HomeMy WebLinkAbout20 11 PRB minutesMINUTES NOVEMBER 4, 2020 6:30PM TELECONFERENCE
TYPE OF MEETING Monthly Meeting
CHAIR Peter Billipp
SECRETARY Mary McCulloch
Members Present: Peter Billipp, Will Bertron, Mary McCulloch, Mardi
Turner, Maryann Graha mann, Laura Turley, Nina Pilson, Sami Morrison
Members Absent: Brett Bingham, Lindsey Swiger, Jeff Chen
Staff: Susan White
Council Liaison: Not present
I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:33 pm by Peter Billipp.
II. Approval of October 7th Meeting Minutes: Crape myrtle typo pointed out by Mardi
Turner. Laura Turley made a motion to approve with Mardi Turner seconding the motion.
The minutes were approved.
III. Citizen Comments:
Courtney Bucy – the fields on Bellaire are a great resource for our community. In the fall
she went every week with her kids. No pickup games and no private lessons are allowed.
Courtney understands the policy but does not believe that land is overly busy. The area is
so large that it is not a problem. Almost every group out there is violating this policy. This
neighborhood has so many dual income families that use personal trainers or nannies
instead of doing that themselves. Everyone seems respectful and these residents are using it
as it should be. If we are going to start limiting people on the field it should be the
nonresidents, not our residents. West U children with a private trainer should be allowed.
Many examples of personal trainers and a pickup game being told to leave and even one
time threatened that the police would be called with pro player Jane Campbell. Believes
Tri-Sports may have been the ones to kick people off. She wants the right to pay a trainer to
coach her children in sports that she did not play herself and use the neighborhood fields
for it.
Stephanie Kusinski – She wanted to listen. Her family uses the fields a lot, especially
during quarantine. She would like to understand why these policies are in place and maybe
they need to be reviewed. She and her family should be able to go to the field and play a
Sarah McKenney – Like Stephanie and Courtney she would like to support a review of the
policy. She uses the fields as a family and with personal trainers. Especially now she uses
the fields as a way to get the kids together. For example, a bunch of kids go to the field and
play a game together and they should be allowed to do that, but is this a “pickup game”?
She has used the batting cages and soccer fields for personal training at West U Elem.
Residents should be allowed to use the rec fields in this way. She has never been
confronted about using these fields against the policy.
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Adrian – president of Rise SC, which is a non-profit and part of the three youth sport
organizations making up Tri-Sports. It is a recreational program that uses the fields. Tri-
Sports contributes a lot of money to the maintenance of the fields. Rise does not allow their
own coaches to do private lessons there and they have had to fire employees who violate
t hat policy. There is an issue with people bringing outside people to profit from these
fields. There is no issue with West U residents using the fields.
Peter thanked everyone for their comments. Susan provided the history behind the field use
policy. Originally there weren’t field use policies at all. The fields at the rec center were
exclusively for Tri-Sports. Susan thought residents should be allowed to use those fields
recreationally, but there were policies needed to prevent boot camps and other businesses
trying to use the space. Before these policies were created there was just a no use policy so
it was completely objective. Opening it up has created a challenge for these subjective
situations. Enforcement is difficult for staff so the policy was meant to help. If we allow it
for one group, then we have to allow it for everyone. Field space is a premium in this city.
Other cities with similar issues use permitting which would require insurance, etc. Mardi
brought up Colonial East, which is the same amount of space. Most of the time the use
there is before hours, but it might need a policy and ordinance too.
Peter clarified that we all want the residents to be able to use neighborhood parks for their
families and for private lessons, but there is the other side of the legal issues with private
gain. He proposed coming up with something to present to council. Susan will need to talk
to the City Manager. Laura asked if there is a legal proceeding that needs to be done first
and Susan answered that it would need to be vetted through the City Attorney. Peter
brought up the possibility of non-resident ninja warrior trainers could come to use our
challenge course. Mardi pointed out that we don’t take any money from the state or county
for the purpose of being able to restrict everything to residents only. Will recommended a
philosophy to be used across the board for all parks. When Colonial was developed the
field was supposed to only be for free play. The leagues discourage “secret practice”. All
residents should be able to walk up to a park and use the field space. Paid trainers are
discouraged because we don’t want to squeeze out the community. Mary asked about the
MOU with Tri-Sports. The city pays for the electricity and water, but Tri-Sports pays for
everything else and maintains it. They have specific times. The field is only supposed to be
used for non-competitive, youth recreational play. Susan will email out the MOU for
review. Board members should send questions and comments to Susan to compile for the
next meeting. She also agreed with Will that the Parks Board should be looking at a policy
for all parks, and will share research with the board.
IV. Friends Update: Sami Morrison
Not much to update. F&F would have been this coming Saturday, but it is going to be done
at home this year. Signs were sponsored by a donor and put in the yards of citizens that
have made donations this year. Largest fundraiser is PLB and we are working on a virtual
event. It is going to be great and will raise funds to continue the progress on parks. Looking
for a local corporate sponsor for the challenge course. Awaiting response for this. 3-year
commitment starts at $20,000 in first year and goes down to $15,000 for the next two years,
making a total of $50,000.
V. Council Update: Mayor Pro Tem Kevin Trautner
Not present
VI. Parks & Rec Update: Susan White
1) COVID-19 Update – resumed some children and adult programming at the Rec Center.
Have received requests for the Rec Center to open earlier. Lap swimming is more
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popular, so adding time at the pool will be evaluated from a cost standpoint. Senior
services programs – virtual and drive by – have been very successful. The programming
subcommittee will be utilized to improve programming offerings. 214 cars went
through the Halloween drive by event and great feedback has been received. The tree
lighting will be on Facebook live with the M ayor and the contest winners. There will be
a laser light show event, which is in planning. 4 showings with 60 cars allowed in each.
2) Colonial Park East Update – The timer is going in, the start/stop sections are in.
Truegrid will be used to provide ADA access to the challenge course. Stone similar to
the building will be installed for the start/stop area. Next step is artificial turf. Still on
target for end of November. Opening ceremony logistics TBD. Perimeter fencing will
be painted to black powder coating. This is helpful for maintenance, matches and
blends in better. Will asked about the gate entrance – the existing gate would open right
into the course and will be removed at this time. Will asked about a lighting update.
Susan will follow up.
3) Survey Update – A&M is still reviewing it in their Institutional Review Board due to
COVID delays on their end. We will continue to ask for progress on this.
4) Tennis Committee – There have been complaints about too much instruction on the
courts. There are a lot more players trying to use the courts during this time. Looking
into this issue with lawyers as there typically is not use of public property for private
gain. Sami is on the committee.
5) Misc. – Mardi asked where we stand with the MOU (memorandum of understanding)
with Tri-sports. Susan believes this is still in the works with the city’s attorney.
Piranhas and West U Baptist have gone with a standardized 5-year term. Laura asked
about the basketball courts. Susan explained that she recommended reopening the
basketball ½ courts after researching other entities (Harris County has had all
basketball courts open since June, except for Precinct 1). The recommendation was
also reviewed and approved by the city’s emergency operations commander. There is a
“Emergency Disaster Declaration” in place allowing the \Mayor to use an executive
order and he decided to remove the basketball goals again due to heightened safety
concerns at this time.
VII. Huffington Park Update Planning Discussion (2021):
Not a lot of progress to discuss at this time. Looking for park users to participate on the
VIII. Friends Park Tree Discussion:
Beyond January 1st, this tree needs to be reviewed. Low cost cleanup at that park as well.
Potential for an artificial tree during the holiday season. Mardi asked about infrastructure
needed for this tree and Susan said that the existing power supply would be sufficient. This
eastern red cedar has outgrown its space.
IX. Park Ambassador Assignments:
• Colonial Park East (Will)
• Colonial Park West (Nina)
• Colonial Park Pool (Mary)
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• Friends Pocket Park (Sami)
• Huffington Park (Maryann) – great job trimming the trees!
• JEH Park (Laura)
• Judson Park (Jeff)
• Recreation Center Playground (Mardi)
• Whitt Johnson (Brett)
• Wier Park (Lindsey)
X. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
Next meeting is tentatively scheduled for December 2, 2020.