HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1467 - ORD Reforming the Adminitration and Organization of the Government
Ordinance No. 1467
WHEREAS, the City Council has studied the administration and
organization of the government of the City; and
WHEREAS, the City Council desires to reform City government by
streamlining and updating the government's administration and organization;
Section 1. Articles I, II, and III of Chapter 2 of the Code of Ordinances of
the City of West University Place, Texas are hereby amended to read in their
entirety as set out in Exhibit A, which is attached to this ordinance and
incorporated herein by this reference for all purposes.
Section 2. (a) The Code of Ordinances of the City of West University
Place, Texas, is hereby amended by amending Article VI (entitled "Senior Services
Board") and adding new Articles VII (entitled "Environmental Issues Committee")
and VIII (entitled "Communications Committee") to Chapter 2 of such Code,
which Articles VI, VII and VIII shall read as set out in Exhibit B, which is attached
to this ordinance and incorporated herein by this reference for all purposes.
(b) All members appointed to the Senior Services Board, the Environmental
Issues Committee and the COlmnunications COlmnittee by resolutions adopted
September 13, 1993 shall continue in their positions on the same boards and
committees mentioned in this section. lv1r. Leonard Townley is fom1ally appointed
to Position 12 on the Senior Services Board for the term ending August 31, 1995.
Section 3. Section 6-46 (relating to jurisdiction of the BSC) of the Code of
Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas is hereby amended by
deleting subparagraphs "b" and "c" of paragraph (1) of subsection (a). The intent
of this section is to grant the BSC jurisdiction over all matters formerly handled by
the electrical board or the plumbing and gas board and to provide that the BSC
shall perform all functions formerly performed by those boards.
Section 4. Chapter 8 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West
University Place, Texas is hereby amended by repealing Sections 8-41, 8-42, 8-43,
8-44 and 8-45 (relating to the organization of the electrical board) and further by
amending all references to the electrical board in such Chapter so that they shall
hereafter refer to the Building & Standards Commission.
Section 5. Division 2 (relating to the ambulance advisory committee) of
Article III of Chapter 9 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University
Place, Texas is hereby repealed.
Section 6. Article II (relating to board of health and health officer) of
Chapter 12 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas
is hereby amended to read in its entirety as set out in Exhibit C, which is attached
to this ordinance and incorporated herein by this reference for all purposes.
Section 7. Article II (relating to the parks and recreation board) of Chapter
16 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas is hereby
amended by adding new Sections 16-16, 16-17, 16-18, 16-19, and 16-20, which
shall read as set out in Exhibit D, which is attached to this ordinance and
incorporated herein by this reference for all purposes. Existing Section 16-16 is
repealed, and existing Section 16-17 is renumbered as Section 16-21. All members
appointed to the parks and recreation board by resolution adopted September 13,
1993 shall continue in their positions on the same board.
Section 8. Article I (relating to the plumbing and gas board) of Chapter 17
of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas is hereby
repealed. All references to the plumbing and gas board in such Chapter are
amended so that they shall hereafter refer to the Building & Standards
Section 9. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are
hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only.
Section 10. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or
other part of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or
circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of
competent jurisdiction, neither the remainder of this ordinance, nor the application
of such word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this
ordinance to any other persons or circumstances, shall be affected thereby.
Section 11. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a
sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at
which this ordinance was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the
manner required by the Open Meetings Act, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN. art.
6252-17, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the public as
required by law at all times during such discussion, consideration and action. The
City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and
posting thereof.
Section 12. This ordinance shall become effective upon the tenth day
following its publication, as prescribed by the City Charter.
September, 1993.
Councilmembers Voting Aye:
Councilmembers Voting No:
Councilmembers Absent:
27th day of September, 1993.
Councilmembers Voting Aye:
Councilmembers Voting No:
Councilmembers Absent:
Signed: ~'Q~ ~ );ftr/}{A ~
"-J r-
City Attorney
11 b:\oadmin.54
Chapter 2
Art. VI.
Art. VII.
Art. VIII.
Art. IX.
In General, SS 2-1-2-15
Officers and Employees, SS 2-16-2-24
Finances, SS 2-25-2-35
Elections, SS 2-36-2-50
Employee Benefits, SS 2-51-2-70
Div. 1. Generally, S 2-51
Div. 2. 1MRS, SS 2~52-2-70
Senior Services Board, SS 2-71-2-75
Environmental Issues Committee, SS2.76-2-90
Communications Committee, SS 2-91-2-110
Records Management, SS 2-111-2-126
Art. I.
Art. II.
Art. III.
Art. IV
Art. V.
Division I City CounciL
Sec. 2-1. City Council Meetings; Dates.
(a) Regular Meetings The City Council shall
meet in regular session on each second and fourth
Monday in each calendar month beginning at 7:30
PM. Exceptions: (i) If any regular meeting date
falls on a holiday observed by national banks, it is
automatically rescheduled for the following
Monday. (ii) The City Council, by motion,
resolution or ordinance may reschedule any regular
(b) Other Meetings. Other meetings shall be
called as provided in the City Charter.
(c) Notices. The city secretary shall prepare,
post and distribute notices of meetings (including
the agenda assembled by the city manager) and
backup information, all as prescribed by the city
(d) Agendas. The city manager is responsible
for assembling the agenda for each meeting, but the
city manager must place a subject on the agenda if
the subject is requested by the Mayor or by two or
more Council Members. Requests by Council
Members must be in writing and delivered to the
city manager by 5:00 PM on the sixth day
preceding the meeting. Other persons may request
the city manager to place an item on the agenda.
Agendas may include groups of routine or similar
items which will be considered as a group, unless
any single council member requests separate
consideration for an item.
(e) Attendance. All members are expected to
attend all meetings on time, except with a good
excuse. Good excuses are determined by the City
CounciL The Council may cause the attendance
record of all members to be posted or published.
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Sec. 2-2. City Council Rules 01 Procedure.
(a) Robert's Rules. Except as otherwise
provided by this Code, the City Charter or
controlling law, "Roberts Rules of Order, Newly
Revised" (9th Edition, 1990) shall govern in all
cases. Any special rules for small deliberative
bodies shall apply to the City Council. The
presiding officer may make and second motionso
(b) Standard Procedure. Each measure shall
be introduced by the presiding officer in the order
shown on the agenda. After it is introduced, the
procedure is:
(I) Reading of the measure by the city
secretary (or other person designated by the
presiding officer). Reading ordinances or
resolutions by caption or summary is
allowed if the full text is available as
prescribed by the Charter.
(2) The city manger or other person may
present a staff statement.
(3) Motion and second.
(4) Discussion.
(5) Vote.
(c) Voting. Informal voice voting shall be
used, unless a council member requests a roll call
vote. On a roll call vote, the movant votes first, the
seconding member votes second, the remaining
members vote in alphabetical order and the
presiding officer votes last (unless the presiding
officer has moved or seconded the motion). In case
of a tie, the motion fails. Where there is a single
vote on a group of items, under circumstances
where no member requests a separate vote, the vote
on the group is deemed to be same as a separate,
identical vote on each item.
(d) Order And Decorum. The presiding
officer will preserve order and decorum, preventing
the impugning of any member's motives or other
personal comment not relevant to the orderly
conduct of business. The presiding officer shall
request all speakers to keep comments brief and
relevant to the question before the CounciL In
regular meetings, all remarks by members should be
directed to the chair, not to other members. All
persons present in the meeting room should eschew
abusive, rude or inappropriate conduct. See Chapter
38 of the Texas Penal Code regarding the
"hindering" of official proceedings.
(e) Public Participation. Conunents and
suggestions by the public are highly valued and
encouraged during those parts of a meeting
designated for public participation. Speakers should
register in advance and should limit their
presentations to three minutes each. Speakers
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should direct all remarks and ot.v,;tions to the
presiding officer, who may refer them for
investigation, response or other action. Because
state law requires that every subject to be
considered by the Council be posted in advance, the
Council may be prevented by law from discussing
or acting upon a subject raised by a member of the
public. In this case, the presiding officer may refer
the matter, and the city council may direct that the
matter be placed On the agenda for an upcoming
(f) Suspension of Rules. Any of the rules
prescribed by this section may be suspended, for
any single meeting, by a vote of three-fourths of the
council members present.
Division 2. City Departments
Sec. 2-5, City Departments.
(a) Departments; Duties,' Heads. Every
employee except the city manager, the city
manager's administrative secretary and the city
secretary is assigned to a department. The
departments are as follows:
(1) Police Department (see Charter). The
Police Department is responsible for
emergency communications, traffic control,
limited code enforcement, animal control,
crime prevention, criminal investigation
and apprehension. The department head is
the Police Chief.
(2) Fire Department (see Charter). The Fire
Department is responsible for limited code
enforcement, health services, emergency
management (civil defense); emergency
medical service, fire prevention,
suppression and investigation. The
department head is the Fire Chief.
(3) Public Works Department (see Charter).
The Public Works Department is
responsible for zoning administration,
building supervision (registration, plan
review, permitting and inspection), capital
improvements, facility maintenance, fleet
management, street maintenance, drainage
maintenance, solid waste management,
water and sanitary sewer service. The
department head is the Public Works
Director who shall also be the city
engineer, unless not qualified as an
engineer or unless another person is so
designated by the City Council.
(4) Finance Department (see Charter). The
Finance Department is responsible for
taxation (assessment and collection),
customer service (billing and payment),
investments, accounting, payrolls,
(Paee 3 of A I 0 total pages)
purchasing, personnel a...J mWlicipal court
administration. The department head is the
Finance Director, who shall also serve as
city treasurer and tax assessor and
(5) Parks & Recreation Department. TIle
Parks & Recreation Department is
responsible for recreation programs, senior
services, special events, grounds
maintenance, right-of-way maintenance, as
well as the acquisition, development and
maintenance of parks. The department
head is the Parks & Recreation Director.
(b) Additional Duties, Assistance. The city
manager may assign additional duties to any
department and may require departments to assist
each other. Annual budget docwnents should show
the full range of functions of each department.
Division 3. Boards, Commissions
and Conunittees
Sec. 2-8. Boards, Commissions & Committees.
(a) Pennanent Bodies; Liaisons. Pennanent
boards, commissions and conunittees are as follows:
(1) Building & Standards Conunission. See
Chapter 6. The staff liaison is the building
official, or such other person as the city
manager may designate.
(2) Zoning & Planning Commission. See
Charter and the Zoning Ordinance. The
staff liaison is the building official, or such
other person as the city manager may
(3) Zoning Board of Adjustment. See Charter
and the Zoning Ordinance. The staff
liaison is building official, or such other
person as the city manager may designate.
(4) Parks & Recreation Board. See Chapter
16. See, also, the provisions of Chapter 16
relating to the Friends of West University
Parks Fund, a non-profit corporation. The
staff liaison for both the Board and the
Fund is the Parks & Recreation Director,
or such other person as the city manager
may designate.
(5) Senior Services Board. See Article VI of
this Chapter. The staff liaison is the
Senior Services manager, or such other
person as the city manager may designate.
(6) Envirorunental Issues Conunittee. See
Article VII of this Chapter. TIle staff
liaison is the Public Works Director, or
such other person as the city manager may
(7) Communications Conunittee. See Article
VIII of this Chapter. The staff liaison is
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the Police Chief, or su"'.. other person as
the city manager may designate
(b) Other Bodies. Other committees,
commissions or task forces may be created or
appointed from time to time, including the Charter
Review Committee contemplated by the Charter.
(c) Notices of Meetings. All boards,
commissions and committees are requested to
observe the same rules for posting notices of
meetings as are observed by the City Council, even
if not required by law. However, the nortices do
not need to include an agenda unless otherwise
required by law.
(d) Liaisons, Attorney, Engineer. Designated
staff liaisons are authorized to provide support and
assistance for each board, commission or
committee, including expenditures budgeted for that
purpose. If any project requires an unusual amount
of staff time or money, it should be approved by
the city manager or the City Council. Only the
Mayor, the city manager or the City Council may
authorize the city attorney or any outside consulting
engineer to provide services for a board, committee
or commission.
See. 2-16. City manager.
(a) Additional Duties. In addition to the
powers and duties prescribed by the Charter, the
city manager shall:
(l) Devote all working time and attention to
the affairs of the City and be responsible to
the City Council for the efficient
administration of its affairs.
(2) Exercise supervision and control over all
(3) Perfonn such other duties as may be
prescribed by ordinance or resolution of the
City Council.
(b) Absence, Disability. During absence or
disability, the city manager shall designate some
properly qualified employee to perfonn the duties of
said office and shall notify the City Council of the
name of the employee.
(c) Residency. The city manager mayor may
not be a resident of the City.
(PAge .( of
Sec. 2-17. City attorney.
(a) Requests for Services The city attorney
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shall provide legal services only when requested by
the Mayor, the City Council, the city manager or
the city secretary. The city attorney is not expected
to review agenda items or other matters, unless
there is such a request.
(b) Collection Suits. The city attorney may
commence and prosecute legal proceedings for
collection of taxes or other swns due to the City, if
requested to do so by the Finance Director.
Sec. 2-18. Bonds.
The amount of the bonds contemplated by
Section.10.02 of the Charter is $10,000 for each
officer or employee handling money, including the
members of the City Council, the city manager, the
Finance Director, cashiers and any others designated
by the city manager. Surety companies licensed to
do business in the State of Texas are acceptable to
the City Council. However, the required amount of
the bond is zero at those times, and for those
officers and employees, for which there is an
insurance policy in effect and covering substantially
the same risk.
Sec. 2-19. Emergency situations.
(a) Emergency Action. Every officer, agent or
employee of the city, when acting within the course
and scope of City duties and while responding to
emergency calls or reacting to emergency situations,
is hereby authorized to act in such a manner as to
deal reasonably and effectively with the emergency.
Neither the city nor its officers, agents or
employees shall be liable for any failure to use
ordinary care in such emergency.
(b) Section Prevails. This section shall
prevail, to the extent allowed by law, over any other
law establishing a standard of care in conflict with
this section; provided, however, that this section
shall not be construed to authorize any action in
violation of City ordinances or departmental
policies, practices, procedures, orders or rules then
in effect specifically governing emergencies.
Sec. 2-20. Restrictions on officers and em-
(a) Prohibited Benefits. This section regulates
gifts, favors, privileges or employment (collectively
called "benefits") as contemplated by subsection (b)
of Section 10.04 of the City Charter. As provided
in such subsection (b), all such benefits are
prohibited, except for the regulated benefits defined
below. Such regulated benefits are authorized
subject to the restrictions stated below.
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(b) Regulated Benefits. 111e following are
defined as regulated benefits (but see also Chapter
36 of the Texas Penal Code for additional
prohibitions of certain benefits):
(I) A fee prescribed by law or ordinance to be
received by the officer or employee to
which the officer or employee is lawfully
entitled or for which he gives legitimate
consideration in a capacity other than as an
officer or employee.
(2) A benefit conferred on account of kinship
or a personal, professional or business re-
lationship independent of the official status
of the recipient.
(3) An honorarium in consideratIon of legiti-
mate services rendered above and beyond
official duties and responsibilities if: (i) not
more than one honorarium is received from
the same person in a calendar year; and (ii)
no more than one honorarium is received
for the same service.
(4) A benefit consisting of food, lodging,
transportation or entertainment for trips or
functions involving official business
(5) Employment (as a salaried worker, hourly
worker, partner, agent, representative or
officer, but not including a sole proprietor),
but only if all of the following
circumstances are present: (i) The officer
or employee in question is not a full-time
employee of the City, and the hours of
non-City employment in question do not
prevent the normal discharge of City
duties. (ii) The officer or employee has no
responsibility or duty, on behalf of his or
her non-City employer, relating to City
contracts or transactions. (Hi) The officer
or employee files a disclosure affidavit as
contemplated by Chapter 171 of the Local
Government Code and takes no part in any
decision or vote on the contract or
transaction in question. (iv) The officer or
employee receives no salary or other
compensation that depends upon, or would
be affected by, any City contracts or
transactions. (v) City contracts or
transactions are an insignificant part of the
employer's total business. If the gross
revenues attributable to City contracts or
transactions are less than one-half of one
percent of the total gross revenues of the
employer in the current year and in each
preceding three years, the City contracts or
transactions are conclusively preswned to
be insignificant, but this does not prevent a
showing of insignificance by other means
(vi) Written affirmations of circumstances
numbered "(ii)", "(iv)" and "(v)", above,
signed by or on behalf of the non-City
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employer in question, are filed with the
city secretary.
(6) Part-time employment (as a salaried or
hourly worker) approved by the officer or
employee's department head or by the city
See. 2-21. Personnel policies and procedures.
The City Council approves and adopts the
manual entitled "Personnel Policies and
Procedures," dated May I, 1989, and on file in the
office of the city secretary, together with all
amendments adopted by ordinance. Nothing in this
section or the manual adopted herein shall ever be
construed as creating any contractual or vested
rights of any kind. The City Council shall have the
continuing right to repeal and to amend this section
and the personnel manual at any time, and the City
Council does not purport to surrender or abrogate
any of its legislative or regulatory authority.
Sec. 2-25. Contracts and agreements.
(a) Contract Definition. As used in this
section, the term "contract" includes written
agreements and related written documents
resembling agreements such as, for example,
permits, bills of sale, releases, easements, deeds,
and purchase orders.
(b) Advertising for Bids. The city staff is
authorized to advertise for bids without prior
council authority for those projects covered by the
current budget. The city staff may open bids, in
accordance with state law.
( c) Completion, Signing, if Council Approves.
If the Council approves or authorizes a contract by
motion, resolution or ordinance, whether in general
or specific terms: (i) the city manager is authorized
to assemble, negotiate and do all other things
necessary to complete the contract and consummate
the transactions approved or authorized by the
council, and (ii) the mayor or the city manager may
execute it for and on bebalf of the City. In
addition, either the mayor or the city manager may
execute any of tbe following to the extent that they
relate directly to such a contract:
(1) Surety bonds.
(2) Change orders and amendments to the
contract, but only those which,
individually, do not involve an expenditure
in excess of $2,500 and which
cumulatively do not exceed 10 per cent of
the estimated expenditure under the
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original contract.
(3) Other notices to the contractor which do
not increase the expenditure under the
(d) Contracts Not Requring Council Approval
The city manager is authorized to execute the
following contracts for and on behalf of the City
without prior submission to the Council:
(1) Emergency contracts which are necessary
to preserve life or property, under
circumstances when it is necessary to take
immediate action and it is impractical to
await a Council meeting.
(2) Non-purchase-order contracts necessary for
the ordinary conduct of City business,
provided: (i) the total expenditure involved
by all such contracts signed by the city
manager between regular meetings of the
council does not exceed $10,000; (ii) the
contract does not allow the use of City
property, except on a "terminable-at-wiIl"
basis; (iii) the director of finance has
certified that funds for the contract are
available; (iv) the city attorney has
reviewed the contract or the controlling
features of the form used.
(3) Purchase orders on the City's standard
form. The city manager may delegate
authority to execute purchase orders for
less than $5,000.
Sec. 2-26. Payments, checks and signatures.
(a) Payment Procedures. The city staff may
make a payment to discharge a City obligation, if:
(1) the payment is budgeted;
(2) any applicable Charter procedures requiring
a budget certificate are complied with;
(3) the payment is requested by an appropriate
department head or the city manager;
(4) payment is made by check signed by the
city treasurer and at least one other officer
designated by the City Council.
(b) Facsimile Signatures. Officers authorized
to sign checks may use manual or facsimile
signatures subject to article 7 I 7j-l, Texas Revised
Civil Statutes Annotated. With respect to any
documents for which a facsimile signature of the
city secretary is authorized, a facsimile seal of the
city is also authorized to be affixed, or caused to be
affixed, by the city secretary.
Sec. 2-27. Acquiescences to encroachments.
(a) General Authorization. Either the city
manager or the mayor may execute acquiescences to
encroachments upon City easements if all of the
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following circwnstances are pre:,c;nt:
(1) the executing officer determines that the
encroachment in question will not
significantly hinder present or future City
operations, which determination shall be
evidenced by the officer's execution of the
acquiescence docwnents;
(2) the acquiescence docwnent does not
purport to limit or to affect any of the
City's regulatory or police powers,
including the zoning ordinance;
(3) the acquiescence docwnent provides that
the encroachment may be removed at the
discretion of the City, if required in the
(4) applicable administrative provisions for the
acquiescence have been complied with; and
(5) the city attorney has reviewed the
docwnent or the controlling features of the
(b) Optional Referral. Either the city manager
or the mayor may refer any request for an
acquiescence to the City Council.
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Sec.2-7L Board Created; Composition;
Appointment; Quorum.
There is hereby created the senior services board,
or "SSB." It shall consist of 15 members, all
appointed by the City Council. A quorum is a
majority of the members appointed and holding
positions which are not vacant, but never less than
Sec. 2-72. Qualifications; terms; vacancies.
(a) Each member of the SSB shall be appointed
to a specific nwnbered position, nwnbered 1 through
15. Each appointee, at the time of appointment, must
be a resident of the City. A member who ceases to be
a resident of the City shall be deemed to have
resigned and may be replaced at any time thereafter,
but shall continue to serve until the successor is
appointed and shall have qualified.
(b) Each position shall have successive terms of
office, with each term beginning on September I of
each odd-nwnbered calendar year and extending
through August 31 of the next following odd-
nwnbered calendar year.
(c) Each member appointed shall serve for the
specific term, or the unexpired portion thereof, of the
position to which the member is appointed.
Appointments for upcoming terms may be made no
sooner than sixty days prior to the beginning of the
(d) Members shall also serve after the expiration
of a term of office until their respective successors
are duly selected and shall have qualified.
(e) In the event of death, resignation, or removal
from office of any member, or any other vacancy in a
position, a successor shall be appointed and qualified
to serve the remaining unexpired position of the term
of office of the vacant position.
Sec. 2-73. Removal of members.
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The City Cowlcil may remove a member of the
SSB, after providing notice and an opportunity for a
hearing to the member.
Sec. 2-74. Officers.
The City Council may from time to time
designate one member of the SSB as the presiding
officer, who shall serve until another presiding
officer is so designated.
Sec. 2-75. Compensation; Staff Liaisons.
(a) The members of the SSB shall receive no
compensation for their services. This shall not
prohibit reimbursement for actual and reasonable
expenses incurred by authority of the city manager or
the City CounciL
(b) Staff liaisons and other administrative
matters are covered by Chapter 2, Article I of this
Sec. 2-76. Powers and Duties of the Board.
The SSB is responsible for studying the needs of
senior citizens, assisting with service studies and plan
development and making reconunendations to the
City Council on senior citizen programs.
Sec. 2-81. Created; Composition; Appointment;
There is hereby created the environmental issues
conunittee, or "EIC." It shall consist of 31 members,
all appointed by the City Council. The EIC shall
have three sections: the recycling section, the tree
section and the water section. A quorum of the
whole committee or of a section is a majority of the
members appointed and holding positions (of the
whole committee or of a section, as the case may be)
which are not vacant, but never less than three.
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Sec. 2-82. Qualifications; terms; vacancies.
(a) Each member of the Ele shall be appointed
to a specific numbered position, numbered I through
3 I , as follows:
Positions Section
I through 10 Recycling
11 through 20 Tree
21 through 30 Water
31 (Presiding Officer)
(b) Each appointee, at the time of appointment,
must be a resident of the City. A member who ceases
to be a resident of the City shall be deemed to have
resigned and may be replaced at any time thereafter,
but shall continue to serve until the successor is
appointed and shall have qualified.
(c) Each position shall have successive tenus of
office, with each term beginning on September I of
each odd-numbered calendar year and extending
through August 31 of the next following odd~
numbered calendar year.
(d) Each member appointed shall serve for the
specific term, or the unexpired portion thereof, of the
position to which the member is appointed.
Appointments for upcoming tenus may be made no
sooner than sixty days prior to the beginning of the
(e) Members shall also serve after the expiration
of a term of office until their respective successors
are duly selected and shall have qualified.
(1) In the event of death, resignation, or removal
from office of any member, or any other vacancy in a
position, a successor shall be appointed and qualified
to serve the remaining unexpired position of the term
of office of the vacant position.
Sec. 2-83 Removal of members.
The City Council may remove a member of the
mc, after providing notice and an opportunity for a
hearing to tbe member.
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Sec. 2-84. Officers.
TIle member appointed to position 31 is the
presiding officer of the Ele. TIle City Council may
from time to time designate one member of each
section as the presiding officer of the section (and
vice-presiding officer of the whole committee), who
shall serve until another presiding officer of the
section is so designated.
See, 2-85. Compensation; Staff Liaisons.
(a) The members of the EIC shall receive no
compensation for their services. This shall not
prohibit reimbursement for actual and reasonable
expenses incurred by authority of the city manager or
the City CounciL
(b) Staff liaisons and other administrative
matters are covered by Chapter 2, Article I of this
Sec. 2-86. Powers and Duties.
The EIC is responsible for: (i) studies and
recommendations on recycling, trees and water
conservation, (ii) recommendations on visual
enhancement projects, and (iii) community education
on matters relating to recycling, trees, water
conservation or visual enhancement.
Sec.2-9L Created; Composition; Appointment;
There is hereby created the communications
committee. It shall consist of 15 members, all
appointed by the City Council. A quorum is a
majority of the members appointed and holding
positions which are not vacant, but never less than
Sec. 2-92. Qualifications; terms; vacancies.
(a) Each member of the committee shall be
appointed to a specific numbered position, nwnbered
I through 15. Each appointee, at the time of
appointment, must be a resident of the City. A
(Page ~of '- total pages)
member who ceases to be a resident of the City shall
be deemed to have resigned and may be replaced at
any time thereafter, but shall continue to serve until
the successor is appointed and shall have qualified.
(b) Each position shall have successive terms of
office, with each term beginning on September 1 of
each odd-numbered calendar year and extending
through August 31 of the next following odd-
numbered calendar year.
(c) Each member appointed shall serve for the
specific term, or the unexpired portion thereof, of the
position to which the member is appointed.
Appointments for upcoming terms may be made no
sooner than sixty days prior to the beginning of the
(d) Members shall also serve after the expiration
of a term of office until their respective successors
are duly selected and shall have qualified.
(e) In the event of death, resignation, or removal
from office of any member, or any other vacancy in a
position, a successor shall be appointed and qualified
to serve the remaining unexpired position of the term
of office of the vacant position.
Sec. 2-93. Removal of members.
The City Council may remove a member of the
committee after providing notice and an opportunity
for a hearing to the member.
Sec. 2-94. Officers.
The City Council may from time to time
designate one member of the committee as the
presiding officer, who shall serve until another
presiding officer is so designated.
Sec. 2-95. Compensation; Staff Liaisons.
(a) The members of the committee shall receive
no compensation for their services. This shall not
prohibit reimbursement for actual and reasonable
expenses incurred by authority of the city manager or
the City Council.
(Page S of b total page
(b) Staff liaisons and other administrative
matters are covered by Chapter 2, Article I of this
Sec. 2-96. Powers and Duties.
The communications committee is responsible
for: (i) preparing the City newsletter and new
resident guides, (ii) "welcome wagon" programs, (iii)
assessment of resident needs, (iv) promotions and
special events, and (v) improving communication
between residents and the City government.
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, .
Sec. 12-16. Health Authority
(a) The City Council shall appoint a health
authority under and pursuant to the Texas Health &
Safety Code ("H&S Code"). Unless otherwise
allowed by the H&S Code, the health authority:
(1) must have the qualifications required by the
H&S Code;
(2) shall serve for a two-year term from the date
of appointment, and may be appointed for
successive terms;
(3) shall be removable from office for cause,
under the personnel procedures applicable to
heads of City departments;
(4) may delegate authority to a properly
qualified physician to act while the health
authority is absent or incapacitated, in
accordance with the H&S Code; and
(5) shall have the authority granted by state law
and this Code
(b) If the health authority delegates authority to
act in case of absence or disability, the following
procedures shall apply:
(1) the health authority, if possible, shall notify
the city manager the health authority will be
absent or disabled;
(2) the city manager shall determine absence or
disability, regardless of whether notice is
given, and the city manager's determination
is final;
(3) during any such absence or disability, the
delegatee has all of the authority of the
health authority, and the health authority has
no authonty.
(c) The City has not established a local health
department or local health district, and there is no
local health board. All references in this Code to a
health officer or board shall be construed to apply to
the health authority.
(d) In addition to duties imposed by state law,
the health authority shall enforce and administer this
Chapter and Chapter 10 (food and food handlers).
(Page J - of
2 total pages)
(e) TIle health authority is subject to the same
standards and procedures applicable to the building
official under Chapter 6 (see, e.g., Sections 6-11, et
seq.). When applying for a search warrant to carry
out health-related duties, the health authority is
designated as the code enforcement official.
Sec. 12-17. Health Inspectors; Assistance By
Other Departments
(a) The health aurhority may designate full
or part-time City employees as health inspectors and
may delegate inspection and enforcement duties to
them, unless otherwise prescribed by the H&S Code.
Health inspectors so designated shall have full
authority to do all things the health authority could
do, to the full extent necessary or convenient to carry
out their delegated duties.
(b) Other departments shall assist the health
authority and the health inspectors, as the city
manager may from time to time prescribe.
Sec. 12-18. Decisions And Appeals.
(a) The health authority may change or overrule
any decision made by a health inspector.
(b) Appeals of decisions made by either the
health authority or a health inspector are heard by the
Building & Standards Commission.
II b:\ohealth.54
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Sec. 16-16. Created; Composition; Appointment;
(a) There is hereby created the parks and
recreation board, or "PRE." It shall consist of 15
regular members, all appointed by the City Council
A quorum is a majority of the regular members
appointed and holding positions which are not vacant,
but never less than three.
(b) In addition to the regular members, every
person serving on the Board of the Friends of West
University Parks Fund, a non-profit corporation, and
who is not also a regular member of the PRE, shall
also serve as an advisory member of the PRE.
Sec. 16-17. Qualifications; terms; vacancies.
(a) Each regular member of the PRE shall be
appointed to a specific numbered position, numbered
1 through 15. Each appointee, at the time of
appointment, must be a resident of the City. A
regular member who ceases to be a resident of the
City shall be deemed to have resigned and may be
replaced at any time thereafter, but shall continue to
serve until the successor is appointed and shall have
(b) Each position shall have successive terms of
office, with each term beginning on September 1 of
each odd-numbered calendar year and extending
through August 31 of the next following odd-
numbered calendar year.
(c) Each regular member appointed shall serve
for the specific term, or the unexpired portion thereof,
of the position to which the member is appointed.
Appointments for upcoming terms may be made no
sooner than sixty days prior to the beginning of the
(d) Regular members shall also serve after the
expiration of a term of office until their respective
successors are duly selected and shall have qualified
(e) In the event of death, resignation, or removal
from office of any regular member, or any other
(Page ,- of 2 totalpages)
vacancy in a position, a successor shall be appointed
and qualified to serve the remaining unexpired
position of the term of office of the vacant position.
Sec. 16-18. Removal of members.
The City Council may remove a member of the
PRE, after providing notice and an opportunity for a
hearing to the member.
Sec. 16-19. Officers.
The City Council may from time to time
designate one member of the PRB as the presiding
officer, who shall serve until another presiding
officer is so designatedo
Sec. 16-20. Compensation; Staff Liaisons.
(a) The members of the PRE shall receive no
compensation for their services. This shall not
prohibit reimbursement for actual and reasonable
expenses incurred by authority of the city manager or
the City CounciL
(b) Staff liaisons and other administrative
matters are covered by Chapter 2, Article I of this
Code. .
[Existing Section 16-17, relating to powers and
duties, is renumbered as 16-21]
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