HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1263 - ORD Relating to Rates Charged By Houston Lighting & Power Company 73 Ii I \ I \ ----' ORDINANCE NUMBER 1263 ' ' AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO RATES TO BE CHARGED BY HOUSTON LrGHTING & POWER COMPANY FOR ELECTRIC UTILITY SERVICE WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLA();E, TEXAS; CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT; PROVIDING FOR A REPEALER AND FOR SEVERABILITY; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. / I~ , I ) I '--' WHEREAS, on or about March 18, 1986, Houston Lighting & Power Company (the "Company"), filed with the City of West University Place, Texas, a Statement of Intent and Petition for Authority to Change Rates relating to electric utility service, and proper n(j)tice thereof was duly given; and WHEREAS, by Ordinance Number 1258, the City Council suspended the effective date of such proposed rate increase until July 22, 1986; and WHEREAS, the City Council, having considered the Company. s rate increase at a public hearing for which proper notice ,was duly given, finds that such request is excessive; and WHEREAS, the City Council havi ng ori gi na 1 juri sdi cti on over the matter finds that a lesser increase in rates should ~e prescribed for the Company; I NOW, THEREFORE BE IT' ORDAINED BY THE CI[TY" COUNCIL O'F THE, CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: I Section 1. The City Council of ,the City of, West=University Place hereby finds the requested rates of: 'the Company to be excessive and unreasonab 1 e. ' . - Section 2. The City Council hereby approves and adopts the rates, adjustments, and determinations set out in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein for all purposes" and additionally finds and determines the following: ' ~ I I i I I \ '--" I. Findings: 1. Cost of' Servi.ce' The revenue requirement"of the Company is $3,087,698,000.00. Adjustments were made to Operati ons & Maintenance Expenses, Fuel ~xpenses, Purchased Power,' Depreciation Expense, Other Taxes, Federal Income Taxes, and the Return component~) a. Operations and Maintenance ~xpenses Adjustments to the Company. s Operation and Maintenance Expenses amounted to $45,097~OOO.00. The major adjustments include . a 'reduction "in' :Salaries and Wages expense of $4,618,000.00. a' reduction: -' of : Limestone Operating Expenses of $1,889,000.00, a reduction in Municipal Street Use Fees of $7,696,000.00, a reduction in Rate Case Expenses of $1,059,000.00, elimination of EEl dues of $331,000.00, a reduction in Gas . n"lRlUllllIlllllli,,'~ 'LJJC.:..!J ".. ~ 74 Operation and Maintenance Expense of $9,464,000.00, and a ,\:'! reduction for Non-Recurring Maintenance of $8,550,000.00. b. Fuel Expenses and Purchased Power The adjustment of Fuel Expenses- is a reduction' of '---..J $136,181,000.00. The adjustnientto Purchased Power is a reduction of $40,961,000.00. The Overall, Fixed Fuel Factor per KWH is $0.020386, the Distribution Level Fixed Fuel Factor per KWH is $0.020854, and the Transmission Level Fixed Fuel Factor per KWH is $0.019713. c. Depreciation The total adjustment to Depreciation Expense is a reduction of $13,835,000.00. d. Other Taxes The total adjustment for all Taxes Other than Federal Income Taxes is a net reduction of $5,013;000.00. e. Federal Income Taxes The adjustment to the Cost of Service for Federal Income Taxes is a reduction of $65,507,000.00. f. Return The rate of return on equity is 14.75 percent. The rate of return on invested capital is 11.58 percent. 2. Invested Capital The invested capital is determined to be $4,764,986,000.00. 3. Adjustments to Invested Capital The adjustments to invested capital include a reduction of $5,496,000.00 in Plant in Service, an increase of $1,243,000.00 in )~ Construction Work in Progress, a reduction of $2,713,000.00 in Ui Fuel Oil Inventory, a reduction of $82,702,000.00 in Working Cash Allowance, a reduction of $64,625,000.00 in Deferred Limestone Cost, a reduction of $8,880,000.00 in Unrecovered Storm Loss, a reduction of $29,878,000.00 in Deferred Taxes, and a reduction of $5,280,000.00 in Other Cost-Free Capital. 4. Revenue Deficiency The overall non-fuel revenue deficiency if $159,759,000.00. 5. Rate Structure a. Residential The rate structure for the residential customer class is: Summer: Customer Charge of $9.00 per month, which includes 250 kwh all kwh over 251 kwh at 6.2460~ per kwh plus: fuel charge of 2.0854~ per kwh for all kwh Winter: Customer Charge of $9.00 per month, which includes 250 kwh 251-1,000 kwh at 6/2460~ per kwh over 1,000 'kwh at 2. 9655<t per kwh U1 plus: fuel charge of 2.0854~ per kwh for all kwh 75 n b. All Other Customer Classes The rate structure for all customer cl asses other than residential is that proposed in the Company's Statement lof Intent and Peti ti on for Authori ty to Change" Rates. . i n I I. 'Rel ated Issues 1. The Ci ty Counci 1 hereby authori zes the Company to uti 1 i ze the following deferred accounting ,treatment for certain expenses related to Limestone Unit 2: Beginning ,on the, commer.cial in~service date as defined by the Public Utility Commission, of Texas C':commercial in- service"date") for Limestone Unit 2 and continuing for:a period of time ending eighteen (18) months after that in-service date or upon the effective date of rates set as a result of the Company's next filed statement of intent to change rates, whichever ending date is sooner, the Company may place into a deferred account all: depreciation expense, tax expense, and operation ~nd maintenance expense.,incurred during that time period by the Company, related, to, Limestone Unit 2, and upon revi ew, approval, and adju,stment .:'of such" deferred expenses by the Ci ty in the proceeding considering the, Company's next filed statement of intent to change rates~ these deferred amounts shall be amortized over a period of ten years from the commercial in-service date of Limestone Un it 2. The City Council hereby orders the, Company, upon the, commercial in- service date for Limestone Unit 2, to transfer its total investment in Limestone Unit 2 from Construction Work in Progress to Plant in Service. The City reserves the, 'right to: exclude, from rate base or other recovery any portion of the, expenditures ,from the plant,AFUDC, capitalized expenses, capitalized depreciation or other capitalized costs related to Limestone Unit 2 that, the City determines is not used and useful, has been imprudently spent or .incurred, or i.s in any other way not, lawfully includahle. in rate base;"or ,other recovery. The City further reserves the right to determine the reasonableness and prudence of any deferred expenses in the rate order in which rate base treatment for Limestone Unit 2 is requested. ,The Ci ty Counci 1::. finds: that ,all of the; :Company' 51 d'nvestment in Limestone Unit 2 as o~f :DEmember, 31, 1985,",;j-s present'ly in rate,base as Constructi on Work, in Progress., l ;,; ,: I :' , ' The City Council hereby orders that the Company shall not, after the, date of final ,passage 'of this ordinance, accrue any 8FUDC on any Limestone Unit 2 investment. ' " ,2. ' The City Council, hereby orders ,the Company, after the date of final passage OfT this: ordinance, : to i'nclude in reconcilable. fuel expense for any fuel purchased":from.an,affi:liate,only'ftueLprices at cost, and ,t'O exclude any re;turns on 'or of equHy.. I ' ./ ' 3. The City: has incurred expenses for ,the pu.fjposeofconducting investigations, presenting evidence,.-: advis',ing ''-andl r,epres,enting the governing body, and assisting with litigation in connectjon with the request of the Company 'to 'change its rates~ The,' Company shall reimburse the City for the reasonable costs of such servi ces pursuant to Section 24(a) of thePublic:Uti'lity,Regulatory.Act, TE,X. REV;,iCIV. STAT. ANN. art. 1446c (Vernon Supp. 1986). The Mayor shall forward to the Company an invoi ce or invoi ces for such costs together with a request for reimbursement. The Company shall reimburse the City for o l.....-rrl l q 11IIhlllllftlr . 1--' .I!II~IIIIIIII'llj. -II 1 'LlJlfl1 Iii; .., " 'I (, 76 such costs incurred within thirty days after having received each such request. III. Conclusions 1. The City has original jurisdiction over this case pursuant to Section 43 of the Public Utility Regulatory Act. 2. The Company has the burden of establishing its revenue defi c i ency under its present ra tes and of es tab 1 is hi ng the amount of such deficiency that will be collected' under-' its proposed rates pursuant to Section 40 of the Public Utility Regulatory Act. 3. The rates prescribed herein will allow the Company to recover its operating expenses together with a reasonable - return 'on its invested capital, pursuant to provision' 'of Section 39 of ~he Publ ic Utility Regulatory Act. 4. The rates prescribed herein will permit the Company a reasonable opportunity to earn a re'asonable return upon the invested capita 1 used and usefu 1 in renderi ng servi ce to the ,pub 1 i c over and above its reasonable necessary operating expenses as provided by Section 39(a) of the Public Utility Regulatory Act. 5. The rates for electric service set forth herein provide just and reasonable and not unreasonably preferential, prejudicial, or discriminatory rates, and are sufficient, equitable, and consistent in application to each class of consumer, as provided by Section 38 of the Public Utility Regulatory Act. Secti on 3. The City Counci 1 hereby determi nes, prescri bed, establishes and authorizes the increased rates for sale or supply of electric service by the Company within,the corporate limits of the City of West University Place, Texas, as set out in this' ordinance. Such increased rates shall become effective as to each customer on or no later than the thirtieth day after the date of final passage of this ordlnanc'e. The Company shall be authorized to collect such rates until such time as they may be changed, modified, amended or withdrawn in accord~hte with applicable statutes and otdinances~ Section 4. The City Council hereby authorizes and directs the City Secretary to serve the Company wi th a certi fi ed copy of thi s ordinance which is the final determination and order of the City. Section 5. The Company shall, within ten days following the final passage and approval of this ordinance and' thereafter whenever required by appl icable . statutes and ordinan'ces ahdwhenever requested by the Mayor, file a complete schedule of' rates and tariffs with the Mayor setting 'forth all of the Company.s rates and charges for utility servic~ then in effect. The Mayor is authorized to review, approve and require revisions to the tariff if he determines it not to be in accordance with this ordinance. Section '6. Nothing contained in this ordinance shall be construed now or hereafter as limiting or modifying, in any manner, the right and power of the City under the law to regulate the rates and charges of the Company. . II ,~ \ '-----.-J I I I i. I '-----.J ~) r I ~ 77 n Section 7. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewi th, are repealed to the ~xtent of the confl;i <:tJon,ly. Secti on 8. In the event that the Company appea 1 s from thi s order setting electric rates for the Company, the City hereby waives written noti ce of the heari ng befor.e the Pub] i c, Uti 1 ity Commi ss i on of Texas on such appeal.,. With respect to any such appeal, the City Council hereby authorizes the City Attorney or his designees to represent the City and its citizens in any and all matters in connection with such appeal and to take any and all actions necessary and incidental thereto and to,the resolution of the matters subject to such appeal, all as may be in the best interests of the City. o Section 9. If any provision, section, subsection, I sentence, clause, or phrase of this ordinance, or the application of same to any person or set of circumstances is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, void or' invalid, the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance or their applicatitin to,othe~ persons or set of circumstances shall not be affected,'thereby, it being the intent of the City Council in adopting this ordinance that no portion hereof or provision or regulation contained herein shall become inoperative or fail by reason of any unconstitutionality, voidness or invalidity of any other portion hereof, and all provisions of this ordina,nce are declared to be severable for that purpose. Section 10. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a sufficient written notice of the date;lhour, pla.ce and subject of each meeting at which this ordinance, was discussed~ considered or acted upon was given in.the manner r.equi'red by the. Open Meetings Law, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN. art. 6252-17, as amended, and that each such meeti ng has been open to the pub 1 i c as requi red by 1 aw at all times during such discussion, consi.deration and action. The City Council ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and posting thereof. Section 11. The public importance of this measure and the fact that it is in the best interest of the City and its inhabitants for the City Council of the City of West University Place, Texas, to consider the rates to be charged by the Houston Li ghting & Power Company as herein set out at the earliest possible date, constitute and create an emergency and an urgent public necessity requiring that this Ordinance be passed and take effect as an emergency measure, and a state of emergency is hereby declared, and this Ordinance is accordingly passed as an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force immediately from and after its passage. n ,'.. r---T n---'L . J ~jIJ.~11 UJI Itlm.- It 78 I . _1!llItlllIl:lllil" -j; i il-III'III ii' . I PASSED AND APPROVED, this the" 14th. day of July., 1986. Councilmembers Voting Aye:, Councilmemb~rs Voting No: Councilmembers Absent: ..,Mayor Parks, Council members Higley" Cummings~ Schwartzel None Counc i 1 member Bryan, , : Michael L. Parks, Mayor. City of~West University Place~ Texas ATTEST:, Audrey' Nichols, City,Secreta~y City of West University Place, Texas, (SEAL) Approved as to Form: James L. Dougherty, Jr .-, Ci ty Attorney . City of West University Place;, Texas , " " I 1\' "'-' I': r. '.' j .; . !: ~) I I i j I ~ ------., ) I I I ! '----..i , , ' I I U ,79 u EXHIBIT A PAGE....L. OFA . _....'"1ITIT1TT'll"'T"TTI"'"Tl'. . .'- ,,,,'~""""-'- ."........... .J ..,.... ";".,. ;~~n.,.~ _', ,~ . ._~-- ~ .-'--,<-. ~ ." .-..- ............~..""......,.-"....-......,,..,...~~~~....~"'" ,I 80 II I I '---./ SCHEDULE 2 CITY Of 10USTOI 10USTOI LlSHTlIG , ;oIlEI CORPAIY CALCUUTlOI OF llClUSE TEST YUI EIDED DECElBEI 31. 1'15 (000'.) JII[ . .UP CITY cln 'ES' YEU Ill. DESCRIPTlOI :IUU[$1 ADJUSTIlEI' IUE OIDEI as ADJUSTED IEnlUE IEOUIIEIlEI' 'n.460.500 (Sm,ID2) U.OI7.'11 IJ.5DO.US LESS: FUEL IEYEIUES (1.2&5.110) 177.151 (1.0....52) (1.151.171) .IICIPAl STREET USE IEYEIUES (10.117) 1.061 (71.04i) (,".517) OlIlEI InuUE$ (25.010) U.IU) (21.331) (12.519) laSE IAlE lEVER1/[ IEOUIIEIlEI' 12.011.413 ($117.111) 11.101.11' Il.7U.'01 IICIUSE .11 eaSE RATE IEYEIUES. 1151.75' ,--, i I j I ~ EXHIBIT A PAGE..LOF.J2.. ~ , r "-../ 81 Il l"J .. SCHEDULE 3 CITY OF 10US tOI 10UStOl UGHtJ IG & 'OWE. CORPIIT o.nlUOIS & ..IITnIICE [lI'(ISE ADJUStllUU tESt 'lEAl EIDEO DECElln ;11, IllS (ODD'S) UIlE IL'" City CltT 10. OESCRlI'tlOI . I'(R IDOlS ADJU$tlI[lT lEoum ADJUSTltlT laTE OIDEI -- I SALARIES C IIAGES $226,120 $14,104 $241,024 ($4,111) 1236,406 2. lRPLOTf:E IEIltFltS 2'.511 (48') 2'.023 (lIS) 21,207 3 11lESTOllt OI'(UTlIG [lI'(ISES 152 12,330 12.4'2 (I,lm 10,513 4 S TORI OARAGES 2,016 (102) 1,314 0' 1.314 5 STon DAUGES-577' 23. Ite 1,234 0 1,234 I IUICIPAL STREET IISE FEES 11,711 (1',1&1) 71.744 (1,6") 71,048 7 UTE CASE [II'( I$ES "I 757 1.255 (1.059) III I EEl OUES 414 (13) m (331) 0 I Reo 11.721 1,05' , 12.77' 0 12.77' 10 AIORT. or OTHER DEF. CMARGU . 204 0 204 0 204 II I..AG[IIE IT AUD n 0 17. .11 (152) ;126 12 UASE AIll IEITAL 5.40' 21. 5,116 (JII) 5,36' 13 UICOLUCTlIU ACCOUITS 14,41' 102 15,321 (141) 14.314 14 ADVERT., COITR. COOl. 2.'03 714 3.511 (13) 3,574 IS UGISLATlVE ADVOCACV I (') 0 0 0 1& SOCIAL DUES 25 (25) 0 0 0 11 POWER MIlEEi.lIG ',677 (6,155) 1.122 (m) 1,125 (\ II ARORt. OF UIU101lE DEF. CHRGS 0 7,056 7.056 (1,056) 0 I i I' OTHER OU [II'( ISES 1'2.710 0 112. ,.0 0 1'2,7'0 I 20 REOUCTlOI JI 'IS OU U'. (',4") (',4") I I~ 21 IE II '1 LUIG PROCEDURES (255) (255) 22 ADO'L. UGJSLATlYE ADVOCACY (17) (17) 23 UISUPPORtEO C UCESSJY[ OFFICER UP. . (IS) (IS) 24 LEASE C RElTAL [II'( ISES (51) (511 25 FUEL REFUII) COSTS (m) (241) 21 .ALAIOFF UP. TO tIIJp (II) (16) 27 STP #2 UP. IECLASS. to, UTE CASE UP. (IDO) (100) 2. IOI-aECURlJ III IAUTElAICE (1.550) (1.550) It AFFJLATE '.Al6[$ (531) (SU) 30 UPLOTf:E STORE UI'(I$ES (JIl) (111) TOTAL [lI'(I$ES 15'4.575 m,m 1105.190 ($45.097) 1560.5'3 EXHIBIT A PAG~OFJL ,. I' I ' i I LI L. __ -' ---.. .L..... ..li....L1iI ." !-J~.!.lIlIlI- ...11111I1111 ~I h I, "82 ..LliI!.L!I . , SCHEDULE 4 , ellt' Of' 10USTO. 10USTO. UGHTUG , POIlU COI'Ut' SUIIARY or FUEl COSTS lEST YEAR [IIlEO O(C(lI(I 31. IllS (000',5 ) LJI( 10. DESCII.P1l01 IU. IEoum ell' AOJUSTlUT em 1m oaOER -'.. FUt:l ElflElSE II I ~ 1 IECOYEUlLE COSTS $175.322 ($121,21') 17~.043 2 lASE IUE FUEl 112. .32 (14..02) '7. .30 3 10TAl FUEL ''',1~ (135.111) '51, .73 PURCHASED POilU 4 IECOYUAllE COSTS 3'0,41' (55, .71) 334,10' 5 'ASE 1m PURCHASED POilU 141.761 14. .11 113.11& I 10TAl PURCHASED POilU 53'.25& (40,'11) 411.215 7 10TAl FUEl Alii PURCHASED POilU 11.527,410 (SU7,142) 11,350.261 - I lASE UTE FOE l S261.100 IU 12'1.111 . FUEl InUUE 11.215.110 (Sm,15') II.OIS.'52 --, I :~ EXHIBIT A PAGdOF~ ~ . ! I I I i I ~ .83 n I I I I t I L EXHIBIT A PAGE-L OF la.. ....:..IWI~II "1" '" n i.- ,(- 84 IORUIG CAPITAL USES '..IIIUI '"qul r..lllt IORIIIG CAPIUL SOURCES hll 'yreha... 'ow.r Other OCI f ,'.ra! I.e... r.lt. Oth.r t.... hhrnt 'r.f.rr.' Dldtl.... 'L!ll:IJ1 .,...----- ~ CITY Of 10UStOl IDUSTOI UliHtUG l POilU CORPAIf SUIIIIARY Of CASH IORIJ IG CApnAl (000 'S) '-' :1 I I SCHEDULE: 6 U IUl tlPUEtl CIlSI IORlIIG IECDIIIIUDEO (LUO)/LAG. (LUO)/LAG OAfS CAPItAL AIIOUI1 DUS /365 OAfS IEOUIIUUt $3,017.1" 3'.25 O. DIU $.30I.n5 SUI,'U (21.47) "I,2SS (37.50) 5&0,513 (17.54) 1'0,131 (.U!) ",'07 (J'0.5I) 247,571 (16.13) 21,311 (41.13) [StlUTED CAPITAl to FUUeE tHE In LUO II IECOYU OF COST Of SUYlCE Caah C:..p.ftllllt ..olel,.1 FrallChh. Fan CASH IOIIl IG CAPITAL IEOUJIEllElT 71,041 (221.50) EXHIBIT A PAGE-ILOFA (0.0107) (SU,714) (0. J027) (51,1.5) (0.0111) (2&..41) (11.2737) (43,'34) (Mtu) (".111) (0.23.0) (5',41') :l (0.12") (3,715) U ',5'4 1,131 (D.l210) ('4."') ($3',2'1) !1 I I '~ L_,J (,- ~,.J , Cost 0' C.pital '. Hou.ton Lighting & pow.~ Comp.ny 1000.) ~ ~ ~ Percent of W COMpon.nt' 8alal'le. Total Cost C, ........... -.-.-.. .-.-...-.- .... .' Lc.I'lY TIl'''hl Dl!bt .2,697,412 e.1 43.101/. 8.76" ef) Pt''''' ...t'",d Stock .341, ,348 Ibl 5.Io5,c 8.49,c Cg) COM.~on Equity "2, 72S, 464. leI 43. 551/. 14.75" fTC. .494,082 Cd' 7.891. 11. 581. .-.-.----. _ts_=_. fe.tal "6,258,3('6 C.I 1 ('0. (I('l/. ~ Cij =t =-- lal RFl HOU7-42 P.g. 1. Ibl Hr.l HOU 7-42 Pag. 1. Ce) nFl HOU 7-4a Pag. 1. Idl A..pon.. to on-sit. int.....og.to..y. leI AFt HOU 7-42 Pag. 1. I , I .nt: t HOU7-42 Pag. 3. Ig) AFt HOU 7-42 Pag. 5. lIlIrtllltlll 1 86 L!lJ;.;...J " . -~. . ' . ..f..'~'" "". _<:_~~_",.:......:~.":.,~.;,;;:;;,,;:;,;;i.,.~~,",,,,~,.l''''''' :,.--...1 cny Of' 10US TOI 10UStOl lIGHTU. C POIIER cOIPur IEYElUE If UTE CLASS - 'EI cny UTE OIOEl lnt Y..~ hdlftl DIC..b.~ 31. IllS (000 'S) Lt.. 10. UTE CLASS IS - IESIDEIITlAL SERVICE 2 IGS - IISCElLAIEOUS IEIElIL SEAnCE 3 LGS - LUGE GnUll ~UYlCE " LOS-l - LUGE O'ERHE AD SElnCE (II 5 LOS-I - LAI.E O'ERHEAD SERYlCE (II , liP IUAS-IE II lIE lICO POIIER COIPAIT IS - IITUIUpnBlE SEAnCE I S'l ;. StIEEt AIO PIOTEcn'E lI.HUIG sunCE t Gl - GUllO LIGHTUG SERVICE 10 TOTAL ELECTRIC InEIUES 11 OTHEI O'Eunl. IE'EIUES 12 TOTAL OPUAnl' IEYEIUES EXHIBIT A ~E: g &*,~ CIn UTE OIDEI 51,153,131 71t. lID 470,555 1I0.ltO 325,200 51, ". 60. "I 25,314 1,214 3.057.010 30.&01 53,087,618 -----. , , ,~l Il ~ I i I [ ----.J n [I n ,~ : L. 87 It is determined that Sheet No. El, Terms and Conditions for Sale fo Electric Service in Section v, Service Rules and Regulations, of the Company's Tarriff for Electric Service shall read as follows: .Section V-Service Rules and Regulations Terms and Conditions for Sale of Electric Service Sheet No. El Page 1 of " HOUSTON LIGHTING l POWER COMPANY HLlP 90 ./ TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR THE SALE OF ELECTRIC SERVICE APPLlCAB~E TO RATE SCHEDULES RS. RTD. MGS, LGS. LOS. ,ISA and ISB 1. Electric service will be supplied in accordance with these terms and conditions (as supplemented by the Company's Service' Standards and ,Service Rules and Regulations which are by reference incorporated herein). and any changes required by law. and in accordance with such applicable rate schedule or schedules as may, from time to time, be established by the Company. However, in the case of Customers whose electrical service requirements are of' unusual size or characteristics, additional rate and contract or service' arrangements may be required. These terms and' conditions constitute a selected list of rules from the Company's Service Rules and Regulations. Upon request, 'Customer may obtain at any Company office information on Company's policies' regarding the extension of service, refusal to serve, service discontinuance, Customer credit, billing and metering. ' 2. Company will make reasonable provisions to. supply steady and continuous electric 'service. consistent with the Customer's class of service. but l-r does not guarantee the electric service against fluctuations or interruptions. Company will not be liable for any damages occasioned by fluctuations or interruptions unless it be shown that Company has not made reasonable provisions to supply steady and continuous electric service, consistent with the Customer's class of service. and in the event of a failure to make 'such reasonable provisions Company's liability shall be I 1r limited to the cost of necessary repairs of physical damage proximately caused by the service failure to those electrical facilities of Customer which were then equipped with the protective safeguards recommended or required by the then current edition of the National Electrical Code. In no event shall Company be liable for damage occasioned ,by fluctuations or interruptions or failure to begin supplying electric service, caused by an act of God, the public enemy, unavoidable accident, "fire, explosion, strike, riot, war. order of any court or judgment granted in any bona fide adverse legal proceeding. or action or order of any commission or tribunal having jurisdiction in the premises, or, without limitation by the preceding enumeration, any act or thing reasonably beyond its control, or for interruptions (when Customer has been given reasonable notice) which are necessary for inspection, repair or changes in Company's generating equipment or its transmission or distribution system. Company may, without liab~lity therefor, interrupt service to any Customer or Customers in the event of an emergency arising anywhere on the interconnected system of which it is a part, which emergency poses a , threat to the Irea power supply if, in its sole judgment. such action may prevent or alleviate the emergency condition. 3. For ,the mutual protection of the Customer ,and the Company, only luthorized employees of the 'Company are permit~ed to make and energize the connections between the Company's service wires and the Customer's service entrance conductors. The Company does not ass~me any duty of inspecting the ,Customer's lines, wires. switches or 'other equipment and will not be Revision Number: 8 th Effective: EXHIBIT A Pl&<?llL-' Q~_12 lilll . , lJlm.- ."----.." - .:, ~,. "'-'-" ., - 88 !llBlllIllIlllll, II I_ '..1"'" 'I. . , .'. ....:.:~~~~~ ~ f i ~ HOUSTON LIGHTING l POWER COMPANY HLlP 90 responsible therefor. To the extent allowed by law, 7the customer agrees I.. to defend, indemnify and hold Company Ind its Igents harmless from Ind against .11 claims, causes of Iction, liability, the losses, costs Ind expenses of Iny kind for personal injury, death and property damage arising out of or resulting (a) from the design, installation, operation or lIaintenance of the lines, wires, switches or other equipment on the Customer's side of the point of delivery or (b) from energization by the Customer of the ,Company's lines through operation of equipment within the Customer's control without 24 hours advance notice to the Company's dispatcher. The obligation to indemnify pursuant to (a) Ind (b) shall apply without regard to the negligence of the Company or its agents if the negligence of both the Customer and the Company or their respective Igents ,were proximate causes of such personal injury, death or property damage, but shall not apply when prOXimately caused by the sole negligence of the Company or its agents. . 4. The Company will supply to one premises only one point of delivery and only one of the standard types of 'service listed in the Service Standards or one of the available transmission voltages, Ind Customer's installation is to be so Irranged that the Company can measure the Customer's electric service with one lIeter. The Company will not install and Ilaintain Iny lines and equipment on the Customer's side of the point of delivery except its meter. The Customer will provide, in accordance with the Company's Service Standards and free of expense to the Company, locations for the installation of the Company's lIeter and other equipment and Icceptable right of way for facilities erected solely to make service available to - Customer. The Customer will install and lIaintain 111 his wiring In~ apparatus in Iccordance with good electric practice, all applicable laWfuu' regulations, Ind in such condition and manner as not to endanger person1 or property, or to cause impairment of the Company's service to th\ Customer, or its other customers; Ind the Customer will obtain a,j necessary permits and certificates, of inspection covering his electric installation. The Customer will not permit any other party to use the service supplied to the Customer by the Company, or extend or connect his installation to lines Icross or under a street, Illey, lane, court or other'public or private space in order to obtain service for other premises. even though such other premises be owned by the Customer. except in the case of Customer owned street lighting installations. 5. Certain types of equipment used by Customers have electrical characteristics which lIay cause serious fluctuations of voltage and interfere with the service of the Company to its, Customers. In such cases the Company lIay decline to serve such equipment under the Company's established rate schedules until the Customer having such equipment. has provided It his expense. suitable Ipparatus to hold to reasonable lillits the effect of such fluctuations. Circumstances lIay require such equipment to be supplied separately from other service, and in such event. the Company lIay require, additional contract arrangements and construction charges and may lIeter and bill such service separately from other service supplled to the Customer. Where the Customer owns generating equipment and proposes to operate this equipment in paral'el with and concurrent Revision Number: 8 th Effective: EXHIBIT A PAGEltL OF..n. ,~, ~ n "------" o n , . " ..,89 HOUSTON LIGHTING 1 POWER COHPANY HLlP 90 : with electric service supplied by the Company, the Customer must obtain consent from the Company. 6. The duly authorized representatives of the Company are to have access at all reasonable hours to the Customer's premises for the purpose of inspecting Company's wiring and apparatus, erecting, removing or replacing its facilities, reading its meter and for all other purposes connected with the supplying of electric service. 7. Company wil~ upon Customer's request test the accuracy of Company's meter used in the metering of Customer's, service. Such test will be free of charge provided Customer has not requested a similar test within I period of four years or in any case if such meter is found to be not accurate within the accuracy standards ,established by the American National Standards Institute, Incorporated. The maximum charge for testing a residential Customer's meter shall be fifteen dollars ($15.00). Additional provisions of Company's Meter Policy, including re-billing, are contained in Company's Service Rules and Regulations. 8. The Company may require a deposit, if in accordance with Customer Credit Policy, the credit of an applicant for service has not been established satisfactorily to Company. For permanent 'residential, commercial and industrial customers, such deposit shall not exceed one-sixth (1/6) of the Customer's estimated annual billings. Company will pay interest on required deposits at an annual rate established in accordance with the provisions of Tex. Rev. Civ. Stat. Ann. art. 1440a (Vernon's Supp. 1985). For amounts held on deposit with the Company prior to January I, 1986, the annual interest rate shall be 6~. For amounts held on ,deposit with the Company during calendar year 1986, the annual interest rate shall be 7.29%. 11 /t#p.;.;,/Pf /;,#Jf41f./If./;tj.;,~/~If.'V;./f.'f.Itf.f/I.'JlI;4#/;,f /f##_f./~f I D _~p;,tlf.J/;.;,/I;.f.~t#f./"'j.f;.l;.f./lt/t~r.##~1 The Company reserves the right (SUbject to Customer Credit Policy) to require In additional deposit, when in accordance with Public Utility Commission rules, the Customer's deposit is insufficient. Any deposit shall not preclude the Company (subject to Service Discontinuance Policy) from terminating the Agreement for Service or suspending the supply of electric service to the Customer for any failure in the performance of the Customer's obligations under ~he Agreement for Service. Additional provisions of Company's Customer Credit Policy are contained in Company's Service Rules and Regulations. 9. Charges for electric service will normally be based on a monthly period of approximately 30 days but not more than twelve (12) bills shall be, rendered in any yearly period. 10. In the event Customer's service under this Agreement is suspended (such suspension being subject to Company's Service Discontinuance Policy) because of tampering with Company's meters, bypassing the same, failure to Revision Number: 8!h Effective: EXHIBIT A PAr.F' \\ t'lF' I;) t~lTr1 ",1111"1111. 90 Section V-Service Rules Ind Regulltions Terms Ind Conditions for Slle of Electric Service HOUSTON LIGHTING I POWER COMPANY Hl&P 90 pay a delinquent 'account, , fl11ure to' comply with deposit or guarlntee Irrangements (when required by Customer Credit Policy), or, if I reasonable opportunity to remedy the s1tult1on, violation of Company's rules pertaining to the use of service in I ~anner which interferes with the service of others, endangers persons or property, or is due to the operation of nonstandard equipment, all guarantees, '.'nimums and other contract charges for the remainder of the term of the Agreement shall thereupon become due and plyable by Customer. Company Igrees to Iccept such sum IS and for liquidated damages for such losses IS Company .ay suffer by reason of Customer's breach of the Agreement. An LOS Customer shall have, as an alternative, the right to make payment of such charges or billings 'as they fill due under the terms of the LOS Igreementi provided, however, in the event such LOS Customer shall fail to pay any such charge or billing in a timely manner, Company may, then, It its option, require 'payment of III charges or billings in, their total sum for the unexpired term. ~ ! '\ I I Sheet No. [1 ~ Plge 4 of 4 11. Upon the expiration of an Agreement for Service, the Cqmpany may, without liability for injury or damage, dismantle Ind remove III flc111ties installed for the purpose of supplying electric service to the Customer, and shall be under no further obligation to serve the Customer at the point. 12. Agreements for Service shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the successors and Iss1gns of the Customer Ind the Company, but no assignments by the Customer shall be binding upon the Company unti~l accepted in writing by the Company. .. ! I '-.-/ FYHIRIT A PGJ}f. ~ cJ ~ i I '---./