HomeMy WebLinkAbout04092015 ZPC Agenda Item 4 • The City of West University Place 1 Neighborhood hborhoodd C,in' ZONING& PLANNING COMMISSION Municipal Building 3800 University Boulevard MEETING MINUTES February 12, 2015 MEMBERS PRESENT: Richard Wilson, Sam Parikh, Connie Clark, Michael McEnany, and Philip Snyder MEMBERS ABSENT: Lauren Griffith and Mary Anne Jay STAFF PRESENT: Chris Peifer, ACM/PWD; Debbie Scarcella, City Planner; and Martye Kendrick, Legal Counsel 1. Call to Order and Notices, Rules, Etc. Richard Wilson, ZPC Chair, called the meeting to order at 6:22 pm. He asked the ZPC members and City Staff to introduce themselves. He explained that the main purpose of the meeting was to discuss final provisions for the project amendments, and to produce a final report for recommendation to City Council regarding the non-sfd zoning district regulations. He asked that comments be limited to 3-5 minutes only. 2. Citizen Comments Regarding Items Not on the Agenda. There were no citizens to speak on items not on the agenda. 3. Citizen Comments Regarding Items on the Agenda. Several citizens in attendance spoke regarding the non-residential zoning regulations that were to be discussed. Those citizens were: Alida Drewes — spoke regarding two code enforcement issues and was referred to the Code Enforcement officer. Ms. Drewes then also spoke regarding parking issued with Southside Place. Steve Brown— spoke regarding the PNC provisions for the TCC that were included in the preliminary report. He submitted a letter that he read aloud. Vernon Tyger — spoke regarding the parking provisions and the fact that some ZPC members appear to be biased toward the 2011 Ad Hoc report since they were on the ad hoc committee at that time. 0 WORK PLACES 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov 1 TOP The City of West University Place A Neighborhood d C itt Larry Kelly — spoke against the PNC provisions for the TCC and thinks they are a bad idea and is concerned about the parking ratio given the parking issues that are already present. Chris Peifer — asked to clear up that the properties in the Town Center that a resident spoke about during the public hearing did exist prior to 1987 and reminded ZPC that some of the properties have been in existence since the 30's and 40's. 4. Non-Residential Zoning Regulations. Mr. Wilson asked for a motion to close the ZPC portion of the public hearing about the proposed ordinance amendments regarding the non-sfd zoning district regulations specifically including the town center area, the townhome district abutting Kirby Drive and Commercial district regulations in general. Motion made by Connie Clark and second by Sam Parikh. Motion carried. Mr. Wilson introduced Gary Mitchell, consultant, with Kendig Keast Collaborative. Mr. Wilson briefly discussed some of the comments heard at the public hearing and began discussing comments regarding the establishment of new parking dimensions in Article 10. Staff proposed a change to the regulations where the new dimensions would only apply in the case of new construction or major development as defined by the general definitions in the city ordinances. This would effectively allow any restriping or repaving of existing parking areas without loss of PNC status. A motion was made by Richard Wilson to incorporate the new language into the final report. Second by Sam Parikh. Motion carried. Mr. Wilson then began discussing comments regarding PNC status in the TCC. He believed that the initial discussion regarding this began as a size issue and allowing for a structure to be rebuilt about the same size as it currently is. The focus was not on where the building was located on the property or whether or not it complied with the new TCC regulations. Some of the comments at the public hearing seemed to favor the buildings complying with the new setbacks and location on the lots and the parking requirements. Gary Mitchell discussed a proposal he drew up that gave some instructional language to the ZBA and focused on compliance with as many of the proposed regulations as possible,but did allow for a special exception for certain items. The focus was for those sites that might be unable to meet the new setbacks or not have enough access to reach rear parking without a joint use of space with another site. There was discussion regarding each ZPC member's thoughts about the PNC status issue. Richard Wilson made a motion to include the language as proposed by Gary Mitchell in the final report regarding PNC status in the TCC. Second by Philip Snyder. Aye: Wilson, Parikh, Snyder. No: McEnany, Clark. Motion carried. 2 TOP WORK PLACES 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 www.westutx.gov fhe City of West University Place A Neighborhood Cin Mr. Wilson made a motion to approve the final report from the ZPC with a recommendation to City Council to approve the proposed amendments regarding the non- sfd zoning district regulations with the corrections as added above. Second by Sam Parikh. Motion carried. 5. Minutes. January 8, 2015. Motion to approve the minutes by Richard Wilson. Second by Philip Snyder. Motion carried. 6. Executive Session (if necessary). Not used. Adjournment. Sam Parikh made a motion to adjourn. Second by Connie Clark. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. PASSED THIS DAY OF , 2015. Richard J Wilson, Presiding Officer ATTEST: Debbie Scarcella, City Planner 3 TOP WORK PLACES 3800 University Boulevard I West University Place, TX 77005 I www.westutx.gov