HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1432 - ORD Authorizing Abandment & Quitclaiming of Sanitary Sewer Pipeline ORDINANCE NO. 1432 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ABANDONMENT AND QUITCLAIMING OF A SANITARY SEWER PIPE LINE AND THE RIGHT TO USE LAND OCCUPIED BY THE PIPE LINE; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, John H. Monroe, Jf. and Texas Commerce Bank National Association, as Co-Trustees of the John Mellinger Rogers Trust, et al. ("Grantors"), as a condition of conveying a 25-foot-wide easement strip to the City, have required that the City quitclaim and abandon a nearby portion of an old, cast-in-place concrete sanitary sewer pipe line across a portion of the property of the Grantors; and WHEREAS, the City is receiving a substitute sanitary sewer line within an easement, in exchange for the abandonment and quitclaim authorized herein; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. The City Council hereby authorizes the abandonment and quitclaiming of approximately 132 feet of an old, concrete, cast-in-place sanitary sewer pipe line (36-inch approximate internal diameter), and the land occupied by such pipe line, as more particularly described in the attached instrument entitled "Declaration of Abandonment And Quitclaim," subject to the satisfaction of the following conditions: (1) the substitute pipeline and easement, as well as the connecting pipeline and easements, must be completed and conveyed to the City, with all consideration and formalities being observed; and (2) the flow of sewage through the pipeline to be abandoned must be physically diverted through such substitute pipeline and easements, 1 with the result that such flow is satisfactorily conveyed to the City's sewage treatment plant. Section 2. Subject to the satisfaction of the foregoing conditions, the City Council hereby authorizes the Mayor and the City Manager (either one) to: (i) execute and deliver an instrument in substantially the form as the attached "Declaration of Abandonment And Quitclaim" and (ii) make the findings and determinations set out in such instrument, on behalf of the City. Section 3. . All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. Section 4. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, neither the remainder of this ordinance, nor the application of such word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this ordinance to any other persons or circumstances, shall be affected thereby. Section 5. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which this ordinance was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the manner required by the Open Meetings Act, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN. art. 6252-17, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion, consideration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and posting thereof. Section 6. Because the requested quitclaim is required to start construction of a new public school building that is urgently needed by this community, a state of emergency is declared requiring that this ordinance be read and adopted finally at this meeting. Accordingly, this ordinance shall be adopted finally on first reading and shall become effective immediately upon adoption and signature. 2 PASSED AND APPROVED this~ay of I~ , 19 ;Pc;- Signedfl~ 9~ Mayor Attest: ~~T City cretary b3 : \oabansw. 54 (071392) 3 DECLARATION OF ABANDONMENT AND QUITCLAIM Date: Grantor: CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE Grantor's Mailing Address (including county): 3800 University Boulevard Houston, Harris County, Texas 77005 Grantee: John H. Monroe, Jr. and Texas Commerce Bank National Association, as Co-Trustees of the John Mellinger Rogers Trust, et a1., as listed on the attached Exhibit A, which is incorporated herein by this reference. Grantee's Mailing Address (including county): c/o Sweeney Estates 910 Travis, Suite 2024 Houston, Texas 77002 Consideration: Ten dollars and other good and valuable consideration. Property: Approximately 132 feet of an old, concrete, cast-in- , place sanitary sewer pipe line (36-inch approximate internal diameter) which: (1) is situated in the Pleasant W. Rose Survey, Abstract No. 645, Harris County Texas; and (2) is located within that certain 24.813-acre residue of that portion of the tract of land described in Deed to the J. J. Sweeney Estate dated November 10, 1932, and recorded in Volume 917, P~g~ 120, D~~d R~cord~ of Harrig County, Texas, which residue lies west of Kirby Drive; and (3) lies between: (i) the east line of the 25-foot-wide strip of land, also being a part of said 24.8l3-acre residue, which strip is described in Exhibit B, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference, and (ii) the north line of that certain lO.OOO-acre tract of land, also being a part of said 24.813 residue, which is described in Exhibit C, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; and 1 (4) is illustrated in Exhibit D, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; together with all of Grantor's rights to use the land occupied by said 132 feet (approximately) of pipe line" For the consideration Grantor quitclaims to Grantee all of Grantor's right, title, and interest in and to the property, to have and to hold it to Grantee, Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, or assigns forever. Neither Grantor nor Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, or assigns shall have, claim, or demand any right or title to the property or any part of it, and Grantor declares it to be abandoned. Grantor hereby finds and determines that certain obligations to Grantee have been satisfied, which obligations are set forth in the Easement Deed by which Grantee conveyed to Grantor the 25- foot-wide easement strip described in Exhibit B herein and are summarized as follows: (1) construction of an underground sanitary sewer pipe (with not more than two manholes thereto with neither being higher than one foot above ground level), and (2) cessation of use and disconnection of the approximately 132 feet of pipe line quitclaimed and abandonded herein. When the context requires, singular nouns and pronouns include the plural. CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS By: Attest: (Seal) By: 2 STATE OF TEXAS ~ COUNTY OF ~ This instrument was acknowledged before me on the day of by , as of West University Place, Texas. of the City (Seal) Notary Public, State of Texas Notary's name (printed): Notary's commission expires: AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: The Sweeney Estates 910 Travis, Suite 2024 Houston, Texas 77002 b3: \quitseel. 54 (071392 ) 3 The followinq rarties are the "Grcmtees" under the i:ltt.-"1chcd "Dccli:lriltion of i\bandonmcnt and Quitclaim" in the respective undivided j:Crcenti:lqe interests, to-wit: Gri:lntccs rJnrlivi(J",,i P,....,...rronr!'lt7A Tr.d-nr--(,l<:hr John H. Monroe, Jr., and Texas Commerce Dank National Association, as Co-Trustees of the John Mellinger Rodgers Trust, being one of the Testamentary Trusts created under the Will of John S. Mellinger, Deceased, 7.50661, John H. Monroe, Jr., and Texas Commerce Dank National Association, as Co-Trustees of the Lisa Lucile Rodgers Trust, being one of the Testamentary Trusts created under the.Will of John S. Mellinger, Deceased, 7.50661, Gwen Avenell Mellinger, Independent Executrix under the Willllnd of the Estate of Michel J. Mellinger, Deceased, 15.01323, James L. Britton III, u resident of Harris County, Texus 5.00441, Marian Edith Britton, a resident of llarris County, Texas 5.00441, George Mellinger Britton, a resident of Harris County, Texas 5.00441, Sweeney J. Doehring, Jr., 11 resident of Truvis County, 'l'exas 3.52182, Wchard Lee Doehring, 11 resident of Hurris County, Texas CAD Associates, 11 general partnership acting herein by and through Cnrol Jean Doehring, its Manuging Partner 1. 76092, 1. 76090, Dan Etter Doehring, a resident or Harris County, Texas 3.52182, Ann Doehring Krenek, a resident of Eugene, Oregon 2.26488, Richartl L. Doehring and Sweeney J. Doehring, Jr., as Co-Trustees of the Testamentary Trust created under the Will of Mildred E. Doehring, Deceased, with Ann Doehring Krenek, us the primary beneficiary 1.25694, Paul C. Doehring, Jr., M.D., and Catherine M. Doehring, Trustees, of Glendale, California 14.08731, Frederic M. DoehrinG, as Independent Executor of the Estate of Helen }!;li1.ubeth Doehring, Deceased 7.04366, Frederic M. Doehring, Helen Glizabeth Schwichtenberg and Mary Lou Doehring (ut one time known as Mary Lou nile!), as Successor Co-Trustees of the TcsLnmcntary Trust created under the Will of Curl F. Doehring, Deceased 7.04365, and Llmll Mary ^nl1 GilbcrL Sl\ider, a rc,;irkIlL of Imler, PCl1n:iylvanin 12.698'12. Exhibit B Description of 25-Foot Easement of Land (Attached to and Made a Part of Easement Deed executed by John H. Monroe, Jr., and Texas Commerce Bank National Association. as Co-Trustees of the John Mellinger Rodgers Trust, et al, as "Grantors", to the City of West University Place, as "Grantee") To locate the POINT OF BEGINNING, commence at a 3/4ths inch iron rod marking the nonheast corner of Barclay Apartments, a subdivi.sion situated in Harris County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 81, Page 14, Map Records of Harris County, Texas, from which run South 00 deg. 06 min. 00 sec. East (same base bearing as tqe base bearing in the case of the recorded subdivision plat of Barclay Apartments) along the west right-of-way line of Kirby Drive (90.00 feet in width), a distance of 1365.65 feet to a 5/8ths inch iron rod marking the southeast corner of The Bradford Townhouses, a subdivision situated in Harris County, Texas, according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 111, Page 52, Condominium Records of Harris County, Texas, from which run North 89 deg. 59 min. 44 sec. West along the south line of The Bradford Townhouses subdivision. the south line of Cambridge Green, Section Three, a subdiviElion ~ituated in Harris County, Tex.as, according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 293, Page 41, Map Records of Harris County, Texas, and the south line of Cambridge Green, Section Two, a subdivision situated in Harris County, Te..."taB, according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Volume 277, Page 72, Map Records of Harris County, Texas, a total distance of 1014.51 feet to a point for corner, from which said point a 5/8ths inch iron rod bears 0.3 feet West marking the southwest corner of said Cambridge Green, Section Two, from which .run South 00 deg. 00- min. 15 sec. West along the west line of said 24.813-acre residue a distance of 423.94 feet to a 5/8tha inch iron rod set for the northwest corner and the POINT OF BEGINNING of that 10.000-acre tract of land; described in Special Warranty Deed from Grantors to The HOu.iton Inde~ndent School District, as "GrantBe1'j THENCE North 00 deg-. 00 min. 15 sec. East along the west line of said 24.813-acre residue a distance of 168.25 feet to a point North 00 deg. 00 min. East a distance of 10 feet from the point at which the north edge of the underground sanitary sewer pipe line presently maintained by Grantee intersects the west line of the 24.813-acre residue; THENCE South 89 deg, 59 min. 45 sec. Ea.st a distance of 25 feet to a point for corner; THENCE South 00 deg, 00 min. 15 sec. West parallel to~ and east a distance of 25 feet (measured at right angle) from the west line of said 24.813.acre residue a distance of 168 feet to the r..orth line of the 10.OOO-acrs tract described in the Special Warranty Deed to . The Houston Independent School District hereinabove referred to; THENCE South 89 deg. 54 min. 00 sec. West along the north line of said 10.aOO-acre tract to the PUCE OF BEGINNING, and containing approximately 3%5 square feet of land and being a strip of land 25 feet in width. EXHIBIT C Description of 10. ODD-Acre Tract of Land Baing 10.000 acros (435,601 square feet) of land, more or less, situated in the Pleasant W. Rose Survey, A-645,' Harris County, Texas and be i ng out of and a. part of that carta i n 24.813 acre residua of that c6rtain tract of land do~cribad in deed to the J.~. Sweeny Estate dated November 10, 1932 as' recordod in Volume 917, P~ge 120 of the Deed Record~ of Harri~ County Texas; the location of sa1d 24.813 acre tract being based on Cl. survey of the ';;J. Sweeny Estate Tract as ~hown on survey by J.5. Boyleo & Associat~s dated December, 1956 and l'.lnid 10.000 acre tract bein@ more particularly described by mates and bounds a~ fol1ows: COMMENCING at a 3/4 inch iron rod marking the northoast corner of the Barclay Apartments as recorded in Volume 81, pase 14 of tho Ma~ R~corda of Harris County, Texas and baing the northeast corner of the J. J. Sweeny Estato 54.8687 eJ.cre res i due. QS surveYlld by J. 5. Boyles & Ansociatea in July, 1959; Thence, S 00.06'00" E (base bearing - J.S. Boyles ,& A:a~ociates and record plat), with the west line of Kirby Drive (90 foot right-of- way), a distance of 1365.65 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod marking t~e southeant corner of The Bradford Townhouso5 as recorded in Volumo 111, Page 52 of the Condominium Records ot Harris CouDty, TexaG; Thence, N ~9' 59' 44" W, with the south 1 i no of sa. i d Bradford Townhouses J the :south 1 i nfJ 0 f C<:1mbr i dge Groen J sect i on Three a.s recorded in Volume 293, Page 41 of tho Map Rocords of Harris County, Toxas and the south line of Cambridge Gr~$n, Section Two as recorded in Volume 277, Page 72 of the Map Record!; of HarriG, County, Tex~s a distance of 1014.51 feet to Ii point for cornor, from said point'a 5/8 inch iron rod lG 0.3 feet West marking the ~outhwest corner of said Cambridge Green, Section Two; Thonce, S 0,0'00' 15" W, with thE) west line of said 24.813 aore residue, n distance of 423.94 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set for the northwest corner and tho POINT OF BEGINNING of herein described 10.000 acre tract of land; Thence, N 89'54'00" E, along tho north line of $aid 10.000 acre tract at 580.25 feet pa'Sl!:in9 II 5/8 inch .iron 'rod set in the west right-of-way line of a proposed 60.00 foot wido road and continuing a total distance of 610.25 feet to a 5/8 i~ch iron rod set in the cehtor1ine qf said proposed 60.00 foot, wide ro~di EXHIBIT C (Page I of 3 toto I pages) 10.000.Acre~ Pago 1 of 3 t. 'f (. Thoncs, s 00.06'00" E, with the centerline of said proposad road, a distance of 523.97 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod ~et for the point of curvature of ~ curve to the llJft, having a radius of. 200,00 feet; {' I l I Thence, sOLltheo.:sterly, continuing with tho ct3nterline of said proposed road with said curve to the left, 'having a contra] angle of 30'40'00", a radius of 200.00 fGet and an a.rc length of 10-7.05 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod ~et for tho point of tangency; Thoncl9, S 30'46'00" E, continuing with the canter1ines of said proposed road, a di~tance of 25.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod got in the north6rly right-of-way 1ine of North 8r~Gswood BoUlovard (80 Feet in width) i . Thence, S 5.9'14'00" W, with said northerly right-of-way line of North Braeswood Boul~vard, a distance of 81.35 fe$t to a 5/8' inch iron rod found for a point of curvature of a curve to the right having a ra.dius'of 7.98,97 feeti . Thenc~, westerly, continuing with the northerly risht-of-way line of North Braeswood Boulevard, along the arc of 5a~d CUrV~ to tha rieht, having a contral angle of 38.29'32", a radius of 798.97 feet, an arc length of 536,76 feet and a chord' bearing of S 78.28'4611 WI 526.72 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found for the southwest corn~r of herein d~scribed tract and baing in the conter of an old channel of Brays Bayou; Thence, northerly, with the cent~rline of ~aid old channel of Bray~ Bayou as ;urv"Yl9d by J. S. 8'oy 1 os & A.:'.I.soc i ates and now b(l i ng indistinsuishable, the followin~j N 13'27'56" E, a distance of 258.12 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod' found for cornor; N 14'03'00" W, a distanco of 38.52 feet to &. 5/8 inch iron rod found for corner; N 49'05'00" w, t'l distance of 44.35 feet to a 5/8 inch .iron rod found for corner; N 30'16'00" W, a distanclb of 90.30 foet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found for corner; N 58"53'58" 'w 8. distance of 44.19 faet't" a 5/8 inch . , iron rod found for corner in the east line of Brompton House Apartments, Section Two as record~d in Volume 181, Pmgo 97 of the M~p Rocords of Harris County, T~xas; EXHIBIT C (Page :r of 3 total pages) 10.000 Acres Page 2 of 3 .-......1.'-' Thence, N 00'00"5" E,- with sa.id e~st line of BromRton .House Apartmonts and th~ WQ8t line of e~id 10.000 acro tract, a distaric~ of 374.90 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containin9 .10.000 acres (435,601 square feet) of la~d, more or les3;. RUSS & STANDLEY SURVEYING COM~ANY, (NC. #~4. R eg i s tered Pro oss i ona 1 . Land SUr.'veyor T6X8,S Registration Numbor /jp-rf't!- . Date: Job No.:. DW9, NO.: File No.: Revised: February 12,. 1991 89-036-60 R&S 1482-E-14 .WP / AS 9 -036.60 July 16} .1991 10.000 Acres page 3 of 3 EXHI8IT~ . (page ..J of 3 total pages) . - ~ .. - - : . <lJ >:: ..-1 ...:l Approx.irrs :B location of profOs / new trunk Se\ver "-' o ARABIA TEMPLE A.A.O.N.M.S. INC. VOL. 3321, G. 390, D.R.H.C. /l~ If 0l Approximate location of approximate] ~ ::::; 132 feet of old, concrete, cast-in- ' "-' place sanitary sewer pipe line (to o be abandoned and quitclai.med) C4 H <lJ ~ <lJQ tIlJ >,~ H IV .u ..-1 >:: nj tIl .u <lJ Q) ~ '., .u IV H .u lJ) =' .r-l r-j H ON ?o;OV!Dt:::J EY S~RY( Ylf'iG COIJP ASY o rt:'::'J~J.,RY 22. 1991 NORr 'Ii BR.4[ (SO, SVIOa R.O I. D . "".) se-wer l1B. FUT. 5 ;[ ~1" ~l" ~ I I \ \ \ \ Estlirat locatio 1938 "F Ease:no.J1