HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1168 - ORD Amending Section 6-39, Addition Section 6-54, Re=Designating Section 6-55 0:1 II ,.I ':1 I Q I II i f~iftfi'9 : W:17p: l! \1,..> ....~ . .:t,. '<,...JI" '4,. -:.... ORDINANCE NUMBER 1168 AN ORD I'NANCE 'AMEND I NG THE CODE ,OF. ORD I NANCES OF THE ,C ITV. OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE;_ TEXAS, BY AMENDING SEOTION 6-39.; THE ADDITION OF SECTION 6-54; RE:-DESIGNATING SECTION 6-'s5;AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: i.', Section 1. That Section 6-39 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place, Texas, is hereby amended so that hereafter said Section shall read as follows: IISection 6-39. Maximum height. (a) No fence or freestanding wall may be constructed on any private property exceeding eight (81) feet in height measured from the natural ground level or grade at the proposed fence location, except as pro- vided in Sub-section (d) below. (b) A fence not to exceed eight (81) feet in height may be constructed on the property line, between a lot zoned for single-family dwelling use and a lot zoned for any other use and said fence may extend to the front property line of the lot zoned for single-family dwelling use. (c) In order to provide proper and necessary fire protec- tion and/or adequate air circulation between houses, a fence or free standing wall may be constructed be- tween adjacent houses only if it does not exceed six (61) feet in height measured from the natural ground level or grade if one or more of the following condi- tions exists. (1) Six (61) feet or less exist between the proposed fence and an adjacent neighboring house; or (2) Twenty four (2411) inches or less separate the eaves of adjacent houses. (d) When one or more of the conditions in (c) above exist, an eight {81) foot fence may be permitted only in the rear yard to a point not beyond the rear building line of an adjacent neighbor- ing house nearest the proposed fence.11 Section 2. That Section 6-54 of the Code of Ordinances of the Citu of West University Place, Texas, is hereby amended so that hereafter said Section shall read as follows: IISection 6-54. Maintenance -rr-r'-n . il :11 i I 111111 . .-- 111ifllll't1r1 r' I' I 1ll1.:J!l,JJ,6l.IU ._.., ,I . . 'lUll ., U LlLJ' I, " l fit).. .tw!f.~\"'{";%' , -' ~~:tW ;~,,~ All property owners and/or occupants are required to maintain any fence in good re~~ir so as not to endanger any person and/or property. II Section 3. <That :the Cdde of Ordinances of:'the..'Ci:ty 'of West Univer- sity Place, Texas, t~ hereby:a~ended by theadd~tion th~ret6:~f Section 6.55 wh i ch sa i d 'Sect,ion sheil 11 'read as'; follows:1 ,; f - ~ iI IISection 6-55. Penalty. , .I, Any person, agent or employee of any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this article sh~ll befine~ not less than $t.OO rior more than $200.00 and e~ch day such person, firm or "corporation shall allow such violation to exist shall constitute ~separate and' additional offense.1I Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in ,force immed- iately from andaft~r its passage'ahd a~proval. PASSED AND ApPROVED this 19th day of January, 1981. 9t~JYl ~ , 'Mayor ATTEST: ~dJ ~~ Ci Y Secretary _ . .1 d . . ~ .......,..... I j . I~' I : , : \ ' ,~ o I~ I 1 L.J