HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1402 - ORD Amending New Sec 7-100-A to Article 7 ORDINANCE NUMBER 1402 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE. TEXAS. BY ADDING A NEW SECTION 7-100-A TO ARTICLE 7. CREATING A NEW SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICT TWO (SF-2); REGULATING AND RESTRICTING THE USE. SIZE, HEIGHT, AND DENSITY OF BUILDINGS AND OTHER STRUCTURES. THE SIZE OF YARDS AND OTHER OPEN SPACES, THE LOCATIONS AND USE OF BUILDINGS, STRUCTURES AND LAND FOR RESIDENTIAL AND OTHER PURPOSES; REZONING ALL PROPERTY NOW A PART OF PEMBERTON ADDITION AS SINGLE FAMILY DISTRICT TWO (SF-2), AMENDING THE ZONING DISTRICT MAP OF THE CITY AS ADOPTED BY ORDINANCE NUMBER 1394 ADOPTED ON MARCH 25. 1991. PROVIDING A PENALTY. PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY. AND CONTAINING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. * * * * * * * * * * WHEREAS. the Zoning and Planning CORIIlission and the City Council of the City of West University Place have conducted. in the time and manner and after notice required by law and the Zoning Ordinance of the City, a public hearing on these proposed amendments and changes in zoning classification. and WHEREAS, the Zoning and Planning CORIIlission has made a recomendation and final report and the City Council now deems it appropriate to adopt such proposed amendments and changes in zoning classification; now, therefore BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. The facts and matters contained in the preamble of this Ordinance are hereby found to be true and correct. Section 2. City of West University Place Ordinance No. 1394, adopted March 25, 1991. and being the Zoning Ordinance of the City. is r . '1 ...' ! or . L=~ IU I. ; , Ordinance Number 1402 t. hereby amended by adding to Article 7 thereof a new Section 7-100-A to provide as follows: IISection 7-100-A. Single-Family District Two (SF-2) (a) General. This Section applies only to the SF-2 District. The purpose of this District is to provide regulations to maintain and protect the Cityl s single-family residences and neighborhoods. (b) Uses Pennitted. (1 ) The fo 11 owi ng 1 and uses, and no others, are penni tted, as principal uses: Single Family (detached) Use, Utility or Service Uses, Municipal Uses. (2) The ZBA may issue a special exception for any of the following (which shall be considered principal uses if such a special exception ;s granted): (i) Park, Playground, or Community Center (Public) (ii) School (Public) (iii) Church In connection with the above, the special exception may also specify and limit accessory uses and accessory bull di ngs. (c) Maximum Density. No more than the following are permitted on a single building site used for residential purposes (other structures which are not mentioned are not restricted by this Subsection) : (1) One Dwelling Unit (2) One Accessory Quarters (3) Three Accessory Buildings (4) One Swimming Pool (Private) (5) One Tennis Court (Private) (6) Garage space for the greater of the following: (i) four automobiles, or (11) a number of automobiles obtained by dividing the square footage of the building site by 2,500 and rounding down to the nearest whole number. 2 inance N (7) Non-bui lding ccessary sty'uctu s such as followi ir conditioning structure, pl round equipment, fl les, basketball goals lampposts, other similar residentially-oriented structures. (d) Height. The principal building on a buildin site may not have more than two one-half (2 2) sto es a may not exceed thi five (35) in height except: (1) the maximum height of twenty-five (25) struc re in a rear yard is (2) the maximum ight of mounted radio or television antennas attached to principal buildings is four (4) feet above roof of the building; and (3) the maximum ight of chimneys a to principal buildings is the greater of thi ve (35) t or four (4) roof of the building. No other structure may exceed twenty-five (25) in height. (e) Site Criteri (1) Setback Areas. Except as specifically allowed projections schedule (which is attached to is Ordinance made a part hereof 11 purposes), neither a structure nor any part of a structure is permitted in any of the following areas: (i) The front setback area, being area within a certain distance from front street line determined as indicated low: Depth of Bui1~ Site Fro19t Setback s nee 110 feet or less 20 feet More than 100 t but not more than 125 feet More than 125 feet 30 (ii) The interior side setback area being area within a certain distance from any 5i property line (not a side street line). The interior si setback area is rmined as follows: 3 Ordinance Number 1402 Width of Buildinq Site Less than 75 feet 75 feet or more but less than 100 feet 100 t or more Side Setback Distance 5 feet. except as otherwise provided in the side lot setback schedule attached to this Ordinance and made a part hereof. The lessor of: (A) 5 feet, plus half the distance by which the width of the building site exceeds 75 or (B) 7 feet. The lessor of: (A) 7 feet, plus half of the distance by which the width of the building site exceeds 100 feet; or (B) 10 feet. (iii) For corner lots, the side street setback area, which is the area within a certain distance from the side street line. The side street setback area is determined as follows: FOR ROTATED CORNER BUILDING SITES: Wi<:i..th of Building Site 65 feet or less More than 65 feet, but less than 75 feet 75 feet or more, but less than 100 feet 100 feet or more 4 Side Setback s nee 10 feet 10 feet plus the distance by which the width of the building site 65 feet 20 feet The same s k distance which would be required if the side street line were the front street line (and for Ordinance Number 1402 this purpose, the "depth" of the building site is measured from the side street line). FOR ALL OTHER CORNER BUILDING SITES: Width of Building Site Less than 75 feet 75 feet or more but less than 100 100 feet or more Side Setback tHs~tance 5 feet, except as otherwise provided -j n the side 1 setback schedule attached to this Ordinance and made a part hereof. the lesser of: (A) 5 feet, plus half the distance by which the width of the building site exceeds 75 feet; or (B) 7 feet. The lesser of: (A) 7 feet, plus half of thE~ distance by which the width of the building site exceeds 100 feet; or (B) 10 feet. (Notwithstanding the foregoing, the ZBA may prescribe a greater or lesser side street setback distance as part of a special exception for a corner lot pursuant to Article 16.) ('iv) The rear setback area, being the area within twenty (20) feet of the rear property line. (2) Special Setback Regulations. (i) If there is an Established Building Line, or if there is any front building line established by recorded plat, the area between such a line and the front street line is part of the front setback area and is subject to the same regulations as the remainder of the front setback area. 5 .n Ill. I.. I Ordinance Number 1402 (11) No structure shall be pennitted in violation of any building line established by ordinance or by recorded plat. (iii) No accessory building containing garage space opening to a side street is permitted within ten (10) feet of any side street line. and the area over the driveway to a depth of at least ten (10) feet (measured inward from the side street line) must be open space. (iv) No door or opening into garage space may face the front street line unless all of the garage space is located ten (10) feet or more behind the front setback line. These restrictions do not apply with respect to a porte cochere. if: (A) the building site has all required garage space and parking elsewhere on the building site. without considering the space under the porte cochere. and (B) any door or gate on the outside of the porte cochere is no more than 40 percent opaque. and (C) the side of the porte cochere facing the nearest side lot line is no more than fifty (50) percent opaque. (v) No structure is pennitted in violation of any special setback areas establ1shed or modified by special exception issued for corner lots as contemplated by Article 16. (vi) Under no circumstances may a side setback area adjacent to a street be reduced below five feet in depth. (3) Open Areas. At least forty (40) percent of each building site must be open area. At least sixty (60) percent of the rear yard and at least sixty (60) percent of the front yard must be open area. The ZBA may issue a special exception to reduce the requirement for open area in a rear yard to not less then forty (40) percent of the rear yard if the rear yard in question abuts a non-SF or SF-2 District. (4) Dimensions. Each building site shall have a minimum width of seventy-five (75) feet. a minimum depth of one hundred five (105) feet, and a minimum total area of seven thousand eight hundred seventy-five (7875) square feet. Provided however, where a building site having less width. depth. or area than herein required existed on the effective date of the Ordinance classifying such site as SF-2. such building site shall be a PNC as that tenn is defined in Section 12 hereof. and the preceeding regulations relating to the dimensions of 6 Ordinance Number 1402 building sites shall not prohibit the construction, expansion, improvement, or reconstruction of a building or structure thereon which is otherwise permitted under these District regulations. (5) Pervious Areas. At least twenty-four (24) percent of each building site must be pervious area. At least fifty (50) percent of each front yard must be pervious area. (6) Trees. (i) For each building site there must be at least one qualified tree located either in the front yard or in the front right-of-way area. It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under this Paragraph that diligence is being used to plant a qualified tree in the required location or to replace a qualified tree damaged or destroyed. ( 11 ) A qua 11 fi ed tree may not be removed in violation of another ordinance of the City. (7) Access. Each building site must have adequate legal access to a street and to all necessary utilities. (8) Special Screens. Loading docks and waste storage areas must be surrounded by special screens. Any gates or openings in the special screens must be kept securely closed when not in use. No part of a waste storage area may be located within ten (10) feet of any adjoining building site in a residential district. (9) Drainage Facilities. Each building site must have any drainage facilities required by the City's Code of Ordinances. (f) Building Criteria: (1) Use and Density Compliance. Any structure which is designed, constructed, adapted or maintained for a use or a density not specifically permitted is prohibited. (2) Size of Principal Building. Each principal building used for residential purposes must contain at least one thousand four hundred (1,400) square feet of gross floor area. (3) Garage and Driveway (i) Upon each building site used for residential purposes where, after the effective date of the Ordinance adopting this provision, an 7 . I III ~ : Ordinance Number 1402 existing garage is removed or destroyed (or converted to a non-garage use), or a new principal building is constructed or space is added to an existing principal building such an extent that its gross floor area is increased to 200 percent or more of its gross floor area on the effective date of the Ordinance adopting this provision following shall apply: (A) There must be either enclosed rage space or semi-enclosed garage s capable or containing at least one automobile of normal dimensions. In addition, there must be hard-surfaced areas, either within garage space or not, where at least one more automobile of normal dimensions may parked behind the front setback line. (B) On each building site, except a corner building site, where there is a side setback area less than five wi de. as a 11 owed by the side Lot Setbac k Schedule, (x) must a driveway located as nearl as practicable to one si of site exception: driveway may be curved or away from the side of the site to extent reas ly necessary to avoid destroying or seriously injuring a tree), (xx) the side shall be determined in accordance with the established driveway pattern for the block face in question, if there is such a pattern, (xxx) if re is not such a pattern, and if is an adjacent driveway one adjoining building site but not other, then the iveway must be on the si farthest from the adjoining driveway. (ii) each building site us residential purposes where a new dri veway is constructed, or any existing driveway is eithe replaced or expanded, or a new principal building is constructed, or space is added to an existing principal building to such an extent t its gross floor area is increas to two hu (200) percent or more of its gross oar area on the effective date of Ordinance adopting this provision, the foll ng shall apply: (A) the driveway must connect gara space to the street by the most direct route (exceptions: this does not prohibit circular 8 Ordinance Number 1402 driveways specifically permitted under another ordinance of the City, and a driveway may be curved or moved away from the most direct route to the extent reasonably necessary to avoid destroying or seriously injuring a tree. (B) deadend or stub drivew~s are prohibited, except on that portion of a building site which is behind the principal building or within an area surrounded by opaque fences or walls at least six feet in height. (C) in the front setback area, no driveway may have a width greater than twelve (12) feet (in case there is a rear ~arage or a sing 1 e front garage) or twenty (20) feet ( i n case there is a double or larger front garage); however, any driveway may have a reasonably-sized uflare" in the area where it approaches the street. (iii) The lBA may issue a special exception for a driveway in another location or with a different configuration than prescribed above, if the finds that: (A) the other location or configuration will not unreasonably interfere with available light and air and will not significantly alter access for firefighting and similar needs. (B) the other location or configuration will prevent the destruction of a qualified tree. (C) in the case of the remodeling of a principal building, the location requested is the same location as an existing driveway. or (D) the location or configuration requested ;s necessary for safety considerations. (4) Glrage Living Space. In any accessory building containing garage space, all living space is prohibited except for space which qualifies as accessory quarters. (5) Signs. At those times when construction activity is being actively pursued on a given building site pursuant to a permit issued by the City, all signs are prohibited except for one (1) small address marker and two (2) other signs, each of which is either a small real estate sign or a small construction sign. At all other times, all signs are prohibited except one (1) small real estate sign and one (1) small address marker per building site. The lBA may grant a special exception for one (1) institutional sign if the lBA finds that it will not unreasonably distract drivers or pedestrians, will not otherwise create a safety hazard, and will not cause an unreasonable intrusion into the neighborhood. 9 ~ .. I III o:n Crainance Number 140? (6) Lighting. All high output lighting devises must lie designed, construLted and operated so as to preve~t them from directly illumlnating any part of another building s1te in a residential distrlct or any part of a structure located thereon. II Section 3. City of West UnlYersity Place Ordlnance ho. 1394, adopted March 25, 1991, and being the Zon1lag Ordinance of th~ City, is hereby further amendtod by changing every reference therein to Single-Family District of SF, other than those LonUlned in Section 7-100, to include a reference to Single-Family District (SF) arid Single-Family District Two (SF-2). Section...!:. The area included within Pemberton Addition (the area bounded by the:' sOllth side of University BClulevclrd, the west side of Kirby Drive, the north side of Centenary Slre~t and the east side of ~akeforest Street) presently has a zoning cldssification of Single-Famil,)' District (SF). ThE: zoning classification of the area within Pember'Lon Addition is hereby changed from Single-Family District (SF) to Single-Family District Two (SF-2). Section 5. The Clfhcial Zoning District Map of the City of West University Place shall be revised ana amended to show 10ning reclas!tificcltion of the area included within the Pemberton Addition, as provided in Section 4 hereof, with the appropriate reference thereon to the number ana effective date of this Ordinanc~ and a brief description of the natur~ of the changes. Section 6. Any person who shall violate any prov1Siol1 of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a mlsdemeanor and, upon conviction, shea 11 be fined in an amount not to exceed $2,000.00. Eac,", day of violation shall cor.stitute a separate offE:nse. 10 Ordinance Number 1402 ( ion 7. All ordinance or parts of ordinances inconsistent or in conflict herewith are, to the extent of such inconsistency or conflict, hereby repealed. Section 8. In the event any section, paragraph, subdivision, clause, phrase, provision, sentence, or part of this Ordinance or the application of the same to any person or circumstance shall for any reason be adjudged invalid or held unconstitutional by a court of competent jurisdiction, it shall not affect, impair, or invalidate this Ordinance as a whole or any part or provision hereof other than the part declared to be invalid or unconstitutional; and the City Council of the City of West Univers'ity Place, Texas, declares that it would have pas each and every part of the same notwithstanding the omission of any such part thus declal^ed to be invalid or unconstitutional, or whether there be one or more parts. Section 9. The City Council officially finds, determines, and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place, and subject of each meeting at which this Ordinance was discussed, considered, or acted upon was given in the manner required by the Open Meetings Act, Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat. Ann. art. 6252-17, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion, consideration, and action. The City Council ratifies, approves, and confil~ms such notices and the contents and posting thereof. Section 10. This Ordinance shall take effect on the tenth day following its publication, as provided for in the City Charter. PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING this 29th day of , 1991. 11 Ordinance Number Voting Voting sent: Johnson, Council Councilmember Jenkins Kelly Duke, Lang PASS APPROVED ON SECOND AND FINAL READI f June 1991. Voting Aye: Voting No: ent: this 10th ATTEST: (SEAL) Approv as to Form: 12