HomeMy WebLinkAboutORD 1087 - ORD Amending Code of ORD Addition to Sec 11-19.13 Establishing Ambulance Advisory ,[ ",I!ITJIL" fT ~__,.n L,_ ......J LJ~-r' ---, r , '1 \~~ ORDINANCE NUMBER 1087 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS BY THE ADDITION THERETO OF SECTION 11~19.l3 ESTABLISHING AN AMBULANCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND PROVIDING THE DUTIES THEREOF; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, 'by Ordinance Number 1056 the City of West University Place, Texas' established rules and regulations for the operation of emergency ambu- lances within the city and provided for the personnel necessary to operate such vehicles; and WHEREAS, the City Commission desires to avail itself of professional advice in connection with the operation of the emergency ambulance service; and WHEREAS, to accomplish such purpose the City Commission believes it to be advisable to establish a Committee comprised of knowledgeable citizens and specialists in various fields. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WEST UNIVERSITY PLACE, TEXAS: Section 1. That the Code of Ordinances of the City of West Univer- sity Place, Texas, is hereby amended by adding the following Section to be numbered 11-19.13, which said Section shall read as follows: "Section 11-19.13 - Ambulance Advisory Committee A. An Ambulance Advisory Committee is hereby created to consist of two (2) medical doctors, who are members of the Harris County Medical Society; one (1) registered nurse; a citizen of West Uni- versity Place and the Chief of the Fire Department of the city. The City Health Officer and the City Manager shall be ex officio members of said Committee without voting privileges. The Ambu- lance Advisory Committee, and the Chairman thereof, shall be ap- pointed by the City Commission and shall serve for a period of one year commencing on the first day of January of each year and until their successors are appointed and qualified. Members of the Committee shall serve without compensation. B. The Committee shall be an advisory committee and shall make re- commendations to the City Commission and in advising and making recommendations to the City Commission, the Committee shall have the power and authority to: (1) Prepare and submit to the City Commission a written manual defining the geographical boundaries of primary and second- ary ambulance service; providing for establishment of pro- cedures for continuation of certification of emergency ser- vice personnel; encouraging the Committee and/or individual !~ , I ' w il i i , I L.; 1-'1 ; I I ' r , ~ o o o ~,~ members thereof to meet with the Emergency Medical Services Committee of Harris County Medical Society and to cooperate with such Committee commensurate with the best interests of the city; determining and recommending proper procedures 'for , record keeping for theongoing:opera:t:ion' of the emergency medical service; and to make such further studies and re- commendations as shall be necessary to provide an efficient and economic emergency ambulance service for the city. 2. The Chief of the Fire Department may submit ,questions and policies to the Committee for consideration, advice an <;I, re- commendations in connection therewith. C. It shall be the further duty of such Committee to meet at least once each three (3) months of each calendar year. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately from and after tts passage and approval as required by law. ' PASSED AND APPROVED thi s 24th day of iJ'anuary;1977. Commissioners Voting Aye: All CommissianersVoting No: None ~~JfMjJ~ h ,Mayor I ATTEST: X!eJ, rXZk~ Assistant City Secretary' \. ~. .' , , (. . #" " a" /