HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1390 - ORD Relating to Records Management Amending he Code of ORD l n [._1 r ;;. ~ 317 CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLAqEJ) ,ORDINANCE NUMBER"1390 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO. .RECpRDSMANAGEMENT;; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING'TO THE SUBJECT. ~t . ; ') ..)... WHEREAS"Title 6, SubtUle C6f the Texas Local Gove.rnment Code (Local Government Records Act) provides that a municipality must establish by ordinance> an active and'continuin-g\ records management program to be administered by a ,Records Manage'meintOfficer; and '-.#....,. WHEREAS, the City of West University Place, Texas (the "City") desires to adopt an ordinance' for> that )purpose and to prescribe policies and procedures consistent with the Local Government Records Act and in the interests of cost-effecti'veand efficient; recqrdkeeping; NOW ,THEREFORE, " . -, , / :)' :-".",,; t BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: \ Section!., "'Article IX of Chapter 2 (SectioJiI;s,.:2...111 through 2-127) of the Code ofOrdiinances; ,of tl:1e City of West Uniiverstty Place, Texas, is hereby amended to readinr'Hsr"entiretyasfollowS:' ARTICLE IX. RECORDS'MANAGEMENT ; i .~, ; ;"; c; Section 2-111. Definition of City Records. (a) All documents, papers";';letters,(;,books,,.ma:ps, photographs, . soundor,vi.deo recordings" rnkY(ofilni, , magnetic .tape , electronic iTiedia", or'other :.jnformation,.i'ree:ord'ingmedia, regardless of physicalformorcharacteri~tic and regardle'ss 'of, whether public access to it is open' or:;restrictedunder ;the, laws of the state, created or received by the City or any of its officers or employeespLirsuantto law" intludingan ordi.nance",or in the transacti on of public b'us-i.ness ,:except,as.:provi;ded below, are her,eby declared to' ~be;the ,records df:ithe:Cityandi~hall be created maintaine'd and disposed of in:.accordance with -the provisions of thi sArti c:le or ,procedures author,i'lfed by it and in no other manner. (b) The term IIrecords.. doesnotinc1ude: - ~: t \" ! ~ , . (A) extraident.ical copies of documents created only for convenience" of reference or research by>officers or employees of. the Ci ty; (B) notes, journals, diaries, and slmilar documents treated by an officer or 'employee of' the, City.for;,theofficer's or emp 1 oyee' s persona 1 converri etrce;"; j " ~__I~- '~...~I..u.._._"'~ Ir1:ttr:r~:1t:::1!:1:lIl...t:mll1m:!lIIIl!J:'lr ,. I'''' .u,...",."".,~'" , :I r-!IIIlf ~lJ[!J[Jl~ :1]11" ~'1 JLI JIIlIITT-:--~ LEI' ' 1_ 11- -- '-~ . [r ...LI '~ Ordinance Number 1390 318 . , ,purposes (Cl)) \ blank forms; (D) stocks of publications; (E) library and museum materials df, re!fere'nce or di splay;, '! ',. '. " , ~i ,.-----.., ',-----, acqu i red sole ly for (F) :'aopies of documents in any media, furnished to members of the public to which they are entitled under Chapter 424, Acts of the 63rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1973 (Article 6252-17a, Vernon.s Texas Civil Statures), or other state, law; or , . , '" -.,r\ CG)'" any other items" heretofore or hereafter excepted from the definition of IIrecordsllor .the' scope of the Local Government Records Act un~er or pursuant to state law. Section 2-112~'- Additional JDef.in.itibns. " (1) , IIDepantment ;head" ,means - jthe: officer who: byordi nance, order or administrative policy is in charge of an office of the City that creates or receives records. , . ' ; , (2) IIEssential recordll means any record of the City necessary to the resumption or continuation of operations of the City in an emergency or di saster'~' to the re..,cr,eatton of the 1 ega 1 and financi'~a'l status of th,e ,City, or the protection and fulfinment of obligations "to the people of the state. (3) IIPermanent record II means any record of the City for whi ch the retention period on a records control schedule is given as permanent. (4 ),II:Records' control sch.edu lell means a document prepared by or , under the authori ty:of the Records Management Offi cer 1 is t i ng the records maintained :bythe, City, their retention periods, and oth'er' records d is pos it i on i nformat ion tha t the records management' program~may. require. (5) II Records manag~mehtll means the application of management ,techniques to ,the cre:ation, use, maintenance" retention, preservati'on ,and di sposa lof records, for the purposes of reduCing the, costs.' and improving the efficiency of recordkeepi ng. The 'term i nc 1 udes the deVe 1 opment of records control schedules, the management of filing and information retrieval'systems, the protection of essential and permanent records, the economical and space-effective storage of inactive records, control over the creation and distribution of forms, reports~ and-correspondence, and the management of micrographics and electronic and other records storage --------., systems. '---...J (6) IIRecords ,liaiSon officersll mean the persons .so designated in~ accordance with this'Article. ~~ J Ordinance Number 1390 319 n , (7) II Records management') icommi ttee.. means: the established as such in =thisArticle. committee (10) IIRetention periodll means the minimum time that must pass after the creation, redording,' or receiipt of'a record, or the fulfHlment ofcerta~riactions asso'ciatedwith a record, before it i: el~~ible for destruction. Section 2-113. Ci ty Records Declared Publ ic;P,~operty. All City records as, defined inl this,.Article ,'are hereby declared to be the property of (the City.'" NaGity official or employee has, by virtue, of his or her position, any personal or property ri ght to such records even though he or she may have deve 1 aped or compi 1 edthem'~ Theunauthorizeodestructi on , removal from files; or use o;f,;su~h records'is prohibited. j Section 2 -114. Poli cy~ ;L,' '0 .' It is hereby declared to be the po,licy"of':'the City to provide for effi ci ent, economi:ca 1 , and effectiv,e!j ,con'tro 1 s over the creatiOn, distribution, i"o;r'ganization, maintenance, use, and disposition of all the City's records through a comprehensive system of integrated procedures for the management of records from their creation tOJ'theirultiimate dispos:ition, consistent with the requi remeflt:of the :-Texas Lo~a 1 Government Records 'Acta.nd accepted records managemen.-tpractice'. .' Section 2-115i iiDes'i gnationof Records Management Officer. The Ci:ty Secretary, and the successive holders of said office,s'hall :serve as Records,.'Managementi:!Offtcer for the City. As provided bYi)lstate';law',,':each:,success,ive holder bfthe office shall file his or. her name w.;th the director an.d ,libr,arian of the Texas Sta;teL ibrary within thirtydaysofthe'initiabdesignation or of takltig;'lJp-it~e\office, as applicable. Section 2-116. Duties. Establishment of Records Management Committee; A RedordsManageme'nt'Commlttee consisting ,of the Records Management Officer, the City Manager, the'Director, of Einance and Administration, the Director of Public Works~ the fire Chief; the Chief of!Po:Vicea'nd' two Records Liaison Officers designated by the Records Ma'nagemerit "Offi)cer,is :.hereby estabhi!shed. The committee sha 11 : .. I J' .... t . 1[ qjll!HTI!ElIlJIDmI]H '1j'1.']T![ '..JIIMIII!!lIllfi"l!I -Elill[l~~" 'c ['-' ,--- i I "1!I::l1--'---["""--1I ~ ~~ -- Ordinant~fiumber. 1390 320 (1), assi st, the Records' Management Offi cer in the' development of policies and, procedures ,,;governing the .',records management program; ~ , r . " . II 0" ..' (2) review the performance of the program on 'a: regular basis and propose changes and improvements if needed; . - '--..-.! (3) review and approve records control, schedules, .$,ubmitted by the Records Management Officer; ii , , , (4), , g,i ve fJ'na 1 appr:oval"!, ,to' the'" destructi on. of records '. : accordahc;:e. w;;th al1fprovedH'1ecor,dscontrolschedules; and in . i '.' i 'I .1 (5) actively support and promote the records management program , throughout the, C i ty.i Sectiun 2~1}1. Records ,Management Plan to be Developed; Approval of Pl all'; ,Authority to Pl an. ::," '; " (a)d "Thej Records', 'Management Offtcer and the Records Management' Gommi ttee _"shall, de.v.e lop a records managem~nt plan for the City fo:n> submission to i the!, City Council. ' The plan must contain policies and procedures designed to reduce the costs and improve the effi ci ency of recordkeepi n:g,. to. adequat~'ly protect the essential records of the City, and to properly preserve those rec6r,dsof"th~,City that are- ohbistoricalvalue. The plan must bedes'igned ,to' 'enab.le the Recbrds:Management, Officer to carry out his or her':duties,' ,prescrlbed by' sJtate :law and this Article effec t i ve:~~y'.""i ~ '.". ""'\ I I i I ~ (b)' Once: approved by the City ,Council the record~, management plan shall be bindtng on ''a,l1 offices, d,epar,tments, divisions, programs, commissions, bureaus,; boards., ,,;committees, or similar entities of the City, and records shall be created, maintained, .stored; and:microfilmed.in accordance'with the 'plan. (c) State" law, relating, ,to: ,the duties, other responsibilities" ,orrecordkeeping requirements of a' department head 'dondt : exempt. the'department. .h~ad, or ..the records in the .department head '-s' care-' f,rom' the. a'ppl ication of this Article and the records;managem~ntplan, adopted ul1de,r;itaJld may not be used by the department" head"'.asa b.asi:s: for' refusal. to participate in the records management program of the City. ..' . . Section 2-118. Duties of Records Management Offic~r. In addition to other,Jduties assigned.tn "this Article, the Records, Management Officer shall: " ' (1) ,administer .the rec;:ords' management,:program.'and; provide assistance -to department headsi.n its ,implementation; ,~, I I ,~ .< 'p (2) plan, formulate, and prescribe records disposition policies, systems, standards, and procedures; .,Ordi'nance Number 1390 321 n (3) in, cooperation with department heads :jdentify'essential records' and establish a disaster plan for each City office and department'toens'ure maximum availability of the records in order to re-establ ish. operations quickly and with minimum disruption and expense; (4) develop procedures to ensure the permanent preservation of the" histor',cally valuable: records of .~he c,ity; (5) establish standards for filing and storage equipment and for recordkeepfngsuppli'es;' ' (6) study ,the feasibility of and, if appropria'te', establish a uniform fil i ng sys tem" and a forms des i 9n and- control system for the City. n "--- ,(7) provide':records management advice, and assistance to all City depa',rtments by preparation' cof' ,a ,manual or manuals of . proc~,dure and policy an,d by on~site consulta~ion; monftor records retenti on'; schedul es and admtn,i strative rul es issued by the 'Texas State: Library and Archives Commission to 'deterli1i ne ' if the recot.ds managementprd.gram' and the City. s records control schedules are 'in' ~o~pliance with state regu'lations; (8)- , (9) disseminate to the Council and department heads information cO!1cerning' state :laws )and,!;,administra't~i:ve !:rul:es relating to loca 1: government recd'~ds;; .~ . - " "'.., :,' . '.J/ '" :L ...{; ..,i., ,r)f": '. :c ,")\"./"[ (10)' instruct Records 'Uaison Of:f)i;ce~s andiothe,rl:personnel in ";policie's,,'and 'procedar~s ot,the re,cords,-: mana:gement plan and the:ir duties in ,the~ecords.)marragement:;program;.' . ',! , > . . 'Jr" ii i ~ ' -f, "\ . - - ": "; . '.... : ~> . '",' (11) direct- Records 'L fa i son OffiCers1or :other ,person'fle 1 in the :conduct ,,' ,of,' records' inventories' in :-Jrpreparation: for the deveTopment or" tecor'as~ contro~: schedul eS'''a:s requi red by state 1 awl and' this 'Arti'c1~";; ; , ~ ",' [J , . ; ~ ..: ' . j ~ . (12) ,'ensupe that the ma4ntenance.,,:preservatfioh, microfilming, , : destruc'tfon, -'or' other: ,dis,posit,ion ,of-: recdrds is ,carried out in accordance with ,the JpoHcfesr and procedures 'of the records .manag~ment prcigram~and;the 're~uirementstdf,~tate law; (13) ma inta::j n records one: the vo 1 ume of records - des troyed" under approved records contro 1 schedu 1 es , the . vo'l ume of records microfilmed or stored electronically, and the estimated cost >'and'space.' :savings~i;ai;," the'.result)f Jof'J:,~such disposal or disposition;'~~'- (14) report annually to theCoundl on the imp:lementatio!1 of the records management', p1an 'in:" ea'ch" de'partment' of the City, including summaries of 'thestatisti,cal and' fiscal data compiled under Subsection (13); and L........_~.__ _'----''. L _ ._. _, Jr::::'jl,......J.l,,---.IL ....I,: _____.]::Iif!L", . h ,ill 11II1IIIInU"'1 IICID' ~[IullIl]Jljj[jnil.11i ' I' .. I . :! !]!!!nll[!lru~r.Il!l.. :111. :.....J..ljlllilll~,..lt l.:.~.:!]lT.....--. i' l~ ... -II -.rr=o~ ,--''---~ ,-- , ------, ,. 322 Ordinance Number 1390 (15). bring to the attention of_ the' Council non~~ompJiant~ by department hea.ds or' other Gouncj 1 personne,l ~with the pol i ci es 'and procedures ,of the records management program or the Local Government Records, Act. : . " ----.) Section 2-119. Duties and Responsibilities of Department Heads. In addition to other:dut,ies' ~ assigne,d'-.' in" this Article, department heads shall: x. . (1) cooperate with the' Records: Man~,g~ment Officer,'in carrying out the policies and procedures established in the City for the efficient and economical . management ,,_of,,_records and in carrying out therequiremen:ts of this Article. . ~. > i. (2) adequately document the transaction of government business a'nd the services,' programs, and, duties for which the department head and his or'her staff a,re;r,esponsible; and . ! ; (3) maintain the records in his or her care and carry out their '.preservation" mi!crofi.lming, destruction" Qr:Qther disposition on lytn accordance wi th .:thepol i e,i es and ,procedures of the records" !TIanagement progy.'aIJL,~'of.the CHy,ar;ld the requirements ,of this Article. ' \! Section 2-120. Designation of Records L{ai~~n'6fficers. " . "'" , . Each ,department head sha 1>1 ~es i gnate a member of hi s or her staff to serve as Records LiaJson Officer for; th~' implementation of the records management program in the department. If the Records Management flf'H'cer determines, that to, t,tJe; bes,t interests of the records management program more than cone, Records Liaison Officers~ou.ld be de!stgmated :for a -department, ,the department head shall designate the number of Records Liaison Officer specified by the Recor.dsMana,gement',Officer.' "f.iPersonnel designated as Records Li a'i son Pflf;i cers sha ]-1 ,be ,thorough ly,c; fami 1 i ar; :with:a 11 the records created Q.nd".-maintained;.by-- the!,)departm~nt;',a,rrc,L,shall have full access to all records of the C:i:ty; ma;;ntained",by:the department. In the event of the resignation, retirement, dismissal, or removal byactibn of 'it he.' dep.ar.'f;ment ,hea'd., oJ a;per:~e,1J d~~jgnatecl as Records ,Liaison iOfficer,the:',~department. head sh:a,H:,'promptly designate another person, to, fi III ,the vacancy., A, d.epartJllent' head may serve :as Records Liaison Officer for ,his or her department. "---/ Section ,2-1'21i. . Offi ce'rs. " ,Dut i es and Res pons i bi 1 it i,es.; of Records Li a i son " , , .. . . ,Inaddiltion:toother duties;:;assigned in:this, Article, Records Liaison Officers shall: - (1) conduct" or : supervise the' conduct, of,i nventori es of the records of the department in 'preparation for ,ttle cleve 1 opment of records control schedules; ~ [ [J II[ I I i I U (' ~ ~ Ordinance Number. 1390 32,a (2) in cooperatio~ with, the Records M~nagement Officer coordinate and implement the policies and, procedures of the records management program in their departments; and (3) disseminate. info,rmation, to department; staff concerning the records management program~~: Secti on 2-222. 'Records' ControJ ': Schedul es' to ,be ~ ,Developed; Approval; Filing w1th State. (a), The :'RecordsManagemerit 'Officer;, in cooperation with department heads and Records Liaison OffiCers, shal,l prepare records' control schedules on a department ,by ,department basis 1 i stin~a 11 records created ,or;:received by" ,the department and the retention period for each' reco'rd., Records ;control..schedules shall also contain such other information regarding the disposition of City records as the records 'management ,plan .mayreq(i:ire. (b) ,Each records control schedule shall be, monitored and amended as needed by, the Records: Management Officer on a regular bas is' to e'ns'ure: that. it,) d.s. in ,;comp 1 i ance with;, records, retenti on schedules'issued':Dythe~;-s;tate .and that it continues, to"r.eflect the recordkeeping ,p'rocedures a,ndneeds, of the: department and the records management program of the City. (c) Before its ,ado~tion ',a' records' ,control schedule or amended schedule for a department must be approved by the 'dep~rtment head and the; Recidr'dsMan-agement Comn:'ittee'. ". ".' . : ~' ' '.. "I ~}. . ,1 .' _ ~ _ .' (d) Before its adopt>ion~ a ~pecor.ds control schedule must be submitted to' aild"atcepted. fOy,'i filing by)the:-:director and librarian , as, provided by state 'la,W.i~ Ifa:,~schedu,le);,is. not "a,ccepted for filing, the'schedul'e:S'ha'll be.'ainEm'ded'ito make it,acceptable for filing. The Records"~Management,Offjcer shall submit,the records control schedules' rtothe.. d~irector :and :lfbrarian;i'" - " ',\""" : ~.." { Section 2-223. ,Implementation -of Records Control Schedules; Destruction of Records ,unde.r.:Schedule. ,I, ':;, :, ,'(f , '(a) 'A records cc5ntro"l, schedule 'for ,a:..:,department that has been :approved. and .a'dopted'iinder-thi sArti aTe sha 11 be . impl emented by department heads and" Records Li ai SCl'ri):' Off,i,cers~accord,i ng to the policies and procedures of the records management plan. , J . ,. (b) " A record whose :r:etent,i on' peri od has, expi red on a records , control schedule shall be C1estroyedun,less: 'an open recor.ds request is pendi ng on the -recford ~ 'the 'subject matter: 'of ,the record is pertinent to a pending law suit, or the department head requests i:n writjng'to the Records' Managemei1t"Comnii.ttee~that :.the record be . retained for an, additional period.;, ' (c) Pri or to the des tructi on of a record under an approved records' control schedu,lel~ I authorization ,for the destruction must ~-I..~I:-=-::I.- I" ~_.. ..... .._rt~ C,:D:::U. .mII.. I: . .:. I . ]!!::HlIIHl][IIIl'!lII:!E1) u:rJl:'. .. ..lIIIIlI1IIITVIlWJJrT' -'LJ![TO'-'l' " r' 'lJ""--,...---'-E::.l1 .. '" .._~ , Ordinance Number 1390 324 " . be, 'obta i'ned by the 'Records. Management: Offi cer from the Records Management Committee. "',) ;l : I ~ " (d) Records' may a 1 so be des troyed as authori zed by Chapter 204 of the Texas Local Government,Gode (relating, to microfilming) or by other applicable state law.-, Section 2-224. Destruction of Unscheduled Records. C.-, : A record that has not yet been 1 i sted" on a'n' approved records control schedule may :be; destroyed; ,if its destruction has been app'roved :'hi ' the' same" manner:. as 'a record qestroyed' under an approved schedul e' and the Records:Management Offi cer has, submi tted to;and ,received back from the director and librarian an approved, destruct1 onauthorj zati on . request~ ," " ..' Se'Ction 2.,.225. ., Records, Center. ' A records center, developed pur$uan.t to the, p'l an requi red by this Article, shall-be under, the d,irectcontrol-,and supervision of the' Records, Mana'gement Offi cer. '_ '.. Po 1i c,ies and procedures r.egulating' 'the operations.and' use of the, y:ecords: center shall be contained, in, 'the ,records ma,nagement, plan 'd~vel.oped ~nder this Article. " SectJi on 2...226.', Mi crog,rapJjlj cs . .,'i: Unless. ,a ;<mj crographks:,. programirr ,a .- department is specifically exempted by order of the Council, all microfilming of records wi'H' be 2centralized..cand"under. the ,direct' supervision of the Records:) Management Offi cer..~) The records management- plan wi 11 establi,sh, 'po:1ficies "and proced.ures, for, the microfilming of City records, 5ncluding :p,ol,icies to!:~nsure that, all, microfilming is done in ,accordance' :with "standar,ds ,and ,procedures: for the microfilming, -of :local'governmeot,recQJrds :established in rules of the Texas State Library and Archives Commission. The plan will also establish criteria for determining tne eligibility of records for mi crofilmi ng, and i'-protocols, for ensuri ng that a mi crofilmi ng program that is exempted from the centralized operations is, nevertheless, subject',to'peri.od'ic,review by the records management officer as to. cost~efifecti venes,s', ,admini str9.ti,ye effi ci ency, and 'compliance<with c,ammissionrules. , " , .. . . . , .' . , . J' . Section 2. This ordinance shall take e'ifect"'upon its passage and approval.' Existi'ng records 'retent,ion, sched,u.1.es, shall continue to be applicable until, theyarereplacec! by new sch,edules 'adopted under the amended'Article adopted by this ordinance. (~, I I I I U ':-.l ;',; Section,3.e, All 'ordinances ;and,-'ipartsof ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed, to the extent' of t~e confl,ict only. ~"'" i i I : I u 'Section 4. If any word, phrase, clause"sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this ordinance or the appl ication thereof to any person or circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or Ordinance Number 1390 325 [ unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this ordinance and the application of such word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this ordinance to any other persons or ci rcumstances s ha 11 not be a ffected thereby. Section 5. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which th'is ordinance was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the manner required by the Open Meetings Law, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN. art. 6252-17, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the publ ic as r~quired by law at all times during such discussion, consideration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and posting thereof. ,PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING this November , 1990. 26th day of Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: Mayor Higley, Councilmembers Sell, Jenkins, Watson None Councilmember Redeker [ PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING this , 1990. Voting Aye: day of Voting No: Absent: Signed: Laura C. Higley, Mayor ATTEST: Approved as to Form: Audrey Nichols City Secretary James'L. Dougherty, Jr. City Attorney lJ (SEAL) .. II I II :11' il 't';,11 lliil".'II!!:l[li(il ii::}\"i'I'miHIlfIl"-";' . idfIIITTI"!:iFllllfliriIiiIUniJlll1Fh ,. I',' ,