HomeMy WebLinkAbout10222020 ZBA Agenda item 3 • • City oI West University Place To: Zoning Board of Adjustments From: Clay Chew,Building Official Date: October 22,2020 Re: Staff Report for Docket 2020-0012-3923 Swarthmore Applicant's Request Applicant is requesting a variance to allow a front porch to project past the allowed limit. Background Information The applicant is requesting a variance to exceed the allowed 10 foot porch projection into the front yard by 11 inches. This home was built in 1949 and does not meet the required 25 foot setback required by the present ordinance. The proposed plan is for a 6 foot porch which would exceed the allowed 10 foot projection into the front yard by 11 inches. Variance Request Applicant is requesting a variance to allow a front porch to project past the allowed limit Ordinance Section: Article 7 District Specific Regulations Section 7-100 Table 7-6 Projection Schedule Note 1.2 Porches in front yard. (1) The ZBA has made all findings and determinations required by state law for the granting of a variance. A "special condition" or "hardship" that is self-created, personal or based only on financial reasons is not sufficient to support the issuance of a variance. The findings to grant a favorable result for this application are as follows: a. The ZBA must find that a literal enforcement of the ordinance would result in an unnecessary hardship. b. By granting the variance would the spirit of the ordinance be observed and substantial justice done? c. Would variance be contrary to the public interest? (2) The ZBA has made any additional fmdings and determination required by a specific provision of this section which relates to the variance. (3) The variance has been reduced to writing and includes any conditions prescribed by the ZBA or required by this section for the variance in question. • • wssr ay... City of West University Place APPLICATION TO THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS ("CITY") Address of site: 3923 Swarthmore St, Houston,TX 77005 Lot 4 in Block 13,of COLLEGE VIEW,a subdivision in Harris County, Legal description of the site: Texas,according to the map or plot thereof,recorded in volume 6, Page 44 of the Map Records of Harris County,Texas Applicant: Troy D Madeley Jr. Address: 3923 Swarthmore St, Houston,TX 77005 Contact: Troy D Madeley Jr. Phone:713-201-7731 Fax: Email: madeley07@gmail.com Decision or Action Requested(check one or more and provide requested data): ( )Appeal.Hear and decide an appeal from an order,requirement,decision or determination made by the Administrative Official. • Is the official's action in writing?( )Yes;( )copy is attached. ( )No, but the action appealed is as follows: • When was the action taken? Note:Appeals must be filed within a reasonable time. Please explain any delay below: • Exact zoning ordinance section(s)involved: • Grounds for appeal: ( )Special Exception. • Exact zoning ordinance section that authorizes the special exception: • Exact wording of special exception requested: (x)Variance. Table 7-6 Projections schedule Note 1.2 Porches in • Exact zoning ordinance section from which a variance is requested: front yard.On a building site in a residential district with a front yard depth of 20 feet or more,a porch may project up to 120 inches into the front yard. • Exact wording of variance requested: This old stock home does not meet the front building line setback as required by the present ordinance.The variance request is for the proposed porch to exceed the allowed projection of 120 inches by 11 inches. Other Data. Are there drawings or other data? ( )No (x)Yes(list items here and attach them) 1.Architectural drawings 2.Site Survey 3.Proof of Ownership 4.Written request explaining need for variance Attached.The applicant has-rea e t Viand Ci regulations attached. Signature of applicant •-�Vii%" .L Date: 1/ 3L�/`C_J /,, 1 For Staff Use only Date filed: I U l C Lt,Date heard\ 1.(7j t pocket#: Z ad t, Forth ZBA-102 Y • al Dear West U Zoning Board of Adjustments, We are updating the exterior of our original West U cottage at 3923 Swarthmore.We are doing our best to update the exterior of the house to blend better with the surrounding properties while still keeping the charm of a home built in 1949. Part of our exterior update requires laying a 6 foot concrete slab to construct a covered porch off the front of the house.This would require the porch to extend 11 inches beyond the allowed projection setback of 120 inches.Since our house was built in 1949,the front of our house extends past the current build line which, per the current ordinance,constrains our ability to add the full six feet.We, along with our architect, believe the full 6 feet is needed in order to allow the porch to be fully useable and not overly constrictive. Our architect has designed the porch with the entire yard and house in mind with the intent of preserving spacial symmetry and maximizing the usability of the porch.Without the full six foot porch we believe the value the exterior upgrade would add to our home would be inhibited. Moreover,the variance is not contrary to the public interest and preserves the spirit of the ordinance. We have noticed several homes in the neighborhood with porches that appear to sit closer to the sidewalk than we are proposing which makes us believe granting our request will not set unintended precedent.While we have considered several times tearing down the house,we are trying hard to preserve the original cottage feel and West U charm we all love while still providing a facelift that will enhance the value of our home and surrounding homes. In order to do this well,we need to be able to execute our architect's drawings in their entirety which includes the full 6 foot porch. We thank you for considering our variance request. It is going to be a beautiful exterior remodel and hope you will stop by to take a look when it's completed. Best, Troy and Lacey Madeley Owners: 3923 Swarthmore NANO MOI SCO PAL-POMP!AOS D1OMT � I.EGEN D•^ ��y "MIAs _' ISSMDinr IPM PAL.PUM MTV Lt�MT � T_ —.V—-MOM MCI . .. 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OF COLLEGE VIEW, A SUBDIVISION IN HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS, UNRECORDED EASEMENTS ANDS~`C OED•"M ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 6, PAGE 44 OF -sIMnEYDR N"s MOT MEEPEWENTLY AMSIRM;TED THE MAP RECORDS OF HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS. PIM= EaNM1OK AIE-uwomitoise UMW INSTALLATIONSANIDOMIX IIITONCI1M0 sIRILT1 11ET Mm tLfA1FD 50 LIME suMEY ADDRESS Ms SW IS=WM FOR De TROY D. MADELEY JR - 3923 SWARTHMORE STREET TOOSACIEM ONLY,IT IS NOT 1111 WEwac TO LACEY J. MADELEY ADDITIOINI,INSTITUTIONS ON SUtlEOU[MT MINERS -SUBJECT 10 REST KINE COLENM03 AS PER ME COMM= -SUBJECT TO 20=3 A•10 MEOW MOW= o F JOB # 1605228 ;*ST. ` DATE 5/20/16 • `� 1 GF/ 16002214 TO. 'P.COO, :NAA PRO-SURV t{r•Q•f.: % -•(�1•r P.O.BOX 1366,FRIENDSWOOD,TX 77549 ` , S URJ PHONE-281-996-1113 FAX-281-996-0112 EMAIL orders@prosury.net 00 WY THAT 11M4 SURVEY SITS MS DAY MACE M M[ TBPLS FIRM N0.:10119300HOMY OM=O'TE PROPERTY=ALLY 0001 WOW(OR M ATTAOED 0261 SLIMY MMS IMM THE MMIMIORT 0I11MK M[L71 AMD MX APO NO MOIMOSLNR OICEPT AS MOM.AMO w4 MOMAME MR WOW TER MM OORIEI.T COPES DOZE NY IE CR 111.99 Mr SUPONSOAL MM OOMOMR TO CO DICE= OF TE MMIMIO IL OMOIIK MOM!MM O'M"b" M OMMOIT STAMP=AS ADOPRDBY RN TOGS ECMO O' PROMIVO•AL LAIC SIMMEM S. Oao)M AR691.M1Y-AIL MOWS WED • • RP-2016-260111 06/17/2016 ER $24.00 GENERAL WARRANTY DEED WITH VENDOR'S LIEN IN FAVOR OF THIRD PARTY NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY: IF YOU ARE A NATURAL PERSON, YOU MAY REMOVE OR STRIKE ANY OR ALL OF THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION FROM ANY INSTRUMENT THAT TRANSFERS AN INTEREST IN REAL PROPERTY BEFORE IT IS FILED FOR RECORD IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS: YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER OR YOUR DRIVER'S LICENSE NUMBER. THE STATE OF TEXAS § § KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF HARRIS § THAT STUART L. MCGEOCH AND JENNIFER KELLY, ALSO KNOWN AS JENNIFER A. MCGEOCH(hereinafter called "GRANTORS" whether one or more),for and in consideration of the sum of TEN DOLLARS($10.00)and other good and valuable considerations cash in hand paid by TROY D.MADELEY,JR. AND LACEY J.MADELEY,HUSBAND AND WIFE whose address is 3923 SWARTHMORE ST.,HOUSTON, TX 77005(hereinafter called"GRANTEES"whether one or more),the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged and confessed,and the further consideration of the advancement and payment in cash of all or part of the purchase price hereof by Beneficiary at the special instance and request of Grantee under that certain note in the principal sum of SEVEN HUNDRED NINE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED ($709,200.00)payable to the order of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. (hereinafter referred to as "BENEFICIARY") of even date herewith, said note bearing interest at the rate therein provided,principal and interest being due and payable in monthly installments as therein set out,and providing for attorney's fees and acceleration of maturity at the rate and in the events therein set forth, which note is secured by the Vendor's Lien herein reserved and is additionally secured by a Deed of Trust of even date herewith,executed by the Grantees herein to ROBERT K.FOWLER,Trustee,reference to which is here made for all purposes; and in consideration of the payment of the sum above mentioned by the Beneficiary above mentioned, Grantors hereby transfer, set over, assign and convey unto said Beneficiary and assigns, the Vendor's Lien and Superior Title herein retained and reserved against the property and premises herein conveyed,in the same manner and to the same extent as if said note had been executed in Grantors'favor and by said Grantors assigned to O the Beneficiary without recourse; have GRANTED,SOLD and CONVEYED, and by these presents do GRANT, SELL and CONVEY unto the said Grantees herein, the following described property, together with all improvements thereon,to-wit: O N SEE EXHIBIT"A"ATTACHED TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, together with, all and singular, the rights and appurtenances thereto in any wise belonging,unto the said Grantees,their heirs and assigns forever. And Grantors do hereby bind themselves,their heirs, executors and administrators,to warrant and forever defend all and singular,the said premises unto the said Grantees,their heirs and assigns,against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. Taxes for the current year have been prorated and are assumed by Grantee. This conveyance is made and accepted subject to any and all validly existing restrictions,mineral reservations and interests, conditions,covenants,easements,and rights of way,if any,applicable to and enforceable against the above described property as now reflected by the records of the County Clerk in said County and State and to any applicable zoning laws or ordinances. But it is expressly agreed and stipulated that the Vendor's Lien and the Superior Title are retained and reserved in favor of the payee in said note against the above described property,premises and improvements,until said note,and all interest thereon is fully paid according to the face and tenor,effect and reading thereof,when this deed Page 1 of 2 General Warranty Deed with Vendor's Lien in Favor of Third Party Mortgagelaw 2010 4,. r • • shall become absolute. When this deed is executed by one person,or when the Grantee is one person,the instrument shall read as though pertinent verbs and pronouns were changed to correspond,and when executed by or to a corporation the words "heirs,executors and administrators"or"heirs and assigns"shall be construed to mean"Successors and assigns". Executed b ctive as of the 16th day of June,2016. I STUART L. CGEOCH r 1 JENNIFER KELLY \)<...... . THE STATE OF TEXAS. COUNTY OF 44-4 ran S This instrument was acknowledged before me on (4 + I(.(' — (4 ,by STUART L. MCGEOCH AND JENNIFER KELLY. / 1 i N—_ Notary Public,State of Texas 0 RETURN TO: C) TROY D.MADELEY,JR. CV 3923 SWARTHMORE ST. `w nar-RGARE7 H.BIJRt`S1DE :e- ' CO HOUSTON,TX 77005 mv+lr•arrID4125,',68536 r iy :` Expires October 28,2017 o -_ Cl a. Et Page 2 of 2 General Warranty Deed with Vendor's Lien in Favor of Third Party Mortgagetaw 2010 File No.: 16002214 EXHIBIT "A" Lot 4,in Block 13,of COLLEGE VIEW,a subdivision in Harris County,Texas,according to the map or plat thereof,recorded in Volume 6,Page 44 of the Map Records of Harris County,Texas. CD N as O N •0 4 • • RP-2016-260111 # Pages 4 06/17/2016 07:55 AM e-Filed & e-Recorded in the Official Public Records of HARRIS COUNTY STAN STANART COUNTY CLERK Fees $24.00 T- T- CD - T- O CO N CO O N RECORDERS MEMORANDUM This instrument was received and recorded electronically and any blackouts, additions or changes were present at the time the instrument was filed and recorded. Any provision herein which restricts the sale, rental, or use of the described real property because of color or race is invalid and unenforceable under federal law. THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRIS I hereby certify that this instrument was FILED in File Number Sequence on the date and at the time stamped hereon by me; and was duly RECORDED in the Official Public Records of Real Property of Harris County, Texas. QF Ng%Nim- ti 1\ ti COUNTY CLERK 40) + S�* HARRIS COUNTY.TEXAS .. , c • ©• • • a .. 1 ,, , _- ..,,,,, §: , i• t,Pc I,. i11 4''=1 n n, 11• -•:,:`'11=-."---- lib "� • �� I I �L moi r� j '�.A., l la lir �� . I Azieibit i. _ _ _ __,.. .\ -- . i, _.,\ 71=Ciall - IJ o \\ H \ �' — I O b 1 r I ! P 4 � ./ NiiN;liiO ;' 2 I°�fi ,I! Fryl 1 0 5 ; ; I " s SII �• gad Y l rI 5$$ 1 It E qq , I it, 3 y iG f 111 I___,_:__ i i lip Ili et t,gg ,1"1 lig ,2 , ' ~» fit i� II}I . ::: °ge ' I 2 ...... -' h 4 :'g Ili:11:t � a - - I;;:11 1 ill::! il !i i i 45n _I Ii 11 iiIii Ii ii" A � :111 ■ i {f15 f � {a 0 � �i R!II1I R€;iiJe iii iili 11 :111 12:111i 11.1: 11,31 11 � a41 ih IO 'i,,,,,,,r! ; :8718ripci:ill.::::-.7.16,,,,,ii:‘: Nv MIT -621 'orgp, qo J c) i :fig irga? Cl €= we D o ; ' ; i A in 9SC 11 E:/3 o -< 1 co o iy $ i z f _ A 11 E0 E INDEX OF DRAWINGS, MADELEY RESIDENCE , 9°i f :<.,,, ...7,- ?:i , _ D 7-0 GENERAL INFO,SURVEY, e s 3 -G 'I' � o DEMO PLANS 3923 Swarthmore ^ g '; C) Houston, TX 77005 i e m ' to, • el '''' '.'... • :•,. 1--- 1 lz , •A .1' HO p 0 0 t). .tElli 4 # ,0 0 !-Illi [ . 11 h #4 f.: 11).21 A.7 1 i ! NI . 6,:- imipmegenteng!,,S ri,, h8,:n I . . Ittl 1111C .=-11 !ill A -: $ ill I l. -- 11.1110" is % ut I II 11110111111111 1 • ft 1.....r/SiNi.„. $ ,_. 4 1 II 1111111111111 i I .a.. E NEVE .. ' 1 d 1 'a a , 41 : 1 a ;0 il 111 4 1.11 '3 Vgii II li : i_ /ii ill 1 -1.-, -,- , t * l' " L'IL El • if :i9 HA! •$ 1 1• rl 9 9 i N I I ...iI- i ISI ‘ Egi i Iii ......-- x i i 1 1 .. 1 'X] ft • ; e 5 Et i 2 1 $ E• t gt •,r0 Ahl i • IV 5:•7. T171 g" 'IMO 1 I ?-." I 4, ::: I te. ! 1 • Let v 9 ...,4 * j...L .... 151 A - ,R„ ri- .. , , 1 1 9 qii 1 HP gR ; : a•--5?--7- 1 ..- t:. 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I ifi ' ... - 1• I W ii I Fp 1 r ir, I 11 1 1 1 •• % � Y€: 6 Il I I I r . 1 !, i if i ELEVATIONS, SECTION MADELEY RESIDENCE ^ 'r > 0 3923 Swarthmore ¢ X13 = Z Houston, TX 77005 ... 3 sv € m i I flin • • «.. i,..... ......1 A Gore... I • • t• p m 8q € i I R ll a5LIs, 51$1$ � i 'a m 1 q 55 s•im--7r-- I t — wg OH I HH ny99 o A 28 bN o rig: 1 gEgE" g I�i(1!}i u ED LIGHTING PLANS MADELEY RESIDENCE 1f $i R;. ,`, m0 3923 Swarthmore 49 s Houston, TX 77005 • o „p ,. _,..:),,p.„1? so 1 c> WVOr. El . .01 ggiP :! liii •-0 ,f x . i.. , g 11 II e9i , .11FE a t ii i 1 o I---N213 _ gli lii i II 111.! 141 T a p 11 , Or' --41rM1nn: :i .. ir 411 4 irs":.-;•!: .. 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'' ' ; Q , 11= 33 - i i GA ,ii 0 1 r - 12 i,> t 0 ; I EP; 1 I i i • i • ,T, ni ;II i: A 2, , ?ip3i . } '1,4 A ' r; .• • i 1 em ,1 .....„_, ,-, e II igh ' 0 i -:, ,•:;:,, : ! ,..- . . a 2 .‘ -1 L M 9,A gt, • * i' 11 • • • g 0 j4 16 'i liciiiiip pililp ll iiEgpripi 1 ii; 1 ii i 1 IF" 11 :ii; .31 /,i141 1 IIIIx ! 1 345 !I `e 1 haL [.4iI, WOO I i;41 f .cli li :4 ! 1,114:ill Fi'4 1, li kipi ip O. i4 I; .?, I ' i • q -.11isi1.471 vi gli Op t p i 1 i `;') i IP Yt!ill 1 0.11 111S 'I 9! i il i Pz 1 1 ill ! pii. 1111 I5 lix -1 4 ; ' 7, I . i R, i IN : N ! li i il I i OA 111) 1 1 4 15 i I z 4 i IN i '. • - p ; i 0 it, I 1 i N 1 " 5 IR I I 0 ii 1. il -i5 ix g p i 4 641 " Iaar)1 > In , 4 ,, FOUNDATION PLAN & MADELEY RESIDENCE _ DETAILS 3923 Swarthmore N.)i • Houston, TX 77005 - - 1 • • 1(1111 Cop The ()TV of West University Place .0) .I \`cij hb )rh()( I On NOTICE OF ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT HEARING The Zoning Board of Adjustment ("ZBA")of the City of West University Place, Texas("City")will hold a public hearing in the Municipal Building, 3800 University Boulevard, City of West University Place, Texas 77005,during a meeting set to begin at 6:30 p.m.on October 22,2020.The hearing may be recessed and continued to a ZBA meeting set to begin at 6:30 p.m. on November 19, 2020. The purpose of the hearing is to provide an opportunity for all persons to be heard in relation to the following matter: Address of the site: 3923 Swarthmore St.,Houston,TX 77005 Legal Description: Lot 4,Block 13 of College View,Harris County Docket Number: 2020-0012 Applicant: Troy D.Madeley Jr. Action Requested: Request a variance to allow a front porch to project into the front yard beyond the allowed amount.Section 7-101 Table 7- 6 Projections Schedule Note 1.2 Porches in Front Yard. Additional Details: The applicant is requesting a variance to exceed the allowed 10 foot porch projection into the front yard by 11 inches.This home was built in 1949 and does not meet the required 25 foot setback required by the present ordinance.The proposed plan is for a 6 foot porch which would exceed the allowed 10 foot projection into the front porch by 11 inches. Applicable regulations include the City's Zoning Ordinance,Code of Ordinances,Chapter 211 of the Texas Local Government Code and the rules of the ZBA. The application is available on the city's website at www.westutx.gov. Additional details on such matters, as well as the applicable regulations are also available for public inspection in the Public Works Center,3826 Amherst,West University Place,77005. Any person interested in such matters should attend the hearing. If you plan to attend this public meeting and you have a disability that requires special arrangements at the meeting, please contact the City Planner at 713-662-5830 in advance of the meeting. Reasonable accommodations will be made to assist your participation in the meeting.The Municipal Building is wheel chair accessible from the West and Southwest entrances and specially marked parking spaces are available in the Southwest parking area. Signed: Clay Chew,for the ZBA posted and mailed on or before October 9,2020. cchew@westutx.gov 713-662-5830 0 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov MADELEY TROY& LACEY • CLARK SUSAN M • CIVUNIGUNTA NARENDRA NARENDRA 3923 SWARTHMORE ST 4004 SWARTHMORE ST DHARANI KUMARI HOUSTON TX 77005 HOUSTON TX 77005-2706 4001 SWARTHMORE ST HOUSTON TX 77005-2705 CURRENT OWNER PATTERSON ROBERT L HOANG NGUYET T 4002 CASE ST 3936 CASE ST 3930 CASE ST HOUSTON TX 77005-3606 HOUSTON TX 77005-3604 HOUSTON TX 77005-3604 CURRENT OWNER IMMEGA NEAL T HUGHES DANIEL W&JENNIFER B 3926 CASE ST 3918 CASE ST 3914 CASE ST HOUSTON TX 77005-3604 HOUSTON TX 77005-3604 HOUSTON TX 77005-3604 MIMS PETER E & MARTHA ZHUKOVSKY WILLIAM & DONNA KAO LILLIAN S 3912 CASE ST 3902 CASE ST 3719 PURDUE ST HOUSTON TX 77005-3604 HOUSTON TX 77005-3604 (C/O 3933 CASE ST) HOUSTO NTX 77005-1127 ALTENBERG JOAQUIN &ALISON ORAN BETUL& DINC IHSAN S BRANDT THOMAS G & REBECCA N 3927 CASE ST 3921 CASE ST 3919 CASE ST (C/O 3925 CASE ST) HOUSTON TX 77005-3603 HOUSTON TX 77005-3603 HOUSTON TX 77005-3603 RANDY AASHISH M & DEHUTI ROLLER RYAN &STOLTE NATASHA RODRIQUEZ MIGUEL& HOMS MARITZA 3915 CASE ST 3911 CASE ST 3907 CASE ST HOUSTON TX 77005-3603 HOUSTON TX 77005 HOUSTON TX 77005-3603 ZEMBEK RICHARD & DEBORAH HALL KELLY A HALL KELLY A 3901 CASE ST 3929 SWARTHMORE ST 3929 SWARTHMORE ST HOUSTON TX 77005-3603 (C/O 3933 SWARTHMORE ST) HOUSTON TX 77005-3611 HOUSTON TX 77005-3611 CURRENT OWNER DELGADO LUISA& DIAZ CESAR JOHNSTON PETER D& EILEEN 3925 SWARTHMORE ST 3919 SWARTHMORE ST 3915 SWARTHMORE ST HOUSTON TX 77005-3611 HOUSTON TX 77005-3611 HOUSTON TX 77005-3611 SCHIDLOWSKI PETER P LITTLE KEITH G &JULIA G HANCHERA DANIEL R& MARK K 3911 SWARHMORE ST 3907 SWARTHMORE ST 3901 SWARTHMORE ST HOUSTON TX 77005-3611 HOUSTON TX 77005-3611 HOUSTON TX 77005-3611 CAMPO COURTNEY ALEXS& RICHARD HILDRETH CATHY TETI NATHANIEL J & REBECCA C 3902 SWARTHMORE ST 3906 SWARTHMORE ST 1321 UPLAND DR PMB 10063 HOUSTON TX 77005-3612 HOUSTON TX 77005-3612 (C/O 3910 SWARTHMORE ST) HOUSTON TX 77043-4718 • ALBAN TEODORO & CAROLYN SMEAD RICHARD G & PAULA • CURTIN CATALINA 3916 SWARTHMORE ST 3918 SWARTHMORE ST 3920 SWARTHMORE ST HOUSTON TX 77005-3612 HOUSTON TX 77005-3612 HOUSTON TX 77005-3612 KAPLAN STEVEN & ERIN MCGINNIS MICHAEL A& DONNA NGUYEN NGA A 1015 ALLSTON ST 3932 SWARTHMORE ST 3936 SWARTHMORE ST (C/O 3926 SWARTHMORE ST) HOUSTON TX 77005-3612 HOUSTON TX 77005-3612 HOUSTON TX 77008-6821 MARTIN DANILO T CIUREA ANA M &STEFAN 0 CURRENT OWNER 3933 UNIVERSITY BLVD 3929 UNIVERSITY BLVD 3925 UNIVERSITY BLVD HOUSTON TX 77005-2803 HOUSTON TX 77005-2803 HOUSTON TX 77005-2803 CURRENT OWNER ASTON ADONICA A CHRISTMEL LTD 3921 UNIVERSITY BLVD 3917 UNIVERSITY BLVD 3918 BROWNING ST HOUSTON TX 77005-2803 HOUSTON TX 77005-2803 HOUSTON TX 77005-2042 HADIPUTRO BIMO SOEPANGAT MARIA LI KING HUNG CHEVRON WARSAW PLAND POUCH 3905 SWARTHMORE ST 3909 UNIVERSITY BLVD HOUSTON TX 77005-2803 HOUSTON TX 77005-2803