HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 826 - ORD Approving Budget for year 1964 J,l!1!11l J I , L----l1 ., ':.. '2 Q' '1 1_: ORDJl'iJANCE NO. 826 AN ORDJl'iJANCE APPROVING A' BUWET,-FOR THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, FOR A TWELVE-MONTH PERIOD BEGI:NNJl'iJG JANUARY 1, 1964, AND ENDJl'iJG DECEMBER 31, 1964, PROVIDJl'iJG FOR THE APPROPRI.- ATION OF PUBLIC FUNDS OF THE CITY FOR USE AND EXPENDITURES. ' BE IT ORDAJl'iJED. BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNTVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: ',-' ',- I. That the Budget of the City of West University Place for a twelve-month period beginning January 1, 1964, and ending December 31, 1964, :an exact copy of which is marked "Exhibit A" and made a part hereof for all pur- poses, is hereby approved and adopted by the ,City Commission of the City of West University Place, Texas, as the Budget of the City for said twelve-month period. II. That there is hereby appropriated out of the public funds and monies of the City of West University Place, Texas, such sum and sums, or any part thereof, as may be authorized and directed by the City Commission to be paid by the City for the uses and purposes set forth in the said Budget. This Ordinance approving and adopting a Budget for the twelve-month period hereinabove specified is made in all things in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Charter of the City of West University Place, Texas. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 26th DAY OF AUGUST, 1963. COMMISSIONERS VOTJl'iJG AYE All.. COMMISSIONERS VOTJl'iJG.!W No ATTEST: ~/d4.v~ MAYOR, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS / ~9J~ Assistant City Secretary o J o " EXHIBIT A " CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE BUOOET for Twelve Month Period Beginning JanuarJl, 1964 " Ending December 31, 1964 ITEM I. ANTICIPATED INCOME Current Taxes - 1963 General Fund Delin~uent Taxes, Penalties and Interest Franchise & Gross Receipts Tax Licenses & Permits Corporation Court Fines Revenue from Property Charges for current servi~es Garbage Collection Fees AV,ailable Cash 1-1-64 General Fund Transfer from Health Fund Swimming Pool Admission Charges & Other Income Swimming Pool Available Cash Transfer fro~.G$neral Fund to Swimming Pool Fund Transfer from Water Fund to General Fund Health Fund Tax Revenue. Sinking Fund Tax Revenue Sinking Fund Available Ca~h 1-1-64 Water & Sewer Fund Water & Sewer Available Cash, 1-1-64 .:. \ - TOTAL INCOME ITEM II. , EXPENDITURES _ General Fund Departments City Commission oli), ,A.<Wiinistrative-Qity Manager's Corporation Court , Finance Tax Department Legal Planning & Zoning ,_<_:Poli~e :Qep!'1.irtrn~pt.'_" ' " Fire Department Inspection Department' Street Department Engineering Depattment Office ~ ,~JtLllillr .1-29 $ 292,573.00 12,500.00 55,000.00 7,575.00 26,000.00 13,100.00 , 1,200.00 46,800.00 25,000.00 947.00 13,760.00 -0- 3,418.50 16,153.50 14,443.00 142,,264.00 71,800.00 217,500.00 85,000.00 $1,045,034.00 " $ 4,801.00 20,276.00 3,046.00 15,952.00 7,642.00 3,604.00 2,150.00 84,787.00 55,989.00 8,595.00 80,460.00 6,828.00 ..Jllllrlll.l! I" L--"';J_ .1 I I ~130 Street Lighting Building Maintenance - City Hall Sanitation Waste'Coilection Sanitation - Off street Pickup Sanitation - Sanitary Land Fill Park Department Community House Library $ 10,018.00 5,375.00 88,254.'00 35, 549.00 18,863.00 5,739.00 2,823.00 5,129.00 , I o Sub -Total $ 465,880.00 other Depa,rtrn~nts 2. Swimniing' Pool Swimming Pool Debt Service Health Depar.tment Health Department - Transfer to General Fund Tax Revenue Sinking Fund - Bonds & Interest Tax Revenue Sinking Fund - Reserve for Debt Service Water Department Sewer Department - Collection Sewer Department - Treatment Sub-Total 13,571.00 3,607.50 13,496.00 947.00 130,728.00 83,336.00 131,818.00 19,489.00 33,443.00 $ 430,435.50 0 $ 896,315.50 TOTAL EXPENDITURES CAPITAL OUTLAY General Fund Departments Administrative.-; Finance Fire Department Police Department Street Department Sanitation Department - Off street Pickup Building Maintenance - City Hall Library $ 1,600.00 75.00 6,325.00 4,650.00 7,050.00 6,800.00 650.00 400.00 Sub -Total $ 27,550..00 Water and Sewer Departments Water Department Sewer Department Sub-Total TOTAL CAPIT.A:L'DUTLAY TOTAL OPERATION EXPENSE TOTAL,EXPENDITURES --1;550.00 , 6,Q50.9Q '7;600.00 :$ 35,1$0.00 896,315.50 $931,465.50 o o o ____.' . - I" , 131 Transfer of Funds from Water Fund to General Fund to offset anticipated deficit Transfer of Funds' from General Fund to Swimming Pool fund to offset anticipated deficit 'Unappropriated cash surplus -Water Sewer Funq. TOTAL $ 16,153.00 '3;418.50 93,996.50 $ 1,045.034.00 PASSED AND APPROVED THIS THE 26thr~J)AY OF AUGUST, 1963. ATTEST: L.-- . ,'. ,'" , '.."" ~~ Assistant City Secretary,' r:T'l. 1.1 I I; II COMMISSIONERS VOTING AYE All COMMISSIONERS VOTING NO No _T -.' ( f j- . ~JvtWk~ YOR, . CITY' OF" WEST UNIVERSITY' PLACE, TEXAS / .__ .":'.1."1 Clllllillllir