HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1102 - ORD Amending Sections 23-127, 23-129(b), 23-135(a) G:! : Ii' " 'fi [ ~ I , I I I W!l J 'Ij ORDINANCE NUMBER 1102 (}ijf11JJ:l.J};; , ~,' 'f~fiffJt'~; " " AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 23-127, 23-129(b),23-135(a) AND 23-l36(a) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER TO BE SUBSTITUTED FOR THE CHIEF OF POLICE IN DESIGNATING AND }.iARKING OEPROHIBI-TED OR LIHITED PARKING AREAS;' PARALLEL AND ANGLE PARKING; DESIGNATION.ANDUSE OF, CURB LOADING SIGNS; DESIGNATION AND USE OF BUS.STOPS AND TAXICAB STANDS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE 'DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS . Section 1. That Sections 23-127, 23-l29(b), 23-135(a) and 23-136(a) of the Code of Ordinances of, the City of ' West University Place, Texas are hereby amended so that hereafter said sections shall read as follows: "Section 23-127. Designation and marking of parking spaces and areas where parking is prohibited or limited. (a) The City Traffic Engineer shall cause parking spaces, areas in which parking is prohibited and time limit parking areas to be maintained and marked off in and on such streets and parts thereof as he deems necessary. All such spaces or areas shall be clearly indi- cated by appropriate signs or markings on the pavement. (b) In areas designated as time limit parking areas, parking may be limited to any period 'described by the City Traffic Engineer, the same to be designated with clearly distinguishable markings or signs at both ends of the time limit area and at reasonable inter- vals between the beginning and ending of such time limit area, indi- cating the time allowed for parking in such'area. (c) Any time limit on parking established under this section shall apply on such days and between such hours as prescribed by the City Traffic Engineer." "Section 23-129. Parallel and angle parking. (b) The City Traffic Engineer shall determine upon what streets angle parking shall be~permitted and shall mark or sign such streets, but such angle parking shall not be indicated upon any federal-aid or state highway within the city unless the State Highway Engineer has determined that the roadway is of sufficient width to permit angle parking without interfering with the free movement of traffic." "Section 23-135. Designation and use of curb loading zones. (a) The City Traffic Erigineer is hereby authorized to determine the location of passenger and freight curb loading zones and shall place and maintain appropriate signs indicating the same and stating the hours during which the provisions of this section are applicable, , . L.:.:::.::a_._~~ 1l.......!..L... 01. . J I . ';'1"1 "j.III"'IjLiIi "I' . __=-rT.:L..L..... .J! " lLlL...I:. 1'1..Jd.!.:._. J TJf1'- r--r-r- LCI_-= ' - "TJ-----r--~~.- r' -l~ l"T----rT --'J ouOOitU,; where, in his oplnlon, the dimensions of the streets and sidewalks, the flow of traffic and the use of property abutting the streets are such that he finds it to be necessary for the free flow and expedi- tious handling of traffic and' the safety of pers<ms and property." "Section 23~136. Designation and' use of bus stops and taxicab stands. (a) The City Traffic Engineer is hereby authorized to establish bus stops and ,taxicab stands on such public streets in such places and in such number as he shall determine to be of the greatest bene- fit and convenience to the -public, Hand every such bus stop and taxi- cab stand shall be designate<:l, by appropriate signs." Section 2. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and,approva1 by the Mayor as r~quired by law. PASSED' AND,'APPROVED this Jt/i::L, day of' 7\~ , 1977. Commissioners Voting Aye: 0ltJLJ ,Comm~ssioners Voting No: ~~ / 4~*- ATTEST: ' As&dy&~ / .~. 1 J lJ u