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11162020 ZPC Agenda Item 5
DATE: November 16, 2020 SUMMARY/BACKGROUND: This item is a discussion of the creation of a Public Facilities Overlay District(PF) within the City of West University Place. SUMMARY OF DISCUSSION ITEMS: This proposed item is to discuss the City's desire to create a Public Facilities Overlay District. This Overlay District would grant the City the ability to provide the necessary services to the community without having to go before City Council for approval, as required in Section 6-101(3). The proposal will allow for the existing zoning to remain, and if the City does not require a property in the future,the base zoning district would guide future development. This Overlay District will allow flexibility to provide locations throughout the City for a range of public uses conducted by West University Place. The City provides for essential functions and amenities that make this community one of the most desirable places to live in the United States. This proposed Overlay District will allow the City to efficiently adjust to the changing needs of the community of West University Place. DESIGN PHASE WITHIN THE OVERLAY DISTRICT: During the City's design process for City Facilities, the City shall provide features, as much as possible, that will be harmonious with surrounding properties. Additionally, fencing would be provided between less intense uses and properties within this Overlay District. USES PERMITTED: This District permits publicly owned buildings such as City Hall, administrative buildings,libraries,museums,fire stations,public safety training facilities,and similar structures. Public parks, playgrounds, swimming pools, pedestrian/bicycle trails, and similar public recreation facilities, as well as any incidental or accessory uses. These uses are operated to provide basic and essential support services for the benefit of the community, while still being cost effective and efficient.Due to the nature of these uses and the limited land area that West University Place has, they have a need to be located in areas that best serve the community. The Overlay District allows the City Council,through its legislative discretion,to provide areas in which to locate public facilities to best support the community, in a cost effective and efficient manner. CURRENT ZONING REGULATIONS: The Zoning Ordinance allows the City to develop new projects,under Section 6-101(3) Certain Affirmative Defenses. It is an affirmative defense,in any proceeding to enforce this ordinance,that any of the following sets of circumstances is applicable: (1) A variance, special exception, or planned development district ordinance authorizing the condition or activity in question, was duly issued or adopted, as the case may be, and all limitations and conditions therein prescribed are completely observed and fulfilled. (2) The condition or activity in question had status as a prior,non-conformity(with respect to the provision alleged to be violated) at the time of the alleged violation, in accordance with Article 12. (3) The condition or activity in question is: (i) controlled by the City itself or its officers, agents, employees, or contractors, in the course of their duties for the City, and (ii) approved by the City Council. Possible Consideration by Planning and Zoning Commission: 1. Creating a Public Facilities Overlay District: By creating this specific Overlay District, the City will be relieved from the requirements of following the absolute regulations of the Zoning District where the land is located,while still considering the zoning requirements and compatibility of the neighboring properties. Staff Recommendation: Staff recommends discussion of this item and to provide staff guidance. Attachment: 1. Proposed redlines for the Public Facilities Overlay District 2. Map of proposed properties in the Overlay District 3. Map of proposed properties in the Overlay District with Zoning 4. List of parcels included in Overlay District ARTICLE 2. - DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS Section 2-102. Certain terms Open Area. An area, unoccupied by any structure, that is open and unobstructed to the sky, except by natural plants or trees, and except for projections specifically permitted by the Projections Schedule, to the extent therein provided. Overlay District. An area within which a set of standards and requirements are employed to deal with special circumstances intended to apply special land-use regulations to property designated on the zoning map. Principal Building. The building on a building site housing the principal use. Public Facilities. Including, but not limited to, buildings, property, and recreation areas which are owned, leased, or otherwise operated or funded, by the City of West University Place. ARTICLE 3. - ZONING DISTRICTS ESTABLISHED Section 3-101. PFO, Public Facilities Overlay District (a) Purpose and Applicability. (1) Purpose. The Public Facilities Overlay District (PFO) is intended to provide an area for buildings and facilities that are owned and operated by the City of West University Place, which are used to provide governmental or public services. This zone also provides for public parks, recreational facilities, natural areas, trails, wetlands, and similar types of open space owned and managed by the City of West University Place. This overlay zone allows the City Council,through its legislative discretion,to provide for areas in which to locate,maintain,or expand public facilities to best support the community in an efficient manner. (2) Applicability. The Public Facilities Overlay District (PFO) is identified on the City's official Zoning Map. The properties identified within the PFO District shall comply with the provisions of this chapter. Whenever the Public Facilities Overlay District is declared inapplicable to any land by administrative or judicial action, or whenever the City no longer manages or owns land from the District, the underlying zoning classification for the subject land shall apply. (b) Permitted Uses. (1) Permitted Uses.The land-uses listed in Table 3.1 are permitted and allowed in the PFO District. (2). Existing Uses. Uses and structures lawfully established within the Public Facilities Overlay District,under previously effective land-use regulations,may continue. Table 3-1.Permitted Uses General Rule: The Public Facilities Overlay District is the dominant use and for Public lay Facilities Overit development guidelines for properties owned or operated by the City of West University Place. Ball fields,sports complexes,and similar outdoor recreational areas Parking lots and parking areas Publicly owned buildings such as City Hall,administrative buildings, libraries,museums, fire stations, public safety_training facilities, and similar structures Public parks,playgrounds, swimming pools, pedestrian/bicycle trails,and similar public recreation facilities Public reservoirs,well sites,pump stations, utilities(above ground),and similar utility buildings or structures Public utility maintenance facilities and operation yards with outdoor storage of materials and supplies (c) Development Standards. (1) Design Phase. During the design phase for all properties within the Public Facilities Overlay District(PFO),the City shall design projects as much as possible to be harmonious with surrounding properties.Particular importance should be focused on circulation,adequate public facilities, landscaping, parking, streetscape, architectural design, and appearance — including signage, and pertinent pedestrian amenities. (2) Transitional Features. If the property is within 20 feet of the less-intensive use, there must be an opaque fence or wall, eight feet (8') in height, separating the more-intensive activities on the building site from the less-intensive use. The side of the fence or wall facing the less-intensive use must be finished. (d) PFO,Exempt Articles of the Zoning Ordinance. (1) Exemptions. The Public Facilities Overlay District shall be exempt from the following articles or sections of the Zoning Ordinance: Article 5. Building Sites, Article 6.—Compliance Required, Article 7 — District-Specific Regulations, Article 8. — Additional Regulations, and Article 10.—Parking Areas, Driveways, and Loading Areas. . . 3HOI13VlIIII r = — o ril iii oo1SH0co CD n oE CD Z C O a Q 70 21U31, O - m N1 Q8V OH CD rIt" _ m Ni 2121 81f1 _ 3 y. N C o CD D m 1l N \111111 .1111■1111..1111■1111111111111111 c" C- ii I asasnr4-0 1111■■11111111111111111■1111111111111r1111r1rr111�1. -11r=1- i girlasr_n.rPM � f/1 as .�_ in __ _ .r um as as II ': YI!I !t � _ _.ia Ir_ as as .. 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West University Place - PF - Overlay District Parcels Legal Description 0551580000008 CITY OF WEST 3815 AMHERST ST City Hall,Fire and Police LT 8&TR 7A BLK 18 UNIVERSITY PLACE Stations COLLEGEVIEW SEC 1 0551580000007 CITY OF WEST 0 AMHERST ST City Hall,Fire and Police TR 7 BLK 18 UNIVERSITY PLACE Stations COLLEGEVIEW SEC 1 0551580000013 CITY OF WEST 0 UNIVERSITY BLVD City Hall,Fire and Police LT 13 BLK 18 UNIVERSITY PLACE Stations COLLEGEVIEW SEC 1 0551580000012 CITY OF WEST 3814 UNIVERSITY BLVD City Hall,Fire and Police LT 12 BLK 18 UNIVERSITY PLACE Stations COLLEGEVIEW SEC 1 0410170030091 CITY OF WEST 0 UNIVERSITY BLVD City Hall,Fire and Police TRS 15&15F UNIVERSITY PLACE Stations ABST 61 A C REYNOLDS 0551580000009 CITY OF WEST 3814 UNIVERSITY BLVD City Hall,Fire and Police LTS 9 10&11 BLK 18 UNIVERSITY PLACE Stations COLLEGEVIEW SEC 1 0600360270019 CITY OF WEST 1123 CASE ST Colonial Park LT 19 BLK 27 UNIVERSITY PLACE COLONIAL TERRACE SEC C 0600360270011 CITY OF WEST 4110 BYRON ST Colonial Park LT 11 BLK 27 UNIVERSITY PLACE COLONIAL TERRACE SEC C 0600360270001 CITY OF WEST 4 CASE Colonial Park LTS 21 THRU 26 BLK 27 UNIVERSITY PLACE COLONIAL TERRACE SEC C _ 0600360270007 CITY OF WEST 0 BYRON ST Colonial Park LTS 7&8 BLK 27 UNIVERSITY PLACE COLONIAL TERRACE SEC C 0600360270012 CITY OF WEST 4106 BYRON ST Colonial Park LT 12 BLK 27 UNIVERSITY PLACE COLONIAL TERRACE SEC C 0600360270013 CITY OF WEST 1102 BYRON ST Colonial Park LT 13 BLK 27 UNIVERSITY PLACE COLONIAL TERRACE SEC C 0600360270009 CITY OF WEST 4120 BYRON ST Colonial Park LTS 9&10 BLK 27 UNIVERSITY PLACE COLONIAL TERRACE SEC C 0600360270020 CITY OF WEST 4127 CASE ST Colonial Park LT 20 BLK 27 UNIVERSITY PLACE COLONIAL TERRACE SEC C 0600360270014 CITY OF WEST 4101 CASE ST Colonial Park LT 14 BLK 27 UNIVERSITY PLACE COLONIAL TERRACE SEC C 0600360270015 CITY OF WEST 4109 CASE ST Colonial Park LTS 15 16& 17 BLK 27 UNIVERSITY PLACE COLONIAL TERRACE SEC C 0560370000017 CITY OF WEST 3826 MILTON ST Public Works LTS 16 17&18 BLK 15 UNIVERSITY PLACE COLLEGEVIEW SEC 3 0681250050015 CITY OF WEST 6104 AUDEN ST Utility strip LTS 1 THRU 7&TR 8 BLK 18 UNIVERSITY PLACE COLLEGEVIEW SEC 3 0560400000001 W UNIV WATER PLANT 3825 MILTON ST Water Plant LTS I THRU 7&TR 8 BLK 18 COLLEGEVIEW SEC 3 0560400000001 W UNIV WATER PLANT 3825 MILTON ST Water Plant LTS 1 THRU 7&TR 8 BLK 18 COLLEGEVIEW SEC 3 0600350010001 CITY OF WEST 6728 W POINT ST West University Place LT 1 BLK 1& UNIVERSITY PLACE Recreation Center TR 7B CAMBRIDGE PLACE COLONIAL TERRACE 1326770010001 ('ITY OF WEST 0 COMMUNITY DR West University Place LT 1 BLK 1 UNIVERSITY PLACE Recreation Center KELLER AMEND 0600350020013 CITY OF WEST 4204 CASON ST West University Place LT 13 BLK 2 UNIVERSITY PLACE Recreation Center COLONIAL TERRACE 0600360360001 CITY OF WEST 0 COMMUNITY West University Place RES 141 BLK 36 UNIVERSITY PLACE Recreation Center COLONIAL TERRACE 0090230000028 CITY OF WEST 4210 BELLAIRE BLVD West University Place LTS 3 4 5&6&TRS 2A&7 UNIVERSITY PLACE Recreation Center CAMBRIDGE PLACE 0393090000001 CITY OF WEST 0 WAKEFOREST ST Whitt Johnson Park TRS IA&2B BLK 18 UNIVERSITY PLACE WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE SEC _ 1 0590410080001 CITY OF WEST 3001 SUNSET BLVD Wier Park ALL BLK 8 UNIVERSITY PLACE MONTICELLO 1279650010001 HOUSTON ISD 6108 Edloe St. Scout house NE portion of RES A BLK 1 WEST UNIVERSITY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 0410170030090 WEST UNIVERSITY BAPTIST 6218 AUDEN ST West University Place Senior TRS 15F ABST 61 A C CHURCH Center&Library REYNOLDS