HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1266 - ORD Relating to Signs Amending Code of ORD Portable Signs and Real Estate Signs
WHEREAS, the City Council finds that drivers of motor vehicles can
be diStracted by portable signs and real estate signs, and that
regulation of their use will reduce such distractions; arid
WHEREAS, the City Council finds thQ.t regulation of such signs will
also promote street and roadway safe'ty by reducing the ,number of
instances in which sight lines are blocked near streets and driveways,
thus helping to protept persons within the City, particularly small
children; and
WHEREAS, the City CounciL finds that regulation of such signs will
enhance the visual environt'nent.ofthe City, thus encouraging higher
standards of property maintenanceandheJping to preserve property
values; and, .
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WHEREAS, the City Council:f,inds that such signs, in particular,
are more difficult to poli:ce than other types of signs and that special
regulati ons are therefore requ,;re~ {or them; and
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WHEREAS, the City Council has carefully reviewed the proposed
regulations and has determined that they will help to correct the
problems descrJbed ,above'a-nd: that,... tnrgeneral, they wtl1 promote the
hea;lth"safetqr, moraJsiand welfare ~of the people.', '
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Section L That Secti on 3-'31- of the. Code of'O:rd;;nances, Ci ty of
West University Place, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows:
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See. 3-31. Defi no-; tto_ns.' -"( OJ ..,) 1 " ~ ,
For the purposes of this :article,; the:fo1llowing words and
, phra'se:s' sha lil 'have:,themeani ngsascd be,c1 to them by this
se'ction. '
"Advertising" shall mean to seek the attraction of or to
di rect' th'e~ 'atte,nti'on' of the, publlc :to -any. goods, servi ces,
.. :prop-er.'ty or activitywhatsoeve:r. ' " ,:: I
"Commercial advertising sign" shall mean any sign where
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the matter displayed would be used for advertising the name
of any business, or for advertising any service or product,
or offering for rent, but shall not include real estate signs
or institutional signs as hereinafter defined.
.:. .IIDisplay Area"means the sutfacearea of a sign included
within a rectangle or.'6ther border, and'alsoincluding any
facings extending'beyondthe border and any cutouts within
the border. Uprights, 'backings and supporting' structures are
not included, unless they are used or designed to display a
message or to attract the attention of the public, in which
case the areas so used are included in the determination of
the di spl ay area'. j. " " ,
"Groimd sign" shall mean any sign that is erected on the
ground and is independent; of' any: ether structureiother than
for its own fer: sl:Jj!>port. " ",'/' . .
. . "Institutional!si,gnU,shall'mean any sign having a total
display area of less than thirty (30) square f~et with.
characters, letters or illustrations placed therete, thereon
or thereunder, by any method or means whatever, showing
. names, activities ands,ervices previded in any church or
other nonprofitih~titutibn, but shall n6t include a pertable
sign' as hereinafter defined~
"0versiied real estate sign" sh~ll mean a real estate
sign with any of the following characteristics:
(i) a total height exceeding five feet;:
"(ii)' a display area on any single face exceeding
'eight (8) square feet; or
(iii) a total display area exceeding 16 square
feet. '
"Portable sign'. 'shall mean; any sign designed Or
constructed to be easily moved from one location to another,
including signs mo~nted upon or designed to be mounted upon a
trailer, bench, wheeled carrier, motor vehicle used primarily
to display a sign, ~r other mobile structure. A portable
sign which has its wheels removed shall still be considered a
~~rtable sign hereunder.- 'T~ailer si~ns and signs on benches
are examples of portable signs hereunder.
"projecting sign" shall mean any sign projecting at any
angle from the outside wall or' ,wans of' a building.'
II Real estate si9n,1I shall mean any sign where the matter
displayed thereon shall be used solely for the purpose of
offering for sale, for lease or 'for rent the exact property
o'n'which ,such sign' is; :p1a:'ced. '
"Roof sign" shall mean any sign or portion of a sign
extending above the lowest portion of the r.oof, or 'erected on
the 'roof of any bui 1 di ng.:
IISign" shall mean'ariy' outdoor display, design,
pictorial o,r other-representation, which shall be so
'," 97
constructed, placed,-attached, painted, erected, fastened or
manufactured in any manner whatsQever so that,the same shall
be used for advertising. The term "sign" shall include the
sign structure or vebicle to'wbich it may be connected or
affixed, but the term "sign,lI.shaJl not include any object
until it remains stationary for three hours or more.
"Snipe sigmU shall mean any small sign of any material,
including paper, cardboard'" wood, and metal when such sign is
tacked, nailed or attached in any way to trees or other
objects, and where such sign does not apply to the premises
where it is located.
"Wall signU shall mean any sign erected parallel to the
fact of, or on the outside wall of any building and supported
throughout its length by such wall or walls, or any sign in
any manner applied flat against a building wall or parallel
to a building wall, if not over three (3) feet distant
therefrom at any point."
Secti on ,2. That Secti on 3~35 of the ,Code of Ordi nances, City of
West University Place, Texas, is herebY' amended to read as follows:
Sec. 3-35. Generally.
(a) Within the City limits, except as authorized by a
valid and unexpired permit issued pursuant to this section,
it shall be unlawful fo:rany person to erect, post, paint,
alter, install, place or otherwise create a commercial
advertising sign.' ,
(b).' (1) "Wj,th;in the City limits, excepta~ authorized
'by' a vandand unexpired permit, issued~ pursuant, to this
section, it sh'a1-l\ be, unlawful for: any' person:,
, ':(-i') to' erect 'or p 1 ace:- a port~b 1 e' sjgn;
( i i)- to\ use" possess, or contro 1 a portable
sign; or., , ,'"
(i i.i >). to :possess' or control any premi ses
,- , upon: wh-ich,'a, 'portab-le ,sign ;'s :located.
',', (2) InanYi proceedi:ng -to enforce., th,is: ,subsection,
it shall be an affirmative defense that the portable sign in
question was not v,isible from any point upon a publiC street.
(c) Wi thi n the, CHy 1 imi ts" .it shall, be; un 1 awfu 1 for
any person': ,- I '; , '.
(,i) to erect, or, ,plaq~- 'an oversized real estate
, ' , sign; .. 1 .' ' :
'(ii): to use~ posses~, or control an oversized
re:a l'es:tate s i,gn; ~r
(iii) to possess or control premises, upon
whtch,an o,versized real estate sign is
I .lo.cated. ;'. ,
(d) (1) To obtai,n a permit for a sign, a person must
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apply in wr'iting' to the building official. The application if
,must be accompani ed by the fee prescri bed by' the Ci ty Council i Ii
and by a drawing'oreraw,ings'showing the dimensions of the I ~
s'ign, the location on the lot~ 'dimensions of lot lines and ~
other structures, ,and ~etailsof tonstruction,materials and
des,i gn ~
" (2) The buildi~~ official shall only issue
,permits for those', commercial ,advertising signs which appear
to be in complete cOli1pl i ante wi tha 11 ordinances of the
(3) The building official shall only issue
per!'1i t~ for those, portab 1 es i gns ' wh'ich: '
(i) ~appear to~ be in complete compliance with
al10rdinances'of the City;
, (i i:) are, to, be constructed of wood with a total
display area not exceeding 64 square feet or
fabric with a'total display area not exceeding
160 square feet, with a lightweight, non-
- 'permanent des i gn';,
(iii) will not be'mounted upon wheels or other
mobile structure; and
(iv) are to. be use~:rsolely in' connection with
athletic:events~ festivals and similar events
'conducted' 'by a, governmenta 1 or non-profi t
organization; C '
provided'that no more'than two: permits for portable signs may 0111
be issued for any given premises'during any period of 365
consecutive dayS and provided further that a single permit
may include no more than one wood sign, one fabric sign and,
for that time period not exceeding 72 consecutive hours when
the event or' festival is actually being held, miscellaneous
wood or fabric Signs within a'defined area upon the premises
where the event or festival is held.
(e) Permits for' commercial advertising signs are valid
for the saine time': 'period as building permits generally or
until 'revoked.' Permits'foY' portable signs are valid until
revo ked or uht il they expi re by thei r own terms, but in no
event longer than 60 consecutive days. No permit shall grant
any property right or vested right, and 'all permits remain
subject to revocation, amendment or suspension at any time.
(f) A failure to co'mply with any applicable ordinance
of the City shall be grounds for revoking a permit. The
building inspector 'shall be authorized to revoke permits in
such circumstances.' ' It shall be the responsibility of the
a,pplicant and any.per'sonassert;-ng ,the validity of a permit
to comply with all such ordina'nces, and this responsibility
may not be waived by the.issuance of a permit or by any other
act of the building official.
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(g) Whenever, a'person has made application for water,
sewer, gas, electric or.garbage'service to any given
premises, as indicated by.the/customer billing records'of the
City or other public utility, and if there is no record of
such service bei,ng: the,reafter tr.ansferred to another person,
it shall be a rebuttable presumption that the person who made
the appl ication tontroTs, both. the premises and any signs' ,
located on the premises.
Section 3. That Section 3':"40 of the, Code of Ordinances, City of
West University Place, Texas, is: hereby: amended to read as follows:
. I j ..
Sec. 3-40. Location restricted to business district.
Commercial adver.tising s.igns",wall signs" roof signs,
projecting signs and ground signs shall not be permitted in
any district i.nthe city other than the commercial district
or the professional and,busi.ness, office building district as
defined' by the zoning:.ordinim'ce of the City. ..
Section 4. That Secti.on. 3;"41. of, the. Code of Ordi nances, City of
West University Place" Texas, ';,5. hereby, amended to re,ad as follows:
Sec. 3-41. Use in residential districts restricted.
No ,commercial adverti~ing sj.gn .other than institutional signs
shall be permitted. in, a,ny residential, district" except one
nonilluminated real estate sign and except, during
construction of a building~~one. nonilluminated sign, not to
exceed. eight '(8): square feet ,of 'display area'on any single
!face, advertising' contrac:tors' or, 'arch-itectsi and located upon
the. s'ame pr:em:i'ses', wi-ths'uch bull di ng'.
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Section' 15." . That Section- 3:-,50' 'of the, ,Code,~ of Ordinances, City -of
West Uni vers i ty Pl ace,1 Tex:as~,1 j s: Ihereby amended' to: read as, fo llows :')
'. ,
Sec. 3-50. Condition and appearance.
(a) Every, sign shall be kept in good condition as to
structure and' appearance." ,The ,ground space within
" a, rad~u:s ofi 'ten ,(:lO).~:feet, .from ,the base, -p;f, 'any,
advert;i sing: s i gnstr.ucture sha.ll. ,be, kept free and
clear"of :all weeds', :rubbish:and :inflammabJe
mater;i-a:l." ,i' - :; " " ' ,
(b) ,An openspace.,of .at'least four (4) feet
in height shall be ma~ntai~ed between the bottom of
all ground signs and the ground, except for the
. j "r supparts, fer: ':such -sj,gn,whi ohsha 11 not occupy more
than ten. (lO)percent of .such sp.ace . This
subsection shall not apply to institutiQnal and
real estate signs.
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Section 6.(a) ,This ordinance applies only.to violations'committed
on or after the effective da.te'ofthis ordinance, and a violation
committed befere the' effecti ve date is gov'erned by the ordinances in
effect before such effecti ve date.' Such' ordi nances are, cont i nued in
effect fer,such purpese-as'if this ordinant~,were not in force. For
putposes,of;this section', a yiolation is committed on or after the
~ffectivedate of this ordinance if'any element of the violation occurs
after the effective date.
. (b) The new regulations applicable to portable signs
and oversized real estate signs in'this, ordinance do not apply to any
such sign existing on the effective date of this ordinance until the
91st day following the effective' date of this ordinance, but only for
so long, as the s fgn is not mov~((, or~ltered.
(c) Until another fee is established by the City
Council, the fee for the issuance of a portable si gn permit shall be
the greater of: (i) $10 or (ii):$0~10'per square foot of display area
of signs permitted for times when the event or festival is not actually
being, held. plus $5.00 for all miscellaneous signs within a ,defined area
when the' festival or event is actually held (if they are included in
the permit).
Sectibh 7~ 'All ordin~~~~s:and'~~rts 'ofbrdinances in conflict
herewith are hereby'repealed-te; the ext~nt of the conf,lict only.
~ ' ' , , ) -' .
Section 8. If any word,' phra.se, c"lause, sentence" paragraph,
section 'or other. part of this nrdinance, or the, application thereof to
any person or circumstance', shall ever be held to be invalid or
unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction,. the remainder
of ' this ordinance and the application of such word, phrase, clause,
sentence, paragraph, section or' other~ part of this ordinance to any
other persons or ci rcumstances shall nO,t ,be effected thereby.
Section 9. The Ci:ty Gounpil pff;j~ia)ly finds, determines and
declares that a sufficient written, notice of the date, hour, place and
subject of each meeting at which this ordinance was discussed,
considered or acted upon was, 'g';:venin the manner required by the Open
Meetings Law, TEX. REV. CTV'~ STAT. ANN 'art. 6252-17, as amended, and
that each' such meeting has been open to the public as required by law
at all times during such discussion, con'sideration and action. The
City Council ratifies, appr:oves :and:confirms such notices and the
cOhtehtsand posti,ng thereof. . i ' .
Section 10. This ordinance takes effect on the tenth day
following its publication, as req.ui.red by Section 2.12 of the City
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: t:01
September , 19~. -
Counci lmembers Voting; Aye :;
Councilmembers Voting-No:
Councilmembers Absent:
Mayor-Parks, Councilmembers Higley,
Bryan, . Schwartze 1 i, ,
Councilmember Cumm,ings: (resigned)
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thi s 22nd . day of, . September: ' 19~..,
Councilmembers Voting:Aye: Mayor Parks, Councilmembers Higley,
':: Bryan ~_Schwartze 1 "
Councilmembers Voting No: None,
Councilmembers Absent: Councilmember Cummings (resigned)
of October , 19~.,
Council members Voting Aye:
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Mayor Pro Tem Higley, Councilmembers
" . { Bryan, Schwartz,el
None ,. ..
Mayor, Parks
, .' :',' . Councilmembers Cummings (resign~d)
. I .i'
Councilmembers Voting No:
Councilmembers Absent:
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,Laura: C. Higley, Mayo~ Pro Tem
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" Approved, ,as to Form:
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Audrey Nichols'
City Secretary
'; : I ' . ~ ,~ ~. \ i '.
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James L. Dougherty, Jr.
City 'Attorney
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