HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1114 - ORD Creating Place Parks Fund Describing Membership Board .1. [.1[,11:.11!:[.11: . .J nrrr V'TT-,-w----.---. -U I I~ -- I::=.i --- II r ~J ~_.~_~." f ~~~ :':.!~:'~'; ORDlNANCE NUMBER il14 f\\0010 31 II I" , ,AN ORDINANCE 'CREATING A 'WEST 'UNIVERSITY PLA€E PARKS FUND; DESCRIBING THE MEMBERSHIP OF SUCH 'BOARD;' PROVIDiNG 'THE' LENGTH OF SERVICE OF'MEMBERS~'FROVlDING FOR ORGANIZATION OF THE F~; PROVIDING FOR THE SUBMISSION OF FINANCIAL RECO:RDS AND ANNUAL' REPORTS; APPRClVING THE FORM AND SUBSTANCE OF THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ' ~ 'WHEREAS,' the City Comrilission desires'to seek the support and interest of its citizen's, to provide financial assistance 'for 'the upgrading of its park system and acquisition of additional park area. ' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERS ITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. There is hereby created the West University Place Parks Fund, hereinafter catled the '''p'a:rks' fund",. -which's1:1all"consist of seven (7) members, who: shall be appointed by the City Commission. The members of the parks fund shall appoint from within its membership a recording secretary who shall serve without pay ,but', shall have voting and all other privileges of mem- bers. Section 1. The initial t'ermsof.the members' of the' parks fund shall be as follows: (a) -, One member shall 'be the Mayor or'a membet' 'of 'the 'City Commission whose term shall'run cortcurrent'ly with his term:bf office. ,-1 u (bY' One ttlemb-er' sha'11"b'e a 'representative' of the Parks & Recreation Board whose term shall run concurrently'with his term as a member of the Parks and Recreation Board. (c) Positions three, four and five shall run for the remainder of the year 1978' and through Decembe'r 31, 1979~ (d) Positions six and seven shall run through December 31, 1980. Subsequent appointments shall be for two (2) year terms for each of the posi- tions provided, 'in the event 'of death, resignation or removal, appointments shall be for the balance of the term of the position. Each member shall hold office until his successor has been appointed and con- firmed and each member shall serve without pay. , Section'3~ The Parks Fund shall organize by electing from their mem- bership a chairman, vice-chairman, and a secretary-treasurer, each of whom shall hold office for one year, or until their successor shall have been ap- pointed and qualified. The members of the Parks Fund may adopt such adminis- trative procedures as are necessary or convenient to accomplish the purposes as set out hereinafter. Section 4. The purpose for which the corporation is organized are: ---.. I i U n o WI I ' i l I U00035 (a) To solicit gifts and bequests 'and to administer funds sole.:1y to be used for acquisition of land, construction, improv~~en~~~~.. of parks and particularly for the area along 'Poor Farm D1.tCcli-H,/; d,. known as Independence Park, but to include existing or other park sites that may be obtained in the City of West University Place, Texas. (b) To review and make advisory recommendations to the Parks and Recreation Board pertaining to the parks fund with final deci- sion on expenditure of funds to be at the sole discretaion of the City Commission. (c) To engage in any activity which may be necessary or incidental to the accomplishment of the non-profit governmental functions mentioned above. Section 4. The financial books and records of the parks fund shall be open to inspection and audit during regular business hours by authorized representatives of the city, or by independent Certified Public Accountants employed by the city. The parks fund shall make an annual financial report to the City Commission. Section 5. Regular parks fund meetings shall be held monthly and a quorum shall consist of four (4) members. In addition, special meetings may be held in accordance with such rules as the fund may provide. Section 6. Parks Fund members may be removed by the City Commission for the following causes: (a) Four (4) consecutive absences from regular monthly meetings of the parks fund. (b) Failure to abstain in voting or participating in activities of the parks fund where direct or indirect conflicts of interest are, or may be, involved. (c) For conduct, whether or not resulting in a conviction, which impairs the ability of the member to carry out his parks fund duties. Section 7. The City Commission hereby approves the form and substance of the proposed Articles of Incorporation of the City of West University Place Parks Fund, to be incorporated under the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act. A copy of said Articles of Incorporation is on file in the office of the City Secretary. In the event of the dissolution of this corporation, the City of West University Place shall succeed to the funds and assets of the corporation except to the extent that this may conflict with the conditions of a particular donation to the corporation. The City Legal Department shall be authorized to make modifications to the proposed Articles of Incorporation if necessary as a condition to the issuance of Articles of Incorporation by the Secretary of State of the State of Texas. Section 8. The Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval as required by law. ..__-'----'--.....J ~ _~_Li... 1-~--1 ~ ~._,_~ L-LllJ . .11' L,,,".tLJL.u "I __-=,-=II::JL]I!.~mL .11.' "..,.J.. , ___ J1Jl1T.l'lrr-Jr---------:---~1 , -,-----:-1 -. y,- ~l----' U()Oij.iUc~,: PASSED AND APPROVED this 24th day of' Aprii,. 1978. Commissioners Voting Aye: All Commissioners Voting No: None #,d~_ , Mayor . ATTEST: '~/g~~:, Assistant C1ty Secretary ~ -~;,~- ..------.. t ) L o i -1 \~