HomeMy WebLinkAbout01082015 ZPC Agenda Item 5 The City of\jest University Place ,t Neighborhood Cin ZONING& PLANNING COMMISSION Municipal Building 3800 University Boulevard MEETING MINUTES December 11, 2014 MEMBERS PRESENT: Richard Wilson, Sam Parikh, Lauren Griffith, Connie Clark, Michael McEnany, Philip Snyder and Mary Anne Jay MEMBERS ABSENT: None CITY COUNCIL PRESENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Chris Peifer, ACM/PWD; Debbie Scarcella, City Planner; and Martye Kendrick, Legal Counsel 1. Call to Order and Notices, Rules, Etc. Richard Wilson, ZPC Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:20 pm. He asked the ZPC members and City Staff to introduce themselves. Mr. Wilson then gave a brief introduction of the non residential project to date and the remaining steps of the process. He explained that the main purpose of the meeting was to discuss final provisions for the project amendments, and because of this, interaction with the public and the commission members would be limited. He asked that comments be limited to 3-5 minutes only. He then asked the citizens in attendance to come forward and be heard. 2. Citizen Comments Regarding Items Not on the Agenda. There were no citizens to speak on items not on the agenda. 3. Citizen Comments Regarding Items on the Agenda. Several citizens in attendance spoke regarding the non-residential zoning regulations that are being drafted. Those citizens were: Paula Revell-spoke regarding parking issues and the addition of commercial businesses. Laura Torgerson-spoke regarding parking issues, the addition of commercial businesses and transparency in government. Spyros Maragos-spoke regarding additional commercial and parking. I. 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov • r1,hC City r)f«'CSt Uni\rCrsit`T Place .\ei ;I11Urhxo d Cin 2. Regardless of the disposition of issue 1,do we need to change the commercial PNC rules to allow for reconstruction in Town Center in the event of a total or major loss? 3. Is there anything special about the Tiny Boxwood's property that would warrant excluding it from the TCC? Mr. Wilson then asked for final comments from the commission. The ZPC instructed staff to rewrite the PNC status provision for the town center so that existing buildings can be rebuilt at their current size. Also, wanted a revisit to the parking space ratio. Mike McEnany and Connie Clark volunteered to get with Debbie Scarcella and Gary with KKC to calculate the largest possible build out (square footage and the resulting number of parking spaces. Staff was also instructed to coordinate with Gary Mitchell and look at townhome district changes that might encourage development without losing parking spaces. Mr. Wilson reiterated that the schedule going forward was to have a preliminary report ready for City Council by January 12, 2015 in order for a joint public hearing to be scheduled. 5. Minutes. November 13,2014. Motion to approve the minutes with correction by Richard Wilson. Second by Mary Ann Jay. Motion carried. 6. Executive Session (if necessary). Not used. Adjournment. Sam Parikh made a motion to adjourn. Richard Wilson seconded. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. PASSED THIS 8th DAY OF January , 2015. Richard J Wilson, Presiding Officer ATTEST: Debbie Scarcella, City Planner ya` 3 0 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov