HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1362 - ORD Relating to Plumbing and Gas Matters 11.1 , JlJlilll~jlm]l~ITII JlDI!IiIIlilI!~' i I ,. ! DIJI ~ ~ Ii i., ,~.:. ,":1 II' !1lUJ I l' ~~ \... ORDINANCE NUMBER 1362 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PLUMBING AND GAS MATTERS; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; ADOPTING STANDARD PLUMBING AND GAS CODES, WITH AMENDMENTS; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. * * * WHEREAS, the City Council desires to update the standard plumbing and gas codes now in use, and the City Council also desires to set up certain standard procedures for the use of such codes; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Articles I, II and III of Chapter 17 (including Sections 17-1 through 17-55) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas are hereby amended in their entirety to read as follows: ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL. Sec. 17-1. Plumbing & Gas Board. There is hereby created the plumbing and gas board of the City (lIboardll or IIP&GBII). The P&GB shall consist of five members appointed by the city council. In addition, the building official and the public works superintendent shall meet with the board to advise the board, but they shall not be members and may not vote. Sec. 17-2. Qualifications, Terms, Vacancies. (a) Each member of the board shall be appointed to a specific position: position 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. Each person 'appointed to position 1 must hold a master plumber.s license. Each person apppointed to position 2 must be either a sanitary or mechanical engineer. Each person appointed to position 3 must be associated with a plumbing business. Each person appointed to position 4 or 5 shall be a representative of the general public. However, if the city council determines that no qualified person having the qualifications specified for position 1,' 2 or 3 is available to serve on the board, the city council may appoint such persons as the council , '[' I' I 134 u o u Ordinance Number 1362 135 o determines are best qualified to perform the functions of the board. (b) Each position shall have successive two-year terms of office, with each term beginning on September 1 of each odd-numbered year and extending through August 31 of the next following odd-numbered calendar year. Each member appointed shall serve for the specific term, or the unexpired portion thereof, of the position to which the member is appointed. Appointments for upcoming terms may be made no sooner than 60 days prior to the beginning of the term. o (c) Each member of the board shall also serve after the expiration the term of office for the position to which he was appointed, until his successor is duly selected and shall have qual ified. (d) In the event ~f death, resignation or removal from office of any member, a successor shall be appointed.and qualified to serve the remaining unexpired portion of the term of office of the position so becoming vacant. Sec. 17-3. Compensation of members. The appointed members of the P&GB shall receiye;no compensation for their,services,;and th~ advisors:to the P&GB shall receive no additional compensation-for service to the P&GB. This provision shall not prohibit reimbursement for actual and reasonable expenses incurred by authority of the city manager or the city council. Sec. 17-~. Removal of members. If it appears to the city council, upon notice from the P&GB or otherwise, that any member of the P&GB, has, ceased to meet the qualifications for appointment or has, without good and sufficient reason therefor, failed to attend three consecutive meetings of the, P&GB, or has become otherwise incapable or unfit to serve D ~ - ,t..',...,"'"'....,.,.,......'~'I_....._......_._. , ,I,.., ,JljIUW1W~ J.lu:nll'I'~' 'I' Il,ilLJJi Ordinance Number 1362 as a member of the P&GB, the council may find and declare such fact, and this action shall be final and conclusive. Upon making such a finding and declaration, the council shall declare such position to be vacant and shall make a new appointment thereto as provided in this Article. Sec. 17-5. Officers. The P&GB shall elect a chairman (unless a chairman has been designated by the City Council) and a vice-chairman from among its members to serve such terms and under such conditions as the P&GB shall fix (except as to any chairman named by the City Council). The building official shall keep the minutes, records and other documents pertaining to P&GB activities. Sec. 17-6. General powers and duties; appeals. (a) The P&GB shall hear and determine appeals from actions of the building official arising under the plumbing code or the gas code or the other provisions of this chapter 17, including the provisions relating to solar energy. (b) The P&GB has authority in any hearing or appeal procedure where it is authorized to act, to affirm, reverse, modify or remand decision of the building official. In such a proceeding, the P&GB may take whatever action the building official should have taken. (c) The P&GB has final authority to interpret the plumbing code, the gas code and the other provisions of this chapter 17, including the solar energy provisions. The P&GB may issue advisory opinions on such ordinances pursuant to such limitations and rules as it may prescribe. (d) The P&GB shall advise the building official and may from time to time make recommendations to the city councilor other city officials as to matters relating to the P&GB1s jurisdiction. (e) The P&GB shall have no power to make any contract, lease or other agreement on behalf of the city, or employ any person to be an employee of or to be paid by the city, or to incur any debt or liability whatsoever on behalf of the city. i ~ 133 :-~ 'I , J [ Q Ordinance Number 1362 137 Sec. 17-7. Variances. On appeal or otherwise, the P&GB has authority to issue variances from the provisions of the ordinances over which the P&GB has appellate jurisdiction,< as provided in this Article. Variances may only be issued in accordance with the procedures and standards prescribed for the issuance of variances from the building code, as stated in Chapter 60f this code. TheP&GB shall be the only board authorized to issue variances from the ordinances over which the P&GB has jurisdiction. Section 17-8. Adoption of rules. The P&GB shall adopt such rules covering meetings of the P&GB and other matters relating to its organizational functions as it deems proper. ,ARTICLE II. "PLUMBING Section 17-16. Plumbing Code adopted. ~ ! The Standard Plumbing Code, 1988 Edition of the Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc. (IIStandard Plumbing Codell) is hereby adopted and ordained by referenced and i ncorporatedi nto thi s, Chapter by reference, as fully as though it were copied herein fully, but subject ,to :theexcepti ons stated i nthi s 'i Article. The Buildi'ng Official, : selected in accordance with Chapter,6,of this Code, shall be the II Pl umbi ng Offici a 111 referred, to in the Standard Plumbing Code. Sec. 17-17. Exceptions. The following exceptions are made from the Standard Plumbing Code adopted by this Article: (i) Provisions related to fees and charges for permits are not adopted. (ii:) Provisions, relating to the board of adjustments and appeals are not adopted; instead, the provisions relating'tnthe P&GB shall app~y to the Standard Plumbing Code. (iii) "Provisions relating to the manner of app lyi ng for permits and the processi ng of permits shall not apply; instead, the manner of II.' , ,il I, rrmTI~i itl IffilrIJ:IJIliilljrimJlI]JJnr -, :!II :...L...L....cJJ 'illiitilr7l! . "I' -,::<-I':':F"~'rrre'lIr.lnglmn_1I . "i . "T"....j'--.--- IJ ,lDWillJillJlli I l.illllll~IIIlHf~lill'!' i' ',1 _~~.L:! '1~I,d!I;;:'ll,:,I'I,rl'l I" , 'I,' , " 1:-: ' I' Ordinance Number 1362 applying for permits and the processing of permits shall be governed by the general permit provisions of Chapter 60f this Code, insofar as appli cab 1 e. . j (iv) Section A07.4 (relating to 'freezing) is amended to read in its 'ent.i rety as -fo'll ows: UNo water pipe shall be installed or permitted, outside of a building, or concealed in outside walls or in any place where it may be subjected ,to freezing temperature, unless adequate provision is made to protect it from freezing.1I (v) Neither Section 414 of the Standard Plumbing Code nor Appendix E of the Standard Plumbing Code shall apply; private sewage disposal systems of the sort described in such provisions are prohibited within the City, and it shall be unlawful for any person to construct, own or operate any such facilities or systems. (vi) The following is added at the beginning of Section 501~1:'~Evenithough listed in Table 500, none of the following is allowed for use as water distribution piping:.. Type Mcopper tube, plastic water pipe or lead-based pipe. This prohibition shall,apply notwithstanding any other provision in this Standard Code to the contrarY~11I : I, (vii) Add the following at the end of Section 602.6 of the Standard Plumbing Code (relating to flexible couplings): IINotwithstanding any other provision in this Code to ,the:contrary, flexible coupling may only be used for 'waste, drain and vent installations.1I (viii) The following language is deleted from the end of Section 910.2 (relating to construction of showers): IIShower compartments located in basements, :cellers,or in other rooms in which the:floor has been laid directly on the ground need not be lined.1I (ix) Section 1002.4 (relating to copper tube) is amended by adding the following at the end of said Section: IICopper tubing, regardless of size~ must be supported at. least once for every ten ,feet inlength.1I (x) Section 1002.6 (relating to plastic pipe) is amended by adding the following at the end of said Section: IIPlastic pipe, regardless . ~ 1'38 ~I I ~ J I I I I ~ Ordinance Number 1362 130 o of size, must be supported at least once for every ten'feet of length. II (xi') Section 1205.1. 1 (relating to underground materials) is amended to read in its enti rety as fallows: UMateri a 1 s for underground water service pipe shall be minimum Type L copper watertube, galvanized steel, brass, or cast iron pressure pipe as listed in Table 500. However, Type M copper water tube and pressure-rated plastic pipe are permitted only in sprinkler systems downstream of the stop and backflow preventer. Water pipe and fittings with more than 8.0% lead shall not be used. II o (xii) Section 1210~1.1 (relating to aboveground materials) is amended to read in its entirety as follows: IIAbove'Ground--brass, minimum Type L water tube~ stainless steel water tube, minimum Grade H, cast iron pressure pipe and galvanized steel, with approved fittings, shall be used for water distributionpiping.1I (xiii) Section 1210.1.2 (relating to underground materials) is amended to read in its entirety as follows: uUnaccessible water distribution piping under'slabsshall be copper water tube minimum-Type K, brass, cast iron pressure pipe, or galvanized 'steel pipe, all to be installed with approved fittings or bends. Any materials subject to corrosion shall be protected:when used in corrosive;soils.1I (xiv) Section 1308-.5 (relaUng,to duplex equipment for sumps), is amended to read: in its entirety as follows: IIAll sumps, if used, shall be provided with-duplex pumping equipment.1I (xv) Section 140L4 (relating to piping underground) is amended to read in: its, entirety as follows: IIVent'piping'place~ underground shall be of cast iron~ copper tube of a weight not less than-that of Type DWV; plastic piping or heavy schedule borosilicate glass. Material subject to, corros,ion sha 11 be protected when installed tn corrosive soil.1I u '. (xvi) Se,cti ons 1411.1, 1411. 2, and,141L3 are deleted, from the Standard P-liumbingCode, and the following is inserted in its' place: 111411.1 Wet Venting. Wet ventin~ shal~ not be allowed except when authorized by the Plumbing Official in hardship or unusual c~ses~1I r~ ro, -. lr:::lt:!L.r=tlll:f~~I~"--' . . .1.... , , 1 " , JllIIJlllLll] I Inlllllllum ~Hjl '~I''''', I 1 , ~,miai!.' .J , IlilllJlLLl:JJI'., I "1 [QIJj ;. I' Ordinance Number 1362 (xvii) The f1rst paragraph of ,Section 1501 (relating to storm drains, general) is amended to read in its entirety as follows: liThe provisions of this Chapter are applicable to interior leaders, building storm drains, building storm sewers, exterior conductors, downspouts, roof gutters and other storm drainage fixtures and faci 1 ities. II (xviii) Section'1501.1 (relating to drainage required) is amended to--read in its entirety as foll ows: IIRoofs, paved areas, yards, courts, courtyards, gutters, drains and other facilities or areas which will collect water shall be drained into a storm sewer system or into street gutters leading toa stor.m.sewer.1I (xix) Section 1502.3 (relating to building storm drains) is amended to read in its entirety as follows: "Building storm drains underground inside the building ,shall be of aluminum, cast iron soil pipe, copper tube Type DWV or plastic piping minimum SCH 40.11 (xx) Section 1502.4 (relating to building storm sewers) is amended to-read in its entirety as follows: liThe building, storm sewers shall be of cast iron soil pipe, plastic pipe meeting the requirements of Table 500 or copper tube Type DWV.II . (xxi) Chapter 16 is deleted in its entirety. (xxii) Appendix A is not .adopted, except for the following Sections which are adopted: Section A 101.3.5 (relating to maintenance), Section A 103.1 (relating to when a permit is required), Section A 103.2 (relating to drawings and specifications, including all subsections), Section A 103.3.2 (relating to affidavits), Section A 103.6.2 (relating to a permit issued on the basis of an affidavit), Section A 103.8.6, (relating to required tests), Section A 103.8.7 (relating to drainage and vent tests, all subsections), Section, A 103.8.8 (relating to tests of water supply), Section A 103.8.9 (relating to building sewer, all subsections), Section A 103.8.1G (relating to tests of interior leaders or downspouts), Section A 103.8.11 (relating to covering the work), Section A 103.8.12 (relating to tests for defective plumbing), and Section A 107 (relating to viol ati ons and pena It-ies.). . i ~ 140 II U :j i 1 "-..J I. _ .d, ,_. ", Ordinance Number 1362 141 (xxiii) Appendices B,C, 'D (except 'for provisions relating to the BaCkflow and Back-S.i phonage Control Board,whi ch provisions are covered in substance by the provisions of this Chapter relating to 'the P&GB), F, G~ I (Sections I 101 and I 104 only), ~nd K are~ll adopted. However, the adoption of such appendices does ,not i,ndicate that all of the facilities or structures described in such appendicies either exist within the City 'or are allowed within the City at the time of this adoption; instead, ,such adoption is made for existing improvements and for ,the the possibility that other facilities, or structure,s might someday exist within th'e City (ff allowed by other Ordinances of the City). (xxiii) Appendices E(relating to private sewage disposal, H (relating to permit fees) and J(relating to water 'conservation) are not adopted. ARTICLE III. GAS, II, ' Section 17-36. Adoptiori of Standard Gas tode. The Standard Gas todei 1988 Edition, of the Southern BOildi.~gCode Congress International, Inc. ,( "Standard GasCode',q, i,s hereby adopted and ordai riedby reference and"i ncorpoyiated ' into ithi s Chapter by reference,' as, fully as' though it were copied herein"fully,' but subject to the: , exceptions stated in this Arti<cle. The Building Official, selected in accordance with Chapter 6 of thi~ Code, jh~11 be the Gas'Official mentioned in such,Gas Code~ Section i17~37. ,Exceptions. The following exceptions are made from the Standard Gas Code' adopted by this:.Article:" ,.'. ,: (i) "'Section 103, (relating to permits) is hereby amended by adding the following at the end of said Section:' ' 'IHowever,' a gas' permit. 'under this Code is not required' merely for setting or connecting a gas-appliance to ahi existing' stopcoCk (a 1 though a permit: for such app 1 i ance" may be required under another ordinance of the City). " _: _~_: <_ k:: _ '__: _':11 __'_Ll"r=TIlI1S.i11illLL.JtL':::'J:.iliJI: LLJ..l:U J._ _dL.:J1UIJliLilr','?' - '<"'1 ","tIT'!::n(r:~nlJtnUllllql1lltllll_1I - '-i lrnIi-nrITllilfiIllITlIJllTir- , Ti-' I , LI1IUillLWllil ,II l JIDU.i:, il U[l~LUJ · II ,U1JJ I Ordin~nce Number 1362 (ii) The provisions pf,such Standard ,Gas Code relating to the Board of Adjustments and Appeals are not adop;ted;, instep.d, the P&~B provided for in this Chap,tersha 11 have the jurisdi.ction andfunc~ion prescribed in this Chapter. (ii;) Section 30.6.2' (relat,ing to metalic tubing) is amended,torea4 in its ~ntirety as fo 11 ows: IIWhen acceptable to the Gas Offi cia 1 , seamless copper or steel tubing may be used, but copper tubing :may.only be ~sed for a yard service line.Coppe,r tubing ,sh,all be a standard Type K complying with ASTM, B 88 or ASTM ,B 280. Steel, tubing shall ,comply ,with ASTM A 539. When requested by the Gas Official, tin-lined copper tubing complying with specifications of this paragraph s,ha 11 be ,used.,1I , (iv) SectiQ,n311.2, (relating to method of testing) is amended to read in its entirety as follows: IILow pressure (not in excess of 0.5 psi) gas piping shall witbstanda pressure of at least 10 inches of mercury for a period of not less than ten minutes without showing any drop in pressure, except that the following shall apply in the,case of new.construction: The newly constructed system must withstand a pressure of at least 25 psi ,for a Period of not less than 10 minutes without showing any drop in pressure as an initial pressure test, and the system must also withstand a:pressure of , at. least 10 inches of mercury for a,period,of not less than 10 minuteS without.showing any drop in pressure as a final pressure test. Migher:pressure piping must withstand a pressure of at least 10 psi, but never less than twice the maximum pressure to which the piping will be subjected in operation, for a period of not less than 10 minutes without showing any drop in pressure, ,but the higher pressures required for new construction, above, shall be used to test new construction in lieu of the 10 psi level ,pres~ribed by this sentence.1I (v) ,Section 402.7.'1 (~elating'io gas , appliances and garagesJ is amended to read in its enti rety as .to llows,: n I f any, gas app 1 i ance is located within a garage, the burner manifold, the p;lot nozze 1 and, a~1Y oth,er source of fl ame must be at least eighteen inches above th~ floor.1I L-. -- 14a n o u Ordinance Number 1362 143 (vi) Section 403.1.1 (relating to connection of gas app 1 i ances) is amended to read in its entirety as follows: IIGas appliances shall be connected by rigid pipe, or listed appliance connectors that are in the same room as the appliance or semi-rigid tubing in lengths up to three feet that are, in the same room as the appliance.II (vii) Section 403.1.3 (relating to connecting gas appliances) is amended to read in its entirety'as follows: IIAll ga's appliances shall have accessible gasshlltoff valves locaterlno further than three feet from the appliance, installed upstream from the union or the connector they serve and in the same room as the appl iance. II (viii) The last sentence of 'section 504.2.2 (relating to water heater drain pans) is amended to read as follows:' IIAlldrain pans 'shall ,have a minimum 3/4 inch drain.~' (ix) Section 504.4 (relating to connections of water heaters) is amended by adding the following at the end of such Section: II Every attic or furred space in which water heaters are installed shall be accessible by'!anopeninglarge 'enough ,for the largest piece of equipment to pass through, but in no case less than 22 inches by 36 inches, and there mustbe,a floored walkway at least 24 inches wide providing access to such water heater.' The work area or servicing area around the water heate~ must0be floored and must be no less than,36 inches wide and 36 inches deep in front of the control ~rea"of the unit.1I (x) Chapter 9 is totally 'deleted and shall be replaced by the following:,,'IIUndHuted liquified petroleum gas, or ILPGI, shall not be used at anyf'ixed installat'ion within' the C.ity, except that this does n'ot prohi bit the use of such gas in quantities often gallons or less.1I (xi) The following portions of Appendix A of the Standard Gas Codeareiadopted:" Sect.ion A 101.3.5 (relating: to maintenance'), Section A 103.3.2 (relating to affidavits), Section A 103.6.2 (,re1 a'ting to, a permit i s'sued on the basis of an affidavit), ~nd Secti~n A 107 (relating to violations and penalti.es);. the remaining portions of Appendix A are not adopted. , I~~ ; . II . ~, I I Ili.lilll-11" "('''I,.;t;tl''i!l1nn~JU!lSllnlllllm''ll "....-. -r 11TIIr.n:;:[JI]]iIiIImiTIiIJIIIJi["" . . """'"'"1"--;--" I. .! " !l-JII;J!!l!llIJ[!lll.lllJlL!' 11,1 ! 11"111IIIUillltIP. \ I LJ[lJI' -~ 11--" I r i IlLJ..I I , '\ Ordinance Number 1362 '(xii)' Appe~dices Band E of the, Standard Gas Code are 'hereby adopted,. Append; ces C andD aTe not adopted. (xiii) Provisions relating to the manner of applying for permits or processing permits are not adopted; instead', the general permit provisions of Chpater 6 of this Code shall govern these activities, insofar as applicable. . , Section 2. Subsection (a) of ' Section 17-70 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas (relating to interpretation of artic:le, provisions) 'is hereby amended -to read as foll ows: (a) The Plumbing & Gas Board shall have jurisdiction over this Article insofar as it relates to systems using solar energy for the heating of water. Section 3. Section 17-76'of'the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas is hereby.amended to read in its entirety as follows: Section 17-76.Application~ Proceduresi etc~ 'J.' , 'I Applications for'permits, the handling of permits, appeals from decisions from the Bui'lding 'Official, variances. and all other related matters arising under this Article shall be governed by the appropriate provisions of Chapter 6 of this Code, and subject to the appropfiate review board as provided in this Article.1I Section 4. Subject to the provisions of this ordinance, the following Sections of the Code'of Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas are repealed: Section 17-77 (relating to plans to be submitted), Section 17-78' (relating to review of plans by the City), Section 17-82 (relating to posting permits), Section 17-83 (relating to appeals from the denial of permit), and Section 17-84 (relating to tentative approval of designs of solar energy systems). Section 5. (a) This ordinance applies only to permit applications filed, and violations committed, on or after its effective date. Applications filed and violations committed before the effective date are governed by the ordinances in existence before the effective date, and such ordinances are continued in effect or such purpose as if this ordinance were not in force. For purposes of this'section, a violation is committed on or after the effective date of this ordinance if any element of the violation occurs on or after the: effective date, and an application is not deemed to be filed before the effective date unless it'is complete, in'total compliance with 144 J o u Ordi nance Number 1362 all applicable requirement~~and physically delivered to ~he appropriate city official before the effective date. However, any person aggrieved by an action of the building official before the effective date of this ordinance may appeal such' action to the appropriate hearing 'board after'theeffective date of this ordinance, and the board has the appellate powers specified in this ordinance with respect to such actions of the building official. (b) The Pl umbi ng Board of the Ci ty shall be succeeded immediately by the Plumbing & Gas Board, except that all current terms of office sha 11 end on August 31, 1991. The fo 11 owi ng persons are appointed and reappointed to the Plumb'ing & Gas Board to the postions indicated below, all of which shall have terms of office expiring on August 31, 1991: Pos iti on 1, Mr. T.O. Sword (who shall be Chairman) Position 2, Mr. John A. Hughes. '.. Position 3, Mr. Robert K. Wark. Position 4, Mr. Roy Harper. Position 5, To be aooointed later n I I L__i Section 6. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in: conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict only, except as otherwise specifically provided. "j, ~ Section 7. If any word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall ever be held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this~ordinanceand the application of such word, phrase, clause, sentence, paragraph, section or other part of this ordinance to any other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby. Section 8. The City Council officially finds, determines and declares that a sufficient written~notice of the date, hour, place and subject of each meeting at which this ordinance was discussed, considered or acted upon was given in the manner required by the Open Meetings Law, TEX. REV. CIV. STAT. ANN. art. 6252-17, as amended, and thateach'such meeting has been open to the public as required by law at all times during such discussion, consideration and action. The City Council 145 """_..._I,..,.".,,.:o~'r"""",.,,,,,'_.,,,_".. I, , J 11ll:pJJlII~[!lJI[~ I!II , '''IIIIIIMWaUH, 1,1., ' I 1, :uruU ' I I III" II !LLJI I Ordinance, ,Number 1362 ratifies, approves and confirms such notices and the contents and posting thereof., 1 '" l 1 Section 9. This ordinance shall take efffect, on the tenth day following its publication, as pro,v,ided for. in the City Charter. PASSED AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING this , 1988. day of Councilmembers Voting Aye: ,'.i Councilmembers Voting No: Councilmembers Absent: PASSED AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING this , 1989. day of . Councilmembers Voting Aye: Councilmembers Voting No: l' : Councilmembers Absent: Signed: I . . ~ "Laura C.Higley, Mayor:, ATTEST: Audrey Nichols Ci ty Secreta ry ., , ( SEAL) ',Approved.as to form: James L. Dougherty, Jr. City Attorney II: .. " - .-'- 146 u o J