HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 827 - ORD Providing Supplement Funds TRMS J 111I11 .' , I I II I", i 1,1 ".'19? , ,tJ:. ORDINANCE NO. 827 o AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR PARTICIPATING IN THE SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS FUND OF THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL' RETIREMENT SYSTEM BY ALL DEPARTMENTS OF THE CITY GOVERNMENT WHICH NOW PARTICIPATE IN THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM; AND PROVIDllifG FOR PAY- MENT OF THE CITY'S CONTRIBUTIONS ON ACCOUNT OF SUCH PARTICIPATION WHEREAS, the governing body of the City of West University P,.lace, TeXl;l.s' has heretofore elected to have the employees of designated departments of the city government participate in the Texas Municipal Retirement System (such departments being hereinbefore called "participating departments"), and , , WHEREAS, Chapter 312, Acts Regular Session, 56th Legislature provides for establishment in said System of a Supplemental Benefits Fund to provide for additional disability benefits for service connected disabilities, and WHEREAS;' 'tne-:governirig",1fody ,of ,the City of West University Place, Texas finds that it will be in the public interest to provide for participation of employees of such departments in said Supplemental Benefits Fund; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. The City of West University Place'; Texas, -'by itsCityCommis- sion hereby elects to have the employees of all participating departments of said city (as above defined) participate in and be covered by the Supplemental Benefits Fund of the Texas Municipal Retirement System, as provided by Chapter' 312, Acts Regular Session, 56th Legislature; and all the benefits and obli- gations of participation in said Fund are hereby accepted by the city as to such employees. o Section 2. The City Manager is hereby directed to notify the Board of Trustees of the Texas Municipal Retirement System that the City of West Uni- versity Place, Texas, has elected to participate and have the employees of the above mentioned departments participate in the Supplemental Benefits Fund of said system. Section 3. Each person who becomes an employee of any participating department on or after the effective date of participation of such department in said Fund shall as a condition of his employment be covered into the Sup- plemental Benefits Fund of said System. The City of West University Place, Texas, may in the future refuse to add new departments or new employees to said Fund, but shall never discontinue as to any members who are covered into the Fund. Section 4. The City Manager is hereby directed to remit monthly to the Board of Trustees of the Texas Municipal Retirement System at its office in Austin, Texas, as the City's contributions to the Supplemental Benefits Fund ,0 of the Texas Municipal Retirement System, such percentage of earnings of the above-mentioned employees of said city as may be fixed by the Board of Trustees '..;--1 " .." .~ 133 "- of the Texas Municipal Retiremept System, provided that the rate of contribution to, said Fund shall not exceed one-half of one percentum (1/2%) of the earn- ings of the employees of said city who are covered under said Fund; and such official ~hall make for ,the City such reports as the Bo~rd of Trustees of the Texas Municipal Retirement System may prescribe. Section 5. Participation of the above-mentioned employ~es in the Supple- mental Benefits Fund shall be effective January 1, 1964, or ons.uch later date as the Board of Trustees' of the Texas Munic;ipalRetirement System shall de-clare saitl,. Fund to, be, operatiye. " Passed and approved this the l*.th day of October, 1963. APPROVED: J)J~/LJ .... \ ... 'r' .'~ - . . "'MAYOR" ATTEST: ~~. Assistant City Secretary " '. :'.. .n _... :;,'-J , l <;. :. ~~ ]' ~ -.IL..;..~l_L......~__~_--.1.I ___~_~L: _ __LL. _L- ;-1 ~q!~!:llJILIIlIif