HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes_1953 ~\ \J t(.J ~ C\l ~ ~ <t: o f'i I \ I I I ' , I ~, ii), MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY.12, 1953 The City Council qonvened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, January 12, .1953, 7: 30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Goff, Hallgs, Mooney and Nisbet~ The City Secretary and City Attorney were also present. The invocation was pronounced by Mayor Morris. Mr. James ,Lewellen, 2605 Talbot Street, President of the West University Lion's Club appeared before City Council requesting that water and Sewer charges for the Scout House located on the West University Elementary School grounds be waived'. Mr. Lewellen stated tl;1a.t the West University Lion's Club was inter- ested in financing improvements for recreation facilities and suggested that City Council obtain approval from the Houston Independent School District for permission to use ~est University Elementary School Grounds for a baseball dia~ond arid for permission to erpct bleacher seats and install lighting facili- ties'for night use. Mayor Morris advised Mr. Lewellen his request and sug- gestions would be considered by-City Council and he would be advised of their decision in the immedia.te future. Minutes of the Zoning Board meeting held onj January 8, 1953, were submitted to the Council for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Ccimmissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Goff that Mr. Kirksey Young, 6001 Charlotte Street be permitted to erect a5 x 14 Ft. Addition to the sotithside of his existing' garage, instead of 4 x 29 Ft. as orig:i;nally request'ed,for purpose of storing niowers and +awn 'tools; subject to execution of affidavit tha~ the addition will 'not be used for commercial purpo~es. \. Voting Aye: Voting N'o : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet.' None Minute.s of 'the Electrical Board meeting held. on January 5, 1953, were submitted to the Council for consideration. After a review of the recommendations from the Electrical>Board, it was the Council's opinion that the matter be r~ferred . b,ack to the Electrical Board for further information. In comPliance with Council action on December 15, 1952, a tabulation of bids , received:b,n that' da;t;;e for furnishing truck cab, chassis, and body for the' Garbage';>>e,p&rtniE!1:ltwas submitted to the Council with a recommendation that the bids of Inte'rt:lational Harvester' Company and South Texas Truck Equipment Company' be accepted. . Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff that the bid of Intet'nationalRarvester Company for delivery of one 1953 Model International Truck cab and chassis for the sum of $2,385.78 and the bid of South Texas Truck, Equipment Company for furnishing one special garbage and brush truck body in accoraance with speCifications for the sum of $1680.00 be accepted and a purchase order issued.. Voting Aye: Voting No.: ~yor Morris, Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and, Nisbet. None . ,~i-f!l:~'1J'" <> iii;IIT] li"r-r'-' ~~'="1 I r" r"'C~l -r 74. ''-...r It W1;!.S recommended that Mr. Chas. S. Taylor, .Jr. be appointed a member of the Zoning and Planning Board to serve with other members appointed on Novemb~r 10, 1952. Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by_Commissioner Goff that ~~ Chas. -5. Taylor, Jr. be appointed as member of the Zoning and Planning Board., Voting Aye: Voting No : , , Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. None The Council was advised that Mr. Claude V. Reynolds had been elected by the Volunteer Fire Department to serve as Chief: of that Department for the yea,r 1953. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that Claude V. Reynolds be appointed Chief' of the Fire.Department for the year 1953. Voting Aye: ~yor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. Voting No :. None - , - The City Secretary advised the City Council that by letter agreement from the Houston Lighting and Power Company the city was entitled to 7'tree street, lights during the year 1953 and asked c~uncirts decision whether additional lights should be installed or credit taken for' street lights already in ser- ~ice. ' Motion-by Commissioner Mooney, seconde4 by Commissioner Nisbet that the City Secretary be instructed to place the street 'lights offered by the Houston' Lighting & Power Company as needed,and that credit be taken for the remainder Which are not needed,at this time. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. None The Council was advised that an inspection had been made of the Community Building and it was determined that :the building was heavily infested with termites .,' Bids for treatment of this infestation were received from three con- cerns with quotations a~ follows: Long Exterminating Company $175.00 - 2 year control ser- vice. $25.00 per year for addition~l -treat- ment. $682.75 - Origfnal<~reatment with 2 year contract. $75.00 per year for re- newal charge. $186.oo - Original treatment with one year, service. Additional 4 years service @ $17.50 per year. \ West University P~st Control Service Howell Termite Control Company Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Goff that the proposal ...."',- - . I:~--=-- --'-~l. .~ ./ l i II , , i : !--.J {., i-I ! i ~, r l '----.j 1.0 C':J {.'\l <C ~~ <:( r-, i I I I \...----,' r-j 1 i [ ! \ ! '---' '0l'~"f'll4~W";~;'JI 75 of Howerl Termite Control Company be accepted and a contract be entered into for a' 5 year period. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, MoonEi!Y and Nisbet. None The Council was advised that the contract with the City of Souths ide for use of the West University garbage disposal facilities had exPired. on December 31, 1952. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs, that a contract with the City of Souths ide for garbage disposal facilities by the City of West University be negotiated for a period of one year for a fee of $IOO per month. Voting Aye: . Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. Voting No: None Pursuant to Council's instructions Chief of Police H. E. Shipp submitted a written recommendation concerning the elimination of the one-way street provisions on Edlbe between University and Rice which was' established by ordinance for the , purpose of controlling traffic during school hours. It was the recommendation of Chief Shipp that the provisions establishing Edloe as a one-way street be- tween University 'and Rice be retained but.the'street be opened to two-way traffic on a.. trial basis. After conSidering the Chief t s recommendation and advising with City Attorney Karl Kraft, the City Council agreed' to defer the matter until a, recommendation was received from the Parent Teacher's Asso'ciation. A recommendation was also received from the Chief of Police that Wakeforest be, des,ignated as a through street a,nd "Stop" signs be installed at intersections with e:xception of' University, R,ice and Sunset. Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that Wakeforest be designated as a through street and reflectorized "Stop" signs be installed at intersectiqns with exception of University, Rice and Sunset, as recommended by the Chief of Police. Voting Aye: 'Voting No:: Mayor Morris jCommissioners Goff, Hangs ,Mooney a1',ld Nisbet. None' A letter from the ctty Secretary recommending that $240,000 in surplus funds be placed on Time Deposit for a period of 90'days at 2% interest was submitted to Council for c:onsideration. Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Goff that funds available for investment at this time be placed on Time Deposit for a period of 90 days at 2!{0 interest. Voting Aye : Mayor Morris ;, ,Commissioners Goff, Hangs ,Mooney and Nisbet. V oting No: None Pursuant to prior instructions the City Secretary submitted a report of an in- vestigation made todeter.mine cost of repairs for the PumP in water well No. 3 together with an, estimated cost of a new pump, motor, column and shaft designed IL .-J-- "-.---.-:-- "j_~H.~_.__ :::I.; ,'1-' :. r:_--. -.~.1 _____ _ . "n~~---- 76 for greater efficiency and higher capacity. After reviewing the report, it was determi.ned advisable and more economical to purchase a new motor, column, pump a_nd, shaft for installation in water well No. 3 as the Old: "pump and equip"'": ment was approximately 18 years old. Motion by Commissioner -Hang~, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that plans and specifications be prepared bY,the City Engineer and Water Superintendent and the City Secretary be ins~ructed to advertise for bids to be received until 7:30 P.M. Friday, January 30, 1953, for a new water pump, column, shaft, eleetric motOr and other necessary parts. Voting A:ye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. None \ " 'Mr. Irvin Brackman appeared before the Council at this time and present the City with two bound volume~ of the Southwest. Times containing editions published from SepteIJlber 28, 1950, through August 28, 1952. " Resolution No. 53-1, as fo~lows, was submitted to the Council for consideration and read in full: RESOLUTION WHERJ1:AS, Charle~ S. Taylor, Jr." has served a.s City Attorney of the City of West Ulfiversity Place, Texas,froin the lst ~y of December, 1950, until the 31st day of December, 1952," having 'been, required to r~t.ire ,from such position: by the ever-inc~easing demands upon his time and energies made by his position with one of the large c?rporationsof this area; and WHEREAS, during his tenure of office as City Attorney, Charles S. Taylor, Jr., did distinguish himself by the capable and efficient manner in which he execute~ thedut,ies Of 'such office and the aggressive spirit exhibited in copin€i with problems, both of major and minor import, with which he was con- fronted; and '.' l WHEBl!!AS, during his tenure of office as City Attorney, Charles S. Taylor Jr., has, in the eXecution of the duties incident to such position, maintained and exhibited a'deeply human interest in an approach toward the proble~ of the citizenry and of the employees of ,this city, which conduct has qontributed in large measur~'toward 'the successful, efficient and harmonious functioning of the cit'yadministrati~n at a.ll e'schelons; and . \ ' , ~, during his tenure ?f offic~ as City Attorney, Charles S. Taylor, Jr., has endeared himself to all with whom he was associated in the administration of the affairS Of the Cit-.y of West University Place, ,Texas, and by the manner in which h~ 'conducted 'his duties in connection therewith, has earned th-eir ad- miration ,atid , respect; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas being fully cognizant of the sacrifices made by Charles S. Taylor, Jr., to the end that he might properly execute the duties, o^f City Attorney and being fully aware' of the~xemplary manner in which Charles S. Taylor, Jr., has ful~illed the requirements of the said offic~, is desirous of expressing its appreciation, .1';" rn=~~~' -..., ,.. r" , ,,[ "1'" , '.'--- ----. ~" nrn:l I I I ----' ;- ') i '--1 'r; ! f -------....J 'j 1, as well as that of the citizens of this city, for the servicerende~ed by this outstanding civic minded citizen. New THEREFORE, be it resolved. by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas: (' '11':::) "'f"", ~, "J C~ <:C ,....'~ < 1. Tl1a.t the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, acting for and on behalf of the citizens of said City, expresses its deep appreciatio~ to Charles S. Taylor, Jr., for the manner in w~ich he has exe- cutedthe duties of the office of City Attorney of this city from the 1st day of December, 1950, until his retirement on the 3lst qay of Decembet, 1952, and for his many contributions, over and above the requirements of such office, toward the civic improvement of this community. , 2. Be it further resolved by the City Commission that this Resolution be spread upon the Minute!? of the Commission as a token of the City's l,3.'ppreciation to Charles,S. Taylor, Jr., and further, that copies hereof be furnished to the press.' Passed a.nd adopted this thel2t~ day of' January, 1953. . , . Motion by CommissionerMoone~, seconded byCammissioner Nisbet that R~solution No. 53-1, expressing appreciation to Mr. Charles S. Taylor, Jr. for services rendered to the city while serving as City Attorney, be ,passed and approved as read. . , ' . ' (------. r \. Voting Aye: . Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet ! Voting. No: None j '-~' A letter from Mr. C. E. G~.:L1;'teqU:esting deferment of. his retiremen1:; and ex- .. pressing his intention of re~i~ing from employment of the city on December 31, 1953 wa/3 submitted to the Council. Resolution 53-2, as follows, was subniitted to the Council for consideration and read in full: 'RESOLUTION WHEREAS, C. E. Gammill, Treasurer and. Tax Assessor and Collector of the City of Weat T,Tniversity Place, Texas, is over sixty-five (65) years of age and has completed more than fifteen' (15) years of credible service as, an employee of the City of West University Place, Texas, thereby qualifying for service retire~nt benefits under the terms and provisions of The Texas Municipal Re- tirement Act ; and WHEREAS, Section VII, Subsection, 1, Paragraph C, of the Texas Municipal Retirement Act provides that any employee who has completed fifteen ( 15) years of service and has reached the age of sixty-five (65) years shall retire, pro- , , vided, however, that in exceptional cases and for substantial cause such re- tirement may be deferred by mu~ual consent of the employee and the municipality from year to year for a period of not to exceed one (1) year at any time; ,and ',WHEREAS, the said C. E. Gammill, whose retirement was heret'Ofore deferred for' the year 1952 by Resolution of the City Commission of th~ City of West ' ~)t~~'n"E~'O_'-P:~- r;"i I' "'T' "-, "1 '['"'''''' '," "" r--~----'- .---.,., "F';;ITI'TI' 78 <: University Place, Texas, passed and adopted on the 8th day of October, 1951~ has expressed a desire to continue as Treasurer and Tax Assessor and Collector of' th~ City of' West University Place, Texas.. f'or the year 1953, and has re- 'quested deferment of his retirement for such year by letter dated December 29, 1952 , in which said letter he expressed his intention of retiring from such employmeni' on the 3lst day of December,' 1953; and . WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, that the retirement of C. E. Gammill be deferred for the year 1953'and that he co~tinue in his present employment as Treasurer and Tax Assessor and Collector of such City until December 31, 1953; , ,~ 1 ,~ NOW, TBEREFOBE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST> UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: That In' ~accordance with the provisions of Section VII,. Subsection 1, Paragraph C, of The Texas Municipal R~tirementAct, the retirement of' C. E. Gammill, 'Treasurer and Tax Assessor and Collector of the City of' West ,University Place, h Texas, is her~by deferred for a period of one (I) year beginning December 31, 1952, and ending December 31, 1953, during which time he, 'the said C. E. Gammill, shall continue in his present capacities as Treasurer and Tax'Assessor and Collector of the City of West University Place, Texas. Passed and adopted this, the 12th day of January, 1953. Motion by Commissioner ~isbet, second~d by Commissioner Goff that Resolution deferring retirement of C. E. Ga.rmnill, Treasurer and Tax Assessor and Collector of' the City of' West University Place until December 31, 1953, be passed and adopted as read. ' . -.\ --...-1 , Voting Ay~: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. Voting No : None Resolution No. 53-3, as f'ollows, was submitted to the Council for consideration and read 'in full: RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED BY TEE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CIty OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: _ 1. The Resolution 'heretofore passed on the 26th day of November, 1951, establishing the salary schedule for police of'ficers of the police department and paid firemen of the fire department of the City of West University Place, Texas, "as follows: POLICE DEPARTMENT 1. Starting salary, patrolman, during six months probationary period $245.00 per month r~ ---. I = r' -.. - . .~ ..--- ::r'lldj ~l 79 II, I I i ! ,L....J 2. Salary, patrolman, after six months probationary period, and until end of one year of continuous service. $255.00 per month 3. Salary, patrplma.n, after one year of cOl:\tinuous service $270.00 per month FfRE DEPAR~ 1. Starting salary, fireman, during six months pro- bationary period $235.00 per month 1l\) cv:J C\1 .,.... --..... '"-:;> ..:::t 2. Salary, fireman, after six months probationary periqd $245.00 per month 3. Salary, fireman, after one yea.r of continuous service, $255.00 per month 'which said Resolution supplanted and superseded the Resolution of the City Commission of the city of West UniverSity Place, Texas, dated March 26, 195J.., establishing such schedule, is hereby supplanted and superseded. , . " ( 1 2. u,Tbe salary schedule- for police officers of. the police department and I I ,the paid firemen of the fire department of the City of West University Place, L...' TexaS, is hereby established as follows : POLICE DEPARTMENT 1. Starting salary, patrolman, during six months pr?- bationary period $250.00 per month 2. Salary, patro'lman, after siX months probationary period, a~d until end of one year of continuous service $265.00 per month , . 3. Salary, patrolman, after one year of continuous service. $290.00 per month FIRE DEPARTMENT L Starting salary, fireman, during six months pro- bationaryperiod $240.00 per month !~-\ 2. Salary, fireman, after six months probationary period . $255.00 per month 3. Salary, fireman, a.fter one year of continuous service $275.00 . per month -~'''l'W'<t1:-'" I- ~~~C=:=,::'::::1 .L..= 1---' ~'-'.:1 -'-------:r_.u---....----'-.'u. ""'.--111'11::r:l 8.0 3. The salary schedule for patrolmen and firemen hereby established shall be effective as of the date of the :passage and adoption of this Resolution. Passed, and adopted this the 12th ,day of January, 1953. ) I ,~ Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the Reso-'~ lution, establishing salary schedule for empJpyees of the Fire and Pc;>lice De- partments be passed and adopted as read. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. None The Council requested that'a recommendation be obtained from the Health Board and Health Officer for measures to b~ taken in connect,ion with -polio pre- ' vention and health protection.. ' The City Secre~ry advised that through an oversight the salary of Mrs. Vera Gilbreath, Billing Clerk for the Water Billing Pepartment had been increased only'$IO in the 1953 budget and other office personnel t s salary was increased $15.00. It was the recommendation of the City Secretary that the salary of Mrs. Vera Gilbreath ,be increased $5.00 per month. ' Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the 1953 budget be increasedto.appropriate an additional $5.00 per month for the salary of Mrs. Vera,Gilbreath in order that the i-pcrease wi;!.l be commensurate with other office 'employees. Voti-ng Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Ha:ngs, Moi.::mey and Nisbet. None ;-~l ~ Minutes of the 'meeting of December 22, 1952, were read and approved. With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ,~ )/Ik~ , Mayor ATTEST: ~~1;.!,'~H~~""~ ' IL__,,:C=::=:=[:==::Jl. " 'L: .ut .:.,J. ..r-----'--'----'--- ""jilTI;]] -------- / ' I \ Li !lQ ,(~ C\} "-"1:: a-:> c:=c ( -i I i \ J ~l MINUTES' OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 26 , 1953 The City Council con~ened in regular session at the City BaIlon Monday, January 26, 1953, 7:30 P.M. with the f'ollowing meiilbers present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Gof'f, Hangs, and Mooney. Commissioner Nisbet was absent. The City Secretary and City Attorney were pr~sent. Minutes of the Zoning Board meeting held on January 22, 1953, were submitted to the COl,lncil for consideration and the following action taken: " )1otion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Bangs, that the request of Mr.. F. A; Doepke, 3111 Rol?i'Ohood" toe:nclose an op.en concrete pa~io whi,ch exte'Q.ds 3, Ft. beyond the front set back line be approved subject to an opinion by the City Attorney that a public. hearing is not necessary. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Gof'f, Bangs, and Mooney. Voting No : -None Motio~ by Commissione~Mooney, secdnde~ by COmmissioner Bangs that action of the Zoning Board concerning the requests of Mrs. Virginia Tartoue, Mr. Edwin Hurt, and Mr. J. R. . Drury be confirmed. . . Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Mor:r:is; Commissioners Goff, H~ngs, and Mooney. None' , t The minutes of' a Plumbing Board meeting held on January 19, 1953, were sub- mitted to the Counc'il for consideration. The' City Secretary was instructed to adYise' city employees performing plumbing work in violation of the city's plumbing code that such violations must cease. Mayor Morris, reported to Council on results of a meeting with Mrs. Harry Turner relative to improvements of the Poor Farm Ditch. Mr. Morris stated that the diversionary ditch proposed by the City, of Houston was very necessary before improvements are made on the section of' the Poor Farm Ditch in West University Place and Southside. The Council appointed a steering committee consisting of the following: ' , J. E. Winfree Charles A. ,Gillan Orten W. Sollie Mrs. Barry Turner James Ha.mm.ond DuPree Holman The Council discussed advisability of creating a new position of Assistant Fire Chief' and Fire Marshal. Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the City Attorney be 'instructed to, prepare the necessary ordinance creating the position of Assistant Fire Chief, Fire Marshal and that Mr. G. E. King be appointed to fill this position ef'fective February 1, 1953~ Voting Aye: . Ma~r Morris; Commissioners Goff ,Hangs and Mooney Voting No None. .2 ~~~"'f' -r ,C i'lIITI fi71=~ , '" '>"r ""'I~~~ 82 A letter from the Lantex Construction Company, 2701 Danville Street in the City of Houston requesting a temporary water connection for a period not to exceed 8 months was submitted to Council forconsideration~ J Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the request from Lantex Construction Company, ,2701 Danville Street for ~ temporary water connection for a period not to exceed ,8 months be approved. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff J: Hangs and Moo~ey. None A letter of recommendation for chan.ging regulations on Edloe'-Btreet between University and Rice Blvd.. to permit two-way traffic was receiv,ed from ~ss Zelpha Shumate of ,the West UniversitY-Elementary School. ':... ](otion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff that the City Attorney be "instructed to prepare' the necessary ordinance changing the traffic regulations on Edloe Street to permit two-way traffic on Edloe Street between University and Rice Blvd. during the 8 A.M. period but retaining one-way traffic at 2:45 t? 3:15 P.M. during the time school is being dismissed. ' ' Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor'Morris; COmID1ssionersGoff, Hangs and Mooney. None The City Secretary submitted a letter outlining the cash position of the city's bank accounts with respect to available funds not immediate~y required for operation which revealedtihere was approximately $240,00 available for short term investment; the bulk of the available funds being crea..:t;ed by 1952 qurrent tax collections and cash surplus carried over from the preceding year in the water, sewer a.nd general fund. The City Secretary recommended that the $240,000 qf.ava.ilaple funds b~ placed on 2 percent time deposit with the Uni- versity State Bank. in lieu of being invested in 91 day Treasury Bills as has been the customary proced.4re. Motiouby Commi~siouer,Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff that the City Trea- surer De authorized to :place on time deposit with the University State Bank, $240,000 of available fun~s f~r a period of 90 days.to bear 2% interest. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor ltIorris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney. None TbeCouncil,was advised that the question had arisen as to the city's re- sponsibi1ityofpaY1ng for the paving frontin~ 10 Ft. on Academy Street whiCh is the S. 10 Ft. of Lot 8, Block 22, College Court Addition where a lift station has been installed by the ci~y. , Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Co~ssioner Goff that the City pay for the paving adjacent to the S. 10 Ft~ of Lot 8; Block 22, Coll~ge Court Addition due to the fact the city has erected a structure on this portion of the lot. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney. None i ! i 1 I I '--' ,..,......,.""<~,>;"'~,'"..,".' l'-. ,.,".__~~_-r~-"=.'~'_~~ :"'-"'~'::'._:1__~_. .._, ~--'-'--------:-r"------- - - - 7-'--'~,--" :"- 'm'II~~J~1 , , '-./ fl L, 1I":l CV:> CN ~ ~' <.e rl L,J I ,.'~t~r>;.~'.' 83, With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon Dfotion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed. ***************~ ~~.City Council convened in :r:ecessed sessi.on on Friday, January 30, 1953, 7:30P.M. at theCity-lIall With the following members present; :Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney. 'The City Secretary was also present.,' Commissioner Nisbet and the City Attorney were absent. The Council 'convened in reces~ed session for the purpose of' considering bids for furnishing 300 Ft. .of column, shafting, a deep well 'turbine pump and 50 H.P. electrick motor to be installed in Well No.- 3.' City Secretary-Whitt- Johnson advised'that only one bj"d bad been received, that l;>eing ~rom Layne TexasCOJD.'Pany but that Mr. Sidney C~rington, Sales Engineer for Southern Engine & Pump Company had called and stated that he had inadvertently omitted a cashier,ls or a certified check or bidders bond' and that his office was closed and it wQuld be- inlpossible to obtain one at that hour; therefore he did not desire to submit a bid for his company. The, one and only bid received was. opened. and the following results- announced: > Layne-~exa~' Company,' Ltd. Less. Trade-in $4,03L 74 531.00 $3,500.74 Total Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Mooney t~t the bid of Layne-Texas Company' for deliVlery of colunm, shaf-ting, pump, and motor to be in~staa.led in Well No.3, be J;'eferred to the City Secretary and Wa~er Superin- 'ten~ent for stu~"y a.nd recommendation. . Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; ,Commissioners Goff', Hangs an,d Mooney Voting :No: None With, no further business to come before the Council at thi~ ,time, upon motion duly;'ma.de,.secondedana ca.:rried, the meeting was 'adjourned. , .J C;~;..C/ ~ 2?,..~.-.- lVb,yv.l. ATTEST: Ili=-------, . fIll r..- . ", 1 'IirTrr:r tj4 MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 9, 1953 The City Commission 90nvened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, February 9, 1953, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris presiding; Commiss~oners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. The City Secretary ~ was also present. The City Attorney was absent. Mr. Chas. S. Taylor, Jr., Attorney was present and acted in the absence ,of the City Attorney. The invocation was pronounced by Comissioner Nisbet. A petition was submitted f'rom. residents in the 3400 Block of Albans Road re- questill8 that evergreen shrubs in the block be removed. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff that the evergreen shrubs in the 3400 block of' Albans Road be removed as requested by the property owners of that block. ' . Voting Ay:e: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Qofi', Ha,ngs, Mooney and Nisbet Voting No: None ' \ , A letter was received from Fire Chief C. V. Reynolds advising that the Volunteer Fire Department had recommended that :Mr. J. A. Metcalf be retained on the group i~surance policy with the West Coast Life Insurance Company. It was the desire of the Volunteer Fir.e nepartment that Mr. Metcalf' be retained on this policy and the premium' paid by the city as :Mr. Metcalf had consented to a~t as safety man cutting dangeroufi? wires and providing temporary electric service where fires are involved.' . Motion by Commissio'Ber Nisl>et ,seconded by Commissioner Hangs that Mr.' J. A. . . -..--" Metcalf' be retained' on the group policy with,' the West Coast- :4ife Insurance Company for the yef!X'1953 while he is active in Fire Department work. Voting Aye:' Mayor Morris; Commissioners GOff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet Voting No: None A request from Mr. H. H. Raborn, Secretary of the Triangle Realty Company, 2600 Nottingham, for "No Parking" signs on both sides of Nottingham from the inter- . section of Kirby to a point 180 Feet West which was recommeniied for, approval by Cp.ief of Police H. ~. Sl1;ipp,,, was, s~bmitteCl f~r considez:~tion. . ":1..";1 ':_':"'~' ~'l-e~ .. '_:'j'~~,-;.' . "~}:'::':~; :,' - ~.._,-. ~ ~-.",,-: . ,." ; ~.,..> > ,". ~.~.,,~: ~,.~. Moti~h~'1if: C~~i ss:i:g~~r Goff; seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that "No Parking" signs be installed on both sides of NottinghSm Street f'rom the intersection of Kirby to a poi-nt- 180 Feet West as requested by the Triangle Realty Company and recommended by <niief of Police H. ;E. Shipp. ~o~j.U~ ANe: '~hor Morrisf Commissioners Goff, Hangs, ~'1ooney and Nisbet The C:?i'€fEsecn?Jtarl :dvised tbat Mr. Jim Vrba, Block Chairman for paving the 4100 Block Albans Road . had obtained si&natures on Mechanic Lien Contracts from. all. property owners in the block and requested approval for the paving of this street. . ( . Motion by Commissioner'Rangs; seconded by Commissioner Gaff that t~e'Gulf Bitulithic Company, Houston, Texas, be, authorized to pave the 410Q BJ-ock Albans in accordance with heretofore approved specifications for 5" residential paving and that paving attorney E. E. Townes, Jr., ,be instructed to prepare the necessary ordinance auth- orizing the city to contribute 75~ per front foot toward the cost of such f ~ -'i~>-{."".'C. , ~~~~=~ r'~' '~-i- ~ '""'J r -" IiiIITI ("'\ I i , I to C"':J C\l <r: ..~ ~ r \ 1 85 improvement as approved by Council action July 7, 1952. Voting Aye: Voti~g No: Mayor :Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None A February 5, 1953 letter from Gulf Bitulithic Company to the City of Houston was submitted stating that, with reference to the paving of Academy from the North property line of Law to the North property line of Richmond Road, the \ owners of two properties, to wit, Alton Mitchell, et ux', Lot 9, Block 20, College eourtPlace, and Bluford C. Menefee, et ui, Lot 8, Block 21, College Court Place, have not executed mechanic's lien contracts to Gulf Bitulithic Company, contractor, and that said properties are residence homesteads of said owners;. and that the pavement ad~acentto the properties would be omitted unless arrangements were made for cash payments to contractor. The Council was advised that the facts stated, with reference to said property being homesteads and the owners refusing to sign mechanic's lien contracts, were correct; that said properties were in the. City of West University Place; and that th~ legal department of the City of Houston has advised that it was con- traryto the policy of the, City of Houston for that City to purchase Paving' Assessment C~rtificatesagainst property within the corporate limits Qfanother city and that the Academy Street project would be abandoned unless all property owners made satisfactory arrangements by con.tract, or by cash payment, to the . contra9tor, so that a compietestreet would be constructed. After discussion, the following motion was made, seconded and unanimously ~ssed. Motion by COmmissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Mooney, that the City of West University Place purchase from Gulf Bitulithic Company, contractor, the paving Assessment Certificates against: , (a) Altqn L. Mitchell, et ux, Mildred E~ Mitchell.., and their pro-perty, Lot 9 , Block ~O, College Court Place, and,' (b) Bluford C. Menefee,et ux, Ruby Menefee, and their property, Lot 8, Block 21, College Court ,Place uponcompletiort of the Academy Street pavement, under the joint project of the City of Houston and the City of W~st University Pl~ce,acc~ptance thereof and issuance of said Pa.ving Certificates; that such purchases be made without re- course for collection against Gulf BitulithicOompany, ~ontractor, and for sums ,to be worked out between:contl;'actor a.nd the City SecretaI\Y, who is authorized and directed to conduct negotiations' with the contractor; that, the City Paving Attorney be instructed to prepare the necessary Ordinances authorizing the necessary' purchases and upon completion of such purchases to proceed' to col~ect the amounts of the~assessments, plus interest and attorney's fees from said ' res~ective property owners. Voting Aye: Voting No' : MaY9r MorriS; Commissioners Goff', Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None (', A letter was submitted from the City Secretary remuesting p'ermission to advertise I I ~ I I for bids for 'the purchase of' automotive equipment and other fixed assets for , I ' L' . which fu~ds were' appropriated in the'1953 budget. - 86 Motion b~ Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that specification~ be prepared for two police cars, one pickup truck for the water department and' one pas'senger car to be used by the Fire Chief' and Fire MarsbS.l; and the City Secretary instructed to advertise for bids to be' received until .7:30 P.M., March 9, 1953. Voting Aye: Voting No : :Ma.yor,Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. None Motion by Commissioner ~ngs, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the City Secretary be instructed to, advertise for bids to be received until 7:30 P.M. March 9, 1953, for three sirens'for fire and police dep~rtments; radio and other equipment necessary for installation in the Fire Chief's car. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Gof~, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None 0. Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Co~ssioner Goff that the City Secre- tary.be instructed to advertise for bids to be received until, 7:30 P.M., March 9, 1953, for 300 Ft. I!" hose an9- 300 Ft. 2!" hose for the Fire Department. . Voting Aye: Voting No : :Ma.~or Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney,and Nisbet. None Motion by Commissioner Goff, secpnded by Commissioner Hangs, that the City Secretary be. instructed to advertise for bids for delivery of a tractor with mower attachment; bids to be receivea. until 7:30 P.M. March 9, 1953. . Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Co:rpmissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. None A lette~ from the City Secretary and Water S~perintendent recommending that the bid of layne-Texas Company for pump, motor and appurtenances for installation in Well No. .3, vras submitted fOr consideration. Treasurer's Certificate No. 64, certifyi~g availability of $4,0c,0 for improve- ments to Wa.ter Well No.3, was presented to Council. ~ . Motion by Commissioner Hang~, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the bid of layne-Texas Company in the am~nt of $3,500. 74 for delivery of pump, motor and appurtenances for installation in Well No.3, in accordance with specifica~ions ' be accepted., Voting Aye: Voting No ': Mayor- Morris; Commissioners .Goff, Hangs, MooUfay and Nisbet None ' In consideration of a request ,from the West University Lion's Club to City Council on January 12, 1953, to waive charges for water and sewage service at, the Scout House located on the West University Elementary School Grounds the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff that charges for 'water, and sewage service at the Scout House owned by the West University Lion's Club and located ,on the Wesj University Elementary School grounds be waived. ~{!.I!;J;'1.'~'1 II ~":'-!--::-- ~ ~::::::::J: I rp r"- .. '. 1 , '1:1 WI I [' i. ! '--- trf':) Cr;! c-,l ~t "'-';) ,~ ,------\ f i , ! \..,--- ''',,,~,'~' . 81 Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; CommissIoners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None Minutes of the meeting of January 26 and 30 were read and approved. With no further business to come before the Counc,il at this time, upon motion dulyma.de, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~'y~~ Mayor 'ATTEST: II "'C=-:'=L.~:=Jl ''I!T' K.:" . ,..." 'O="~''''''~=1 __ I ,u.. 1[['11::[1 88 MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 23, 1953 The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, February 23, 1953, 7:30 P.M. with th~ following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. The City Attorney and City Secretary were also present. ' \ I i The, invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Hangs. Minutes of Zoning Board meetings held on February 12, 17 and 22, were submitted to th~ Council for consideration and the following ac~ion taken: Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet, that a hearing be called 7:30 P.M. March 16th to consider the request of Mr. James Earl Adams, 4207 Albans for permission to move an existing garage toward the rear property line to a distance not less than three feet of the line, as it~is understood by Mr. Adams that there is no responsibility on the part of, the City of West University Place' for any damage wh~ch might be incurred in eventcof necessary repairs to utility lines in the easement along the rear 5 feet of Lot 14, Block 9, College Court Place. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, H~ngs, Mooney and' Nisbet None Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the request of Mr. James M. Parsons, representing Mrs. Jim Martin, 6544 B~lmont Street, for permission to erect a recreation, storage, and bathroom On an existing con- crete foundation to the rear of the present dwelling be Qenied as recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: . Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet Voting No: None Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff that the request of Mr. & Mrs. Sam Thomason, 2913-l5 Cason Street~ to construct an extension to an existing garage building for living quarters be denied as recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commi:ssioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs, that a Public Hearing be called for 8:00 P.M. 'March 16, 1953, to consider amending the city's Zoning Ordinance to permit use of Lot 7, Block 19, Collegeview 1st Addu. for church ~urposes, as" recommended by the Zoning & Planning Board. v, l 1'---1 .. .. . I r' . I ITITnl (-1 I ' I ,'. I L-,' 1LO ~ Cq <t ~ <to o [I , ! ! 89 , . Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, H8.ngs, Mooney and Nisbet None I Motion by Commissioner Goff; se~onded by Commissioner Nisbet that the action of the Zoning Board recommending denial of the request of property owners in the 28-29-30-3100 Blocks of Bissonnet to rezone certain property for apartment units or du.plexes be accepted. . Voting Aye: . Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hang~, Mooney and Nisbet Voting No: None . Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the request of Mr. Paul 4. Sparks, 4029 Southwestern, for permission to build an addition to the existing ~rage to be used as'a playroom, storage and laundry be approved as recommended by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None Treasurer's Certificate No. 65, certifying to the availability of $905.20 to pa.y additional costs in the paving and improving of Academy Street from the North property line of Richmond Road to th!= North property line of Law Street was submitted to the Council. . Ordinance No. 631, captioned as follows, was presented to the Council and read in full.: AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THEAGGREGATE SUM OF $905.20 OUT OF THE FUND, IN THE C!TY TREASt;JRY TO THE CREDIT OF CITY OF WES,T UNIVERSITY PLACE, STREET & BRIDGE BO:ND FUNP, ~ sEalES 1.946, 'r0 PAY ADDITIONAL COSTS TO THE CITY :Qi THE PAVING AND IMPROVING OF: ' ACADEMY' STREET FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF LAW STREET TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LI~ OF RICHMOND ROAD (EXCEPr A DISTANCE OF 99.8 FEET ON THE EAST SIDE THEREOF) ; AND DECLARmG AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissio~er Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Goff that Ordinance N0. 631, appropriating the sum of $905.20 to pay the additional costs in the paving and improving of Academy Street from the north property line ~f Law Street to ' the north property line of Richmond Road be passed and'approved as read~ Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; CClmmissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet . Voting No : ., None Ordinance No. 632, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council for con- sideration and read in full: ' AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE PURCHASE BY THE CITY FROM GULF BITULITHIC COMPANY, OONTRACTOR, OF TWO CERTAIN CERTIFICATES OF . SPECIAL ASSESSMENT TO BE ISSUED BY THE CITY OF HOUSTON, TEXAS, IN CgN- lIlECTION WITH THE PAVING ~ I:MP.t\OVDlG OF:' 90 r ACADEMY STREEl' FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF LAW STREET TO' THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF RICmlPND ROAD <EXCEPrA DISTANCE OF 99,8 j""l. FEET ON TEE EAST SIDE THEREOF); . ~ LIMITING THE PRICE TO BE PAID THEREFOR AND PROVIDING' FOR TEE COLLECTION THEREOF AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Hangs, that Ordinance No. 632, authorizing and directing the purchase from Gulf Bitulithic Company 'of two certain certificate~ of special assessment to be issued by the City of Houston, in connection with the paving of Academy Street from1aw Street to Richmond Road, be Passed and approved as read. , , Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff', Hangs, Moot,ley and Nisbet Voting No :. None, Treasurer's Cert~ficate No. 67, certifying to the availability of $627.60, to pay the aggregate contribution by the City to the cost of' paving and,improving the 4100 block of Albans Road was presented to, the Council. Ordinance No. 633, captioned ~s follows, was submitted to the Council for con- sideration and read ip full: AN. ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING THE AGGREGATE SUM OF $626.60 our OR THE FUND IN TEE CITY TREASURX TO THE ~E;DIT Of CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE~ STREEl' & BRIDGE BOND FtrnD SERIES 1946, TO PAY TEE.AGGREGATE CONTRIBUTION. BY THE CITY TO THE COST OF PAVING AND IMPROVING THE 4100 BLOCK OF ALBANS , ROAD, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. ) ~~ ; r 1-,-1 Motidn,by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hangs, that Ordinance No. 633, appropriating $627.60, to pay the aggregate contribution by the city to the cost of paving and improving the 4100 block of' Albans Road be passed and approved as read. . , Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hang,s, Mooney and Nisbet None Ordinance No. 634, captioned as follows, was submitted to. the Council for con- sideration and read in full: AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE PERMANENT PAVE:ME:NT OF THE 4100 BLOCK OF ALBANSSTREET AND AQTHORIZING AND PROV::tDnIG FOR CONTRIBUTION BY THE dITY TO THE qOST OF PAVING AIm. IMPROVING 'mIrE SAID 4100 BLOCK OF ALBANS STREIfi' WITH THE' PAYMENT TO BE MADE UPON COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF TEE ,CONSTRUCTION AND DECLARING AN EMERG:mNCY. ' Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that Ordinance. No. 634, aluthori.zing the permanent pavement ,of the 41.00 block Albans Road and authorizing contribution by the city be passed and approved as read. , , Voting Aye: ,Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissi:oners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None ' ~'1 <, A contract for the use of garbage disposal facilities of the City of West l:~ _-=- I ===:=J.. r'" .. ]. ., mll"l r I~ to C>':) 'C\J <: "";) ~ r---' i I I , L-.' , i i I L-. ',--,",. 91 University by the City of Southside fora charge of ~100 per month was submitted to the Council for study. Motion by Commissioner. Goff, seconded by.Co~issioner Mooney that the contract for use, of City of West University Place garbage disposal facilities by the City of Sout;hside for the sum of $100 per month be approved and the Mayor authorized to exeeu~e same. < . . Voting Aye: Voting'No : Mayor MOrris; Commissioners Goff, nangs, Mooney and Nisbet None The C~~y Secretary requested ,authority for personnel of the water and sewer ,department to attend a short course, school at Texas A & M College, March 8-12, ( 1953. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that Mr. Joe C. Hild, Sanit~ry Engin~er and Mr. E. o!. Hood, Water Supe,rintendent, be authorized to attend the water and sewer short course school at Texas A. & M College, March,8-l2 i~c., 1953, with reas9nable expenses paid. Voting Aye: Voting N,o i Mayor Morris;' Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None' . ...' .. ., The'City Secretary advised that he had received a request-for use of the Community Building f9r a' cooking ~chool to ;be spo~sored by Henke & P:i-llot, Inc. The cooking school 'Would be for a two hour peribd each day for five days. The Council'agteedto permit use of.the buiid:i-ng for this purpose, on the basis of a $25.00 ck\-ge for each two hour period as' the school wouJ.d be for the benefit of neighborhood residen~s and it is und~rstood that', no adinission charge will be made. ~ " . ' . , .. A statement of funds available for. investment was submitted to the Council with a recommendation that the following short term investments be made: Tax Revenue Sinking Fund $19,OOO.OO, for 6 moS. @ 2~ General Fund 75,000.00 for 6 mos. @ 2!! Garbage Disposal 194,8 \ ". 3,000.00 for 6 mos. @ 2'fp Street Improvement 194~ . 30,000.00 for 6 mos. @ 2~ Sanitary Sewer'Capital Impr. 30,000.00 :f.'or 6 mos. @ 2# Motion by Co~ssioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hangs, that funds available for short' term investment be invested as recommended by the City Secretary. . ' Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor MOrris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None , Minutes of the meeting of February 9th, were read and approved. Wi th no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion dulymade,-seconded a.nd carried, the meeting was adjourned. , \ ~)( ~~ Mayor AA~; OJ.... ~ ~ / City S~ [[-;'1 ~L .......J. I'.' -- ~i'~" .1 . H 1iI11;;l'l 92 MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEErING MARCH 9, 1953 The eity Council convened in regu.1ar ~eesion'at the City Hall on Mondq', March 9~ 1953~ 7:30 P.M. with the f011QWing Diembers present: Mayor Morris presiding; C~. GofftHangs~ Meoneyjt and Nisbet. The City Attorney and City Secretary were also present. . The invecationwas pronwneed by- C0lIII1. Goff. , In compliance wi1;h Notice to bidd"s ~u.ly' Published in ~e e fficial newspaper of the city bids received for two autemobiles for the Police Department.~ . . one automobile for the Fire D\9Partment and one pickup tru.ck for the Water Department were opened and results announced as follows I ' Bidd,er Make Jack Reach Hargis MotGr Co. Earl McMilliu Raymend PearSGB Ivy-Russell SmithChev.Co. Downtown Chev. Knapp Chev. A~C-.Burlon RiehardsQn Dew IJJt1. Harvester Ford Ford Ford. Ford ' . Ford Cbev. Chev . Chev. :Plymouth, Chev. , . Chev. Int1. 2-Two Dr. Sedans for Police 'Dept. 880.00 ,999.50 950.00 1303.90" 871.08 14.30.24 ' 1323.16. JJ60.92 3,60.0Cr 1639.68 1531.82 1-Two Dr. Sedan for Fire Dept. 1674.00 1665.56 1835.00 1721.80 1735-'4 - 1834.97' 1803.85 1825.46 1780.00 1857.34 ~847.23 1-1- Ton Pi.ckup for Watt;l:rDept. 1390.00 . 1376.08 1435.00 1423.44 1340.08 1295.88 147i~62 1308~70 . 1295.00 1273.88 1285~88 MotiorI' 'b1 C~~ Moonq, se~ond~ by Caiml. Nisbet. that bids ;reeeiVed f0r . . automotiie equ.1pnentbe referred to the City Engineer, Fire Chief and Police Chief for tabula:tiOll and recoIDmendation. , , Voting. Aye: Mayor Morris; COmmissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney, and Nisbet. Voting Ne.: None Bids. ~ceived fo~ delivery:ef . one tracte~ with mower attaebmeiltsw,ere- opened and ~e$ul.ts annolUlCed as :tellows: . " '. '. ' .. I ". TRACTOR & MOWER L.downe & Moew- . Hou.8-#" Tractor & Equip.Co. Ri Way'Equip. Co. Houstom Pewer Equ.~p. Co. Ford, ,"p, Ferguson Case' Int1. -'.'-. lh56~.OQ , " .t930~S6' 1320.00 l450.00 Motion by- C0JDlIl. Mooney.t seconded by' Cemm. IlfSngs that bids received f.or delivery of one tractor If.i:th'mewer attaohments be referred to the City Secretary and. Park Superintendent for tabulation and recommendation. .~"'~"'~. 11-"1_ , ~' , r'" ~r-~--"'=r-- r '" '11I11"[ I 93 o Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney, and Nisbet. Voting No.: None Bids received for delivery of'radio equipment, sirens, generator and fire hose were opened and results annolm:ced as. follows: . L~ Cf) C\l ~ """;) <- " [1 '. Motion by Comm.. Mooney, seconded by C()1DJIl. Goff that bids received, for delivery Qf.radieequi.pnent,~ireDS, ge_rato~~d fire hose be ref~rredto the City Secretary and Fire Chief for' ta.bulation and ,'recemmendation~ ' .',. '., ,~.' , ' :~ . ". ,; . \ . :: : il L-... , . Vot:\.ng)ye: Mayor Morris;GCill!lIIlissioD9X'$, Goff" Hangs, Mooney, and Ni13bet.. VE>t~;'No.: None '", ..'. " , ",...', ;<" C, , Mim~:l!es of a meeting of a. CClm11D.itteeappointed by the Harris,C01U1ty~orsf aad,Counc~'s Association f~r 'elinii1ating the duplication: efs'treet, names. W'ere'su'tmitted to the CQ.liIiciL f,'o:r' cansidera-tien. Tij.e~Camn1ttee., at their meeting Oil February 26th; ~d'adopt8di-arious .rePlutions ,ana requested that ~hq al,sR be adopted by tI1~. various muirl.cipalities in the' Jlreater Heuston Are~'~ a pelicy to eliminate the confusion that n~ exists iilt.he'DiaU d.elivery, emergency calls,. aBd general' delivery. Motio. by Cemm. Nisbe1i, secondedbyOomm. Hangs that the City COJllIIIisSion i9fWeSt tJniversi-tyconcu.r in the' adoption of resolutions outlined in the Minutes of ....the meeting. of a Oommittee appointed by the Harris County Mayors 1 and Oouncllmen1s Association for eliJllinating the dupl-ication of street names in Greater, Houstonarelil to el:f.mina.te the confusion in,mail delivery, emergency .calls and general delivery. Voting Aye: Mayor MOlTis; OolTDl1issioners Goff" Hangs" Mooney, and 'Nisbet. Voting No.: None 1"1 '-"=~'I , r"" ". i- "1II1i'"! I 94 A letter was S]lbmit~d. to the Council from the HoustenTransit Comp~ outlining prepGsed changes to be made in the bus service operat~into west l1niversiiiy Plaee~' The pennell was of "the opinion that it would be advisable to appeint." a Transportation Commit.tee tE> stucW the proposed changes and make r~commendations. .' . MotioD bY Gemm. MooDeyI seconded by Comm. Geff that the follewing persons be appointed to s,erve as a Transportation Committee to study proposed changes in 'bu~ ~emee f~r the City of West UniversitY Place; Messrs. H.E. Terryl w. C~ Morris, Jo!mGarrett, Oscar Faulkner and Comm. Nisb~t; subjec;t to their acceptance of moh appointment. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff,. Hangs, Mooney, and Nisbet. Voting, No.: None The. Ci1;ySecretarr adVised, that the. follow~ginformal bids had been: re- ceived from automobile dealers . for replacement of the first aid uni't which ~s damaged in ,an accident, wi.'th a Houston Transi't qompany bus QD February- 9th: I Smith Chevrolet Co.............. $1367.08 RichardsoD." II......... ...... 1449.00 Dow Motor Co. ............... 1556.00 Dow.n~own Chevrole't Co........~..14l7.67 It was recommended by the. City Secretary and Deputy Fire Chief' that the low bid of Smith Chevrelet Co. in the amOUDt of $1367.08 be accepted. . Motion by CC!l1llIIl. Hangs, seconded by Cemm. Mooney, that the low bid of Smith Chevrole't Go.' in the amoun.t of $1367.08 be accepted and a ,purchase order issued, : 'r I r ----I .] -. . ..,'.... -... VGt~, Aye:Mqer Morris;O~~ion8l"s Goff., HaBigS'J Mooney,:'"an.dNiEJbe'b. VetingNo.: No~ " " ", --'" ':; A J..et.teJ,",ns receivedtrom,Dr.: ~an/G. Blair, Chairman of.' the . Board of Health' advising that 'the Board was in favor of using all ay;tilable;il1ga,~res fqr:the control of rabies. In view of;this reeammendation'tneCouncU":took the. follGl1iDg'~ action: -. ' . ' ". ~. . ' . '.,' ,..,;. '. . ... -. ....-i.. . Mot~g)1?'::by aomm. Goff, see~.~Jnr:..,~fmllJ"Nisbet that the.eitt,'p~0%I10te'a'drive . to get8ll dog$vaecixUl.te4l)y;securag'~eaid of ~a veteri1Uir:tan'tO vaccinate Q.e.gs"at the tlity'Hall onct~;.:~te$ of ,Mareh19; 20, 21.,an~,;29;27, and 28. . . . . '. oJ _ '" c .;. . (~ . '. ~ '.~, _ . ,.~. . VotiJ'it,g'Aye: Mayer MomsfQ~~$.sione:rs" Goff., Hangs~M"~~~an.d'~;If1;!11?!lt. Votiilg Nb.: None ",...'. , - .' '; ,v, ",,,i'i & .' 4- Mi:autes 'ef, an electrical Board meeting held on March: ,2, 1953, were submi:l;tEKl to the C.euneil for cons~deratioD and the following ao,tion takeJ1. . l!etion by (l0IQm. Mooney', secended by Comm. Nisbet 'that the matter of requiring identificati0n on CQml1lercial vehicles. ~ referred to' the Harris Co~ty I \ May0rs' and Ceuncilmen's Association in order that. all cities in Harris i I 1--..1 .f'. :!"'I;'I'~,...~..'" rl"7 ,- '1 'I r ~I.~~~'"'''''~ '1 ---------,- . ... 'III'IITI 95 " 1--1 "----' h",) C") C\l ~ l>J < County, m;!.ght :consider pa!=!sag~ o~ a, s~r o,1~i~ce as the City Attorney pointed out tha t in his Gpinion" without, a similar ordinance in neighbor- ing cities and in view of the fact that companies doing. business in this oity are p~arily located within the City' of Housten" enforoement would ' be extremely', awkward ad di.f'ficul~. "', V€lt~g.Aye: " Mayor Morri.s; C~ss'ioners Goft,Hangs, Mooney, and Nisbet. Voting No.: None ' Mot,=\.C?nby Oomm. Hangs, seconded .by COlADJ.. Goff that the Fire" Ch~ef, Fire Marsh8J. and Ohairman Qf the Electrical Botrd. ,act as a Committee to pre- pare letters tQ citizens calling attention to the causes off'ires in the city ,and emphasizing t~e importance of having electrical. appliance in- stallations and heating systemsjm3pected by the city inSpector. - , . ~ 'lr : Co Voting ~e:. Mayor Morris; Oommissioners Gof'f'" Hangs, Mooney, and 'Nisbet. Voting N<!.: None . . . , r The G,~~ci.i instrUcted-the City' Secretal'Y' to request the prese;nce of the Electrica1 Board members at the next OOuncil meeting for discussion of'v 'rec_e'ndations. · r-1 .A letter !rem the City Tax Oollector advising that Mr. W.O. Cox, 3401 iniversitl Blvd. had mailed a check in the amount Qf, $122.82 prior to De~ember 3l,,,1952t ~p~y,m~ Qf taxes for they~1952 but it had ~ot been received. bf t!1~ cit~. ..Mr. Cox ,had requ~~ted permission to submit another cheek. ~~thout belJ1gcbarged penalty, wterest and .cost in the amount of' $14~Ol. . ' M0tion by" CQJlIlll. Mooney~fileconded, by" Om. Nisbet that a check in the aDlount .ot $122.82' in ,payment ef 1952 \~axes be accepted by ~e City, Tax Oollector inasmuch"as it is ~e opinion of the City: Attorney if' 'a statement is re- ceived..t'I:* Mr~ w. o. Cox that he mailed a "check in the amoun~ of' $122.82 in p,a.yment ot:.1952 taxes" prior to Dec. 31, 1952, acceptanc.e of' a check in 'a like_o~t at this date lfOuld. not co~titute a: waiver of penalty, interest and cost.,' . , Voti.Dg;',A1e:"Mqor Morris; CoIlllllissioners Goff', Hangs, Mooney, 8nd Nisbet. V otillg J'Io.: None ", ' A letter was received from Attorney T. M. ayan requesting Ceuncll's in- structions as to dispQsition 'be be made on judgements taken en delinquent tax suit~. '. . . ~. , ' u I , Motien by' Cemm. Mooney, seconded by Comm. Nisbet that the'matter of' judge- ments .taken on delinquent tax su~ts. be referred to the Oity Attorney for han~. VetiBg"Aye: llay-or Morris; Commiss,ioners Goff, Hangs,Mooney, am. Nisbet. . Voting'o.::None .., . The ciiit Engineer, Fire Chief' and Police Chief SI1bmitted a tabu.lation and recommendati~n on bids, received for delivery of two cust011l;Line sedans for the police department. and one customline sedan for the fire department. It was their recommendation that the bids of Jack Roach Motor Company in ,the amount of $880.00 net,diff'erence for two 2-door s~s for the Police '~';,'> [" '^ Ii" I' r '~l1rrl 96 Department and $1674'.00 :fer :one 2-door sedan for the Fire Department; be accepted. ' . , Metie~ by Com. Mooney. secended by Comm.. Goff that the recemm.endatieB af the City Engineer, Chiefef Pelice and Fire Chief be aecePtedand, a purchase order,.issued to J~ckRoach Mawr CCllIIlpaD.y :for two sedans for the Police llepartlilent' and cone 2-doer sedan for ~e ,Fire lfepartment,aS this bid is deemed most advantageous to the city. Voting, Aye: ~r MorriJ;J; C<?mmissioaers Ge.1'f, Hangs, 'MOoney'and Nis~et. Voting,'No.: Nolie ." , ' Mayor Morris submit'ted"a1etterdatedMarch 6, 19$3, from Attorney ChUtea Bryan refe1"enee Cause No.'C';'340,326, lraA. Harris va. Cit,. of West UDive~ityPlace 6lst District Ceurt, Harris County, such letter statin~ the position of the city in 'the case and stating Mr. Bryan's opinion and recemmendatien that itweu1d be better to settle the caae with Mr. Harris' . S- and his atto~ fGr the sum of $3000 as Jleretofare considered. After disco.ssing the recemm.endatian ef Mr. Chilton' Bryan the follOwing ResolutiOn, was introduced. . ' , ' , \ 1 f' __J mBOLUTIOI,f A RESOLUTION'JD APPROVE AND AUTHORIZE THE' SETTLEMENT OF THE CLAIM OF IRA A. HlRllIS, As ~,FO~ 'IN HIS, SUI'l, BEING NO.., 340,326, IRA A.' BARRIS V~ CmOF"WEST"UNIVEBS!Tt'PL4ClrFO~ THE TOTAt SUM-OF $3000.00' 1N . '.. " ...' ".,,' ',,, " ", . ...' ,. . . " COMPROMISE-'AND~'~"OF'PEAGE"OF>THE"'TOTAL CLAm Bf'IRA.,A. HARRIS IN 'SU'CH SUITm THESUH OF' $36,000.00, AND THI, AUTHORIZATION. OF THE fA~ .01' THESUH OF' $3,QOE?a$ PLUS LEGALIE TAXABLE COURT COSTS NOTTQ' EXcE1m"~HE'S$J OF $S9~~:;:~.OFTHEWATER AND SEW]m OPERATm(}FqNB OF" : THECI'fi OF WEST UNIVERSITl',:PL,A.CE NOW ON DEPOSIT IN THE UNIVERSITY-STATE BANK., Alm. PROVIDING' FOR 'tim' SECUR,ING OF A FULL AND COMPLElE"Rlr.T-ASE FRoM' IRA: A.HARRIS .AIm T~' ~SMI$SAt ,OF T~' SUIT ~_ mJMBEREJ)'AND DFSCRIJ3EI}, AS BROUGmr BY IRA A;. IiAHRIS " AND~ FURTHER ProVIDING 'FOR ~RELEASINGi:sr , ','" ,.,' ", ., " " , ',' , ' .< 'niE em OFWESTUNIVERS;I:1.Tp~eEj)}i" 'I'fS 'CRtlSS:"ACTION AND: eIlOSS;;';AetoR'S OLAIM J!'ILED IN THE AIDVE ]i:lfTIT~;ANI>NuMBERED CAUSE IN _{dOUNr~o-F... $Ii061~31 PIBS IN~T A~"1~6~~,~.~, ~~ AND ~,'~ 1,1947,' ~ THE, GIVING" OF A :RE~ BY THE": Gln OFWESJ. uJ.,IVERSItt PLACE TO" IRA :A~' HARaI8 UPoN" THE PAn1ENT BY IT OF, THE '. ABOVE' RElERREn TO OOMPROMIsE"iND PURCHASE " Q:FPFACE. CoNSIDERATION." . . , ',' ' . , " . . , " . J . .-,' .:.h~ J , - " ,,",' WHEREAS:, 011 or a~tAPrU,:~e.t 1945; while Ira A.Hal'tiif,vU': ~p~~tendent of the WatE}~,~d,8ew~~)jepartment ot the Ci:l?l,,:t ~~t::, U'rQ:versit1. PlaC?e, ~d while he . was attempting to ascend to tlle tape of .~ Pomp Holise in' :bh.e 'Water and. Sl!w'er'Departme1'1t carryipg. Q' transit" he bad a tall byreas~n of the ikct that the tep portion af.. the !ladder which ran over the fire wall of the Pwnp House gave away' and broke. penni:titing him tG fall to. the grOlUid; by', reason ef su.ch f~l he sustained an injured back, pelvis br.k~ it): several,. places ,with. r esultirig traumati~; arthriiiis of the left hip, compressed. fractures Qf the first' and third ;Lumbar' bertebrae of, his" back" broken le~ am and wrist, broken right ~, a 1 ~ ! \ '-..J ."~-,,, n'-r' . "---'1 r .. in-- '~r 1 . 'c 'I1Iil"l f r- I \ I I L, ll:} "" C\l <'C ~:;) ..e:t 11 I I l..-1 /----, I I LI ,~~~.-~~., 97 fractued jaw, and a seriously ~ue~ right :root', and se~eral broken rib.s and ,renl ting internal. inju.ries ~ and~ WHEREAS, as the result of such fall tl;J.e said Ira .A. Harris was hospitalized and ~c~lated.expenses in the amount ~ $1,-262.95, made up as fellfAfs: ~ " , ' $ 712.70 'for ho~ita1 ? ~ 268.00) formedic'al doctors 17,~OO fer 'dentist ,..,00, for ~lance 1S~QO for' inVialid chair . 75.00 for brace 12~2, for medicine; that the Ci.ty Commission of the City 0f West University P1ace~ by appro- priat~Res.lv.1ii9l1' on ~ 14, ~945, authorized tihe, pa;y1llent of the sala17 of 'the &aidIra.A. ~rr,is during'_the period hewa,s off, ,duty ~s a r~sult ~fhis!~~ received in the fal+ at the Wa1ier Plant, and fllrther- autooriz~d ,the payment of all doc;tor, hospital, and nursing bills and medicaJ.qlenses in connection With the said :i.Dju.ries of Ira A. Harris; and,' " WHEREAS, in additi~ to the aboye' referred to hGspital and ,medical bills ~ ,w;ider the. authorizatio~ of the Reso1u~"of the Ci'ty Commission of the .City of West University, Place: of Mq 14; ~.J.,Jig:, the, City of West ' , Univers1v_ PlaQe, paid ,to Ira 4-. Harris $1,370.00 covering his montllq s~ bet"eellAprU ,28, 19lD,. mid, September 30, 194.5, the ~te the said Ira A..Harri.$ returned to work frf?Dl the l10spital and from hiscormUesenc.., and thf;)~ilitn'J the City ofW~st Univer15:i..ty Place paid the salary of Superintendent Ira A. Harris during the time from October 1~194"to the 2nde:r Januan'j 1947" a total sum of' 34,437..36, making a total amoUnt paid ins~'~~edical and ,hespi~al.,e_te.exp~es of $7 "Ofl'.31t and, . , "~ ~':'\iHERE.M3, en or al?011t'eb~#~,:26" ':1.947, suit was "jiled'in'C~use' No. 340,3~6" Ira 4. Haz.rui v. ~Citi of West University Place, in the 6:1.st Judic~:I. l1lis~~ict. Court e~,;~~;~~~, T~, by ~is ,at~~~.:.;tI~,~,'and J,p.es~ ,Ste:rllng :PUilding,lltuJ;l:oon,: 1;exas" l1Iak, ~g C~JJIl for $~6"QOO.OO -11,11 . ~g,sS.: ~d" ,.,. '", ' . , , . , ," -j c6 ' ~ . . e' ,. -;.., '. . , ",'q' '''~, the suit.~1:>eeD;:;9.the docket, until t4i~:t~~,: ~~ is pr~sen~lT being called for trial~~"~h 16,19'3, at which time, tfii;j,~ase llill be tried unless it :1Sset.tledi ~d. " .', . ,," '. . - . , ,', ' , WHEREAS, Q.fte:r, dip'~~i3~t?~ )i4 b~~enAttorney ChiJ.tonBrY~; for th~.~C~9"(~f,l'fe~t U~iver~ity-~1ace,,"'and the ~yor ~,City Commission of the' C:i,.ty of-West University P~~e, S4ld .q,tterney Shirley N. Helm for plaintiff Ir~,A..~, the, said Chilton Bryan, b1letter of March 6, 1953" has reeommen4e~,t.o the, Hqor ang. th, City Cc.mmissiQn ~f th.e City ot West Univers1-W.. P4~e. ~t the most ecanomical, disposition of this mat1;er is the p$nent ef $3 ~OOO.OO plus legally taxable court costs not to exceed $$0.00, and to di~s, the' cJ'oss~acti~n in the amount of $7,067.31 filed by the City of West University Place; 'and, 1:'-" ~,- , . '" 1:" . '~ ------------.,. " 111 n'T'1 98 , WH$REAS, the whole matter bas been fulJ.:y understood ,and cij;s- cllssed in regt11.ar meeting ,of the 'Oity :CCmnttissioJi 'on Hareh 91 1.9531 and said CEm1II1ission has concluded that it should accept the recommendation ef Ohilton, Bryan, and sheuld authoriz'e htm. to conclude this matter with plaintiff IAA~ lf8:rris and his attorney, Shirley M. Helm of the law firm of HeJm. and Jones for the' sum or' #3,000.00 plus legaIJ.7 taxable ,court (losts not to exceed #50.00,- and further, he should 'be authorized to disurl.ss' and release the claiJll.of the Oity of -West UniversitY' Place by its cross-action fr;;r tne suDi of $7:.067 ~31, plus interest at 6% per . annum from and atter Jamary 14, 1947", and they' -should. authorize the paY'~ ment of the sum of #.3,000.00 pluS 'l~galq taxabl.e court c.osts net. to . exceed #50.00 wt of the Water aDd sewer Operating Fund of the City of West tJniversi1iY' Place now an deposit in the University" State Bank,. , , , \ : I I ! -J . IT RESOLVED by the City" Commission of the CitY' of West Univer- sity ~hce that in the regular meeting of th~ Cemmission on the night of- Marqb. ,9,1953, Chilton Bryan, atii.Grney for the ~Ci'ty of West Univel'sity P1ace~'is au~erized to settle in behalf of 1ihe CiW.Q0r West Uni;versity' Place by comp~ise'and pUrchase of peace a~eem.ent and by. aI1d through the secu11;rig of f\iU and comp1.ete re.1.e~se ~for'theCitq, of West University' Place all cl.aimB of eve'r!' kind or character .a.sprQjected'by Ira A.Harris ia Cause Ne. 340,3,26, Ira A. Harris v. City of West University Place, Gist Judicial 'District Court ef. Harris County. Texas, fer the total sum of .Three .ThiNsandud'ne!lOO '$3,900.00) Dollarsj, and lega~ taxable coUrt costs 'inanaIilQUnt not~.~eed'FiftY' and nol100' <.5G.OO) Dollars" and. at the same time, .ChUteJl"B17Sn ,is authorized, to release" by appropriate relea.Se'the cross-aetionfilelf by the CitY' of West University Place againSt"Ira A. IDirris for i;he. sum of #7,067.31, and to dismiss the same., oUt 'Qf. such s\1it bY appropriate' jUdgmentJ. and in such jlldglll:eJlt' to' as.. . the legally t~ble caurt 'casts not, to exceed Fitliy amd no/100 $50.(0) Dollars,. ,- " , " . . ~.-' \ ! , I .~ . . .Fui-ther, BE IT RESOLVElltlllat ~ pay- ,the settlement consideratioB of Three Thousand and ne/lOO (3.,000.00) Dollars and lega1.ly taxable court costs not-'to exCeed FiftY' ed'_/ioo ($Se.oo), Dollars, the TreaSUrer of ~ the caty of West U'niversiv Place' is instructed and empewerea llpon., the . pass. fPf: this Re~olutien~ to :promptly draw a check in the amo~t ef Three ThOllsana and_!100 ('3'1OO&~)Dollars,~payable to Ira A. Harns, and HelD. and Jones, his attotneys, shOwing thereon that it is in full settlement of all cla_ of Ira.A~ Harris in Cause No. 340,3261 Ira A. HaITis v. City' of West Uni~rsiv Place, and to'promp'bly" .transmit such check to. Chilton Bry_;" - , . TheTr~asurer of the City of West University' Place is ,further authoriz'edto issue a cheek'tGl--J. W~ l6.11s, Distri~\'.elerk of Harris COuntYI Texas; 'm,'ai1amouni; ~t tOexeeed F~an~ no!l00L~J?(!);OO)Dellars, '. coverug'thep83Dlent. ot the' l~g811t" t~blec011rt' J4&Ststo be assumed by the eityc. of West UJ1iversi.ty Place ~ '~~mteeti9n with te above~ entitled and Jiwnberea cause; both ofsaia.,ehec'ks to be drawn on 'theWa-ter ~d Sewer operating Flmd now on deposit in tke UBi versity- State Bank. " In eO!l1lection with these Resolutiens,it is'W3.derstood by th. , ) , I : I ----.J I'e.~'" Ii' :-'['. ~ '-:1 r-- -- "r .1. .," 1Irrl~-- r"\ I I \._1 ~ Cij C\l ~ ~ ct f] , I i I I ' \. ! ,--, I I I , l I .L' }j~ City Commission of the City of Wesi! University Place that Chilton Bryan, in ,settlipg and disposing of the claims of Ira A.Harris ,in the eui1; above styled w:i,li seQUX'e a ~ and comple~e .releas.e from Ira A. Harris and his attorneYs, and'will enter an appropriate ;ju~t disposing of the 'main action. and the c.ross-actioJl of 'the City of west University Place, and will prepare and approve an, appropriate r~lease from the City of West University Place to Ira K. Harris' and will correctq ascertain' that alV" judgmen1;' entered inthis cau~e, ~sm1ssing and disposing of ,the claiJII.s of Ira,A. ~r1s will limit thepajDietl1l. of leg~y taxable court cost$ by the Cityo;f' West Univ'ersity PlaCe to not exceeding the sum of Fifty and no/1.OO' (350.00)' Dollars. ' J:'ASSED AND APPEDVE;D this 9th. day of March, 1953, by a vote or . L A.Ym andJL BOES. / s/ Ed.win W. Morris Mqor, City of West University 'Place, Texas ATTEST: /s/ Whitt JObnSOB City Seeretazy Motion by COiQIn. Mooney, se.eo~ded by Cemm. HaJJ,gs that .the resolution pert.~~ tQ.t~ec~e of Ira A. Harris vs~ City, of Wes1; Univer,sity Place, be a~ptecf~ Voting Ayet M:q.er M9;rrisl Comndssioners Gof.t', Hangs, Moo~, ~nd Nisbet. Vot:ijlg No to, Nolle ' ' Minutes of the meeting of February' 23, 1953; were read and approved. , . With no further business to come be"fore the Council at this time, upon motion dll4r ~adeJ secc>nded. and c~riecl~ the, .~tiDg was recessed. .. l' . . , . ***It It X It }ffii~X l( X }to ~ )( J( x x l( It l( It lOll( l( l( l( It It ~ ~~'if';'~1 -.' Ii -1-- ,-, -ii , r ~ -- ~ r-- ..,oC'.., "~.l -----r r -, '111 11"11 lUU The City Council. convened in recessed session at .th~ City Hall on Monday;, March 16" 1~53.t 7:'30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morrfsl presiding;CoIllllle Geff" HaIlgs a,nd Mooney. Comm. Nisbet was absent. The City Attorney and City Secreta:ry were also present. i -'1 I . f' l ) -.--' The invocation was prGnounced by Comm. Hangs. , . In cOIl1PJ.i,ance with Council. action on Feb. '23" 1953, legal notice ~ . published in the official newsp~per of the City ,and notices mailed te a:1l property Owners within 200 Ft.. of Lot 14" Block 9, College Court Place" . Mayer Morris ann0UDCed that a hearing was in order 'to consider 'the request of Mr. J.ames Earl Mlams for pemission to move an existing garage toward the rear property 'line to a distance noi;' less than three feet from. the line. In answer to questions by the City Attorney.t the Oity Secretaxy ha~ been duly sworn by Mayer Morris testified tha.t.Ord. Bo. III had been complied with and notificat~onhad b~ publiShed in the official newspaper of the City and all property owners withirJ. a radius of 200 Ft. of 10t 14" Bbck 9" Callege Court Place" had been notified by mail that a hearing would be held at 7:30 P.M. Marc1l 16, 195.3, to consider ~ending the city's zoning ordinance to permit the request of Mr. Adams. Mr. James Earl:- A~". a.fte~ being duly sworn by Mayor Morris testified in answer- to quea:rliioJUt by the City A'litorney that he had. appeared be1'ore the Zoning B()ard aria: CitT Council and 'that if' his reqtlest was granted; the garage building wouJ.d be 'abou'li .3 Ft. 8. inches from the rear property lin'eand tha'li he was fam.iliar wi.th the .risk of being within the 5 ~ft. easement but would Q:Qnerate the city from :my damage.. There being no ane present objecting to, the request of Mr. Adams, the following action was taken: Motion by" C.omm. Mooney, seconded by G&m1Jl. Hangs tha'li the hearing called to . consider the reqtlest of Mr. James Earl Adams be closed. Votiiig,' Aye: Mqor Morris ~,.CelmnisSioners Goff J Hangs and MOQ~~. .~ " ,; V()t~g No: \ No~e " ", . . ' .' " Motion.by 09Dl1ll. Hags" s.ecQ~"W C~J Goff t~t Mr. James Earl AdaDis be .granted autheri.ty to, r~oeate:hi.s -existing garage a 'distance" of', not' less than 'three :t:eet~f;"_ the r;e~,p'1*0~rt.Y" line subject to ex'ecution of agreement' , whiQh ~ exoJlfi'rat~ ~Q~V '~" aw 'damagewbich might 'resul~ d.~e te the striicture beir1g' less than .'~wfeetfrQm the rear preperty ~;, ~'that the Ci;.i?Y fittomey be instru.cte,d to prepare the nec,essar,y OI'dinanCf:i'tif) 'amend OrdiIui:i:1ce' No.' llJ.. " , -\ , , , I , t I ---' The meet;ing was reees~ed untU 8:00 P.M. The Oity GOlUlCU' reconv~ed in recessed session at the City Hal~, MOnday. March 16" 19531-8:p.m. with the fellowing members present Mayor Morris.. preSiding; Oomm. Goff" Hangs and Mooney. The City Attorney and City Secretary were also present. Comm. Nisbet was absent. , r ! ! : : -..J . . ~':..,,""""r" . Ti--,~- 'I . r' . '-""'1 ". IiIlnT" 101 II The invOcation was pronounced by Dr. Ray V.. Mayfield, Pastor of the West I I Universi'ty" Baptist-Ohurch. . , 1.._ tQ Ct;) G\.l ~ ~ < (' I ! I i l ---! .n i I L In compliance wit~ Council actioa on Fe~ 23, 1953, legal notice duJ.y publi~hed. in the official newspaper of'ltbe City and notices mailed to all property ewners within 200 Ft. of Lot 7, Block 19" 'Collegeview 1st Addn.., Mayor:MoTrisannounced that a hearing was in order to consider the request of . the WestYniverSity Baptist Chur-Oh- to rezone the aforementioned lot for church purposes. ' , Mayer Morris, at the request of ,City Atterney Karl Kraft. swore in City Secretary Wb.itt Jehnson; Attorney W. C. Williamson, W. J. Dawson, J;)r. Ray V. Mayfield, Mrs. H. J. Clarke, Mrs. G. S. Voorhees, who :were scheduled to testify in cQrmecticm with the request for rezoning Lot 7, B1Qck 19, Collegeview 1st Addn. In answer to qUesti(i)IUJ by tQ.e 01t.y At.t.orney, the City Secretary t.est.ified that. Ord. No. 111 had. been complied ,with and notification had been published in the officia1 newspaper of tbeCity and all property owners within a . raclius of 200 Ft. of Lot.7,- Bleck 19, Collegevi~ 1st Addn. h~ been ,noti~ fied by mail that a hearing w()u1d ,be held at 8:00P.M. March 1.6, 1953, ta consider' amending the 'city's zoning erdinance to permit the requeet of the West University, Baptist Church. Attorney W. C. Williamsen, representing the Wes~ UniverS~ty 'Baptist Church testified that he had-appeared before the Zening'Boad anc.i City CouncUand- also that the 16-' in question was purclulsed to he1.p accomplish an overall progr-anff-or the Church. Mr. Williams om stated that it was the desire of, the church' to use the, structure existing' on. :Cot 7 ~ 'Block 19 ~ Collegevi.ew - . 1st Addn,. as Sunday School roems on Sunday' mornings temporar~. . C~tizens protestiIlg the request 'to rezene Let 7, Block 19~ Collegeviell' 1st Addn. for church purposes were Mrs. G. S. Voorhees~ 3811 Amherst, and. Mrs. H. J. Clarke, 3815 Amherst, who stated that in their opinion such rezoning wou1d decrease the value of their property across the s1ireet. .- other m.bers ef the West University Baptis1i Church present wh0 testified am behalf of the clmrch were: Mr. W. J'. Da.wson~ Mr. M. C. Halbert and'Dr. Ray V. Majfield; . W1.th ne 'other proponents and opponen~ r desiring to be h9ard, t,he '. foll~g action was taken:, MotiOJl by Ccmm. Hangs, sec0nded by Comm. Goff that the he~ring called te cansider the request of the West University Phurch ta rezone Lat 7, Block 19, Collegevifi 1st AQ.dn. f0r church pIlrposes be closed. None. . Voting AYel May-or Marris, Commissioners' Goff, Hangs and Meeney. Votii1g No: Motion.b;y CGmm. Goff, seconded by Comm. Hangs) that the request of the 'West University Baptist Church to'rezone Lot 7, Block 19, College- vieW 1st Addn. for church purposes be approved as' recommended by the lening & Planning Board, and that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare the ll"""1Xl~-==-==-"'--~~ r.,,,":: 1 '-----r T.' "Ill 11:''1" I 102 .<~y <:. necessary ordinance amending Ord. No. Ul. . Voting Aye: Mayor Morris, CQIDJrlissionersGo1'f, Hangs and l1oonsy. Votiilg No:, None (' r--\ i \ ) --,..-' iIi1i, ,,,",,, - . ~. ~ Wi.th. no further business to come before the Council at this time, upen mot10D. duly made, secQ~de,4 and carried, the meeting was adjourned. {r~ ~7/)z~ Mayor ATTEST: ll";r..", !-= =-=-. ~-=~~., , ::::..=t r-"- I -. -1 -------r :\ , [ I -OJ ~.,~~.\~ \!.. i ~ , , -m 11: I I r~! ~_I ~ 1,,':) 'CV;J C\l ~ "":) <:C Il j i J ! I I . \~ 'irJ 't~""" ~~i-:''''~ n I I i I L' 103 MINUTES OF REGUlAR COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 23, 1953 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday March 23, 1953, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris presiding; Commissioners, Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. The City Attorney and City Secretary were also present. The invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Nisbet. In compliance with Council action on March 9, 1953, members of the Electrical Board appeared before the Council regarding recommendations for amendments 'to the Electrical' Ordinance. After the recommendations were discussed the City Attorney ~as instructed to, prepare for consideration an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 535 as suggested by the Electrical Board. Minutes of the re~1ar meeting of the Zoning & Planning Board held on Mar<?h 12,1953, were submitted f'or consideration. Mr. L. B. Ayres, representing the' St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church appeared before the Council and a~vised that his church had approved plans for con- struction of' a sanct~ry but were s~ill.in need o~~additional space until completion of the structure and requested permission to continue using a small building adjacent to the ~in. structure as a Scout House and Sunday School.ro?JnS until appro.ximately 60 ~ys after' completion of ' the sanctuary. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the St. Andrews Presbyterian Church be given permission to use the small building~ adjacent to the main, structure as a, Scout House and Sunday School rooms ' until April I, 1954.. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. None Mr. Kelly, Gaffney, Architect, representing the West Univers:j.ty Baptist Church appeared before the Council requesting permission to move two existing frame buildings on the church premises at the corner of Amherst and Au~~n to another location on the smaepremises in order t~ provid~ space for construction of ~ new church audito:dum~ ,Mr. Gaffney had sub- . mitted a formal application to the Zoning Board dated March 5, with a plat showing the proposed: location of the two present frame buildings and also' location of the proposed structure. The Zoning Board determined it was n0t their responsibility to pass on this request and referred the matter to the City Council. After considering the request and Zoning Board action , Council instructed the City Secretary to approve issuance of a permit to lllove the' two existing frame buildings as requested by the West University Baptist Church subject to execution of an agreement that the City will not be hel<l liable for .damage wh;ich might be incurred to the building by rea.son of being pla.ced on or near the' sanitary sewer line in the easement at the rear of the property. Mr. Gaffney also requested on behalf of the West University Baptist Church permission to use the dwelling on Lot 7, Block 19, College"View 1st Addition which had recently been purchased by the church, for Sunday School rooms; ~~~~-'W ,~, "' 'I1I1I'l1 " ." T ,",~~~~ -, f'" 'I r~~1 104. said Lot 7, Block 19, College View IS,t Add! tion having been rezoned for church use at a public hearing by the Council on March 9th. -.\ I i , , '--.' , . Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner, Hangs that 'permission 'be given the West University Baptist Church for temporary use of the building on Lot 7, Block'19, College View lst Addition for Sunday School rooms on sunday mornings, until October 31, 1954;. use of building subject to con- curre~ce of Building Inspector. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; 'Commissioners Goff, Hangs, and Nisbet. Commissioner Mooney Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare an ordinance amending Ordinance No. III .~ whereby awlicants will be cbargeda fee of $25.00 before a hearing is called 'to amend, supp.lement or change Ordinance No. Ill, as recommended by, the Zoning & Planning Board. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff~ Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. 'Voting No: N~ne A letter was received from Zelp~ E.Shumate, Principal of the West University Elementary School asking that the "no parking" area' across the 'street from the' school on 'University Boulevard be- discontinued. The Chief of P<Ylice recommended that action be taken to permit parking on the south side of University Boulevard in the 3700.Block. -\ I i Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that Ordi- nan~e No. 404 ,be amended to permit parking on the south side of University Boulevard' in the 3700 Block with exception of the cross walk areas, as -, recommended by the Chief of Pol~c~. Voting Aye:'*yor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. Voting No.: None -...".- In compliance with Council action a'tabulation and recommendation was sub~, mitted on bids received March 9, 1953, for automobiles for the Police, Fi~eand Water Department; T,ractor with Mower attachment, Autofnobile Generator, Sirens, Radios and Fire Hose, as follows: " AUTOMOBILES POLICE DEPT. Jack Roach, Motor ,Com:pS.ny 2 - Two Door Sedans - Customline 1953,Ford $3,790.32 -' FIRE DEPl'. '" Jack Roack Motor Company 1 - Two Door Sedan Customline 1953 Ford $1,674.00 PICKUP , WATER DEPl'. Dow Motor Company .' 1 - ! Ton Chevrolet Pickup $1,273.88 --.J r05 RADIOS ''''-~ ! I I ' \,_1 FIRE DEPr. Motorola Communications Inc. ,'One Model FMl'RU-41VFront Mount IO Watt Radi,o $393.22 FIRE ROSE FIRE DEP'l'. American LaFrance Corp. 300,' Feet of 2ft Fendwell FireHose @ $1.87 300 Feet of l;t Fendwell Fire Rose @ $1.33 ? ,$561.00 399.00 $960.00 to cY:l C\l <C "=:> ~ AUTOMOBILE Gl!:NERATOR F!BE. DEFT. Beard & Stone Electric Company One Leece-Neville'Generator $153.91 S1RENS n , I ~ ! i , , I \.--l POLICE'DEPr. Allied ,Safe~y Equipment. Company. , . 2 - Model,Q2B Federal Sirens @ $130.50 TRAcTOR & MOWER $261.00 STREP:f ,DEFT. -' ;-- $1,920.39 470.39 $1,450.00 Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded 'Qy Commis,sioner Gofftbat the tabulation and recommendations submitted by the City Secretary and Depart-' ment Heads be. accepted as listed. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs; Mooney and Nisbet V otingNo: None Ordinance No. 635, captioned as follows) was ~ submitted' to ,the Council for, consideration and read in:eull: ' Ii \ I , i '\----~ AN ORDINANCE RE~ING ORDINANCE NO. 368" WHICll>.sAID ORDINANCE AMENDED OR1)DIANCE NO. 310ASSElSSING' AND', LEVYING A': CHARGE FOR, EACH ,CONNECTION OF PRIVATE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORAT~LIMtTS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE ,TEXAS, W:FFRTBESANITARYSEWERS OF SAID CITY:BY PRO- VIDING THAT ASEW;ER CHARGE SHALL APPLY TO ALL INDIVIDUAL DWELLING UNITS 'RATHER THAN EACH BUILDING,. AND AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. .310 BY PROVIDING THAT sueR CHARGES SHALL BE APPLICABLE TO EACH CO:NNECTION OF PRIVATE r.:..~:t::==-.==-.....==.c-:::':'-=--==::1 r::~~-:---:-:-,::--.:~-~.--~~=' __-1 r--~---- ---~----'-----'----~----'~IlI'T!:Tf':T'---- ''I' ---- 106 l!'RO~TI A:NP TO ALL DIDIVIDUAL DWELLING UNITS WI'ftIIN THE CORPORATE. LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE , TEXAS, AND' FURTHER PROVIDING FOR DATE OF PAYMENT OF SUCH CHARGES. Mot~on by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that Ordi- nance No. 635 repeal~ngOrdinance No. 368, which amended Ordinance No. 310, by providing that such charges shall be applicable to each connection and providing for date of payment of such charges, be passed and a.pproved ~s re~. r. . 'Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, ~ooney and Nisbet None Ordinance No. 636, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council for considera.tion and' read in,f'uII: AN ORDINANCE. AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 444 SETTING THE SCBEDU'L1j; OF RATE,S TO BE CHARGED FOR WATER DELIVERED TO USERS BY THE CITY OFw;EST UNI.,. VERSITY PLACE, AND SETTING up, PROVISION FOR THE COLI.;ECTION OF ALL. DE- LINQUENT WATEB ACCOtmTS AND THE FURNISHING OF SERVICE IN CONNECTION THEREWITH BY PROVIDING FOR THE REABRANGEMENT OF DISCOUNT ON SUCH CHARGES Am) ESTABLISHING AN ADDITIOi'TAL CHARGE EQUAL TO Ifl/o OF THE NET AMOUNT OF EACH AND EVERY BILL WHERE SUCH BILL IS NOT ,PAID WITHIN TEN . DAYS FROM THE ,DATE OF BILLING AND FURTHER PROVIDING FOR ~'MINIMUM . CHARGE TO BE EFFECTIVE WHERE FINAL DISCOETlNUANCE OF. SERVICE .IS RE- QUES~ AND SELWICE. IS TERMINATED; AND DECLARING ~ EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that Ordinance No. .636 amending Ordinance No. 444 setting the schedule of rates to be, charged for vater delivered to users by the City of West Un~versity Place, by providing :r;:earrangment of discount and establishing an additional"charge equal to lo% of the 'net amount of' each and every,bill if not paid within . ten days from the date, of .billing and further providing for' a mini.mUin charge to be effective where final discontinuance of service is requested and service is terminated, be passed and approved as read. ,-\ Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Ha~gs, Mooney and Nisbet None The City Secretary called the Council's attention to a previous interview of :Mr. Benny Kingman for the position of BUilding Inspector and that *". Klngman ~d. not been officially appointed building inspecto~~ The City Secretary. stated that in his opinion :Mr. Kingman was qualified to fill the position and recommended that he be.employed for such position and that :Mr. . J. D. ~lstott, serving as acting' Building Inspector b~ appointed Assistant Building Inspector to be used during Mr. Klngman's absence and v:acation period and to be Paid on an hourly basis, for ~uch relief duties. . , ' Motion by Commissioner Hangs, s,econded by Commissioner Goff that Mr. Benny Kingman be appo~nted as Building Inspector at a salary of $320 p~r month and thatJ. D. Allstott be retained as Assistant ~uilding Inspector on an hourly basis. 'I , i ! I ---- VlotingAye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Moon~yand Nisbet Voting No: None' ~1 ''''~~k=-'''_'''''-' '- Ir:=r = "~lll'\ .h _ r'-' .... ,~'l ~,~ "11[1,JI"1 ~[~ II I \ \_,1 to C'? . C\l <"! ~ ~ (i i I I 1- i t i ,~ , (l 107 In connection with Council's previous plans and c0ntipued efforts to purchase additional property for city's use, Mayor Morris submirted the following contract .of 'sale between the City and Mr. Doyle M. May for purchase by the 'city o~ 2.307 acres o~ land at the Northwestinte~section o~ Edloe Street and the S.A.&A..P. Railroad tracks and also a Resolution 'authorizing the sale of Lots 49, 5Q ~nd. a portion of Lot 51, Cambridge Place Addition in.' Harris County to the Shell Oil Company: . . , CONTRACT THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESDTS: '-'^' ' THIS AGREEMENT- made and entered, into in duplicate originals in Harris. County, Texas, by and between DOYLE - M. MAY, -party of the firs't part, herein- after styled j'Seller, II and THE cm OF WEST UNIVEB,SITY PLACE, a munic1;pali ty, party of the second part, hereinafter styled "Purchaser," . L" J WIT N E S, SET H: .-. - - _. - - - - - - r Seller agrees to sell and Purchaser agrees to buy the following described tracts of' land for the considerations hereinafter set out, to-wit: , ) , TRACT ONE: The West half of that certain one' and three hundred and seven one-hundredths acres (1.307) of land out of Lot No. One (I) of theA. T. Morse Subdivision of theA. C. Reynolds League Survey in Harris County, Texas, 'bounded as follows: ' BEGINNING at a. gas pipe set at the southwest corner of a one-acre tract, said corner being on' the North line of the .County Road and 110 feet distant' from and at right angles to the center of the S. A. and A.' P. Rail1'oad,right o~ way, said corner being also South 84 degrees,41' West 104.7 feet from the East line of said Let No.1; THENCE North along the West, line of said one acre traet 422.1 feet to the Northwest corner of sa.id one acre tract; THENCE West 132.8 feet to a. gas pipe set for the Northwest corner of said 1.307 acre tract; ,THENCE South 43~-1/2 feet to a gas pipe set in the North line ot the aforesaid County Road; THENCE Nortl:!. 84 degrees. 41' East along the North side of said County , Road, 132.3 f~et to the Place of ~eginning and being the land described in deed by Champ Ross and ehas. B~ Wood of date 30th day of September .19l3, recorded in Vol. 31l, page 374 of Harris County, Texas, reference to which is hereby made; being'the same. property conveyed to Doyle M. May by deed dated July'24, 1952, from the Phenix DairY, reference to which instrument'is here made for all purposes. TRACT TWO: One acre tract in the A. ,0,. Reynolds SUli'Veyas described in Vol. 228, page 28 of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas, and the E.i of the 1..307 acre tract in the ~. C. Reynolds Survey described in Vol. 254, page 215 of the Deed Records of Harris County, Texas, both . tracts being located in Lot One of the A. T. Morse Subdivision in said A. C.. Reynolds Survey. . , :r<'~~'" I . . mWfl fi--:-~I -, r ' '1 1~08 The consideration for these tracts of land shall be Thirty-four Thousand and N~/IOOths Dolhrs ($34,000.00), cash. --\ , i ! } -----' T1t~e to the above described property is to be guaranteed to Purchaser at Seller's expense by the Stewart Title ;Guaranty Company. If, th~ said . Stewart Title Guaranty Company refuses or is unable to guarantee said title to Purchaser, 'for whatsoever reason, the Seller shall have thirtY.(30) days from date that Stewart Title Guaranty Company notifies Seller of its refusal, to(cure said title to the satisfaction of Stewart Title Guaranty Company. , It is agreed and understood between the parties hereto that tit~e to the above described property is to be conveyed, :t:reefrom all restrictions which would prohibit tl,1.e use of same in the storing of trucks, equipment, materials and suppiies used in the operation of the garbage and street departments of the City of West University Place, or the instal::J-ation of any overhead or groundwater storage , welJ. or other buildings or' equipment for use of the water department. of the City of We.st University Place, by general warranty dee9.; and, a~~ papers a.re .to be de11ve;red at the office of Stewa:t"t Tit~e Guaranty Company in Houston, Texas. ' , It is also agreed and understood between the parties that immediate possession of the above described property, with all improvements presently existing thereon baving been theretofore removed at Seller's expense, is to be given to Purcha,ser wi thin' sixty (60) days from the' performance of the terms of this contract at the office of the StewartTit~e Guaranty Company in Houston, Texas. ' ' Seller agrees to furnish tax certificates showi,ng all taxes paid through the year 1952; 1953 taxes to be prorated as of the date of deed. . , , i-\ ,Time is of the essence of this contract. EXEC~TBIS 23rd day of March, 1953. ( s). Doyle M.Ma.y j Seller . The City of West University Place Iil~s)EElwiR W. MaFFia, M9.yel' Purchaser ' RESOLUTION 53-5 WHEREAS, the City of West University'Place owns the real property describeo. in the deed form attached hereto and made a part hereof, being '0.537 acres out of Lots 49,50 and 51 of Cambridge Place Addition in'Harris County, Texas, and a 0.165 acre water 'storage tract out of L~t 51; , WHEREAs, the City of west University P~ace is not using said 0.537 acre tract for any purpose a.nd sale thereof willI be advantageous to the City; - t'"" _ 'l"- ~- ~r-- ;-, I : , , \ '----- ' to C>? C\l ....:( "''':), ~ (I i i \_-; r-~ ( \ ! j - r G lOQ~ WHEREAS, Shell Oil Company has offered to buy said 0.537 acre tract for $27,500 cash plus an option in its favor to buy such 0.165 acre ,water storage tract for $8,500 cash if and when the City permanently abandons the use of such water storage tract for water storage purposes; WHEREAS, the City of West University Place has heretofore leased both such tracts to Shell Oil Company for. 10 years from April 16, 1951, by lease dated April 16, 1951; , RESOLVED, on motion by Commissioner John K. Mooney, seconded byCommi~sioner Frank E. Hatllf;s, that the offer of' Shell Oil Company be accepted and, that the ' Mayor and City Secretary be a.uthorized to'ex(;lcU'te and deliver a deed to Shell Oil Company on the form attached hereto"for said consideration of $27,500; and that the Mayor and City Secretary be authorized to execute an agreement - with Shell Oil Company termitiatin'g said leas~ of April 16, 1951, effective as of the date of said deed, but without any Obligation on the part of the City , to return any part of the rent heretofore paid by Shell Oil Company' under said lease. Motion by Commi~sioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that Resolution 53~5 authorizing the sale af Lots 49, 50, and a portion of 51, Cambridge Place Addition in Harris County to the Shell Oil Company be passed and approved as r!=ad. , ' , Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, HaJ1gs, Mooney and Nisbet Voting No :' None Motion' by Commissio,ner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Goff that the Mayor be' authorized t9 execute the Contra~t of Sale withMr'. Doyle, M. M:l.y - to purchase 2.307 acres of land at the northwest corner of the i~tersection of Edloe Street and the S.A.&.A.P~ tracks. Voting Aye: Voting No ; Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and. Nisbet None Another Resolution authorizing the sale of Lots 49, 50 and a ,portion of 5l~ Cambridge Place Addition to.Shell Oil Company and authorizing the purchase of 2.307 acres located at the Northwest corner of Edloe Street and S.A.& A.P. Tracks from Doyle M. May was submitted for' consideration:' RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, being aware of the need for ad'ditional space for the storing of trucks, equipment, materials and supplies used in the operation'of the Garbage and Street Departments of the City as well as for other uses connected with the duties,'respo~sib~lities and undertakings of the said City, has entered into negotiations with Doyle M. May for the purchase of certain unimprov.ed real estate located within the corpora.te limits of the City of Houston, Texas, to satisfy such need, to-wit: the west one-half of that certain 1.307 acres of land out of Lot No. I of the ~. T. Morse Subdivision of the A. C. Reynolds League Survey described in Volume 3ll, Page 374 of the deed records of Harris County, '1'exas, and one acre tract in the A. C. Reynolds Survey as ll--- ~l ...:'::::::::::1 T.' "Ill II~!I I , " < . - "j" --------------r "~"''f .-,---- 110 ( l described in Volume 228, pa.ge 28 of the deed records of Harris County, Texas, and the East one-half of the 1.307. acre tract in the A. C. Reynolds Survey described in Vo1.ume254, Page 21.5 of the deed records of Harris Coubty, Texas" both tracts being located in Lot l,of the'A. T. Morse Subdivision in said A. C. Reynolds Survey; and ,-, i --.J WHEREAS, an agreement has been en,tered into betw~en the City of West University Place by and through its Mayor, Edwin W. Morris, and the saiq. D0yle M. May providing for the sale and conveyance of the said unimproved real estate to the said City; and WHEREAS, the City'C0mm1ssion of the City ofW~st University Place deems it advisable to s~ll and convey a P9rtion of that real esta'te now owne,d by the, said Cit~located within the.corporate limits. of the City of Houston, same being known and described as L0ts 49, 50 and a portion of 51 of Cambridge . I ' P1a.ce:Addition as is shown .by Subdivision Plat recorded in Volume 4, Page 55 of the map records of Harris County, the proceeds from such sale to be applied toward the purchase of t~ additional land herein above mention~d; and wm:REAS, the Shell Oil Company is desiro~s of purchalilling from the City of West Univer~ity Place the property hereinabove described and has made an offer ,for same,wh~ch the City Commission deems attractive and believes should be accepted; a~d ,WHEBEAS, Article lII, Section 4 of the Home Rule Charter of the City of West University P1Lace, Texas" provides that the City may "... for cash, on terms or otherwise~ purchase, lease, rent or acquire property and sell, lease, rent or otherw:i;se dispose of any such property. It may make lilny and all rules , , and regulations by ordinance or resolution which may be required to 'carry out fully all of the provisions of any conveyance, deed or will in relation ~o an,y gift or bequest or the provisions of any lease 'Qywhich it! may acquire property. " ' . -j i j ~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: That In accordance with, Article III, Section 4'of the Rome Rule Charter of the .City 9f West University Place, Texas, authority is hereby granted by the City Commission of the City of West University ~lace, .Texas, to Edwin'W. Morris, I-hyor of the said City to execute for and on behalf of, and, as the. act of tpe said City, any and all contracts, agreements ~ deeds, notes or in- struments of whatsoever kind or character, necessary for and incident to the above mentioned transactions involving the acquisition and sale of certain tracts 'of real estate by the City .of West University Place, Texas. Done and passed this; the 23rd day of March, 1953. COMMISSIONERS All voting aye.- COMMISSIONERS None voting no. "\ ! , Motion by Commissioner MQoneY, seconded by Gommissioner Hangs that Resolution 53-6 authorizing ~he sale and conveyance by deed of Lots 49, 50 and a portion -' . '~'-"";'""~~-,,,,"- 11"::"'.','" "'~"J ~_~r' --T~..nl . T "' fillGTI 1 (-I, I ' \ '--- t..":l 0") C\1 <:: "':) ~ (-~ ! I . , ! '---~ ,~ I I \ '--- ! fl""~)'r,- 11 l' of 51, C~bridge_ Place Addition to Shell O.il Company and purchase of 2.'307 acres of land at the Northwest corner of Edloe Street and S.A. 8: A.P. Tr~cks from 1)oy:J;.e M. May be adopted. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor 'Morris;' Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None I During the discussion in which the action to purchase additional property for the . city and to sell Lots 49, 50 and a portion of 51, Cambridge Place Addition, in Harris County, Texas, to the Shell Oil Company recent efforts of the City to acquire additional land were reviewed. Since efforts to acquire additional property adjacent to the sewage disposal plant for city's use had failed repre- _ sentatives of the city bad for a ntimberof months been investigating various suitable sites for the storage of city,equipnlent and installation of needed facilities. After considering a number of poss~ble locations'the best site for general city use was considered to be the above described property located at Edloe and S .A. &: A~P. Tracks. Members of the Commission were unwilling to mak~ anr com~ mittment for purchasing new property without first making financial arrangements', which would, n~t be a. burden on the 'city at this time.. As, a result negotiat.ions were entere<;1 into with the Shell Oil Company looking toward the sale to Shell Oil ConipanY' of . property on which the present. elevated storage tank is locat~d .' South of \Bellaire Boulevard. Records ipdicate this property was originally, purchased-by the city in 1938 for a sum: of $1,950 from the'Boulevard Land Com- pany. The enf?uing enhancement in value of this property -w:as considered to be sufficient to'substantiallyoffset the purchase price of the property described in detail above. In consummating negotiations with Shell Oil Company arrange-' ments w.:eremade to sell aJ,.1- of. the property now owned in that area with ex- ceptiop. of a tract of la.n~ 80 x90 Ft. on which the elevated water storage'tank is located for the consideration of $27,500 cash.. . \ ' Details on all property transactions set f'Q.rth in the above negotiations are on permanent file in the City Hall. Minutes of. the meetings of March 9th and 16th were read and approved as cor- rected. 1 With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried,' the meeting was adjourned~ dZ-~ 7/ ~ Mayor, ATIJ?EST: n"" ~~'~', _3 _~r'.' -1--"~:1'--'--"-r- ~, nmwr 112 MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL' MEETING APRIL 13, 1953 The~City Council convened in regular session on Monday April 13, 1953, 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. The City Attorney and the City Secretary were also present. _..1 The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Hangs. Mr. John Langston, Mr. R. P. Ridley and Mrs. H. A. Lange, residents living in 1;1:1e 3900 Block of'RuskinStreet a~peared before Council complaining of the growth' of grass and lTeeds on vacant property fronting on Stella Link Road and adjacent to their property. They also complained of brush and debris being dUmped on the vacant prope,rty stating that it was becoming a health menace. The City Secretary was' instructed to have the Sanitarian make an inspection of the premises and make arrangements for the debris to be removed and the property mowed once each month. ' Mrs. Harry Turner, Chairman of a Committee for Improvements of Poor Farm Ditch appeared before Council and gave a repor:t on the Committee's meeting with Mayor Hofheinz of the City of Houston. Mrs ~ Turner also requested the Council to take 'whatever action possible to clear" the ditch of weeds, debris, snakes, rodents etC. The Council instructed the City Sanitarian to make an inspecti9n of the ditch and to eliminate health hazards until some permanent improvement can be made to the ditch. A request was submitted from the West University Methodist Church for p'ermission to use a fra~e cottage covered with asbestos siding and located on the rear of the church grounds for sunday sC)lOol rooms until their present crowded con- ditions can be alleviated by completion of,a building program.' i\ Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Goff that the West University Methodist Church be permitted to use the cottage loca~ed on the rear of church grounds for sunday school rooms until the 15th of November, 1954, with instructions to the Fire Marshal to inspect the building to determine that'proper ex;i.ts are provided. Voting Aye: V oting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None Dr. Ben Walpole, 3308 Rice Boulevard had requested permission from the Zoning and Planning Board to erect a car-po~tto be attached to the west side of his residence/which would be 9'10" wide with. the supporting posts on the side property 11ne. The Zoning Board recommended approval subject to a pUblic hearing being held, walls not to be enclosed, not to extend beyond the front line of the house, and an affidavit being executed that the structure will not be used f-or commercial purposes. No action was taken-as Dr. Walpole was not present to answer questions by the Counci~. A recommendation from the Insur,ance Committee for a comprehensive, insurance program for the city and a comparison of funds allocated in the 1953 budget for this purpose was submitted to the Council for consideration. The following Insura.nce Program was" recommended by the Insurance Committee: ;' ----.j r~'~' i \ i ! I, ! ~ L"':l 'C>:'J '. C~ < ;-,'''';;} <( r\ i I \,--.J 1.13 Fire, Theft & Liability for Automobiles and Trucks 3.,645 .30 Broad Form Money arid Securities Policy '228.75 Faithful Performance Blanket Position Bond 1,006.63 Fire, Explosion Ins. City Properties I, 618.29 3,981.00 7.323.00 17,802.97 Gomp. General Liability Workmen's Compo Ins. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the recom- mendation from the Insurance Committee dated April'9, for increasing an over..... allinsuranceprogram~ be accepted and placed into effect April l~, 1953. V oting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney 'and Nisbet None The Council discussed advisability of appropriating sufficient fu~ds each year to pay annUal cost of the insurance program and funds not expended on premiums' written on a two and three year basis be deposited in the bank as a reserve to be appro'priatedob annual premium cost and in this respect the following actiot! was taken:' , , Motio~ by Co~ssioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the City Attorney be instructed to prepaFe an ordinance creating a reserve fund from which annual insurance premiumscou1.ll be paid and that the adv:ice of the auditing firm Summerford & Wicker be obtained insetting up such program. in relation to the budget. ' . Voting Aye; Mayor Morris;- Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet Voting No :, None' Mr .L. E.' Carpenter, 2830 Sunset Blvd. , appe~red before the Council protesting the location of the bus stop at the Northwes~ corner of Sunset and Wakeforest ' stating that two bus stops are adjacent and were a traffic hazard especially when two ,busses make a stop simultaneously. Mr~ Carpenter also stated that in his opinion it was a traffic hazard when a bus make~ the required stop on Sunset east of the intersection of Wakeforest and pro~eeds,across the inter- section and makes the regular bus stop. Mr. Carpenter agreed to cooperate with the Council and opserve the present bus stop arrangement for a two weeks period and in event there still appears to be a traffic hazard, other arrange- ments will be made. TQe City Secretary submitted the following schedule of funds available for U~-:"..~i=--==--=-~:::':~'::=::1_~__~~r~~' .--. -'---1=":"- _1'-' f' '~'~-:---nnTITI':1 ----------. 'T :_"':1 114 'l'A~~j,I;f,! short term reinvestment: Fund Amount General $50,000 Health 6,000 Water & Sewer 75,000 Tax Revenue Sinking FD. 20.00Q Total _. $151,000.00 I ~.-/ Motion by Commissioner Bangs, seconded by CammissionerNisbet that funds be inv~sted as recommended by the City Secretary and City Treasurer. Voting' Aye: Voting No : . , Mayor M~rris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, MJoneyand Nisbet None The City' Secretary advised that Mr. Harry E. Calvert had requested renewal of a lease for the~on~es6ion at the Swimming Pooi for the 1953 season on a 20% gross receipts ,basis as in previous years. MOtion by Commissioner Bangs, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the City Secretary be instructed to negotiate with'Mr. Barry Calve,rt for renewal of the Swimming Pool Concession lease contract on the'same basis of the 1952 . contract. v otit:tg Aye: Mayor Morris; Commies ioners Goff', Bangs, MooneY an,<l Ni.sbet Voti.ng No: None ~ ", . .' Ordinance No. 637, cap'tioned'as fOllows, was submitted to the Council for con- sideration and read in full: ' i-I ~' AN ORDINANCE ~ING ORDINl\NCE NO. III OF THE CITY OF WEST ,UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SO AS TO REQUIRE THE PAYMENT OF A FEE BY APPLICAMS ,SEEKING A CHANGE, EXCEPTION OR AMElIDldENT TO SUCH ORDINANCE ; FIXING Ti$ .AMOUNT OF THE FEE TO ~ CHARGED; PROVIDmG THAT SUCH FEES SHALL. BE PAID mo THE GENEEtAL FUND OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; AND DECLARING AN' EMERGENCY. ' Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that Ordinance No. 637 , a.inending Ordinance No. lll'so as to require the Payment of a f,ee by applicants seeking a change, exception or amendment to such ordinance; and fixing 'the amount of the fee to be chargeq. be passed and approved as read. '. Voting Aye: Voting No ': Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Bangs, MooneY and Nisbet None -- , , ". A letter dated April 9, 1953, from Dr. Ray V. Mayfield,' Pastor of the West Uni;versity Baptist Church was received by the Council in compliance with Council action on March 23, 1953, granting permiSSion to mpve two frame build- ings over the existing easement on Lot 8, Block i9, College View 1st Addition and asking for an agreement whereby the city would be abso;Lved,from any liability , ~. " rc"",,~" --. --~""";J,r; ',::to, ;;O:";'-"':,')-"1/, "1-1:'-. c,-::V-, '2'1"' r'--"-- --- r ) L l.cr M C\l <C ~ c:::C r-i I , ! I \_, -', i!aollmF,' Ii ~ 115 i or damage which might be incurred t~ the buildings by reason of same resting over the easement and t~t the city be indemnified for any damages incurred' to the sE/oni.tary.sewer ~ine by reason of moving the two f'r1'lJD.e buildings.into the said easement. The di ty Secretary advised tha,t the Texas 0i ty Manager's Assoc:J.ation would hold their annual meeting in,Corpus Christi on May 3, 4 and 5 and aSked permission to attend. . Motion by Commis~io'Qer Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that City Secretary Whitt Johnson be authorizedto,~ttend the Texas City Manager's Association meeting in porpus'Christi on May 3, 4 an~ 5 with reasonable expenses paid. Voting Aye: Voting No : r&:t.yor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None f Minutes of tperegular Council meeting on March 23, 1953, were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Council at this tiIrle, upon motion duly made, seconded atld carried, the meeting was adjourned. / \ l .~/~~ Mayor A'ITES'f: , I' lf~", ' '~; , !I /' I' l' , '" ~~ 6 11.' ',. j::l~;'H1Y'.-mlill' ." i MI:wI'ES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING APRIL( 27; 1953 The C~ty Cpmmiasion convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday April 27, 1953, 7:3q P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commis,sioners Goff,' Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. The C.i ty Secretary and City Attorney~were, a.lso present. Mayor Mor~is pronQunced the invocation. 1 ) ----./ , Dr. Ben Walpole, 3308 Rice Boulevard, at the request of the. City Council appeared' in behalf of his application to ereet ~ carport on the West side of his resi- dence which would be 9 Ft-. 10 Inches wide with the supporting posts on, the side property line. The Zoning and Planning Board in regular session on April 9, 1953, had recommended approval of Dr. Walpole ':s re'quest subject to the following, conditions: (I) That a public hearing be held, (2) that the walls not be enclosed, (3) that it not e~end beyond the front line of, the house,. and (4) that an affidavit be executed that it will not be used for commercial purposes. Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commi~sioner'Mobney that the recom- mendation of the Zoning Board be accepted' and a public hearing called for~ 8:30 P.M. May 18, 1953, to consider the request of Dr. Ben Walpole, 3308 Ri~e Boulevard for permission to ereet a' carport 9 Ft. 10',Inches in width on the west side of his residence with the ,supporting posts on the side property line. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commis.sioners Hangs, MooneY,a.n.d Nisbet Commissioner Goff In accordance with City Charter requirements for appoi~tment of a Board of Eqaalization the~following.ac~ionwas.taken: Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet, that the follow~ ing persons be appointed to the Board ei" Equalization":For "!;he year 1953: Mr. Anthony Carso,,!Vir. W. E. Arnold and Mr. O. C. King. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioner.s Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None Applications for Manager of the Swimming Pool for the'1953 season ~ere con- sidered and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff that the City Secretary be given authority to employ Mr. Horace Elrod as Manager of the West University Swimming Pool at a salary of $~O per. month 'for the 1953 seas.on and that-May 23rd be set as the opening date for the pool provided weather condi tibns are favorabl,e and personnel is availa:ble. Voting Aye: Voting No . Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None Rates for season tick~t6and individual swims were discussed for the 1953 season. It was the opinion of the Council that the same rates as charged last year were desirable. ~ - ln~]l -I If I I l'--,-r -, ,. n I ! \---1 11-7 "\ Motion by Commissioner Bangs, seconded by Commissioner Goff' that a charge be ,set for individual swims at 50~ for adults and 25~ for children 15 and under; also charges be set for Season Tickets at $9.00 for individual tickets; $12.00 for'familyof two participating members; $15 for family of three parti~ipating members and $18.o0 for family of four or more participating m,embers. . . Voting Aye: Voting No. : Mayor Morris; None Commissioners Goff, Ht~ngs, Mooney and Nisbet The Council was advised that action had been taken by the City Council of Houston to di~continue pa~nt of' a $50.00 per month sanitary sewer charge made' to Houston Coca Cola Company at 2800 Bissonnet Street in the City of t;:' Houston. A contract between the City of' West Unive;t"sity'and the Houston Coca- ~ Cola BottJ,ing Company dated November 29) 1948, states in' part "that the Coca- C\l Cola Company, shall be liable at all times for said monthly service charge", ~ therefore the City Secretary requested authority to discontinue billing the' ~ City of Houston for sewer service at the HoustoIl' Coca-Cola Bottling Company ~ and authority to (bill the Coca-Cola Company direct. 1"\ , , I : 1 i \.-..... I l I '--- Motion by CoJDIJd,ssioner'Moohey,seconded by Commif:!sioner Bangs that the City Secretary be instructed to discontinue billing t'he City or' Houston each month for ,sewer service at, the Houston Coca-Cola Bottleing Company and to bill the Co~a - Cola dompany beginning May I, 1953', at the rate of, $50.00 per month in accordance with the contract dated November 29, 1948. Voting A~:, Vot'ing No : Mayor Morris; Commi.ssi~:mers Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None In compl--;i.ance with, Council action on October 13, 1952, whereby Mr. Joe Hild was classified as Sanitary Engineer to assume responsib~lity of supervision of the sewage disposal plant in addition to supervision of the sanitation department at a salary of ,$3:75 per month effective October 15,'1952, with a $25.00 inqz:ease ~ter a six months trial per-iod, the ,rollowingaction was taken: Motion bY,Commissioner Hangs, seconded by C,ommissioner Goff, that Mr. .Joe Hild's salary be increased to $400 per month effecti~e April 15, 1953, in accordance with action taken on October l3,1952. V oting .!lye: Voting No Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Bangs, Mooney and Nisbet None Mr. Chas. B. Webster, Jr. Executive Secretary for the Southwest Branch YMCA appeared before Council to explain the cost of the summer recreation program and the pI:oposed teen-age supplement progJ:'am. Estimates furnisned by ~. Webster 'showed that the total cost of the program would be $2,728.50, the entire program to be under the s~pervision of.the Southwest Branch YMCA subject to dir.ection of the Oity Council of the City of West University Plaee. Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the summer recreation program and the, teen-age supplement program as outlined by Mr. Webster and reco~nded by the city recreation committee be accepted and the budget amended to a:ppropriate an additional $728.50 from the Swimming Pool' Fund for this purpose. lItllm\&'" t I' " r~ c- ~'if." ,. '.'11 II "Ill'" ., 11 ts... Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris,; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None Mayor Morris advised that he had instructed the'Chief of Police to make a study of truck traffic on Buffalo Speedway stating tha.t complaints had been received that trucks were using residential 'streets since signal lights had been installed on Rice and Sunset at the intersection of Buffalo Spdw.In compliance with Mayor Morris's request, H. E. Shipp submitted a recommenda~ion that truck prohibited signs Qe placed at the interse~tions of Georgetown, . Jarrard and Amber.st with Buffalo Speed~y and 'Wakeforest and Belmont at the' intersection of Bissonnet Street, tp diverttruck~'from residential streets to Buffalo Speedway which has been the normal truck route prior to erection of signal lights on Buffalo Speedway. Motion by Co~ssioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Goff that Truck Pro- hibited Signs be pJ;aced at the intersections .of Georgetown, Jarrard and Amherst with Buffalo Speedway and Wakeforest and Belmont at the intersection of Bissonnet Street, as recommended by the Chief of POlice. ' Voting Aye: VotingN6 : Mayor Morris; C?imnissioners Goff; Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None . City Attorney Karl Kraft advised that upon instructions of Council a former City Attorney had fil-eq. suit for collection of delinquent taxes against Lot 8, Bloclt 12, West University Place 1st Addition owned by Mrs. Rena Rafferty, a feme sole, et aI, and Mr. John L. Day, et,al, owner of Lot 3, Block 3; Pemberton Addition and judgments had been taken but the Houston Inde- pendent School District and Harris County had faileq. to intervene in the two respective ~ax suits to protect their interest and claim of delinquent ,taxes and if the: City of West UniversityPlac;.e 'took final judgment and entered an order of sale thEf Houston , Independent School District and Harris County could not sue and wOuld be barred from ever collecting delinquent taxes for the years involved in 'the City ofc West University Place suit. Mr. Kraft stated the dismissing of the two. t~x suits by order of the Council would not lessen the city's position of collec~ing delinquent taxes ata later date on the respective proper.ty to any degree. Motion by'Commissioner'Goff, seconded by C~mmissioner Nisbet that th~ tax suits styled City ,of West U.niversity Place vs. Mrs. Rena Rafferty, a feme sole, et aI, and City of West University Place vs. John L. Day, et aI, be dis~ssed. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Go:rnmissioners Goff ~ Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None' Minutes of the meeting of Aprill3, 1953, were read and approved as corrected. With no further. business to come before the Council. at this time, ,up.on motion dulymtitde, seconded an9- carried, the meeting was adjourned. dZ;,lfk~ , Mayor' lIUj!fr~Yifi It I! 'r ' 'I" J,n'm ~ i'1; II '--1 i , \ ) --,,- ~.\ , , ,--..J r-) l_1 tt,) ~ N < ..-... "" ~ ,- , I I : I I I 1 ' ,,-_.J -.-" I ! I i " ~8rl~' 119: MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MAY 11, 1953 The CityCoJJl!!1issiQU convened in re~lar session at the City Hall on Monday, Nay II, 1953, 7:30 P.M:. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Cqm,missioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. The City Secretary andCi ty',Attsrney were also present. The invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Mooney. , ' - Min:utes of a speeial meet+ng of the Zoning and, Planning Board held on April 30,., 'J.953, Were sUQmitted to t;b.e Council for consideration. The Board recommended. that the Council deny the requeliSt of Mr. B. C. Simpson, 6317 Westchester, to er.ect a pre-fabricated building 12' x 20' on the rear . of his property in the southeast corner of the lot to contain a cedar lined closet for storing clothing, a section for yard anddgarden tools and space ,for hous,ing 2~,! aquariums which contain tropical fish which he raises as a hobby. ~his r~commendation was made -for reason that more than one accessory, buildin~:on a].6t isa violation of Ordinance No. ill. Motion by commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the request of Mr. 5-. C. ~~son, 6317 Westchester to erect a prefabricated building 12 x 20 Ft. on the rear of his property be denied as recommended by the Zoning Board.. ' Voting Aye: *yor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. Voting No: None " Ordinance No. '638, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council,and read in full: .Ali ORD:p!lUCEFDlDING AND llETERMINING TBA~ EACH AlID ALL OF . THE P.I;l0~:tNGSHAVE B:ERET~ORE. ~ HAD. AND ALL THINGS OOB PltEREQUISITE ,TO THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AMEIIDINQ- ZOlfING ORDlNANCE NO. ill OF ,~ CITY OF WEST UlUVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SO, AS TO PERMIT AN EXCEPTION TQ SECTION 24 OF ,SAID QR1)INANCE TO ~YPERM;rT THE LO-. CATIO:W, OF AN ACCESSOBY ~UIJ:J)ING WITHIN 3 FJJEr OF THE REAR' PROl'ilRTY LImE ON LOT,.Nt). 14, OF BLOCK 9, COLLEGE COURT PLACE~ ,ASAPP~IEDFORBY MR~ JAMES EARL ADAMS; FINDING THAT A PUBLIC '$BlARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING SUCij AMENDMENT HAS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY HELD; .FIlmING THAT SECTION. NO. 24 OF QRDINANCE NO. III SHOULD BE AMEro)ED SO AS TO PERMIT THE LO- CATION OF AN ACCESSORY BUILDINGW!THIN 3 FEEl' OF THE REAR PROPERTY ,LINE. ON LOT 14, BLOCK 9, COLLEGE COURT PLACE; AMIiINDUG SECTION NO. 24 OF ORDINANCE NO. III OF THE CITY OF WEST ,UWIVERSm PLACE, TEXAS; BY 4J)DING A SUB-P.ARAGRAPH TO SEClJ:'I~N 24 TO BE KNOWN AS SUB-PARAGRAPH (3-D); REPEALING ALL OBPINANCES, OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IF CONFLICTING BERE- WI'l'H,:"DlSOJr4R AS ,THEY CO;NFLICT;AND PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDI- NANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND ,BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY FROM AND ..AFTER ITS PA,SSAGE: '$ APPROVAL. ,+;-) i 1. r . 1'1" ," :' 1 :1 If 120: Motion b;y Commissioner Moon~y,seconded by Comm. Hangs that Ordinance No. 638. amending Ordinance No. 111, so as to permit an exception to Section 24, to permit the.' location of an ~ccessory building within 3 feet of the rear property line; on Lot 14, Block 9, College Court Place as requested by Mr. James Earl Apams., be passed and a)proved as read.. Voting Aye:, Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. Voting No: None City Secretary Whitt Joh~son subEdtted an estimated cost of materials and 'finishing labor for replacing the sidewalk along the north side' of Byron street adjacent to the swimming pool, in the" amount, of $330.00. The Counci!, instructed ~. Johnson to. proceed with construction work to replace this walk. The City Attorney requested the,Coun~il's instructions as to procedure they desired. taken when violat'ions for failure to secure building Permits were / found by the Building In~pector. ,It was Council's opinion that definite action should be taken where it is ~ound. that property owners have constructed buildings. or ,additions to buildings without having first secur~d a building pernrl, t . The City Secretary 'was instructed to notify the Building Inspector torepor't any such violations immediately to the City Attorney. Minutes of the C'ou~cil meeting of May 11, 1953, were read and approved .as corrected. . ( , \ , ) I , l . i , '----, With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon ~tion duly made,- seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed~ '-i * * * * *.* * * * * * * * ------,' The City Council convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Monday, May 18, 19.53, 8:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; CcPissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney. The City Attorney and Ci ty Secretary were also present. Commissioner Nisbet was absent. The invocation waS prono~nced by' Commissioner Bangs. Incompliance with Council aetiem. on April. 27, 1953, legal notice duly pub- lished in ~~e',of:ficial newspaper 01' the city and. 'notices mail~d to all property owners w:t:t;h'in 200, 'feet of Lot 5 B, Block 57, ,West Uni versi ty Place 2nd Addition, Mayor Morris announced that 8< l1earingwas in order to consider the request of Dr'. Ben 'Walpole for permission to ere'c't, a. carport on the west sideoi' his . . residence to extend to the preperty ,line. ,\. ; In answer to questiQ~ by the City Attorney, the City Secretary having been duly SWorn by Mayor Morris testified that Ordinance No. III had been com- ' jt~~ with and notification had been published in the official newspaper of the City and 'all property owners within a radius 01"200 Ft. of Lot 5, Block. 57, West University Place 2nd Addition had been notified by mail that a hearing would be held at 8: 30 P.M. May 18, 1953, to consid.er amendtLng the ci ty I S zoning ordinance to parmi t the request 0.1' Dr. Walpole. Dr. Walpole was not present a't the hearing to testify on behalf 0.1' his re- quest. , ----' 'liV"1 r :"'1' ri I' I- rl L,":J c"" C~ "'~ ~ < I' i 1 I ! I I i I , , i \- 121 Mr. Dic~ Clark, 2606 Tangley,' representlng Mr. and\ Mrs. Don McC;rary, 3310 Rice Blvd. Objected. to erection of the proposed carport for reason it wOllld decrease the vallle of the McCrary property which is located adjacent to Dr~ Walpole's property on. the ,west ;'side. Mrs. McCrary stated that the drive- way on Dr. Walpole's property was already 6 inches. on her property according to a, survey Which had been made. ' [' Mr. Ralpp. J. Butigig, 3322 Rice Blvd., having been duly sworn by Mayor Morris stated that he was opposed to Dr. Walpole's, request for reason that sllch rules and regulations as specified in the Zoning Ordinance are for the ' protection of residents and he felt that tbey should be enforced as they now exist. Mr. . Butigig stated' that his home 'Was the third one west of Dr. Walpole's and erection of the carport would not decrease the value of his home but;~that it would decrease the value of the property of Mr. and Mrs. McCrary and would be unsightly to the neighborhood. ' Mr.K: W. Strasse, .3320 Rice :alvd. testi,fiedthat he lived in the second house f'ro:pl Dr. Walpole and in his opinion erection of' the propo~ed structure would create a fire hazard to the house next door which would also endanger hiS . pro~rty . . Mr. Maley, Chairman of the Zoning & Planning Board and Messrs. Taylor and Halbert, members of the Boa,rd, stat~d that they were not aware of the facts in the case as presented at the hearing when they recommended approval of t~e request. With no other opponents or proponents.desiring to be haa;-d, the'following acti,on ~s taken: ' ' Motion by Comm1ssionerMooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff that the hearing Called to consider amending Ordinance No. 111 to permit construction of a carport on Lot 5 B, Block 57, West 'University Place 2nd Addition vitb a side setback distance from the side property line less than.prescribed on Oi-dinance No. lll, as requested by Dr. Ben Walpole, be closed. , Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Mqrris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney. ' None Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff', that the request of Dr. Ben Walpole for perJnission to construct a carport on Lot 5 :B, Block - 57, West Unive.rs':1ty Place 2nd Addition with a side setback distance from the side property line less than prescri'bed in Ordinance No. 111, be denied. J' . Voting~Aye: 'Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney. Voting No: None With no furtl1er business to come before the Council at ..this time, upon motion , duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting 'Was adjouZlned.' ,'". '"' .... . ,~ ~2t~ : Mayor ' . ATTEST: , ' ,1.n~~n.1 I. . '. .r"'T -," .:: -I ~]!>""-<~~r,j;~-"'",,"1Y/'''.{ ~-t>"- "i'J 1" II "I" I' 'I'''' ." ,. 122 MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING MAY 25, 1953 1 The City;Couneil convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, May 25, 1953,'~7:30 P.M. with the following members present: MayorM::>rris, presiding; CoJDDiissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney. The City Secre;tary and City Attorney were also present. Commissioner Nisbet was absent. The Invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Goff. Minutes of Zoning Board meetings on May 1:4, 18 and 23 were submitted to the Council for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that, a hearing be, called for 7:30 P;M. Monday June 15, 1953, to consider amending Sec,tion ~4, Paragraph 2, of Ordinance No. 111 to permit the existing garage at 3816 Marquette to be converted into a bedroom with an addition of 7 xI3.5Ft. for storage space and laundry room which will extend to within 5 feet ,of the rear property line as requested by Mr. W. A. Young, '--"and recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. - Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Mo;rris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney . None Motion by Commissioner ,Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the request from Mr. M.. J. Westfeldt, in 1;>.ehalf of Bayard Gaylor and family, owners of the vacant property lo~ated on the southe~st corner of Bissonnet and Sewanee Street for~ermission to erect a bUilding to be used as a f~neral parlor be denied as recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting AYf3: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney None .~? Motion by Commissioner Goff" seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the request from Mrs~ John ,L. Bederman, Real Es'tate Dealer, for permission to subdivide the East 100 x 100 ~t. of Lot 5, Block 78, West University Place 2nd Addition into two 50 x loo Ft. lots to front on Buffalo Speedway be denied a.s recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board fOr'reason that adjacent prop~rty owners have expressed opposition to such subdivision as improvements on the lot if sub- divided woUld result in an overcrowded condition. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney None Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner HangS that the request - of Mr.' and Mrs. J. C. Taylor, 6338 Mercer for permission to convert a garage into a bed~oomand bath fora member of the family be denied, as recommended by the Zobing and Planning Board. Voting Aye: . Voting No :' Mayor Morris'; Commissioners Goff, Hangs a.nd' Mooney None In accordance with previous, agreement of the City Commission, Commissioner Hangs i I I .......J i~tlMJ!f1" fJ.t , r' ' )'1' 1l Ii I" ),,, '" 1')3 ' ,Ii.J f~\ [~I reeommended the following persous to serve as a committee to make a study and recommend8.tion for City Hall facilities: Messrs. Jac~ Evans, lIugo Zapp, Edward Bodet, C. W. Roberts. Commissioner:' Goff recommended that Commissioner Hangs al~o serve on the Committee. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff that Messrs. Jack Evans, lIugo Zapp, Edward Bodet, C. W. Roberts and CoDlDlissioner . Hangs, be ap- pointed to make a study and recommendations to the City Commission for City Hall facilities. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; CommissioneJ:'s Goff, Hangs and Mooney None U";) Minutes of the meetings of May II and 18 were read and approv~d. Ci':)' OJ' With no'further 'business to come before the Council at ,this time, upon motion < duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was, adjourned.' ~"";) < .~ AfJt~~~ Mayor . ATTEST.: )11 I i r-' '-. !~mfi\:': " I~~ ~'" 1 'I I 124 i 1i~f;'tt~-r.-!~ ..: MINTJrES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING, JUJm, 8, 1953 The City Counci:L conveiied in re~r session at the' City Hall. on Monday, June 8, 1953, 1':';30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding Commissionez:s Goff, .Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet., The City Secretary and City Attorney were also present. - ' The invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Nisbet. " Marvin Cole, Chief of the A~l~ary Police Department, appeared'before the Council requesting that badges be purcha~ed by the city for fifteen auxiliary policemen. . Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Co~ssioner Nis1?et that the City Secretary be authori~ed to purchas~ fifteen sets of police badges to be cna.rged to the Police Department Miscellaneous Account No. lo6. , , Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet Voting No: None ' Mrs. Al.l.ison San<lers,- Librarian, advised the Council that she- was unabl.e to lock the library at;the Community Building and requested that some means be provided'in order that the' library may be 'kept locked at all times except during the hours she is present.. The Council instructed the City Secretary to purchase locks and provide, keys only to the librarian and custodian,. Mrs. Sanders also advised the Council that the Community Building is not being properly eared for due to lack of sU1Jervision at teenage parties, and suggested that the-rent be' increased to pay for police protection f~r the buil4.ing each time it is rented. The Coancil decided to refer the matter to I the Community Rouse qommittee' for consider~tion and recommendation. " A report was made to the Council of' accidents occur.ct:Qe; at the intersection of' -University Boulevard and Weslayan St~eet. Since the beginniug of 1953 the~e have, been 23 accidents at this ,corner and :rt was. the Council's desire to take steps to try to eliminate the hazardous condition. . Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that signs with the word~ "Stop Sil3!l Ahead" be installed about. 1/2 block each way from the intersection of University Blvd. ,and more visable stpp signs ,be ,erected on Weslayan at the intersection of University Boulevard. '\ , ! Voting Aye: Voting lio : M:l.yor Morris;' Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None Resolution No. 53-7 was submitted to the C~unci1 and read in full: RESOLUTION ~, The City of West University Place, Texas, is ~n need of an ,Assistant City Attorney, said position having been rendered vacant. by the removal from the said City ofT. H. Riggs, the person who bas occupied such position during the twelve months , next past; and ' J WHEREAS, Gibson GaJ.e bas. been highly recommended to the Ci,ty !"':' '--' "-'i:]" 'I "' " f \~ fl..O Ct:l C\? ""-'!. .....;,) <e:t /.--" I I , I r I .~ 0 t:. ::. .tJ U Commission of the City of- West University Place as a 'Well' qualified candidate-for appointment to such position; and WHEREAS" the City Commission of the City of West University Place is of the opinion that Gibson Gqle is well qualifted to serve as Assistant City Attorney and 'Would b~ an asset to the city in such position: New" THEREFORE" BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: , 1. That Gibson GqJe is hereby appointed Assistant City Attorney of the City, of West_University Place, Texas, effec!;ive as of the date of passage hereof. 2. That- the said Assistant_ City Attorney shall 'Work in conjunction with, and assist, the City Attorney of the City of West Univers,ity Place, and will attend to the duties incident to such office during the absence of tll,e City Attorney. 3. That. the compensation for the position of Assistant City Attorney shall be on a per diem basis and shall be deducted, pro rata, from thatauth- o,ri2:ed for the position of City Attorney. PASSED AND APPROVE'D, this the' 8th &:~ of June, 1953. COMMISSIOEERS VOTIlVG AYE !. COMMISSIONERS, Vf1fING NO o Motion. by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet, that Resolution No. 53-7 a'PPointing Mr. Gibson Gayle: as Assistant City Attorney be passed . abd, approveCl as read. Vot.-ing Aye: ' Mayor Morris; CommissiC?ners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet Voting No: None ,The 0a.th'of 0ffice was, administered to Mr. Gibson Gayle as Assistant City Attorney by Mayor Merris. 1 . The Council discussed,advisability of transferririgthebala.nce of an account at the National Bank of Commerce in the amou~t of $5,050.13 to t:Qe University State Bank and reinvesting this amount ~n Certificates of Time Deposit. Motion by Commissioner-Mooney, seconded by CommisSioner Goff that' funds in the National Bank of Commerce in the amount of $5,,050.13 be transferred to the University State Bank and reinvested in Certifica~es of Time Deposit and .that the necessary resolution be prepared by the City Attorney. Voting. Aye:. Mayor Morr-1s; Commissioners Goff, HangS, Mooney an~ Nisbet Voting Nq: None A ,letter from Water Superintendent E. J. Hood stated that reeords,indicated "'f~' ), ':'--, :-. ~,' ':-- ::1 ,~rlll rr;ri "I'~ _["'"1 . _'1 r--- ''--. .~ , l~b the operating head on Well No.5, bad. dropped ten feet wdthin the last week and recommended that the,. present pump be lowered fprty feet. Mr. Rood esti- mated the cost at approximately $1,175. 'City Council request~d Water Super- intendent E. J. Hood,' to make a study of the. well for a period of one week and report his findings and recommendation. -----' The CitY,Attorney reported that he had been notified that Mr~ T. L. Dorsett, 39.02 Riley was renting the garage apa~tment even though judgment bad been entered on May 23,'1951, enjoining him from using any portion of the premises or improvements thereon for rental purposes. The City Attorney was instructed 'to proceed with legal action ~,he deemed necessary. Minutes of the'meeting of May 25, 1953, were read and approved as'corrected. ,With no further business to come before the COuncil at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed. ******************* The City Council convened in reces.sed session at the City Hall on Monday, June 15, 1953, 7: 30 P .M. with, the following members present: Mayor Morris , presiding; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooriey~ The City Attorney and) City Secretary were also, present. Commissioner Nisbet was absent. The invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Hangs. In compliance with Council action on May 14, 1953, legal notice duly. published' in the official newspaper of ,the city and notices mailed to all property owners within 200,feet of Lot 6, Block 2,: College View 1st Addition, Mayor Morris announced that a public hearing was in order to consider the request of Mr. W. A. Young C for permission to convert his existing attached garage' into a bedroom with a 7 ft. extension to be used as storage space, which would extend to within 5 ft. of the- rear property line~, In anwer'to'questiOns by the City' Attorney, the City Secretary having been duly sworn by Mayor Morris testifi.ed 'that Ordinance No. Ill, had been conIplied with and notification had been published in the official newspaper of the city and all property owners within 'a radius of 200 Ft. of Lot 6, Block.2, College View 1st Addition had been notified by mail that a hearing would be held at 7:30 P.M., June 15, 1953, to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to pe~ t the request, of Mr. W. A. Young. \ . i < Mr. W .A. Young, ha.yingbeen duly sworn by Mayor MorriS, . testified that his address was 3816 Marquette and, tbath1s present attached garage is 12 Ft. from the rear property line. Mr. Young submitted a plat showing. his proposed plan to convert the attached garage into a bedroom'which w;ould extend to ~ within 12 Ft. of the rear property line and the proposed 7 x 13.5 Ft. storage room which would extend to within 5 Ft. of the rear property line. Mr. Young stated that the side setback line of 5. Ft. would not be effected and tl?-e only 'violation ot the Zoning Ordinance would be the provision requiring a. 20 Ft. back ,yard space. '.:1f'a~' Ii!~ .,--\ ""I~~rul I" r, "lllTiT I '1 11 llS:J .,"" "1' < ~ <!' !~ I 1 121 Mr. H. E. Poth, 3830 Villa.nova, was pr.esent but stated h~ had no, o11l.jeetion af'ter seeing the proposed plans of Mr. Young. With no further questioning desired and no other residents desiring to be heard, the following action was taken: ' , Motion by Commission~r ~ooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the hearing called to consider the request of Mr. W. A. Young to amend Ordinance No. 111 to permit living quarters to be erected within 5 Ft. of the rear property line be closed. r <. . Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney Voting No: None. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the rE!quest of, Mr. W. A. Young, 3816 Marquette, be granted ,and-the City Attorney instructed t6- prepare the necessary ordinance amending Section 24., Paragraph 2, of Ordi- ' na~ce Nq. 111, permitting Mr. Young to ,convert h~s ~ttached garage into a bed- room and addition of a room 7 x 13.5 Ft. for storage space, which will extend to within 5 Ft. of the rear property line. Voting Aye: Mayor. Morris; Commissioners GOff, Hangs and Mooney Voting No: None ' Treasurer's Certificate No. 68, certifying that $1200 is available from the' 'City Trea.sury for the appropriation by.the City Commission to defray the ex- pense of lowering the pump in Well No. 5 ~ . Ordinance No. 639, captioned as follows, ,was submitted to the Council and , read in full: AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THE NECESSITY FOR LOWERING TEE PUMP IN wELL NO. 5 IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FROM A DEPI'lI' OF 300 FT. TO 34.0 FT. BY THE EXTENSION OF THE COLUMN AND SHAFT OF SUCH WELL; DETERMiNING THAT THERE ARE SUFFICIENT UNAPPROPRIATED FmIDS IN THE WATER OPERATING ~ OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSrI'Y PLACE AVAILABLE FOR APPROPRIATION TO DEFRAY THE EXPENSE OF LOWERING THE SAID PUMP; DETERMINING THAT THE LOWERING OF SAID PUMP CAN :BE ACCOMPLISHED ,MOST EFFICIENTLY AND ECONOMICALLY ON AN EMERGENCY BASIS WITH ALL LABOR , , ' AND MATERIALS NEEDED FOR SAME TO :BE PROVIDED FOR. ON A FORCE ACCOUNT BAStS; INSTRUCTING THE CITY SECRETARY, CITY ENGINEER AND THE WATER SUPERINTENDENT OF THE' CITY, OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE TO TAKE THE lmCESSARY STEPS REQUIRED TO ACCOMPLISB THE LOWERING OF SAID PUMP ON AN EMERGENCY BASIS USING, ~ LABOR OF REGULAR EMPLOYEES OF THE Cl;TY WITH THE REQUIRED A1)DITIONAL DAY LABOR AND SERVICES OF INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS ON A PER DIEM BASIS; AND FINDING AND DEOLARING AN EMERGENCY. ' , , Motion by Commissione~Goff, seconded by Commissioner Mooney' that Ordinance No. 639, finding and determining the necessity for loweri~g the pump in Well No~' 5"; appropriating $1200 for this purpose, 'instructions for the work to proceed on an emergency basis, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney Voting No: None , .. ~~$-~~ i:' , I fiT'-'"'' .~ , , r~'-'T--~I r ""llnnll 128~~ ~~,< With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, secol'{lded and carried, the meeting was ,adjourned. ~;/{/)/ ~~ " Mayor ATrEST: ~l . i ~' 11::':"'=.I'-~-.-- I~- -:::-:::::1 r'. - . . "".1. r'~l f!..O O~ C\? <t ~..) -""::t n i I '----' r~1 , I I I 1 \_1 "'~#:.~~'it>t"~'^- b ",- 1,29" MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEm'ING JUNE 22, 1953 The C:j.ty Council convened in regular session. at the Qity Hall on Monday.. 7:30 P.M. June 22, 1953, with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding;' Commis'sioners Goff.. Hangs and Mooney. The City Attorney and City S~cretary were also present. Commissioner Nisbet was absent. Commissioner Hangs pronounced the invocation. . . Minutes of the ZQning Board meetings held on June II, 15 and 16, were submitted to the Board for consideration. A detailed :.written st~temeht of findings 'of fact with' reference to theappli- cation of the Y.M.C.A. for tbe re~oning of East 45.3 Ft. of Lot 2 and Lots j, 4, 5, 6 and West 75 Ft. of Lot 7, Cambridge Place, for use as aY.M.C.A~ center and the action of the Zoning Board in special session on June 16th unanimously recommending the rezoning of said tract"of, land' for such use was presented and reel.d to the City Commission~ --..' , Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff that a public hea:ring be calJ.ed for Mo:ndS.y, July 20, 1953, 7:30 P.M. to consider ~nding the city's zoning ordinance to, permit erection of improvements on, the East 45.3 Ft. of .Lot 2 and Lots 3, 4;,. 5, 6 and West 75 Ft. of Lot 7, Cambridge P1S.ce for recreat.ional purpqses as requested by the Y .M.C ..1. and recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board of the City. .. . Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Gbff, Hangs and Mooney. None The Council upheld the action Slf the Zoning Board in denying the requests of Mr. R. R. Herndon, Jr.,'4144 University Blvd. for permission to erect additional living q1J8.rters and Mrs. L. W.Ba1;;chelor, 6111 Wakeforest Street to\erect a ~ ca.rport wh.ich would extend to w:ithin 2 Ft. of her south property line. Ordinance No. 640, captioned as follows., was submitted to the .Council for con- sideration and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FINDIl.'lG AD DETERMUUNG THAT THE, IMPROVEMEWf .OF TEE " 4100BLOCi'OF A,LBANS STaEET FaOM THE :mAST LI~ OF li'AIRMOUN'I' STREET TO THE WEST LINE OF ACADEMY STREET IN THE CITY' OF WEST U1\l'IVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS,' HAS, BEEN COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE 'WITH PLANS AND SFECIFIcATIONSl'i\~~@FORE APPROVED, ANDCOmTRACTS MADE; ACCEPrING THE WORK AND TEE IMPROVEMENrS ON SAID STREET; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECT- J;NG PAYMENT TO GULF BITBLITHIC COMPANY OF ,THE CITY'S PORTION OF THE COST IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCES 633 AD 634, UPON ENTRY OF ~ITS ON FROPER~ OWl'lERS t CONTRACTS; AD DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs, that Ordinance No. 640; a.cceptingthe city's portion of the cost in accordance with ordi- nances 633 and 634 be passed and approved as rea.d. ' . ,Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners 'Goff, Hangs and Mooney None 1[~~4~~~"~ lil' I.... -=:~~"'~~":1 . ---'---'7---.,------.-- 'Ill '1I~:I~' I "". 130 .;Ordinance No. 641, captioned as ,follows, was submitted to the Council and read in full: c , AN ORDINANCE FINDING .A.ND DETERMINING THAT THE IMPROV'EMENTS OF: ACADEMY STREET FROM THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF LAW STREET TO THE NORTH PROPERTY LINE OF RICHMOND ROAD , (EXCEPl' A DISTANCE OF 99. 8 FEET ON THE EAST SIDE THEREOF) HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN ACCORDANCE, WITH THE ,CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF HOUSTON AND GULF B!TfJLITHICCOMPAHYI CONTRACTOR; APPROVING THE WORK AND IMPROVEMENTS UlIDER THE JOINT PROJECT WITH THE CITY OF HOUSTONI TEXAS, AND THE ACCEP+'ANCE'THEREOF BY SAID C;ITY OF HOUSTON; AUl'HORIZING PAYMENT TO 'SETTLEMENT WITH CONTRACTOR UPON CONDITIONS, STATED; RELEASING TO TEE CITY 'OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE STREET AND BR:rDGE BOND FtrnD, SERmS 1946, THE UNUSED PORTION OF THE SUMS HERETO- FORE APPROPRIATED THEREFROM FOR SAID ,PROJECT; AND 1>ECLARING AN EMER- GENCY . Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Mooney, that Ordinance No. 641,ac~-epting improvements on Academy Street from Law Street to Riclunond Road and authorizing payment be passed and approved as read withholding effec- t1veness of the ordinance until receipt of certified copy of ordinance from the City of Houston as stated in the emergency clause of Ordinance No. 641. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney. None ---' The City Secretary advised that the Firemen's Training School was to be con- ducted atA & ~ College July 19 to 24th and the Fire Department desired to send Volunteers G~ H. Hutcherson and Earl Richards and'Fireman Perry Pace and to send J. D. AIl,stott of the paid department to attend the Fire Marshal's Course. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff that Volunteer Firemen G.H. Hutcherson and Earl Richards and Fireman Perry Pace be authorized to attend the Firemen's Traintng School at A & M College and J. D. Allstott of the paid ~epartment be authorized to attend the.Fire Marshal's course; expenses ofa reasonable amount to be paid by the city. Voting Aye: Voting No .: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs a.nd Mooney. None <&ty Secretary Whitt Johnson aq.vised that Mr. G. E. King had asked to be re- lieved of the duties of corporation court, clerk as he has been appointed fire marshal and does not have sufficient time to serve as corporation court clerk. ' Mr. Johnson and the City Attorney recommended that Mr. King be re- lieved of this duty and that Mrs. Pea.rl Reynolds be appointed corporation court clerk, and that George J. Forcher, Ch~rles E. Duffin, Dick Farris and Perry Pace be-.appointed deputy court; clerks to relieve Mrs. Reynolds of the ' responsibility on Wednesday nights. 'Mr. Johnson stated that in his opinion r appointment of one of the. cashiers in the city hall to accept payme'nt of I ~8"f::"""'f'>' II. . c:'L...-------.L..._=::Jl ._...........c.:...L.. ',1 "~--'--i n--I~':lJrn:;rr" "'rn 131 o co~oration court fines would relieve firemen of this responsibility and would accomplish the ~ollowing: 1. All receipts would be turned into the city treasury daily. 2. Increase the morale o~the fire department as they do not wish to be encumbered with this responsibility. 3. The citizen cannot understand why a ticket issued by the police department must be paid in the ~ire department office and not to the city hall office. 4. :By arranging a convenient drop-in-box in the lobby and providing appropriate envelopes anyone desiring to pay a fine after .ci:j:;y . hall hours could easily drop it in the box, the same service'as provided for the payment of water bills. Motion.byCommissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Mooney, that Mrs. Pearl ReynOlds be appointed Corporation Court Clerk and that George J. Forcher, Charles, B. Du~fin, Dick Farris and Perry'pace appointed deputy court clerks as reco~ndedby the City Secretary and City Attorney~ Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney. None Resolution 53-8, as follows, was submitted to the Council for consideration: [] Bll!$OI.T~ION WHEREAS, bond issu~swill shortly be suomi tted to the vot~rs of Harris County, Texas for tlae pUI"1>ose of financing certain road and drainage improvements ,within the said County; and WHEREAS, the proposed road and drainage improvements will be of great benefit to the residents of the City of West University Place, Texas, both directly and indirectly; and WHEREAS, the effecting of such drainage improvements will, in large measure, help to eliminate tbese problems of health and sanitation'faced by the residents of this area resulting from the existence, in its present state, of the drainage ditch commonly known as Poor Farm Ditch; and WBEBEAS, the residents of the City of west University Place have long been cognizant of the need for improvement of the said Poor Farm Ditch in the interest of health and sanitation, as well as from the aesthetic view- point; and ' WHEREAS, a:movement has long existed toward attaining such needed improvements by and through the concerted e~forts of the City of Houston, the City of Southside Place, the City of Bellaire and. the City of West University Place; and ('~--] 'WlIEREAS, the passage of the said bond issues would provide for the U said improvements sought by the residents of this community and the afore- 'f~'~ff"""""" fn "Ii ! -:;-, "[j" . .. ,... ~"C-"'l f' r . T";''!1Iwr:r . . , ." I:' 132 mentioned cities as well as addit:l.onal improvements of benefit to the County as a whole which could not be acb!eved by action of the cities alone; and WHEREAS, the cost of the contemplated road and drainage improvements to be provided for under the said bond issues would be nominal as to in- dividual property owners and the residents of Harris County, and would be far outweighed by the benefits to be derived from such improvements. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST tmIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: 1. That the official approval and sanction of the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, be and the same is hereby given to the bond issues for the improvement of' roads and drainage within the County of' Harris which are to, be submitted to the voters of said County on the 27th day of June, 1953. 2. That all citizens of the City of West University Place and of the surrounding area be, and they are hereby called upon to appear at the re- spective polling places on the 27th day of June, 1953 and cast their vote for each and everyone of the said bond issues. 3. That the City Secret~ry of the City of West University Place be, and he is hereby instructed to furnish a copy of. this Resolution to the several newspapers in this area for p~b1ication therein. PASSED this the 22nd day of June, 1953. I ----' Motion by Commissioner Goff , se~onded by Commissioner Hangs, that Resolution ' 53-8 resolving approval and sanction by the City C~ssion of West University to the bond issues for the improvement of ro@ods and drainage with the County of Harris which are to be submitted to the voters of said County on the 27th day of June, 1953, be -passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Mo:rris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney. Voting No: .None Qrdinance .p:";\64~, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council for con- sideration and;:re~d in full: AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 404 REGULATING THE PARKING OF VEHICLES IN THE 3700 BLOCK OF UNIVERSITY BOULEVARD 100)' IN THE 6200 BLOCK OFEl)Ii0,~:'J~ IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, WITH:tN SPECIFIED HOURS; DEFINING TERMS USED THEREIN; FIXING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF. SUCH REGULATIONS; AM) PROVIDmG FOR THE REPEAL OF ORDmANCES m CONFLICT TEEREWITR, .Am) SUBSTITUTING THEREFOR REVISEDREGU- LATIONS GOVERNING PARKING OF VEHICLES IN THE 3700 BLOCK OF UNIVERSITY BOULEV ARDAND IN THE 6200 BLOCK OF EDLOE STREET IN TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, WITHIN SPECIFIED HOURS; PROVIDING ,FOR DEFmTIONS OF TERMS USED IN SUCH REVISED REGULATIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF THOSE ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORI>INANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND PROVIDING THAT " \ :L!~-"-=V'!'=,::'-I~":":'",,~,,~?~~ _ [j 1-1 I '---..--- 13 2-A THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BECO.f4E EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. Motion by Comm. Hangs, seconded by Comm. Goff', that Ordinance No. 642, repeal- ing Ordinance No. 404 and revising regulations governing parking of vehicles in the 3700 Block University Boulevard and in the 6200 Block Edloe Street be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff', Hangs and Mooney. Voting No: None Ordinance No. 643, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council for consideration and read inful1: AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF THE PROCEEDINGS HAVE HERETOFORE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DOm: PRE- REQUISITE TO THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AMEND- ING ZONING ORDINANCE NO .111- OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SO AS TO PERMIT AN EXCEPl'ION TO SECTION 24, SUB- SECTION 2, OF SAID ORDINANCE TO THEREBY PERMIT THE EXISTING ATTACHED GARAGE ON LOT NO. 6 OF BLOCK NO.2, COLLEGE VIEW, FmST ADDITION, TO BE COEVERTED INTO A BEDROOM AND TO PERMIT THE ERECTION OF AN ADDITION TO THE REAR OF SUCH GARAGE FOR S~e:mAGE SPACE AND AS A IAUNDRY ROOM, THE SAME TO EXTEND WITHIN 5 FUr OF THE REAR PROPERTY LINE OF SUCH LOT, AS APPLIED FOR BY MR..W. H. YOUNG; FINDING THAT A PTmLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING SUCH AMENDMENT HAS BEEN DtJLY AND LEGALLY HELD; FINDING THAT SECTION NO. 24, SUBSECTION 2, OF ORDINANCE NO. III SHOUll) BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT THE EXISTINGA'Pl'ACEED GARAGE ON LOT No.6 OF BLOCK NOL 2, COLLEGE VIEW, FIRST ADDITION, TO BE CONVERTED INTO A BEDROOM AND TO PERMIT THE ERECTION OF .AN ADDITION TO THE REAR OF SUCH GARAGE FOR STORAGE SPACE AND AS A LAUNDRY ROOM, THE SAME, TO EXTEND WITHIN 5 :FE:Er OF THE REAR PROPERTY LINE OF SUCH LOT; AMENDING SECTION NO. 24, SUBSECTION 2, OF ORDINANCE NO. III OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PIACE, TEXAS, BY ADD:i:NG A SUBPARAGRAPH TO SECTION 24, TO BE KNOWN AS SUBPARAGRAPH (2-A); REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES, OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IF CONFLICTING HEREWITH, INSOFAR AS THEY CO:NFLICT; AND PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Gof'f, that Ordinance No. 643, permitting the existing attached garage on Lot 6, Block 2, College View, First Addition, to be converted into, and used as, living quarters in addition to those presently existing on said lot, and provided that an extension may be added to the rear of the garage t.o extend to within 5 feet of the rear property line, be pa.ssed and approved as re~d. ----r-'.T":~1Jrrm.I" T li-=:"'::l-:::=:_-=-:___L~':'~~::I. ___r:"~..'~O._'_._-.,'--:' ',:1 ----:r--u'. . 1 3 2-B """rl'."f-""'''' With no further, business to come before the COlJ,ncil at this time, upon motion 'I duly made~ seconded and carried~ the meeting was adjourned'. r-\ ~ X)z~ Mayor ATTEST: i / Ir-l- "F=i:::=:--=:::;;=3 .. _______fL'.. '..--..'~.~~ 'cr_" '-~--" ......,--~..~,..,..IlI]TI][T i I I I ---" ~ --....'Ii Ie-ii' .. I i ~ ~":J IX) C\l "'':1: ~~ ~ n '----' 11 L... ' 133 MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING . JULY 13,1953 The City Commission convened in regular session at tbe City Hall, Monday July 13, 1953, 7:30 P.M. with the' following members present: Mayor Pro tem Mooney, presiding; Commissioners Hangs and Nisbet. The City Secretary a.nd, City Attorney were also present. Mayor Morris and Commissioner Goff were absent. . The invocation was pronounced byCo~ssioner Nisbet. Minutes of the Zoning Board meeting held on July 9, 1953, were submitted to , th~ Council for consider~tion and the following actio~ taken: Motion by Commissioner Hangs~ seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the request of Mr. B.L. Smythe, 6429,Sewanee to move a 12 x 24 Ft. prefabricated building to the rear of his presept dwelling to be attached and converted into a den, laundry room and storage closet be approved as recommendeq by the Zoning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Pro tem Mo()ney; COmmissioners,Hangs and Nisbet. None Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by C~mmissioner Hangs that a Public Hearing be 'called for July 31, 1953, to consider amending Ordinance No. Ill, to permit subdivision of Lot 9, Block 10, West University Place 1st Addition into two iots' of 50 x 200 Ft. as requested by Mr. George S. Cummins, and recommended by the Zoning a~d Planning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Pro tem Mooney; Commissioners Hangs and Nisbet. None A statement from the League or' Texas Municipalities in the amount of $17?50 for services rendered was submitted to the Council for consideration. . Motion byComm~ssione! Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the state- ment in the amount of $172.50 for services rendered by th~ League of'Texas Mu~ic~palities be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No: Mayor ~ro tem Mooney;'Commissi~ners Hangs and Nisbet. None A letter was submitted from the Y.W.C.A. requesting permission to use the, Community Bui~ding for the purpose of conducting a recreation class for home women on each Thursday from 9 to 12 A.M. beginning in October. Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Hangs, that the Y.W.C.A. be permitted to use the Community Building each Thursday from 9 to 12 beginning in October at the regular rental charge. Voting Aye: . Mayor Pro tem Mooney; Commissioners Hangs and Nisbet. Voting No: None A statement from Attorney Thomas M. Ryan in the amount of $225 representing charges for filing tax cases and proceeding the judgment as instructed by the 134 City Council was presented for approval. Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Comrndssioner Nisbet that the state- ment in the amount of $225 submitted by Attorney Thomas M. Ryan, be approved for payment. I~I I I -'-I, Voting Aye: Mayor Pro tem Mooney; Commissioners Hangs and Nisbet. Voting No : . None The City Secretary advised that the city has a cert~ficate of deposit in the amount of $9,000 matUring July 14, 1953, invested from sanitary sewer capital improyement funds, and an accum.ulation in this account of $5,000 which is available for investment, ,and requested authority to reinvest the $9,000 ,certificate of time deposi tand to invest the available $5 , 000 of this fund. Motton by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that authority be granted to reinvest the $9,000 certificate of time deposit and invest the avilable' $5,000 ~rom the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improv~ment Fund. Voting Aye: Voting No Mayor Pro tem Mooney; Commissioners Hangs and Nisbet. None Mr. C. B. Jef'f~ries, 3015 Duke, appeared before the Council objecting to the burning of trash by his neigb,bors, which in his opinion was a violation of' Qrdinance No. 257,. Th'e Council requested the City Attorney to review Ordi- nance No. 257 and:give his opinion whether or not the ordinance needs re- vising to prohibit burning of trash in a container on private preIDises. 1-1 '~ The City Secretary advised that in his opinion there was a need for more frequent fogging of the city at this particular ,time ,to provide a more efficient mosqui to control program. The Council agreed that the city should be fogged whenever the need arises pi.us the regular program of fogging every 10 - 14 days. Ordinance No. 644, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council for con- sideration and read in full: AN ORDINANCE ~STABLISHnlGA R)!:SERYE FUND IN THE FINANCE; DEPART- MENT OF TEE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE TEXAS FROM WHICH , , , " , ANNUAL INSURANCE. PREMIUMS' SHALL 'BE PAID BY SUCH CITY; DESIGNATING THE SAID FUND "TEE INSURANCE\RESERVE FUNDtI. PROVtDING FOR ANNUAL , ,.' APPROPRIATIONS TO SUCH FUND .FROM AND OUT OF THE GEEERAL FUND OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE,. TEXAS; 'PROVIDING FOR THE DEPOSIT OF ALL OR A -PORTION OF SUCRFUND'IN BANKS ON TERM DEPOSIT; REPEALING ALL OR:DINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH INSOFAR AS THEY MAY CONFLICT; AND PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE- COME EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY UPON ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. , ' \ Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that Ordinance No. 644, establishingare~erve fund in the finance department of the City of West University fro~ which annual insurance premiums shall be paid by the city and desigpattng the fund "The Insurance Reserve Fund", be passed and ) approved as read. -.J' ~l'<>""'f Ii '---I ~ --'.- -:-::::l r . r- > ',' nr Il~11. I 'I' o 135 Voting, kye: Mayor Pro tem Mooney; Commissioners Hangs and Nisbet. Voting"No : None Resolution 53-9 as follows, was submitted to the CounciL in compliance with Council action on June 8, 1953. RF.ROT .TI'T'TON WHEREAS, The City of West University Place, Texas, has on deposit in the National Bank of Commerce of Houston, Texas, to the credit of the Street Paving-Bridge Fund (1946:Cash), the sum of Five Thousand Fifty and l3/I00ths Dollars ($5,050.13), including interest earned and to be earned as of the , ) lO lOth day of June, 1953;Jand ~ C\.( ,WHEREAS, The C-ity Commission of the City of West University Place is of <.!. the opinion that su~h funds will not be expended during the e~suing six (6) ~ months, and ,should, therefore, be placed on Term Deposit for such period; and ~ WEEREA,s', 'rhe City Commission of'the City of West University Place is of the opinion that' it would be to the best 'interest of the City to remove the said fund from the said National Bank of Commerce and deposit th~ same with the Unrversity State Bank of Houston, Texas, in Certificates of Time Deposit . earning ,interest at\the, rate 6fTwo and One-half Per Cent (2~) per annum for a ')?eriod of six_(6)' months from and aft~r the lOth day of June, 1953. n l.......; ('1 I I L: :'~-' , . NOW,. ~BEREFORE, BE IT' RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of WE;lst University Place, Texas: That the City Secretary and City Treasurer are hereby authorized and directed t'o withdraw from the National Bank of Commerce, of Houst'on, Texas, the sum of Fiv~ Thousand Fifty. andlj/lOOths Dollars ($5,050.13) representing. the amount on deposit in -such bank to the Street Paying-Bridge (1946-Cash) Fund of the City of West University Place, and to deposit such sum for a period bfsix (6) months from and after the lOth day of June, 1953, with the' University State Bank of Houston, Texas, in Certificates of Time Deposit earning interest at the rate of'Two and 'One-half Per Cent (2~) per annum. PASSED AND ENACTEP, this the 8th day of June, 1953,. Resolution 53-10 as f()llows, was submitted to the Council in compliance with Council ~ction on June 22,' 1953. . RESOLUTION, ) , WHEREAS, G. E. Kit1€i, Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, has heretofore been appointE;ld, and has assumed the duties of, acting Deputy Fire Chief and Fire Marshal of the City of West University Place; and WEER~, Tb,e duties incident to the position of acting De.puty Fire Chief and Fire 'Marshal require all of the time and attention of the said G. E. King and thereby interfere with and prevent the proper execution by him of the duties qf Clerk of the Corporation Court; and Ii--=---'-~j ....l "'r'- : 1 r ., "IlI'rmT 'I' 136 WHEREAS, The said G. E. King has requested that he be, relieved of the duties ~f Clerk of the Corporation Court of West University Place, Texas; a.nd ..----1 I I l~ WHEREAS, The City Secretary and the City Attorney of the City of West University Place have recommended approval 'of the said G.'E. King's request and have further recommended the appointment of Mrs. 'Pearl Reynolds as Clerk of the Corporation Court of West 'University Place to replace him; and WHEREAS, The City Secretary and the City Attorney 'of the City of West University Place have also recommended the appointment of G. J. FOTcher, R. M. Farris, C. E. Duffin and Perry Pace" each of whom is a regularly em- ployed member of the Fire Department of the City of West University Place, as deputy Clerks of the Corporation Court of such City to assist the said Mrs. Pearl Reynolds in.the execution'of the duties incident. to the position of Cle,!k of such Court; and WHEREAS, The City Commission of the City of ~est University Place, TeXas, is of the opinion that it would be to the best interest of the said City to relieve G.E. King of the duties of Clerk of the Corporation Court' and to appoint Mrs. Pearl Reynolds as Clerk to replace him; and WHEREAS, The City Commission of the City of West University P1S.ce, Texas, is of the O'pinioyt that the said G.' J. Forcher, R. M., Farris, C. E. Duffin and Perry Pace'should'be appointed deputy Clerks of the Corporation Court to assist the said Mrs. Pearl Reynolds in'her duties as ClerkQf such Court. T\ , : I : ! I ' I ' '--...:.-J NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of West Univ~rsity P;La.ce,Texas. 1. That G~ E.King, Clerk of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place,' Texas, be and he is herebyrel:Leved of the ,duties of Clerk of such Court. - 2. T1lat Mrs. Pearl RernoJ,ds be and she is hereby appointed Clerk ot: the Corporation Court of the City of West, University Place, Tex~s, replacing the said G. E. King"hereby relieved. 3. That G. J. Forcher, R. M. Farris, C. E. Duffin and Perry Pace, each of whom is a regularly employed member of the Fire Department of the City of West University Place, be and they are hereby appointed deputy Clerks of the Corporation Court of the City of West University Place, Texas, to assist the said Mrs., Pe,arl Reynolds in the execution of the duties of Clerk of the said Co~rt. PASSED this the 22nd day of June, 1953. Ordinance No. 645, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council for con- sideration and read in full: AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING MINIMUM WIRE REQUIREMENTS FOR CHANGE OF SERVICE ANDIOR METER LOOP; GOVER~G T~ USE OF EXISTING INSTALLED SERVICE RISERS; ESTA:!3LISHING REQUIREMENTS FOR CENTRAL ELECTRICAL : \ I -' r~' 'T . " r . . ,- r, '1lI1lill , I' [1 1l.f:J C>':i ''\.1 ~ '~ ~ Ii i I l~.J [-1 DISCONNECTING MEANS OR MASTER SWrrCll; REQUIRING CERTAIN ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES AND DEVI~S TO :BE SERVICED BY SEPARATE AND INDEPENDENT EIECTRICAL CIRCUITS AND ESTABLISHING MINIMUM WIRE REQUIREMEm'S FOR SUCH APPLIANCES AND DEVICEq; REQUIRING WINDOW AIR CONDITIONING UNITS TO BE INSTALLED WITH, AND BONDED TO, A POLARIZED, PLUG; ESTABLISHING MINIMDM REQUIREMENTS FOR INSTAL.I.ATION OF, AND USE WITH, WINDOW AIR CONDITIONING UNITS; ESTABLISHING ElECTRICAL CIRCUIT REQUIREMfmTS FOR LIG:aTING AND SERVICE OF DUPLEX PLUGS ON A. SQ.UARE FOOT FLOOR BASIS; 'PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDI- NliNCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH INSOFAR AS THEY CONFLICT; AND PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCESIJALL TAKE EFFECT, AND BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY FaOM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that Ordinance No. 645, establishing minimum wire requirements for change of service and/or meter loop, and other electrical requirements, be passed and approved as read, and th~ City Secretary instructed to advise all master e~ectricians holding license in West University Place and appliance dealers in this vicinity of the Ordinance. Voting Aye: Mayor Pro tem Mooney) Commissioners Hangs and Nisbet. Voting No: None Ordin~nce No. 646, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council and, read in full: AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND,AMENDING A PORTION OF ORDINANCE NO. , '. 535 ENACTING AN ELECTRICAL CODE; CREATING AN ELECTRICAL 'BOARD; , PROVIDING FOR LICENSE, REQUIRING LI4BILlTY INSURANCE, PERTAINING TO ELECTRICIANS, PROVIDING FOR REGISTRATIOlf OF JOtJRNEYMENAND APPRENTICE ElECTRICIANS; PROVIDING FOR ElECTRICAL SIGN COl"1raACTOR; _ DEF:tNING CERTAIN TERMS; PROVIDING FOR EXCEPTIONS; REQ,UmING EX- AMINATIONS, FIXING THE FEES; 'PROVIDING -FOR LICENSE CERTIFICATES, SUSPENSION, REVOCATIONS AND APPEAL TO THE CITY COMMISSION; PRO- VIDING FOR INSPECTORS AND INSPECTIONS; REQUIRING PERMITS; PROVIDING FOR RULES, FOR ELECmICAL WORK; ADOPl'ING NATIONAL ElECTRICAL STANDARDS; EXONERATING THE CITY FROM LIABILITY; PROVIDING FOR A l?ENALTY; CONTAINING A REPEALING CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE, BY PROVlDING FOR :RfiISEB FEES TO BE CHARGED FOR INSPECTION; REPEALiNG ALL ORDI-NANCES OR' PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HERE- WITH INSOFAR AS THEY MAY CONFLICT; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Motion by Commissioner,Nisbet,-seconded by Commis,siQner Hangs, that Ordi- nance No. 646, amending a portion of Ord,inance No'. 535, and establishing rates to be chS.rged, be passed. and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Pro tem Mooney, Commissioners Hangs and Nisbet'. Voting No: None Minutes of the meeting of June 22, 195~, were read and approved as corrected. { 13'1 --.. 138 '-' , , With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed. ******************** ,'-'- \ I , 1-1 --' The City Council convened in recessed .sessi'on at the City Hall, Monday,' July 20, 1953, w:ith the following members present: Mayor Morris, pre- siding; Commissioners Goff ,Hangs and Mooney. The City Attorney was also present. Commissioner Nisbet and. the City Secretary were ,absent. The invocation was pronounced by Rev. Karl Bayer, Pastor of the West University Methodist Church. Mayor Morris announced that in accordance with Council action on June 22, 1953, a Public Hearing was in order to consider the ~equest of the Southwest YMCA to,permit erection of improvements on Lots 2, 3, 4~ 5, 6 and West 75 Ft. of Lot 7, Cambridge Place for Recreational,purposes. Due to the large at- tendance at the hearing the Council agreed that the meeting be moved to the Community Building where the seating capacity would accommodate the crowd. The ,meeting was resumed at. the Community Building ~ith Mayor Morris reading the action of the Zoning Board in special session on June 16, 1953, together with Findings ,of Fact and the action of the CityCounc.il in regular session on June 22, 1953, with reference to the request of the YMCA, after which the hearing was turned over to the City Attorney. Mayor Morris administered the oath to all who intended to make statements for or against the request o~ the YMCA. Mrs. Verna Vance, having been duly sworn by Mayor Morris, test:l.:fiedin answer to questions by the City Attorney that she was an employee in the office of the City Secretary and that a le~al notice was published in. the offici~l newspaper o;t' the city and notices were mailed to all property owners within 200 Ft. in compliance with the requirements of Zoning Ordinance No; 111. ' :T\ i ! ; ! j --'--' Proponents present at the hearing and speaking on behal'f' of the request from' the Y.M.C.A. to amend Ordinance No. III to permit,use0f Lots 2, 3, 4~ 5,6, and West 75 Ft. of Lot 7, Cambridge Place for Recrea tiotla.l purposes' were: , Mr. Wendel Ley, Member of The Metropolitan Board of Directors of the Y .~.C.A. Mr. Robt. J. Maloney, General Sect. for the ~CACity-wide Building Cam:paign Mr. S. W. Garrison, Second Vice Chairman, Southwest Bra~ch Y~M.C.A.. Mr.- Lenode Goldston, Vice Chairman of the Southwest Branch Y.M.C~A. NT,. Charles B. Webster" Secretary, Southwest Branch Y.M.C.A. ' Mr. HaroldL. Nichols, Secr.etary of the Metropolitan Y.M.C.A. Mr.' H. E. Terry, Member of the Committee of Management for SW Branch Y.M.C.A., Mr. Ralph Browning, Member of Committee of Management for SW Branch, Y..M.C.A. Mr. G. .M. Harbeson, Re_sident of A).40 Cason " Mrs. Pearl Shaw, n - 4231 Ruskin Mrs. C. A. Harrison n ' '4133 Cason Mr. C. P. Lanmon n 2630Werlein Mr. Wm. C. Buschardt, Jr. It 4144 Ruskin Mr. Harold English II 6632 Community Mr. J. C. George "6646 Community 1 , I r --1 ....,~f':~'''-''' n.::::::r::..- ',"., ::::l r"'" . -_1 III inl r , [' r-' i ! : I \ iL.':) .....-. , ..'... C,! ~ "":; <:t. [-, : ! i i l_i rfl L ~ I f; ! ~, ) "41'",....,......,.<-) ..... , 139' Opponents present at the Hearing and speaking in opposition to the request from the Y.M.C.A. were: Mr. George Marshall, Resident Mrs. Frank Hemmi, II Mr. Roy Brunt fI Mr. A. F. Killi fI Mr. Leon Lusk II Mr. & Mrs. W. J ~McMast~rs II Mr. C. E. Delhonde fI Mr. Conrad T. Sommers II Mr. & Mrs. A. 1:I. Schadel fI of 4202 Bellaire Boulevard 6728 West Point 11-141 Cason 4127 Cason 4113 Cason 4138 Bellaire.Blvd. 4148 Cason 4204- Cason 4104 Bellaire Blvd. After everyone ,present had an opportunity to be heard, the following a~tion was taken: \, Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the Public Hearing called to consider the request of the Y.M.C.A. to rezone the tract of land on Bellaire Boulevard at ,the railroad tracks be closed. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners ;Goff, Hangs a.nd Mooney None The Council again recessed the: meeting to return to the City Hall where they , reconvened at 10:30 P.M. "/\. ! Resolution No. 53-11, as folloY~i was submitted to the Council for consider- ation and read in full: RESOLurIO~' WHEREAS, Whitt Johnson, City Secretariy of the City of West University Place, Texas, has been authorized by the City Commission to countersign the City's checks on its several depository ~ccounts subject only to such limi- tations as have been prescribed by the Cqmmission's'action and ~t has become necessary to authorize the countersigning of ~he City's checks by G. P. Corry during the absence of Whitt Johnson andc-while he is on vacation; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIvERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, that G. P. Corry be, and he is hereby, authorized for, and on behalf of the City of West University Place, Texas, to countersign all checks executed'for and on behalf of the City which the City Secretary, Whitt Johnso~, could countersign under the existing powers granted him by the City Commission. The authority hereby granted to G. P. Corry to counter- sign the City's checks shall exist from July 20, 1953 :to August 3, 1953, both dates :i.ncl~sive, and ~hereafter such authority shall termina1'e without further action upon the Ci~y Commiss~on's part. PA8SEDAND APPROVED this the 20th day of July, A.D. 1953. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that Resolution 53-11;iautho;rizing G. P. Corry to .countersign the city's checks from July 20, 1953 to August 3, 1953, be passed arid ap~roved as read. IJ:::"L~~~~~--::::J. _ ~r ~~ . ~ . 1 IH 11:;n '[ ,r 140 Voting Aye~ Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney None' The Council was presented with a rough draft of the proposed budget for 1954, and took the following action reference setting a date for the Public Hearing to consider adoption of the proposed budget. I : i ----' Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that a Public Hearing be called for August 17, 1953" to consider adoption of the proposed budget for the year 1954. Voting Aye: Votin~,No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney. ' None With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion -duly made, seconded a.nd carried, the'meeting was adjourned. " ~ " - ' , //~~ 'May~r { , ---.\ ATTEST: -.-J ;. " ;J .--, ! \ , , ! I -.-J ',:""!~~'~ ' [,'-, 1_ ~'~~'~,o_~ rT"~ " on'j --r' H 11I11"11 , I 141 MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING ' JULY 27, 1953 (~-l '\ The .Ci,t~ Council convened in regular session at the City Hall qn Monday, July 2~Y 1953" 7:30 P.~. with. the following' m~mbers present: Mayor Morris presiding;, Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. The City Attorney was also present. The City Secretary was absent. L':) ,''''''' "'.'" C~ <r: $-";;) <:t r--ri 'i j J ! 1 l , ! I \~- t," The invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Nisbet. After considerin~ the .te~timony from opponents and proponents given at the Public Hearing on July 20, 1953, regarding the request of the Y.M.C.A., the Council took the follcrwing action: .. . ',~ . Motioi by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the request of the Y.M.C.A. for per~ssion to construct improvements on the East 45.3 'Feet of Lot 2 a.nd Lot's, 3, 4, ,5 -" 6, and West 75 Feet of Lot 7, Cambridge, Place for recreatiolU3.1 pUTposes'and,to b~ known as the Southwest Br4nch of the Y.M.C.A. beapprov~dsubjeet to conditions and terms' agreed to by the Y.M.C.A.; and that the Cit,y,Attorneybe.instructed to prepare the necessary ordinance amending Ordinahce ~.W9....;. :Ll:I;,to'p~rmit construction of such improvements. .j . . .': . ',> :- . '. ":' . Voting Aye: 'Mayor Mor:ds;' Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. Voting No: WOlle "/" C ",' " '. . ---.. Appreciation was exp~~~~edto the Council and members of the Zoning & Planning Boa:r:"d by representa;t:tves.gf' the Y.M.C.A. for the time spent in considering the request. ' Minutes of a speqia:r,;meetin~of the Zoning & Planning Board held on July 21, 1953, were submitte~,tothe Council for consideration. , . Mr. D. E. Jackson, 39ig Arnold, had request,ed the Zoning & Planning Board to recommend l;lipproval Qf'~,:bl..1ilding perm! t to construct a house on his lot at . the a1:l,ove ada.ress;i,p.h~dditi<?n to the garage apartment now located on the rear of the property arid:which he is now occupying. Mr. Jackson stated that the garage apartm~nt wa,s constru~ted prior to passage of the Zoning Ordinance. The Zoning Boa:rd hS.d"rec,Ommended that approval be granted Mr. Jackson t s re": quest, subject to his execution of an affidavit to be made a covenant running with the land a.nd filed ,with the public records of the property to ,the effect that the exi'sting garage aPartment will not be \lsed for commercial purposes nqr will' it ,be occu;pied as li'ving quarters by members of the family or other persons. Mr. Jackson, was not agreeable to executing such affida.v'i t and was advised by , the Council that they could not approve-his request as construction of an additional single family residence on the lot would be a violation of Ordi- nance ,No. llL It was s~e;ested that the plans be revised, if' possible, to utilize theexistin~ "building in the proposed, home, making only one dwelling on the lot which~wouldco~ly with the. zoning regulations. r~ i I I Resolution No. 53.1,2, as follows, was submitted to the Council in compliance U_i with Council.action on July 13, 1953, and read in -full: '<-~ p,' , - Ti"" ,,~- _or. r' 1- ~ "lrrm T 'I' 14~ RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The City of West Universi~y Place, Texas, has a Certificate of Deposit in the amount of Nine Thousand Dollars ($9,000) maturing July 14, 1953,. to the credit, of the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund; and 0;- .i WHEREAS, There has been accumulated in the said Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000), which sum is presently available for investment; and WHEREAS, The City Commission of the City of West University Place is of the opinion that the Nine Thousand Dollars ($9,000) as evidenced by the Certificate of Deposit and the Five 'Thousand Dollars ($5,000) accumulated as mentioned hereinabove will not be expended during the ensuing six (6) months; and WHEREAS, The City Commission of the City of West University Place is of the opinion that the proceeds of the Certificate of Deposit, which con- 'stitute a portion of the Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund as'well as the Five Thousand Dollar ($5,000) accumulation.to the credit of such fund should be deposited or redeposit~d with the University State Bank of Houston, Texas, in Certificates of Deposit earning interest at the rate of , Two and One-half Per Cent (2~) per annum for a period of six (6) months ~ from and after the 14th day of July, 1953. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT'RESOLVED BY THE CJ:TY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: ._\ ! '-t That the City Secretary and City Treasurer are hereby authorized and directed to deposit and/or redeposit the total sum of Fourteen Thousand Dollars ($14,000), which total sum constitutes a portion of the Sanitary Capital Improveme~rt Fund of the City of West University Place, Texas, and is represented by one certain Certificate of Deposit in the amount of Nine Thousand 'Dollars ($9,000) maturing July 14, 1953, and an accumulil.tion of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) in the said fund, for a period of six (6) months from 'and after tJ;1e 14th day of July, 1953, with the University State Bank of iIouston, Texas, in Certificates of Time Deposit earning interest, at the rate of Two. and One -half' Per Cent (2~) per annum. PASSED AND ENACTED THIS THE 13th day of July, 1953. Resolution No. 53-13, as follows, was submitted to th~ Council for con- sideration and read in full: RESOLUl'ION '-0 ~EAS, In the early morning hours of July 22, 1953, two criminals gained entrance. into the J M H Super Market located at Rice ~oulevard and Edloe Street in the City of West University Place, ,Texas, for the purpose of burglarizing such establishment; and WBEREAS, By virtue of the efficient and alert'manner in which Officer -1 ~ ...,:~~o.~' 11-;'"'--.. 1111 " r .... --~I ," 'IIIm1 , I; 14.3: r--i ! I i i \~ James o. Bryant, a member of the Pol~ce Department of the City of West Uni- versity'Place, executed his duties in patrolling the said C~ty, the presence of the said criminals within the building was discovered; and WHEREAS, Police Chief H. E. S~ipp, Captain R. J. .Bugg, Captain Clyde W. Hanssard, and Officer Joe K. Taylor, a.ll of whom are members of the Police Department of the City of West University Place, responded to Officer Bryant's ca.ll for assistance in apprehending the sa~dcriminals; and WHEREAS, By the 'concerted, efficient and.heroic execution/of their duties as, officers of the. law, in utter disregard of tpe danger to their personal safety, the burglary of the said J M H:Super Market was thwarted by the said officers; and iU-:J er: WHEREAS, the citizens of the City of West University Place., Texas, by and, through the Mayor and City Commission of such City, as well as the Mayor and members of the City Commission, individually, wish to commend the said' officers, and each of them for the superior police work demonstrated in pre- . venting the' said burglary and to extend their deep 'appreciation for the heroicsertice rendered in this instance: C\.l <...'"'( ~ ~ NOW, TBEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS. n I ! I I LI 1. ~tPolice Chief H. E. Shipp, Captain R. J. Bugg, Captain Clyde W. Hanssard, Officer James O. Bryant and Officer J. K. Taylor, and each of them" be, and,they are hereby commended fQr the superior manner in which they'exeeuted their duties as members of the poiice Department of the City of West Un;i.versity Place, Texas, in discovering the'attempted burglary of the J ~ HSuper Market located at Rice Boulevard and Edloe Street in the City of West University Place, Texas, on July 22, 1953, and in preventing 'such cri,me. ! 2. That the deep appreciation of'the citizens of the City of West Uni..., versityPlace, Texas, as'well as that of the'Mayor and members of ;the City Commission of the said City, indiVidually, be, and the same is hereby ex- tended to the above named officers, and to ,each of' them, for the hero:Lc servi~e rendered in tftwarting the said burglary. 3., That a copy of this Resolution be furnished to each of the above named officers. PASSED THIS THE. 21th day of JUly, 1953. , Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet t~tReso- lution53-l3 co~ending members of'the Police Department in discovering the attempted burgla:l;'y of the J M H Super Market located at Rice and Edloe on July 22, 1953, and in preventing such crime, be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; CoIllm,issioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None . r--, I IIn compliance with Council action on July 13; 1953, the City Attorney sub- \,_ mitted an opinion reference Ordinance No. 251. It was. the attorney's rr - 1 1 r 1 ~l1rlnrl I 144 opinion that prdinance No. 257 does prohibit the burning of trash in the City of West University Place and is sufficient to cover a complaint as registered by Mr. C.B. Jefferies, 3015 Duke. Minutes of the meetings of July 13 and 20 were read and approved as cor~ected. fl b With no further business toco~, before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried" the meeting was recessed. ****************** The City Council convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Friday, July 31, 1953, with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. The City Attorney was also prese~t. The City Secretar!was absent. The invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Goff. In compliance with Council action on July 13,1953, legal notice duly pub- lished in the official newspaper of the city and notices mailed to all pr~:)'perty owners wi th~:n 200 feet of Lot 9, Block 10, West University Place 1st Addition, Mayor Morris announced that a public hea.ring was in order to consider the request of Mr. George S. pummins for permission to subdivide the said lot into, two 50 x 200 Foot lots. In answer to questions bY'othe City Attorney, Mrs. :Verna Va.nce, having been duly sworn by/Mayor Morris testified that she is an employee in the City Secretary's office and that Ordinance No.lll had, been complied with and noti- fication had been published in the official newspaper of the city and all property owners within a radius of 200 Ft. of Lot 9, Block 10, West University Place 1st Addition had been notified by mail that a hearing would be held at 7:30 P.M. July 31, 1953, to consider a,.mending the city's zoning ordinance to permi t the request of Mr. George S. Cuinmins. n LJ Action taken on July 9th and 10th by the Zoning & Planning Board Was read to the CounciL Th~ Board recommended that the request of Mr. €uIiim.ins be ,approved. With no on~present who wished to be'heard in connection with the req~~st to subdivide Lot 9, Block 10, West University Place 1st, Addition the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that the hearing called to consider amending Ordinance No. 111 to permit subdivision of lot 9, Block 10, West University Place 1st Addition be closed. Voting Aye: M8.yor Morris; Commissioners Goff" Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet Voting No : None Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded'by ~ommissioner Hangs that the request of Mr. George S. Cummins, to subdivide Lot 9, Block 10, West University Place l,st'Ada.it:i,on into two 50 x 200 Ft. lots be approved and the City Attorney instructed to prepare the necessary Or,dinance amending ,Ordinance No. 111. ~ 1D: " 1: " 'f-nI'1~'i*" n TI~ - I d f ' ~~~'1 r- ~ I 'c IIIlrTrl , I' r-l , " I ; \_! to Cr:) 'C'.i <e1; ~ <:( Ii ) , , I U r-~' I ' I : I i \\..-- 1 14.5' Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Ha!lgs, Mooney ~nd N.isbet None With, no further business to come'i~before the Council at this. time, upon motion duly'made, seeonded and carried, the meeting was adjourned~ ~~~ MA10R ATTEST': .... --, 146 ~ -" MINUTES OF REGULAR' COUNCIL MEETING , AUGUST 10 , 1953 The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, August 10, 1953, 7: 30 P.M., wi th :the following members - present: Mayor Morris, pre- ' siding; C9mm1ssioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney. The City .Attorney and City Secretary wer~ also present. Commissioner Nisbet was absent. CommisSione~ Mooney pronounced the invocation. Uo., llff'" III Ordinance No. 647, captioned as follows, 'was submitted to the Council :for consideration and read in full: 'AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF ~ PRO- CEEDINGS,'HAVE HEREl'OFORE BEEN HAD AND ALL TB;INGS nom: PREREQUISITE TO THE HOLDING,' OF A PUBLIC BEARING TO CONSIDER TEE AMENDING OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. III OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SO AS TO PERMIT THE USE OF THE EAST 4-5.3 FEET OF LOT' 2, ' ALL OF LOTS 3, 4, 5 and 6 AND THE ~,.. 75 FEET OF LOT 7 OF CAMBRIDGE PLACE, FOR RECREATIONAL AND EDUCATIONAL PURPO$ES AND TO ALLOW THE ERECTION THEREON OF- IMPRPVEMENTS INCIDENT TOc-.sUCH USE; FINDING THAT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPoSE OF C0NSIDERIN!l SUCH AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. III HAS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY HEW;.. Al'>PROVING AND AOO:rr~ ING THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 BE A.MEIIDED SO~AS TO PERMIT THE USE OF THE EAST 45.3 FEET OF LOT 2, ALL OF LOTS 3, 4, 5 and 6 AND THE WEST 75 l!'EET OF LOT 7, OF CAMBRIDGE PLACE FOR REC:aEATIONAL -, AND EDUCATIONAL , PURPOSES AND TO ALLOW THE ERECTION OF IMPROVEMENTS THEREON INCIDENT TO SUCH USE; FINDING, THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111. OF TEE C.ITY OF WEST UNIVERSm PLACE, TEXAS, SHOULD BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT SUCH USE AND ERECTION OF IMEROVEMEN'l'S; AMENDING, ORDINANCE NO. 111 SO AS TO PERMIT THE USE OF THE EAST ,45.3 FEET OF LOT 2, ALL elF LOTS 3, 4, 5 and 6 AND THE WEST 75 FEET OF LOT 7 OF CAMBRIDGE PLACE FOR RECREATIONAL AND EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES AND TO ALLOW THE ERECTION THEREON OF IM- PROVEMENTS INCIDENT TO SUCH USE; AND PROVIDING TIlAT THIS ORDINANCE SlJALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE ENFORCED' IMMEDIATELY FROM Aim AFrER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. U'I, '" "J' . ~l ;'-j Motion by Commissioner Goff, 'seconded by Commissioner Iiangs that Ordinance No. 647, a.mending Ordina.,nceNo. Ill, to permit erection of improvements on, the East 45.3 Feet of Lot 2, and all or Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6 and the West 75 Feet of Lot 7, of Cambridge Place for recreational and educational purposes be passed and app~ovedas read. i i : . Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney. Voting No: None Mr,. 5. A. Smith, 6236 Community Drive, appeared before the Council protesting the method used by the Houston Transit Company in turning their buses at Community Drive and University Boulevard. Mr.' Smith sta,ted that the puses turn off of Universit'y onto Community where they make a stop and then back up and turn East on University. In his opinion a very hazardous condition [:,-01 exists wheu the bus is being backed on Community Drive as a car or child immediately behind the bus cannot be seen by the driver. It was suggested "t".~~.:.a.. Il~ .:=::::::::1 1'- . - - 1 T 7T 'llrTnr r ---------.~ I , \ l_1 It:) 0':) N ,~ ~ ~ n i ; ! i ~_...: r----. { i I \ L: 1.47: by Mr. Smith and City Secretary Whitt Johnson that the bus be rerouted to circle the 4200 Block South of University Boulevard to eliminate this hazard however, such rerouting'would necessitate the paving of three blocks with concrete. The matter was.d~fe~red for further studY and recommendation. A report,was re~eived from the Community House Committee with a recommendation that rental charges be increased. No action was taken on the recommendation at this time. J Ordinance No. 648, captioned a,~ follows, was submitted to the Council for con- sideration and read in full: AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DE~NING THAT EACH AND ALL OF THE PRO- CEEDINGS HAVE, HERETOFORE BEEN HAD. AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQU;rSITE TO THE ,HOLDING Of A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE AMENDING OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. III OF 'rHE,'Cn'Y OF ~ST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SO AS TO PERMIT THE S~DIV,ISION O~ LoT 9, BLOCK 10, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, FIRST ADDITION; FI:ND~G ~HAT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE. PURPOSE OF CON- SIDERIN~ AN AMEJ.lP)ME,Nl''l'Q ()RD.INANCE: N(). 111 HAS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY HELD ; APPROVING AND ADOPI'ING THE REPORT AND RECOMMENDATION. OF THE ZONING AND PlANNING BOARD, THAT ORDINANCE .NO. 111 BE ~ SO AS TO , ' PEmUT THE SUBDIVISIQN OF LOT 9" BLOCK 10, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE,. FIRST ADDITION.: FINDING THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST uNIVERSITY PLACE,. TEXAS, SH;OULD BE AMENDED SO AS TO PJmMITSUCH ,SUB- DIVISION; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO.lll SO AS TO PERMIT THE SUBDIVISION ' OF LOT 9, BLOCK 10, WEST VNIYERSITY PLACE, FIRST ADDITION; AND PRO- VIDING THAT THIS ORlUNANeE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND. BE IN FORCE IM- ' 'MEDIA~LY FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSA.<}E 100) AP~OVAL^" Motion by COIllll!-issioner Hangs, seconded by; Commissioner' Mooney, that Ordinance' No. 648, amending Ordinance No. 111, to permit subdivision of Lot 9, Block 10, West University Place 1st Addition into two 50 :i 200 Ft. lots, be passed and approved as read. Vot.ing Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; ,Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney. None' , Mayor Morris: appointed City Attorney Karl Kraft, City Secretary Whitt Johnson and former City Attorney Charles S. Taylor, Jr., to serve on a Committee to review the City Charter of West University a.nd make'E,L recommendation for amendments which in their opinion would prOVide better charter provisions for the city. In compliance to Mayor Morr:Ls" invitation, replies 'Were received from the , following tiine architectural! firlJ!S who,. indicated an interest in the proposed city hall project: 'Edward .:B.9<Let, Cato-Austin & Evans, Wyatt C. Hedrick, Cameron Fairchil~ & Associates, Go~hri~g & Reichert, Smart and Whitehead, Harry A. Turne:r;'/Jlerbert Voelcker and Associates, Woestemeyer & Gaffney. Each firm completed the questionaire and, filed a brief conce~ning their service. Arrangements were made for interviews on Thursday and Friday nights, August 13 and 14, beginning at 7:00 P.M. " A recommendation was made to~he counci~ by the City Secretary that the uniform of the Humane Officer be, changed to a di~ferent color in order that it might be distinquished from that of the Police uniforms. This recommendation was approved by the Council. 11'!'=~=~" , -", - - '"J , f~ ~.'" ~,'.." ""1 I' -------T I' , r. 11I1 rnl 14.(;) Minutes of the meetings of July 27 and 31, were read and approved. With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made,'seconded and ,carried, the meeting was recessed until August 17, 1953. ' 0" ;! ************~***** The City Council convened in recessed session at the City Hall, Mon~y, August 17, 1953, 7:30 Jil.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, pre- siding; Commissioners Goff, Mooney and Nisbet. The City Attorney and City Secretary -Were also present. Commissioner Hangs was absent. Mayor Morris pronounced the invocation. .. Incompliance with Council action on July 20, 1953, and legal notice duly publi$hed in the official newspaper for the city, Mayor Morris announced that a pub'lic hearing was in order to consider the proposed bp,dget for the fiscal year beginning the 1st day of January, 1954, and ending the 31st day of December, 1954., ' , C. V. Reynolds, Fire Cl1ief submitted' a summary of difficulties being experienced by the Fire Department, with radio receiving' equipment used in the homes of Firemen. Chief'Reynolds explained that the war surplus equipment purchased in 1947 was on a frequency assigned by the FCC for fire emergency u~e only and since that time 'there has been additional ,stations assigned the same or a nea.r by frequency which causes excessiVe interference. Further that the equipment is old_'and tubes and other vital repair parts are hard to obtain n and the price of these items is becoming prohibitive. This recommendation lUr was offered in conjunction, witP. an appropriation of ,$2,000 in the 1954 ,budget 'i, for .replacement of radio equipment. ' , It was recommended that funds for one additional policeman be provided for. in the 1954 budget as requested by Chief of Police apd that the 1953 budget be amended to provide for employment of the additional man eft:ective with the beginning 'of ,the school year.' The need for additional personnel in th~Police Department was based on the 'principle of twq men in each of the patrol cars at night'instead of , one man as has previously been the policy. ' Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that one additional policeman be employed in the Police Department effective at the beginning of the school year and that the 1953 budget be amended to appropriate necessary funds for the balance of this fiscal year and that necessary funds be appropriated in the 1954 budget ~or this a4ditional employee. . Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff ,Nis?et and Mooney None Detail estimates of all proposed expenditures showing the corresponding items for the preceeding fiscal year was set forth in a summary out,lining 'Provisions of.the1954 budget. Mayor Morris explained the general content of the budget and stated it was the plan of the city . commission to maintain the tax rate at $1.78 per $100 valuation. r'- '\ U n~~=~~~~="-;] r' - ' ~" 1 , 111 rnn 'f r~ ! ' i 149 There being no further questions or discussion on the proposed budget" the f.ollowing action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet, that the Hearing called to consider the budget proposed for the fiscal year beginning the 1st day of January and endi;ng Ul.e 31st day of December 1954, be closed. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Moopey.aiidNisb~t None Zoning and Planning Board minu~es of the meeting held on August 13th were submitted t~the Oouncilfor conslderation. l:O '~ Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Goff that the recom- C\1 mendation of the zoning Board to deny the request of Mr'. George K. Gillies, <C 3016 Lafayette, to erect a carport in front of his existing attached garage PO.,) , which would extend 4 feet into the 20 foot front setback be upheld. <:t (; . ! ( i I l~' (~-; ! I I \ '----' 'Voting Aye: Voting N9 : Mayor Morris; C,ommissioners Goff, Mooney and Nisbet None No action was 'taken on the recommendation to approvetl+e req,uest of Ml:'. M.J~ 'Williams, 2831 Quenby, to erect a,carport to extend, to 'the West property line, as the CounC'i:l desired to adviSe -'With the Zoning Board and consider the matter further before calling a public hearing. Mr. H. W. Elrod, Manager of the West University Place Swimming Pool, sum- marized the activities of the swimming team and requested the Council to, appropriate funds for a West University Swimming Meet and for entertainment of the members, of the swimming team. Mr. Elrod also requested that an appropri-, ation be made in the 1954 budg~t for the purchase o~ bathing, suits for the team and permiSSion to pl~ce an, order immediately for delivery next Spring. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that $150 be appropriated in the 1953 budget for swim meet expenses and for entertain- ment of the meinbers of the Swimming Teams "a.1~;!,tha..t,~n ~otlnt.-not to ',exceed ' - $200 to furnish the members, of the Swimming Team suits, for next year be allo- cated in Account NOr. 194 in the 1954 Swimming Pool' Budget. Voting Aye: Voting N6: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Mooney and Nisbet None A statement f!om the Southwest Y.M.C.A. in the amount of $951, for services in connection with the summer recreation program during the month of July was ,submitted to the Council for consideration. Motion by Commissioner'MQoney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the statement from the Southwest YMCA in the amount of $951, for services in connection with the summer recre,ation program for the month of July be approved fqr payment. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor 'Morris; Commissioners Goff, Mooney and Nisbet None ~= ~.,< I:I-=r.=.=~ '=:-_-=>- "I~- 150 The City Secretary advised the Council that the Houston Transit Company was willing to pay to the city the sum of $1,867.51 in settlement for damages resulting from an accident between the ~ity's First Aid Unit-and a Houston Transit Company bus on Buffalo Speedway at Rice Boulevard on February 9, 1953, and submitted a release from the. Houston Transit 'Company to be executed by the Mayor, provided such settlement is acceptabLe by the Council. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that a settlement in the amount Qf $1,867.51 from the Houston Transit Company be accepted and that Mayor Morris be authorized tp execute the release from further liability with the Houston Transit Company. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris j CoIiunissioners Goff, Mooney' and Nisbet. None Wi th no further business to come before the Council at ,this time, upon motion' duly made, seconded and car'ried, the meeting was adjourned. ," '~7~~ MAYOR , CITY lI~-~""",:,=='"'r '~'r--~~-~~~ -----r- : lIllen"T k'<-' --. lD(' H. D' i r J. '\ ii ; ~ . u ''I: r-\ I , \ lLO . CI'J C"',J < ~=. vi <( '. Ii : ! i i \_J Ii I I , I i , ~- 151' MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 24,' 1953 ' The City Council convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, August 24, 1953, 7: 30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Goff, Hangs" Mooney and Nisbet. The City Attorney and City Secretary were also present. ' ...'" The invocat,ion was pronounced by Commissioner Hangs. Mayor Morris announced that the 1954 budget had , been studied and considered on four separate occasions by the City Commission and had been reviewed in detail ata meeting wtth the finance committee and after specific revisions of the budget had been made as directed by the city commission a public hear- ing was held on August 17, 1953, in compliance with provisions ,of the City Charter. The 1954 budget was therefore in final order for official adoption; 'however before the budget could be adopted it would be necessary to set the 1953 advalorem tax rate. ' Budget estimates reveal .that the preliminary total of all taxable valuation for the 1953 taX roll would be approximately $19,400,000 and ,that principal and interest requirements on. the bond debt and all 'operating expenses pro- posed in the 1954 budget could be soundly financed on a $1. 7-8 tax rate. In compliance with Council action City Attorney Karl Kraft submitt~ an ordinance establishing the 1953 tax. rate which was read' in full for consideration. ORDINANCE NO. 649 AN' ORDINANCE LEVYING AND ASSESSING AN AD VALOREM TAX ,ON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERS~ PLACE', TEXAS, FO~ THE YEAR 1953, AND PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION THEREOF. ' 'Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner.Goff tbE:i.t Ordinance No. 649, ~evying and assessing an advalorem tax ,on all.. taxable property within the corporate limits and setting a tax rate at $1.78 per $100 valu- ation for the year 1953 be passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet, Voting No: None Ordinance No. 650, captioned a.s follows,'was submitted to the Council and read in full: AN ORDINANCE APPROVING A BUDGET FOR THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR A TWELVE MONTH PERIOD BEGINNING. JANPARY 1, 1954 AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1954; PROVIDING FOR THE APPROPRIATION OF PUBLIC FUNDS OF THE CITY FOR USE AND E~ITURES ~ Motion by Commissioner Goff, ~econded by,Commissioner Nisbet, that Ordinance No. 650, approving and adopting a budget for the 'City of West University Place for the period,beginning January 1,1954, and ending December 31,1954, be passed and approved as read. rc::===.::....:.~L..:::l _ ~c, 'I: r ~ nrlliITl , 1 1 ;),~" Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; CommisSioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None A letter of resignation from"Mr. Roy Maley, Chairman of the Zoning & Planning Ifl,.....,...'" Board was submitted to the Counc,il. tJ Motion by Commiseioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet, that the resig- nation of Mr. Roy Maley, as a member of the ~oning & Planning Board, be ac- cepted with regrets. Voting,Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commiseioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None Motion,. by Cozmnissioner Hang;s, ~econded by Commissioner qoff, that Mr. A. G. Davis be appointed as a member of the Zoning & Planning Board, and that his resignation as a member of the Board of Adjustment and'Appeals be accepted. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney.and Nisbet. ~oo ' . Mr. George K. Gillies, 3016 Lafayette, appeared before the Council advising that he had revised plans submitted to the Zoning ~oard on August 13 for a proposed carport to be erected in front of his existing attached garage which would comply with building requirements. It was the Council's opinion that no further action was required and abuilding permit could be issued as long as all set back requirements are complied with. ' Minutes of a special meeting bf the Zoning & Planning Board on August 22, 1953, were :r:-ead to the Coun.eil and tpe following action taken: '0", Ii i ,-1: I U' Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner GQff, that the re- quest of Dr. N.F. Waldman, 6531 Vanderbilt to erect a 10 x 10Ft. :frame playhouse on his premises be a'PProve~ as recommended by the Zoning & Planning "Board. Voting Aye: Voting No : 'Mayor Morris; Commiss:lop.ers GOff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. None Minutes of the.meetings '6f, August 10'and l7,were read and approved. With no.further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was a~qurned. (. ~:X2l~ MAYOR o I"'F" JI=;=-==r~~i""':,,' r '~"~~'~"'~"""'"""""'T ---r ,'n .';mllllliTI"1 '~__m '''Ii 153 MINUTES OF REGULAR eOUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 14, 1953 [0: '---- ~he City dommission convened i~ regular session at the City Hall on Monday, September 14, 1953, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present; Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and. Nisbet. The City Attorney and City Secretary were also present. The Invocation was pronQunced by Commissioner Nisbet. Mr. C. W. Smith, 4226 Oberlin, appeared before the Council protesting the concH tion of Oberlin Street in the 4200 Block which was recently imProved with a two-course i~verted penetration, and stated that, it was his opinion ~ that Highway Specific&tions 305A were not complied with. ,The City Engineer cv:; was instructed to make an inspection of the street to determine whether or cS not the specifications ,had been complied with. ' ) .,.... '-'" ~ Minutes of the Zoning Board meetings of September 3, 10, 11, 12 were sub~tted ~ to the Council for consideration and the following action taken: Motion by CoriuniS'sioner Mooney,. seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the ,request of Mr. Glenn H. Stanbaugh,3411 Tangley, for permission to construct an 18 x 24 Ft. addition over his prese~t garage to be used as combination play- _ J room, darkl;'oom.and storage space be approved as recoDlIlJ.!;Ilded by the Zoning and Planning Board, subject to execution of usual affidavit. , ". \. (-' I I ! ' Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor , Morris; Qommissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney'and Nisbet None Motion by Commis~ioner Goff, se~onded by Cqmmissioner Nisbet, that a public hearing be called for 7:30 P.M., October 5, 1953, to consider subdivision of Lot 12, Block 28, West ij'niversity Place l:st.Addition into two 50 x 150 Ft. lots to front on Sewanee Street as requested by Mr. J. M. Bricaud, 6445 Sewanee Street and recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. Voting Aye: I Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet Voting No: None '" Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hang~ that a public hearing be called for 7:45 P.M. October 5, 1953, to consider subdivision of Lot 7, Block 39, West University Place 1st Addition into two Ipts; one to be 100 x 100 Ft. to front on Westchester and the other to be 50 x 100 Ft. to front on Carnegie, as requested by Miss Effie Graham and recommended by the Zoning and Planning .Boai'd. . , Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None I I : I "--' Motion byCoIlllllissioller Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the re- quest of Mr. D. W. Swope, 6446 Rutgers Street for 'permission to construct an addition lOx 20 Ft. to the rear of his existing garage for the purpose of storing a boat and'trailer be approved as recommended by the Zoning and Plan- ningBoard. . ' Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None p.~""".;;",-.'"' It:::::~~-:-.:~~::-=:::::':-:::::.':= . _' .:~'::~::::I __ 1::":-:----. __"1 ..J:"""- ~-'--'''Iln'lmT'- -----.T~l-=-...-,---.~---.- 154 Motion by Commissioner Nisbet7 seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the re- ' quest of Mr. lIe R. Stallings, 3620 llbans Road for permission to erect a 5 x l~ Ft. extension to (an existing storage house for the purpose of storing lawn equipment , bicycles, etc. be approved as recommended by the Zoning and P1B.nning Board. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded'byCommissioner Hangs that a public ~hearing be called for 8:00 P.M. October 5, 1953, to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit construction of a carport on Lot 9, Block 13, Monticello Addition in front of the existing garage with a setback distance from the side property line 6f,only one foot as requested by Mr. M. J. Williams, 2831 Quenby, and recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board. ' , Voting Aye: Voting No :' Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None 0," r ;;" i Mayor MOrris announced that members of two differentr municipal bond firms had been interviewed in connection with financing construction of a proposed city hall ~ndthat the firm of Morone~ Beissner & Company had bee? selected. Upon request of the City Commission, Mr. O. U. Wymer of this firm was invited to appear before Council ,and present a proceedings contract in connection with the contemplated issuance of bonds by the city for the purpqse of con- structing a new city halL NT. Wymer explained the proceedingscontrac;t in li\ detail and the following action was taken: ' ~ Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that a pro- ceedin~~ contract with Moroney Bei~sner Company to perform services in con- nection with,'the contemplated issuance of bonds for purpose of constructing a new city be executed. Voting Aye: Voting No Mayor Morris; Commission~rs Goff, IIangs,'~ooney and Nisbet None, CONTRACT The Honorable Mayor ~nd City Commission City of West 1Jnfversity .Place Gentlemen: It is our understanding that 'the City of West University Place con- templates the issuance of bonds for the purpose of constructing public buildings. ' In connection with the above we wish to submit the following proposal: Afij your authorized and exclusive fiscal agent, 'we agree to perform the following services: We agree t6handle all details in connection with the legal M\i'}."1"~'$<";. r 1l=:C- .J. r ._~ 1 -------r , '~..~' 'nrrmT o '"I ~ ' liD M CJ ~~t: "'";> <t ,--..,. f i I ' I I 15if issuance and sale of the above bonds. We a:gree to advise and counsel with you relative to maturity schedules and other details which we believe to be in your best interest. We further ,agree to assist you in arranging for the marketing of the bonds on the best possible terms in light of the then existing market conditions and in any manner desired by the Mayor and City Commission. We, also agree to pay'fpr ariyadvertising in connection with offering the ponds at public sale. We agree to pay or reimburse you for the services of Vinson, Elkins, Weems & Searls' who will prepare all the necessary Legal papers and will pay for a market opinion of a firm of lawyers mutually acceptable to us and the City Commission. We agree to furnish all election supplies and .to arrange for the printing of the bonds at our expense. The actual cost of holding the election, which includes pay of election jUdges, clerks, supervis~rs, rental of voting machines, rental of po+ling places and the cost of litigation, if any, will be pa.id by the City ,of'West University Place. For and in consideration of, the services to be rendered and the ex- penses to be incurred as hereinabove outlined, you agree to :pay and we agree 'to accept as full compensation therefor a fee of $5.60 per $1,000 bond to be issued, said fee to become due and payable to the undersigned at the time the bonds are delivered against payment. This agreement will remain in effect'until all the bonds authorized at the election have been issued and delivered against payment. It is further agreed and understood, however, that if the bond Election called for the p~ose of authorizing the above bonds fails to carry, this agreement will automatically terminate and yqur City will be relieved of any liability , 'to us in ~onnection with any expenses incurred by us or ~ervices rendered. Respectfully. submitted, MORONEY, BEISSNER & CO. By o. U. WymP.l" Vice-President The City Secretary advised that the Travelers Insurance Company had out- lined a safety program in connection with the city's workmen's compensation plan and suggested appointment of an executive Safety Committee from city employees. Upon recpmmendation of the City Secretary the Mayor appointed Curtis Posey, Benny King;man and Joe Clarke as executive members to serve on a general safety collIlllittee for the city. Ordinance No. 651, captioned as follows, was submitted to the Council for ,'~ consideration and read in full: It=-- ..'= _ ., ~L::d f' -- oo":::r- - : III I liIl" I "I; 1 156 AN ORDINANCE, FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF THE PROCEEDINGS HAVE HERETOFORE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DO:NE PREREQUISITE TO THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. III 'OF THE CITY OF WEST UNI- VERSrry PLACE, TEXAS, BY AMENDING- SECTION $ THEREOF BY ADDING A' NEW SUB-PARAGRAPH TO BE KNOWN AS~ SUB-PARAGRAPH (:J.2), SO AS TO PERMIT TEl!: .USE OF LoT 7, BLOCK 19, COLLEGE VIEW, FmST ADDITION, SAME BEING WrrHIN THE SINGLE DWELLIIfG DISTRICT OF WEST UNIvERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, KNOWN, AND DES:IGNATED AS VIII-A, FOR CHURCH PURPOSES AS REQu:m8TED BY THE WEST UNIVERSITY BAPTIST CHURCH; FINDING THAT' A PUBLIC ~HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CON- SIDERING SUCH AMENDMEl'lT HAS BEEN DULY AND lEGALLY HELD; FIND- ING THAT SECTION NO. 4 OF ORDINANCE NO. III SHOULD BE AMEEDED SO AS TO PERMIT THE USE OF LOT 7, BLOCK ,19, CO;w:.EGE VIEW, FIRST ADDITION, FOR CHURGH PURPOSES; AMENDING SECTION No.4 OF ORDI- NANCE ,NO. III OF'THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BY , ADDING'A SUB-PARAGRAPH TO SECTION No.4 TO BE KNOWN AS SECTION No.4, (12); ~PEA.LING ALL ORDINANCES, OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH, INSOFAR AS THEY CONFLICT; AND ~OVIDIN(} THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE IMMEDIATELY FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. o Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff that Ordinance No.' 651, amending Ordinance No. III to permit the use of' Lot 7, Block 19, College View 1st Addition to be used for church -purposes, be passed and,ap- proved as read~ 01' 1: I, Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff', Mooney, Hangs and ~isbet\ Voting No: None M,inutes of', the me.eting of August 24th, were read and approved. With no further bUSiness to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~74~ MAYOR ATTEST: u J''''~W'''r'''''.'- 1 , n ' Ii II "L' ,~ - _1 r: r , '!IlIum T'" ''I I j to "" (;\[ <r.. ~ ~ n , ; i I (1 I "'>-.......,.,<<-l"<.'F '" 151 MINUTES OF REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING SEPl'EMBER 28, 1953, Th~ City Council convened in. regular session at the City Hall ,on' Monday, September 28, -1953, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Morris, pres iding j Commissioners Goff, Hangs,. Mooney and Nisbet. The City Secretary and City Attorney were also present. The invocation was pronounced by; Commissioner Hangs. In compliance with Council action on September 14, 1953, the City Engineer submitted a report of his inspection on the 4200 bloc~ of Oberlin Street. Mayor Morris advised Mr. c. W. Smith and other residents of the 4200 block. . tha t another course of rock and asphalt would be, applied in o~der to make a better appearance on the street even though two courses had been applied in accordance with specifications. Zoning Board. minutes of the meeting held on September 19, '1953, were su'bmitted to the Council for consideration and the following act~on taken: Motion by Co~ssioner Mooney, seconded by'Commissioner Nisbet that the request of Mr. T. J. Moody, 2611 Carolina Way for permission to erect a second story on his exist~nggarage ,to be used as servantt~ quarters and a playroom, be ap- proved as recommended by the Zoning and Planning Board, subject to execution of an affidavit that the structure will not be used for commercial purposes, and a letter from Mr. Moody stating that the affidavit will remain in effect through ~nyfuture conveyance of the land. Voting Aye: Voting Np : Mayor MorrisjCommissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Mooney, that a'public hearing be called on Monday., OctQber J.9, 1953, 7:30 P.M. to consider amending the city!s zoning ordinance ~o permit the construction of a 48 unit apartment project on Lots 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, B19Ck 7, Cun~ingham Terrace Addition with a setback distance of 20 feet on Ste~J.a Link Road instead of 30 Ft. as're- quested by Mr. H./R. Houck 'and recc.)mmended by the Zoning & Planning Board. ' Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None Motion by Commissioner Mooney, s~condedbY--,Commissioner Nisbet that a public hearing be c.~lled on Monday, October 19, 1953, 8:00 P.M. to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit resubdivision of the South 80' of Lots 6 and 7, and the North 35' of Lot 5, Block 15, West University Place 1st Addition into o~e 60 x 200' tract and one 55 x 200' tract as requested by the owner and recommended by the Zoning and Planning, Board. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet Voting No : '. None Mr. O. U. WYmer, representing Mo;roney, Beis~ner & Company, submitted a time schedule to the Council for the calling of an election to consider a bond issue for, financing a proposed city halL Mr. Wymer was requeste,d by City rl~~- r .= =----=---..~ - '~~:1. , I ~ 158 Council to proceed with deta~ls of the time scheduleyhich would be considered further at a recessed: meetine;_on Monday, October 5, 1953. The City Secretary submitted a recommendation that the City Commission exercise its option to call the outstanding $58,000.00 ot: Water Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1951, and pay the necessary premium and accrued interest. on the call date of December 15, 1953. U'i l 1- Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by 'Commissioner Nisbet that the necessary resolution calling the Water Revenue Ref~nding Bonds, Series, 1951, in the amount of $58,000 be prepared for' consideration on October 5; 1953. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, IIa.>'ngs, Mooney and Nisbet None A statement from the YMCA in the amount of $638.30 'for services in connection with the summer recreation program was submitted for cons~deration. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff that the state- ment from the YMCA ,in the amount of $638.30 for services in connection with the summer recreation program be approved for payment. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None A letter from Corporation Court Judge, Wm. E. Junell, advising that he would be on vacation for three weeks and 'recommending Judge Wm. A. MacNaughton of n" ' Bellaire to serve 'as acting porporation Court Judge during his absence, was Ii 1 submitted to the Council. , U Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that Judge MacNaughton of Beilaire be appointed Corporation Court Judge during 'the absenCe of Wm. E. Junell while on vacation and that Judge Junell compensate Judge MacNaughton for his services. ' Vot1ng Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None Minutes of the 'meeting of September 14, 1953~ were read and approved. With no further business to come before the Council, upon motio:n duly made, seconded and carr.ied, the meeting was recessed. *************' The City Council convened in recess~d session at the City Hall on Monday, October 5, 1953, with the foll,owi'ng members present: Mayor Morris, presidip.gj Commissioners Goff, and Mooney. The City Secretary and City Attorney were also present. Commissioners Nisbet and Hangs were a.bsent. The invocation was pronounced by Karl Kraft, City Attorney. In compli~nce with Council action on September 14, 1953, legal notice duly published in the official newspaper of the city and notices mailed to all o . _~"ft~1:"i' -I' - , .-- -, r' ,.. '--'----'m rtJn"'i '"f[ I~I ,'- iLl:J C1~ ~! , r-!:( >~-;;, ~ {'\ . I , I ; LI (-- I l_ >-',"'" ,159 property ,owners within 200 Feet of Lot 12, Block 28, West University Place 1st Addition, Mayor Morrie announced tPat a public hearing was in, order to consider the request of Mr. J. M. Bricaud for'pernUssion to subdivide the said lot into two 50 x 150 Ft. lots. In answer to questions by the City Attorney, Whitt Johnson, City Secretary, having 'been duly sworn by Mayor Morris testified that legal notice had been published 'in the official newspaper of the city and all property owners within a radius of 200 Ft. of Lot 12, Block 38,West University Place 1st Addition had been notified. by mail that a hearing wouid be held at 7:30 P.M. October 5, 1953, to consider amending the Cityts Zoning Ordinance to permit the re- quest of Mr. J. M. Bricaud.' , Mr. J. M. Bricaud, having been duly sworn by Mayor Morris, testified that he is owner of Lot 12, BJ,ock 28, West University Place 1st ~ddition and it was his desire to subdivide the lot into two 50 x 150 Ft. lots to front on Sewanee'Street. There l;>eingcno one present who objected to, the request of Mr. J. M. Bricaud, the following action was' taken:, Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff that the hearing called to cons'id,er the request of Mr. J. M. Bricaud, to subdivide Lot 12, Block 28, West University Place ,1st Addition into two 50 x 150 Ft. lots be closed. : Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Cqmmfssioners, Goff and, Mooney Voting No : None Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commiseioner Mooney, that 'Ordinance ,No. III be amended to' permitsubdivis.ion of Lot 12, Block 28, West University Place 1st Addition into two lots 50 x 150 Ft. each to front on Sewanee.Street as requested by Mr. J. M. Bricaud. Voting.Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff and Mooney None (. In compliance with Council action on September 14, 1953, legal notice duly published in the official newspaper of the city and notices mailed to all property owners within 200 Ft. of' Lot 7, Block 39, West University Place,lst Addit~on, ~yor Morris announced that a public hearing was in order to con- sider the request of ~iss Effie Graham for permission tO,subdivide the said lot into two lots; one to be 100 x 100 Ft.,to front'on,Westchester, one, to be 50 x 100 Ft. '.to front on Carnegie Street. In answer to questions by the City Attorney, the c~ty Secretar~ testified -that requirement.s of Ordinance No. 111 had been complied with and notice had been published in the official newspaper of the city and all property oWners .within a radius of' 200 Ft. of Lot 7, Block 39, West University Place l~t . Addition had been notified by mail that a hearing would be held at 7:45 P.M. October 5, 1953; to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance to permit the request of Miss Effie 'Graham. Mr. A. C. Wadley, representing Miss Graham, testified that she desired the 11:"":"=::' "-0 ';; ~"J. _ _[ . ~, , '-::'I-------r- - r "limn 'Ii l~U lot subdivided in order that an addit1.onal re~idence might be constructed on the West 50 X 100 Ft. portion of the lot ~y prospective purchasers. U:.- L , Mr. L. B. ~yon, 6546 Rutgers, stated that he objected to subdivision of the lot as'it would promote congestion in the area and would decrease the value of surrounding property. Mr. John Gorman, 6545 Westche~ter, testified that he opposed subdivision of, the lot 'in question because there is a great number of ch1ldren,in the vicinity and in his opinion tra:(t'ic would be in<:ret;sed. Mr. Gorman also stated that the subdivision would detract and not enhance the value of surrounding property. Mrs. S. E. WoodaJ.l~ 6549 Westchester, stated that she had purchased. the property directiy across Carnegie Street because of the large size of the lots in the vicinity and ob,j'ected to subdividing any o,f' the lots.. ' Mrs.D. L. Terry, testified that she was owner of the West 70 Ft. of Lot 6, Block 39, 'Which 'is immediately East of the lot in question and that she objected to subdivision of the lot into a 50 x 100 Ft. plot ~s it would, in her opinion, not be large enough,for a residence without causing a congested condition anq. .detracting from, her property.' With no other property ownersclesiringto be heard, the following action was taken: ' . , Motion by Commissioner GOff,'seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the heariJ:lg called to consider the request of Mil?S Effie ,Graham tO,subdivide Lot 7, , Block 39, West'University Place 1st Addition into two lots, be closed. 'Voting Aye: Votillg :No : :Mayor Morris; Commissioners' Goff and Mooney', None I . ( Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that the re- quest of Miss Effie GrahaiD. to: 'subdivide Lot 7, Block 39, West University Place 1st Addition into two lots; b~ denied. Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Co~ssioners 'Goff and Mooney V oting No : ~ None Mayor Morris announced t~ta Hearing' ha~ been called for 8:00 P.M. to con- , sider the request .QfMr.,~.:<l.:Wl11iaJJlf1,to construct a carport on his. property at 2831 Quenby,w{th a setback di.stance from the side property line of only one foot; however~ ,Mr. Williams had since withdrawn his request be- cause of objection by: Sco~of his neighboring property owners . Mr. Morris stated that theCounci~accepted' the withdrawal of, the request by Mt. Williams and that the: matter is hereby closed. . . .,.. . \ . . In compliance with the decision 'made by Council on'September 2.8, 1953, to exercise ,an option to call for redemption the remaining outstanding $58,000 Gity of WestUniversityPl8.ce Water Rev~nue Bonds, Series, 1951, the follow- ing Resolution was submitted and read in full: U1 Ii ~ 1. I!J 'f"):;\1'-""'- 11~"~~'~'-=~~ ;] f' ,,_m,-- 'I , "lrm'l "11 r~l iL("J (, 0':) C\1. <J: ~ <.t n I I '-----' ~. c r., _~. 161 RESOLUTION RESOLUTION EXERCISING RESERVED OPI'ION TO REDEEM btJ11STANDING BONDS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE AND ,AUTHORIZING TEE GIVDlG OF NOTICE OF RE- DEMPTION WHEREAS, the hereinafter described outstanding bonds of the City of West University Place are redeemable at the pleasure of the City at par and - accrued interest, plus a premium of one ,and one-half (1-1/2%) per cent on December 15,1953, or on,any interest w-yment date, thereafter, and it is now desirable tq call said bonds; therefore ' , . , , BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas: That the City of West University Place, Texas, hereby elects to exercise its .option to redeem at par and accrued interest, plus a premium of one and cme-half (1-1/2%) 'per cent, on December l-5, 1953, the her,einafter described bonds and the City Treasurer is hereby authorized and directed to give notice in the man~r prescribed in the ordinance authorizing said bonds that same have bee1?- called for redemption, in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF BONDS CALLED FOR REDEMPrION Notice is hereby given that the City of West University Place, Texas, has elected to exercise its option to redeem the following described bonds: City of West'University 'Place, Texas, Water Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1951, dated January 1,1951, numbered from 28 to 85,' both inclusive, in the denomination of $1,000.00 each, aggregating $58,ooo~OO, be~ring interest at the rates of 1~3/4 and 1-1/2% per annum, maturing ser:i.ally in each of the years 1954 through 1958, both inclusive, and redeemable on June 15, 1951, or on any interest payment date thereafter, at par ~lus accrued interest, plus a pre~1,UD. of one and <me-half (1-1/2%) per cent. ' All of said bonds have been called for redemption on December 15, 1953 at, the First National Bank in Houston,Houston, Texas, where said bonds shall be presented for payment at par and accrued interest to 'the, date of call, plus a premium of one and, one-half (1-1/2%) per cent.,' Said bonds shall cease ,to bear interest from and after December I?, 1953. By order of the City Commission. City Treasurer, City of West University Place, Texas PASSED AND APPROVED this 5th(ia;rofOctobei', 1953. Jl . . ""L~' .~'-'-----:::;-""-:r-=~ , 'f! len"1 , ~l r L -~ 162 Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by'Commissioner Goff that the Resolution exercising the city's option to call for redemption on December 15, 1953, the remaining\out-standing bonds of an issue known as City of' West University Water Revenue Bonds, Series 1951, and authorizing the giving of notice of redemption be passed and approved as read. D! ,.. il r Voting Aye: Voting No : \ Mayor Morris; ComD1issioners Goff and Mooney None Mr. Frank M. Mainous, 3420 Albans, appeared before Council requesting the enlargement and improvement of library facilities which are J,.ocated in the Community House in order that patrons of the library might be better accom- modated. Mr. Mainous suggested that 'the room ,recently vaca.ted by the South- west YMCA be uSed for expanding the library and that adequate chairs, and, \... .-~ J tables be provided. The City Council advised Mr. Mainou6.that the matter would be given consideration. With no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~;;;~ , Mayor fl LJ ATTEST iU'n ii, -I ~ "::Il'lf'-~f'-'- n-=:;. .-- .:-~-"-==--.c=.J-:_.::I l r-'o-r- .-="~-_-:::::-:"'-=~.1 " 'I -- ~. l1fllJIr"J ':Ir ,--"----, 1 !to C<:J ~1 <'t ~ <:r. ( 163" MINUTESO~ REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 12, 1953 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monday, October 12, 1953, at 7:,30 P.M. with the following members present:, Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Goff an~ Mooney. Commissioner Hangs and Nisbet ,were absent. The City Secretary and City Attorney were also present. The invocation was pr0Pounced by City Secretary,Whitt Johnson. Miss Effie Graham, owner of Lot 7, Block 39~ West University Place 1st Addition appeared'before the Council advising that she wished to appeal the action taken by the Council after the public hearing held at 7:45 P!M. on October 5, 1953, as she did'not feel that sufficient evidence was submitted in her behalf.' Miss Graham was/advised by the Council that such appeal should first be made to the Board of Adjustment & Appeals. 'A'recomInendation fr~m H. E. Shipp, Chief of Police, for, installation- of stop signs at the following 10catiolls was presented for consideration: '- ,On Brompton at Cason On Belmont at Cason 'On Vanderbilt at Cason On Cason at Buffalo Speedway On Rutgers at Cason On Westchester at Cason On Cason at Westchester On SE corlle;r- of Sewanee at Cason' - 1 stop On Rutgers at.Amherst Motion by Commissioner Mooney" seconde,d' by Commissioner' Goff, that the recom- mendation of the Chief of Pol~ce for installation of STOP signs at Cason Street from Sewanee east to Bromp~on, and also on Rutgers Street at Amherst, be ap- proved. Voting Aye: Voting No ; Mayor 'Morris; Commissioners poff and Mooney None In compliance with a request from the Houston-Harris County TB Association, Mayor Morris submitted a proclamatiqn whereby the p~riod from Sunday, November 15th through Christmas, 1953, is proclaimed as Christmas Seal Season in West University Place. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Mooney that the proclamation proclaiming the period from Sunday, November 15th through Christmas, 1953;,as Christmas Seal S~ason in West University Place be accepted. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners,Goff and Mooney None The Commission again considered the recommendation from the Community House Committee for an increase in the rental rates. Thefollowirg increases were recommended: U=,~:,-" '__,Il~_"j[, _r: i .. IHTIITrT' "]i'~~~' '~1 r---- ,J Ilj.LJ: Rental for miscellaneous groups, such as private parties, flower shows, etc. Civic Club and Teen Age Canteen Group Boy Scout Group Use of' Kitchen for preparation of meals Increase from $15' to~$20 . Increase from $10 to $13 Remain at $5 Remain at $5 Il U Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Mooney, that tbe Community House renta~ rates be increased as recommended by the Community House Committee, such rates to be effective as of'No~ember 1, 1953. ~ Vot,ing. Aye: ,Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff a.nd Mooney Voting No: None Ordinance No. 652, captioned as follows, wfls submitted.to 'the Commission and read in full: ~ AN ORDINANCE FINDING Am) DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL OF,. TEE PRO:" CEEDIN~ 'HAVE HERETOFORE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE . TO THE' HOLDING OF A ~UBLIC' HEARING TO CONSIDER THE AMENDING OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SCAS TO PERMIT THE SUBDIV:tSION OF LOT 12, BLOCK 28, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, FIRST ADDrI'!ON; ]rnIDING THAT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING AN, AMENDMENT, TO ORDINANCE NO. 111 HAS 'BEEN DULY AND LlilGALLY ELD; APl'ROVING AND ADOPrING THE REPORT Am) RECOMMENDATION OF , - THE ZONING Am) PLANNING BOARD THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 BE AMENDED so' AS TO l?ERMIT TEE SUBDIVISION OF LOT 12, BLOCK 28, WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, FIRST ADDITION; FINDING THAT ORDINAN~ NO. III O~ TEE CITY OF U;;,. ' WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SHOUIJ) BE AMENDED SO, AS TO PERMIT SUCH SUBDIVISION; AMENDING ORIlINANCE NO. 111 SO AS TO PERMIT THE SUB- DIVISION 'OF 'LOT 12, BLoCJ( 28, WEST UNIVERSITY' PLACE ,FIRST ADDrrION; AND PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SBA,LL TAKE EFFECT AND BE IN FORCE :r'MMEDJ;ATELY FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE AND APPROVAL. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Mooney, that Ordinance No. 652, permitting subdivision.of Lot l2,Block 28, West Universi~y Place 1st Addition into two lots 50 x 150'each,be passed and approved as read. Voting 'Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff and Mooney None ' Minutes of the meetings of September 28 and October 5 w;ere rea:d and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, Upon m6tion duly. made, seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed. * * * * ,* * * * * * * * * * * * The City Commission convened in recessed session at the City Hall on Monday, October 19, 1953, 7:30 P.M. with the fOllowing members present: Mayor Mor!is, presiding; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney. The City Secretary and City' Attorney were also present. Commissioner Nisbet was ab,sent. 1!l"."~=.17" 11-'-- r'~ . 1 r' 'I "11I11'11"1 '"If aJ':l ~ C<l ...:t ~-, ".; ~ ,...-,..----..." I i I ~ i I L ;-o-;:-":r::'>;-~~-"-,~"- 165 The invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Hangs. In compliance wit~ action of the City Comm~ssidn on September 28, 1953, legal notice duly published in the official newspaper of the City and notices mailed to all property owners within ~OO Feet of Lots ?, 3, 4, 5, and 6, Mayor Morris announced that a public hearing was in order to consider an amendment to Ordinance No~ 111 topel:'JD.it a 20 Ft. setback on Stella Link Road for a 48 unit apartment project as requested by Mr. H. R. Houck. . In answer to questions by the City ,Attorney, Whitt Johnson, City Secretary, having 'been q.ulY1swornby Mayor Morris testified that legal notice had been published in the official-newspaper of the city and all property owners within a.radius of 200 Ft. of Lots 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Cunningham Terrace Addition had been notified by mail that a hearing would be held at 1:30 P.M. October 19, 1953, .to consider amending the city"szoning ordinance to permit the request of NT. f Houcl$:. .. . ' , 'There being no one present representing Mr. Houck, the hearing called to eonsider this request was recessed until 7:30 P.M. October 26. Incompliance with action of the'City Commission on September 28, 1953, Legal Notice duly published in the o~ficia~ newspaper of the City and notices mailed to all property,owners within 200 Feet of the ,South 80Ft. of Lots 6 and 7,and the North 35 Ft. of Lot 5, Block 15, West University Place '1st 'Addition, Mayor Morris announced that a pu'blic hearing was in order to consider an ainendment to Ordinance No~ 111 to permit subdivision of the South 80 Ft. of Lots 6 and 1 and the North 35 Ft. of Lot 5, Block 15, West University Place 1st Addition as request,ed by Mr. L.F. Hilty. In answer to questions by the City Attorney, the City Secretary testif~ed that , requirements of Ordinance No. III had been complied with and notice had been published'in the official newspaper of the city and all property qwners within a radius of 200 Ft. of Lots 5,6, and 7, Block 15, West University Place 1st Addition had been notified by mail that a hearing would be held at 8:00 P.M. October 19, 1953, to consider amending the city's zoning ordinance ,to per,mit the 'request of,,Mr. L. F.Hilty. , NT . Hilty" testified that he was owner of the South 80 Ft. of Lots 6 and 7 and the North 35 Ft. of J:,ot 5, Block 15, West Uni.versity Place 1st Addition and that it was his desire to resubdivide the. lots into one 60 x 200 Ft. tract and one 55 x 200Ft. tract to front on Brompton Roa(i,making an additional building site. Mr. Hilty explained that his existing home would be on the 55 x 200 Ft. site if the property is subdivided and it was his desire to build another house on the 60 x 200 Ft. site which would ,meet all building requirements. Property owners who were present at the hearing and voiced objections were: NT. Clarence W. T?oylor Mr. I. L. Sorenson Mr. Geo. Dickinson Mr. H~h Strickland , Mr. Norman Fischer Mr. Fred Romberg 6320 Wakeforest 6341 Brompton 6331 Brompton 2819 University 6317 Belmont 6340 Brompton ..., liT , -I~il' r ",,,,.., .~'", ,'1 r~_nu_____, I ml1lT~nT .. "IT' .lO~ Mr. Clarence W. Taylor, 6320 Wakeforest stated that he objected to the proposed subdivision for reason that property owners in this; vicinity had purchased large U;,I".'. lots to avoid crowded conditions and in his opinion subdividing the lots into " small plots of ground would decrease the value of surrounding property. Other opponents concurred in Mr. Taylor's statement. ' \ After all property owners present had been heard the following action was taken: Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Mooney, that the hearing , called to consider the request of'Mr. L. F. Hilty, to subdivide the South 80 Ft. of Lots 6 and 1 and the North 35 Ft. of Lot 5, West University Place 1st Addition be closed. VotingAye: Voting'No : Ml,:3.yor,Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney None It was the decision of the City Commission to defer action until MOnday October 26, 'on Mr. L. F. Hilty's request pending further consideration of the fact~. In compliance with previous discussion and'requestby the City Commission the City Attorney submitted an outline of the necessar~ steps to be taken and a time schedule for calling an election for an.amendment to the City Charter and to hold a city bond election for purpose of financing a proposed city hall. Mr. Kraft submitted a notice of intention of the City Commission to pass an ordinance'authorizing an election to be held on December 12, 1953, fo~ amendment to the City Charter. S~cb notice of intention is as follows: It is the intention of the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, to pass an ordinance at its regular session at 1:30 P.M. on the 9th day of November, 1953, at the City Hall of'said city authorizing an election to be held on the 12th day of December, 1953, same being th~ second Saturday of said month, submitting an amendment to the existing charter of said city under which Section 4 of Article XVIII of the said charter governing the use 'of receipts and revenues from the water and sewer departments shall be amended so as to permit the transfer of surplus receipts and revenues remaining in the water and sewer funds, after 'de- fraying the costs of maintenance and operation of such sums and compliance with debt service requirements as, to any and all water and sewer revenue bonds presently outstanding or which may hereafter be issued, into the general fund of said city for use in connection ~ith general or special purposes. The polling places for said election to be held on December 12, 1953 will be at the following designated places: Precinct #81, West University Elementary School, 3756 University Blvd.; Precinct #133 at the City Hall, 3800 University Blvd.,; and Precinct #183 at the Com- muni ty House, 6104 Auden Street., With all members of the City Commi~sion being in complete accord with the pro- posed charter amendment and the construction of a city hall through a bond issue the folloWing action was taken: Motion by Commissioner MOoney, seconded by Commissioner Goff that the City Secretary be instructed to publish in the officia~ newspaper of the city 10 consecutive times, thenoti~e of intention of the city commission to pass an ordinance on the 9th day of November, 1953, authorizing an election to be held /I'" . I' ~-..'1 r' .. 1 ~.. 'I , IlIII'TIT Ur; " 1. fl Ii! IQJ "11' it.:: C~~:J c'\1 ~t 1-',\ '>-' ~ ,..-. I i I : I : 167 on the 12th day o;f'December, 1953, for the. proposed amendme-at of' Section 4, Article XVIII of the City Charter. V_oting Aye,: Mayor Morris; CoIll1l4ssioners Goff, iIangs and Mooney Voting No :, None The-City Attorney was instructed to prepare or have prepared all other legal instruments necessary for both the Cha~ter amendment election and the election to be called in connection with a bond issue for the purpose of constructing a new city halL PU,rsuant to invest:j.gatic,>n and interviews as recorded on ~ugust 10, 1953 with re-spect t~employmentof an architectural firm for preparation of plans and specifications' for a new city hall the following action was taken: Mot~on by ,Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the firm of Herbert Voe~cker.and Associ~tes be employed as architects 'for th~ new City'Hall and that the architectural-contract as reviewed and studied by the C~ty Commission and appro'\{rad ?y CitJT Attorney Karl Kraft, be approved and Mayor Morris be author- i~ed to execute, the contract on behalf of the city. , Voting Aye: Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, nangs and Mooney Voting No ,: 'N'One' j , With nO further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. A~ST: ~~_J_J CI'fY; , 'Y . ' , '....-'t~-'-<< /1- 1'- ~ r '~-~~ ---r ~, X:~~ MAYOR T ~'IIIII'rt'T , :Ii I tj, t; REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION , OCTOBER 26, 1953 , -"-, The City C~ssion convened in Regular session at the City Hall on Monday, October 26, 1.953, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Mayor Pro tem Moon~y, presiding; Commissioners GOf'f, Hangs, and Nif?bet. The City Attorney, was 'also ,present. Mayor Morris and the City Secretary were out of the City attending a me~tingof The Texas League of Municipalities. ~'; i".! C , Commissioner Nisbet pronounced the invocation. In compliance with action of the City Commission on October 19, 1953, Mayor Pro temMooney announced 'that it was in order to proceed with the hearing to consider the request of Mr. H. R.Houckfor an amendment to Ordinance No. III to permit a 20 Ft. setback on Stella Link-Road for a proposed 48 unit apartment proj'ect in~tead of' a 30 Ft~. setback as now required by the Zoning Ordinance. In view of the fact that Mr. Houck was not present, or no representative, the Commission ~greed that it would be in order to discontinue the hear~ng until another reque~t is received f'rom Mr. Houck and the $25.00 fee for calling"a hesring is' palO.. ... ',,; In compliance with action of' the Ci,ty Commission on October 19, 1953,' Mayor Pro te~ Mooney announced that it was in order to take action on the request of Mr~ L. F. Hilty for permission to subdivide the South 80 Ft. of' Lots 6 & 7 and the North 38 Ft~ of Lot 5, Block 15, West Unive~sity Place 1st Addition into two lots, 60 x 200 and 55 x 200 Ft., ' " Motion by Commissioner Go~f',' seconded by COmmissioner Nisbet that the request of Mr. L. F. Hilty to subdivide the South 80 Ft. of' Lots 6 and 7 and the North 35 Ft. of Lot 5, Block 15, West University Place 1st Addition into two lots 60 x 200 and 55 x 200 Ft. be denied. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mt:tyor Pro tem Mooney, Commissioners Gof'f', Hangs and Nisbet. None Mr. J. M.. Harris, manufacturer of the Liberator underground garbage dispos~l unit appeared before the Commission explaining that the garbage can is a , V' .. . 27 gallon,ca:pa<?,ity hand-di:pped galvanized steel ca,n which is placed in an under- ground steel water-tight and rain-proof container with a heavy hinged, tigbt- f'itting,pressed steel lid which is painted green to blend with'the lawn. Mr. Harris was desirous of' obtaining permission from the City Commission to sell these units for installation within the City of West University Plac~. The matter was referred to the City'Attorney and Garbage Superintendent for study and recommendation. ' '\ A 'request was received fx:om C. V. Reynolds, Fire Chief for approval of, usi1?-g a sum of approximately $500.00 which will probably be remaining, in the Fixed Asset budget for the Fire Department f'or the year:1953, to, be applied on the purchase of radio receiving units to be placed in the homes of the Volunteer Firemen. :- . Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that if avail- able funds exist in the Fire Department Budget for the year 1953, they be ,'~U:!i,'''l used together with funds of the Volunteer Fire Department toward purchase of radio equipment. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Pro tem Mooney, Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Nisbet. None II -, . ". U1' 1I r~'~ , 1 '..---------r- ~ I -~~fIIl11l"1 "Ii I I I I I I Minutes of the meetings of October 12, and 19, were read a1dapproved. Withno~f'urther businel;ls to come before the Commission at Ithis time, upon ~otion duly,ma.d~, se~onded and carried, tpe meeting ,was a~jOurned. I ' I I I I 169' \~ i1.f:J C1:) C\..~ A'I'l'EST: <1: ~.) ~ I~ i I . , l~ .... -d."?l"'~" ""-"~r. .,'~---"- ;.i'TI ~-:- ~~ ,-,,,.-,-,;:- Ji:_.':-::._-~. _ ==._C~_"",,,=, .~ -----r.-~c----- :r' '--="-:''''-'!IrT~I!'~I' - '~lr ~ --, 170 REGULAR MEETING Of CITY COMMISSION NQ~EB, 9, :1.953 The City CoJllll1.ission convened in regula.r session at the City Hall on Monday, ,) November 9, 1953, 7:30 P.M. with the follmfing members present: Mayor Morris,---' presiding; Commissioners Goff, .Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. The City Secretary and City Attorney were also present. ' Mayor Morris pronounced the invocation. Mr. J. M. Harris again appeared before the Commission asking approvaL on the installation of underground garbage containers in the Oity of West University ,Place. In compliance with Council action on October ' 26, 1953, the City Attorney submitted a verbal opinion with reference to the requirements of Ordinance No. 613 whigh prescribes the type of containers to be, used. He stated that in his opinion the container would comply with the ordinance. The Commission approved installation of the garbage unit a.s demonstrated by Mr. Harris in vie.w of the Attorney's opinion and also upon recommendation of the Garbage Superintendent who stated that in :his opinion the units would be very satisfactory from a sanitation standpoint as well as being easy to empty onto the garbage trucks . ' ~. The City Secretary advised that the co~tract with Diamond Alkali Company for supplying liquid chlorine expires December 31, 1953.1 and requested the Council's decision concerning the renewalofa contract with Diamond Alkali Company for the year 1954, or wh~ther or not to advertise for bids for supplying this item for the coIning year. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissiqner Hangs, that the City Secretary be instructed to advertise for bids for furnishing liquid chlorine for the year,of 1954 and that formal bids be received January 11, 1954. 1 1 1 1 ~ Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commiss ioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. None Ordinance No. 653, captioned as follows, was submitted to'the Council and read ,in: full: AN ORDINANCE, PROVIDING FOR THE SUBMISSION TO THE VOTERS AT A SPECIAL ELECTION OF THE CITY, OF WEST UNIVERS,ITY PLACE, TEXAS" ON DECEMBER 12,' 1953, OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE CHARTER OF SAID CITYWlTH RES~CT'TO THE USE OF WATER AD SEWER DEPARTMENT RECEIPTS AND REVENUES AND PROVIDING FOR THE FORM AND ~ IN WJ:CB THE SAID' AMENDMENT IS' TO BE SUBMITTED. Motion by Commissioner Nisbet, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that Ordina~ce No. 653, providing for the submission to the voters- at a special election on December 12, 1953, of an amendment to the Charter with respect to the use of water and sewer department receipts ,and revenues and providing for.the' form a.nd manner in which the said amendment is to be submitted. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor ~orris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. N(;me Minute~ of the meeting of October 26, 1953, were read and approved as corrected. ; ':'-tF~rfd~k!':"f' 'Il ,'~-~ _________~L-='-"------'-~~'-=:l rO'- '- ------~,- -jr--'-':--~"--lIrJTIIl'] ':Ii': 17f [~l L-.J With no further business to come before the Commission at this time upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. " ~7k~ Mayor .. 1O "'~ C\l ATJiEST: <r.. >"';) <( r"l LI r,....' ii' ,] ''''C' r r"- '-------'j..''',llrmT ' '-----,Ir- 172 " REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION NOVEMBER 2'1. 195'1 The City Commission convened in regular session on Monday, November ~3, 1953, 7:30 P.M. at the City Hall with the following members present: Mayor Morris, presiding; Commissioners Goff, Bangs, Mooney ahd ~isbet. The City Secretary was also present. The City Attorney was absent. COmmissioner Goff pronounced the invocation. Mr.Wm. E. Stapp, representing Vinson, Elkins, Weems & Searls in connection with the legal work of the proposed City Hall Bond Issue was present and ex- plained the necessary Resolution and other legal instruments required to ~uthorize and approve holding of election for this purpose. The following Resolution was submitted to the Commission and read in full: RESOLUTION 5~-15 RESOLUTION CALLING AN ELECTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITrING THE PROPOSITION OF THE ISSUANCE OF $295,000.00 CITY HALL BONDS BY THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE AND THE LEVYING OF TAXES IN PAYMEWT THEREOF. BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas: ( Section 1: That an ele~tion shall be held in and, throughout the City of West University Place, Texas,'onthe 12th day of December, 1953, at which election there shall be submttted to the resident q~alified electors who own taxable property within said City and who have duly rendered the same for taxation for their action thereupon the following PROPOSITION c. SHALL THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITr OF 'WEST UNIVERSm PLACE, TEXAS, ~E ATJrHORIZED TO ISSUE THE BONDS OF SAID CITY IN THE ' , AMOuNT OF TWO HUNDRED NINETY FIVE THOUSAND, AND NO /100 ($295,000 .\)0) DOLLARS, MATURING SERIALLY WITHIN TWENTY-FIVE (25) YEARS FROM THEIR DATE OR DAT!;S, BEARING INTEREST AT A RATE NOT TO EXCEED FOUR AND ONE-HALF PER CENT (4-1/2%) PER ANNUM, FOR THE PtJRPOSE OF CON.,. STRUCTING AND EQUIPPmG A CITY HALL WITHIN S,AID CITY, AND TO LEVY ' 'rAXES UPON ALL TAXABLEmOPERTY WITHIN SAID CITY ANNUALLY SUFFICIENT TO PAY TBEINTEREST ON SAID BONDS As IT ACCRUES AND TO CREATE A SINKING FUND TO PAY THE PRINCIPAL OF SAID BONDS AS - IT MATURES? Section 2: J;rhat said election shall be conducted and held at the following places within the three regularly 'established voting precincts within the city, to-wit: (1) At the Community Hall Voting Precinct No. 183 6104 Auden Street (2) At the West University Place Elementary School Voting Precinct No. 87 3756 University Boulevard ~' ,,~''"'''.~, fl '-- !to C~ C\j ~ ~ ~ o "I! 'LJ ,'-"-""~mm.~""."-"'~ lr13, \J (3) At the City Hall Voting Precinct No. 133 3800 University Boul~vard Section 3: That the following persons are hereby appointed officers to conduct said election in sa.id election precincts, respectively: (1) Electiop Precinet No. 183: (At the Co~unity Hall) Howard C. Lee S. W. Garrison Mrs. A. B. McGinty Mrs. Howard C. lee. Presiding Judge Assistant Judge Clerk Clerk (2) Electiop Precinct No. 87: (At the West. University Place Elementary School) (3) ,F. A. Huweiler J. H. Barlow Mrs. F. A~ Huwei;t.er Miss Helen Chapman ' Election PrecinGt No. 133: (At the City Hall) Presiding Judge Assistant Judge Clerk Clerk Wm. C. Buschardt, Jr. John R. Boyd Mrs. Virginia Webb Mrs. Wm. C. Buschardt, Jr. Presiding Judge Assistant Judge Clerk Clerk S~ction 4: That the ballots for said election shall conform to Chapter 6 of the Election Code of the State of .Texas, Chapter 492, Acts of the 52tld Legislature of Texas" 1951, so fa.r as applicable, and, in addition to the requirements of said Chapter' 6, shall have prip,tedthereon the following: OFFICIAL BALLOT PROPOSITION FOR THE ISSUANCE OF ~ 295,000.00 CITY HALL BONDS AGAINST THE ISSUANCE OF l 295,000.00 CITY HALL BONDS Each voter shall mark out one of the above expressions on such proposition, thus leaving the other as indicating his vote on such proposition. Section 5:' That said election shall beh,eld in accordance with the provisions of the City Charter of said City, the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, and only duly qualified resident electors of the City of West University Pla~ who own taxable property within said City and who have duly rendered the same for taxa tibn shall be qualifie,d to vote. Il- , -T~"-~-'C'~' m'_______' -'yr-;-- ____----'-_~~r=::_::::::l _ .E"". .. __::l -:r:- 1'14 Section 6: That notice of said election shall be given by posting a copy of a notice containing a substantial copy of this resolution at the City Hall a.nd ,",,"1' in each of the election precincts of the City not less than fourteen (14) d8.ys prior to the date on which said election is to be held, and by publication ,~ thereof on the same day in each of two (2) successive weeks in a newspaper published in the English language and of general circulation within such City, the first of said publications to be made not later than fourteen (14) days prior to the date set for said election. PASSED and APPROVED- this 23rd day of November, 1953. Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Goff, that the Reso- lution calling'an'election for the purpose of submitting the proposition of the issuance of $295,000 City Hall :Bonds'be::passed and approved as read. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; COmmiss:loner's Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet None The following list of 17 insurance ~gents considered eligible for participation ih the distribution of $1,705.15 commissions received from City of West Uni- versity Insurance premiums was submitted for approval: ' JohnE. Boyd, Sr. Wynne L. Creekmore William T., Lut~" Jr. Joe C . Eason Paul J. Healey J. Paxton Huff ' J. Walter Kilpatrick, W. B. Ruth GeneE. ,Young J. E. Sams Charles Hughes Loran L. Adkins W. E. Fitzgerald Fred A. Rhodes, Jr. J. N. MUllan, Jr. John L. Wortham & Son Houstoun, Stevenson & Cummings ] Motion by Commi~sionerHangs, seconded by ComndSS~0ner Nisoet that the listed 11 insurance agents be approved for partiCipation in the available $1,705.15 of insurance commission that is to be distributed 'to eligible agents in keeping with the city's 25-75% agreement whereby the Comiskey Insurance Agency receives 25% for placing of the insurance, handling cl.aims and adjustments, insurance committee reports ,and correspondence and serving as general agent for the 'city; the 75% of the total premium to be distributed to the other \ 17 agents. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Comm.is~i0ners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbe~. None Minutes of the meeting o~ Nove~ber 9th were read and approved as corrected. With no further business to come before the Commission, <upon motion duly made seconded and carried, the meeting was recessed. , *-. *- **," *' * -* '* * -* *. '* ..)(. ~e City Commission convened.in',recessed session On Monday,~ December 7, 1953, 7:30 P.M. at the, City Hall with the following members present: Mayor Morris, 1 J ---1 ~ ''''-"W'--::i:;~Tr'P;n~-:>,"' . 'II' ' , r ,] , r ',1 ---r" ,-.,.. i~~mlTIJ[T 'ili'U r-l I~I :to cv:) c\? <t g...~ <t il I , '-~' O",!, I I i I \~ ' ftm::;7",~'r< 115' l' presiding; Commissioners qoff, Mooney and Ni~bet. The City Secretary and Ci~y Attorney were also present. Commissioner Hangs Was absent. T4e fol10wi~g resolution was submitted to the Commission and read in full: RESOLUTION ~~-16, A RESOLUTION APPOINTING CERTAIN SUBSTITUTE ElECTION OFFICERS TO SERVE AT THE ELECTION TO BE HELD ON THE 12TH DAY OF DECElY,lBER, 1953, AT WHICH TB.E l'ROPOSITION OF THE, ISSUANCE OF $295,000 CITY JIAI4:. BONDS BY THE CITY OF WEST 'UNIVERSITY PLACE IS ~O BE SUB.. MITTEn TO TEE VOTERS OF SAID ,CITY. , ' WHEREAS, On the 23rd day of Nqvember, 1953, the City Commission of the City of West University Place passed and. approved a Resoiution calling an election' for the purpose of submitting the proposition of the issuance of , $295,000 City Hall bonds by the City of West University Place to the qualified voters of such City on t4e 12th day of December, 1953; and. WHEREAS, by such Resolution and in Sectiqn 3 thereof, the City Com- mission did appoint ,officers to conduct the said election in the said election precincts; and WEEREAS, Subsequent to the passage of such Resolution it became evident that certain of' the officers appointed thereby, to-wit, Howard C. Lee, Mrs. Howard C. Lee, John R.'~ Boyd and Mrs. Virginia Webb, w.ill be unable to serve; and ~EAS, It is necessary and the CityComm~ss10n of the City of West University Place is de,sirous of fil:iing the vacanc,ies creat~d by the unavail- ability' of the named persons by the appo-intm~nt of substitute offic~rs. NOW, THEREFO~, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY C0~ISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PI,.A.CE,' TEXAS: ' Se~tion 1. That the following are hereby appointed officers in substitution of the persons 'hereinabov,e named to conduct the elect-ion to be held ,in the Ci'ty oI' West University Place, Texas, Precincts Nos. 183, '87 and 133, on the 12th day of December, 1953, at which the proposition of the issuance of $295,000 City RaU Bonds by the City of West University Place and the levying of taxes ,in payment thereof' is to be submitted to the voters of said City: (a) Election pr~cinct No. 183: (At the Community Hall) S. W. Garrison (In substitution for Howard,C. LeeJ Presiding Judge Mrs. A. B. McGinty (Replacing S. W. Garrison hereby appointed Presiding Judge.) Assistant Judge , Mrs. Fannie Florence Whitmore (Replac;ing Mrs. A., B. McGinty hereby appointed Assistant Judge.) Clerk Mrs. S. W. Garrison Clerk (In substitution for Mrs. Howard C. Lee.) In' -;- 'Ii' ,~ I """'i"IIrTiilI'T' ':Ii ~u, " "..,-"~ ','1 f' 176" (b) Election precinct No. 133: (At the City Hall) O. D. Tarlton (In substitution for John'R. Boyd.) Assistant Judge Mrs. Warren Bllttelmann (In substitution 'for Mrs. Virginia Webb. ) Clerk Section 2. That all other appointments of, election officers made in the said Resolution of November 23, 1953, be and the same are hereby confirmed. PASSED AND APPROVED this 7th day of December, 1953. Motion by Commissioner Goff,seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the Resolution ~ppointing certain substitute eleGtion officers to serve at the election,at , which the proposition of the issuance of $295,000 City Hall Bonds by the City of West University Place is to be submitted to the voters of said city, be passed and apP:t:'oved as read. ' Voting Aye.: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commiss ioners Goff, Mooney a.nd Nisbet. None The following resolution was ~ubmitted to the Commission and read in full: RESOLUTION 5~-11 A RESOLUTION'APPOINTING OFFICERS TO SERVE AT THEELECTIOij TO BE HEtLD IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAs ,ON THE 12TH ,DAY OF DECEMBER, 1~53, AT wmCILTHE PROPOSITION OF AMENDING ARTICIE XVIII, SECTION 4 OF THE CHARTER OF SAID CITY IS TO BE SUBMITTED TO' THE QtJALfF;rm> VOTERS RESIDING THEREIN. ' WHEREAS, By Ordinance Number ,653 passed and approved the 9th day of Novem'ger, 1953, 'the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Te.x:as, called. an election for tlle purpose of submitting to the qualified, voters of said City the propo~ition of amending Article XVIII, Section 4, of the City, Charter to pel'mitthe" transfer to the general fund of the excef:ls I'eceipts and revenues from the water and sewer departments after providing for maintenance and operating costs and'debt service requirements and the establishing of a $15,000 reserve in the water department and $10,000 reserve , in the sewer department of said City; and ,':-\ ; ; : i, i II -LJ WHEREAS, The City Commission of the City of West University Place desires to appoint by this Resolution the officers to serve at the said election. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY 'THE Crry COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVER~ITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the following persons are hereby appointed officers to con- duct the Charter Amendment election called and provided for by Ordinance Number 653 of the City of West Un-:i:-vetsity'Place, Texas, in the various election precincts of said City as hereinafter indicated,: -'I , I ; ---.J W"" ''',i ';;1 f' -1 T.----' il""''''-'',nrriillT ":ii," ,--- 171- (~) Election precinct 183:, (At the Connnunity Ha.ll) o S. W. Garrison Mrs. A; B. McGinty Mrs. Fannie Florence Whitmore Mrs. S.W. Garrison presiding Judge Assistant Judge Clerk Clerk ' (b) Election precinct 87:. (At the West University Place Elementary School) et: _. F'. A. Huwieler J~ H. Barlow Mrs. F. A. Huwieler Miss Helen Chapman Presiding Judge Ass1stant'Judge Clerk Clerk iI,Q Cl~ C\1 ~ ~ (c) Election precinct 133: (At the City Hal,l) Wm. C. Buschardt, Jr. 'O.D. Tarlton Mrs. Warren Buttelmann Mrs. William C. Buschardt, Jr. Presiding Judge Assistant Judge Clerk Clerk PASSED AND APPROVED this 7th day of December, 1953. n lJ Motion by Commissioner 'Mooney:, seconded by Commissioner Goff\that the R~solution ~ppointing officers to serVe at the'electiOn to be held in the City of West Uniyersity Place at which the 1roposition of ~nding Article XVIII, Section 4., of the City C~a.rter is to be su.bmitted to the qualified voters residing therein, be passed and. approved as read. Voting Aye: VotingNo ': MaY9r Morris; Commissioners Goff, Mooqeyand Nisbet None With no ,further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly: made, seconded and ca.rri~d, the meeting was adjourned. '~~~~~ , Mayor ATTEST: [1 11":'-' ::~~~:",~',,"":--:'::'."~-., __::::I _~_______----'------- J::' co-;- ----oc--,_-"--,,..-..,,-o=!"-''''''~~~ 118 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION DECEMBER 14, 1953 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall on Monda.y,~ 1 December 1~, 1953, 7: 30 P.M. with the following members present: Ilsyor _ Morris, pres~ding; Commi$~ioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney. The City Secretary and City Attorney were also present. COD'lIl1issioner Nisbet was absent. 'The invocatio~"was pronounced by COmn.lissioner,Hane;s. The official returns from the Presiding Judge of an election held in West ,University Place on December 12,1953, relating to the issuance of $295,000 City Hall Bonds and a proposed amendment of Section 4 of Article XVIII of the ,City Charter was submitted to the Mayor and City Commission. The follOwing Resolution was submitted and read in full: ) RESOLUTION RESOLUTION CANVASSING RETURNS AND DECLARING RESULTS OF BOND ELECTION HEID IN THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSrry PLACE, TEXAS, OND)!:CEMBER 12, 1953 . . WHEREAS, there was held in the City of West University Place, Texas, on the 12th day of December, 1953, an election at which was sub- mitted,to the duly qualified resident electors 'of said City who own,taxable property.within said City and who had duly rendered the same for taxation, the following PROPOSITION i 1 '-D S~ THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE THE BONDS OF SAID CITY IN THE AMOUNT OF TWO 'HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($295',000.00) MATURING SERIALLY' WITHIN TWENTY~IVE (25') YEARS FROM THEIR DATE OR DATES,- BEARING INTEREST' AT A RATE\NOT TO EXCEED FOUR .AND ONE-HALF PER CENT (4-1/2%) PER ANNUM, ,FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING AND EQUIPPING A CITY HALL WITHIN SAID CITY, AND TO LEVY TAXES UPON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY WITHIN SAID CITY ANNUALLY SUFF'ICIENT TO PAY THE INTEREST ON' SAID BONDS AS IT ACCRUES AND TO CREATE' A SINKING' . FUND TO PAY) 'l'HE PRINCIPAL OF SAID BONDS AS IT MATURES, and WHEREAS, there w~re cast at said election 410 votes, of which number, there were cast: ' FOR THE ISSUANCE OF $295,060.00 CITY HALL BONDS AGAINST THE. ISSUANCE OF $295,000.00 crry HALL BONDS 369 votes 41, votes \ I I I ) --.,/ '128 votes MAJORITY FOR THE ISSUANCE (For or Against) OF $295,000.00 CITY HALL BONDS n"'~"'O'C-=:-=='::::,:J=::J. __m_L~- ---"-:~=r-:-----'----:::r: -------.--:1' "'-:-:-r--IIlTmT ':Ii ~\ ,_I !to ~ C\l ~ ~ ~ ~\ I ! ~_J (~-l I ' i l \ i. 11~ as shown in the official election returns heretofore submitted to this, City Commission and filed w~th the City Secretary; Therefore BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas: Section 1: That said electi9n was duly called and notice thereof given in accordance with 'law; that said election was held in the manner required by law; that due returns of said election have been made by the proper officers; that said election has resulted favorably to the' issuance of the bonds des- ' cribed in said propos~tion and that a majority of the qualified voters 'voting at said election have ,voted in favor of the issuance 'of the bonds described in said proposition. \ Section 2: That the City Commission is now authorized to issue all of said bonds and to do any and all things necessary and convenient in connection \ therewith. PASSED and APPROVED this 14th day of December, 1953., Motion by Commission~r Mooney, seconde~by Commissioner Goff, that the Resolution canvassing returns and declaring results of the City Hall Bond Election held 'in the City of West University Place on December 12, 1953, be passed and approved as read.' I . Vot~ng Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney. None The fol;Lowing Resolution was submitted and read in full: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, there was held in the City of West University Place, Tex;as, , on the 12th day of December , 1953, ,an election at which was sub- mitted to the dulyqual1fied resident electors ofsald City who own taxable ptope~ty therein and who had duly rendered the sa~eifor taxation the following proposition,:: ) PROPOSITION NO. 1 ~hall the charter of the City of West University Place, TeXas, and Sec~ion 4 of Article XVIII of said charter be amended so that Section 4 of Article XVIII of said charter shali hereafter 'read as follows: " ' ARTICLE XVIII WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT , Section 4- Use of Funds: -All receipts and revenues from the Water and Sewer Department shall be deposited in two (2) separate funds to be known as the Water and Sewer Funds for the following purposes: FIR~T: From the Water Fund there shall be paid all costs of maintenance, operation and repairs of the water system,as provided in Art~cles 1111 to 1118 Revised Civ. il Statutes of Texas, 1925, inclu~ive, as the same have been or may hereafter be amended; "f;;::i,Y'-:':'Y~ I~CCC'" "llrJliTl"r ';Ii' n i ---,I,'l1 r~~"~'" "'''~~''''~''~'':T '-'CC--C--~'~" l~U '-- SECOND: After payment of the expenses as provided in Purpose First, there shall be paid the principal and interest and such reserves as may be pre- scribed in any Ordinance enacted by'the City Commission authorizing the issuance ..of revenue bonds payable in whole or in part from the revenues of the City's water system. ,-;-\ , I ) ---' THIRD: After payment of the expenses and other items ,contained in Purposes ~irst and Second, there shall be accumulated as a reserve fund within the Water Fun~ a sum of $15,000 for the reconstruction, extension, improvement, betterment, operation, maintenance, repair, materials and other things necessary tb the operation and maintenance of the water system. If and, when said reserve fund, or any part thereof, is utilized as herein pro- vided in any given year, it shall be the duty of the City Commission to cause an amount to be budgeted in the next succeeding fiscal year, subject to the payment of the expenses and items provided for in Purposes First and Second, to replenish said'res~rve fund in order that said f'und may be maintained at a $15,000 level from year to year; , ~' FOURTH: Any and all sums constituting receipts and revenues from the water system in excess of the amounts required for the hereinabove stated purposes shall be deemed surplus receipts and,revenues and may be transferred by the 'City Commission to the general' fund; FIFtH: From the Sewer Fund there shall be paid all costs of maintenance, . operation and repairs of the sewer system as provided in Articles 1111 to 1118 Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, inclusive, as the same have been or may hereafter be, amended; SIXTH: After payment of the expenses as provided in Purpose Fifth, there shall be paid the, principal and interest and such reserves as may be pre- scribed in any Ordinance enacted by the City Co.ssion authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds payable in whole or in part from the r,evenues of the <City's sewer system. in . ! I : i : i I J '~ SEVENTH: Af.ter payment of the" expenses and other items contained in Purposes Fifth and Sixth, there shall be accumulated as a reserve fund within the Sewer Fund a sum of $lO~OOO for the reconstruction, extension, improvement, betterment, operation, maintenance, repair, mat~rials and other things necessary to the operation arid maintenance of the sewer system. If and when said reserve fund, or any, part thereof, is~utilized as: herein provided in any given year, it shall be the duty of the City Commission to cause an amount ,to be budgeted in the next succeeding fiscal year, subject to.thepay- ment of the expenses and items provided for in Purposes Fifth and Sixth, to replenish said reserve fun~:in-order that said fund may be maintained at a $10,000 leve~from year to year. ,EIGIfrH: Any and ~ll sums constituting receipts and revenues from the sewer system in excess of the amounts required for payment of expenses and ' other items as containedi~ Purposes Fifth, ,Sixth and Seventh shall be deemed surplus receipts a~d revenues and may be transferred by the City Commission to the general fund. and : i I . , I : i J .;.-..-;.^" -., II ' Ir r.c ,.. . '""n1--'-----r 'I .. .. IIIIf1l1 ';11 18l r~-l I , l i WHEREAS, there was cas~ at said election ~ votes of which number ~ votes were cast for and -12.:.. votes were cast against said I '~ropositio~; and WHEREAS, the majority ,of said votes was in favor of the said Proposition and in amending the Charter of said City in accordance theFewith as is shown by the official election returns heretofore submitted to the City Commission and filed with the City Sec::retaryj and' , WHEREA9, the City Commission desires to adopt the proposed charter amendment for and on behalf of the city of West University Place, Texas. L"-' cv:J C\l < 1'~~ <( NOW, THEREFORE, BE rr RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST umVERSrrY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1: That the said election at which the above Proposition was sub- mitted to t~e qualified resident electors of the City of West University Pla.ce on the 12th day of December, 1953, was duly called and notice thereof given in accordance with law; that said election was held in the manner required by law; that due ret~~ns of said election ~ave been made by the proper officers; that said election ha~ resulted favorably to the amenrument of the charter of the City of West Unjversity Place as set forth in the said Proposition and that a majority of the qualified voters voting at said election have voted in favor of amending the sa.id cha.rter as pro- vided in said Proposition! ii I ' , i I I ~--' Section 2: That the City Commission of the City of West University Place here how-adopts the amendment to, Article XVIII of the charter of such city as contained in thehereiQabove q~oted Proposition a.s a portion of the said charter from and after the effective date hereof. Section 3: That the City Secretary is hereby directed to file a certified copy of the said amendment to the City Charter and a copy of this Reso- lutiop'with the'office,of the Secretary of State of the state of Texas, and to do all other things necessary and proper in the premises. ) PASSED AND APPROVED this 14th day of December, 195.3. Motion by Commissioner Goff, seconded by Commissioner Hangs that the Resolution canvassing returns and declaring results of Charter Amendment Election held'in the City of West University Place on December 12, 1953, be passed and approved as read. \ " Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs and Mooney.' None City Secretary Whit~ Johnson requested a decision concerning observation of Christmas and New Year ~olidays.' After discussing this question and having determined that most governmental agencies in Harris County were granting employees 1/2 day off on December 24, all day December 25, 26, January 1 and ~anuary 2, official approval was authorized to close the City Hall offices 1/2 day on December, 24, all day December 25,26, January 1 and 2, and that consideration be given to allowing other personnel time off ll-. -: : -:::":::1 r "~---====r~--:~.:1 '1 ,n :..,.-.;--rIlTlJIl:"l. '~lr 182 :"n~f-W?2t_~t"'''''- , 50 long as department heads were able to maintain efficient contin~ance of city operatrqns. Minutes of the meetings of ~ovember 23 and December 7,were re~d ~nd ~pproved. , , With- no furthe.r business to come before the Commission at this time,' upon motion duly'made" seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. =ST:~ ~ . , . t " . - . L ~,"',... > .,' ."".0 , _ ,_",. .."',4',','~~,' CITY~' ,.,', ' ' W". --'.'=";1 'n c=-=--=:-= ,.:=...:':'~':J ~72c~ , MAYOR /1 \ .1\ I I \ i ' i I : I i '~ -=r:- ,-- - "'IIITnI!':! '!Irmr 'I il to C-., C'-l <( !'~";D <.t ,----'-, r I 1 I I ~ \ 1.8,3. REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION DECEMBER 28, 1953 The City Commission convened in regular session at the City Hall DeceDiber 28, 1953, 7:30 P.M. with the following members present: Morris, presiding; Commissioners Goff,. Hangs, Nisbet and Mooney. , Secret13-ry was also present. The City Attorney was absent. on Monday, Mayor The City The invocation was pronounced by Commissioner Hangs. Upon request of the City Treasurer C'. E. Gammill, the Council considered extending the time of his retirement unti~ Jan~ry 31, 1954, in order to give him an' opportunity to close out the books and records for the year 1953., Motion by Commissioner G0f~, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the re- tirement of City Treasurer C. E. Gammill, be extended un,til January 31, 1954, and that his salary for the Hlonth of January be increased ,to $500 ,.. . and that the City Attorney be. instructed to prepare the necessary Resolution for passage at the n,e'xt regular meeti'ng. Voting Aye: Voting No : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff),",Hangs.t.~ooney and ,Nisbet. "None ' Minutes of ~ speCial meeting of the Zoning Board held ,on December 28, 1953~' were submitted to the Council and the folloWing action taken: Motion by Commissioner Mooney, seconded by Commissioner Nisbet that the request of'Mr. G. W. Jarvis for permission to locate a real-estate office building of frame construction on Lot 26, Cambridge Place be denied as, . recommended by the Zoning Board and also as recommended by the Fire Chief and Fire Marshal. Voting Aye: Voting No. : Mayor Morris; Commissioners Goff, Hangs, Mooney and Nisbet. None Mr. Herbert Voelcker & Associates, Architects for the new city hall, were present and discussed with the Commission details for preparation of final plans and specifications. The Cit~ Sec~etary requested authority to invest available funds ~rived from 1953 Tax Collections which will not be required for current operation during the first 6 months of'1954, and to reinvest Certificate of Deposit No. 43, covering Swimming Pool Operating Fund in the a.inoun~ of $2,543~92 maturing January 9,1954, and Certificate of Deposit No. 41, coverning Sanitary Sewer Capital Improvement Fund, in the ~mount of $15,012.50,' maturing January 14, 1954~ Motion by Commissioner Hangs, seconded by Commissioner Goff that the City Secretary be authorized to instruct the City Treasurer to reinvest Certifi- cate of Deposit No. 43, covering Swimming Pool Operating Fund in the amount of $2,543.92 and Certificate of Deposit No. 41, covering Sanitary Sewer, Capital Improvement Fund in the amount of $15,012.50 and to invest a.vailable funds derived from 1953 tax collections which will not be required fQr ;1- '-' -:Ii~ r' r' nnm"J 184, current operation during the first 6 months of 1954. Voting, Aye: 'Mayor Morris; Connnissioners Goff ~ Mooney, Hangs and llJisbet ~ f . Voting ,No: None \ I j j '~ - With no further business to come before the Commission at this time, upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the meeting was adjourned. ~,~~~ MAYOR " ATTEST: ~,'\ ! ! I ! ( : i ! --:-J