HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1100 - ORD Amending Section 23-2, 23-3 & Adding Section 23.3.1 II .. ..1. ..I.lJ[:JL:!J"-:L!,I.ll' _. .1. - I! Jml'r'llm'TI~ I ---11':'!.- 'l~-~ :- r',~ ---Tf'I--n~r i$~J~I~~~f}<t / ~,HJt}ffo4 ' ORDINANCE NUMBER 1100 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 23-2.23-3 AND ADDING, SECTION 23.3.1; CREATING'THE"OFFICE OF CITY TRAFFIC '. < ENGINEER; PROVIDINGDOTIES OF CITY TRAFFIC ENGINEER; PROVIDING FOR EMERGENCY AND EXPERIMENTAL REGULATIONS; PROVIDING FOR REGULATIONS TO BE IN WRITING AND FILED WITH THE CITY SECRETARY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED. ByHTHE CITI COMMISSION OF TIlE CITI OF WEST UNIVERSITI PLACE. TEXAS: Section 1. That Sections 23-2 and Sections 23~3 of the Code of Ordi- nanoesof the City of West University Place. Texas are hereby amended so that hereafter said Section 23-2 and Section 23;...3' shall read, as follows: "Section 23-2. City Traffic Engineer - Created. appointment. compen- sation;' duties; : power: (a) There is hereby created the office of city traffic engineer. (b) The City Commission shall appoint the City Engineer. Chief of Police. or other qualified city employee to perform the addi- tional duties of City Traffic Engineer. u (c)' The' City T:raffic Engineer shall receiv~ no compensation in , additionh' . tOf hfis cOl,~pensatiorih' for hO~d~ngt~ehOfhfice. of City Engi- C neer. C le o ,Po lce. or ot er pOs'ltlon Wlt t 'e Clty~ , . Cd) The City Traffic Engineer shall have'the responsibility and authority to determine the insta1'1ation and proper 'timing and maintenance of traffic control devices, to conduct engineering analyses of traffic accidents and to devise remedial measures, to conduct engineering'investigation of traffic conditions, to plan the operation of traffic on the. streets of this city, and to co- operate with other city officials in the development of ways and means to'~ improve traffic' condi tions, and to carry out the additional powers and duties imposed by ordinances of this city. (e) The City Traffic Engineer is hereby empowered to make regula- tions necessary to make effective the provisions or this chapter and other traffic ordinances.'" "Section 23-3. City Traffic Engin~er- Emergency and experimental regulations. (a) The City Traffic Engineer i~ hereby empowered to make tempo- rary or experimental traffic regulations to cover emergencies or spe- cial con~itions. ~o such temporary or experimental regulation shall remain in effect for more than ninety (90) days. (b) TheCityTraffic'Engineer may test traffic-control devices under actual conditions of traffic." u n rn w ~~ nO,~};Q~Q 5 Section 2. The Code of Ordinances of the City of West univer~~!'J;~l:Jt\'~ Place, Texas is hereby amended by the addition thereto of a section to be known as Section 23.3.1 which said section ~hal~rea4 as follows: "Section 23-1. L City Traffic~ngineer -: Regulat~ons ~ etc. to be in writing,and fi1~d with City, Secretary. Every regUlation:, . ,d~signation, delineation or determination pro- 'mulgated by the City Traffic Engineer pur?uant'to the authority granted inthischapte~ shall, u~lessotherwiseprovided herrein, be described in writing and filed with the City Secretary. Such writing shall constitute a public.record, and all persons shap be charged with notice of the contents of the same." Section 3. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and approval by the Mayor as required by law. PASSED AND APPROVED this 14th day of November, 1977. Commissioners Voting Aye: Three Commissioners Voting No: ,Two Ad~- . ,ayor. ' , , -- ATTEST: '~4"~c!:-~' Assistant CltY,Secretary .ll'l'.!-1. '=~l ~ .