HomeMy WebLinkAbout10082020 ZPC Agenda Item 5 Page 1 of 3
City of West University Place
Zoning and Planning Commission Meeting
DATE: October 8, 2020
Agenda Topic: Residential street side yards adjacent to front yards.
SUMMARY: The City Council has requested the Zoning and Planning Commission to examine
street side yard setbacks and fencing locations when adjacent to a residential front yard.
located at the property line, except for rotated lots within the SF-1 District. This can create a
visibility issue when a driveway is close to the property line of an adjacent street side yard (See
Exhibit 1).An important note is that the existing home has a circular driveway,whereas the under-
construction home has a typical driveway.
Exhibit 1: Front- and ad'acent to street side and
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visibility triangles, which extend five (5') feet from behind the back of sidewalk and where the
driveway meets.In the case in Exhibit 1,this fence does not violate the driveway visibility triangle
found in the Urban Forest Preservation and Enhancement Chapter.
Urban Forest Preservation and Enhancement Excerpt: Sec-82 — Driveway Visibility
"Driveway visibility triangle means the area within a triangle beginning at the intersection of
the edge of a driveway and the inside edge of a sidewalk (i.e., the edge farthest from the
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City of West University Place
Zoning and Planning Commission Meeting
roadway). From the intersection point, the first side of the triangle extends five feet inward
(away from the roadway) along the edge of the driveway, the second side of the triangle
extends five feet along the edge of the sidewalk away from the driveway, and the third side
is a straight line connecting the extended ends of the first two sides. If there is no sidewalk,
the building official shall designate the probable location of a future sidewalk, which shall
then be used as if it were an existing sidewalk. A typical driveway will have two such triangles,
one on each side. The visibility triangle may include both public and private property. The
building official may prepare example diagrams showing driveway visibility triangles."
and SF-3 Districts allow a minimum of five(5')foot setbacks to 10%of the lot width for the street
side setback. The City of West University Place also has regulations for rotated lots in the SF-1
District. These regulations require a minimum of ten (10') feet street side setbacks and are
increased based on the width of the building site, for a maximum setback equal to the front-yard
setback(See Zoning Ordinance Excerpt below).Although this only applies to one zoning district,
and only a few lots,this regulation can be applied to other districts or something similar. Staff does
not recommend this approach because one of the main issues in increasing the street side setbacks
is that, for smaller lots, it will decrease the buildable area and create non-conforming properties.
Zoning Ordinance Excerpt: Table 7-2: Yards—Note 3
"Note 3. Rotated Corners. For rotated corner building sites (SF-1 District only), the
minimum side street yard width is: (i) 10 feet if the building site width is 65 feet or less,
(ii) 10 feet plus the distance by which the width of the building site exceed 65 feet, if the
building site width is more than 65 feet but less than 75 feet, (iii) 20 feet if the building
site width is 75 feet or more but less than 100 feet, or (iv) for building sites 100 feet wide
or more, the side street yard width is determined by the same rules as the front yard depth,
except that the "depth" of the building site is measured from the side street line."
DEED RESTRICTIONS AND SETBACKS: The City of West University Place does not
enforce deed restrictions. It is possible for the City to adjust the setback requirements for certain
subdivisions that have increased setbacks. This step would ensure that subdivisions have setbacks
as originally intended.
• POSSIBLE AMENDMENTS: The City has many options to lessen conflicting side- and front-
yards.Alternatively,the ZPC can recommend no changes and understand that this situation is rare.
1. Modify Fencing Regulations
a. Modify the fence street side setbacks to either three(3')or five(5')foot setback
adjacent to front yards. This would provide a small distance from the property
line for fences that are six to eight(6'- 8') feet tall.
b. Allow differing materials for street side fences adjacent to front yards.
i. At the property line, fences thirty-six inches(36")and under,or if the fence
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City of West University Place
Zoning and Planning Commission Meeting
is over thirty-six inches (36") it must be visibly open. Fence at the heights
allowed under Chapter 18-200 can be located at feet from the property line.
c. Amend the fencing regulations to not allow street side yard fences at the
property line.
i. Require the fence to tie-in to residential structure, similar to SF-1 rotated
lot regulations.
"Note 11.Rotated Corner Fences.Notwithstanding any other provision of this ordinance or any
other ordinance, no fence is allowed in the side street yard of a rotated corner building site
(SF-1 District),except for temporary construction fences required by Chapter 18 of the Code of
2. Setback Adjustment for street side lots adjacent to a front yard.
a. Increased corner-side setbacks to match or be similar to those in the SF-1 rotated
i. This would increase legal,non-conforming properties and would negatively
affect smaller parcels.
Staff recommendation: Staff recommends discussion of topic.
2500 Fannin Street 713.222.9000 main
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September 18, 2020
Via Email: bhi_gley(d7westutx.gov
and First Class Mail
Mayor Bob Higley
City of West University Place
2800 University Boulevard
West University Place, Texas 77005
Via Email: dbeach d?,westutx,gov
and First Class Mail
David Beach, City Manager
City of West University Place
2800 University Boulevard
West University Place, Texas 77005
RE: Unsafe condition at 6318 Rutgers Avenue/3301 University Boulevard likely to endanger
persons or property
Dear Mayor Higley and City Manager Beach:
Our firm represents Hugh and Pamela Tanner, long-time West U residents at 6318 Rutgers
Avenue. This letter concerns an unsafe condition allowed by the City by permitting the placement
of a solid fence along the boundary between these two properties, which fence extends all the
way to the west right-of-way line of Rutgers Avenue.
This fence, in its current state, is in violation of City Ordinance and public safety. Attached are
various recent communications from the Tanners to the City which painstakingly detail the history
and the current circumstance. These communications clearly and unequivocally demonstrate a
legitimate public safety hazard.
This issue is not simply about the impact on the Tanners, but potential injury to the public.
We have retained the services of Peter Boecher, an experienced and qualified land planner, to
assess the situation. Enclosed is Mr. Boecher's opinion that the fence creates a safety hazard
and is a nuisance. This determination is consistent with that of the City's own Building Inspector,
Michael Ramirez.
September 18, 2020
Page 2
Before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued by the City for 3301 University, the fence between
the two driveways exiting Rutgers Avenue serving these properties must either be removed or
replaced with a wrought iron fence.
As a home rule city, the City has authority to require this removal, including specific authority
STRUCTURES. Subchapter A. Dangerous Structures contains the following provision:
(a) If the governing body of a municipality finds that a building, bulkhead or other
method of shoreline protection, fence, shed, awning or other structure, or part of
a structure, is likely to endanger persons or property, the governing body may:
(1) order the owner of the structure, the owner's agent, or the owner or
occupant of the property on which the structure is located to repair, remove
or demolish the structure, or the part of the structure, within a specified
time; or
(2) repair, remove, or demolish the structure, or the part of the structure at
the expense of the municipality, on behalf of the owner of the structure or
the owner of the property on which the structure is located, and assess the
repair, removal, or demolition expenses on the property on which the
structure was located." (emphasis added)
This situation is unsafe and is likely to endanger persons or property, as substantiated by Peter
Boecher's report (and Building Inspector Ramirez's earlier statements to my clients). The City
has clear authority under TEx. Loc. GOv'T CODE Section 214.002(a). Please exercise the City's
Failure to do so permits the continuation of an unsafe condition which is likely to endanger persons
or property.
Very truly yours,
"eid C. I - ~~`
September 18, 2020
Page 3
cc: Clay Chew Via Email: cchew(cwestutx._gov
Chief Building Official
Alan Petrov Via Email: apetrov(a�johnsonpetrov.com
City Attorney
Hugh and Pamela Tanner Via Email: HTanner(a winston.com
E H RAMKNo.F-726
IBM No.10092300
SINCE 1936
September 17,2020
Mr.Reid Wilson
Wilson Cribbs + Goren
2500 Fannin Street
Houston,Texas 77002
Re: 6318 Rutgers Avenue and 3301 University Boulevard
City of West University Place
Driveway,Sidewalk,and Street Conflict with Fence for 3301 University Drive
EHRA Project No.201-069-00
Dear Mr. Wilson:
Per your request,I have inspected the two(2)properties referenced above on September 12,2020,with
regard to the existing driveways at 6318 Rutgers and 3301 University and the new fence at 3301 University
which is located between the two (2)driveways. The two (2) parallel driveways both intersect Rutgers
with the rear property line for 3301 University also being the side property line for 6318 Rutgers. I
inspected the sites from several angles to consider the impact from the presence of the 3301 University
fence. The solid wood fence has been constructed along the rear property line and extends almost to the
edge of the public sidewalk along Rutgers. The 6318 Rutgers driveway and the 3301 University driveways
are typical residential driveways in standard locations connecting the street to a residential garage. The
edge of the 6318 Rutgers driveway is set back approximately 6'from the side property line and fence. The
edge of the 3301 University driveway is set back approximately 5'from the rear property line and fence.
You have asked my opinion,as an experienced Land Planner,regarding the impact on the operation of the
6318 Rutgers driveway,the 3301 University driveway,and the Rutgers Avenue sidewalk from the existence
of the 3301 University fence.
I am familiar with proper land planning,including the interaction of private drives,sidewalks,and visual
impediments. Beyond my educational credentials,I have advised various governmental bodies on a broad
array of land planning issues relating to vehicular and pedestrian circulation and safety. For nearly 20
years,I have been the Land Planner for the City of Southside Place,Texas,which is very similar to the
City of West University Place,where these properties are located. Currently,I am also working on new
residential subdivision design standards for Harris County.
EHRA Engineering 10011 Meadowglen Lane Houston,Texas 77042 t 784 4500 f 713.784.4577
Mr. Reid Wilson
Wilson Cribbs + Goren
Page 2
To further inform my decision,I have reviewed the Comprehensive Plan for the City of West University
Place. The following provisions are relevant:
• The City is committed to being a safe community.
• The City's senior population is increasing with a higher percentage than all of Harris County.
• The City seeks to"...encourage the separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic in the
existing roadway system and safe walking and biking practices."
• The City is committed to providing and maintaining a"...pedestrian-friendly environment."
It is my opinion that the existing conditions are unsafe and create a clear nuisance. The danger is twofold:
1) to all users of both driveways,and 2)to the public traveling on both the Rutgers Avenue street and its
westside sidewalk. Due to the fence,any vehicular driver backing out of either driveway cannot see a
pedestrian,child's stroller,or leashed pet traveling on the sidewalk until after the vehicle has encroached
into the sidewalk. Because the driver exiting the 6318 Rutgers driveway cannot see around the fence,he
or she may also run into a vehicle traveling southbound on Rutgers. Because the driver exiting the 3301
University driveway cannot see around the fence,he or she may run into a vehicle traveling northbound
on Rutgers. The public is at even greater risk,as pedestrians and vehicles traveling either direction are
endangered due to the lack of appropriate sight lines. The issue here is similar to a street intersection
where vegetation or structures can block driver and pedestrian views at a corner. The lack of adequate
visibility impairs safety.
ii:/t 1;4'2--
Peter Boecher,CRE,AICP
Senior Planner
EHRA Engineering 1 10011 Meadowglen lane 1 Houston,Texas 77042 I t 713.784.4500 C F 713.784.4577 ENGINEERING THE FUTURE
SINCE 1936
W I N STO N 800 Capitol St.,Suite 2400
Houston,TX 77002-2925
&STRAWN T+1 713 651 2600
North America Europe Asia F+1 713 651 2700
713 651 2616
September 16, 2020
Mayor Bob Higley
City of West University Place
3800 University Boulevard
City of West University Place, Texas 77005
Via E-Mail Attachment (bhigley@westutx.gov)
Re: Impermissible Safety Hazard — 3301 University Boulevard Fence
Dear Mayor Higley:
On September 8, 2020, West University Place City Manager Dave Beach wrote an e-mail to me in which
he correctly set forth the two-part analysis to be applied in evaluating the propriety of the location of a
fence in the City of West University Place. Mr. Beach stated:
Regarding the fence, one issue is whether the fence is code compliant and the second
issue is whether this fence creates a safety issue, etc.
September 8, 2020, 7:04 p.m. E-Mail from Dave Beach to Hugh E. Tanner.
This two-part test proffered by Manager Beach was the very same test applied by West University Place
Building Inspector Michael Ramirez on two separate onsite visits during April 2020 to determine and
confirm that the 3301 University Boulevard fence could not run to the east property pin as the new owners
of that property proposed. Inspector Ramirez's onsite visits were made at the Tanner's request.
On April 27, 2020, during the second of his two onsite visits to 3301 University Boulevard, Inspector
Ramirez provided a detailed explanation about the authority and the responsibility the City of West
University Place had to prevent and remove unsafe conditions created by otherwise code compliant
fences. West University Place residents Joy Welsh, Angy Groen, Pamela Tanner, and I were present for
Inspector Ramirez's entire presentation. Inspector Ramirez demonstrated in great detail for the four
residents, stepping off where the 3301 University fence must be located in order to address issues of
safety, wind flow, and visibility. Summarizing his presentation, Inspector Ramirez made an unequivocally
blunt statement to the four residents: "This fence will not be built." Referring to the fence constructed by
the previous owners of 3301 University Boulevard which, at that time,was still standing, Inspector Ramirez
told the four residents that the new owners' fence should go no further east. The previous owners' fence
stopped at the east building line.
A short time later, while Inspector Ramirez was still onsite, West University Place Chief Building Official
Clay Chew had a telephone conversation with the builder who was demonstrably animated following
WINSTON September 16, 2020
&STRAWN Page 2
receipt of the fence news from Inspector Ramirez. Inspector Ramirez was directed to join the call with
CBO Chew. Inspector Ramirez was then forced to retract his detailed explanations and unequivocal
determination regarding the safe location of the 3301 University fence. Recall, Inspector Ramirez had
proffered his explanation and determination just moments before to the four residents and to the Tanners,
once before earlier in April 2020. Inspector Ramirez, visibly humiliated, returned to the area where the
four residents were waiting and reported that he had been summarily overruled by CBO Chew. The four
residents were stunned and openly questioned the strange events we each had just witnessed. Inspector
Ramirez then called me from his car as he left the building site to apologize for the about-face that had
been forced upon him. Mayor Higley, you have had an opportunity to interview at least three of those
residents yourself. All four witnesses have confirmed these events in exacting detail.
I then went inside my home and wrote CBO Chew about the reversal employing the same phrases that
had been used by Inspector Ramirez as to why the fence could not be built to the Rutgers Avenue
They [the owners] have just announced that they are going to build a wooden fence all of
the way to the sidewalk. This has to stop. This will be a visibility, SAFETY, wind and
airflow nightmare.
April 27, 2020, 1:02 p.m. E-Mail from Hugh Tanner to Clay Chew.
In his e-mail response, CBO Chew denied the existence of the second part of the test employed by
Inspector Ramirez and most recently explained by Manager Beach stating:
They [the owners] are allowed to build a fence to their side property line (wood or iron)
and there is nothing I can do to prevent it.
April 27, 2020, 1:15 p.m. E-Mail from Clay Chew to Hugh Tanner, emphasis supplied. Then, oddly, CBO
Chew added:
There are other examples of this exact situation in other areas of the city.
April 27, 2020, 1:15 p.m. E-Mail from Clay Chew to Hugh E. Tanner.
Pamela and I were, admittedly, confused by his statement regarding the"examples of the exact situation".
If, as CBO Chew stated, owners are "allowed to build to the side property line", what possible difference
would the existence of "other examples" make? Indeed, as CBO Chew described it to us, he had no
discretion in fence location ("there is nothing I can do to prevent it'). I suspect there was an awareness
that the second part of the test, the safety analysis, should have been applied as Inspector Ramirez had
done and as Manager Beach has articulated and a hope that the possibility of supposed examples would
dissuade the Tanners from pursuing the matter further. Nevertheless, I asked CBO Chew to please
provide addresses for his "examples of this exact situation". April 27, 2020, 1:53 p.m. E-Mail from Hugh
Tanner to Clay Chew.
WINSTON September 16, 2020
&STRAWN Page 3
CBO Chew provided the following seven addresses:
2803 University
2927 University
3401 University
6502 Sewanee
2803 Carnegie
6545 Buffalo Speedway
5804 Auden
April 27, 2020, 3:11 p.m. E-Mail from Clay Chew to Hugh Tanner. However, as you have seen from your
own personal review Mayor Higley, those seven properties offered were in no manner whatsoever
"examples of this exact situation."
The events above occurred in April 2020 before the new fence was constructed at 3301 University
Boulevard. Pamela and I took the affirmative steps to bring our safety concerns to the attention of the
West University Place Building Department to prevent the new owners from incurring unnecessary
expense in constructing and then removing an unquestionably unsafe fence. Most recently, following
construction of the new fence, we reached out to you because our worst fears of an impermissible blind
spot had been realized.
Without going through each of the recent events of which you are well aware, one simply cannot be left
unaddressed. Pamela and I were flabbergasted when you reported that a West University Place Official,
on two separate occasions, suggested that the solution for the blind spot created by the recently
constructed fence would be for the Tanners to no longer exit our home of 30 years from the driveway we
have used for decades. "Offended" in no way describes the extent of our feelings about this callous retort.
"Ashamed" and "Disgusted" hopefully describes Manager Beach and your feelings as our community's
My wife Pamela and I are 30 year residents of the City of West University Place. We have lived at 6318
Rutgers Avenue during that entire 30-year period. Pamela and I raised our two children here.As President
of West University Little League, I conceived, designed, raised the funds, and worked with the former CBO
to build the amazing buildings, fields, automated message board, and esplanade that form our city center
at University and Auden. Pamela and I were always proud to live in and help better"West U". Sadly, we
do not feel that way now. Indeed, Pamela and I could never have imagined the treatment we have
received from the West University Place Building Department. I ask you to draw your own conclusions as
to the motivations behind the events discussed above. We, most certainly, have drawn our own as have
our many friends and neighbors.
As I believe you are aware, Pamela and I some time ago retained Real Estate Attorney Reid Wilson to
represent us in this matter. Mr. Wilson will be in communication with you and others later today. Mr.
Reed will also provide the report of the expert that he has retained to opine on the safety hazard that now
exists at the exiting driveways of both 6318 Rutgers Avenue and 3301 University Boulevard. This report
is being offered to assist the City of West University Place in the crucial second leg of the two-part test
articulated by Manager Beach.
Let's pause, however, for a moment before the City of West University Place and the Tanners reach points
from which we cannot return. The City of West University Place still has the opportunity to reach the
WINSTON September 16, 2020
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correct decision and return to the original position articulated by Inspector Ramirez and remove the very
dangerous safety hazard that exists at the southeast corner of 3301 University Boulevard. As we have
repeatedly warned, at some point a resident or a pet will be seriously injured or killed because of that
wholly unnecessary and easily correctable blind spot.
Thank you for your consideration.
Hugh E. Tanner
cc: City Manager Dave Beach
City Attorney Alan Petrov
Attorney Reid Wilson
Ms. Pamela Tanner