HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1101 - ORD Amending Sections 23-50, 23-52, 23-69, 23-81, 23-82, 23-85. 23-86, 23-108 and 23-124 Providing Right - of- Way '-1.--"' ",I ,I.. !I! lLJ '..11.... ,\ U!!III"III I' ILJ!___. Il-~_f < LJlti~~fJ,~;fi~,' ~ 1''V'l!~' ~;l' '0 ORDINANCE.NUMBER 1101 AN ORDINANCE 'AMENDING SECTIONS 23-50, 23-52, 23-69, 23-81" :2~-82, 23-85, 23:-86, -23-108 AND 23:-124 OF THE C;:OD:p.OF ORDINANCES'.OF TH13: CITY OF.WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS; PROVIDING FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY AT INTERSECTIONS; DE- SIGNATING ONE-WAY STREETS AND ALLEYS; PROHIBITION OF TRUGKS;, ,POW:PRS ,AND DUTIES OF ',CIlYTRAFFIC ENGINEER RELA- TIVE TO'TRAFFIC:-CONTROL DEVICES; DESIGNATION OF CROSS~ ~ALKS;PROVIDING FOR SIGNS AS, PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF" ~~FFIC REGULATIONS; AUTHORITY FqR INSTALLATION ,OF TRAFFIC LIGHTS; PROVIDI~G FOR SPEED LIMIT SIGNS; AUTHORIZATION, OF STOP INTERSECTIONS; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. l \~ BE IT ORQAlNEDBYTHE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Sections 23-50, 23-52, 23-69, 23-81, 23-82, 23-85, 23-86, 23-108 and 23-124 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of West Univer- sity Place, Texas, are hereby amended so ,that hereafter said sections shall read as follows : " "Section 23-50. Right-of-way at intersections - yield right-of-way signs. (a) The City Traffic Engineer is hereby authorized to determine D" and designate intersections where a particular hazard exists and to determine whether vehicles on one of the intersecting streets shall yield the right-ofMway to vehicles on the other street or streets and to erect a yield sign at every place where such a sign is needed. (b) The driver of a vehicle approaching a yield sign shall, in obedience to such sign, slow down to a speed reasonable for the exist- ing conditions, or shall stop if necessary, and shall yield the right- of~way to any pedestrian crossing the roadway on which he is driving and to any vehicle in the intersection or approaching on another high- way so closely as to constitute an immediate hazard." "Section 23-52. One-way streets and alleys. The City Traffic Engineer is hereby authorized to designate strets or portions of streets and alleys upon which vehicles shall proceed and move in one direction only and to designate the direction in which movement is permitted, and to install official signs and markings designating such one-way movement. Upon those streets and parts of streets and in those alley which are designated as one-way streets or alleys, vehicular traffic shall move only in the indicated direction where signs indicating the direc- tion of traffic are erected and maintained at every intersection where i,~;, movement in the opposite direction is prohibited. l~ D o m ~ iO~':' "Section 23-69. Tt-ucks prohibited from using certain streets.' j 'The City Traffic Engineer is hereby' authorized to designate cer- tainstreets or portions of streets which shall not be used by trucks traireiing in the City and' to iilstall official. signs, stating the pro- hibitedusethereoL 'When signs'are erected stating,lINo Thru Trucks" or "Thru Trucks Prohibited", no person 'shall' operate any truck at any time upun any uf the streets or parts of streets so signed, except that such vehicles may be operated thereon for the purpose of deliver- ing or picking up materials or merchandise and then only by entering such street at the intersection nearest the destination of the vehicle and proceeding 'thereon no farther than the nearest intersection there- after. When signs are'erected'stating "No Trucks", no person shall operate any truck at any time upon any of the streets or parts of streets so signed, without the written permission of the Chief of Police." "Section 23-81. General powers and duties of City Traffic Engineer relative to traffic-control devices. The City Traffic Engineer shall place and maintain traffic-con- trol signs"signals, and devices when and as: required under this chap- ter: tomakeeffeeti ve the provisions of this chapter , and may place and maintain such additional traffic-control devices as he may deem necessary to regulate traffic under this chapter or under State law, or to guide or warn traffic. It shall be the duty of the City Traffic Engineer to supervise the installation and proper timing and mainte- nance' of traff'ic control devices.'" . "Section 23-82. Designationof,crosswalks and safety zones and mark- ing traffic lanes~ The City Traffic Engineer is hereby authorized: (1) ,To designate and maintain, by appropriate devices, marks or lines upon the surface of the roadway, crosswalks at any intersection where, in his opinion, there is particular dan- ger to pedestrians,' crossing the roadway, and at such other places as he may deem necessary. (2) To establish safety zones of such kind and character and at such places as he may deem necessary for the protection of pedestrians. . (3) To mark traffic lanes upon the roadway of any street or highway where a regular 'alignment of traffic is necessary." "Section 23-85. Signs prima facie evidence of traffic regulation. Proof, in any prosecution for any violation of this chapter, applicable provision of this Code, city ordinance, resolution or motion or State law, that any traffic-control device, sign, signal or marking was actually in place on any street in the city shall consti- tute prima facie evidence that the same was installed by the City Traffic Engineer pursuant to the authority herein granted." , I jj " 111 _ 11m. "11".' TiI n'... Ii . . .1. _~..,-Jf.':;J.fT'T'..II'... I nrTT Il"""1T-rlr-----~- - - -ILl. ,- ,.-, rll.-::.....:-r lJOijtmSH-' "Section 23-86. ,Installation :of. traffic, lights authorized. The City Engineer.' as authorized by the City Commission Lj, . from"time to time. 'shalldesignate'intersections at which traffic shall be,' controlled by" electric:' traffic-cont;rol siID1als or lights and shall": cause' such signals, or lights to be ins ta:1 led: and maintained at such'intersections'." ",Section 23-108,. " Speed limit s:igns. , . Wheneve.r the ,speed ,J.imJ,t of :thirty (.3,0) miles p~r hour. as pre- scribed by Section 23-l04..is. by the~ p;rovi$ions of this article or other ordinance of the ,City. Commission., increased, or decreased at any intersection or other place or upon any part ofa street. the City Traffic Engineer shall erect appropriate signs giving notice of such speed limit. and no such limit shall be effective unless such signs are erected at such intersection or other place or part of such street." "Section 23-124. Stop intersections. The, City Traffic'Engiheer is hereby authorized ~Q determine and designate intersections' where particular hazard exists and to deter- mine whether vehicles shall stop at one or more entrances to any such stopintersectioh. and shall erect a stop' sign at every such place where, a stop is requiTed. When stop signs are erected as herein authorized at or near the entrance to any intersection. every driver of a vehicle approaching . a'stop,'sign shall 'stop before'entering tl1e crosswalk on the near side of the intersection or in the evehtthere is no cros~walk shall stop at a clearly marked stop line. but if none. then at the point nearest the intersecting roadway where the driver has a view of approaching traffic on the intersecting roadway before entering the intersection 'except when directed to proceed by a police officer. After having so stopped; such driver shall yield the right-af-way to other vehicles which,have entered the intersection or ,which-are approaching so close- lyas to: constitute an immediate 'ha~ard.Such driver. after having so yielded. may proceed and the drivers of all other vehicles approach- ing on the intersecting street shall yield the right-of-way to the vehicle S'O proceeding into or acro,~;s the interseCtion." D Section 2. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approval by the Mayor as required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this 14th day of N6vemher. 1977. . Commissioners, Voting Aye: Three ATTEST: ~t~~ '7ii;ZV:;Z~O . . Mayor ' u