HomeMy WebLinkAbout12112014 ZPC Agenda Item 5 �. • • T he Cmt-y of `Vest jT111\'crsity Place ZONING& PLANNING COMMISSION Municipal Building 3800 University Boulevard MEETING MINUTES November 13, 2014 MEMBERS PRESENT: Richard Wilson, Lauren Griffith, Connie Clark, Philip Snyder and Mary Anne Jay MEMBERS ABSENT: Michael McEnany and Sam Parikh CITY COUNCIL PRESENT: Dick Yehle and Joan Johnson STAFF PRESENT: Chris Peifer, ACM/PWD; Gerardo Barrera, Project Coordinator; Debbie Scarcella, City Planner; and Martye Kendrick, Legal Counsel 1. Call to Order and Notices, Rules, Etc. Richard Wilson, ZPC Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:20 pm. He asked the ZPC members and City Staff to introduce themselves. Mr. Wilson then gave a brief introduction of the non residential project to date and the remaining steps of the process. He then asked the citizens in attendance to come forward and be heard. 2. Citizen Comments Regarding Items Not on the Agenda. There were no citizens to speak on items not on the agenda. 3. Citizen Comments Regarding Items on the Agenda. Several citizens in attendance spoke against the non-residential zoning regulations that are being drafted. Those citizens were: Vernon Tyger-Mr. Tyger handed out comments from his website. Many of the comments were not in favor of increasing commercial businesses or parking. Heidi Dugan-spoke from a realtor perspective regarding both the town center and the townhome district as a buffer for the single family residential. Janie Schueppert-spoke regarding the parking issues and traffic concerns of town center. Mrs. Schueppert also distributed a handout. Marguerite Woung Chapman-spoke as a resident of Lake Street just behind the Kirby District regarding property values. 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov • The City of West University lace A 'Neighborhood h oocl Ci Rod Jay-spoke as a resident of Lake Street just behind the Kirby District regarding property values and crime. Spyros Maragos-spoke regarding Town Center and changing the look and increasing traffic. Robert Grossman-spoke regarding Town Center and the property management/owners only doing what is necessary to keep the properties going. David Cole-spoke regarding commercial properties adjacent to residential on the periphery. 4. Non-Residential Zoning Regulations. Mr. Wilson introduced many topics for discussion regarding questions he and other members of the ZPC had regarding the draft proposed amendments. These items were addressed to the consultant, Gary Mitchell, with KKC. The items were as follows: i) No KMU designation in Table 5-1, Building Site Dimensions. ii) Discuss change to KMU limit designation and the change to the Commercial district designation north of Plumb. iii) Should the KMU (Plumb south to just one lot north of University) and Town Center districts be overlays to the existing districts, or district changes. iv) Does the KMU need a definition(similar to the TCC) or is the map sufficient? v) Are the KMY uses only authorized by a special exception? Note 10, Note 11 seems confusing. vi) Parking requirements in Town Center. a). What is the maximum developable area? b) Existing parking? If redeveloped today? c) New provisions parking requirements? vii) Setbacks regarding Tiny Boxwood's. Should it be in the TCC? vii)Parking space and maneuvering area dimensions. Mr. Wilson then asked for final comments from the public. Heidi Dugan, David Cull, Robert Grossman and Vernon Tyger spoke. The ZPC instructed staff to look into the 02 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov • 41111 r1,hc Cite c)f West University Place 1 \ci.hborhooti( itl HCAD values of the Lake properties that abut the proposed KMU district; look at changing the parking spaces in the Town Center to 2.5 spaces; and look at townhome district changes. 5. Minutes. October 9, 2014. Motion to approve the minutes as written by Connie Clark. Second by Lauren Griffith. Motion carried. 6. Executive Session (if necessary). Not used. Adjournment. Phil Snyder made a motion to adjourn. Sam Parikh seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m. PASSED THIS 18th DAY OF December , 2014. Richard J Wilson, Presiding Officer ATTEST: Debbie Scarcella, City Planner 3 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov