximately 46.75%open area b. Requesting a variance to add a second floor to the new garage which would exceed the maximum 600 sq./ft. by approximately 190 sq./ft. Other Data. Are there drawings or other data? ( )No (x )Yes(list items here and attach them) Photos of site, Survey, Floor plan and elevation page Attached. The applicant has read the State a ity regulations attached. Signature of applicant: Date: — - (20.22-/ For Staff Use only Date filed:Fe 6, ,2 0 2 r" Date heard;(I 6- Z S, !O2tDocket#: 172_ Z /-00002 Form ZBA-102 NOTE: Section 11-104. -Variances for old stock housing. The ZBA may consider protection or preservation of old stock housing as a factor in determining whether the"hardship"test for a variance is met, either for such housing as it then exists or as it may be proposed to be remodeled or expanded. (Ord. No. 1798, § 1(ex. A), 5-23-2005; Ord. No. 1872, § 1(ex.A),4-28-2008) p�X 57" UU�`,�"'S City of West University Place ,„r. APPLICATION TO THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ("CITY") Address of site: 4260 Judson St. , Houston TX 77005 Legal description of the site: Lot 30 Block 5 of College court place a Subdivision in Harris co. Applicant: Darcy Marshall Address: 4260 Judson Contact: Joe Morgan Phone: 832-256-1210 Fax:713-664-0100 Email:joe@mritexas.com ITEM 1- SURVEY ITEM 2- Floor Plan and Elevation for New structure replace existing structure on the same footprint. ITEM 3-7 Photos of existing site. Showing back yard, side yard as well as a like structure in the adjacent yard. ITEM 8- excerpt from Code section 11-104 Reason for exception for variance for hardship. ITEM 9 New SITE plan with Tree disposition and overall layout of property Homeowner prays that you will see that they are asking to rebuild a new garage on the existing footprint of an existing garage and make improvements to add additional space for the family without leveling the old stock home and preserving that which has been Home for the family for many years. Overall,the base garage will be 443.75 sq feet With some of the space being used for storage and a washer dryer. 2nd floor will be 598.6 sq feet living quarters for aging parent to stay when visiting and future care. Using the math above we comply with Section B Using code section 11-104 we would like to pray to override New section 7-101 and ask to be allowed to continue with the Rebuild and replacement of what is now an unsafe garage/storage unit. With what will be a like structure improving the families living conditions for the well being of themselves and preservation of the close family neighborhood. LEGEND' Fut.MAC NON PCO PAL PONNRNNI ACCESS LOOM 1106 TMt WY""'""N• FLP.-MAO POM A[ PALL PUCK MITT EAIDUDIT 0 CONTROL MONUMENT -•ROCCO LORI MAMA MOS 511t. O INN NCO �O PAIR DuW T .PAnOWl LAC —rte-CRAM LFAI FRa ▪ltL•MUTT CA VtO! MOCHA ILO.LETAL POeT NIG.MAC NAADDN Ml.•t[TK MST P.1.•KMT P MVDICY AL.MAK G£410 V. TT Q01175 PLO WWIKR PE•PONT T TA CC ••••--••• •CASON/0 U[ —e—.marl IDLE 6L•NVWN [A>QP P.O6-PONT 4 .SAC G PAC.PONT OF R,DIZ aTOWA1C 86E•WNW NPR MUM IAD.- ON V QReWK. ►.GG.PONT a WIIOUD CT9YA719E —-� .YAR KNACK INC I ILLE••NOW E EA RIMI /L•MONO LDE Pl.•POW PN[ �\ •0[VAIIOI LLL.WOO P[FASCtON TO-TNM MAV.:.WARDED PVC MOT RAM IRS•RNR ILLS.-INANE 19 IIT ® 'PROJECT BENCHMARK X TDI INTO CC 8000 NOTE SCALE ELEVATOR:51.8' LOT 30.BLACK 7 8000 UNE 2 1-.20' F.LR 5/B'(BRS) PANEL R 450294 06'551 I TBF•TOP OF 801J0M FLOOR S 5278'SY 9-035' EMORY AVE I,FFECTIVE DATE:8-18.07 N 0.POMER POLE +MEM OR ▪ WATER EIER LOT 2 %a I_�� ' •WATER VALVE LOT 1 m- 0 F.LP.IMPS) 5 I417717'W-0W-0.32° • S . RID 211,P.( ) 5 20D6'S1'W-O40* t/ 1'. fii ? it:EAST 50.00, / ¢, _..-33 2 , 1 STORY N, CWCREIE . MALE + GARAGE RA O. tT1" 1''• \!' X Q 35.2 4k A. ,. 24.OAK i 51PE ° p 'se O O Li r ,Ct— i 44.OAK a e4 w ° DCCT NO 13. _ k I— O 1 °V 21.6 d LOT 29 Z p o: CD U 1 STORY O1 G 1 113'PINE FRAME r"t. 0/� n V to-PINE 0 �h 5.0 .y 2 CO 0 23.0 _._..x0.'M1 fr.'O • 8 0 P TT.4 AlPt o sy \A l OAK \, LOT 30 IV a• ✓ c BLOCK 5 O\ N R. �, e. it P WEST �° i 1/2' 60aocv s 50.00, N„ i ,ti 1t '• ti.4', 9DEWµX .- a\8 ItOVEpNEELECTRIC ...... ® •• ,to POYRT UNE SOLITARY SLIMS�"'`^ 4260 JUDSON STREET RM AVMA x:570 V (60' R.O.W.) ° Reviewed&Accepted by _,_Date / Dale LEGAL DESCRIPTION ANG BAS:KC.5117203,uatc LOT 30, BLOCK 5, OF COLLEGE COURT PLACE, A SUBDIVISION IN HARRIS COUNTY, LI SLINRE TD ANY aro Cl RECORDED AND RDE MENEM TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 7, PAGE 7 YO -SU AE DR ItDUDKAN1LY ABSMwCTED OF THE MAP OR PLAT RECORDS OF HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS. PROPERTY -UFDERCROUND UTUIY 06TA(IATONS.UNOIXGOUND IMPROVEMENTS. FOUNOATOFcs ANO/OR MIT UNDERGROUND ADDRESS STRUCTURES WERE MOT LOCATED BY TBS SURVEY 4260 JUDSON STREET -1165 SURVEY IS CERMET FORTIS DARCY MARSHALL . TRANSACTOR 0NIY.5 6 NOT TROISOERA&E TO AOOMONAL INSTITUTORS OR SUMMON OWNERS -7165 SURVEY WAS COMPLETED WITHOUT THE BMW Of A 1111.E REFOLD/COMMITMENT, J08 11 1602157 400403NAL BUDDING 5(18VCK UNES,EASEMENTS OR RICINS-OF-WAY MAY APPLY r-5 0 F T '.. -SUBJECT TO 2DORG AND&RUING ORDINANCES JA '( *i..."-....,.. ''1 DATE 3-2-16 E 6GRCW BY LOCAL M1.0CIPALIT6 /�P:GtSTER•.-j- -ALL ELEVATORS BASED ON WEST 1RKVER9FY 6, /v f•,T \ B ENCHAARII 11.1180088,200140/ 0 :•p °:J'# CF. N/A /r TA: P. HM 1'"' '/ ' PRO-SURV ' r,' ', r P.O.80K 1366,FRIENDSWOOD.TX 77549 '1 '•'.f. ''•. FJ PHONE 281-996-1113 FAX: 281-996-0012 '`• SUR1� ' (MAD: DrdmatoproAurv.DPt T.B.P.LS.FIRM/10119300 I OO Ham axon THAT THIS SURVEY WAS TNS DAY MADE ON TIE COLT sumo MIS SNN OK sRIEIPRS D8WPL GROW)OF 11E PROPERTY LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREON(06 W ATTADEO 901ATUIE AR NN8C 194E NO CONA¢T OVIP SHEET).AND THERE ARE NO ENCROAD1NENTS EXCEPT AS SHOWN AND WAS R TIE IINNTORS NR (AL RON NO OFPNON DONE BY LE OR UNDER MY SMVERV1901.AND=CORMS 10 OP EXCEEDS THE CURRENT STAiIMOS AS ADOPTED BY THE TEXAS BOARD OF 0 2010 PRO-S1/RV•ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PROFESSIONAL LAND SURIEYINO. 1 Xi'3OYNOD:VS69•Ll6-t9Z 1 NO1S(lOH , 133815 NOSGnI09Lb j A3SWb2J GIAVG AV(' 1 of WX3 33N3GIS321liVHS21VW I ABa3On0ad 3 Q1 S1N3Wf100a N011D11M1SNOJ — S 5 i S I U I Q V aab " @ . - g E3 i'i 3: 1 i '6i 'E lv'g 4 Y, £E 31 Rz{e4 114 " Mgr tt, A` it t, ,g g 5• q ;off''� b nc_ ���t. 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'14,01(4i1' ''' l''''''f ' ' ' -1"1111''"liii•Alt:',S,41.44.L.11,:',.':‘, ' ,.....m*"1"v1-::711,1111 ,.r .. 4, A ,r b 1 a ` • '" .� i 3 )�?, Y"�'C31,� SWT' "„na$ S ” *: ¢.,w... i �. e +�, . , p i'"• w & 5 i ", 3,4 Of , S ro� z il . t#r tti ,gyp. � i 4010.144. p 3 4 6 4 x y.1.•� �v"� E. � �g.VL i 4. r rt g ..a *zs e °app ...• .w'. Section 11-104. -Variances for old stock housing. The ZBA may consider protection or preservation of old stock housing as a factor in determining whether the "hardship" test for a variance is met, either for such housing as it then exists or as it may be proposed to be remodeled or expanded. (Ord. No. 1798, § 1(ex. A), 5-23-2005; Ord. No. 1872, § 1(ex. A), 4-28-2008) TREE DISPOSITION PLAN 1. 44" OAK [EXISTING TO REMAIN] 2. 13" PINE [EXISTING TO REMAIN] 3. 10" PINE [EXISTING TO REMAIN] 4. 11" OAK [EXISTING TO REMAIN] 5. 14" OAK [EXISTING TO REMAIN] SCALE 1'=20' 6. 24" OAK [EXISTING TO REMAIN] N. **ALL EXISTING TREES ARE —31f. • TO REMAIN AS IS s 1 FLOOD NOTE J LOT 30, BLOCK 7 FLOOD ZONE: X F.I.R. 5/8'(BRS) PANEL* 480296 0855L S 5216'5r W-0.35' EMORY AVE EFFECTIVE DATE: 6-18-07 LOT 1 LOT 2 o 0 Lo F.I.P. 1/2-(BRS) S 41.2717'W-0.32' FND 2'M.P.(BR$) S 20'06'31'W-0.40' y,0 sn. y s r.EAST 50.00' I ' CONCRETE PROPOSED GARAGE If 72'-Zr I APARTMENT b.. xk. ,w +k yj ,' CONCRETE FOUNDATION 4)i y,, 1r,k5. C"1 h - _J lr e`° 1 °�� h19 fi .10 (8.) .� BRICK 1 ♦O LLJ ;. f N. 10 I. r d O > I 0 EXISTING COVERED O O g'4• 'k c 0 0 `g 0 ^ • h1ti 0. (1.) c DECK g 't X 9 c I— O ` ' I 6 ; 5 zP tis D (OD EXISTING CO (2.) 1 STORY I FRAME RESIDENCE 0 x C) (3.) O I COVERED = CONCRETE _ yN:b I- 1 .y I— O' g1. fi1' D �6 0 TBF� O e` �'6 01) !r. 61,4 *a ti, (n 5 1 •' (4) e~t.'it, ',, LOT 30 D 5`' `' BLOCK 5 1 04- 61%z; e s. mm s iP WEST F3.: 50.00' 'er y—'7 r• 1g S ® 0N• . — — '�w` — — ,,,7r ( ') 1‘ `OVERHEAD ELECTRIC '5, , POWER UNE ! ‘'.' ''i' 'g' `' BACK OF CURB !r s IV SANITARY SEWER 4260 JUDSON STREETMANHOLE !! RIM ELEVATION:51.0 (60' R•0•W) !•D') \-). — — hCENTER-9F-STREET h — — LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 30, BLOCK 5, OF COLLEGE COURT PLACE, A SUBDIVISION IN HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 7, PAGE 7 OF THE MAP OR PLAT RECORDS OF HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS. Subdivision: WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE Address: 4260 JUDSON Scale: 1"=20' Date: 12-29-20 The City of West University Place A Neighborhood City NOTICE OF ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT HEARING Notice is hereby given of a regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustments to be held via teleconference set to begin at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday,February 25, 2021. The hearing may be recessed and continued to a ZBA meeting set to begin at 6:30 p.m. on March 25,2021. Due to the COVID 19 Disaster and CDC'S recommendation regarding social distancing measures, the public will not be allowed to by physically present at this meeting. Zoning Board of Adjustments will be meeting via teleconference and will be audible to members of the public and allow for two-way communications for those desiring to participate. The information to join the meeting will be posted at a later date online. Address of the site: 4260 Judson St.,Houston,TX 77005 Legal Description: LOT 30 BLOCK 5 OF COLLEGE COURT PLACE A SUBDIVISION IN,Harris County,Texas Docket Number: 2021-0002 Applicant: Darcy Marshall Action Requested: Request a variance to replace existing garage in rear yard with a new garage of the same dimensions which would allow for approximately 46.75%open area and to add a second floor to the new garage which would exceed the maximum 600 sq. ft. by approximately 190 sq.ft. Additional Details: Section 7-101 Regulations,Tables, etc. Table 7-3 Open&Pervious Areas Open area Rear yard 60%minimum Proposing approximately 47%open area Table 7-4a Garage Space Garage accessory buildings. Limit on non-garage space 600 sq. ft. gross floor area. Proposing approximately 790 sq. ft. gross floor area Applicable regulations include the City's Zoning Ordinance,Code of Ordinances,Chapter 211 of the Texas Local Government Code and the rules of the ZBA. The application is available on the city's website at www.westutx.gov. Additional details on such matters, as well as the applicable regulations are also available for public inspection in the Public Works Center,3826 Amherst,West University Place,77005. Any person interested in such matters should attend the hearing. If you plan to attend this public meeting and you have a disability that requires special arrangements at the meeting,please contact the Chief Building Official at 713-662-5830 in advance of the meeting.Reasonable accommodations will be made to assist your participation in the meeting.The Municipal Building is wheel chair accessible from the West and Southwest entrances and specially marked parking spaces are available in the Southwest parking area. Signed: Clay Chew,for the ZBA posted and mailed on or before February 15,2021. cchew@westutx.gov 713-662-5830 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov DAVIG PROPERTIES LLC FU LANG & DAN LIN SCHIFFER GRAEME F& MARY A 8922 JACKWOOD ST 4207 LEHIGH AVE 5616 COMMUNITY DR (C/O 4260 JUDSON AVE) (C/O 5612 COMMUNITY DR) HOUSTON TX 77005-1904 HOUSTON TX 77036-7330 HOUSTON TX 77005-1934 VAN HORN JAMES M & FRANCES POPE JOSEPH G BEARD THOMAS S & LYNN B E M DEAR PO BOX 27277 5628 COMMUNIT YDR 5620 COMMUNITY DR (C/O 5624 COMMUNITY DR) HOUSTON TX 77005-1904 HOUSTON TX 77005-1904 HOUSTON TX 77277-2722 QUEST IRA INC FBO THOMAS BEARD IRA WIZIG-BARRIOS RENEE E BARRIOS- COX ANDREW M & ROLAND CHRISINA L #3011721 GUTIERREZ ALVARO J 5640 COMMUNITY DR 17171 PARK ROW STE 100 (C/O 5632 COMMUNITY DR) 5636 COMMUNITY DR HOUSTON TX 77005-1904 HOUSTON TX 77084-4935 HOUSTON TX 77005-1904 AITKEN-DAVIES E SUMICEK RONALD E PENOLI CONSTANCE & PENOLI 5704 COMMUNITY DR 5714 COMMUNITY DR MARGARET HOUSTON TX 77005-1918 HOUSTON TX 77005-1918 5715 COMMUNITY DR HOUSTON TX 77005-1917 KUZMA BRIAN CURRENT OWNER MUKHERJEE SUPRIYO 5712 SIMMONS ST 4245 JUDSON AVE 4249 JUDSON AVE HOUSTON TX 77005-1938 HOUSTON TX 77005-1926 HOUSTON TX 77005-1926 HARTE LAUREN & HARGROVE KEVIN HOROWITZ JEFFREY I AMOR ISMAEL HERNANDEZ 4253 JUDSON AVE 4238 JUDSON AVE 4242 JUDSON AVE HOUSTON TX 77005-1926 HOUSTON TX 77005-1927 HOUSTON TX 77005-1927 CURRENT OWNER DEMPSEY GEORGE A&JENNIFER B CURRENT OWNER 4248 JUDSON AVE 4250 JUDSON AVE 4252 JUDSON AVE HOUSTON TX 77005-1927 HOUSTON TX 77005-1927 HOUSTON TX 77005 PRIEBE WALDEMAR &TERESA SHEKAR MEGHAN &SUKESH TRAN MICHAEL &TEP CHRISTINA L 4239 EMORY AVE 4253 EMORY AVE 4247 EMORY AVE HOUSTON TX 77005-1922 HOUSTON TX 77005-1922 HOUSTON TX 77005-1922 OLIVERO ANTHONY& CAROL SANCHEZ GABRIEL FLORES ANDREWS ELIZABETH B 4251 EMORY AVE 4255 EMORY AVE 4259 EMORY AVE HOUSTON TX 77005-1922 HOUSTON TX 77005-1922 HOUSTON TX 77005-1922 JONES ROBERT& CARRIE MCCOURT OSTERMEIER RICHARD M & %RICAHRD ALVAREZ PEDRO J &ADELA 4260 EMORY AVE 0 OSTERMEIER REVOCABLE TRUST 4252 EMORY AVE HOUSTON TX 77005-1923 4256 AVE HOUSTON TX 77005-1923 HOUSTON TX 77005-1923 ROSICH KRISTEN & ROBERT 4248 EMORY AVE HOUSTON TX 77005-1923 Josie Hayes From: Clay Chew Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2021 12:33 PM To: Josie Hayes Subject: FW: 4260 Judson, docket 2021-0002 Clay Chew Chief Building Official City of West University Place 3826 Amherst, West University Place,TX 77005 Te1713.662.5830 Fax713.662.5304 ATTENTION PUBLIC OFFICIALS: This email, plus any attachments, may constitute a public record of the City of West University Place and may be subject to public disclosure under the Texas Public Information Act. A"reply to all" of this e-mail could lead to violations of the Texas Open Meetings Act. Please reply only to the sender. Original Message From: Tony Olivero <olivero@pocketsoft.com> Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2021 11:10 AM To: Clay Chew<CChew@westutx.gov> Cc: Carol Olivero <sweetmaries@gmail.com> Subject:4260 Judson, docket 2021-0002 CAUTION:This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. Hi Clay, We are the homeowners at 4251 Emory and received the notice for the variance at 4260 Judson. We are in favor of the variance being granted. Thanks, Tony Olivero 713-408-8086 1 Josie Hayes From: Clay Chew Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2021 5:02 PM To: Josie Hayes Subject: FW: 4260 Judson Avenue Clay Chew Chief Building Official City of West University Place 3826 Amherst, West University Place,TX 77005 Tel 713.662.5830 Fax713.662.5304 ATTENTION PUBLIC OFFICIALS: This email, plus any attachments, may constitute a public record of the City of West University Place and may be subject to public disclosure under the Texas Public Information Act. A"reply to all" of this e-mail could lead to violations of the Texas Open Meetings Act. Please reply only to the sender. Original Message From: Maritza <mmantu80@yahoo.com> Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2021 4:56 PM To: Clay Chew<CChew@westutx.gov> Subject: 4260 Judson Avenue CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. Good evening, We have no objection to the addition at 4260 Judson Avenue. Thank you, Maritza 4252 Judson Avenue 832-566-6752 1 Josie Hayes From: Clay Chew Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2021 5:02 PM To: Josie Hayes Subject: FW: Variance Clay Chew Chief Building Official City of West University Place 3826 Amherst, West University Place, TX 77005 Tel 713.662.5830 Fax 713.662.5304 Q In ATTENTION PUBLIC OFFICIALS: This email,plus any attachments,may constitute a public record of the City of West University Place and may be subject to public disclosure under the Texas Public Information Act. A"reply to all"of this e-mail could lead to violations of the Texas Open Meetings Act.Please reply only to the sender. From:torn beard <beardts@gmail.com> Sent:Thursday, February 25, 2021 4:55 PM To: Clay Chew<CChew@westutx.gov> Subject: Variance CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise caution when opening attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. I have no problem with any improvements with the house at the corner of Community and Judson. Any variance in the land to building size is not a problem to me. Tom Beard 5628 Community