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HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1113- ORD Amending Section 18-26 Adoption of 1976 Edition n n U u ORDINANCENU}ffiER 1113 1'" 0.' ~{)- ij' '-~!: ' ";; ....1 .-:'". -"".. 7 ,1. ~~<.~. . --: .- ~. ~ ." AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS BY AMENDING SECTION 18-26 TO PROVIDE FOR THE ADOPTION OF THE 1976 EDITION OF THE STANDARD GAS CODE, WITH 1977 AND 1978 AMENDMENTS; EXCEPT AS TO CERTAIN PROVISIONS SPECIFICALLY DELETED, MODIFIED OR AMENDED; PROVIDING'FOR THE FILING OF THREE (3) COPIES OF SUCH CODE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY SECRETARY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section l~ That Section 18-26 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West University Place is hereby amended so that hereafter said Section 18-26 shall read as follows: "Section 18-26. Adop~ion of Standard Gas Code There is hereby adopted by the city and declared operative therein for the purpose of providing minimum standards, provisions and re- quirements for safe installation of all gas piping and gas appliances installed, replaced, maintained or repaired within the city, the Standard Gas Code"1976 edition, with,1977 and 1978 amendments there- to, as recommended by th~Southern Building Code Congress, Interna- tional, save and except such portions as are hereinafter deleted, m~dified, or amended, of which code not less than,three (3) certi- fied copies have been and now,are filed in the office of the city secretary, and the same are hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein, the provisions thereof shall be controlling within the limits of ,the city." Section 2. That the Code of Ordinances of the City of West Univer- sity Place is hereby amended by the addition thereto of a Section to be numbered 18-26.1, which said Section 18-26.1 shall read as follows: "Section 18-26.1. Amendments to Standard ,Gas Code. Section 108 is hereby amended to read as follows: To provide for the administration and enforcement of this code, the office of Gas Inspector is hereby created. The Inspector, and such assistants as may be necessary in the proper performance of the duties of the office, shall be appointed by the proper municipal, county or state authority. The Inspector and such assistants shall be qualified by training or experience in the installation of gas piping and appliances. ' The City Building Inspector is hereby designated as the Gas Inspec- tor. Sectio~ llO(a) is hereby amended to read as follows: -----L..,~___'_''_~..dI.U"ll...L~l" ;..... "-j{:::-' ~,-"...,: -,' 000032 11JfT"l "~,'''''-1''''----''''''-~ " -1J I .......-. --- "'-' I" T" -_I (a) A person shall not insta11'Q.'gas conversion burner, floor furnace, central heating and air conditioning unit, vented wall furnace, water heater, boiler, incinerator, consumer's gas piping, or convert existing piping to ~ti1ize fuel gas without ,first obtaining a permit,to do such wor~; however permits,wi11--not be required for set- ting or connecting other gas appliances to existing stop cock, or for the'repair of leaks in house piping. ;1 ! ! '-....,.J Sections 113.1, 113.2--and 113.3 are deleted in their entirety. Section 113.4 is hereby amended to read-as follows: On all installations requiring a permit, as set forth in Section 110, a fee for each permit shall be paid as required at the time of fil- ing application, in accordance with the schedule of permit fees pro- vided,in Section 106.3-of the Southern Standard Plumbing Code. Section 207.4(b) is hereby amended to read as follows: (b) When the administrative authority determines that it is not prac- tical to avoid the installation of house piping that is buried or laid 'under a floor slab, the gas piping shall be encased in wrought iron, steel pipe or schedule4Q PVC, or, MS., P1.astic piping may be used for sleeving material. Such casing, shall exten,d into a, ,normally usable and,acceptable, portion of the building. At the point where the casing terminates in the building; the space between the casing and the gas piping shall be tightly and permanently sealed with materials such as commercial casing seals., plastic, foams, cement, tars.,or asphalt mate-- rials. The casing sha1i extend, at least four (4") inches outside the J building and be vented and installed in a way as to prohibit the en- I:', trance Elf water. The entire installation sha1Lbe such that the gas , piping can be readily replaced without damage to the building. Section 208.13(c) shall be added to read as follows: (c) The use of plastic pipe and fittings is prohibited in or under buildings or slabs or within five (5'),feet (measured horizona11y) from the entrance riser to the building. Plastic piping one-half (~") inch and larger, nominal diameter shall be buried with minimum of eighteen (18") inches of cover. P1astic'piping or tubing under one- half (~") inch nominal diameter ,to be, buried with minimum of six (6") inches cover. Section 210 is hereby amended to read as follows: Before any system of consumer!s gas piping is finally put in service, it shall be carefully tested to, assure that it, ,is gas tight. Where ,any part of the system is to, be enclosed or concealed, this test should precede the work of closing in. To test for tightness, the piping shall be filled with air or inert gas, but not with any other gas or liquid. In no case shall oxygen ever be used. Initial pressure test on gas Ui piping in new construction, minimum of 25psig. Final pressure test of 12" of mercury column. Pressure test for newly added piping: If using an existing opening install stop and test new piping at mini- mum of ten (10") inch mercury column; if cutting, or breaking, into rl GJ o t: ~I r I' II, fjO~033 existing line and installing fittings, whole house p1p1ng system must be tested with minimum of ten (10") inch mercury column." Higb:~Jg~w~e~F" ' sure piping must stand a pressure of at least ten (10) PSIG, Dtit;?;fit~t~t less than twice the maximum pressure to which the piping will be sub- jected in operation, for a period of not less than ten (10) minutes without showing any drop in pressure. Section 2l3(b) is hereby amended to read as follows: (b) The use of plastic pipe and fittings is prohibited in or under buildings or slabs or within five (5') feet (measured horizonally) from the entrance riser to the building.,' Plastic piping one-half (~") inch and 'l~lrger nominal diaineter to be buried with minimum of eighteen (18") inches,_of cover. Plastic piping or, tubing under one- half (~") nominal diameter to be buried with minimum of six (6") inches cover. Section 301.7 is hereby amended to read as follows: All gas fired appliances must be installed with burner manifold or pilot nozzle to be minimum of'eighteen'(18") inches from floor. Gas appliances shall b~ located, or reasonably protected, so that they ~re not subject to physical damage by a moving vehicle. Section 302.l(c) is hereby amended to read as follows: (c) Semi-rigid tubing shall be a maximum of thirty-six (26") inches when in the same room as the appliance. When approved by the auth- ority having jurisdiction and acceptable to,the gas company, greater lengths may be used and need not be connected to an outlet in the same room as the'appliance. The connector or tubing shall be installed so as to be protected against physical damage. The use of listed quick-disconnect devices shall be permitted. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED this 24th day of April, 1978. Commissioners Voting Aye: All Commissioners Voting No: None 4:i~ ATTEST~ ~ Jetk!tlA~ Assi tant City Secretary ,. 111" ""1"'--" IT 11,1 f""'i"""'r' .,~