HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1417 - ORD Amending Ord 1412 Approved Budget for Fiscal Year Jan 1, 1992 Adopted on Nov 25, 1991 ORDINANCE NUMBER 1417 AN ORD NANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 1412 WHICH APPROVED THE BUDGET OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1992, AND ADOPTED ON NOVEMBER 25, 1991; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. WHEREAS, as provided in the City Charter, the City Council is authorized to transfer moneys within budgeted funds, and the City Council is also authorized to make emergency appropriations to meet pressing needs for public expenditures in order to protect the public health, safety and welfare; and WHEREAS, THE City Council desires to amend the current year's budget in to effect such transfers and to reflect such emergency appropriations; and WHEREAS, the City Counc i 1 fi nds and determi nes that a 11 of such changes in the budget are made for muni ci pa 1 purposes, as allowed by state law; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Secti on 1. That the budget of the City of West Uni vers ity Pl ace for the 12-month period beginning January 1 1992, and ending December 31, 1992 as heretofore adopted be, and it is hereby, amended for additional expenditures and revenues, from the General Fund as shown by the following schedule: Additional Exoenditures - General Fund City Council Building General Services $ 3,500,00 19,910.00 350,000.00 Original Total Budget Expenditures Amended Total Budget Expenditures $ 6,169,900.00 6,543,310.00 12,690,000.00 13,063,410.00 Original Total General Fund Expenditures Amended Total General Fund Expenditures Section 2. ADDITIONAL INCOME. The City Council hereby deter~R1ines it advisable to amend such budget to increase the total taxpenditure and also increase the total anticipated income so thcl1. l.he total meaJl~ of financing the budget sholl equal in amount thta aggregate proposed expenditures. The revenue i.&ccounts and available cash of thE. General Fund is amended b) adding the amounts shown by the following SCh6dulE.: Additional Revenue and Income - General_Fund Use Unrestricted Fund Balances Insurance Claim~ 358,410.00 15,000.00 Original Total General Fund Revenues Amended Total General Fund Revenues Original Total Budget Revenue and Income Amended Total Budget K~venue and Income $ 6,169,900.00 6,543,310.00 12,690,000.00 13.063.410.00 Section 3. The City Councll approves, adopts and ratifies the findings set out in the preamble hereof ana directs that the Cit,) Spcretary file a copy of this ordinance with the county clerk, in thE. same munner a~ original budgets are required to be filed. Section 4. If any word, phrase. clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this ordinance or the appl ication thereof to any p&rson or circumstance, shall taver be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of comptatent Jurisdiction, the remainder of this ordinancp and the application of such word, phrase, clausta, sentence, paragrdph, section or other p41rt of this ordinance 1.0 ilny other person~ or circumstance shall not be affected hereby. Section 5. All ordlnances and pdrts of ordinances in c.onil ict herewith are hereby r&pealed to the extent of the cOrlflict only. Sec.tlon 6. The City Council ofTlci4111y finds, determines and aeclares that d sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meetlng at which this Clrdinance was discusted, ronsidered or acted upon WdS given in the mdnner required by the Open Meetings Law, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN. art. 6252-17, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to ti,e public as requlred by 141w at all times during such discus~lon, consideration ana actlon. The City Council ratifies, appro'les ilnd confirms such notic.es dnd the contents and postlng thereof. Section 7. The public importance of this measure and ~he requirements of the law create an emergE.ncy aod an urgent public necessity requiring that this ~rdinance be passed anti take effect as an emergency measure, and a state of emergency is hereby declared, and this Ordinance is accordingly passed as an emergency measure and shall take etfect and be in force immediately from and after its pa~sa~e and signaturta. PASSED AND APPROVED on first and final reading this 24th day of February, 1992. Voting Aye: Voting Nay: Absent: Signed: ATTEST: Approved as to Form: Kay Holloway Ci ty Secretary ,James L. Dougherty. Jr. City Attorney (SEAL)