HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1430 - ORD Authorizing Exchange of Easement ORDINANCE NO. 1430 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING EXCHANGE OF EASEMENTS; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS,the Houston Independent School District, the sole abutting property owner, has requested an exchange of easements as described in this ordinance; and WHEREAS, the City is receiving a substitute sanitary sewer line within an easement in exchange for the abandonment and quitclaim authorized herein; and WHEREAS, the easements to be exchanged have been appraised by an appraiser obtained by the City and the abutting property owner, whose written appraisal report has been filed with City Council and taken into consideration by it in determining the action herein taken; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UN1VERS,ITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. (a) Subject to the conditions set out below, the City Council authorizes the exchange of two easements: (i) The City's rights to use approximately 17,343 square feet of land occupied by approximately 867 feet of an old, concrete, cast-in- place sanitary sewer pipe line, described in EXHIBIT "A", attached hereto and made a part hereof, which, together with said sewer line, is to be quitclaimed to the abutting property owner. (ii) The sanitary sewer easement described by metes and bounds in EXHIBIT "B", attached hereto and made a part hereof, which is to be conveyed to the City. 1 (b) The exchange is subject to satisfaction of the following conditions: (i) the substitute pipeline and easement, as well as the connecting pipeline and easements, must be completed and conveyed to the City, with all consideration and formalities being observed, and the net consideration from all related transactions must be paid; and (ii) the flow of sewage through the pipeline to be abandoned must be physically diverted through such substitute pipeline and easements, with the result that such flow is satisfactorily conveyed to the City's sewage treatment plant; and ' (iii) satisfactory arrangements to avoid conflicts with overlapping easements granted, or to be granted, to the public or to Houston Lighting & Power Company must be made. Section 2. The City Council hereby authorizes the Mayor and the City Manager (either one) to: (i) find and determine whether the foregoing conditions have been satisfied (which finding and determination shall be final and conclusive when the quitclaim instrument mentioned in this section has been executed and delivered), and (ii) execute and deliver an instrument of abandonment and quitclaim, in substantially the form attached hereto as EXHIBIT "A". Section 3. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. Section 4. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, neither the remainder of this ordinance, nor the application of such word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this ordinance to any other persons or circumstances, shall be affected thereby. Section 5. The City Council officially fmds, determines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which this ordinance was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the manner required by the Open Meetings Act, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN. art. 2 6252-17, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion, consideration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and posting thereof. Section 6. Because the easement to be quitclaimed by the City is required to start construction of a new public school building that is urgently needed by this community, a state of emergency is declared requiring that this ordinance be read and adopted finally at this meeting. Accordingly, this ordinance shall be adopted finally on first reading and shall become effective immediately upon adoption and signature. PASSED AND APPROVED this dc!?~ day of ~ 19 ~'L-- , - Signed4b&1t-7 ~~/ Mayor Attest: ~~r Reviewed: > "J~~ City Attorney b3 : \oexcheas. 54 (071392) 3 DECLARATION OF ABANDONMENT AND QUITCLAIM Date: Grantor: CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE Grantor's Mailing Address (including county): 3800 University Boulevard Houston, Harris County, Texas 77005 Grantee: HOUSTON INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Grantee's Mailing Address (including county): 3830 Richmond Avenue Houston, Harris County, Texas 77027 Consideration: Ten dollars and other good and valuable consideration. Property: Approximately 867 feet of an old, concrete, cast-in- place, sanitary sewer pipe line (36-inch approximate internal diameter) which: (1) is situated in the Pleasant W. Rose Survey, Abstract No. 645, Harris County Texas, and (2) is located completely within that certain 10.000-acre tract of land described in a deed to Houston Independent School District dated August 16, 1991 and recorded in the Official Public Records of Real Property of Harris County, Texas under County Clerk's File No. N278216, Film Code No. 043-10-0908, and being more completely described in Exhibit A, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; and (3) traverses the central portions of said lO.OOO-acre tract of land generally in a northwest-to-southeast direction, from the north line of said tract to the south line of said tract (which south line is also the north right-of-way line of North Braeswood Boulevard), and (4) is illustrated in Exhibit B, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference; together with all of Grantor's rights to use approximately 17,343 square feet of land occupied by said length of approximately 867 feet of pipe line, which land is described in Exhibit C, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. 1 , "." ,! . E:y !-lllJ" IT 4- /.,1. ,..l:.l- 0 (P3GeI of -CL-totallJager For the consideration Grantor quitclaims to Grantee all of Grantor's right, title, and interest in and to the property, to have and to hold it to Grantee, Grantee's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, or assigns forever. Neither Grantor nor Grantor's heirs, executors, administrators, successors, or assigns shall have, claim, or demand any right or title to the property or any part of it, and Grantor declares it to be abandoned. When the context requires, singular nouns and pronouns include the plural. CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS By: Attest: (Seal) By: STATE OF TEXAS 5 COUNTY OF 5 This instrument was acknowledged before me on the day of by of the City , as of West University Place, Texas. (Seal) Notary Public, State of Texas Notary's name (printed): Notary's commission expires: AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: Construction Management Division Houston Independent School District 3830 Richmond Avenue Houston, Texas 77027 bJ:\quithisd.54 (071592) 2 " EXHlBl1 A- (D"'g7o. <2:-- of 5;> total pages ~I &..1 ....v ,,,.--.-.U.-- EXllIDIT ,\ Description of 10.-OOO-l\cre Tract of Land Eleing 10.000 acr03 (435,601 aquara feet) of lnnd, moro or lOGo, II i tuated in the P 1 eClsant W. Rose Survey, A-645,' Harr i s County, Texas and being out of and a pl\rt of that certain 24.813 acro reoidue of that certain tract of land doocribed in deed to tho J.J. Swoony Estnto dated November 10, 1932 as' recordod in Volumo 917, Page 120 of the Deed Records of Harris County Toxasi the 10cation of sa.id 24.613 acre tract being basad on ;n. survay of the ,J;J. Sweeny Estate Tract as shown on survey by J.5. Boylec & Associ~tes dated Docomber, 1956 and anid 10.000 acre tract beins more particularly described by motes and bounds aa follows: COMMENCING at a 3/4 inch iron rod marking the northeast corner of tho Barclay Ap~rtments as recorded in Volume 81, Page 14 of tho Map Records of Harris County, Toxas and boing tho northeast cornar of the J.J. Sweeny Estato 54.8687 acre residUe- QS sur~ey.d by J.S. Ooyles & AU50ciatea in JUly, 1959; Thence, S 00'06'00" E (base bearing - J.S. 60yles ,& A~sociates and rwcord plat), with tho west line of Kirby Drive (90 foot right-of- way), ~ distance of 136~.G5 feet to G 5/8 inch iron rod marking t~e southeast corner of The Bradford Townhouses AS recorded in Volumo 111, Page 52 of the Condominium Records of Harris County, Texa~; Thonce, N 89'59'44" W, with the oouth line of said Brl1dford Townhouses, the Jlouth 1 inG of C~mbridge Oroon, Section Throe as recorded in Volume 293, Paga 41 of tho Map Recordn of Harris County, Texas and tho south line of Cambridge Oro$n, Section Two as 'recordod in Volume ZTT, Page 72 of the Map Recordtl of HarrieJ, County, TeX5.:l a distance of 1014.51 feot to a point for cornor, from said point'a 5/8 inch iron rod ;0 0.3 feet Went marking tho ~outhwcDt corner of ~aid Cambridsc Green, Section Two; Thonce, S 0,0'00'15" W, with the! west line of said 24.813 aora rosiduo, a distance of 423.94 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod set for the northwest corner and tho POINT OF DEOINNING of herein deocribed 10.000 acre tract of landj Thenc~, N 89'54'00" E, along the north lino of !'.laid 10.000 ncro tract at 580.25 feet pa's51ns a 5/8 inch .iron 'rod set in the west right-of-way 1ine of a proposed 60.00 foot wido road and continuing a totil distance of 610.25 feet to a 5/8 i~ch iron rod sat in the cehtorline qfoaid proposed 60.00 foot. wide roadi EXH lB IT ---LL- CPage-l...-ot -L lotal pilges) 10.000 AcrOB Pago 1 of ::3 :1. I: "J \.': -~ \ (' ,~ '[\/) 'i.'J'"J" 4 l'\lJI...!_ . , ,\'"') \) . (Paze -) oLQ___ total pJges) Thonca, S 00'06'00" E, with the centerline of said propollod road, a dist~nce of 523.97 foet to a 5/8 inch iron rod ~et for the point of curvature of ~ curVQ to tho 10ft, having a radius of, 200.00 feet; (' - I. I \ Thence, BoutheH'ultGrly, continuing with the cl:lntarJine of said proposed road with said curve to tho Jeft,'havin9 n contral angle of 30'40'00", a radius of 200.00 foat a.nd an :.a.rc length of 10,7.05 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod ~Gt for tho point of tangcneYj Th'mclJ, S 30'46'00" E, continuing with the centerline of said proposed road, a distance of 25.00 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod Bot in the horthorly risht-of-wyy line of North Bra8swood Boulovard (80 feet in width); . Theneo, S 59'14'00" W, with said northerly risht-of-wo.y Hne of North Braaswood Boul~vard, a distance of 81.35 fo.t to a 5/8' inch iron rod found for a point of curvature of a cUrv~ to the right h~vin9 a radius'of 798.97 foet; , Tnenco, westerly, continuing with the northerly ri9ht-of-way line of North Sraoswood Boulevard, along the arc of said curve to tha right, having a contral angle of 38'29132", a radius of 798,97 feot, an arc length of 536.76 feet and a chord' bearing of S 78'28'46" W, 526.72 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found for the southwest corn~r of herein described tract and baing in tho contor of an old channel of Brays Bayou; Thenco, northerly, with the cont6rl ine of ~aid old channel of 6ray~ Bayou as sl,lrvoY6d by J.S. S'oy1Qf; & Associates and no\1' biting i,ndf!ltinguishabJs, tho foJlowin~lI N 13'27'56" E, a distance of 258.12 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod' found for cornor; N 14'03'00" W, Il distaneo of 38.52 feet to a 5/8 inch iron rod found for cornor; N 49'05'00" W, t\ distance of 44.35 feot to a 5/0 inch ,iron rod found for cornerj N 30'16'00'1 W, a distance of 90,30 foet to a 5/B inch iron rod found for corner; N 58'53'58" 'w, 8. distance of 44,19 feet 'to i 5/8 inch iron rod found for corner in the oast line of 8rompton HOWSel Apar,tments, Section Two as recorded in Volume 181, Pag~ 97 of the M~p Rocord~ of Harri$ County, Toxas; EXHlE3IT -L (Page --3.-.- of -L \.otal paecs) 10.000 Acres Pago 2 of 3 ",'. ;....;;- 'j "i ':. EXHiBIT (pJge,1 It of ~ tot<:11 pages) ThencG, N 00'00'15" E,' with aald oust llno of Brompton .Houao Apartments and tho wast lino of sild 10.000 acro tract, a diatarico of 374.90 foot to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing .10.000 acroa (435,601 3qu~re feet) of la~d, mor_ or loo3~ .RUSS & STANDLEY SURVEYING COMPANY, INC, 4r~~;-:;, . Registerod Pro 0.5s10n81 .Land Sur.veyor T('JXa.3 Rogbtrllltion Numbar /}",.f~ . Dato: Job No.;. Dwg. No.: FI16 No.: Revieed: February 12,.1991 89-036-60 R&S 1482-E-14 ,WP/A89-036.60 July 15, .1991 EXHlGlT ~ (P<J&c~of ~tot;:J1 pages) ',1' 10.000 Acres Page 3 of 3. 'to. E''J'-JIT~IT It- ~\.It'--' _ .S~f (P~.ry-, \' G~;.:;.r:.. >5 total pab~") J....!...1l1!.n J.!..7/\j~d " -=I uou:a 5<23 =+srj:l" 8E61 ;):0 uon-e:>Ot pa1?J.rPS3: \ ., \ \, '$j'il1 .~d C'tJ...ujt.Q ,,..~.r)I"lJ~J ~:;..<:.: 10 .,....;::,.os "':'10\ C)~v::;x;s)'t Sl'.l~) :...c) "c:,...:" ;Q/~....., Oll::')~jNJw)O )6 OL ..:) 1:0 X".~i:: (~:d ~'t SY.U"'~N)'.n~.:j>j .. ).~,Cfo-l 1>',;",", )~~""~J l'iYI-o$ l:ICl~'V'll:-.C;: "5.,'f.Y; 1't1:1 fi.."I l;.'HS i'Y~)C)J "';'1' H.l....... :"f]l-o~::"":) ;:'-';1:;10 tJ1.l (9) 1:$ N1Kl.'M )1'1~::: ~ ';." r,y '~',J,.:lI"'~~S~j ),:i'1 ')M\Nl'<G1i 01. :;"':atS:.I\ J..1l:l' j-:) 3b't .L.)M..l J.:N.:$ )C'f1\ NJ;iS l::::r::;~d' )...1. :'HC;., !Sa) S)HI1 Cl')HC;"'O :':':-1~n t-.C.!. SQ:'t-i .~ 'J.,:~' ,,~: .~S.:\i.T1S.)t-U O)lJll:j:;'\ ~..,.~ ::1 ~:'N "yJ.$ J."il. S":) -S"'''';<I!'.Q M.....S . (;\lJ P' X..l"'J ,l.,Jl~:::N 11'YKS. =Ol:>"':i:."'-:::; ::.~2 " ,., :;0 Cl e< Cl /J H < ;::J 3l't1S3 A31'3JMS 'r 'r 3H1 .:W 3nOIS3<l S3lJ:l't OSS'V I ~~ "..-L-J~ I c, V> ~J Q '" _'h~< ..., ~ '" ~ I IA,)\ ..-.- -0 [;.\ r?"1 >< I. i / / (p8W1ET~=+rnb pUE paUOpueqe ~ 0=+) 8UTTdd}d ~aMBS ~}UES a~eld-U1-=+SE~ 'a=+a~ouco 'PTO JO -=ldaJ L98 ^Ta=+BW1xo~ddE JO UO}-=lE:>OT a=+EWTXcud~ ("M'O'lJ .09) )AllJO SSn3S 'lnJ \:; C:J I --j ir;--.! !\ji~ 8, I .. ....... ,t~"~''''"'''''''''' "/1 /..) r+ o EI u OJ (]:J. co ~ Exhibit C Description Of Approximately 17,343 Square Feet Of Land Being 0.39B of ono acre of land (17,343 square feet), being II. portion of that undefined width S4nitary Sewor E~aoment per that certain map by J.s. Boyles and Aooociates and dated Decamber 1956, revised November 27, 197B, situatod in tho Pleasant W. Rose Survoy, .A-645, Harris County, T~xao and being out of that cortain 10.000 acre tract of 1 a.nd as de:scr i bed indeed to Hou&ton Independent School District datod August 16, 1991 and recorded in the Official Pub 1 i c Records of Rea 1 Property of Harr i 11 County, Texas und$r County Clerk's Fila Number N278216, Film Code Number 043-10-0908; 5aid 0.398 of on~ acro being more particularly describ.d by m$too and bounds as follows: COMMENCING at a 5/8 inch iron rod found for the northwesterly corn.r of oaid 10.000 acre tract of land; Thence, N 89"54'00" E, with the north~rl.y lin~ of said 10.000 _ere tr~ct of land, a distanc$ of 62.23 fSQt to a point for corner and tho POINT OF BEGINNING of the horein da3cribed easement; Thence, N 89'54'00" E, continuing with the northerly line of said 10,000 acro trnct of land, a diGtanc0 of ZZ.Z7.feet to & point for corner; Thence, S 26"3'04" E, a distance of 90.24 feet tOll. point for an I.l.nglG point; Thence, S 40'03'00" E, a distance of 429.00 feet to & point for an angle point; Thencs, S 09'15'45" E, a distzmce of 344..16 feet to II. point for corner in thlll northerly right-oF-way lino. of North 8rael5WOod Boulevard (100.00 foet in width) on a curve to the right; Theine"" in eo wOl)torly direction with the northerly right-of-wa.y lino of North Dra~swood Boulovbrd l\lono..said curve to the right, h~ving Il central anglo of 01"27:35", II radius of 798.97 faet, an arc length of 20.35 foet dlnd a chord bearing of S 70'02"5" '1'1, 20.35 feet to n point for corner; Thene., N ~9'15'45.. W, leaving said northerly right-of-way line of North Braeswood Boulevard, a distanco of 342,43 feet to a point for an (lngle pointl Thence, N 40'03'00" W, a diBtanc~ of 425.92 feet to a point for an angle point; Paso 1 of 2 0.597 Acro . / -I ~ : EXHIBIT 4- (Page -~of (;S total pag" Th.nc~I N 26'13'04" W, a diCltance of 102.47 feot to tho POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.338 of ona Bcre or (17,J~3 oquare f..t) or l&nd. RUSS & STANDLEY SURVEYING COMPANY ,ad~ Registered Professional L~nd s~rvoyor TeXM Regiatratlon Number :Zt!7 t!- Datel Job No.: DW9, No.; F i 1 e NQ.; R~vhtld: May 21 I 1992 89-036-65 RIS 14S2-E-26 WP/C89-036.63 June 30, 1992 Page 2 of 2 0.597 Acro EXH18ll 4- - (PJge~of 3 total pages) Description of Easerrent Strip Being 0.465 of one acre of land (20,258 square feet) situated in the Pleasant W. Rose Survey, A-645, Harris County, Texas and being out of that certain 10.000 acre tract of land as described in deed to Houston Independent School District dated August 16, 1991 and recorded in the Official Public Records of Real Property of Harris County, Texas under County Clerk's File Number N 278216, Film Code Number 043-10-0908; said 0.465 of one acre being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: COMMENCING at a 5/8 inch corner of said 10.000 acre iron rod tract of found for the land; northwesterly Thence, N 89"54'00" E, with the northerly line of said 10.000 acre tract of land, a distance of 5.00 feet to a point for corner and the POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein described easement; Thence, N 89"54'00" E, continuing with the northerly line of said 10.000 acre tract of land, a distance of 25.00 feet to a point for corner; Thence, S 00.00' 15" W, parallel to an 30.00 feet east of the west line of said 10.000 acre tract, a distance of 353.49 feet to a point for corner; Thence, S 36"26'19" E, a distance of 177.29 feet to a point for corner; Thence, S 14"03'00" E, a distance of 175.62 feet to a point for corner; Thence, S 42"46'25" E, a distance of 134.80 feet to a point for corner; Thence, N 82"49'29" E, a distance of 55.67 feet to a point for corner; Thence, S 14"22'26" E, a distance of 27.06 feet to a point for corner in the northerly right-of-way 1 ine of North Braeswood Boulevard (100.00 feet in width) on a curve to the right; Thence, in a westerly direction with the northerly right-of-way line of North Braeswood Boulevard along said curve to the right, having a central angle of 01"26'14", a radius of 798.97 feet, an arc length of 20.04 feet and a chord bearing of S 79"19'06" W, 20.04 feet to a point for corner; Thence, N 14"22'26" W, a distance of 8.14 feet to a point for corner; !3 EXHIBIT - 2 J oL (Page tot81 p"ges) Page 1 of 2 0.465 Acres Thcncc, S 82'49' 29" W, a distancc of 48.32 feet to a point for corner; Thence, N 42"46'25" W, a distancc of 150.20 feet to a point for corner; Thence, N 14"03'00" WJ a distance of 17G.78 feet to 5/8 inch iron rod found for an angle point ln the westerly line of said 10.000 acre tract of land; Thencc, N 36'26'19" W, a distance of 188.33 feet to a point for corner, said corner being 5.00 feet easterly of and perpendi~ular to the westerly line of said 10.000 acre tract of land; Thence, N 00'00'15" E, parallel to and 5.00 feet easterly of the westerly line of said 10.000 acre tract of lafld, a distance of 353.2~ feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 0.465 of one acre (~O,25S.square feet) of land, ,. > EXHH3IT (paea...2. e ",J of 1.. _ total pages) Page 2 of 2 0.465 Acres .~,..~~,...l""', ....,,"_....1__