HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1389 - ORD Allowing Certain Employee Who have Terminated Previous Membership 313 ORDINANCE NUMBER 1389 AN ORDINANCE ALLOWING CERTAIN EMPL0YEES'OF THECITY'WHQ HAVE TERMINATED PHEVroUS MEMBERSHTP~ INTEXA,S:-MU~lCIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM, TO DEPOSIT THE SUMS SO WITHDRAWN, ~LUSANNUAL WITHDRAWAWCHARGES, AND ALLOWING AND UNDERTAKING THF COST OF "ALLOWING'~ ANYSUCH'~MPtOYEE' CREDIT, IN;' SUCH SYSTEM FOR ALL SERVICE TO WHICH SUCH EMPLOYEE HAD BEEN:ENTITLED:AT DATE OF SUCHWITHDRAWAL~ WITH LIKE ~fFECT AS IF ALL SUCH SERVICE HAD BEEN PERFORMED AS AN EMPLOYEE OF THrSi CITY; REPEAtING ORDINANCE ,NUMBER 1385 ,AD0PTEDNOVEMBER;12~" 199'0, 'WHICH ORDINANCE ALSO RELATED TO CERTAIN 'EMPLOYEES OF THE C.rT'F' WHO HAVE TERMINATED PREVIOUS MEMBERSHIPS IN TEXAS MUN.ICIPAL RETIREMENT SYSTEM.; AND;DECLARTNG AN EMERGENCY. i ,,':'! WHEREAS, theact'Uary of 'the Texas Municipal Ret'irement System has determined thatallobligation~ charged against,. the City.s account in th,e,',",mun,i ci pa l,i,ty,,' ac, c,u,m, ul a,ti""o",n , f, und,' in" cl" udfng" th"e "ob,,'l i gat,i.-ons ari sing as, a ,result ofth'isordinanc'e', can be., funded by the City within its maximum contri but; on rate' and wi ttdn itsamorti zaM,on period;': and WHEREAS, the.Citj Council has determined !-thatadoptionof this ordinance is in the best interests of the City; ! ,.' NOW"THEREFORE~ ;"i) \'( .J _~ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY'COUNCIL OF THE CI-TY"'OF WEST,'UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: . in Section'1. -PLirslJantJtd Settion<63.003 jjf Stlbt,itle G of Title nOB ~ Revised Civil statutes of TexasY,1925, ,as", ,amended', theCiily of West University Place hereby elects .'tb'alloWl any< member ,0f'<Texas Municipal Retirement System who is an employee of this City on the 26th day of November' 1990,,} who' has; te,riilina.,ted a,' prevd olls.-members hi p 'in said System by withdr.awal: of deposits whfleabsent from service, but who has at least 24iino'nths of.f'cr~ditedi'ser\tice._asian(employ,ee-of this Ci ty since, resumi ng memberstH'pto, de'po~'i t ;wi~h the'\System'in ,a lump sum :theamount':wlthdrawh-,'plus a;'withdrawa'l ;Jehargeof'-five :per .cemt 1(5%) of stich amountfo-r each' year' fromdaote ::,of,:suth ::-withdrawal ,to date of redeposit, and thereupon such member shall be allowed credit for all service to whi ch, the member, ~ad been entitled at date of terminati on of the earHermembership,with like 'effect cfS :if all suchs,ervi ce had been rendered as an! emp loyeeJ 'cifthi 5 ie:; t~Y', whe'ther so rendered or not. The City of West Uni vers ity Pl ace agrees to'uhderwrite and ,;hereby assumes the obligations arising out of the granting of all such credits, and agrees that all such obligations and reserves required to _.I~- , J.i II!.lJlUllllJ.L[JII,J" 1.'.1 .. 11.IIIIII'f1!III!UI~ I ' I 11111111 -11 ILlI II Ordinance Number 1389 314 I ~ provi de such credits shall be charged to thi s City's account in the municipality accumulation fund. The five per cent (5%) per annum withdrawal c.harge" paid 'by:. the: ,member sha:l t be deposited to the credit of the City~'s" account in said "municipality acc,umulation fund;, "Cl;nd the deposits of tbe amolint. previously .withdrawn 'by the, member shall be credited to his or her individual account in the employees saving fund of the Syst,em. i' . ". - - .. , , , ' ,Secti,on ' 2. Ordinance No.', 1385, of th~' City of West University , Pl ace; Texas,. whi ch ordi nance was adopted' on November 12, 1990 and related, to certain emplqyees who have termin~ted previous memberships in the Texas Municipal Reti.rement;Sys~em,":i,s,'hereby repealed. All other ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only. Section 3. If. any word, phrase, cla,use, sentence, paragraph, section 'or other part of this ordinance or: theappl ication thereof to any ~per,son ,or circumstance, shall ever, be,- held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court ofcomp.et,e~t ,jurisdiction" the remainder of this, ordinance; .,and the :application .of .such wprd, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of thi s ordinance to any other ,persons or':c i rcums,1;ances s ha 11 ' not be affected thereby. i, Section 4. The City Council official{y finds, determines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date, ~our, place and subject of each meeting at which this ordinance was discussed, considered, or Jact,ed upon was given, in.' the manne.r r~quired by the Open Meetings Law, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN. art. 6252-17, as amended, and that each such meeting has been open to the publ ic as required by 'law at all times during).sl.{ch, .discu,~sion, ,consideration an,d action. The Ci ty CouncJl .r.ati 'Iii es, 'approves and confi,rms. such notices ,and the contents and posting thereof. ~ 'r'~~~tl<.. ;~..~: f Secti on 5., b Th~' p'l,lp~ i C importance' of, thi s ,measure and the requirements of the-law cr,eate jan emergency, and an" urgent 'public necessity requiring that this ,Orclinance be .passed and take effect as an emergency measure;, an~ ,a 'state of emergency is hereby declared, and thi s Ordinance, is, accordingly..;passed a~ an emergency measure and shall take effect and ;be in; force immediately from and a,fter its passage and signature. ..1, ,." ' ,Secti,on 6. This oY:<linanceshaJJ become effective on the 26th day of November, ,1990; whicJ;I js a 'date on or after the date set forth in Section 1, above. J . ~ ! ~ . ,r ~ n -' Ordinance Number 1389 PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST AND FINAL READING this the day of November , 1990. Voting Aye: Voting No: Absent: ATTEST: fl '-- Audrey Nichols City Secretary (SEAL) r: II LJ , II IT'"l1I! i Signed: Laura C. Higley, Mayor 7TiFl1ir:J Approv~d as to Form: 26th James L. Dougherty, Jr. City Attorney Hliilll'lIll11il.llli'" r,T,:r"llcn",m'JJi1,mJITI"T ' 315