HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1237 - ORD to Prerequiste Holding Public Hearing Amending Zonong ORD 111 N ~ m ~iOJ2Ui ORDINANCE NUMBER 1237 AN ORDINANCE FINDING AND DETERMINING THAT EACH AND ALL THE PROCEEDINGS HAVE BEEN HAD AND ALL THINGS DONE PREREQUISITE TO THE HOLDING OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE AMENDING OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS, SO AS TO PROVIDE CERTAIN CHANGES IN TERMS AND DEFINITIONS USED THEREIN; FINDING THAT A PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONS I DER I NG AN AMENDMENT TO ORDI NANCE NO . 111 HAS BEEN DULY AND LEGALLY HELD; APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE REPORTED RECOMMENDATION OF THE ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION THAT ORD INANCENO .111 BE AMENDED TO PROV)DE CERTAIN CHANGES IN TERMS AND DEFINITIONS USED THEREIN; FINDING THAT ORDINANCE NO. 111 OF THE CITY OF WEST UN I VERS I TY PLACE SHOULD BE AMENDED SO AS TO PERMIT SUCH CHANGES; AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 111 TO PROVI DE SUCH CHANGES ; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of West Univer- sity Place has heretofore duly and properly requested certain changes in terms and definitions used in Ordinance No. 111 ; and WHEREAS, the'Zoning and Planning Commission of the City of West Univer- sity Place, has submitted its recommendation that the same should be granted sub- ject to a public hearing before the CIty Council of said City; and WHEREAS, proper notice of such hearing was given by publication in the Houston Chronicle on September 28, 1984, that notice was properly posted at the City Hall and postcards were mailed to all residences on September 27,1984; and WHEREAS, pursuant to such notice a publAc hearing was held by the City Council at the Community Building, 6102 Auden Street at 7:30 p.m., Monday, Octo- ber 15, 19,84; and WHEREAS, the City Council is of the opinion that the recommendation of the Zoning and Planning Commission should be approved. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section l~ That the City Council of the City of West University Place finds and determines that all formalities required by Ordinance No. 111 of said City relative to the reeommendation of the Zoning and Planning Commission for an amendment to said Ordinance, have been duly complied with and met. Section 2. That the recommendation of the Zoning and Planning Commis- sion relative to changes in terms and, definitions asset forth herein be, and it is hereby, approved and adopted. Section 3. That Ordinance No. 111 of the City of West University Place, Texas, is hereby amended to provide changes to read as follows: Section 2. Definitlons. 11(3) Accessory Building: A building,the use of which is subordinant and incident to the use of the main living building.11 ~ ~ r- .'-1" --.- .~':1l'-1'i .J 'd':.L:;IAltl' , .. 'crn_n-~1'~I,,""!'Trn~1m-_~-cn -~~C",~ ~- nF~C_"-TT" ~- Eight (BI) foot opaque Yences shall be required to separate apartment project~ from adjoining land uses of other types. Such fences shall not be required between apartment projects. i~\ I be I I U ~~"'-JLJ' ~~ lJ:II.TTfITII"TrI"f"!rIlltlllWJ;;;,"--'<......LcL rT'~ --.--- fl"! I.ll.".l ___ _.. I .....J t:::...:-J - -'.....:l...l ,;00-202 1I(2B) Two family dwelling. Duplexes, a dwelling arrange, intended or designed to be occupied by two (2) families living indepen- dently of each other.1I 11(35) Pervious materials: Pervious materials are those that allow water to pass through, be retained or absorbed to prevent excess water, flow to adjacent properties. Pervious materials include, but are not limited to, grass, natural landscape materials, spaced wood decks over natural earth, and other absorbent materials. In addition to pervious materials in open spaces, swimming pools connected to the city ground water discharge system, save and except pool decking~ will be permitted to be constructed in an open space subject to compliance with Section 21-1 through 21-33 of Zoning Ordinance 111 (swimming pool regulations).I' Section 4. Additional houses and duplexes in the Fourth Single-Family Dwelling Districts. 11(5) Apartment houses and duplexes in the Fourth Single-Family Dwell- ing Distric~ on lot? facing south on Wroxton Road between Kirby Drive and Wakeforest Street, and duplexes in the Fourth Single- Family Dwelling DistrJct on lots' facing Northon Wroxtoh Road between Kirby Drive and Wakeforest Street. Except, however, no apartment house shall be erected or constructed nearer than fifteen (151) feet from the front property line. (a) All rules and regulations for Single-Family Dwell ing Districts shall apply to apartments and duplexes unless specifically modified herein. (b) The maximum density for apartments shall be twenty (20) un i ts per acre. (c) Each apartment unit shall contain a minimum enclosed liv- ing area of 750 square feet. (d) A minimum of two and one-half (2~) offstreet parking spaces shall be proyided for each apartment unit. Twenty percent (20%) of all requi red offstr'eet pa,rking shall be common to the use of the entire apartment project. (e) All vehicular ingress or egress to an apartment project 'shall be limited to two (2) thirty-five (351) foot maximum width curb cuts per project. (This assumes new construc- ti~n not to combine existing sites legally ~escribed.) (f) (g) All offstreet parking areas for apartment projects shall visually scree~ed from the street and adjacent property of other land use types. 1 J ~ , I LJ ~'100203 w (h) All construction shall 'be as'required by the City of West University Place Fire Zone Requirements. Any floor area above the second floor shall require two (2) means of egress. (i,) All proposed apartment projects must be submitted to, reviewed by and approved by the City's Zoning and Plan- ning Commission prior to application for building permits. The data required to be submitted for review and approval fora proposed project will be the same as required for IITownhouse/C1 usterhouse Construct i on'J. Section 25. IILot coverage ina Single-Family Dwell ing District. (1) Open space requirement: The required open space for each Single- Family Dwelling lot, duplex or two family dwelling shall be forty (40%) percent of the area of the lot. (2) Minimum percentage: In addition to the open space requirement set forth in sub-section (1) above, a minimum percentage of the total open space area of each single-family, duplex or two family lot shall bepervious-,materlal hi accordance withdthe following: For Lots Percent of Pervious Material. o 6,250 square feet or less 6,251 square feet or more 30% 40% (3) Coverage as of date of passage: Nothing in (1) or (2) above shall prohibit an owner of an existing structures from constructing a re- pl acement dwell i ng and rep 1 acementaccessory bui 1 d.i ngs on his lot that occupies no more than the number of square feet that the existing structures currently occupies. (4) Lot drainage: In addition to the pervious materials required above, there exists a need to direct excess rainwater to the City's ground water collection system. All lot owners who wish to construct a new or add a maJor addition to any single-family dwell ing, duplex, two family dwell ing, apartment project or ac- cessory building, are required to provide an underground pipe drainage system (411 pipe size minimum) from the lowest grade point or points in the rear yard and from each gutter down spout on any structure to discharge collected rain water to the street to which the lot is dedicated. Corner lots will drain to either street. II Section 26. Special area regulations and exceptions. II (3) Side or rear yard: The space in a side or rear yard shall be open and unobstructed,to the sky except for the ordinary projection of approved window sills or belt courses or cornices or eaves and other ornamental features not'to exceed fifteen (15") inches. An accessory use building erected on a lot shall, for the purpose of side and rear yard requirements, be considered as a single build- ing. n An accessory building or private garage may occupy not to exceed forty percent (40%) of the rear yard and may not exceed twenty- five (251) feet in height." _'_~_-L___.___._...J.J..l..~ ~"~""~!lrllm!.I==u:r:I.rr --I~-"r,"'~~n ~~WJ;.~,.~,:"j -----'-----'-- rITY' - '-[.II.!! .. I .J L.. -l . '.J ~10U204 Section 4. This ordiriance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED FIRST READING this 14th day of January, 1985. PASSED AND APPROVED SECOND READING thts 28th day of January, 1985. Councilmen Voting Aye: Three Councilmen Voting No: Two . .'1'!Iak ~ Marl.a Forristall, Mayor ATTEST: ~~ ,Lee Lockard, City Secretary , ~ I 1 ) '---' \ I ! i ( L-J